To not be arrogant would require Anakin to experience early failures. He was so potent and proficient in his early training that he breezed through the simple lessons they were giving him. He newded to be given something difficult that he either could not master or would have to go through significant hardship to master.
Poor Lorana Jinzler. Her master never appreciated her. She and Thrass sacrifice themselves to save the survivors of Outbound Flight and nobody ever finds out. 😥
You should see her Muggle brother Dean. Abhorred his sister, his parents, and the Jedi quite a lot... until the events of Survivor's Quest (the sequel novel to Outbound Flight) changed everything.
Except that this time he had a mean of control over him, Ysalmiri... Thrawn knows that C'Baoth was crazy, he just needed him for battle meditation, he just planned to dispose of him when the campaign ended.
@@Свободадляроссии Unbeknownst to Thrawn, that was all part of C'baoth's plan. He wanted them locked out so they can blow up all the Ysalamiri on the planet.
You know now that I think about it, maybe they should have let Anakin try out some advanced techniques. Let the kid try something really hard and fail miserably, bringing his little chosen one superiority complex into check. So long as it wasn't a mind meld that could cause brain damage, I bit of failure could have taught him a lot about being a Jedi, and trusting the order.
Or, considering he had the potential to be 2x as strong as Sidious, he would learn them relatively quickly, even if he had a little trouble at first. Anakin seemed humble as a Jedi in Episode 3 before his fall, and if getting his arm cut off by Dooku at the end of Episode 2 wasn't enough for him to learn some humility then I don't what would.
Anakin always aced his classes and felt bored because of that. He asked for more but was denied. I'm pretty sure a he would ace the new challanges too but the jedi are pussies. Thank the lord for gm lukes jedi order
Duke Paul I don't think Mundi was too fond of Anakin, at the same time Fisto is still pretty young and fiery (not in a bad way), but I think an older, experienced master who understands patience is the best fit for Anakin which is why I said Plo. At the end of the day Qui Gon would have been the best pick obviously if he didn't die. Out of all Jedi Anakin probably still held Qui Gon as the highest even when Anakin was an adult. Edit: Just saw your second comment. Interesting how eye to eye we see on this.
@@FCB_818 This is 3 months late, but a book I'd recommend would be Shatterpoint since it focuses on Windu's character. But some other books to read would be the OG Thrawn trilogy, the Jedi apprentice series (Set before TPM), the Darth Bane trilogy, and Darth Plagueis.
Desmond Hodges well in the Thrawn trilogy, C’boath had a clone that would join Thrawn’s near successful campaign against the New Republic. He became insane due to the unstable cloning process and believed that Jedi should rule over non Force-sensitives
If I am right Qui gon was a grey Jedi. Basically in the middle. Though Obi Wan teaches really well, If Anakin could learn more about the dark side from him, he may of been able to control his emotions a lot better.
The jedi couil should have been more sensitive to anakin. And instead of harsh discipline and outcasting, they should have been more loving. So many have turned to the dark side because of this.
I heard that Jorus C'baoth wanted to secretly make another Army of Light (Jedi army) because he has foreseen the future conflict and dark times and thought that only the Jedi will be able to save the Republic but the Order will do nothing.
In an ideal world it would have been sick for Ian McKellen to play him. He’d definitely do the character justice by making him a mix of Magento and a twisted version of Gandalf.
A real shame Lucas didn't add Jorus C'baoth in his prequel movies. This guy would have been perfect as a lightning rod type character for Anakin during his time of being frustrated by the Jedi Council. It would have explained that little rant of his in Attack of the Clones of being held back too because he saw in Jorus C'baoth what he wanted to be, but Obi-Wan prevented him from doing so, thus lashing out at him to Padme. That line seriously felt out of place in the actual movie because there was no context to it whatsoever. We never saw once where Obi-Wan was holding Anakin back from becoming a stronger Jedi. Also, I would have loved to have seen as an alternate scenario what would've happened had Jorus C'baoth succeeded in creating a second Jedi Order, thus causing a civil war between the two. That could have been so fascinating to see, something like we saw in Force Unleashed 1 and 2 when it came to what if scenarios.
I always said that "what was the point of Anakin being the chosen one if your going hold back his potential?" Its like if you have a mathematical genius unlike any other in history. But you still force him to take middle school and just learn basic math
1. they weren't sure he was the Chosen One. 2. Many Jedi masters like Yoda and Windu felt the confusion in him. 3. If he acted more maturely maybe Obi Wan would recommend him for Master status.
