July 2023 Monthly Prophetic Word : 222, 444, 777.

  • Опубліковано 9 лип 2023
  • This month is a unique word about numbers. The Lord showed me 222, 4:44, and 77 or 777.
    1. “I will fulfill and complete all that I have started.”
    The word “wisdom” is in the Bible 222 times
    The term “fear of the Lord” is in the Torah 222 times
    John 20:22 - And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
    Acts 2:22 - “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know”
    The Azusa Street revival began when brother John Seymore entered into the city of Los Angeles on Feb. 22, 1906 -- 2/22/1906
    Proverbs 20:22 - Do not say, “I will recompense evil.” Wait for the Lord, and He will save you.
    2. 444 : “Man” “four corners” “the world.”
    Numbers 4:44 - Levites set apart.
    John 4:44 - prophet has no honor in his own country.
    44 (Now Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own country.)
    Complete overtaking of God’s creation. Expansion of the land.
    Time was 4:44 - meaning it’s time to be set apart. And overtake the creation of God for His glory. July will be that kind of a month.
    3. 777 : By His spirit - 7 Spirits of God.
    “This is happening because of my Spirit.” - His doing of His work by the Spirit of God. Complete work of the Holy Spirit.
    7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7)
    * Some of you will enter into your ark.
    7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood. (Genesis 7:7)
    I know that this month's word is very unique but I sense the Lord releasing continual revelation to many of us through symbols, signs, and numbers. Pay attention to what God highlights for we are in an unusual time of revelation unfolding.


  • @movingbeyondmountains6141
    @movingbeyondmountains6141 Рік тому +5

    Definitely have been seeing numbers especially 444!!! I have been battling warfare especially on my finances, procrastination, temptation! Please pray for me

  • @elizabethr818
    @elizabethr818 Рік тому +4

    444 is also the Jewish gematria for THE TIME HAS COME🙌🙌🙌

  • @MsDana-mo9fp
    @MsDana-mo9fp Рік тому +11

    I have been seeing 111, 222, 333, 444, & 555 . I have also been seeing 8:28 as in Romans 8:28. (One =GOD; two= Unity; three= Trinity; Four= door & opening, & five= GRACE & Resurrection!) I accept the HOlY GHOST bringing miracles!

  • @SisterSharee
    @SisterSharee Рік тому +1

    Please Pray 🙏 for me and my Grandson 🙏 Protection. Also, I am trying to sell both of my Lands they re listed with my Realitor. And I need Healing in my body from attacks I rec'd from my enemies. AMEN❤

  • @renee1507
    @renee1507 Рік тому +14

    I’ve been seeing these numbers repeatedly along with others increasingly. Triples I wanted to understand. Thank you

