I suspect that a large amount of that 0.07% of people who click on banner ads, are people who accidentally clicked it, while trying to hit the little "X" which closes the ad.
I don't get it, why are people posting stuff like "I'm glad you're finally showing your intelligence" He was playing a character! And he's playing a character now! It's a script! Because he acted stupid and awkward in one doesn't mean he was stupid and awkward. And because he's acting cool and suave now doesn't mean he's cool and suave. Am I missing something everyone else is seeing?
Well, you are right, he didn't change, but he is now finally playing a character that is worth watching. Meaning, while before Cracked was flooded with boring New-Guy-videos we now finally get something worthwhile watching.
Kuaminifu Mwenzi if more people disliked New Guy weekly than liked it, Cracked would've cancelled it. The people who like it just don't post as much as the whiny bitches who don't know what "ignore the fucking videos" means.
***** On the other hand, it's been two weeks now, since the last New Guy Weekly, if I'm not mistaken. And they've been using Alex quite a lot in other clips since then. Maybe they did cancel it.
Connor Whitehead when im on my phone and I get hit with an unskippable ad (limited data allowance) I just reload the page and hopw to get a skippable one instead
I grew up being taught to never trust ads, ever, and to never ever click on them. As a result, if you advertise your product to me, I tend to want to avoid it instead(unless I was already buying it in the first place).
Zichqec Oh you were correctly taught about the interwebs and its dangers. Well done lad. I hope you also check the messages before clicking "I ACCEPT".
It's simple. When your ad disrupts my day, no matter how small, I have 0% chance of buying it. When I buy stuff it's because it's either on sale, I've read reviews on it, friends have recommended it, or it's a brand I already trust and have been using for years. If you interrupt my daily 'me' time with pop ups, I don't want to buy from you. : /
Yes or step back 1 page then return on the video and ad will be skipped automatically. Another possibility I use, is to scroll the video to each and every yellow squares on time bar before returning to beginning and watch video.
I always use adblock, I have no problem supporting my fav creators on patreon so i know the money is going to them rather than some fat, ugly, corporate fuckface who thinks they just beat me at the game. Asshats like that only get my money if they are selling something i actually need which is like 0.000000000000001% of the time, everything else i get locally
When I click on a video and see an unskippable advert sometimes I just click off the video and decide not to watch it or I might just keep clicking and clicking until there is no ads or I could just report the adverts
CodeConfused no company grows without advertising. If you want to be a small local business that only a few people use then you dont advertise but if you want to be large and play in the big leagues then you advertise
true that advertising is still needed to show ur product exists, just make sure the product advertised is something of quality that people want to buy, and not over-advertised to the point where people think ur desperate for sales, and just end up wasting tons of money for nothing. in other words, take the customers seriously, state facts, don't sugarcoat with huge displays to get attention to a shoddy product:) the truth is always found out and sales die with the bad reputations. keep words like "miracle" away from ads, it just induces eye rolls:/ unless it is a video game or movie portraying awesome parts of it's content, keep the flashy to a minimum as well:) short jingles are still a decent way to remember a product, and last only a few seconds and don't assault our senses as much, but again, don't over advertise and state the facts and use of the product and be done, if i see a commercial 3-4 times an hour, it makes me want to rebel against the product for feeling like an irritating brainwashing fail:/
There are two kinds of advertising, and it bothers me that I've met marketeers who don't understand this. 1) Persuasive - this is what everyone hates. It's "buy Coca-Cola" even though nobody's changed brands in three generations. 2) Expository - This is the important stuff. This is the "anti lock brakes are a thing you want to know about" or "this game console has wireless controllers" - it teaches you features you might be interested it. Unfortunately, for some reason advertisers got convinced that Persuasive advertising was really really important and blew off the fine art of expository ads. So now we just dig around Amazon or trip across new products we never knew existed because nobody watches ads any more because adblock plus, Tivo, and we're all drinking coconut water. (TM)
You miss the point. Your example of persuasive advertisement is a bit narrow sighted. Sure, they may hope some people switch, but that isnt the main goal of it. The main goal of it is to try and get people who already drink coke to think "Hmmm, a coke sure sounds good right now" while you might not think in such plain terms, the next time you are shopping you may remember a coke commercial which will make you more likely to purchase coke. Half of advertising is just reminding customers that they want more of the product.
[___ ] Valid point - there's also simple brand management, which is important. The point I was more interested in making was that it seems like expository advertising is only run by companies that nobody has heard of (and even they don't always do it). Established companies don't always seem to advertise new products well.
the worst is when they think expository ads ARE persuasive ads and line their product features with a bunch of self aggrandizing nonsense. you got a better chance of running an ad campaign that says "don't buy this product."
Then there's bullshit meme ads that do nothing to convince anyone anything about the product. Did I once chortle at a Bud Light ad? Certainly. Will I ever drink that piss water? Certainly not.
I didn't have cable when I was in college. Ever since then, I've had a strong aversion to watching TV; I won't sit through five 7-minute blocks of commercials to watch content I didn't necessarily ask for.
Seven? That’s a short commercial break. It’s gotten crazy long and subversive in how they spy on us. It needs to stop. Spying of any kind by government or private industry needs to be illegal.
I'm sure most of us feel good about ads being useless...but here's a thought: Sooner or later, companies are going to figure out that they're just throwing their money away on advertisements. And then what happens to all those currently free blogs, shows and webcasts (like Cracked) that are completely dependent on ad dollars? I'm not shilling for ad companies, and I hate them/ignore them as much as the next person. But it's probably worth thinking about what happens to all the awesome content we get for free now when the dollars that make it possible dry up.
+Richard Rowe I'd be in favor of this. The internet is the easiest way to invade privacy without anyone doing anything about it because its complicated and secretive. This is a direct consequence of the fact that so many things on the web are monetized via ads. Why is it like this? Because we expect shit for free, we're entitled. Everything you interact with on the internet took somebody time and hard work to create, whether its a youtuber or a programmer. But how often do we ever directly pay these people? Probably never. Companies are slowly realizing ads are bullshit and we're going to have to directly pay for the parts of the internet that we like, as we always should have. Its already changing, look at youtube's paid subscriptions.
+Richard Rowe Well, just wait til the government starts dispensing equal income out to everyone and everyone can do whatever job they want and not have to worry about making an income.
I'd rather pay a sensible rate to get these things ad-less, then put up with some of this garbage. I don't hate all ads, and I know providers need money for support, but since the internet, most ads are INSANELY annoying and/or STUPID, not to mention indecent from time to time. It's absolutely absurd, not to mention all the ads that are just plain deceptive. That said, I don't know if I like the idea of UA-cam Red, but I would seriously consider it for something LESS than 5 dollars a month (No, not 4.99, idiots...). Last I checked, it was 10 a month, right? Do they really get 10 dollars worth of ad revenue from me in 1 month? Again, Adblock renders this irrelevant. Advertisers need to sit down and re-think their lives. I swear, there's gonna be a special circle of Hell for all the lying scumbags we call "marketing department". When your product/service is worth using, you don't HAVE to advertise.
TheGuardDuck Well, man, that isn't exactly true. Henry Ford put out plenty of advertisements for the Model T...and I've seen ads for 65 Mustangs, GTOs, Chevelles, Ferrari Daytonas. Are you saying those things aren't worth having? I've seen ads for a few escort services in Vegas who are probably worth calling. I'm not saying all ads are useful, but the concept isn't entirely useLESS. Problem with stuff like UA-cam Red though, it doesn't solve any of the problem with disappearing content. It's not like UA-cam is paying content creators. If anything, they're taking money directly out of the pockets of the people who create content by removing the ads. They're generating revenue for themselves at the expense of the people who provide content for their website. And again, that is exactly the problem with these subscription services. Three of my favorite UA-cam channels (The Bible Reloaded, Armoured Skeptic and The Drunken Peasants) are completely dependent on ad dollars. If Red took hold and ads disappeared, they'd be gone overnight. And honestly, think about it...why should UA-cam try to make ads less annoying? Less intrusive? They have EVERYTHING to gain from making ads as annoying and intrusive as possible. They're counting on us getting fed up and paying to get rid of them. So, yeah...blame UA-cam for that. They've got every reason in the world to screw everyone else over.
+Ryan ChurastheMGTOW What was the ad? Because the point of the video was that advertising doesn't make you buy shit anymore, but it DOES let you watch videos like this one for free whereas under any other system, you'd have to pay something for it.
just because ads don't really work doesn't mean they are going to stop using it. they are making money by putting those ads whether they work on the audience or not.
***** No I mean the ads. We were actually discussing this in my security class today and they very well can. If you want to purchase my text book and read all about it feel free to. Network engineering and security by William Stallings.
***** No just people on the internet like to... be argumentative... sometimes... so I thought a text book reference would discourage any discourse and ease one's mind that I didn't just pull that out of thin air.
+Thunder 33345 1: what is hostblocker? 2: i use it too (adblock) so i am not burning you on the stake or anything but just remember that the lack of ads comes at the cost of revenue for the content creator
frederik vedersø It uses the Windows Hosts file to block specific I.P. addresses without needing a program like adblock. The problem with it is you have to update it yourself
+EvilJ069 How do you think you're supposed to be paying for the free content you're watching right now? Using adblock is essentially like pirating the Internet, but worse because just ignoring a banner ad takes about 0 effort anyway.
This is especially true when you're using an ancient, obsolete machine like my good old PC with Windows XP! :) When I click on certain pages, things slow to zero (a crawl would be super! I could at least function!) ............. ZERO. Time STOPS for me and my poor PC, and I vow once again to HATE THESE ADS UNTIL THE HEAT DEATH OF THE SUN and beyond... I watch the bottom-left thread as it displays all the ads, over and over, that are slowing my browser to zero, waiting til i can kill the page, and recover use of my machine. Have I given you a sense of how much i HATE FUCKING ADVERTISING?????? Because YEARS of this bullshit have turned me into a complete ad-hating psycho... And the worst of all are Korean websites (because I like kpop) which have the fastest internet in the world, they can easily load their sites down with mega ad shit and never notice.... But me, on my old us pc, I notice. I have reluctantly had to stop clicking on k-news sites because they kill my pc, every time...!
