The rotor thing has a ball on the bottom. The rotor leans over a little so the point of contact with the table is not in the center of the rotor. The hand held ring is used to push the rotor along the table. The off center point of context causes the torque that makes the rotor spin. This is what is really happening
thank you .. I had a random vision of a magnetic motor that involves magnets coiled lengthwise up a shaft.. like a barber pole.. and many of these coils arranged in chirality as to exploit the infinite push/pull of the vortex.. thus keeping each shaft in constant spin...the idea needs to be refined but I have not forgot this vision from over 10 years ago and your videos are teaching me important concepts!
It's not nonsense when U have seen a drone flying saucer, using wifi charging and rainbow shine on top and ridged panels and smooth on bottom hat and an open smooth as ring gap about an inch wide. And silent as. Using spectra magnetic frequency vibration our ears can't hear. There's ya answer. And it used a worm hole in our atmosphere. And after studying it for 20min it left slowly all the way into that left to right flowing darker then space black velvet flowing ocean in side worm hole. Both disappeared and then six satellites came over to that area. I seen this 2.5 years ago and just told Australian army. And will tell university like they told me to on Monday. I never ever even thought about aliens or china using this kind of miniature rising wifi drone flying saucers. It's bad. And I couldn't not hold that secret anymore. As I don't want Australia forces to not know what's coming. And I never lie. I only care for our people and our forces. And CIA
The other thing you can do with the spin vortex is to twist two different thickness of wire together in a makeshift transformer and wrap this transformer around a circular magnets to have a permanent magnet as a battery. A permanent magnet as a battery. A permanent magnet motor as a generator Edison generator or a brushless motor as a generator. A battery powered brushless motor as a generator for electric power vehicles cars trucks trains airplanes helicopters and ships immediately reduce fossil fuels use without charge stations or nuclear power plants. This was an effort of shell oil company but until the EPA sued to limit patent law to 20 years the Edison generator powered electric cars were stuck in eternal patents at Shell oil company.
sooo my question is this: while creating the diagrams and examples of the vortex you correctly show the vortex shape of the magnet at its poles, but in every model you build, there isn't any conical or vortex design to carry or control the rotating center shaft. what it looks like you're building is a brushless dc motor without the windings (the spins) that you correctly noted exist in nature and cause the effects that you're looking for. if you're looking to harness a spin vortex, wouldn't it be a good idea to incorporate spin and vortex into your design? straight lines arent all that common in nature, and they're usually a sign that there are multiple forces at work. if you thought about the magnet like it were a hose, and the magnetic field like it were water, it might help your process a bit.
I like magnets and the effects of magnetism in other things. I also like they way you explain things and that you are respectful to other people who see things differently.
The curl of a magnetic field is proportional to the current density within the area. This means that the vorticity of a magnetic field outside of any closed area that intersects a current flow is always 0, which again means that there is no magnetic spin vortex. If there was one, magnets would be drawing currents in and out of their poles at a constant rate(proportional to the vorticity), which would mean permanent tesla coils, which would be very cool, but they don't exist.
the vortex doesn't hold any energy, which means that it doesn't actually have the capability of transfering that energy,. Energy is induced from a change in magnetic fields, which means that if you were to power something from a magnet, the system would be demagnitizing the permanent magnet over time in order for it to actually work
The spinners are spinning because they're chasing the larger magnet and rotating along the table (i.e. friction is spinning the spinner). When they're hanging, however, the same situation occurs... they're spinning because they're "reaching", but once they hit equilibrium (like when the larger magnet isn't moving), nothing happens.
+Motionmagnetics I think you have already a selfrunner at Minute 2:33 . Can you please show it longer running ? Or are you afraid of showing it ? If one watches it at 1.5 speed you can exactly see, that it is accelerating... Or did you fake it by blowing air onto the runner ? Please let us know and show it for a few minutes, so we can see, how much it accelerates. Many thanks. Regards, Stefan.
Yes obvious. I had to look up how to spell Charlatan. Ten seconds of watching the magnet on the ball explains this. Sorta clever, but no new vortex here.& Remove the ball and hang from a string and no spinning magnet. ... Like... no one would have seen this in the last several hundred years of studying and using magnets.
@@Observ45er yes, hang it from a string, nothing happens!!! He explained this, since the magnet was on the ball bearing, the bearing could not roll to the magnet, therefore the ball had to SPIN! Now since it’s spinning instead of rolling, it, (the ball itself), is out of the equation, so now it’s only the round magnet on the ball making the ball spin because that magnets’ field is “riding” the magnetic field of the magnet in his hand. Get it?
@@TheTruthMatters Yes, much better than the average amateur scientist.. He first blows it at 0:43 not realizing that two poles facing each other have the sense of the 'rotation' reversed, therefore two like poles have opposite directions when facing each other. Throw the word spin around enough with random pictures of things that look round and you can sell snake oil to unsophisticated people. .. He appears to _want_ to believe there is rotation in the field, but clearly *disproves any rotation in the field* as other videos do, then seems to simply ignore that detail. With the magnet on a bearing instead of a ball and the offset contact point eliminated and no spin occurs. End of story. Spin is disproved. No "riding" (whatever you mean by that). No spinning. It is simple attraction. If there was such a rotation in a magnetic field, it would have been seen long ago and would already be used in technology.
+Motionmagnetics Can you please show the exact stator magnet configuration of the seemingly accelerating runner at Minute 2:33 ? Many thanks. Regards, Stefan.
En realidad el magnetismo es una de mis pasiones y he aprendido muchísimo con tan solo tu vídeo y explicación. En cuanto al juguetito del anillo y el giro...entiendo perfectamente por qué gira al mover el anillo,es atraído el núcleo montado sobre una pequeña esfera y ésta gira como una pelotita en círculos próximos al eje asi hace girar al imán que lleva montado ...totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Estudio a los imanes desde que tuve conciencia,hace casi 50 años,solo en forma empírica y algunas investigaciones. Es un tema maravilloso. Haré cosas grandes con lo aprendido hoy y estudiaré tu tema de vortices. Gracias mil,eres grandioso. Luz y éxitos para ti.
i thought the vortex's were spinning the same direction due to the inverse motion, and what we see is from the vortex above in 2d is the spacial vectors. Great vid, I think a whole series on this stuff would be awesome, wish theoria apophasis would do it! =)
Yep roughly put but this is why magnet motors don't work. You apply a force -they spin- they use up that energy-Then they stop. Magnetism is not a fuel! Tried for years guys but keep going I enjoy watching all the failures
He does it well,,,,because of that it is just the matter of time he finds solution for the last picture on the video....I like the can do long as i find other ways to find the key for the solutions and not going back to the first problem again
I like the way you present your videos and the attitude/personality you have. Your respective behavior is commendable as well. I tip my hat off to you sir.
Thanks for explaination video. Those "spinners" dont work !... When attempting to fix the driving magnet to a stationary arm, its doesnt work... WHY? its because when you see people holding the magnet they are transfering machanical (finger adjusting) movement to the other sets of magnets - thus its being pushed by thier fingers. The spinning motion is an illusion brought about from misunderstanding whats going on.
DiyEcoProjects My first question would be, if the field of a stationary magnet does move in a rotation. What is its speed? And do all magnets of all sizes and strengths spin at the same speed? And if it could be used to drive anything,, where does the energy come from? If there is no action, how can there be a reaction? oops
hi there... i dont know how to apply or answer your questions. But ill try to explain again what i said differently... any ring of magnets held in the hand such as this video. with a spinning top magnet underneath is being driven by the mechanical movements (the hand) of the person holding the ring. The magent cant just slide, so it take path of least resistance, that being a curve. This create the illusion of spinning. If you fix the ring of magnets to a fixed position... then the spinning top magnet will not spin. Theres no mechanical energy transfering down into it. /// where does the enrgy come from? - do you mean where does magnetism come from? It is percieved that magnetism comes from a substance with magnetic properties "magnet". But in fact a magent is not the source of magnetism. The field that we experince is a result of the substances ability to channel, focus, draw in the gravitational force of the planet. What im saying it this type of substance focuses and pushes a small portion of the earth gravity through it - and we say "oh look at that the magnet is strong". The source of the magnetism is earths gravity. And "gravity" is a blanket term for various degrees of frequancy such as light/sound/pressure/movement/process/time/decay. Much in the same way as ice/cold/warm/hot is termed "temparature" ~ Kieron Sibley /// currently there are no free energy magnet devices, only expensive "brakes". But its entirely possible that someone will find the golden egg one day. Consentrating on exotic ppower such are orgone, plasma or water vortex could yield efficient engines but not overunity. Theres graphine batteries, hemp batteries. Energy blocks google uses. And 40yrs of tech waiting to become public. if only...
