(我認為歧視係一D人當眾講人身攻擊說話或當地人使用暴力,飲醉酒或未讀完書學生做呢D野,但我來到伯明翰已一個月都未遇到呢問題,所以我第一日到伯明翰呢刻開始我就盡量同係近市中心果區既人打好關係,不論係街市定係超市職員都好,都盡量以禮代人在先,即使係大廈保安定係清潔亞姐做野都要打好關係,或伯明翰市政府清潔洗地司機保持禮讓,到第二日買完野返屋企近門口時再次見到洗地清潔車司機對我笑笑口,又好心提醒司機會從果路口cut入黎,係呀,一定要咁做,如果唔係以後有麻煩就無人會幫你) But after I settled in Birmingham for a whole month, I never experienced of how racism happened. But as long as build relationship in my living area is important.
Hong's experience of racial discrimation is similar to mine when I was studying in the UK 35 years ago. Exactly the same behaviour from unruly teenagers. But nowadays especially in London where it is more cosmopolitan I dont notice direct discrimination anymore.
Speaking discrimination. 最近幾次返香港。 我發覺 種族 社會階層 傷俴 岐視 很嚴重。只是我們大多是岐視別人的那方吧了! I read a news years ago, there is a principal in secondary school can't accept the student due to his handicapped, even NY is poor, my kids school right away built a rail for his wheelchair and teachers ask kids to help him as need. 國家強大因為公民教育 不單只是科技
Really nice Hong examples-it was exactly like that 15 years ago. By the way, hows auntie? Haven't see her for a long time! I am sure we all miss seeing her! Hope she is all well:)
我喺Oxford讀英文時,班上來至Mexico, Belgium, the Netherlands, Chile, Russia後來再加個China!簡直四面楚歌!我一講嘢佢哋就笑,可能笑我英文💩但自從有個代課嘅老師責備過佢哋之後,好好多🥰 同埋老師強調要SPEAK OUT!啲老師s對我好好,仲同我講未遇過一班咁差嘅學生!我就係鍾意呢種可以speak out自己感受嘅空氣!唔駛講句嘢都驚!! 我個舊房東一心諗住搵埋我同佢個新房客,佢都係嚟至香港,但呢個所謂嘅港男同鄉,就成日強調對我個房東話我「this is Hong Kong woman style」真係好討厭🤬 呢啲屬唔屬於歧視!?
Anyone here that was born or grew up in UK?? I just wanna know what it's like living there... does the media/gov't ever make you feel like you belong?? I suppose it'd be pretty hard as traditionally a British would be viewed as a white person. I'm a HKer that's spent over 80% of my life in Canada so I consider myself pretty lucky... the "Canadian" identity applies to every citizen that wants to be Canadian regardless of colour/religion.... unless your English is really horrible, no one here would immediately assume you're from some place else.. and maybe I'm dead wrong but if I were to live in most places in UK, I'd probably be considered as a foreigner for life!
Great topic and we can go on and on with the discussion... I've never been to UK myself but having lived in Canada for well over 30 years and based on my own experience dealing with the white British ppl... it's safe to say the British in general still got some subtle racism against Asians.. You can just feel it by the look/attitude!! Whereas in Canada, most ppl here have been embracing multi-culturalism for years... if not, I wouldn't wanna live here still if I'm made to feel like 2nd class citizens! But also, it really depends on the demographics/level of education in a particular area too!! The whites young & old that have travelled lots and are more accepting to different cultures are of course less likely to be racist. Lastly, I just gotta point out.... a good % of older Italians are VERY much racist against Asians and Blacks... again, all based on personal experience!! but whatever! You just focus on doing the right stuff and SPEAK UP when you see racism/injustice!!
謝謝Hong & Ada☺️🙏🏻睇你哋嘅片,除了可以長知識,還有實用的資訊,而且都以較輕鬆、有趣的形式分享❤️👍🏻
歧視有好多種層次,由內心不喜歡 跟住 stay away,到言語,到行動。
自己可以諗下,如果突然有「一大群」同我哋有不同語言,有我哋見唔慣嘅習慣,有我哋見唔慣嘅行為,擁到自己地方,你一定會感受到壓力 👉🏻 你可能先會側目,嘗試忍受,有機會轉化為 厭惡,跟住就 ...
多謝你們! 常常分享生活經驗和重要消息!🙏🏻感恩有你們❤️!
謝謝分享資訊,Hong 哥同Ada 真係有心人~
Hi Ada & Hong,謝謝分享 🌷 最緊要調整好 自己嘅心態、做好自己, 保持樂觀開朗,咁就唔使擔心會喺英國被歧視 😉 好多時,某種 “被歧視” 嘅感覺,其實係源自於 自己點睇自己 😄
experienced the same while I was in UK during the late 70's , studying and working in a Chinese takeway.
以我住左幾年英國心得,遇到歧視,主要視乎 你住既區既治安程度(富人區/窮人區 已經天與地了),你既英文能力,你既工作環境. 你住好既區 一般住既人 都有咁上下專業 財力 就算歧視都是出於語言上 一句起 兩句止,而且街童都比較小。 差既區 教育程度同收入都較小 街童情況又嚴重 醉酒吸毒都多 真係會見你惡洲人面孔會打你的,校園歧視都較嚴重。
Hong & Ada, enjoy watching your videos so much, but please......improve the sound receiving....依條片我NOTEBOOK較到最大聲都攪唔掂呀
Sorry about that🙏🏻🙏🏻
其實可以用耳機聽架, 我都係用耳機聽, 都好清楚, 一個小建議, THX
But after I settled in Birmingham for a whole month, I never experienced of how racism happened. But as long as build relationship in my living area is important.