I have adblock installed, and I watch all my TV shows on Netflix or Couchtuner. I remember visiting my mom recently and she had the TV on, and I distinctly remember thinking "This is the first commercial I've watched in probably about a year. The only ads I see anymore are billboards (which are easy to ignore) and promoted videos on UA-cam (which are either done so well I don't notice, or easy to click away from).
Wouldn't mind ads as much if there weren't so many for products EVERYONE ON THE PLANET ALREADY KNOWS ABOUT! Coca-Cola, I know you exist and have since before I was born; you never have to produce an ad again! You are just throwing money away that could be put to making your product less expensive.
+yaahyak Advertising works, and I like it - if it's for a product that I'm currently in need or want of purchasing. So, if I want a motorcycle, say, I watch motorcycle reviews and motorcycle ads, but I don't watch ads for feminine hygiene products. Irrelevant ads is what makes them annoying and skip-worthy.
Well I don't buy anything unless it does what I want it to, looks cool, sounds nice or tastes good. Adverts might make me aware of a product but they won't influence my purchasing decision as I naturally doubt all information provided by the advertiser and do my own research into said product. Basically the reason I have never bought anything from Apple 😂 because for every iPod they advertise there is an unadvertised MP3 player that does the same thing for half the price
more and more i find advertising has the opposite effect on me, that i hate the advertiser and want to boycott their product, especially when it's unsolicited advertising (eg cold calling).
Cold calling is illegal once you register on the Do Not Call website for the FCC and your state consumer protection websites. Companies that violate this law are subject to Court Ordered Receivership and the feds come in and take everything they own, from their house to their cars to all their bank accounts and anything in their possession. How do I know that? I’m with a state government agency that does this in cooperation with the federal government. You should see the faces of the owner’s when it dawns on them what just happened when they look at the court order and back up at all the cops at their door lol. I love it. 😎
It's all subliminal. If you see brand names and products often enough you begin to accept them as part of your culture and you'll be more likely to purchase them later.
Actually I find it's the opposite. The more overused, forced and inserted it is (even subtly or otherwise) the less likely I am to buy it. And especially more so if I learn more about the corporation's dark history. Paramilitaries beating up workers in Columbia to keep wages low for Coca Cola anyone? [Always wondered why it was blood red.]
Subliminal messaging isn't a thing. It doesn't work. The CIA tried. Of course, naturally inserting products into scenarios in shows and films might help to normalise them but the most important thing for products is really just how many people use them. Advertising is a way to bump those numbers up
Advertising still definitely works as long as we're exposed to it. However, I think what's become much more powerful than advertising is product reviews. When I chose to buy a product in the past it was almost entirely based on which option seemed more appealing to me, which was likely influenced by advertising. But now, when I'm choosing to buy a product, the first thing I do is look for reviews. I think this is a great advancement because now if a company wants people to buy their products, they'll spend less money tricking people into thinking it's great, and more money into making it actually great in order to improve their reviews.
+Capitan Teeto Admittedly I am skeptical about products that have spotless reviews . shop a lot on Amazon and if it's too good to be true it is a red flag.
They pay people for great reviews. How you think youtubers have so many new and expensive things but somehow manage to buy a huge apartament in L.A. with money down ?
Of good reviews I only believe the ones that say 'Verified Purchaser. But I pay much more attention to bad reviews: how many, how egregious, etc. Also, I take the time to give fair reviews to products. I am often contacted by the sellers who want me to improve my rating of their product. This I refuse to do.
You sir seem like an intelligent and upwardly mobile sort! The sort who craves adventure in all aspects of life and not just in your flavored meat products. Visit your local grocer today and purchase one of their many fine brands of potted meat product!
Walmart sells something called "Ham and Water Product" in their meat section. That might work for you! It's actually delicious. And probably made from horse anuses, but still delicious.
Today I woke up and ate some pancakes, but now I regret it because I remembered there was left over Chinese in the fridge which I want to eat but am not hungry enough for now.
I woke up this morning and was too lazy to cook bacon and eggs, plus I'd have to wash a frying pan, so I instead just ate some almonds and the last banana on the counter. The struggle is real.
I can always remember when I was young missing out on films because the adverts were so long and annoying we ended up changing the channel to watch something else until the adverts had finished. Most times we just forgot to go back to what we was watching or if we did remember I just couldn't get back into the film and would go and do something else. Not once have I purchased anything that I saw or recognise from an advert. In fact I go out of my way to avoid buying products if I see an advert for it.
I looked that up, and I can see the visual appeal. However it had a spooky creepy vibe to me, made me think of American Horror story Hotel. But yeah, sadly some great animation today gets wasted on antidepressant medication. So many cartoons today use shitting animation that good animation gets used in limited short clips, often only ads. Like the Abilify commercials.
They will just find other ways to slip in their ads. Targeted advertising is a great concept, but most of the time, they fail to appeal to me. Rarely do I watch the entire ad. Sometimes you can see an ad and not even know it. This comment is brought to you by Brent's Cards And Coins. Your home town source for Pokemon, Yugioh, Magic: The Gathering, and more.
+alZiiHardstylez I think the point is the consumer base is getting wise to it. We're sick of being advertised to and we're very wary of it. The consumer mindset seems to be headed more toward a pay-for-no-ads model, like Netflix and such. We'll see with time.
0.07% for a banner ad? I'm willing to bet 0.05% was from a jumpy website that made you accidentally click on it and then violently hit the back button before a ton of redirects, pop ups, or laggy flash-based content loaded up.
One major reason to watch ads is so you know which products are over-priced. For example, when is the last time you saw Arm & Hammer laundry detergent advertised on TV? Right, probably never! Tide and Gain are two brands you see advertised all the time on TV and if you buy advertised brands, YOU JUST PAID FOR THOSE ADS! Pro-Tip: Always look on the bottom shelf, and occasionally the top shelves for non-advertised stuff. Believe it or not, your supermarket gets PAID by manufacturers to stick stuff at your eye-level! They put the non-advertised stuff on the lowest shelves, so buy from there. You will save $$$!
Midnight Navigator We kinda have that with DVR. I don't watch anything live anymore...even if you want to, just let it record 15-20 minutes, then start. You'll have enough buffer to zap any commercials along the way.
***** Except that adblock company... which advertises its product extremely successfully... and makes an extremely large amount of money from donations.
Illustrious Nobody Which they get because they make an awesome product, not because they constantly bitch at you for money through cheap tricks like hope of sex or fear of social condemnation. They politely ask you at the download site and that's it.
He forgot to mention ad blocker. I've actually had some things pop up telling me I'm stealing because I use ad blocker. Stealing from whom? You're the ones trying to squat in my brain which I don't give you permission to do in the first place.
You watching an advertisment is a payment to acess the site. There would be no website without adds, that's it. I don't know how self-entitled you supposed to be to feel morally superior and expect people to provide you with content for free.
No, no no. The adverts have to do 1 thing. Show the logo. The contex doesn't even matter. When you will be at the store in front of the 100 kinds of soaps you're going to choose the one you think: Oh, I've heard of that. Bumm. The ad worked.
Channel Ninbikun That only really works if they've never used a soap before and it's their first time buying. If they are like other people they are more likely to choose a soap they've been using for their entire lives than a new one. And there are also people who don't give a shit which product they buy as long as the result is the same. Either way, the ad doesn't work.
Sometimes something I have never heard of is the one I pick at least once, If it's the sort of product which is easy to browse. behind the counter stuff like tobacco might make it more likely for people to just ask for the brand they know or one they have heard of.
Seffyzero No, it also works when you become dissatisfied with the brand you've been using because every successful brand starts reducing quality at some point - or ceases to be produced at all. Then 99/100 people look for a familiar logo.
Channel Ninbikun You are absolutely right. Go into any food court. There's always some ma and pop deli or something with no customers trying to compete by offering quality food at better prices, but they're inevitably buried by the McD's with 50 people lined up because they'd rather eat shit than risk trying an unknown.
Advertising is dumb. 1. I typically use the same products so I don't care how much other companies hound me if I use old spice that's all I use. 2. If I need to use a different product I'll simply Google it. 3. the only time an ad is worth my time is if it's putting forth a fully new and original product like a flying car or something. otherwise. fuck ads
+Half-Nerd Half-Something Else Advertising may be dumb if you're a consumer but it's not dumb if you're a business owner. Say you have a new line of shampoo. How do you think you're going to make people buy an unnamed, mysterious shampoo even though proven to be better than most of the products on the shelves? Just HOPE that someone out there will take a chance with your shampoo, or will you try to endorse it to celebrities or at least increase the awareness of your brand through social media or television?
+Jasmine Subrata its possible I bought it due to subtle advertising and name branding combined with a price too good to pass by. or its because I read the ingredients label and recognized at least some of the contents as decent. in actuality, I gave my friend 20 bucks and said 'not this brand because ive tried it and it sucks.'
Advertising has changed but it will never stop working. An ad doesn't have to work on all of us--just a tiny percentage of us and it was a success. Everyone likes to think they are immune to advertising but none of us are. We are probably immune to 95% of it but the other 5% sucks us in.
True.About 2% of European-Americans are naturally blond, yet it seems like about 1 out of every 4 European-American females above the age of 14, are blond.Why?Because they're brainwashed into thinking that there's something WRONG with being brunette or redheaded.It's like if you told all right-handed people (who constitute about 90% of the population) that there is something wrong with them because they are not left-handed."No one, will want to date you, of hire you, unless you change to left-handedness.""But that's crazy! Nearly everyone is right-handed!""This is the world of fashion, darling. Sanity has no place, here".