DiyEcoProjects Oops,, sorry,, the points that I was trying to make, were rhetorical, .. But in this response, you made a connection between gavity and magnetism. .. So if there is a FOCUS ,, then ,, would magnets be less powerful in a weightless environment?
i suspect not, i dont know for sure however. The extent of the gravitational field of earth extends a long way outside of the atmosphere so im sure any changes in magnetism would be small hmm... interesting... how far would a magnent have to go from a "planetoid" to loose its effect i dont know
@DiyEcoProjects Most of what you've said is misinformed, though it's not hard to see how someone would arrive at those conclusions. I'll try my best to explain some of the things you've mentioned in ways that doesn't require extra knowledge. First, I'll address temperature. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement; objects or particles in motion. It can be calculated is several ways depending on the type of motion but the simplest is half mass times velocity squared. This is important because there are two manifestations of kinetic energy in our daily life. The first is the kind you can see: cars, people and any moving object. As we know that all matter is made of tiny particles we realize that by extension this means that when something is moving like that, all of those particles have to be moving uniformly in the same direction and at the same speed or else the object would disintegrate. Heat energy is a special form of kinetic energy which needs special attention because it's the kinetic energy between the individual particles that make up an object, totally chaotic and vibrating without the object moving. Heat energy added to an object will increase the vibration of its particles until there is so much heat that they can break free of the chemical bonds between the particles and vaporize. So temperature is the term used to refer to the total internal heat energy of an object and usually refers to an average of all the particles in the object as there will be more and less energetic particles in different physical places within the object. Relative to its surroundings, something is cold when it has less internal kinetic energy than the matter around it and will absorb heat energy from the surrounding matter cooling it until both are the same temperature. Hot objects do the opposite and radiate heat until reaching equilibrium. Now then, gravity is the one thing that is not fully understood at this point; we fully understand how it WORKS but not how it ACTS as no gravity particle or carrier has been found yet. Fundamentally gravity is the name for the force generated by a mass that acts on other masses. Anything with mass experiences gravitational effects and the strength of gravitational interaction between two masses is determined by their mass and the distance they are apart from each other. We on the surface of Earth experience a fairly constant gravitational acceleration because the mass of the earth is extremely large compared to our mass and because we don't move far from the center of mass. Even in the space station they still experience almost the same gravity as on the surface because they are still close enough; if they weren't they would not be able to orbit. Hypothetically, if there were a massless object (no mass but still somehow has volume) it would neither generate gravitational effects nor experience gravitational force from the gravitation of masses. Magnetism is unrelated to gravity except that it must also be generated by a mass. The difference is that magnetism is not caused by the mere existence of the mass but instead by the composition and properties of the mass. The two properties that give rise to magnetism are the "magnetic moment" which is determined by the elements of the atoms in a composition and the electric current which is determined by the physical arrangement of the atoms within the composition. The electric current and magnetic moments generate a magnetic field (which by the way DOES NOT SPIN as shown in the video). A magnetic field can act on other magnetic moments and electric currents to produce a variety of effects, such as ferromagnetism. Magnetism is fundamentally linked to electricity. Both static electric fields and magnetic fields are actually "made of" photons, but that's a very complicated level of physics which I can't begin to try and explain here. "Permanent" magnets are simply objects created from a composition of elements that can sustain a long lasting magnetic field which has been imparted to it by a more powerful magnetic field which causes the subatomic particles of elements such as iron to physically shift until their magnetic moments and electric current to align with the magnetic field. When the particles align with the field they are then in concert with each other and the individual current and magnetic moments combine additively to produce a uniform magnetic field. Permanent magnets cannot ever be used to generate free energy because it takes more energy to construct and then magnetize (usually using a stronger electromagnet to align the magnetic domains within the magnet) them than they can be used to produce; it's like a magnetic battery. A decent analogy would be a gigantic hourglass that has enough sand to last several decades. If you tried to use the falling sand to power some kind of generator you'd get energy out but you could never get the amount of energy that would be needed to flip the hourglass to get the sand at the top. @Willy Bee Firstly, there is no such thing as a weightless environment as gravity does not have a maximum range. Weight is the name of the force caused by gravitational acceleration acting on a mass. Otherwise, a magnetic field is exactly as strong in any environment that does not alter the characteristics of what is is being produced by. For example, heat affects magnets by causing the particles to lose their alignment to each other during the chaotic vibration of the particles.
More bullshit: you don't get a spinning vortex unless you have an electric field along with a permanent magnet. The Magnetflipper did it underwater with the magnet sitting on an electrode, and Howard Johnson did it by holding a magnet up to a color monitor. What most people haven't realized though is that behind the glass of a color monitor is the tube's anode producing a strong electric field. All of this has been known for a long time and is fully laid out in the Lorentz Force. Lasers use this same principle to create a spinning gas inside the tube.
Really? Watch this , make it. It's very simple and ... after make comments ! Not before...all the best for you!
Josiah Michael I know! Its just the best way evolution told a spider to spin a web. Like, you dont see a spider just... shooting a square web instantly lol
In school we are taught that with magnetism, opposite forces attract and like forces repel. But, inside the arc of a horseshoe magnet it's the other way around, like forces attract and unlike forces repel. Now, as an electron has an associated magnetic field, when it is attached to an atom, at very close distances, is it in essence creating a 360 degree spherical magnetic field of which like charged protons stick together inside this field while simultaneously attracting the opposite charged electron across the inner portion of the electron's inner magnetic field closer to the center? Are there no such things as "gluons"? Are there only three laws of nature and not four? Two of them, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force are just derivatives of the magnetic field interactions between protons and electrons?
Here's the problem I have with so many of these people making claims about a magnetic spin vortex. I dont believe there is a spin vortex. My studies and tests have shown me that there is a torsion potential. Not a vortex. You made a good point that "spin" can be measured everywhere and I agree. From galaxies to electrons everything seems to have the "potential" to spin. Even in a toy like you showed, these magnets display a strong propensity to spin... but as you rightly recognized, they wont keep spinning without prompting. I believe this tortion potential is very very small, but manifests itself throughout nature and this is what we should focus on tapping. Potential is useless without motion. How do we tap this tortion potential?
Even though electrons do have a property we call spin, it is nowhere close to what you mean. Spin is an intrinsic property of quantum particles, just like charge. You can compare "spin" to actual spinning motions as much as you can compare charge to actual spinning motions. It's a common misconception. Also, yes, many things can spin. Some things can't. Some things just don't.
AWESOME video brother, *I'm so glad someone finally explained the real phenomenon going on!* I mean that's kind of a big miss to not realize the BALL under the magnet is just rotating towards the path of least resistance lol, you can see the same thing when a spinning top begins to lose control, it will spin but start to move outwards in concentric turns because that's the only way it can "walk". Thank you for clarifying for all of youtube :). LIKED!
charged particles moving in a wire create a magnetic field. Now imagine charged particle spinning about their own axis,this should also create a magnetic field, but they arent actually spinning around their axis, instead they behave like they are. That's why its called spin, as if they have some sort of intrinsic angular momentum when not rotating.
This is so true, just like an antenna needs to have the same polarization as the transmitter or it will not receive the signal. So the polarization of the magnet determines if it attractive or repulsive, hence why they call it polarity. I never thought about it this way
Derp he says that at the 1:00 mark. Way to fight yourself, loser. Would love to have an explanation, anytime, other than a description, you ignorant parrot.
I have tried that George Green rotor thing, mine didn't perfom as expected but then I didn't follow the rules, this vid gives me clues. 1. I didn't have a steel ball on which to balance the ring magnet. The steel ball will alter the field from the lower pole, I concluded what was happening (for me) was the ring magnet was just creating a magnetic field onto which the magnetc field from the larger ring just pushed it about. The guy in the vid shows this with a stack of rectangular magnets. 2. The reason for the spin, comes about as a result of an off centre downward force and the smooth ball acts as a pivot. As the ball has a circular face, the resultant force vector (using standard vectors) results in a torque, the downward force is enough to produce a spin in either direction. I think this is proven by the set-up needing motion from the upper magnet to keep a new force vector available. 3. A question might be, how well does this experiment perform with a non magnetc ball. I think besides acting as a pole piece, the weight of the ball acts as a weight to give it stability. Try a ball that has no magnetic properties but of same weight as a steel ball, This "motor" collapses with a ball of little weight. I could be wrong :) I like these vids, gets us thinking, what could be what might be, my physics books are getting a new life!
Viktor Schauberger should be your first stop if you want to learn of what Ken is relaying and not the compressed air shown to spin the magnet this fake video shown as clickbait here. He leaves out so much of what is said as he reworks Schauberger's understanding of dielectricity, water, etc. always leaving many questions unanswered while the poorman routine is taking away from real progress from a not so new understanding. The Energy Evolution is the 4th in a series but the heart of Schauberger's work and free online. Straight to the point and many answers with the historical data to show this man's life was not wasted while his carcass is being picked in all fashion of industry as well as suppressed as Galilei with his discovery of the same force. It only takes one book to open your eyes wider than any false apotheosis given with a manmade and highly manipulated vision. From the centripetal creative force we see and are mocked by a ruling occult group who maintain control through misunderstanding through Darwinism and a "Big Bang" that oppose the only way this all creating force works. Implosion vs Explosion. What is a vacuum? It is a modern day nightmare to be living with these people providing the answers to us at a young age along with the science fiction as it is infused into our daily lives. Nature works one way and it relays this message one way when some very simple rules are not followed. We can see this through the work of the minds who saw this clearly and the answers they had still work... Yet aren't implemented and we suffer more than any money can ever hand us as we are modern slaves tethered to a flawed theory with nature alienated politicians and science leading our one way path to destruction. All because they scratch their ass and log instead of learn through patters that we just saw in this film that make us what we are today and just as quickly take it away when you do things opposing some very simple rules of nature. Yesterday was World Aids Day and you'd think they would have an article on the Dr Luc Montagnier who discovered HIV so he could mention how he has been blacklisted from the medical community for his discoveries with water, that Schauberger had.
I love you man. I agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying. I've made a vow to myself that I will remove myself from these self-distructive patterns of behavior that are considered conventional and acceptable and live a life of which I can sustain myself and others close to me without contributing to our inevitable demise. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams, defy modern societal convention, or do what's right in the face of overwhelming odds. Live your life! Do what's best for the world. Do what's best for yourself and those you love.
like it, well spoken 'thought Provoking' .-may be used in combo apps, discovery is a hazard (greed 'n powermonopolys) tho- its great to explore safely :)
There is magnetic force pushing /pulling inner magnet to the center of the magnet ring. This is spinning only because of the friction of the ball touching the table. You can achevie same effect without magnets. It has nothing to do with tornado as well.