@@metsrus definetly Not Anakin was Just to good they didn't know what to do with him His Potential was Just so Big many feared what He would be able to do .The confusion in Anakin was there because He knew the Jedi werent perfect they handled him Really poorly He would have been a Lot stronger without them tbh
@@HolyknightVader999 Like Uncle Ben told Peter Parker, "with great power comes great responsibility". Anakin did indeed have the greatest potential of all them and was on his way to becoming the most powerful jedi. But his mind was weak. He had mental and emotional instability and was prone to anger issues. He was also banging Padme behind the Jedi Council's back, which shows impulsiveness and a lack of control and was forbidden by their code. Yeah there code is rigid, but something you have to take seriously as Jedi. It' was this immaturity and lack of character that made him easy to corrupt and for the Emperor to manipulate him.
I appreciate the honest titles on this channel. Some others would be like "ANAKIN'S FAVOURITE JEDI MASTER" and tell you it was apparently Plo Koon because he perfected some tiny lightsaber technique that doesn't sound like it would have much impact on anything buT TRUST ME IT DOES!!!!!!!
Normaly i'm critic about the Old jedi order, but C'Baoth's teachings and way to see things is really dangerous. C'baoth isn't simply unorthodox, but full of pride and authoritarian
He didn’t know about it, as the destruction of Outbound flight was covered up and known about by only a few people (including Thrawn, Palpatine, and a handful of others). The discovery of outbound flight’s true fate only became public only a few years after return of the jedi
Oh, the outbound flight expedition was slated as a trip that would have lasted at least a few decades. Most people on it didn’t even expect to return back to the Republic
@@faust4813 Well, I'm really not sure about that. I'm not familiar with all the Star Wars comic universe lore. Perhaps you know much better than me lol. I was only basing my earlier comment from having watched the prequel trilogy Star Wars movies. Besides, I actually like this Jedi Master Jorus myself as he's my kind of style as well. Also if Qui-Gon survived his fight with Darth Maul and didn't die early in the prequel trilogy it's still a possiblity he could have changed his mind for some reason and free Anakin's mother. Qui-Gon seemed like he was developing some kind of "romantic interest" in Schmi Skywalker from their interactions I saw in the movie. And yes, what you've said is also very plausible. Appreciate your perspective...
Here we see a generic, unimaginative comment with little to no commentary value regarding the video. The comment is based around an outdated, unfunny meme. Practice of posting these comments is commonly known as "whoring for attention"
Keep in mind, Outbound Flight was filled with children and families, Thrawn didn’t necessarily order it to be completely destroyed, but because of Jorus’ arrogance and hubris, he got countless people, including himself, killed.
@@storba3860 I said that it would be closer to the Fel empire based on the fact that Joruus Cbaoth is being depicted as a jedi supremacist in both outbound flight and the thrawn trilogy and that one of his goal in this books was to create a jedi empire where the jedi will rule over the galaxy because they are the most intuned with the force and so emissary of the cosmic order. To my knowledge the only jedi empire in history was the Fel empire but you're right, Joruus is absolutely terrifying and hence can also be compared to Vitiate eternal empire.
Ah, yes, the inevitable madman of a Jedi. Good thing he was gotten rid of before he could have done way too much damage. He has some good points, though, plus he's, at the very least, true to himself.
Jorus tried the one thing one thing I've been wondering why naboby else did in Star Was, Legende or not. The attempt to explore, colonize or at last make contact with another galaxy.
0:14 - When people comparing Anakin to Galen Marek. Easy, Anakin was restricted and limited in many ways by the council, where Galen Marek has not (Heck, Vader keeps pushing his apprentice to be the ultimate Sith Assassin).
I think that a true master - Jedi or Sith Lord - would be one who isn't scared to use BOTH sides of the force equally. A balance between the two sides. THAT'S what any true force user should aim for. While the Jedi were blinded by the light side, the Sith were corrupted by the dark side. Both sides were right and wrong in many ways.
@@PhazonKing but the sith hurt people who were not a threat to them and kill those for simply failing even though they tried. Yoda never killed anyone for failing his orders.
PhanzomKing that's the stupidest suggestion ever as you are setting yourself up for failure, deceit and death. There is only light or darkness, no middle. If I were a jedi and heard one of my pupil visibly hold and beleive such doctrines, I would have either banish you far away or just execute you. Such beliefs you have generally lead to the darkness.
Darry rias - I concur. Though I believe the jedi order was too weak. They needed to be more authoritarian in their dealing with the public, and urge people to largely decentralize urban power world in the Galatic empire.
Can you leave your political crap out of Star Wars please. I know you guys like to attack anyone that doesn’t sound like they lick trumps sack but just don’t bother.
I think Anakin respected his less restraintful ways, that one should always push themselves to become stronger. When you really think about it Anakin needed to be taught the importance of failure and restraint. Sure, one should know his/her limits and get stronger, but there should always be control over that power. A balance to keep them in check.
Imagine a gritty Sci-fi film along the lines of Alien but all about the Outbound Mission and Jorus' dictatorship. Now that would be "a star wars story" I would actually want to see.