I don't think people understand that this is really bad. The Internet has survived and thrived because almost everything is free. UA-cam is free, Twitch is free, thousands of games are free and nearly every website in existence is free. How do they do this? Well Ad money of course! If we get excited to skip ads, ignore them or say they don't work anymore then companies might say they are worth less, meaning that they will pay less for ad space. If this were to occur this would destroy the internet. Think about it this way, without the ad money of these multi billion dollar companies you would need to pay for everything you do on the internet. Want to watch Dodger's new video about bangin a catboy? Gotta pay! Wanna use any wiki? Gotta pay. Google it? Right after you pay five bucks to use the search engine and pay for server and employee costs. It's what everyone has always said, ads might be annoying but they are necessary. The only other option is paying for content individually.
+Darth Hater, Shit Lord of the Cis well yeah, it was ad free, but in the early days of the internet there was much less content. Comparing the internet today to the internet decades ago is pretty ridiculous
+Genesiscrimsonheart I run a business and i believe ads are worthless. Personally I don't even check my mailbox until its trash day so i can throw all the junk strait away without even needing to bring it into the house. Let alone online ads where all they do is inconvenience me and piss me off
+Joshua Colantuono I think you missed my point, which was that the internet can't exist in it's current state without companies paying content creators for ad space. I never commented on the effectiveness of the ads themselves
+Genesiscrimsonheart you're presenting a false dilemma that there's only two options, content paid by ads or content payed by individual viewers. Lot of people create content for free without expecting money back from it for example (I sometimes do this myself). There are other options as well, some content is created from national funds or nonprofit funds etc. Basically there are many ways content is financed, acting like there are ever only two options is just straight out false.
You know, about that 0.07% CTR...that's about how often I accidentally click on an ad when I meant to click elsewhere on the window, versus the total number of banner ads I get. Usually happens with ads that have large click areas on the window sides.
tv is one continuous commercial, it never ends. movies are 2 hour long commercials. music is 6 minute long audio commercials. your being sold too even when your sitting with nothing on. magazines, your shoes, phone, bag of chips, your lighter, and so on. you are walking commercials for any product that has a t shirt. every name brand piece of clothing you have is copy righted material that you are advertising. holding your phone in public, commercial. drinking that beverage in public, commercial. we are not winning, we lost along time ago and have completely submitted. we live in that future movie where corporations control everything. its not just a sci fi movie anymore, its a reality.
I don't think this kind of people to people advertising is necessarily bad. If people are using something it's likely good. I can often ask that person about features of that item and get honest reviews. If I see a piece of clothing on someone I can judge if it's something I like, see how it looks on a real, moving person. Many of these things I'll have to buy either way and other people seem a better, more honest way to learn about them than shops or standard commercial. Btw for most clothing you can't even tell what brand it is.
Lol when did this become a battle? Buy your damn product and let common sense run it's course. WTF you wouldn't know what you were buying or drinking without a brand name. You're making up your own irrelevant battle in which the consumer has all control. What happens to these companies when the consumer stops buying?
Toilet paper ads annoy me the most. Seriously, why? The only people not buying toilet paper are either homeless or use an alternative. Just wasting money and everyone's time.
the ads rarely are about "do you ever wonder how to get all that sh*t off your a**?" they are trying to get their specific brand sold and tell you its better then the other brands
In the EU a lot of people use a bidet and think people who don't use a bidet are very backwards. Asia is moving towards using a bidet also, all of Thailand uses a bidet. Toilet papers is completely unnecessary and kindof gross, but we all use it here.
***** Those are often put out by groups like the 'National Dairy Council' and things like that. Milk isn't a necessary part of the diet and cheeses aren't good for you so they're doing everything in their power to get you to keep buying it. lol
It's not to sell toilet paper...it's to promote THEIR brand of toilet paper...that's...that's kind of the whole reason for Ads. Every company wants to be the next Klenex or Google or Coke. (Meaning the brand is used to describe the product instead of the product name: tissue paper, internet browser, soda/pop.) And because there are tons of brands and competition the ads/commercials are there to convince people that theirs is the 'go to' brand. ESPECIALLY with a lot of knock off brands out there that are a few dollars cheaper. They want people to know that there is a good reason for paying that extra money for their product. I thought that was kind of common sense.
Midnight Navigator I always figured the extra money you pay for name brands went into their advertisements rather than their product actually being better. That or I just can't tell the difference between brands. You ever buy Fruity Dyno-Bites? It's Fruity Pebbles, only $2 cheaper, but I only ever see Fruity Pebbles commercials.
Here's a little tidbit of my life on the internet: through 14 years of life, seeing all the banner ads that I have, I've only clicked on one ad IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, and no UA-cam beginning of the video ads. The one ad I did click was just to give some dude with a small youtube channel a little bit of money though. Also I've never really used adblock.
Advertising is the reason why I don't have a tv anymore. Got tired of watching not that good movies that was supposed to last one hour for almost two hours. And once I figured that I did not finish watching 99% of movies because I got bored at second commercial break, and did not remember what was that 1% I finished watching all about, I got rid of the tv. And to be honest I do not miss that thing at all.
Ads don’t even make people click on your product. It just gives you more hate and since nobody clicks on them that means advertisers waste a lot of money.
I swear I just shut my brain off and my eyes glaze over whenever I see an add. If you asked me what ads iv seen lately I honestly have no idea even though I probably just watched one
4:29 The only reason I know that's an apple phone is because you said it in the arrow. I didn't see the actual phone as far as I know, it could be any phone, even a.... black berry.... or an old school nokia.
I just want to make my purchasing decisions based on my own informed research and not because some ad worked on me. Actually probably the best way to get me to buy your stuff is just to get it in stores and make the packaging pretty. If I go to the store for _____ and I see your item, and I like the packaging and it's not too expensive, that's it. You've won me over, without ever needing me to see an ad. Like, I see ads about Dawn soap all the time, and they're pretty nice. But they've never made me want to buy dawn soap. I wanted to buy dawn soap after I learned they're statistically one of the best soaps for blowing bubbles... and I learned that on my own.
In my 32 years of life, 14 of which i had my own money and was working and therefore could theoretically respond to said ads, only about 3 ads in all of the hundreds of thousands that ive seen or been subject have actually caused me to buy something. Daily burn, a mascara that supposedly could darken eyelashes (lies!) were two.
The only ads one can really appreciate are the ones that tell you "hey I exist" like those movie trailers shown before every movie, or that sequel to your favorite video game you never would have known about otherwise.
am i drunk? cause i couldnt understand a thing, it seemed like the guy was talking way to fast and i just felt like an alzeimer patiente, its like i forgot the english language
Oh my god....after scrolling and scrolling I finally saw the comment that says I'm not the only one that felt this way. He was going on and on and on..no pauses,no breaks,no time to let it sink it. I couldn't understand shit!
I'm glad advertising is losing. They are extremely annoying and some are even harmful, like the fast food ads targeted at children. We don't need advertisements, we know what we want and need to buy.
+Emma Cox You're right. It's all just lies and trickery anyway. I automatically don't trust ads because I know they are trying to make me feel or do something, and I don't trust things that are manipulative.
+Dweliq Then I suggest to get off UA-cam because all major UA-camrs get paid from them. If you think video/film isn't a real job, I also suggest you stop watching Hollywood movies and TV shows. You make no sense.
TrivisionZero Chill out dood, 80% of Earth's population is religious, so we have plenty of braindead cretins and braindead cretins = people who dont use adblock. UA-cam "content creators" are gonna be juuust fine.
The advertising investment bubble must burst. Big data driven marketing must crumble under its own obscene weight. Do not have anything stuck in there when they panic and sell out that data to the highest biddet. Ghostery and Adblock aren't just activism or a convenience, they're self defence. Do not let your own computer betray you.
Thanks to adblock plus, ghostery, and bit torrent...and the fact that we live in the middle of nowhere where we don't have to see billboards.... we don't have to see commercials anymore. The old fashioned days where they interrupt your fucking tv show every 5 minutes for 10 minutes of ads is years in the past for most people under 50, and even for some who are older than that. I can't imagine tolerating that, ever again.
I once googled judaism (long story, not important). I then spent a week with Facebook giving me ads for 30% off jewish supplies. Advertising programs are stupid, and they are everywhere.
I just want to bring up something. I noticed that less and less videos are allowing me to skip the ad anymore. Most of the videos I watch have a 15 second commercial at the start that I have to sit through, and some even have a 15 second unskippable commercial in the middle of the video. That latter is dickish, yes, but of course I want to watch the rest of the video so I'm going to wait for it. Then some of them have a commercial at the end of the video which is fine because I need 15 seconds to figure out what I'm going to watch next anyway.
Those ads at the ends of the videos used to drive me insane. The ones in the middle would too because sometimes it would fuck up the video and I'd have to refresh the page, which of course means more ads!
That's decided by the uploader. So if you get an ad in the middle of the video you'll know that the uploader is kind of a douche. Or it could be Google's fault, like the time they suddely put prerolls on all of NerdCubed's videos, dispite him explicitly saying he didn't want that.
I use realplayer downloader if I'm planning to watch the video more than once, I'm generally getting a cup of coffee while the ads are running, then download the video and watch it ad-free. That being said there are occasional videos with ads in the middle embedded in the video but if you're watching on you're own computer rather than online you have the power to skip them. Alternatively treat adverts on youtube as we've been treating ad-breaks on TV since they were introduced, go to the toilet/ get coffee/ check emails.
It's all more or less a moot point anyway if you don't click the ad though. That's the main method for advertisers to determine if their commercials were successful, because without that feedback they're just throwing money in the wind and really hoping somebody remembers their product when they're out shopping.
I have a list of exactly 87 products (and still counting) that i will not buy for the rest of my life since 2015, because it appeared on an ad that i can't skip. That is how much i hate ads.
But if there aren't any ads, then how will things like TV shows and, more importantly, UA-camrs make a steady income? I'm completely fine with ads if they support a person/thing that I like.
putting ads that contains malware or adware is much more seflsih. I use ad blocker on almost all websites since most ads have become super annoying. Autopalying sounds or videos, or dsp that covers part of your page and scrolls down with the page. ads that install maleware on your PC.Ads that is so heavy in animation that slows your PC down and drain your battery. Until a better ad system is in place i will use ad-blocker except on the few websites that i white-listed
Nizar El-Zarif I personally barely experience ads that play annoying sounds or block your screen, and almost never ads that put malware on your computer, so that probably changes my outlook. But you can't deny that ads are a large part of how society currently functions, whether you're fine with them or not.