You need to take one thing into consideration. your flux lines were vertical - straight up & down. Bedini's original idea was sound but he should have added a slight inclination of angle as observed in nature, this would create a continual motion similar to how a torroidal works. one side positive in the middle pulling the waves in & the other side repelling them back outward.
The reason why it spins is that it is tilted slightly and when you drag it around with the magnet ring it will roll the direction of least resistance on the side of the ball bearing solidly glued to the bottom. It is simple friction, not magnetism. Its why Dyna flex type gyro balls work. They do not spin on their own. you provide the force, and friction provides the spin.
I'd advise everyone to get a second opinion. I don't believe this information is accurate. I'm no expert but I am knowledgeable enough to know this doesn't sound legitimate.
Serah Deadsong Ok, so here is a second opinion, from a guy who has a degree in physics and thermodynamics, and has worked 40 years in R&D in leading edge high tech. This video is a bunch of nonsense. There are bits and pieces of truth scattered in amongst invalid comparisons and made up facts. Bottom line, you cannot mag a perpetual motion machine.
I have a proposal. Attach three lines at the ring that connect to a single string above it. then have a guide ring than prevent the magnet ring to astray to far in either direction. Now make the bottom ball be fixed in its position in the middle still being able to spin. That would encourage the ring magnet to alter its position automatically while still being somewhat in the center and promote spinning indefinitely or until the magnet runs out.
magnetic field doesn't move at all, its a static field, it moves if you move the magnet , no way he can spin the object without moving the magnet and inducing rotation using magnets is nothing new , all electric motors use this effect , but without external power there is no way it will keep spinning cuz magnetic fields dont have spin they are as static as static gets
Watch this : ! You will see that permanent magnets have active vortex!!! You can try ! It' s very, very simple...and after make some comments...not before! :)
First of all...all the best for you! ...and thx for recommandation!:)... pls recommend me a book where you can see a simple experiment like above( see like above) and another book ( or others) who explain this. If is so simple and clear why don't teach us in schools?...Respectfully, Dan
In order to see the actual Coriolis effect at all, you need a kiddie pool and some dye. Drip it in straight lines from the center, and in several hours you'll see the weak spin. The Coriolis effect is NOT responsible for the spin of draining water OR tornadoes. You yourself just said they can spin the opposite way, meaning that the coriolis has no effect on them.
Agreed, but it has an effect on everything. The wider something is, the more effect it has. It has almost no effect on draining water and tornadoes, but it has a big effect on cyclones/hurricanes, and ocean currents.
2:04 "Strenth".. does that mean that chart is bogus, or the designer is an idiot? either way not good for credibility of information. But I did enjoy this video very much, the 3 ring part 6:23 sure looks like they are way too far apart to have the magnetic fields touching, especially since the spinners were practically 'walling' the spinning tops, those things are way too far away. So even tho slightly jenky, thanks for the video, I can easily believe the vortex is pole-outward, but is it motionless? we don't see iron filings spinning ever.
d74g0n It was just a visual aid I used to accompany the point I was making. Grammatical errors are pretty much everywhere these days. It wasn't my chart, so I didn't feel I should be editing their work, and left it as is. The spinners have to be closer to the ring magnet arrangement to create a balancing effect as the spinner rotates. Hanging the magnetic arrangements from strings makes the closer proximity unnecessary. The vortex is in motion. Iron filings are not a material that could be used to prove it though, as they also become magnetized when caught in the magnetic field.
So then explain how Ive gotten it to spin without the top moving. Also have video proof. Your claims are as you present them as facts, I would suggest you do more research before making final claims.
russiannerd2014 I'm just guessing, but you probably moved your thing around in a circle to get it to spin in place. If you think the spin vortex is real, then try and explain it while conserving momentum.
Exactly. Moving the ring of magnets directs energy into the system. One of the curious aspects of human nature is that they are prone to believe that some 'secret truth' is just out of range, and if they can just make a tiny bit more effort, they can grasp it. The reciprocal of this is all the conspiracy theories about why everyone else isn't seeking, or is keeping the 'secret truth' for themselves. Maybe it evolved in early hominids while picking blackberries or something.
Partially Disagree: if you use a microwave oven, you probably use the benefits of a rotating electron field almost everyday. Electrons are magnetic. Now to say there is a spinning field tornado around the top and bottom of a magnet, may not be accurate. But obviously nature has built in governors that keep things just spinning on it's own, arbitrarily .
XR IX Disagree. Yes, electrons have to move to generate an electromagnetic wave (like in a magnetron). Yes, electrons are magnetic due to its own angular momentum, but that doesn't mean that because electrons are spinning, their magnetic field have to, in fact it DOESN'T happen. An spinning electron is not a spin magnetic field.
Eternal Do you disagree that the electron cloud is rotating in a magnetron? Because that's how it works. I didn't claim that spinning electrons imply a spinning magnetic field. That is the misconception that is this video.
I realize that your comment was put forth as a negative statement and that everyone knows that it is impossible to prove a negative. Therefore, before I ask you to prove your conjecture I will use my mental vortex to alter your statement so as to put it in a positive context. Here goes. Are you positive there is no such thing as a “magnetic spin vortex”?
I agree that when viewed from above, the north seeking pole has a counterclockwise spin, based the deflection of a compass needle in Orsted's experiment. However, when placed side-by-side, like poles repel, because the spin fields between the magnets are in opposite directions. When a north pole is pointing down, its spin is in the same direction as a south pole below it, pointing up; so, unlike poles attract because their spins in relation to each other are in the same direction.
you mixed Up dude that wath you mean with spinning is the Electrons spinning around the Atom Creating an Magnetic Field the same Prinzip by an Electronic magnet Electrons Going around a Coil. That wath youre saying is bullshit you compere Magnetic Fields with Other physik stuff that has nothing to do with Electromagenetic!
Yours are super outdated. Electrons aren't spinning around the atom, instead there are probability clouds where it's most likely to find the electron. I can't explain it really well, but just give "electron probability clouds" a search! :)
Yes i know this if you know the postion of an Patical you cant know the path it took if you know the path you cant know any postion where it was, anyway you can do an wavefunction where the highest points are points where the partical is most likely to be and the lowest where its most unlikely to be(this is when you know the speed but not the position of the partical), however if you know the position you do not know which way the partical did go and there is only one way the partical can go (you did not know where the partical came from). But hast this somting todo with my model of Magnetic Fields idc but i do know you have no way to tell me if im right or wrong if you know a way tell my becous for that you need to know the position of the Electrion and if there would be an way todo this you would see an electrone moving around the Atom and yes if you dont observe it it behaves like a wave thats true with evrything. But its more like an Mathematical tool to know where the particel is but the particel itself is somwere in there. The problem is the Partical stop acting like a Partical when you are not observing it, i think its not a wave and not an partical its somting more or mutch less complex that we didnt thougt about yet! My Model is maybe old but not wrong. I think im no freaking physicist at least not yet.
Good to see it working you can add a small wobbly shaft on the center spine and keep all the magnets top bottom this will also help it spin or brake the fields that pull stop and you don't need to move the outer core part looks very similar to the planets kind a.
those spinners were definitely ran with by Bedini and friends as being some kind of perpetual motion free energy devices but people started to realize what was going on when they couldn't produce the spin without holding the ring in their hands lol. great video about vortexes in the universe though. I visualize them as being components of efficient entropy and our understanding of inertia. matter and energy likes to 'keep moving' in whatever direction it was set. when the 'direction' changes, it makes sense for this matter and energy to create a vortex because everything is already spiraling at the smallest level to begin with. leedskalnin called the vortex tiny magnets as if they were particles moving in opposition in orbits. I like to look at the vortex in a PM as being a stationary field though. I just think if the right metal was able to catch a ride on this vortex in a way where we could use a scaled up model to provide torque, then the guy running the Theoria Apophasis channel should be able to demonstrate this with his super powerful neodymium.
These machines are inherently impossible. They would be clear violations of the 1st & 2nd law of thermodynamics. 1st law: violation of the conservation of energy. 2nd law: entropy must always increase in a closed system. The energy of the system will eventually be radiated away as heat due to friction, even in a perfect vacuum with this machine. On the microscopic level, ferromagnetic atoms are arranged lattices, in permanent magnets, with a majority of their unbonded paired electrons magnetic dipoles aligned. With the majority of dipoles aligned in the lattice of permanent magnets, macroscopic magnitsm results. This however represents an ordered system, and the laws of thermodynamics state that the entropy of closed state must always increase with time. The dipole alignment will be come more disordered, and the permanent magnet will lose it's magnetic strength over time. This is just one reason why this kind of machine will not work.
You seem to not know that there is also something called open system thermodynamic laws. Problem is, Tesla's "aether" physics is taboo, so no mainstream person takes it into account......
Look, I'm like 99% sure this vid is bullshit too, but nothing you just said made sense. You don't seem to have a good grasp of what entropy actually is or what the consequences of it are. Also, you seem to be under the impression that this is one of those weird 'free energy' youtube videos. It's not- he did clearly mention and demonstrate that the effect only works in the presence of a changing magnetic field, much like induction. Finally, your explanation of the effect of entropy on permanent magnets was completely false. If it were true, permanent magnets would lose their magnetism over time, which, they never do, unless there are other effects at play.
Craig Blanton when exposed to an osculating or varying magnetic fields permanent magnets do loose their magnetism. while small in short periods of time, the effect becomes pronounced over time. Also inductive heating, even if it is small will cause problems too. Entropy is often referred in physics as the degree of disorder in a system, in chemistry it is the number of different ways energy can be parcelled out or distributed.