@bbq支持香港警察 尊重別人正確係無分人哋地方定係自己地方,係你以為人哋去到第二個地方先識尊重人,以己度人🤣🤣
@bbq支持香港警察 同你講多句都真係曬Q氣,尊重人係你要標籤白人
Dr. D效果很有趣!好片。
歧唔歧視都可以任您點解讀都得, 最重要都是尊重啫
Hong's experience of racial discrimation is similar to mine when I was studying in the UK 35 years ago. Exactly the same behaviour from unruly teenagers. But nowadays especially in London where it is more cosmopolitan I dont notice direct discrimination anymore.
Speaking discrimination. 最近幾次返香港。 我發覺 種族 社會階層 傷俴 岐視 很嚴重。只是我們大多是岐視別人的那方吧了! I read a news years ago, there is a principal in secondary school can't accept the student due to his handicapped, even NY is poor, my kids school right away built a rail for his wheelchair and teachers ask kids to help him as need. 國家強大因為公民教育 不單只是科技
Ada, 我都覺得,有教養嘅細路,唔應該喺公園、playground 以外嘅地方阁跑,危害他人。 如果個商場姐姐係保安員,佢真係有責任制止。
Really nice Hong examples-it was exactly like that 15 years ago. By the way, hows auntie? Haven't see her for a long time! I am sure we all miss seeing her! Hope she is all well:)
Thank you for asking, she is fine😊🤝❤️❤️
我喺Oxford讀英文時,班上來至Mexico, Belgium, the Netherlands, Chile, Russia後來再加個China!簡直四面楚歌!我一講嘢佢哋就笑,可能笑我英文💩但自從有個代課嘅老師責備過佢哋之後,好好多🥰 同埋老師強調要SPEAK OUT!啲老師s對我好好,仲同我講未遇過一班咁差嘅學生!我就係鍾意呢種可以speak out自己感受嘅空氣!唔駛講句嘢都驚!!
我個舊房東一心諗住搵埋我同佢個新房客,佢都係嚟至香港,但呢個所謂嘅港男同鄉,就成日強調對我個房東話我「this is Hong Kong woman style」真係好討厭🤬 呢啲屬唔屬於歧視!?
好鍾意睇你地cosplay 😂👍同你地d CG, 歧視博士😂👍👍
Support and respect blessings
Thank you🤝🤝😊😊
我都畀人掟過雪球!當時父母在場冇理到!亦都試過畀miss 問幾時返香港(大前提佢係知道我呢邊留喺度嘅)
我最近係office比人歧視,我部門有一個香港人同事,一個英國同事,一個小數族裔,係我部門主管, 我英國同事誇過我們的部門主管,同副經理投訴我地香港人用廣東話係道溝通,其實有時我地公事只係貪方便講廣東話,如果佢直接問我講乜我都會用英文話返比佢聽講乜,點知全公司英國人幫晒佢,要求我地唔可以係office講廣東話!小數族裔的呀頭叫我地冇人係office先講!😢
Feel sorry about that🙏🏻🙏🏻
唉😮💨 都唔知點處理好,忍下唔好貪快講少d廣東話啦!
@@cff5538 係咯,先試吓講多D英文,睇吓點先,收工先同同事講廣東話🤝🤝🙏🏻🙏🏻
Whatever you do anything, think of others first.
康哥講先做好自己真係好重要,一來香港人對南亞東南亞同黑人有所歧視,但又話被白人歧視,係雙重標準。二來香港人某些缺點係幾普遍而且被英國人覺得好awful,例如無禮貌,講話大聲,批評人太直接不留情面。好似成日笑英國本地食物垃圾,但係人家熟悉China既人都清楚,食狗肉同多不勝數既bizzare food可能更惡心,只係人家好少兜口兜面笑你地嗻。所以笑英國人垃圾食物時自己都厚道少少好。
Anyone here that was born or grew up in UK?? I just wanna know what it's like living there... does the media/gov't ever make you feel like you belong?? I suppose it'd be pretty hard as traditionally a British would be viewed as a white person. I'm a HKer that's spent over 80% of my life in Canada so I consider myself pretty lucky... the "Canadian" identity applies to every citizen that wants to be Canadian regardless of colour/religion.... unless your English is really horrible, no one here would immediately assume you're from some place else.. and maybe I'm dead wrong but if I were to live in most places in UK, I'd probably be considered as a foreigner for life!
任何人都有機會去 label 5 同人。正如,我都 label 左某 d youtuber, 5 會再睇一樣。當然不包你們 😅
Great topic and we can go on and on with the discussion... I've never been to UK myself but having lived in Canada for well over 30 years and based on my own experience dealing with the white British ppl... it's safe to say the British in general still got some subtle racism against Asians.. You can just feel it by the look/attitude!! Whereas in Canada, most ppl here have been embracing multi-culturalism for years... if not, I wouldn't wanna live here still if I'm made to feel like 2nd class citizens! But also, it really depends on the demographics/level of education in a particular area too!! The whites young & old that have travelled lots and are more accepting to different cultures are of course less likely to be racist. Lastly, I just gotta point out.... a good % of older Italians are VERY much racist against Asians and Blacks... again, all based on personal experience!! but whatever! You just focus on doing the right stuff and SPEAK UP when you see racism/injustice!!
Thanks for your sharing🤝🤝🤝😊😊
Support CLASS
我個女放學比人掟雞蛋 😢
bullying 係一件非常嚴重嘅事。一定要話俾學校知。要揾學校社工support, 可能需要心理上輔導。
英國人?我在英國殖民時代在HAECO工作。在啓德機場工作區,行人道,飯堂,洗手間等等, 都劃分高級和低級區, 高級區只能外國人專用!This is class management!祝各位在英國好運, 生活愉快!
歧視博士, 正