A chatty Monday catch-up!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @joshuacreboreads
    @joshuacreboreads 2 дні тому

    Great to hear about your writing, Joe! I’m very happy for you! I will also be curious to hear your thoughts on Tennyson’s poetry later on. I remember your In Memoriam video from way back, and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunate about that Maga sign. You’re right in attributing it to social media - the lies spread on certain platforms reach beyond America. Trumpism is alive in Canada too.

  • @RyanLisbon
    @RyanLisbon 3 дні тому

    Write by day and squeeze in a little reading at night? It helps me to read in the genre I'm writing while in the process. Whatever works, great luck our good man.

  • @BookChatWithPat8668
    @BookChatWithPat8668 3 дні тому

    Sorry to hear about recent difficulties, Joe, and very sad to hear about trump posters showing up in BBC England. Great news, though, about the request for the rest of your manuscript. That’s wonderful! Stay well, friend.

    • @JoeSpivey02
      @JoeSpivey02  3 дні тому +1

      Thanks Pat! Your videos will help woo me out of any reading slump!

    • @BookChatWithPat8668
      @BookChatWithPat8668 3 дні тому

      @ I don’t know where “BBC” came from in my comment above. I think autocorrect has taken possession of my phone. 😳 I’m sure you’re making great progress on your manuscript. I know there will be great things ahead for you, Joe.

  • @JamesRuchala
    @JamesRuchala 3 дні тому

    I first learned about mammaries from that Joe Spivey thumbnail. If they take it down where can I possibly go to refresh my memory of them?

    • @JoeSpivey02
      @JoeSpivey02  3 дні тому

      Like me, you're probably living in a mammorial desert 😉

  • @calj9035
    @calj9035 3 дні тому

    One must subscribe to the meditations of Enzo Maresca. No title race here!

    • @JoeSpivey02
      @JoeSpivey02  3 дні тому +1

      The board did a great job getting him in! Even if the wheels come off and we only achieve a top 4, the Chels are back where they belong!

  • @aaronfacer
    @aaronfacer День тому

    Does it work the other way around for you, Joe? (i.e. reading first and then writing?) Or are you drawn straight to the keyboard when the words are flowing?

    • @JoeSpivey02
      @JoeSpivey02  День тому +1

      I usually read for an hour after breakfast, come hell or high water, and then look to do 2-3 hours between 9 and 12, all of which is penned long hand and then keyed into Google Docs later on in the day.

  • @vesch5083
    @vesch5083 3 дні тому

    I can see the thumbnail from my end as of this moment.
    The trump supporter may be an American living in England. If it makes you feel better then you can just tell yourself that. As an American living in England, I'll take the heat.
    I'm currently visiting my home in the Sunshine State and keeping my head buried in Wodehouse and Pratchett as needs demand.

  • @paulfincher6684
    @paulfincher6684 3 дні тому +2

    Again the ignorance and arrogance of those who believe themselves to better than others shows through in this post. First thing you should have considered when seeing in the Trump 2024 sign was not how this person must have been bamboozled by social media but rather why would he endorse Trump. It has nothing to do fascism because his message is not fascist but has to do with hope for a better more affordable tomorrow. Maybe if you went to the detestable quieter part of town with deteriorating home price you would better understand the reasons why that person endorsed Trump.

    • @JoeSpivey02
      @JoeSpivey02  3 дні тому +6

      Seen as you're clearly an irascible fan of Donald Trump, I'd quite like to know who your second favourite rapist is......Trump orchestrated an armed insurrection, is recorded having requested votes from Brad Raffensperger AND has outlined intentions to disassemble the constitution. Despite the inferences that can be drawn from my accent, I come from moderate means and have myself been swayed by the Rights' online persuasiveness in the past, so please don't lazily dub me as another member of the shadowy liberal elite 🤣