Bedini originally came up with the theory, unfortunately, when you MOUNT the larger ring of magnets instead of hand holding it, the inner magnet stops spinning. It's because motion of the hand is causing the inner magnet to spin.
Thanks for sharring and all of your videos. It's good to have some good logic to go by, and that's what you clearly show in all of your videos. Thanks again
jhanthony2 he's (at least I think he is) disproving the " spin votex " and saying its just simple magnetic attraction. But the magnetic vortex does exist.. only produced by one pole? Sorry I'm new to the physics of magnets.
Edison's generator is a permanent magnet motor. The field magnets move the armature magnets and coils of copper wire with the power picked up by the commutators brushes. An old car generator pre1974 can be made to spin like Edison generators by chiseling off the Tesla magnets from the armature magnets. Alternating on and off one sixth on and one sixth off all the way around the armature and reassemble this generator and it is a motor. 120 degrees apart and 60 degrees of magnets. This 12 VOLT DC generator can be wired to DC AC inverters 40 amps each to have 110 volt AC power continuous peak power without fuel or pollution. This can be put in a car to drive without recharge stations.
Very interesting. Have seen Theoria Apophasis vids, and found them enlightening. But I always return to the late 70's, and the diagrams of the Johnson Permanent magnet motor. His design indicates geometry and alignment of the components. This presentation, coupled with previous data, undoubtedly provides more "food for thought".
miquelmah It should go without saying that the device at that time frame is not a working magnetic motor. It was only intended as a visual aid to serve the narrative.
+Motionmagnetics please can you show it for longer time ? why did it accelerate then ? Did you blow it with air offscreen or why did it accelerate? or do you already have a selfrunner and are too shy to present it ? Regards, Stefan.
Dear Motionmagnetics, some years back I too tried George Green's spinner only to be greatly disappointed. I too concluded that the magnetic had be in some small motion for spinner magnet rotate at all. I wish such a thing was possible. Parts of that experiment are still lying somewhere in my basement .
That's the general consensus on those spinners. One of the reasons I put the video together was to share that with people. They aren't what they seem to be.
I only see magnets attract to othe magnet in which lateral force gets converted into radial movement caused by the construction of the gyro, causing it to spin, though it might be possible to hold the gyro in one place, and induce the spin, but it'll eventually stops at some point when the energy induced reaches equilibrium...
Thanks for anyone trying to put the truth out. Whether right or wrong always think for yourself, observe research experiment explore and always know that there is always something new to discover and rewrite so called “laws “ of man whether written to blind people or because of it was the best truth at the time, either way think outside the cubicle.
That was my childhood! Watch one punch man, sword art online, full metal alchemist, Campione!,high school DXD, Fushigi yuugi, inuyasha, a certain magical index, claymore, deathnote, and air gear! those all are amazing anime
Yeah I think you are right, if they were utilizing the magnetic spin vortex they would only need one magnet or coil, they are utilizing di poll interactions.
I don't understand why people don't think of individual flux lines as vortexes. It would be consistent with experimental knowledge and is more believable than some mysterious stuff flowing in lines(never explained how that can happen)from North to South. More likely nothing is flowing from N to S but instead there are spinning lines of space/ether going from N to S. So the vortex, if there is one, is in the line of flux and not separate from them as this video would suggest. I don't see anyone mentioning that flux lines might be vortexes, at least not on UA-cam.... and it seems so bizarre that this concept hasn't long ago replaced directional flux lines. Electric lines of force may also be the same thing.
lololol back at you. Magnetic spin vortex? You are free to keep wasting your time and money due to your ignorance about the elctromagnetic force and basic physics concepts such as the conservation of momentum and energy.
+Hedning1390 , Magnet's pole do have spin, and universe does too. Just not the way he described it, magnet's spins are electromagnetic fields, and every thing he ranted about the universe are angular momentum, just to clarify, a stationary magnetic "spin" or particle "spin", doesn't make any physical object spin, "direction of spin" is just a way we use to describe the property, like positive and negative, nothing is really spinning. angular momentum on the other hand, is a physical object spinning, like the universe, tornado, or a real physical motor. They are the real spin, and have nothing to do with the magnetic "spin" or particle "spin".
Actually, a magnetic vortex is what happens when you magnetize a ring and then reduce its diameter to zero. The rotation of the magnetization -- the changing direction of the net electron spin around the center -- becomes undefined near the center and it is necessary that these spins choose to point up or down relative to the ring's plane. What you describe is a magnetic pole. Magnetic vortices do have N and S poles on opposite sides of the plane however.
Instead of the magnet. Glue a very thin tread in the center of the ball bearing, then drag the ball, and you will see that it starts rotating. Same effect as using the magnet.
He didnt even under stand his own fucking "Theorie" hes talking about. He even had to comperes magnetic Fields to fucking Storms Clouds Spieder webs and Tree's, wath the fuck has this to do with magetism??? Remember: " Drugs not even once " ^^
I agree with this 99.999%. The only reason I'm not 100% is because I'm so new to this. But i would even go as far as saying this child be the ORIGINAL law of physics, your right, every thing in nature seems to abide to this law. From the smallest particles to the largest structures. Like I said, I barely started my obsession with physics over a year ago so I'm still new, but I believe there's a way to take this to new levels, by using this law of physics to blend the micro with the macro. These magnetic vortices seem to only be limited to the microverse, and by that I mean it only effects other magnetic fields and/or conductive material, while vortices in the macroverse, such as tornados, maelstroms, hurricanes, ect., are limited to regular matter (solids, liquids and gases) having no effect on magnetic fields. Yet the largest structures in our universe such as stars, planets, galaxies, ect., effect every thing, both micro and macro. There's gotta be a way to blend the micro with the macro on smaller scales. If we could figure this out, we could create magnets that could attract and repel ANY matter. To put it more simply, it's how we can create and manipulate gravity.
The SEARL EFFECT GENERATOR appears to be one of the best hopes, but was usual, the fine details of its construction are hidden from public scrutiny, thus it remains an enigma.
I like that you actually build models and try out the theories. Good video
The rotor thing has a ball on the bottom.
The rotor leans over a little so the point of contact with the table is not in the center of the rotor.
The hand held ring is used to push the rotor along the table.
The off center point of context causes the torque that makes the rotor spin.
This is what is really happening
Ken Smith your short explanation is way better than this whole crap video
Chen Vannlydeth
I have seen the same trick pulled many times. It is a common part of a larger scam.
@@7616lydeth someone didn't watch the video but still decided to comment. Their name rhymes with Chen
excellent explanation. sure it's better than the whole video as chen said.
@@7616lydeth how about small gear on bott in a gear path think about that!!!!!
thank you .. I had a random vision of a magnetic motor that involves magnets coiled lengthwise up a shaft.. like a barber pole.. and many of these coils arranged in chirality as to exploit the infinite push/pull of the vortex.. thus keeping each shaft in constant spin...the idea needs to be refined but I have not forgot this vision from over 10 years ago and your videos are teaching me important concepts!
I admire how you explain so sincerely and simply, topics that are often used to fantasize about free energy and other nonsense
What do you mean nonsense
It's not nonsense when U have seen a drone flying saucer, using wifi charging and rainbow shine on top and ridged panels and smooth on bottom hat and an open smooth as ring gap about an inch wide. And silent as. Using spectra magnetic frequency vibration our ears can't hear. There's ya answer. And it used a worm hole in our atmosphere. And after studying it for 20min it left slowly all the way into that left to right flowing darker then space black velvet flowing ocean in side worm hole. Both disappeared and then six satellites came over to that area. I seen this 2.5 years ago and just told Australian army. And will tell university like they told me to on Monday. I never ever even thought about aliens or china using this kind of miniature rising wifi drone flying saucers. It's bad. And I couldn't not hold that secret anymore. As I don't want Australia forces to not know what's coming. And I never lie. I only care for our people and our forces. And CIA
The other thing you can do with the spin vortex is to twist two different thickness of wire together in a makeshift transformer and wrap this transformer around a circular magnets to have a permanent magnet as a battery. A permanent magnet as a battery. A permanent magnet motor as a generator Edison generator or a brushless motor as a generator. A battery powered brushless motor as a generator for electric power vehicles cars trucks trains airplanes helicopters and ships immediately reduce fossil fuels use without charge stations or nuclear power plants. This was an effort of shell oil company but until the EPA sued to limit patent law to 20 years the Edison generator powered electric cars were stuck in eternal patents at Shell oil company.
sooo my question is this: while creating the diagrams and examples of the vortex you correctly show the vortex shape of the magnet at its poles, but in every model you build, there isn't any conical or vortex design to carry or control the rotating center shaft. what it looks like you're building is a brushless dc motor without the windings (the spins) that you correctly noted exist in nature and cause the effects that you're looking for. if you're looking to harness a spin vortex, wouldn't it be a good idea to incorporate spin and vortex into your design?
straight lines arent all that common in nature, and they're usually a sign that there are multiple forces at work. if you thought about the magnet like it were a hose, and the magnetic field like it were water, it might help your process a bit.
have you ever considered using Bismuth metal on your project? it has diamagnetic properties and can be easily melted to any form you want.
I like magnets and the effects of magnetism in other things. I also like they way you explain things and that you are respectful to other people who see things differently.