I find it hard to believe Anakin liked *everything* this guy was but had a focus on how different of a Jedi he was and how immensely positive he viewed him
I agree wholeheartedly with Kenobi on this one. I’m in the AVL industry, and if I expected a novice to be able to run a service alone and very well I’d be setting them up for failure.
"-I'M NOT GOING ON THE EXPEDITION, I'M GONNA TEACH THIS KID BY MYSELF!" - Now that would be a nice What-If scenario, where Anakin Skywalker gets worser than a Sith by being technically a Jedi. A fanatic Jedi of the extreme, tutored by Jorus C'Baoth, the insane Jedi master. A Jedi Empire against the Lost Tribe of the Sith or "WTF, we're supposed to be evil!"
I don't think the reason Thrawn attacked Outbould Flight was them entering Chiss space. Thought in the Thrawn trilogy it is said that he was given that order by someone (forgot whom) else who wanted to hinder Outboud Flight triggering off-galaxy threats like the Yuuzan Vong to come to known space. Which kinda succeeded as well, although the Vong still came, just way later.
Anakin force potential was beyond the norm. Anything the jedi could possibly throw at him would be mastered quickly. Imagine trying to challenge abeloth with a new force ability to say lmao
Makes sense that a frustrated gifted teen would like this guy, his might makes right style philosophy seems close to Ayn Rand, and everyone in high school I know had that phase where they either became obsessed with her or Shakespeare (it was a very nerdy high school). Most, thankfully, outgrew her philosophy...
How come in lightsaber duels, whenever a duelist can he tries to get another saber. My question is, if fighting with two sabers is always better then why don’t the Jedi and the Sith always carry two.
Because you don't need a second lightsabre when you have the fuck-mothering force on your side and if your really good you don't need a lightsaber because the force is your weapon or perhaps you are the force's weapon.
Fun fact: in the first drafts of Thrawn Trillogy he was supposed to be an evil clone of Obi-Wan, but that idea was quickly dropped. Even George Lucas disaproved it and supported the creation if another character
@Mook Makes Cool Content They were evil. He was bullied by his Jedi child peers. And he humiliated them when that ever happened out of anger and righteous spite. His only solace was the memory of his mother and his crush: Padme, which he was not allowed to even have such a thing in his mind as a Jedi. The Jedi are like Catholic priests, without the p****philia. The Sith are like The Huns: God's Judgement.
Mustafar crystals make a lightsaber bleed lava. The Kaiburr crystal draws upon the strength of it's planet to amplify one's affinity with the force. Krayt dragon pearls are the symbol of a hunter. Some Jedi used random junk, like shards of glass, or advanced technology to focus the force.
I think obi-wan tried too hard to see anakin as just another padawan or similar. He saw how fast he could learn things but decided it was too fast. I think C’baoths opinion on not holding back an apprentice goes perfect with anakin while obiwans fear of constant failure would go better with the average Padawan. Anakin felt the way he did because he was constantly being held back and forced to move at the pace of his fellow learners which were practically snails compared to him. It’s like taking a kid out of AP calculus and sticking him in remedial math. Of course he’d get bored and act out.
I know how Anakin feels. Although I agree that sometimes there has to be boundaries, I feel like Anakin because I struggle with my emotions a lot and can be very disagreeable and occasionally defiant. But I don’t blame Obi-Wan that maturity and patience are virtues and that balance is paramount. And I understand that he is concerned about Anakin. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan was a noticeable grouch to him. The only people I blame are the Council. They act like nothing but a bunch of psychologically insufferable sticklers and bureaucrats who care about NOBODY except themselves and what they believed. But I also don’t like Jorus because I’m not an extremist; even I have limits. All the same, I would ALWAYS be willing to help others in need no matter what, even if it’s either foolish or against the rules.
I respect that though Lucas goes out of his way to say everything that happened Anakin fault and he should have actually listened to the council when it came to advice
What were the Jedi trials such as a Padawan becoming a Jedi and a Jedi becoming either a Jedi knight or Jedi master? What did they have to do to become one?
2:19 “When he himself was given the rank of master.” I almost spit out my coke.
*queues laugh track*
Right in the fucking feels
Fuck Yoda fuck mace fuck obi
My nigga deserved that rank
Put it back in your nose bro
@@KeithChapman-hr5kx Nope, dumbass
*I sEe yOu aRe aLsO a mAn oF cUlTuRe*
“He wanted to grow up like him, when he was granted the rank of master”
Let’s not talk about that
I mean
He never got the rank of master But he did get the rank of Darth
@@ZakaryShindle1-933 you're right
Odd that Obi-wan was mad that C'baoth told Anakin to exceed his potential. One thing that set Anakn off was that he felt he was being held back.
Obj wan was right Anakin was too arrogant. He was a young skilled athlete heading towards an injury that would ruin his future.