I don't get why companies spend millions of dollars on advertising, I mean yeah if I see a Pepsi commercial, I might be in a mood for a pepsi. But it doesn't matter how many Beats by Dre commercials and product placement I see, I'm not just going to run out and by some Beats.
Near-billionaire Dr. Dre would probably argue that there are a lot people out there who do, in fact, go out and buy Beats by Dre products after seeing them in music videos.
***** the problem is you are viewing it from the you perspective...yes you wont do x or y, but you might do a or b...this isn't how marketers see you, they see you as a part of much larger market segment. These segments are still producing value for various companies and advertising is a bit of a psudeo-science, so you have to throw money at the problem and hope that something sticks (sometimes it does amazingly, sometimes average and sometimes poorly).
zzbullan I am a proud fedora wearing neckbeard who isn't swayed by advertising. Now excuse me while I jerk it about how much better I am than those plebs who are.
David Bakies Never understood the Fedora part of that stereotype. I don't think I've ever seen a neckbeard wear a fedora, but I've seen hundreds wear snapbacks
Ads haven't influenced my purchasing decisions... ever, now that I think about it. I've gotten so good at not even looking at them that I haven't really "seen" an ad in the longest time. I recognize it in my peripheral vision and just tune it out completely. fuck ads.
Thanks for this. I was casually watching it when the cK billboard popped up at 4:12. I think I worked at a hotel with the model laying on the floor in that shot.
i think the wrong kind of ad can even be bad for a product when i have to see the same ad 10 times on youtube, or you have a annoying banner that pops up its more likely that i will avoid a product that was advertised this way not buy it because my "sub concious" tells me to
I have a "Nope, I'm not going to pay for your commercials" attitude when I see a product I know from ads. And then I pick the product next to it that is cheaper anyway.
I despise Ads! not once have I been compelled to buy anything, because of an Ad. either it's crap I would never buy, can't afford, or they put some morons on the screen, pay them, and expect me to head impressed. then there's the Paid Actor Portrayal Commercials. WTH!?! how pointless can you be. oh here's a fake doctor telling you how great the product/service is. here's a fake chef that doesn't actually know what it's like to own their own business. why not get real people, with real talk. and I don't need a celebrity to tell me something's good. unless they do the commercial free of pay, and out the kindness of their own heart., then maybe, if I actually needed the product/service, I would go out and buy it. Not because someone told me too. as for them tracking what you do and where you go, it sort of makes sense as a business to do that, but it doesn't make it right! in other circles, that would be considered spying, or stalker behavior.
Same thing with people who spam Amazon affiliate links and sponsorships, if i see something i like, il actually search for the product and buy it rather than reward their spam by following their links (LTT is particularly bad for this)
At 68 years old, I've been watching tv for 58 plus years. And during all that time, I've never ever bought a product based on a tv ad. In the past one could understand them, as of late I've no idea what half the ads are even pushing.
I suspect that a large amount of that 0.07% of people who click on banner ads, are people who accidentally clicked it, while trying to hit the little "X" which closes the ad.
Especially on mobile, this is an issue.
I love your cat avatar.
Especially on those irritating ads that float around the screen.
so true
I don't get it, why are people posting stuff like "I'm glad you're finally showing your intelligence"
He was playing a character! And he's playing a character now! It's a script! Because he acted stupid and awkward in one doesn't mean he was stupid and awkward. And because he's acting cool and suave now doesn't mean he's cool and suave. Am I missing something everyone else is seeing?
Well, you are right, he didn't change, but he is now finally playing a character that is worth watching. Meaning, while before Cracked was flooded with boring New-Guy-videos we now finally get something worthwhile watching.
i sometimes feel like i am the only one who liked New Guy series
Kuaminifu Mwenzi if more people disliked New Guy weekly than liked it, Cracked would've cancelled it. The people who like it just don't post as much as the whiny bitches who don't know what "ignore the fucking videos" means.
***** On the other hand, it's been two weeks now, since the last New Guy Weekly, if I'm not mistaken. And they've been using Alex quite a lot in other clips since then.
Maybe they did cancel it.
dak1st Get ready for a new New Guy tomorrow! Just for you!
If an ad doesn't let me skip it after 5 seconds i definitely won't buy it.
Connor Whitehead when im on my phone and I get hit with an unskippable ad (limited data allowance) I just reload the page and hopw to get a skippable one instead
Connor Whitehead same, ads make me hate the product
If I get an ad I'll just close UA-cam and rejoin then go to my history then click on the video I was watching =)
Watch them...the advertiser doesn't get charged it you dont watch it all, then just dont buy the shit
Connor Whitehead amen
I grew up being taught to never trust ads, ever, and to never ever click on them. As a result, if you advertise your product to me, I tend to want to avoid it instead(unless I was already buying it in the first place).
Zichqec Oh you were correctly taught about the interwebs and its dangers. Well done lad. I hope you also check the messages before clicking "I ACCEPT".
Maybe they're using reverse psychology, making you buy their unadvertised products.
I just liked your comment and realized it was merely because it had 39 views... this OCD is killing me :/
Too bad, now it's on 41 likes.
Chad Sweeney 49 likes :D
It's simple. When your ad disrupts my day, no matter how small, I have 0% chance of buying it. When I buy stuff it's because it's either on sale, I've read reviews on it, friends have recommended it, or it's a brand I already trust and have been using for years. If you interrupt my daily 'me' time with pop ups, I don't want to buy from you. : /
"me" time I believe is chainsawing things in the most horrific of ways.
"Me time" as depicted in Rob Zombie's "31"
Why does this comment not have ten thousand upvotes?
Yes, and don't forget to click on www.poffysmoviemania.com
Same here friend
Whenever an unskippable ad appears before a video I just mute and minimize the video and search other videos for that 30 seconds instead.
+Soumitra Saxena get adblock. Enjoy!!!!
Yes or step back 1 page then return on the video and ad will be skipped automatically.
Another possibility I use, is to scroll the video to each and every yellow squares on time bar before returning to beginning and watch video.
I always use adblock, I have no problem supporting my fav creators on patreon so i know the money is going to them rather than some fat, ugly, corporate fuckface who thinks they just beat me at the game. Asshats like that only get my money if they are selling something i actually need which is like 0.000000000000001% of the time, everything else i get locally
Adblock apps fill your computer or device with spyware. I went ahead and bought the membership for UA-cam and never looked back. No ads at all. Ever.
When I click on a video and see an unskippable advert sometimes I just click off the video and decide not to watch it or I might just keep clicking and clicking until there is no ads or I could just report the adverts
Word of mouth has been and continues to be the most effective form of advertising for businesses to date
CodeConfused hersey thought that to but without advertising there sales declined
Well if you take advertising away if you are using it already . . . yeah sales are going to decline.
no company grows without advertising. If you want to be a small local business that only a few people use then you dont advertise but if you want to be large and play in the big leagues then you advertise
Yeah look at Minecraft
true that advertising is still needed to show ur product exists, just make sure the product advertised is something of quality that people want to buy, and not over-advertised to the point where people think ur desperate for sales, and just end up wasting tons of money for nothing. in other words, take the customers seriously, state facts, don't sugarcoat with huge displays to get attention to a shoddy product:) the truth is always found out and sales die with the bad reputations. keep words like "miracle" away from ads, it just induces eye rolls:/ unless it is a video game or movie portraying awesome parts of it's content, keep the flashy to a minimum as well:) short jingles are still a decent way to remember a product, and last only a few seconds and don't assault our senses as much, but again, don't over advertise and state the facts and use of the product and be done, if i see a commercial 3-4 times an hour, it makes me want to rebel against the product for feeling like an irritating brainwashing fail:/
There are two kinds of advertising, and it bothers me that I've met marketeers who don't understand this.
1) Persuasive - this is what everyone hates. It's "buy Coca-Cola" even though nobody's changed brands in three generations.
2) Expository - This is the important stuff. This is the "anti lock brakes are a thing you want to know about" or "this game console has wireless controllers" - it teaches you features you might be interested it. Unfortunately, for some reason advertisers got convinced that Persuasive advertising was really really important and blew off the fine art of expository ads.
So now we just dig around Amazon or trip across new products we never knew existed because nobody watches ads any more because adblock plus, Tivo, and we're all drinking coconut water. (TM)
You miss the point. Your example of persuasive advertisement is a bit narrow sighted. Sure, they may hope some people switch, but that isnt the main goal of it. The main goal of it is to try and get people who already drink coke to think "Hmmm, a coke sure sounds good right now" while you might not think in such plain terms, the next time you are shopping you may remember a coke commercial which will make you more likely to purchase coke.
Half of advertising is just reminding customers that they want more of the product.
[___ ] Valid point - there's also simple brand management, which is important.
The point I was more interested in making was that it seems like expository advertising is only run by companies that nobody has heard of (and even they don't always do it). Established companies don't always seem to advertise new products well.
the first one never worked on me. I never bought anything because of an add. I agree that second one is useful.
the worst is when they think expository ads ARE persuasive ads and line their product features with a bunch of self aggrandizing nonsense. you got a better chance of running an ad campaign that says "don't buy this product."
Then there's bullshit meme ads that do nothing to convince anyone anything about the product. Did I once chortle at a Bud Light ad? Certainly. Will I ever drink that piss water? Certainly not.
I didn't have cable when I was in college. Ever since then, I've had a strong aversion to watching TV; I won't sit through five 7-minute blocks of commercials to watch content I didn't necessarily ask for.
Seven? That’s a short commercial break. It’s gotten crazy long and subversive in how they spy on us. It needs to stop. Spying of any kind by government or private industry needs to be illegal.
Because more and more people realize that advertising is almost always all lies designed to get customers to pay for crappy products.
Website: "please disable your adblock."