Finally, a very honest review! Keep up the good work 👏
The curl of a magnetic field is proportional to the current density within the area. This means that the vorticity of a magnetic field outside of any closed area that intersects a current flow is always 0, which again means that there is no magnetic spin vortex. If there was one, magnets would be drawing currents in and out of their poles at a constant rate(proportional to the vorticity), which would mean permanent tesla coils, which would be very cool, but they don't exist.
the vortex doesn't hold any energy, which means that it doesn't actually have the capability of transfering that energy,. Energy is induced from a change in magnetic fields, which means that if you were to power something from a magnet, the system would be demagnitizing the permanent magnet over time in order for it to actually work
The spinners are spinning because they're chasing the larger magnet and rotating along the table (i.e. friction is spinning the spinner). When they're hanging, however, the same situation occurs... they're spinning because they're "reaching", but once they hit equilibrium (like when the larger magnet isn't moving), nothing happens.
Simply put,the movement is caused by the friction between the table surface and the metal ball caused by the movement of the magnet
+leonard skynyrd yeh, that's what I conclude too.
By Jove you've got it.
+Motionmagnetics I think you have already a selfrunner at Minute 2:33 . Can you please show it longer running ? Or are you afraid of showing it ? If one watches it at 1.5 speed you can exactly see, that it is accelerating... Or did you fake it by blowing air onto the runner ? Please let us know and show it for a few minutes, so we can see, how much it accelerates. Many thanks. Regards, Stefan.
Could it be that with each pass the magnets give a little push speeding it up a little
i thought it was obvious that it was spinning because the ball bearing has to do a kind of dance around its spin axis because it cant roll.
dt28469 that's exactly right and these people are over analytical fucking idiots
dt28469 ball bearings have nothing to do with magnetics!
Yes obvious. I had to look up how to spell Charlatan. Ten seconds of watching the magnet on the ball explains this. Sorta clever, but no new vortex here.& Remove the ball and hang from a string and no spinning magnet. ...
Like... no one would have seen this in the last several hundred years of studying and using magnets.
@@Observ45er yes, hang it from a string, nothing happens!!! He explained this, since the magnet was on the ball bearing, the bearing could not roll to the magnet, therefore the ball had to SPIN! Now since it’s spinning instead of rolling, it, (the ball itself), is out of the equation, so now it’s only the round magnet on the ball making the ball spin because that magnets’ field is “riding” the magnetic field of the magnet in his hand. Get it?
@@TheTruthMatters Yes, much better than the average amateur scientist.. He first blows it at 0:43 not realizing that two poles facing each other have the sense of the 'rotation' reversed, therefore two like poles have opposite directions when facing each other.
Throw the word spin around enough with random pictures of things that look round and you can sell snake oil to unsophisticated people.
He appears to _want_ to believe there is rotation in the field, but clearly *disproves any rotation in the field* as other videos do, then seems to simply ignore that detail.
With the magnet on a bearing instead of a ball and the offset contact point eliminated and no spin occurs. End of story. Spin is disproved. No "riding" (whatever you mean by that). No spinning. It is simple attraction.
If there was such a rotation in a magnetic field, it would have been seen long ago and would already be used in technology.
I'm new to this, so thank you for the introduction.
You're very welcome.
@@Motionmagnetics 😊👍
Now my head is spinning! Good stuff, your channel is pure gold.
SonsOfTesla.Com Thanks, my friend. I try.
SonsOfTesla.Com Obvious is obvious.
+Motionmagnetics Can you please show the exact stator magnet configuration of the seemingly accelerating runner at Minute 2:33 ?
Many thanks. Regards, Stefan.
Is fake
En realidad el magnetismo es una de mis pasiones y he aprendido muchísimo con tan solo tu vídeo y explicación.
En cuanto al juguetito del anillo y el giro...entiendo perfectamente por qué gira al mover el anillo,es atraído el núcleo montado sobre una pequeña esfera y ésta gira como una pelotita en círculos próximos al eje asi hace girar al imán que lleva montado ...totalmente de acuerdo contigo.
Estudio a los imanes desde que tuve conciencia,hace casi 50 años,solo en forma empírica y algunas investigaciones.
Es un tema maravilloso.
Haré cosas grandes con lo aprendido hoy y estudiaré tu tema de vortices.
Gracias mil,eres grandioso.
Luz y éxitos para ti.
i thought the vortex's were spinning the same direction due to the inverse motion, and what we see is from the vortex above in 2d is the spacial vectors. Great vid, I think a whole series on this stuff would be awesome, wish theoria apophasis would do it! =)
Yep roughly put but this is why magnet motors don't work. You apply a force -they spin- they use up that energy-Then they stop. Magnetism is not a fuel! Tried for years guys but keep going I enjoy watching all the failures
Well done. Thank you for time, effort, and succinct descriptions.
I enjoyed the fact that you were no where near rude or offensive to fellow youtubers!
You're showing a lot of waves and calling them spin. You're liking unlike things with unlike ideas.
He does it well,,,,because of that it is just the matter of time he finds solution for the last picture on the video....I like the can do long as i find other ways to find the key for the solutions and not going back to the first problem again
Waves of...?
I like the way you present your videos and the attitude/personality you have. Your respective behavior is commendable as well. I tip my hat off to you sir.
Thanks !, I think you came to some smart logical conclusions and saved me the time of having to do the experiments myself.
You're welcome. Glad I could help.
I'm so glad you recommend EUT Proponent Theoria Apophasis!
+the most random human Fuck yourself first and hardest.
+the most random human You must have been one of those unlucky idiots that tried to debate Ken on his understanding. lol... is your bum still sore?
+Justin Archer, +the most random human
the synergy of that insult and his user name,
can't stop laughing
Wheeler is not a proponent of Electric Universe.
looks like we have a new supervillian; "The Spin Doctor"
the doctor is spin
the problem with those Motors is the Gaps while
flipping polarity, You need a Bridge ,Gear ,To keep the momentum ,No slipping or going back, Smoother.
Thanks for explaination video. Those "spinners" dont work !...
When attempting to fix the driving magnet to a stationary arm, its doesnt work... WHY? its because when you see people holding the magnet they are transfering machanical (finger adjusting) movement to the other sets of magnets - thus its being pushed by thier fingers. The spinning motion is an illusion brought about from misunderstanding whats going on.
My first question would be, if the field of a stationary magnet does move in a rotation. What is its speed? And do all magnets of all sizes and strengths spin at the same speed? And if it could be used to drive anything,, where does the energy come from?
If there is no action, how can there be a reaction?
hi there... i dont know how to apply or answer your questions. But ill try to explain again what i said differently...
any ring of magnets held in the hand such as this video. with a spinning top magnet underneath is being driven by the mechanical movements (the hand) of the person holding the ring. The magent cant just slide, so it take path of least resistance, that being a curve. This create the illusion of spinning.
If you fix the ring of magnets to a fixed position... then the spinning top magnet will not spin. Theres no mechanical energy transfering down into it.
where does the enrgy come from? - do you mean where does magnetism come from?
It is percieved that magnetism comes from a substance with magnetic properties "magnet". But in fact a magent is not the source of magnetism. The field that we experince is a result of the substances ability to channel, focus, draw in the gravitational force of the planet. What im saying it this type of substance focuses and pushes a small portion of the earth gravity through it - and we say "oh look at that the magnet is strong". The source of the magnetism is earths gravity. And "gravity" is a blanket term for various degrees of frequancy such as light/sound/pressure/movement/process/time/decay. Much in the same way as ice/cold/warm/hot is termed "temparature" ~ Kieron Sibley
currently there are no free energy magnet devices, only expensive "brakes". But its entirely possible that someone will find the golden egg one day.
Consentrating on exotic ppower such are orgone, plasma or water vortex could yield efficient engines but not overunity.
Theres graphine batteries, hemp batteries. Energy blocks google uses. And 40yrs of tech waiting to become public. if only...
Oops,, sorry,, the points that I was trying to make, were rhetorical, ..
But in this response, you made a connection between gavity and magnetism. ..
So if there is a FOCUS ,, then ,, would magnets be less powerful in a weightless environment?
i suspect not, i dont know for sure however. The extent of the gravitational field of earth extends a long way outside of the atmosphere so im sure any changes in magnetism would be small
hmm... interesting... how far would a magnent have to go from a "planetoid" to loose its effect i dont know
@DiyEcoProjects Most of what you've said is misinformed, though it's not hard to see how someone would arrive at those conclusions. I'll try my best to explain some of the things you've mentioned in ways that doesn't require extra knowledge.
First, I'll address temperature. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement; objects or particles in motion. It can be calculated is several ways depending on the type of motion but the simplest is half mass times velocity squared. This is important because there are two manifestations of kinetic energy in our daily life. The first is the kind you can see: cars, people and any moving object. As we know that all matter is made of tiny particles we realize that by extension this means that when something is moving like that, all of those particles have to be moving uniformly in the same direction and at the same speed or else the object would disintegrate.
Heat energy is a special form of kinetic energy which needs special attention because it's the kinetic energy between the individual particles that make up an object, totally chaotic and vibrating without the object moving. Heat energy added to an object will increase the vibration of its particles until there is so much heat that they can break free of the chemical bonds between the particles and vaporize.
So temperature is the term used to refer to the total internal heat energy of an object and usually refers to an average of all the particles in the object as there will be more and less energetic particles in different physical places within the object.
Relative to its surroundings, something is cold when it has less internal kinetic energy than the matter around it and will absorb heat energy from the surrounding matter cooling it until both are the same temperature. Hot objects do the opposite and radiate heat until reaching equilibrium.
Now then, gravity is the one thing that is not fully understood at this point; we fully understand how it WORKS but not how it ACTS as no gravity particle or carrier has been found yet. Fundamentally gravity is the name for the force generated by a mass that acts on other masses. Anything with mass experiences gravitational effects and the strength of gravitational interaction between two masses is determined by their mass and the distance they are apart from each other.
We on the surface of Earth experience a fairly constant gravitational acceleration because the mass of the earth is extremely large compared to our mass and because we don't move far from the center of mass. Even in the space station they still experience almost the same gravity as on the surface because they are still close enough; if they weren't they would not be able to orbit.