To not be arrogant would require Anakin to experience early failures. He was so potent and proficient in his early training that he breezed through the simple lessons they were giving him. He newded to be given something difficult that he either could not master or would have to go through significant hardship to master.
@@80sMoviesRule1 He was heading to that injury BECAUSE the jedi held him back
@@DomeMoon guess that’s true.... if you look at it from a different perspective🤣
@@80sMoviesRule1 "From my point of view, the jedi are evil !"
Poor Lorana Jinzler.
Her master never appreciated her. She and Thrass sacrifice themselves to save the survivors of Outbound Flight and nobody ever finds out. 😥
You should see her Muggle brother Dean. Abhorred his sister, his parents, and the Jedi quite a lot... until the events of Survivor's Quest (the sequel novel to Outbound Flight) changed everything.
@@michaelandreipalon359 you're right
Yeah they do. Luke and Mara go find the wreckage in 22ABY. A few years before the Vong war, their sacrifice was finally made known.
Ironic, Thrawn recruited a clone of the man who nearly killed him.
Except that this time he had a mean of control over him, Ysalmiri... Thrawn knows that C'Baoth was crazy, he just needed him for battle meditation, he just planned to dispose of him when the campaign ended.
Quo Niam I still feel sorry for General Covell
That was the point.
@@Mattpig And his men locked out of Mount Tantiss, probably killed my crazy natives...
@@Свободадляроссии Unbeknownst to Thrawn, that was all part of C'baoth's plan. He wanted them locked out so they can blow up all the Ysalamiri on the planet.
You know now that I think about it, maybe they should have let Anakin try out some advanced techniques. Let the kid try something really hard and fail miserably, bringing his little chosen one superiority complex into check. So long as it wasn't a mind meld that could cause brain damage, I bit of failure could have taught him a lot about being a Jedi, and trusting the order.
That's what my coaches do to students in wrestling. Works like a charm.
Or, considering he had the potential to be 2x as strong as Sidious, he would learn them relatively quickly, even if he had a little trouble at first. Anakin seemed humble as a Jedi in Episode 3 before his fall, and if getting his arm cut off by Dooku at the end of Episode 2 wasn't enough for him to learn some humility then I don't what would.
Duke Paul I think Plo Koon would have been a good master for Anakin. He's pretty chill.
Anakin always aced his classes and felt bored because of that. He asked for more but was denied. I'm pretty sure a he would ace the new challanges too but the jedi are pussies. Thank the lord for gm lukes jedi order
Duke Paul I don't think Mundi was too fond of Anakin, at the same time Fisto is still pretty young and fiery (not in a bad way), but I think an older, experienced master who understands patience is the best fit for Anakin which is why I said Plo. At the end of the day Qui Gon would have been the best pick obviously if he didn't die. Out of all Jedi Anakin probably still held Qui Gon as the highest even when Anakin was an adult.
Edit: Just saw your second comment. Interesting how eye to eye we see on this.
“They must learn of our peaceful force”- Master C’baoth
God legends had such interesting and sometimes rly weird stories. I love it
better than Disney
@@alsimmonshellspawn6021 Disney did make some great stuff.
@@FCB_818 not as good as the old EU most are poorly written and generic
@@alsimmonshellspawn6021 Any EU books 📚 you would recommend ?
@@FCB_818 This is 3 months late, but a book I'd recommend would be Shatterpoint since it focuses on Windu's character. But some other books to read would be the OG Thrawn trilogy, the Jedi apprentice series (Set before TPM), the Darth Bane trilogy, and Darth Plagueis.
The Chosen One meets the future cloned mad man
Desmond Hodges well in the Thrawn trilogy, C’boath had a clone that would join Thrawn’s near successful campaign against the New Republic. He became insane due to the unstable cloning process and believed that Jedi should rule over non Force-sensitives
@@darylsdesigns6679 wasn’t he a Darkside user and he also cloned Luke (Luuke).
@@amuroray9115 Yeah, it was both really weird and also kinda completely terrifying
And said madman’s clone would go on to face his son...
Qui Gon was the best master for Anakin to have
I know it's not possible but he needed Reven.
Yea he was the father figure that anikan needed. Anikan would have never talk back to qui gon.
Or Jorus
If I am right Qui gon was a grey Jedi. Basically in the middle. Though Obi Wan teaches really well, If Anakin could learn more about the dark side from him, he may of been able to control his emotions a lot better.
The jedi couil should have been more sensitive to anakin. And instead of harsh discipline and outcasting, they should have been more loving. So many have turned to the dark side because of this.
I heard that Jorus C'baoth wanted to secretly make another Army of Light (Jedi army) because he has foreseen the future conflict and dark times and thought that only the Jedi will be able to save the Republic but the Order will do nothing.
This man is literally the jedi equivalent of Magneto.