Me:"*find another website instead*
That's exactly what I do, fuck ads
That or remove overlay
me: ok, but have you met my good friend noscript?
some sites even have the audacity to send you the message "mind unblocking us?".. And you just wanna slap the bastard.
haha i always exit the site!! its a habit now im just like eff it who cuuuurs
I'm sure most of us feel good about ads being useless...but here's a thought: Sooner or later, companies are going to figure out that they're just throwing their money away on advertisements. And then what happens to all those currently free blogs, shows and webcasts (like Cracked) that are completely dependent on ad dollars? I'm not shilling for ad companies, and I hate them/ignore them as much as the next person. But it's probably worth thinking about what happens to all the awesome content we get for free now when the dollars that make it possible dry up.
Especially UA-cam itself. Think of how most youtubers make money. Ads.
+Richard Rowe I'd be in favor of this. The internet is the easiest way to invade privacy without anyone doing anything about it because its complicated and secretive. This is a direct consequence of the fact that so many things on the web are monetized via ads. Why is it like this? Because we expect shit for free, we're entitled. Everything you interact with on the internet took somebody time and hard work to create, whether its a youtuber or a programmer. But how often do we ever directly pay these people? Probably never. Companies are slowly realizing ads are bullshit and we're going to have to directly pay for the parts of the internet that we like, as we always should have. Its already changing, look at youtube's paid subscriptions.
+Richard Rowe Well, just wait til the government starts dispensing equal income out to everyone and everyone can do whatever job they want and not have to worry about making an income.
I'd rather pay a sensible rate to get these things ad-less, then put up with some of this garbage. I don't hate all ads, and I know providers need money for support, but since the internet, most ads are INSANELY annoying and/or STUPID, not to mention indecent from time to time. It's absolutely absurd, not to mention all the ads that are just plain deceptive.
That said, I don't know if I like the idea of UA-cam Red, but I would seriously consider it for something LESS than 5 dollars a month (No, not 4.99, idiots...). Last I checked, it was 10 a month, right? Do they really get 10 dollars worth of ad revenue from me in 1 month? Again, Adblock renders this irrelevant. Advertisers need to sit down and re-think their lives. I swear, there's gonna be a special circle of Hell for all the lying scumbags we call "marketing department". When your product/service is worth using, you don't HAVE to advertise.
TheGuardDuck Well, man, that isn't exactly true. Henry Ford put out plenty of advertisements for the Model T...and I've seen ads for 65 Mustangs, GTOs, Chevelles, Ferrari Daytonas. Are you saying those things aren't worth having? I've seen ads for a few escort services in Vegas who are probably worth calling. I'm not saying all ads are useful, but the concept isn't entirely useLESS.
Problem with stuff like UA-cam Red though, it doesn't solve any of the problem with disappearing content. It's not like UA-cam is paying content creators. If anything, they're taking money directly out of the pockets of the people who create content by removing the ads. They're generating revenue for themselves at the expense of the people who provide content for their website.
And again, that is exactly the problem with these subscription services. Three of my favorite UA-cam channels (The Bible Reloaded, Armoured Skeptic and The Drunken Peasants) are completely dependent on ad dollars. If Red took hold and ads disappeared, they'd be gone overnight.
And honestly, think about it...why should UA-cam try to make ads less annoying? Less intrusive? They have EVERYTHING to gain from making ads as annoying and intrusive as possible. They're counting on us getting fed up and paying to get rid of them. So, yeah...blame UA-cam for that. They've got every reason in the world to screw everyone else over.
The irony of this video was that I had to watch a 30 second unskippable ad beforehand.
+Ryan ChurastheMGTOW
The irony of this comment is that Adblock software has existed for 7 years and you STILL don't know that.
***** I know that. I was just point out the irony of putting an ad before a video talking about how advertising doesn't working anymore. Nevermind...
+Ryan ChurastheMGTOW What was the ad? Because the point of the video was that advertising doesn't make you buy shit anymore, but it DOES let you watch videos like this one for free whereas under any other system, you'd have to pay something for it.
+Ryan ChurastheMGTOW get AdBlock Plus
just because ads don't really work doesn't mean they are going to stop using it. they are making money by putting those ads whether they work on the audience or not.
This vid sold me alcoholism as a viable alternative to entertainment.
Drugs in general :')
Wait, I thought they were the same thing...
Ads were actually giving my computer viruses. I was getting a virus at least twice a year and then I got an ad blocker and I stopped getting them.
***** No I mean the ads. We were actually discussing this in my security class today and they very well can. If you want to purchase my text book and read all about it feel free to. Network engineering and security by William Stallings.
***** No just people on the internet like to... be argumentative... sometimes... so I thought a text book reference would discourage any discourse and ease one's mind that I didn't just pull that out of thin air.
Janneson you can only get viruses by clicking the ads, why did you click them
Janneson i got AIDS once from an ad exec
If u miss watching ads, just whitelist the site u want
*Hugs my adblocker*
+EvilJ069 fuck adblocker, enjoy. : )
+Thunder 33345
1: what is hostblocker?
2: i use it too (adblock) so i am not burning you on the stake or anything
but just remember that the lack of ads comes at the cost of revenue for the content creator
frederik vedersø It uses the Windows Hosts file to block specific I.P. addresses without needing a program like adblock. The problem with it is you have to update it yourself
***** Lol
+EvilJ069 How do you think you're supposed to be paying for the free content you're watching right now? Using adblock is essentially like pirating the Internet, but worse because just ignoring a banner ad takes about 0 effort anyway.
ads just ruin most pages. they slow them down like crazy.
This is especially true when you're using an ancient, obsolete machine like my good old PC with Windows XP! :) When I click on certain pages, things slow to zero (a crawl would be super! I could at least function!) ............. ZERO. Time STOPS for me and my poor PC, and I vow once again to HATE THESE ADS UNTIL THE HEAT DEATH OF THE SUN and beyond... I watch the bottom-left thread as it displays all the ads, over and over, that are slowing my browser to zero, waiting til i can kill the page, and recover use of my machine.
Have I given you a sense of how much i HATE FUCKING ADVERTISING??????
Because YEARS of this bullshit have turned me into a complete ad-hating psycho...
And the worst of all are Korean websites (because I like kpop) which have the fastest internet in the world, they can easily load their sites down with mega ad shit and never notice.... But me, on my old us pc, I notice. I have reluctantly had to stop clicking on k-news sites because they kill my pc, every time...!
Yes. Even on a Mac laptop, there are some pages I can barely scroll down on because of the ads.
I have adblock installed, and I watch all my TV shows on Netflix or Couchtuner. I remember visiting my mom recently and she had the TV on, and I distinctly remember thinking "This is the first commercial I've watched in probably about a year. The only ads I see anymore are billboards (which are easy to ignore) and promoted videos on UA-cam (which are either done so well I don't notice, or easy to click away from).
I thought i was the only person who watches from CouchTuner :).
couchtuner ftw
Popcorn ...note to self: must google Couchtuner...
Wow! I am so impressed by this comment I may just tell a friend. On second thought...Who cares?
So you don't pay for your time on youtube? Do you donate money to google and your favorite channel creators, or just mooch on the site?
Anyone else suddenly crave Schmidtman Brand Baloney? No idea why it suddenly occurred to me.
Funny, me, too! Where can I find it? Driving to the store now. Gotta have it!
+wholeNwon bend over, it'll be right there ;)
John Potts
Spam sub misery meat
What the hell is that?
John Potts Bologna is quite different to Baloney. His advertising didn’t work too well on you...you didn’t even know what he was selling.
We might click on banner ads more if there wasn't the underlying assumption that they all lead to diseased phishing spysites.
It's not an assumption of its true
DeadDancers No...I still wouldn’t.
And then redirect the page you're on 40 times in 1 second, making it impossible to go back to the page you were originally on.
I'm glad I've grown intelligent enough to become immune to advertising. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go buy some Schmidtman Brand Balogna®.
Wouldn't mind ads as much if there weren't so many for products EVERYONE ON THE PLANET ALREADY KNOWS ABOUT! Coca-Cola, I know you exist and have since before I was born; you never have to produce an ad again! You are just throwing money away that could be put to making your product less expensive.
It's true. I would not stop buying Coke if they stopped running ads.
There is a reason everyone knows it exists. It is called marketing.
Ever notice how every Coke commercial features someone drinking from an old fashioned glass bottle that isn't anywhere to be found on the soda isle?
Those are not on the soda isle. They're hidden away in the Mexican food section.
Or money that could be put to using actual fucking sugar in the product, which both tastes way better and is way healthier.
If people believe that they are not being influenced by advertising... the advertisers have done their job.
+yaahyak Advertising works, and I like it - if it's for a product that I'm currently in need or want of purchasing. So, if I want a motorcycle, say, I watch motorcycle reviews and motorcycle ads, but I don't watch ads for feminine hygiene products. Irrelevant ads is what makes them annoying and skip-worthy.
Well I don't buy anything unless it does what I want it to, looks cool, sounds nice or tastes good. Adverts might make me aware of a product but they won't influence my purchasing decision as I naturally doubt all information provided by the advertiser and do my own research into said product.
Basically the reason I have never bought anything from Apple 😂 because for every iPod they advertise there is an unadvertised MP3 player that does the same thing for half the price
spoken like an ad exec
I've been using the internet for years and I haven't spent a single dollar in it :')
more and more i find advertising has the opposite effect on me, that i hate the advertiser and want to boycott their product, especially when it's unsolicited advertising (eg cold calling).
Cold calling is illegal once you register on the Do Not Call website for the FCC and your state consumer protection websites. Companies that violate this law are subject to Court Ordered Receivership and the feds come in and take everything they own, from their house to their cars to all their bank accounts and anything in their possession. How do I know that? I’m with a state government agency that does this in cooperation with the federal government. You should see the faces of the owner’s when it dawns on them what just happened when they look at the court order and back up at all the cops at their door lol. I love it. 😎
5$ that 0.07 has a 0.06 miss click ratio.
Nathan Stevenson so true lol
I think it has a 0.07 miss click ratio. Honestly who ever sees an ad and clicks it intentionally?