Hypothetically, if there were a massless object (no mass but still somehow has volume) it would neither generate gravitational effects nor experience gravitational force from the gravitation of masses.
Magnetism is unrelated to gravity except that it must also be generated by a mass. The difference is that magnetism is not caused by the mere existence of the mass but instead by the composition and properties of the mass.
The two properties that give rise to magnetism are the "magnetic moment" which is determined by the elements of the atoms in a composition and the electric current which is determined by the physical arrangement of the atoms within the composition.
The electric current and magnetic moments generate a magnetic field (which by the way DOES NOT SPIN as shown in the video). A magnetic field can act on other magnetic moments and electric currents to produce a variety of effects, such as ferromagnetism.
Magnetism is fundamentally linked to electricity. Both static electric fields and magnetic fields are actually "made of" photons, but that's a very complicated level of physics which I can't begin to try and explain here.
"Permanent" magnets are simply objects created from a composition of elements that can sustain a long lasting magnetic field which has been imparted to it by a more powerful magnetic field which causes the subatomic particles of elements such as iron to physically shift until their magnetic moments and electric current to align with the magnetic field.
When the particles align with the field they are then in concert with each other and the individual current and magnetic moments combine additively to produce a uniform magnetic field.
Permanent magnets cannot ever be used to generate free energy because it takes more energy to construct and then magnetize (usually using a stronger electromagnet to align the magnetic domains within the magnet) them than they can be used to produce; it's like a magnetic battery.
A decent analogy would be a gigantic hourglass that has enough sand to last several decades. If you tried to use the falling sand to power some kind of generator you'd get energy out but you could never get the amount of energy that would be needed to flip the hourglass to get the sand at the top.
@Willy Bee Firstly, there is no such thing as a weightless environment as gravity does not have a maximum range. Weight is the name of the force caused by gravitational acceleration acting on a mass.
Otherwise, a magnetic field is exactly as strong in any environment that does not alter the characteristics of what is is being produced by. For example, heat affects magnets by causing the particles to lose their alignment to each other during the chaotic vibration of the particles.
finally, an Eric dubay with brains!!!good stuff young man. I hope you're just getting started.
More bullshit: you don't get a spinning vortex unless you have an electric field along with a permanent magnet. The Magnetflipper did it underwater with the magnet sitting on an electrode, and Howard Johnson did it by holding a magnet up to a color monitor. What most people haven't realized though is that behind the glass of a color monitor is the tube's anode producing a strong electric field. All of this has been known for a long time and is fully laid out in the Lorentz Force. Lasers use this same principle to create a spinning gas inside the tube.
I couldn't explain it any better. I think of two people that would have fun debunking that bs.
Electricity terminates into magnetism. Don't duh so hard and act smart.
I think He admitted this at 8:20 without realizing it
he's just proving their way of understanding its principles wrong
Really? Watch this , make it. It's very simple and ... after make comments ! Not before...all the best for you!
The Earth abide still thou... it rotates the great Oceans and the constellations.
what do tree rings and spider webs have to do with magnetic fields?
Thank you. Someone intelligent on the internet today.
His tornado script also needs to be rewritten. Makes no sense.
Josiah Michael I know! Its just the best way evolution told a spider to spin a web. Like, you dont see a spider just... shooting a square web instantly lol
Josiah Michael he just wanted to tell dat uhmm some thing spins ?
Are you trolling? Evolution is the foundation for modern biology.
In school we are taught that with magnetism, opposite forces attract and like forces repel. But, inside the arc of a horseshoe magnet it's the other way around, like forces attract and unlike forces repel.
Now, as an electron has an associated magnetic field, when it is attached to an atom, at very close distances, is it in essence creating a 360 degree spherical magnetic field of which like charged protons stick together inside this field while simultaneously attracting the opposite charged electron across the inner portion of the electron's inner magnetic field closer to the center?
Are there no such things as "gluons"?
Are there only three laws of nature and not four? Two of them, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force are just derivatives of the magnetic field interactions between protons and electrons?
Here's the problem I have with so many of these people making claims about a magnetic spin vortex. I dont believe there is a spin vortex. My studies and tests have shown me that there is a torsion potential. Not a vortex. You made a good point that "spin" can be measured everywhere and I agree. From galaxies to electrons everything seems to have the "potential" to spin. Even in a toy like you showed, these magnets display a strong propensity to spin... but as you rightly recognized, they wont keep spinning without prompting. I believe this tortion potential is very very small, but manifests itself throughout nature and this is what we should focus on tapping. Potential is useless without motion. How do we tap this tortion potential?
Great comment!
Motion is potential loss.
Even though electrons do have a property we call spin, it is nowhere close to what you mean. Spin is an intrinsic property of quantum particles, just like charge. You can compare "spin" to actual spinning motions as much as you can compare charge to actual spinning motions. It's a common misconception.
Also, yes, many things can spin. Some things can't. Some things just don't.
It might need to be a segmented array, which will make it want to repel apart.
AWESOME video brother, *I'm so glad someone finally explained the real phenomenon going on!*
I mean that's kind of a big miss to not realize the BALL under the magnet is just rotating towards the path of least resistance lol, you can see the same thing when a spinning top begins to lose control, it will spin but start to move outwards in concentric turns because that's the only way it can "walk". Thank you for clarifying for all of youtube :). LIKED!
charged particles moving in a wire create a magnetic field. Now imagine charged particle spinning about their own axis,this should also create a magnetic field, but they arent actually spinning around their axis, instead they behave like they are. That's why its called spin, as if they have some sort of intrinsic angular momentum when not rotating.
that royalty-free ukulele tho
while i agree with the sentiment of the comment, that is definitely a guitar, not a ukelele.
Aaah, my daily audible lol
This is so true, just like an antenna needs to have the same polarization as the transmitter or it will not receive the signal. So the polarization of the magnet determines if it attractive or repulsive, hence why they call it polarity. I never thought about it this way
I know its years old but it has to be said, almost none of this is true...
>this is what the field of spintronics is all about
yeah, this is snake oil if i've ever seen any.
Derp he says that at the 1:00 mark. Way to fight yourself, loser. Would love to have an explanation, anytime, other than a description, you ignorant parrot.
Go to bed and re-read this in the morning.
I have tried that George Green rotor thing, mine didn't perfom as expected but then I didn't follow the rules, this vid gives me clues.
1. I didn't have a steel ball on which to balance the ring magnet. The steel ball will alter the field from the lower pole, I concluded what was happening (for me) was the ring magnet was just creating a magnetic field onto which the magnetc field from the larger ring just pushed it about. The guy in the vid shows this with a stack of rectangular magnets.
2. The reason for the spin, comes about as a result of an off centre downward force and the smooth ball acts as a pivot. As the ball has a circular face, the resultant force vector (using standard vectors) results in a torque, the downward force is enough to produce a spin in either direction. I think this is proven by the set-up needing motion from the upper magnet to keep a new force vector available.
3. A question might be, how well does this experiment perform with a non magnetc ball. I think besides acting as a pole piece, the weight of the ball acts as a weight to give it stability. Try a ball that has no magnetic properties but of same weight as a steel ball, This "motor" collapses with a ball of little weight.
I could be wrong :) I like these vids, gets us thinking, what could be what might be, my physics books are getting a new life!
Viktor Schauberger should be your first stop if you want to learn of what Ken is relaying and not the compressed air shown to spin the magnet this fake video shown as clickbait here.
He leaves out so much of what is said as he reworks Schauberger's understanding of dielectricity, water, etc. always leaving many questions unanswered while the poorman routine is taking away from real progress from a not so new understanding.
The Energy Evolution is the 4th in a series but the heart of Schauberger's work and free online.
Straight to the point and many answers with the historical data to show this man's life was not wasted while his carcass is being picked in all fashion of industry as well as suppressed as Galilei with his discovery of the same force.
It only takes one book to open your eyes wider than any false apotheosis given with a manmade and highly manipulated vision.
From the centripetal creative force we see and are mocked by a ruling occult group who maintain control through misunderstanding through Darwinism and a "Big Bang" that oppose the only way this all creating force works.
Implosion vs Explosion.
What is a vacuum? It is a modern day nightmare to be living with these people providing the answers to us at a young age along with the science fiction as it is infused into our daily lives.
Nature works one way and it relays this message one way when some very simple rules are not followed.
We can see this through the work of the minds who saw this clearly and the answers they had still work...
Yet aren't implemented and we suffer more than any money can ever hand us as we are modern slaves tethered to a flawed theory with nature alienated politicians and science leading our one way path to destruction.
All because they scratch their ass and log instead of learn through patters that we just saw in this film that make us what we are today and just as quickly take it away when you do things opposing some very simple rules of nature.
Yesterday was World Aids Day and you'd think they would have an article on the Dr Luc Montagnier who discovered HIV so he could mention how he has been blacklisted from the medical community for his discoveries with water, that Schauberger had.
I love you man. I agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying. I've made a vow to myself that I will remove myself from these self-distructive patterns of behavior that are considered conventional and acceptable and live a life of which I can sustain myself and others close to me without contributing to our inevitable demise. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams, defy modern societal convention, or do what's right in the face of overwhelming odds. Live your life! Do what's best for the world. Do what's best for yourself and those you love.
Montagnier used the flawed PCR method to prove water has memory. Montagnier never speaks of the dielectric nature of water. HIV, another scam.
the magnetic field is always a vortex by eletrons,no matter under what circunstances,right?
like it, well spoken 'thought Provoking' .-may be used in combo apps, discovery is a hazard (greed 'n powermonopolys) tho- its great to explore safely :)
There is magnetic force pushing /pulling inner magnet to the center of the magnet ring. This is spinning only because of the friction of the ball touching the table. You can achevie same effect without magnets. It has nothing to do with tornado as well.
i looked up spintronics and its about the spinning of electrons not magnetic fields
The only way to get an eletromagnetic motor is by using magnetism. The magnetism affects the spinning of the electrons of the metal.