In an ideal world it would have been sick for Ian McKellen to play him. He’d definitely do the character justice by making him a mix of Magento and a twisted version of Gandalf.
I read the books...both Thrawn and Jorus were so fascinating.
A shame that thrawn was just thrown in the trash.
The clone's name was Joruus instead of Jorus.
So a future Sith Lord respects a man who would be cloned in the future and then create a clone of his future son. Seems legit
Desmond Hodges read the Thrawn trilogy
A real shame Lucas didn't add Jorus C'baoth in his prequel movies. This guy would have been perfect as a lightning rod type character for Anakin during his time of being frustrated by the Jedi Council. It would have explained that little rant of his in Attack of the Clones of being held back too because he saw in Jorus C'baoth what he wanted to be, but Obi-Wan prevented him from doing so, thus lashing out at him to Padme. That line seriously felt out of place in the actual movie because there was no context to it whatsoever. We never saw once where Obi-Wan was holding Anakin back from becoming a stronger Jedi.
Also, I would have loved to have seen as an alternate scenario what would've happened had Jorus C'baoth succeeded in creating a second Jedi Order, thus causing a civil war between the two. That could have been so fascinating to see, something like we saw in Force Unleashed 1 and 2 when it came to what if scenarios.
I always said that "what was the point of Anakin being the chosen one if your going hold back his potential?" Its like if you have a mathematical genius unlike any other in history. But you still force him to take middle school and just learn basic math
1. they weren't sure he was the Chosen One. 2. Many Jedi masters like Yoda and Windu felt the confusion in him. 3. If he acted more maturely maybe Obi Wan would recommend him for Master status.
@@metsrus definetly Not Anakin was Just to good they didn't know what to do with him His Potential was Just so Big many feared what He would be able to do .The confusion in Anakin was there because He knew the Jedi werent perfect they handled him Really poorly He would have been a Lot stronger without them tbh
Seniority. Those damn Jedi loved their stupid rankings.
@@metsrus False. Anakin did what he was asked and more, and all he got was disdain and scorn.
@@HolyknightVader999 Like Uncle Ben told Peter Parker, "with great power comes great responsibility". Anakin did indeed have the greatest potential of all them and was on his way to becoming the most powerful jedi. But his mind was weak. He had mental and emotional instability and was prone to anger issues. He was also banging Padme behind the Jedi Council's back, which shows impulsiveness and a lack of control and was forbidden by their code. Yeah there code is rigid, but something you have to take seriously as Jedi. It' was this immaturity and lack of character that made him easy to corrupt and for the Emperor to manipulate him.
I appreciate the honest titles on this channel. Some others would be like "ANAKIN'S FAVOURITE JEDI MASTER" and tell you it was apparently Plo Koon because he perfected some tiny lightsaber technique that doesn't sound like it would have much impact on anything buT TRUST ME IT DOES!!!!!!!
Normaly i'm critic about the Old jedi order, but C'Baoth's teachings and way to see things is really dangerous.
C'baoth isn't simply unorthodox, but full of pride and authoritarian
Based man
That's why I love legends, all these connections and little stories.
But personally I think C' baoth is a very scary spooky and crazy Jedi.
So how did Anakin react to his departure/ death?
He didn’t know about it, as the destruction of Outbound flight was covered up and known about by only a few people (including Thrawn, Palpatine, and a handful of others). The discovery of outbound flight’s true fate only became public only a few years after return of the jedi
So did he not once asked on her whereabout or was he simply got told that he's away on "vacation" and to never return?
Oh, the outbound flight expedition was slated as a trip that would have lasted at least a few decades. Most people on it didn’t even expect to return back to the Republic
The Lore Master Quite the story.
Gamerafighter76 its from the book Outbound Flight
I thought the Jedi Master Anakin admired and looked up to the most was QUI-GON JINN.
Why would he admire the man that could have freed his mother but didn't?
@@faust4813 Well, I'm really not sure about that. I'm not familiar with all the Star Wars comic universe lore. Perhaps you know much better than me lol. I was only basing my earlier comment from having watched the prequel trilogy Star Wars movies.
Besides, I actually like this Jedi Master Jorus myself as he's my kind of style as well.
Also if Qui-Gon survived his fight with Darth Maul and didn't die early in the prequel trilogy it's still a possiblity he could have changed his mind for some reason and free Anakin's mother. Qui-Gon seemed like he was developing some kind of "romantic interest" in Schmi Skywalker from their interactions I saw in the movie.
And yes, what you've said is also very plausible.
Appreciate your perspective...
Well, we all know he didn't like Sand. It's coarse, rough, and it gets everywhere.
Justin Y. I love your videos :)
Justin Y. Do you watch saberspark?
You are cool
Here we see a generic, unimaginative comment with little to no commentary value regarding the video. The comment is based around an outdated, unfunny meme.