I've miss-clicked ads so many times that I have to believe this is true lol
I've clicked ads before.
Granted, most of them would be ads on youtube to do with video games and such.
But it happened with a few banner ads.
It's all subliminal. If you see brand names and products often enough you begin to accept them as part of your culture and you'll be more likely to purchase them later.
I prefer subliminal to in-your-face
+Cameron Davis same
+Cameron Davis apparently in your face is actually less likely to be remembered, but more likely to be subliminally remembered.
Actually I find it's the opposite. The more overused, forced and inserted it is (even subtly or otherwise) the less likely I am to buy it. And especially more so if I learn more about the corporation's dark history. Paramilitaries beating up workers in Columbia to keep wages low for Coca Cola anyone? [Always wondered why it was blood red.]
Subliminal messaging isn't a thing. It doesn't work. The CIA tried. Of course, naturally inserting products into scenarios in shows and films might help to normalise them but the most important thing for products is really just how many people use them. Advertising is a way to bump those numbers up
"There's money in pretending this is 1955." Very insightful.
Advertising still definitely works as long as we're exposed to it. However, I think what's become much more powerful than advertising is product reviews. When I chose to buy a product in the past it was almost entirely based on which option seemed more appealing to me, which was likely influenced by advertising. But now, when I'm choosing to buy a product, the first thing I do is look for reviews. I think this is a great advancement because now if a company wants people to buy their products, they'll spend less money tricking people into thinking it's great, and more money into making it actually great in order to improve their reviews.
+monkiram Yep, word of mouth is incredibly strong.
+monkiram or, you know, pay people to give them good reviews.
+Capitan Teeto Admittedly I am skeptical about products that have spotless reviews . shop a lot on Amazon and if it's too good to be true it is a red flag.
They pay people for great reviews. How you think youtubers have so many new and expensive things but somehow manage to buy a huge apartament in L.A. with money down ?
Of good reviews I only believe the ones that say 'Verified Purchaser. But I pay much more attention to bad reviews: how many, how egregious, etc. Also, I take the time to give fair reviews to products. I am often contacted by the sellers who want me to improve my rating of their product. This I refuse to do.
The most heard advertisement on UA-cam these days: "Please like and subscribe to our channel..."
Just wish Adblock could block that too.
Yeah, fuck those people providing us free content.
Why? Is one fucking klick to much for you?
"... and let us know what you think in the comments!"
Adblock ruin website.
The adblock for that is in your brain. I don't even register the "like and subscribe" anymore.
Best way to watch You Tube... With Ad Blocker. Fantastic.
Tiggerpup paying $9.99 a month each month is roughly $120 a year
who's gettin the money or was that really good sarcasm?
ad block is free...
adblock plus on firefox: works wonders doesn't cost a cent.
Tiggerpup Hi and that's advertised 😂
UA-cam vanced is the best way to watch UA-cam on your phone
This guy has fantastic charisma as a presenter.
The point, I think was to present the video with the charisma an ad man selling a new product would have, nonetheless he was pretty good
I'm pretty sure he was doing Mad Men impression
Thomas L He did an Impressive Mad Men Impression.
They gotta get the thumb down thingy for comments working.
was that sarcasm? I found the topic interesting, but the presenter lacking
Now I'm craving a quasi-meat non-solid product. But I don't know what to buy to satisfy this craving.
Pirate it!
You wouldn't download a quasi-meat.
You sir seem like an intelligent and upwardly mobile sort! The sort who craves adventure in all aspects of life and not just in your flavored meat products. Visit your local grocer today and purchase one of their many fine brands of potted meat product!
Walmart sells something called "Ham and Water Product" in their meat section. That might work for you! It's actually delicious. And probably made from horse anuses, but still delicious.
Hmmm, I'm thinking of something..."Bolognish".
Today I woke up and ate some pancakes, but now I regret it because I remembered there was left over Chinese in the fridge which I want to eat but am not hungry enough for now.
I feel ya. Got some Curry in the freezer that I wanted to eat for quite a while now but keep forgetting^^
I woke up this morning and was too lazy to cook bacon and eggs, plus I'd have to wash a frying pan, so I instead just ate some almonds and the last banana on the counter.
The struggle is real.
First world problems lol
***** Nah, it's frozen. And "quite a while" is about a week.
fuck all of you guys complaining about how you're to full of food, i aint got shit to eat lmao.
I can always remember when I was young missing out on films because the adverts were so long and annoying we ended up changing the channel to watch something else until the adverts had finished. Most times we just forgot to go back to what we was watching or if we did remember I just couldn't get back into the film and would go and do something else.
Not once have I purchased anything that I saw or recognise from an advert. In fact I go out of my way to avoid buying products if I see an advert for it.
You know who did a fucking great ad? Glade. Their autumn fragrances ad was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I want to buy candles.
Ads aren't "great"... especially not "fucking great"
cimmik Listen look up Feel Tempted: Glade Autumn Collection like it's so damn pretty I now own another two candles
I looked that up, and I can see the visual appeal. However it had a spooky creepy vibe to me, made me think of American Horror story Hotel.
But yeah, sadly some great animation today gets wasted on antidepressant medication. So many cartoons today use shitting animation that good animation gets used in limited short clips, often only ads. Like the Abilify commercials.
Dorie Bixby they're so enthralling
This comment persuaded me to look up an ad and watch it, now that is good advertising!
I highly doubt advertising is dying, it'll always adapt.
They will just find other ways to slip in their ads. Targeted advertising is a great concept, but most of the time, they fail to appeal to me. Rarely do I watch the entire ad. Sometimes you can see an ad and not even know it.
This comment is brought to you by Brent's Cards And Coins. Your home town source for Pokemon, Yugioh, Magic: The Gathering, and more.
+alZiiHardstylez I think the point is the consumer base is getting wise to it. We're sick of being advertised to and we're very wary of it. The consumer mindset seems to be headed more toward a pay-for-no-ads model, like Netflix and such. We'll see with time.
+alZiiHardstylez Like remember when youtube had no ads? Its just shoving it more in your face and making me want to NOT buy that product/service.
+alZiiHardstylez And we'll find more ways to tune them out
+Brent'sCardsAnd Coins where do you guys keep shops??? ive been looking to buy magic: the gathering cards!
Must buy Schmidtman Brand Balogna.
I somehow have a hankering for some...
+Victim of Lag Balogna, what's there to think about? (tm)
i do want some too
0.07% for a banner ad? I'm willing to bet 0.05% was from a jumpy website that made you accidentally click on it and then violently hit the back button before a ton of redirects, pop ups, or laggy flash-based content loaded up.
i will never buy mobil strike because the adds get in my way of UA-cam
Seriously, why do some people not use adblocks. I don't know how you can stand ads on youtube.
Those adverts help the content creators make a living. They're the reason UA-cam is free, stop bitchin
@@blinkanddie3397 doesn't change the fact that I don't want my time (or mobile data) wasted on ads
One major reason to watch ads is so you know which products are over-priced. For example, when is the last time you saw Arm & Hammer laundry detergent advertised on TV? Right, probably never! Tide and Gain are two brands you see advertised all the time on TV and if you buy advertised brands, YOU JUST PAID FOR THOSE ADS!
Pro-Tip: Always look on the bottom shelf, and occasionally the top shelves for non-advertised stuff. Believe it or not, your supermarket gets PAID by manufacturers to stick stuff at your eye-level! They put the non-advertised stuff on the lowest shelves, so buy from there. You will save $$$!
One And Only Reasons Advertising Doesn't Work Anymore: AdBlock Plus.
BOOM! Headshot
Now we just need AdBlock for T.V. >:/
Midnight Navigator We kinda have that with DVR. I don't watch anything live anymore...even if you want to, just let it record 15-20 minutes, then start. You'll have enough buffer to zap any commercials along the way.
^i go with 12 minutes for a 1 hour(45 minutes) show
Dave Bautistaroid Sadly, I only watch live T.V. and hulu, so I still have Ads. Hulu isn't as bad as live T.V. tho.
Use Adblock, get fucked companies!
***** Except that adblock company... which advertises its product extremely successfully... and makes an extremely large amount of money from donations.
***** I'm not blocking ads, and before this video, I got an ad for Facebook advertising. I believe that is the very definition of irony.
Illustrious Nobody Which they get because they make an awesome product, not because they constantly bitch at you for money through cheap tricks like hope of sex or fear of social condemnation. They politely ask you at the download site and that's it.
TheAssukka Thank you for the kind words! Hope you have a blessed day!
***** Pure class
He forgot to mention ad blocker. I've actually had some things pop up telling me I'm stealing because I use ad blocker. Stealing from whom? You're the ones trying to squat in my brain which I don't give you permission to do in the first place.
You watching an advertisment is a payment to acess the site. There would be no website without adds, that's it. I don't know how self-entitled you supposed to be to feel morally superior and expect people to provide you with content for free.
I've got a very simple rule: If I see an ad from a company, I boycott it.
"Advertising doesn't work."
[Intentionally makes thumbnail of woman]
[Gets over 1,000,000 views]
clickbait =/= advertisement
So smart.
We didn’t click because of a woman we clicked because of Kate Upton’s ti- *clears throat* I mean the content
I didn't pay any money for it either
More often then not, if I see a sexy woman on a video I ignore it. I only clicked this time do to the title and who made it. As it was an example.
No, no no. The adverts have to do 1 thing. Show the logo. The contex doesn't even matter. When you will be at the store in front of the 100 kinds of soaps you're going to choose the one you think: Oh, I've heard of that. Bumm. The ad worked.
Channel Ninbikun That only really works if they've never used a soap before and it's their first time buying. If they are like other people they are more likely to choose a soap they've been using for their entire lives than a new one. And there are also people who don't give a shit which product they buy as long as the result is the same. Either way, the ad doesn't work.
Sometimes something I have never heard of is the one I pick at least once, If it's the sort of product which is easy to browse. behind the counter stuff like tobacco might make it more likely for people to just ask for the brand they know or one they have heard of.
dentistguba Sure but it's no accident that the most marketed brands are the most profitable.