You need to take one thing into consideration. your flux lines were vertical - straight up & down. Bedini's original idea was sound but he should have added a slight inclination of angle as observed in nature, this would create a continual motion similar to how a torroidal works. one side positive in the middle pulling the waves in & the other side repelling them back outward.
This is some hollow earth silliness
Yes. I am disappointed that UA-cam put this in a section called Science, along with other real stuff. Oh well, I'll add my downvote.
This is some gravity bullshit
The reason why it spins is that it is tilted slightly and when you drag it around with the magnet ring it will roll the direction of least resistance on the side of the ball bearing solidly glued to the bottom. It is simple friction, not magnetism. Its why Dyna flex type gyro balls work. They do not spin on their own. you provide the force, and friction provides the spin.
I'd advise everyone to get a second opinion. I don't believe this information is accurate. I'm no expert but I am knowledgeable enough to know this doesn't sound legitimate.
Your right. Magnetic fields don't spin, they're non-chiral.
David Detweiler this is right ?
of course, this is the usual free energy / perpetual motion stuff.
Serah Deadsong it's not it was proven by smarter everyday that the magnetic spin does indeed affect drain flow
Serah Deadsong Ok, so here is a second opinion, from a guy who has a degree in physics and thermodynamics, and has worked 40 years in R&D in leading edge high tech. This video is a bunch of nonsense. There are bits and pieces of truth scattered in amongst invalid comparisons and made up facts.
Bottom line, you cannot mag a perpetual motion machine.
I have a proposal. Attach three lines at the ring that connect to a single string above it. then have a guide ring than prevent the magnet ring to astray to far in either direction. Now make the bottom ball be fixed in its position in the middle still being able to spin. That would encourage the ring magnet to alter its position automatically while still being somewhat in the center and promote spinning indefinitely or until the magnet runs out.
magnetic field doesn't move at all, its a static field, it moves if you move the magnet , no way he can spin the object without moving the magnet and inducing rotation using magnets is nothing new , all electric motors use this effect , but without external power there is no way it will keep spinning cuz magnetic fields dont have spin they are as static as static gets
Watch this : ! You will see that permanent magnets have active vortex!!! You can try ! It' s very, very simple...and after make some comments...not before! :)
@@danutdarauta3582 you first check the comments. . and read some books too..
First of all...all the best for you! ...and thx for recommandation!:)... pls recommend me a book where you can see a simple experiment like above( see like above) and another book ( or others) who explain this. If is so simple and clear why don't teach us in schools?...Respectfully, Dan
...and ....theory without practice experiment is like a body without life...
In order to see the actual Coriolis effect at all, you need a kiddie pool and some dye. Drip it in straight lines from the center, and in several hours you'll see the weak spin. The Coriolis effect is NOT responsible for the spin of draining water OR tornadoes. You yourself just said they can spin the opposite way, meaning that the coriolis has no effect on them.
Agreed, but it has an effect on everything.
The wider something is, the more effect it has.
It has almost no effect on draining water and tornadoes, but it has a big effect on cyclones/hurricanes, and ocean currents.
2:04 "Strenth".. does that mean that chart is bogus, or the designer is an idiot? either way not good for credibility of information. But I did enjoy this video very much, the 3 ring part 6:23 sure looks like they are way too far apart to have the magnetic fields touching, especially since the spinners were practically 'walling' the spinning tops, those things are way too far away. So even tho slightly jenky, thanks for the video, I can easily believe the vortex is pole-outward, but is it motionless? we don't see iron filings spinning ever.
d74g0n It was just a visual aid I used to accompany the point I was making. Grammatical errors are pretty much everywhere these days. It wasn't my chart, so I didn't feel I should be editing their work, and left it as is.
The spinners have to be closer to the ring magnet arrangement to create a balancing effect as the spinner rotates. Hanging the magnetic arrangements from strings makes the closer proximity unnecessary.
The vortex is in motion. Iron filings are not a material that could be used to prove it though, as they also become magnetized when caught in the magnetic field.
So then explain how Ive gotten it to spin without the top moving. Also have video proof. Your claims are as you present them as facts, I would suggest you do more research before making final claims.
russiannerd2014 I'm just guessing, but you probably moved your thing around in a circle to get it to spin in place.
If you think the spin vortex is real, then try and explain it while conserving momentum.
Exactly. Moving the ring of magnets directs energy into the system.
One of the curious aspects of human nature is that they are prone to believe that some 'secret truth' is just out of range, and if they can just make a tiny bit more effort, they can grasp it.
The reciprocal of this is all the conspiracy theories about why everyone else isn't seeking, or is keeping the 'secret truth' for themselves.
Maybe it evolved in early hominids while picking blackberries or something.
Linear magnet energy progression to wheel
we need a acoustic guitar unplugged solo of "you spin me right round, baby right round"
There is no such thing as a "magnetic spin vortex"
Martin Koch yep
Partially Disagree: if you use a microwave oven, you probably use the benefits of a rotating electron field almost everyday. Electrons are magnetic. Now to say there is a spinning field tornado around the top and bottom of a magnet, may not be accurate. But obviously nature has built in governors that keep things just spinning on it's own, arbitrarily .
XR IX Disagree. Yes, electrons have to move to generate an electromagnetic wave (like in a magnetron). Yes, electrons are magnetic due to its own angular momentum, but that doesn't mean that because electrons are spinning, their magnetic field have to, in fact it DOESN'T happen. An spinning electron is not a spin magnetic field.
Eternal Do you disagree that the electron cloud is rotating in a magnetron? Because that's how it works. I didn't claim that spinning electrons imply a spinning magnetic field. That is the misconception that is this video.
I realize that your comment was put forth as a negative statement and that everyone knows that it is impossible to prove a negative. Therefore, before I ask you to prove your conjecture I will use my mental vortex to alter your statement so as to put it in a positive context. Here goes. Are you positive there is no such thing as a “magnetic spin vortex”?
I agree that when viewed from above, the north seeking pole has a counterclockwise spin, based the deflection of a compass needle in Orsted's experiment. However, when placed side-by-side, like poles repel, because the spin fields between the magnets are in opposite directions. When a north pole is pointing down, its spin is in the same direction as a south pole below it, pointing up; so, unlike poles attract because their spins in relation to each other are in the same direction.
you mixed Up dude that wath you mean with spinning is the Electrons spinning around the Atom Creating an Magnetic Field the same Prinzip by an Electronic magnet Electrons Going around a Coil. That wath youre saying is bullshit you compere Magnetic Fields with Other physik stuff that has nothing to do with Electromagenetic!
Youre Ryl mixing up evrything in the Univers and Melting it to one large pice of BULLSHIT theorie. ^^
LOP1698 your running on some old ass theories buddy.
SECONDQUEST Are there new ones, are mine Outdated(Wrong)? ^^
Yours are super outdated. Electrons aren't spinning around the atom, instead there are probability clouds where it's most likely to find the electron. I can't explain it really well, but just give "electron probability clouds" a search! :)
Yes i know this if you know the postion of an Patical you cant know the path it took if you know the path you cant know any postion where it was, anyway you can do an wavefunction where the highest points are points where the partical is most likely to be and the lowest where its most unlikely to be(this is when you know the speed but not the position of the partical), however if you know the position you do not know which way the partical did go and there is only one way the partical can go (you did not know where the partical came from). But hast this somting todo with my model of Magnetic Fields idc but i do know you have no way to tell me if im right or wrong if you know a way tell my becous for that you need to know the position of the Electrion and if there would be an way todo this you would see an electrone moving around the Atom and yes if you dont observe it it behaves like a wave thats true with evrything. But its more like an Mathematical tool to know where the particel is but the particel itself is somwere in there. The problem is the Partical stop acting like a Partical when you are not observing it, i think its not a wave and not an partical its somting more or mutch less complex that we didnt thougt about yet!
My Model is maybe old but not wrong. I think im no freaking physicist at least not yet.
Good to see it working you can add a small wobbly shaft on the center spine and keep all the magnets top bottom this will also help it spin or brake the fields that pull stop and you don't need to move the outer core part looks very similar to the planets kind a.
oh well back to the drawing board buddy the bearing is only spinning because it's at an angle and it's rolling
can't drain free energy out of springs and balloons full of air now can you
those spinners were definitely ran with by Bedini and friends as being some kind of perpetual motion free energy devices but people started to realize what was going on when they couldn't produce the spin without holding the ring in their hands lol.
great video about vortexes in the universe though. I visualize them as being components of efficient entropy and our understanding of inertia. matter and energy likes to 'keep moving' in whatever direction it was set. when the 'direction' changes, it makes sense for this matter and energy to create a vortex because everything is already spiraling at the smallest level to begin with.
leedskalnin called the vortex tiny magnets as if they were particles moving in opposition in orbits. I like to look at the vortex in a PM as being a stationary field though. I just think if the right metal was able to catch a ride on this vortex in a way where we could use a scaled up model to provide torque, then the guy running the Theoria Apophasis channel should be able to demonstrate this with his super powerful neodymium.
TL;DR : Conservation of Angular Momentum.