Practice of posting these comments is commonly known as "whoring for attention"
Keep in mind, Outbound Flight was filled with children and families, Thrawn didn’t necessarily order it to be completely destroyed, but because of Jorus’ arrogance and hubris, he got countless people, including himself, killed.
I interpret C'baoth's character as what Palpatine's moral choices would look like if filtered through a Jedi upbringing.
His story in Outbound Flight would make an interesting tv series, animated or live. A Stargate Universe type of show with a Star Wars twist.
I wonder what would have happened if Jorus C'baoth became Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.
Jedi Empire ?
Just like the Fel empire.
“The Jedi are taking over!!!”
@@luluflu1140 Knowing how unhinged Jorus was it probably would have been closer to the Eternal Empire.
@@storba3860 I said that it would be closer to the Fel empire based on the fact that Joruus Cbaoth is being depicted as a jedi supremacist in both outbound flight and the thrawn trilogy and that one of his goal in this books was to create a jedi empire where the jedi will rule over the galaxy because they are the most intuned with the force and so emissary of the cosmic order. To my knowledge the only jedi empire in history was the Fel empire but you're right, Joruus is absolutely terrifying and hence can also be compared to Vitiate eternal empire.
Ah, yes, the inevitable madman of a Jedi. Good thing he was gotten rid of before he could have done way too much damage.
He has some good points, though, plus he's, at the very least, true to himself.
Unironically would've made order 66 easier to justify to the senate.
I agree with horus, some of the greatest achievements have been made through testing the limits and pushing past them.
Jorus tried the one thing one thing I've been wondering why naboby else did in Star Was, Legende or not. The attempt to explore, colonize or at last make contact with another galaxy.
2:18 Too bad he never did achieve that rank. Lol. Never gets old🤣
Very interesting character. Fascinating how Jedi can have many points of view and none of them are wrong
He foresaw the rise of the Empire and wanted to use Outbound Flight as the starting point for his own Jedi Empire.
0:14 - When people comparing Anakin to Galen Marek. Easy, Anakin was restricted and limited in many ways by the council, where Galen Marek has not (Heck, Vader keeps pushing his apprentice to be the ultimate Sith Assassin).
Wow, this video is awesome, I had known some pieces of information about him from the Timothy Zahn's trilogy, but this video has clarified everything.
It is not the dark that you should fear, it’s the light that blinds you, which you must fear
I think that a true master - Jedi or Sith Lord - would be one who isn't scared to use BOTH sides of the force equally. A balance between the two sides. THAT'S what any true force user should aim for. While the Jedi were blinded by the light side, the Sith were corrupted by the dark side. Both sides were right and wrong in many ways.
I'd only use dark side powers if I absolutely need actions to be taken. Mostly lightside would be used.
@@PhazonKing but the sith hurt people who were not a threat to them and kill those for simply failing even though they tried. Yoda never killed anyone for failing his orders.
PhanzomKing that's the stupidest suggestion ever as you are setting yourself up for failure, deceit and death. There is only light or darkness, no middle.
If I were a jedi and heard one of my pupil visibly hold and beleive such doctrines, I would have either banish you far away or just execute you. Such beliefs you have generally lead to the darkness.
Darry rias - I concur. Though I believe the jedi order was too weak. They needed to be more authoritarian in their dealing with the public, and urge people to largely decentralize urban power world in the Galatic empire.
Great to see more Lengends Content.
You mean real star wars lore?
1v1 me on halo 3 guardian
man they could have pulled form any number of these really cool stories to make new ST films from
that's when you know they have an agenda.
EXACTLY but they cant tell when a story is dog shit or not. So we got stuck with "The Last Jedi" being cannon
@@rabb_itt_9747 Unless you reject all of Disney Canon and embrace the Pre-Disney Expanded Universe as Canon like I do.
@@__ZANE__ Just because they haven't copied those stories? Your "logic" hurts me.
Disney is run by a Babylonian cult that worships their rat god by carrying out pedophilic, cannibal rituals.
Force chocked thrawn across space? Bro that’s so badass how is there not a comment talking about that
So he was an arrogant bully and a force supremacist. No wonder Anakin liked him so much.
Yeah but at least he was on their side, I think in hindsight the Jedi order would rather have an arrogant bully than death.
@@SexyTookie " force supremacists "
Can you leave your political crap out of Star Wars please. I know you guys like to attack anyone that doesn’t sound like they lick trumps sack but just don’t bother.
I think Anakin respected his less restraintful ways, that one should always push themselves to become stronger. When you really think about it Anakin needed to be taught the importance of failure and restraint. Sure, one should know his/her limits and get stronger, but there should always be control over that power. A balance to keep them in check.
Joel Ocallaghan what in seven hells are you talking about? This statement has nothing to do with Trump.