Seffyzero No, it also works when you become dissatisfied with the brand you've been using because every successful brand starts reducing quality at some point - or ceases to be produced at all. Then 99/100 people look for a familiar logo.
Channel Ninbikun You are absolutely right. Go into any food court. There's always some ma and pop deli or something with no customers trying to compete by offering quality food at better prices, but they're inevitably buried by the McD's with 50 people lined up because they'd rather eat shit than risk trying an unknown.
Advertising is dumb.
1. I typically use the same products so I don't care how much other companies hound me if I use old spice that's all I use.
2. If I need to use a different product I'll simply Google it.
3. the only time an ad is worth my time is if it's putting forth a fully new and original product like a flying car or something.
otherwise. fuck ads
+Half-Nerd Half-Something Else so you Google it? How do you think the results are generated?
Same shit but at I asked for ads and they weren't thrown in my face so I can simply ignore them
+Half-Nerd Half-Something Else Advertising may be dumb if you're a consumer but it's not dumb if you're a business owner. Say you have a new line of shampoo. How do you think you're going to make people buy an unnamed, mysterious shampoo even though proven to be better than most of the products on the shelves? Just HOPE that someone out there will take a chance with your shampoo, or will you try to endorse it to celebrities or at least increase the awareness of your brand through social media or television?
Darth Hater, Shit Lord of the Cis Because chances are, the shampoo you're using now you bought because of some form of advertising.
+Jasmine Subrata its possible I bought it due to subtle advertising and name branding combined with a price too good to pass by. or its because I read the ingredients label and recognized at least some of the contents as decent. in actuality, I gave my friend 20 bucks and said 'not this brand because ive tried it and it sucks.'
This makes me happy to defeat FUCKING ads. I hate ads.
Advertising has changed but it will never stop working. An ad doesn't have to work on all of us--just a tiny percentage of us and it was a success. Everyone likes to think they are immune to advertising but none of us are. We are probably immune to 95% of it but the other 5% sucks us in.
True.About 2% of European-Americans are naturally blond, yet it seems like about 1 out of every 4 European-American females above the age of 14, are blond.Why?Because they're brainwashed into thinking that there's something WRONG with being brunette or redheaded.It's like if you told all right-handed people (who constitute about 90% of the population) that there is something wrong with them because they are not left-handed."No one, will want to date you, of hire you, unless you change to left-handedness.""But that's crazy! Nearly everyone is right-handed!""This is the world of fashion, darling. Sanity has no place, here".
Anything i see in an advertisement, i will never ever buy.
I don't think people understand that this is really bad. The Internet has survived and thrived because almost everything is free. UA-cam is free, Twitch is free, thousands of games are free and nearly every website in existence is free. How do they do this? Well Ad money of course!
If we get excited to skip ads, ignore them or say they don't work anymore then companies might say they are worth less, meaning that they will pay less for ad space. If this were to occur this would destroy the internet.
Think about it this way, without the ad money of these multi billion dollar companies you would need to pay for everything you do on the internet. Want to watch Dodger's new video about bangin a catboy? Gotta pay! Wanna use any wiki? Gotta pay. Google it? Right after you pay five bucks to use the search engine and pay for server and employee costs.
It's what everyone has always said, ads might be annoying but they are necessary. The only other option is paying for content individually.
+Darth Hater, Shit Lord of the Cis well yeah, it was ad free, but in the early days of the internet there was much less content. Comparing the internet today to the internet decades ago is pretty ridiculous
+Genesiscrimsonheart I run a business and i believe ads are worthless. Personally I don't even check my mailbox until its trash day so i can throw all the junk strait away without even needing to bring it into the house. Let alone online ads where all they do is inconvenience me and piss me off
+Joshua Colantuono I think you missed my point, which was that the internet can't exist in it's current state without companies paying content creators for ad space. I never commented on the effectiveness of the ads themselves
+EXPLOSIONS! thank you sir and or ma'am, no one else seemed to get my point
+Genesiscrimsonheart you're presenting a false dilemma that there's only two options, content paid by ads or content payed by individual viewers. Lot of people create content for free without expecting money back from it for example (I sometimes do this myself). There are other options as well, some content is created from national funds or nonprofit funds etc. Basically there are many ways content is financed, acting like there are ever only two options is just straight out false.
I would probably click ads if they weren't so shady and had a 90% chance to infect my computer with viruses
I know exactly one reason why ads don't work! WE'RE BROKE
You know, about that 0.07% CTR...that's about how often I accidentally click on an ad when I meant to click elsewhere on the window, versus the total number of banner ads I get. Usually happens with ads that have large click areas on the window sides.
tv is one continuous commercial, it never ends. movies are 2 hour long commercials. music is 6 minute long audio commercials. your being sold too even when your sitting with nothing on. magazines, your shoes, phone, bag of chips, your lighter, and so on. you are walking commercials for any product that has a t shirt. every name brand piece of clothing you have is copy righted material that you are advertising. holding your phone in public, commercial. drinking that beverage in public, commercial. we are not winning, we lost along time ago and have completely submitted. we live in that future movie where corporations control everything. its not just a sci fi movie anymore, its a reality.
nice input, but that's not news, everyone's aware
I don't think this kind of people to people advertising is necessarily bad. If people are using something it's likely good. I can often ask that person about features of that item and get honest reviews. If I see a piece of clothing on someone I can judge if it's something I like, see how it looks on a real, moving person. Many of these things I'll have to buy either way and other people seem a better, more honest way to learn about them than shops or standard commercial.
Btw for most clothing you can't even tell what brand it is.
Lol when did this become a battle? Buy your damn product and let common sense run it's course. WTF you wouldn't know what you were buying or drinking without a brand name. You're making up your own irrelevant battle in which the consumer has all control. What happens to these companies when the consumer stops buying?
Yea no.
Toilet paper ads annoy me the most. Seriously, why? The only people not buying toilet paper are either homeless or use an alternative. Just wasting money and everyone's time.
the ads rarely are about "do you ever wonder how to get all that sh*t off your a**?" they are trying to get their specific brand sold and tell you its better then the other brands
In the EU a lot of people use a bidet and think people who don't use a bidet are very backwards. Asia is moving towards using a bidet also, all of Thailand uses a bidet. Toilet papers is completely unnecessary and kindof gross, but we all use it here.
***** Those are often put out by groups like the 'National Dairy Council' and things like that. Milk isn't a necessary part of the diet and cheeses aren't good for you so they're doing everything in their power to get you to keep buying it. lol
It's not to sell toilet paper...it's to promote THEIR brand of toilet paper...that's...that's kind of the whole reason for Ads.
Every company wants to be the next Klenex or Google or Coke. (Meaning the brand is used to describe the product instead of the product name: tissue paper, internet browser, soda/pop.) And because there are tons of brands and competition the ads/commercials are there to convince people that theirs is the 'go to' brand. ESPECIALLY with a lot of knock off brands out there that are a few dollars cheaper. They want people to know that there is a good reason for paying that extra money for their product.
I thought that was kind of common sense.
Midnight Navigator I always figured the extra money you pay for name brands went into their advertisements rather than their product actually being better. That or I just can't tell the difference between brands. You ever buy Fruity Dyno-Bites? It's Fruity Pebbles, only $2 cheaper, but I only ever see Fruity Pebbles commercials.
Here's a little tidbit of my life on the internet: through 14 years of life, seeing all the banner ads that I have, I've only clicked on one ad IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, and no UA-cam beginning of the video ads. The one ad I did click was just to give some dude with a small youtube channel a little bit of money though. Also I've never really used adblock.
Well, actually I have a few times before, but all of them were misclicks and I got out of them before a page could load.
A lot of advertising is not designed to get you to click on them but to make you aware of a product or brand.
Franco Pellegrin. youre 14 you dont have money. for nothing but video games
Advertising is the reason why I don't have a tv anymore. Got tired of watching not that good movies that was supposed to last one hour for almost two hours. And once I figured that I did not finish watching 99% of movies because I got bored at second commercial break, and did not remember what was that 1% I finished watching all about, I got rid of the tv. And to be honest I do not miss that thing at all.
+Killerean I don't have a TV, but I end up wasting much more time on teh intarwebz than I would on TV.
same I didnt buy one and never will to watch TV. its just too annoying and netflix or amazon prime is just way more convenient
Ads don’t even make people click on your product. It just gives you more hate and since nobody clicks on them that means advertisers waste a lot of money.
I swear I just shut my brain off and my eyes glaze over whenever I see an add. If you asked me what ads iv seen lately I honestly have no idea even though I probably just watched one
The only reason I know that's an apple phone is because you said it in the arrow. I didn't see the actual phone as far as I know, it could be any phone, even a.... black berry.... or an old school nokia.
I just want to make my purchasing decisions based on my own informed research and not because some ad worked on me.
Actually probably the best way to get me to buy your stuff is just to get it in stores and make the packaging pretty. If I go to the store for _____ and I see your item, and I like the packaging and it's not too expensive, that's it. You've won me over, without ever needing me to see an ad.
Like, I see ads about Dawn soap all the time, and they're pretty nice. But they've never made me want to buy dawn soap.
I wanted to buy dawn soap after I learned they're statistically one of the best soaps for blowing bubbles... and I learned that on my own.
How about companies making products that I actually NEED. Because that'd be great.
TheCat86 like bread and radishes lol.
In my 32 years of life, 14 of which i had my own money and was working and therefore could theoretically respond to said ads, only about 3 ads in all of the hundreds of thousands that ive seen or been subject have actually caused me to buy something. Daily burn, a mascara that supposedly could darken eyelashes (lies!) were two.
The only ads one can really appreciate are the ones that tell you "hey I exist" like those movie trailers shown before every movie, or that sequel to your favorite video game you never would have known about otherwise.
am i drunk? cause i couldnt understand a thing, it seemed like the guy was talking way to fast and i just felt like an alzeimer patiente, its like i forgot the english language
Oh my god....after scrolling and scrolling I finally saw the comment that says I'm not the only one that felt this way.