These machines are inherently impossible. They would be clear violations of the 1st & 2nd law of thermodynamics. 1st law: violation of the conservation of energy. 2nd law: entropy must always increase in a closed system. The energy of the system will eventually be radiated away as heat due to friction, even in a perfect vacuum with this machine. On the microscopic level, ferromagnetic atoms are arranged lattices, in permanent magnets, with a majority of their unbonded paired electrons magnetic dipoles aligned. With the majority of dipoles aligned in the lattice of permanent magnets, macroscopic magnitsm results. This however represents an ordered system, and the laws of thermodynamics state that the entropy of closed state must always increase with time. The dipole alignment will be come more disordered, and the permanent magnet will lose it's magnetic strength over time. This is just one reason why this kind of machine will not work.
You seem to not know that there is also something called open system thermodynamic laws. Problem is, Tesla's "aether" physics is taboo, so no mainstream person takes it into account......
Look, I'm like 99% sure this vid is bullshit too, but nothing you just said made sense. You don't seem to have a good grasp of what entropy actually is or what the consequences of it are. Also, you seem to be under the impression that this is one of those weird 'free energy' youtube videos. It's not- he did clearly mention and demonstrate that the effect only works in the presence of a changing magnetic field, much like induction. Finally, your explanation of the effect of entropy on permanent magnets was completely false. If it were true, permanent magnets would lose their magnetism over time, which, they never do, unless there are other effects at play.
Craig Blanton when exposed to an osculating or varying magnetic fields permanent magnets do loose their magnetism. while small in short periods of time, the effect becomes pronounced over time. Also inductive heating, even if it is small will cause problems too. Entropy is often referred in physics as the degree of disorder in a system, in chemistry it is the number of different ways energy can be parcelled out or distributed.
Bedini originally came up with the theory, unfortunately, when you MOUNT the larger ring of magnets instead of hand holding it, the inner magnet stops spinning. It's because motion of the hand is causing the inner magnet to spin.
this dose not work because its free energy!!! your breaking the laws of phisics
Before you start talking about physics, you should take another dose of english.
Noah Borden it dose not take a scientist to realise you cant create free energy!
Noah Borden it dose not take a scientist to realise you cant create free energy!
Noah Borden lol, I was about to say that
Very good, no hokis pokus, clear explaination and clairification of misunderstood ideas.Thanks.
Tree rings are NOT spiral. So they have no spin. "Everything in nature has spin"? Gravity has spin? Haha.
They are called toroidal fields
Thanks for sharring and all of your videos. It's good to have some good logic to go by, and that's what you clearly show in all of your videos. Thanks again
Where's your proof of a spin vortex?
jhanthony2 he's (at least I think he is) disproving the " spin votex " and saying its just simple magnetic attraction.
But the magnetic vortex does exist.. only produced by one pole? Sorry I'm new to the physics of magnets.
Didn't Mean To Intrude. If your new to magnets let's just say this is bs.
Clearly the proof is now out off his ass...
thenorup lol
Water 20hz
Very clever view of different approach, I like your honesty
And I respectfully disagree with you.
Edison's generator is a permanent magnet motor. The field magnets move the armature magnets and coils of copper wire with the power picked up by the commutators brushes. An old car generator pre1974 can be made to spin like Edison generators by chiseling off the Tesla magnets from the armature magnets. Alternating on and off one sixth on and one sixth off all the way around the armature and reassemble this generator and it is a motor. 120 degrees apart and 60 degrees of magnets. This 12 VOLT DC generator can be wired to DC AC inverters 40 amps each to have 110 volt AC power continuous peak power without fuel or pollution. This can be put in a car to drive without recharge stations.
your terminology
Very interesting. Have seen Theoria Apophasis vids, and found them enlightening. But I always return to the late 70's, and the diagrams of the Johnson Permanent magnet motor. His design indicates geometry and alignment of the components. This presentation, coupled with previous data, undoubtedly provides more "food for thought".
2:33 FAKE
miquelmah It should go without saying that the device at that time frame is not a working magnetic motor. It was only intended as a visual aid to serve the narrative.
Motionmagnetics if I repeat exactly it will work ? :)
+Motionmagnetics please can you show it for longer time ? why did it accelerate then ? Did you blow it with air offscreen or why did it accelerate? or do you already have a selfrunner and are too shy to present it ?
Regards, Stefan.
your fack
congrats on breaking the laws of thermodynamics
Dear Motionmagnetics, some years back I too tried George Green's spinner only to be greatly disappointed. I too concluded that the magnetic had be in some small motion for spinner magnet rotate at all. I wish such a thing was possible. Parts of that experiment are still lying somewhere in my basement .
That's the general consensus on those spinners. One of the reasons I put the video together was to share that with people. They aren't what they seem to be.
this some uzumaki level spiral obsession going on here
I only see magnets attract to othe magnet in which lateral force gets converted into radial movement caused by the construction of the gyro, causing it to spin, though it might be possible to hold the gyro in one place, and induce the spin, but it'll eventually stops at some point when the energy induced reaches equilibrium...
Bwahaha dude, go to school and learn some stuff.
Thanks for anyone trying to put the truth out. Whether right or wrong always think for yourself, observe research experiment explore and always know that there is always something new to discover and rewrite so called “laws “ of man whether written to blind people or because of it was the best truth at the time, either way think outside the cubicle.
Gurran Lagan anyone?
That was my childhood! Watch one punch man, sword art online, full metal alchemist, Campione!,high school DXD, Fushigi yuugi, inuyasha, a certain magical index, claymore, deathnote, and air gear! those all are amazing anime
Yeah I think you are right, if they were utilizing the magnetic spin vortex they would only need one magnet or coil, they are utilizing di poll interactions.
thank you for finally demythifying all of this crap
KUKULCANGOD You're welcome
HA HA. He didn't get it!
So much innovation in magnétics in happening on UA-cam that it’s clearly an under-researched area
Ahhhh, If only it were real.
I don't understand why people don't think of individual flux lines as vortexes. It would be consistent with experimental knowledge and is more believable than some mysterious stuff flowing in lines(never explained how that can happen)from North to South. More likely nothing is flowing from N to S but instead there are spinning lines of space/ether going from N to S. So the vortex, if there is one, is in the line of flux and not separate from them as this video would suggest. I don't see anyone mentioning that flux lines might be vortexes, at least not on UA-cam.... and it seems so bizarre that this concept hasn't long ago replaced directional flux lines. Electric lines of force may also be the same thing.
Absolute NONSENSE!
Lololol. It's ok to remain ignorant to the truth. However this is definitely not nonsense
lololol back at you. Magnetic spin vortex? You are free to keep wasting your time and money due to your ignorance about the elctromagnetic force and basic physics concepts such as the conservation of momentum and energy.
+Hedning1390 ,
Magnet's pole do have spin, and universe does too. Just not the way he described it, magnet's spins are electromagnetic fields, and every thing he ranted about the universe are angular momentum,
just to clarify, a stationary magnetic "spin" or particle "spin", doesn't make any physical object spin, "direction of spin" is just a way we use to describe the property, like positive and negative, nothing is really spinning.
angular momentum on the other hand, is a physical object spinning, like the universe, tornado, or a real physical motor. They are the real spin, and have nothing to do with the magnetic "spin" or particle "spin".
Curl B = 0 => bollocks.
Enlightened video.
Those who think they are clever ain't always that clever at all.
This is the worst video I've seen about magnets on so many levels it's DUNCE HAT worthy!
Magnets wear out after time though. Just like fuel runs out after time. Probably better to use a wind mill and electronic magnet.
zaniar bayazidi Fibonacci sequence,.1.618 golden means and creation pattern of the physical cosmos.=0
Preston Gallimore :)
Actually, a magnetic vortex is what happens when you magnetize a ring and then reduce its diameter to zero. The rotation of the magnetization -- the changing direction of the net electron spin around the center -- becomes undefined near the center and it is necessary that these spins choose to point up or down relative to the ring's plane. What you describe is a magnetic pole. Magnetic vortices do have N and S poles on opposite sides of the plane however.
Why do people make these "shitty fake science" videos about magnets so much?
Instead of the magnet. Glue a very thin tread in the center of the ball bearing, then drag the ball, and you will see that it starts rotating. Same effect as using the magnet.
There is no such thing as a magnetic spin vortex.
I would love to see a get together of all the YT channel creators to discuss magnetics and all things interesting.
you have a poor understanding of magnetism
Or maybe you just aren't understanding it yet, it's okay though. With time you will.
He didnt even under stand his own fucking "Theorie" hes talking about. He even had to comperes magnetic Fields to fucking Storms Clouds Spieder webs and Tree's, wath the fuck has this to do with magetism??? Remember: " Drugs not even once " ^^
LOP1698 you dont know shit about nature
Will there be a difference when using solid ring magnets? I wonder what this formation would do to a magnetic field. Try it in a future video.
I agree with this 99.999%. The only reason I'm not 100% is because I'm so new to this. But i would even go as far as saying this child be the ORIGINAL law of physics, your right, every thing in nature seems to abide to this law. From the smallest particles to the largest structures. Like I said, I barely started my obsession with physics over a year ago so I'm still new, but I believe there's a way to take this to new levels, by using this law of physics to blend the micro with the macro. These magnetic vortices seem to only be limited to the microverse, and by that I mean it only effects other magnetic fields and/or conductive material, while vortices in the macroverse, such as tornados, maelstroms, hurricanes, ect., are limited to regular matter (solids, liquids and gases) having no effect on magnetic fields. Yet the largest structures in our universe such as stars, planets, galaxies, ect., effect every thing, both micro and macro. There's gotta be a way to blend the micro with the macro on smaller scales. If we could figure this out, we could create magnets that could attract and repel ANY matter. To put it more simply, it's how we can create and manipulate gravity.
The SEARL EFFECT GENERATOR appears to be one of the best hopes, but was usual, the fine details of its construction are hidden from public scrutiny, thus it remains an enigma.