"Jedi Master Anakin"? That's just outrageous
Imagine a gritty Sci-fi film along the lines of Alien but all about the Outbound Mission and Jorus' dictatorship. Now that would be "a star wars story" I would actually want to see.
All of them, since a student always bows to a Master, and Anakin was never granted the rank of Jedi Master.
Even though he should have to be honest he did more than most Jedi did in year's
In the movies he was never granted the rank of master but in CW he did achieve the rank of Master
I thought if you are a youngling you always refer to the higher ranking jedi as master.
TRipleX No, he didn't.
Knights can have Padawans.
@@Longshanks1690 of course knights can have padwans Kenobi was a knight when he had Anakin Anakin in clone wars was called master Skywalker in CW
I find it hard to believe Anakin liked *everything* this guy was but had a focus on how different of a Jedi he was and how immensely positive he viewed him
I agree wholeheartedly with Kenobi on this one.
I’m in the AVL industry, and if I expected a novice to be able to run a service alone and very well I’d be setting them up for failure.
So C'Baoth tried to pulled a General Kerensky but failed
I love how you post after i get off the bus so i have somthing to do
i think since there adding legends characters to the spin offs like "the Mandalorian", they should get Bob Geldof to play Jorus C'baoth in live action
No wonder Anakin turned to the Darkside; between Palpatine and C'Baoth, the evil version of old Ben Kenobi. 🤔🤔
Kinda serves him right. Thrawn wasn't force sensitive but he was fully capable of holding his own without it
You know. What if Anakin had left with C'baoth?
Anakin, join me, for there is no sand in space
@@sashabraus9422 *Few decades later. End up on a Desert World* You said there would be no sand....
@@Qardo i said in space, this is *CLEARLY* a planet, i said shit about planets
@@sashabraus9422 I HATE YOU!!
@@Qardo next time don't try spinning! It isn't a good trick! Your fault you wanted to spin around in a ship not made for maneuverability.
1 video from lore master is more entertaining than an entire movie from disney
As always, wonderful video!
"-I'M NOT GOING ON THE EXPEDITION, I'M GONNA TEACH THIS KID BY MYSELF!" - Now that would be a nice What-If scenario, where Anakin Skywalker gets worser than a Sith by being technically a Jedi. A fanatic Jedi of the extreme, tutored by Jorus C'Baoth, the insane Jedi master. A Jedi Empire against the Lost Tribe of the Sith or "WTF, we're supposed to be evil!"
I agree with both Kenobi and jorus c'baoth tbh with
Then you agree with only Kenobi. Obi Wan stressed the importance of balance, instead of one overwhelming force.
@@theblacknexus9604 no i agree with both master C'Baoth and kenobi
So you agree with... nothing?
@@theblacknexus9604 I disagree with you but I agree with both and how they teach and there philosophies
@@DaG.O.A.T. you literally said you're against and with balance, that doesn't exist
I never knew that was how his last name was pronounced. Sounds a lot cooler, tbh
So basically, he's a Jedi version of Pai Mei from Kill Bill. Awesome!
Great work! I’d definitely love to read Outbound Flight, Episode 1 Search for the Lost Jedi and Cloak of Deception very soon.
Honestly I think that more Jedi should've thought somewhere along the lines of how this guy was thinking.
I don't think the reason Thrawn attacked Outbould Flight was them entering Chiss space.
Thought in the Thrawn trilogy it is said that he was given that order by someone (forgot whom) else who wanted to hinder Outboud Flight triggering off-galaxy threats like the Yuuzan Vong to come to known space. Which kinda succeeded as well, although the Vong still came, just way later.
WTH is a thraw? XD
This explains so many questions I've had.
Can we have some "what if Anakin was C'baoth's padawan" essay from someone?
Sp basically every students dream substitute teacher for the jedi padawans, except that all the other masters were jealous
Anakin force potential was beyond the norm. Anything the jedi could possibly throw at him would be mastered quickly. Imagine trying to challenge abeloth with a new force ability to say lmao
RIP JediMaster Stan Lee
Grand Master lee can still use the force to communicate with us in the afterlife.
Best thing about him? He never used a light saber. Always telekinesis, mind control or force lightning.
Obi wan is jealous cause he's making him feel better.
I wonder what a conversation between jorus c'baoth and qui-gon would be like.
Makes sense that a frustrated gifted teen would like this guy, his might makes right style philosophy seems close to Ayn Rand, and everyone in high school I know had that phase where they either became obsessed with her or Shakespeare (it was a very nerdy high school). Most, thankfully, outgrew her philosophy...
He would've definitely looked up to Revan and his legend if it was still around
What would happen if two dark sabers clashed?
I just got the heir to the empire book and it's cool to see the come of master Jorus
How come in lightsaber duels, whenever a duelist can he tries to get another saber. My question is, if fighting with two sabers is always better then why don’t the Jedi and the Sith always carry two.