He was going on and on and on..no pauses,no breaks,no time to let it sink it.
I couldn't understand shit!
Same here. If this video were an article, it would have no punctuation. I had to watch it in 20-second bites just to comprehend what he was saying.
escuse me?
I don't think he actually got onto topic until it was more than half over.
***** ahahaha! perfect response.
I'm glad advertising is losing. They are extremely annoying and some are even harmful, like the fast food ads targeted at children. We don't need advertisements, we know what we want and need to buy.
+Emma Cox You're right. It's all just lies and trickery anyway. I automatically don't trust ads because I know they are trying to make me feel or do something, and I don't trust things that are manipulative.
How will the content creator get paid then?
+TrivisionZero He will grow up and find a real job.
+Dweliq Then I suggest to get off UA-cam because all major UA-camrs get paid from them. If you think video/film isn't a real job, I also suggest you stop watching Hollywood movies and TV shows.
You make no sense.
TrivisionZero Chill out dood, 80% of Earth's population is religious, so we have plenty of braindead cretins and braindead cretins = people who dont use adblock. UA-cam "content creators" are gonna be juuust fine.
I, for one, welcome our new overlord, new guy.
Hail new guy
The advertising investment bubble must burst. Big data driven marketing must crumble under its own obscene weight.
Do not have anything stuck in there when they panic and sell out that data to the highest biddet.
Ghostery and Adblock aren't just activism or a convenience, they're self defence. Do not let your own computer betray you.
Best example of advertising! This video THUMBNAIL
Tanmay Bhave I know, one Pretty girl attracts more clicks than money!
Thing is, you didn't pay for this video
Thanks to adblock plus, ghostery, and bit torrent...and the fact that we live in the middle of nowhere where we don't have to see billboards.... we don't have to see commercials anymore. The old fashioned days where they interrupt your fucking tv show every 5 minutes for 10 minutes of ads is years in the past for most people under 50, and even for some who are older than that.
I can't imagine tolerating that, ever again.
I once googled judaism (long story, not important). I then spent a week with Facebook giving me ads for 30% off jewish supplies. Advertising programs are stupid, and they are everywhere.
I just want to bring up something. I noticed that less and less videos are allowing me to skip the ad anymore. Most of the videos I watch have a 15 second commercial at the start that I have to sit through, and some even have a 15 second unskippable commercial in the middle of the video. That latter is dickish, yes, but of course I want to watch the rest of the video so I'm going to wait for it. Then some of them have a commercial at the end of the video which is fine because I need 15 seconds to figure out what I'm going to watch next anyway.
Those ads at the ends of the videos used to drive me insane. The ones in the middle would too because sometimes it would fuck up the video and I'd have to refresh the page, which of course means more ads!
That's decided by the uploader. So if you get an ad in the middle of the video you'll know that the uploader is kind of a douche. Or it could be Google's fault, like the time they suddely put prerolls on all of NerdCubed's videos, dispite him explicitly saying he didn't want that.
I use realplayer downloader if I'm planning to watch the video more than once, I'm generally getting a cup of coffee while the ads are running, then download the video and watch it ad-free. That being said there are occasional videos with ads in the middle embedded in the video but if you're watching on you're own computer rather than online you have the power to skip them.
Alternatively treat adverts on youtube as we've been treating ad-breaks on TV since they were introduced, go to the toilet/ get coffee/ check emails.
It's all more or less a moot point anyway if you don't click the ad though. That's the main method for advertisers to determine if their commercials were successful, because without that feedback they're just throwing money in the wind and really hoping somebody remembers their product when they're out shopping.
Nobody is saying that ads do not have their uses. Just that they are annoying and pointless for the vast majority of people.
“I didn’t start a Bologna business to sell Bologna!”
Good one 😂
I have a list of exactly 87 products (and still counting) that i will not buy for the rest of my life since 2015, because it appeared on an ad that i can't skip. That is how much i hate ads.
This video talks so much about kicking advertising in the butt and doesn't even mention AdBlock?
They mention "avoiding" ads. AdBlock is simply one way to avoid ads. Several copy cats and other (and better imo) options like Ghostery.
uBlock Origin is the best ad blocker imo. Lots of customizability and has comparatively low resource utilization.
If something is really good, it doesn't need to be advertised.
But nothing is that good.
a good salesmen is someone who can sell a bad product
But not a good human
How would know it's good?
+Ano Nym
Tesla cars. They have never made a single ad as far as I'm aware.
But if there aren't any ads, then how will things like TV shows and, more importantly, UA-camrs make a steady income? I'm completely fine with ads if they support a person/thing that I like.
Balistic_ Penguin Hey, me too. But I'd like them to not sell bullshit also or being full of malware.
Balistic_ Penguin same. Thats why I also can't stand people who use ad blocker, it's kinda selfish in the long run.
putting ads that contains malware or adware is much more seflsih. I use ad blocker on almost all websites since most ads have become super annoying. Autopalying sounds or videos, or dsp that covers part of your page and scrolls down with the page. ads that install maleware on your PC.Ads that is so heavy in animation that slows your PC down and drain your battery.
Until a better ad system is in place i will use ad-blocker except on the few websites that i white-listed
Nizar El-Zarif I personally barely experience ads that play annoying sounds or block your screen, and almost never ads that put malware on your computer, so that probably changes my outlook. But you can't deny that ads are a large part of how society currently functions, whether you're fine with them or not.
In England early in the time of television, people would pay an annual tax for owning a tv instead of watching ads. That must have sucked a little.
The definition of bitting the hand that feeds you.
i honestly can’t remember a time i have ever considered buying a strongly advertised product. to me, it signifies a lack of quality.
Please talk at a more normal pace guys, faster does not mean more intelligent. I really like your videos and ideas!
I clicked on this video because it was in my suggested videos which is a form of UA-cam advertising your videos to me.
Your point is invalid.
Where can I get some of that Scmidtman brand bologna?
Wordwood The Advisor Bolognish*
This is literally the best channel on youtube hands down
those 0.07% clicks on banner ads were probably just accidental clicks
reasons I click ads: 1. mis-clicks
I don't get why companies spend millions of dollars on advertising, I mean yeah if I see a Pepsi commercial, I might be in a mood for a pepsi. But it doesn't matter how many Beats by Dre commercials and product placement I see, I'm not just going to run out and by some Beats.
Consider how many idiots you see using Beats. They wouldn't even know about the product without blanket advertising.
Near-billionaire Dr. Dre would probably argue that there are a lot people out there who do, in fact, go out and buy Beats by Dre products after seeing them in music videos.
***** the problem is you are viewing it from the you perspective...yes you wont do x or y, but you might do a or b...this isn't how marketers see you, they see you as a part of much larger market segment. These segments are still producing value for various companies and advertising is a bit of a psudeo-science, so you have to throw money at the problem and hope that something sticks (sometimes it does amazingly, sometimes average and sometimes poorly).
I am a proud fedora wearing neckbeard who isn't swayed by advertising. Now excuse me while I jerk it about how much better I am than those plebs who are.
David Bakies Never understood the Fedora part of that stereotype.
I don't think I've ever seen a neckbeard wear a fedora, but I've seen hundreds wear snapbacks
Me, who has UA-cam Premium: Lol what are these ads? 😆
Me, who has a rooted smartphone: i don't know, either.
Charley Wymore right? Best choice I’ve made.
@@zaori2785 you don't need to root to get ad free UA-cam, however for everything else that isn't a browser...
Ads haven't influenced my purchasing decisions... ever, now that I think about it. I've gotten so good at not even looking at them that I haven't really "seen" an ad in the longest time. I recognize it in my peripheral vision and just tune it out completely.
fuck ads.
Thanks for this. I was casually watching it when the cK billboard popped up at 4:12. I think I worked at a hotel with the model laying on the floor in that shot.
If advertising is american as apple pie does that mean its not that american?Since the brits made apple pie
Nah, americans made apple pie. we also invented ads, fortune cookies, and we own the moon. /s
/s in text denotes sarcasm - since you cant tell sarcasm without tone of voice.
Deeegy I view every other county as county filled with dicks
Adblock and a conscious dislike for manipulation + critical thinking.
I'm fine.
i think the wrong kind of ad can even be bad for a product
when i have to see the same ad 10 times on youtube, or you have a annoying banner that pops up its more likely that i will avoid a product that was advertised this way
not buy it because my "sub concious" tells me to
I have a "Nope, I'm not going to pay for your commercials" attitude when I see a product I know from ads. And then I pick the product next to it that is cheaper anyway.
I woke up, ate some off brand cereal. watched a few videos and now commenting on this then going to get ready for work. keep up the good stuff y'all!
Videos from Cracked are among the top 10 best types of entertainment to smoke a joint to while watching.
i dont know why but i really want some Schmidtman Brand Bologna
I despise Ads!
not once have I been compelled to buy anything, because of an Ad.
either it's crap I would never buy, can't afford, or they put some morons on the screen, pay them, and expect me to head impressed.
then there's the Paid Actor Portrayal Commercials. WTH!?!
how pointless can you be.
oh here's a fake doctor telling you how great the product/service is.
here's a fake chef that doesn't actually know what it's like to own their own business.
why not get real people, with real talk.
and I don't need a celebrity to tell me something's good. unless they do the commercial free of pay, and out the kindness of their own heart., then maybe, if I actually needed the product/service, I would go out and buy it. Not because someone told me too.
as for them tracking what you do and where you go, it sort of makes sense as a business to do that, but it doesn't make it right! in other circles, that would be considered spying, or stalker behavior.
Same thing with people who spam Amazon affiliate links and sponsorships, if i see something i like, il actually search for the product and buy it rather than reward their spam by following their links (LTT is particularly bad for this)
If I didn't know any better I would have thought I was listening to any character played by Jesse Eisenburg.
Double like for that, if I could.
I like how his drink level keeps changing
At 68 years old, I've been watching tv for 58 plus years. And during all that time, I've never ever bought a product based on a tv ad. In the past one could understand them, as of late I've no idea what half the ads are even pushing.