Will Merwin there are those who do so ,but there are not so many examples
Because one saber is easier to choreograph.
Because there’s a higher chance that you can cut off your limbs in a fight
Because you don't need a second lightsabre when you have the fuck-mothering force on your side and if your really good you don't need a lightsaber because the force is your weapon or perhaps you are the force's weapon.
I didn't know Santa Clause was a Jedi Master.
Yeah, this Jedi Master is a bit reckless, but there are one or two things about him I think are cool.
He does sound like a madman lol
Outbound Flight is my favorite Legends Book! :)
It's obi wan but with a longer beard.
9-year-old soldier minus the high ground
Gandalf but without a hat
Fun fact: in the first drafts of Thrawn Trillogy he was supposed to be an evil clone of Obi-Wan, but that idea was quickly dropped. Even George Lucas disaproved it and supported the creation if another character
Nope. Pretty sure his real name was Moses. :/
That's Gandalf on Meth.
I think the jedi really was evil to Anikan.😔
*... were evil to Anakin.
@Mook Makes Cool Content They were evil. He was bullied by his Jedi child peers. And he humiliated them when that ever happened out of anger and righteous spite. His only solace was the memory of his mother and his crush: Padme, which he was not allowed to even have such a thing in his mind as a Jedi. The Jedi are like Catholic priests, without the p****philia. The Sith are like The Huns: God's Judgement.
So C'Baoth was the Saruman of the Jedi Order. Had he got his way, his pride would have eventually turned the Jedi Order against itself.
Please do all lightsaber alternative gems!! I've been asking for this for a long time!
Mustafar crystals make a lightsaber bleed lava.
The Kaiburr crystal draws upon the strength of it's planet to amplify one's affinity with the force.
Krayt dragon pearls are the symbol of a hunter.
Some Jedi used random junk, like shards of glass, or advanced technology to focus the force.
@@davidhong1934 thanks!
Once again a great vid
Great video and this is cool and interesting.
I for one would love to be this man's apprentice.
Wow I hope Obi-Wan doesn't see this video.
i picture patrick stewart playing c'baoth after readin outbound flight
I forgot what an awesome charactor he was
Hahaha sounds like the senate and council saw a way to get ride a his ass with his own idea lol
Thanks for the amazing content Lore Master. Any new Grievous content in your schedule?
Nothing currently in the work. Is there anything you’d like for me to possibly work on involving grievous? :)
The Lore Master how about what could be under his mask?
Great video
"The Jedi Master Anakin looked up to."
Me: ...? õ.ô
"The *Jedi Master Anakin* -..."
Me: ... °^°" *shits self *
Would love for future star wars to move on from Sith and Jedi and transition to Force Sensitive vs Non Sensitive conflict
"I have too many deep darknesses "
I think obi-wan tried too hard to see anakin as just another padawan or similar. He saw how fast he could learn things but decided it was too fast. I think C’baoths opinion on not holding back an apprentice goes perfect with anakin while obiwans fear of constant failure would go better with the average Padawan. Anakin felt the way he did because he was constantly being held back and forced to move at the pace of his fellow learners which were practically snails compared to him. It’s like taking a kid out of AP calculus and sticking him in remedial math. Of course he’d get bored and act out.
I read the council hoped that Annakin would help his fellow students. But it didn't happen that way
@@mechengr1731 He might have helped them if they had treated him a little better.
I like this jedi
I know how Anakin feels. Although I agree that sometimes there has to be boundaries, I feel like Anakin because I struggle with my emotions a lot and can be very disagreeable and occasionally defiant.
But I don’t blame Obi-Wan that maturity and patience are virtues and that balance is paramount. And I understand that he is concerned about Anakin. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan was a noticeable grouch to him.
The only people I blame are the Council. They act like nothing but a bunch of psychologically insufferable sticklers and bureaucrats who care about NOBODY except themselves and what they believed. But I also don’t like Jorus because I’m not an extremist; even I have limits.
All the same, I would ALWAYS be willing to help others in need no matter what, even if it’s either foolish or against the rules.
I respect that though Lucas goes out of his way to say everything that happened Anakin fault and he should have actually listened to the council when it came to advice
Well despite Anakin respect for Jorus, he is basically everything palpetine said about jedi.
Who else hates UA-cam rewind 2018 from my point of view UA-cam is evil
If you weren’t expecting Fortnite, you’re delusional
I can that Susan wojcicki is Just laughing at us.
Then you are lost!
He was practical and probally would of overthrown the current Jedi order. Too bad he passed on cause of his greed.
jorus: "why are you booing!? i'm right!"
Wasnt sure which Anakin this was gonna be about
What were the Jedi trials such as a Padawan becoming a Jedi and a Jedi becoming either a Jedi knight or Jedi master? What did they have to do to become one?