  • @tatucorreia
    @tatucorreia Рік тому +1

    🤯🤯🤯🤯 No Way the 3 numbers GOD communicates with me daily ❗
    Thank you ❤

  • @XxbeastmodexX-ko7xk
    @XxbeastmodexX-ko7xk Рік тому

    he gave me my purpose on Tuesday! deliver churches and Christians ✝️

  • @yanam7841
    @yanam7841 Рік тому +5

    I always see 222 and 444

  • @carltonwilson973
    @carltonwilson973 Рік тому +1

    Amen. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. I receive this word in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Gen 33:4-5, Is 42:6, Matth 5:16,
    Numbers 11:10-17, Acts 12: 3-19, 1 Kings 11:13, John 10: 10,38, 11:40, 14:26-27,15:16,
    LUKE 11:28,1:37, 45, Is 55:11,
    Ezekiel 20:41, 37:1-12, 34:26,
    Gen 12:1-3, 1 Peter 2:9, Rev 3:8-9, Matthew 5:14-16, Eccles.3:1, 9:11, Gen.41:39-56, Psalm 138:8-9, Ps. 112:4, Gen 8:1,
    Deut 33:29, 30:3-5,8:18,
    1 Peter 2:9-10,5:8-11,5:7,10,
    Gen 8:1, 14:19, Is. 43:18-19,
    Habbakuk 2:3, Rev.10:6, 3:14,
    Deut 28:1-3,12-13,1:11,8:18,
    Heb12:11,6:12,11:11, Is 1:19,
    Zeppniah 3:14-20, Ex. 14:21,
    Eccles 3:1,11, LUKE 7:17, 23: 43,1:37, Is 60:3,James 4:10, Is45:3,41:10, 4610, Matth 10:16, Acts 4:12, Rom 8:12-13, 12:18, Matth 6:14-15, 18:3, 2 Chron. 7:10, Esther 8:8-9, 2:9, 16-18,
    7: 1-10, Ps 58:11, 20:4-5,105:
    15, 5:12,7:7, Is 52:12, 54:17,
    1 Cor 2:9, Zeppniah3:17, Rev.3:8-9,21:5-6 Is 22:22, Ps.90: 17,31:19,37:4, 19,112:7, Esther 4:14,5,6 & 7, Ruth 1,2, Jer 29:11, 5-6,30:17,18:6, 23:8, Ez. 34:26, 37:1-10,Is 40: 29-31, 41:10, 60:1,22,61:1-8,62:2-3,65:24, Mark10:9,11:22,John 10:10, James1:17, LUKE 9:1-6, Matth 6:33,5:14-16, Zacch 4:6 9:11-12, Zeppniah 3:17-20, Deut 8:18,10: 14,28:1-14, 1 Peter 5:7,10, Luke 10:19, John16: 13, Matth 12:34, Gen 31:1-13, 41:37-46,49, 8:1, 51-53,1 Sam16:7,30:1-8,18-19,
    John 8:33-36, 2 Cor 3:16-18,
    Jeremiah 33:3, 6, 29:5-6, 11,
    Psalm 34:6, 84:11,111::9-10,
    Isaiah 32:50, Gen 50:20,24:60,
    Psalm 23,91,70,132:14,126, Jeremiah 29:5-6,11, 2 Samuel 7:10-11,29,Job 5:24, Matthew 1:23, 5:3,5,7-8,15-16,Phillip1:6, 4:13,19,John15:5,Deut 8:18,1:
    11 Eccles 3:1-11, Prov10:22, 6:31,16:7, John 8:36,Gen 42: 5-7, Rev 3:8-9, Eph.3:20, Is 60:1, 62:11-12, 67:1, Deut 11:11,33: 25, 1:11,28:12-13, Luke 6:35,
    J O H N 9 : 1-11, 5:6-12, 16:20,
    Ps 75:7-9, Isaiah 22:22, 2 Cor 2:12, Philipp. 1:6, 4:12-13,19, Obediah 1:17, Is. 60:1-22,
    Is. 54:2-3, 55:9-11, Matth 21:22,
    1 Sam 30:1-8,18-20, Ps110:1-2, 139:16, Is 54:17,Ps1:1,3,23:5-7,
    Luke 23:43, 4:18, 19:17,1:37,
    Ex.12:29, Gen1:1-5, Ps 91:7, 68:5, 90:14,31:19,46:10,61:20, 102:13,2 Kings 6:5-7, 2:9-11, 8:3-6, ECCLES 3:4,11,Galatians 6:8-9,Dan 3:20-30,12:3,2:21-22,
    Jer 17:7, 30:17, 29:5-6,11,33:6, Ps 33:9, Prov 28:25, John 14:12, 4:35,38,15:16,16:33, Heb 4:3, 10:35, Rev 3: 8-9, 21:5-6,
    1Sam 1:13,15,19, Ps 139: 1-24,40:31, 28:7,102:6-7,13,16:8,
    34:19, 84:11,Ps32:8,90:12,97: 107,Matth 6:34,7:7,20:16,7:11, 24, 5:7-8,14-16, 20:16,19:26, 3:17, John16:20,15:16,11: 40, 10:10,Jer 29:11, 32:27,LUKE 1:37,43, Ps 23:5, 126:1-4,Gen 41:46,49, 51-52, Rev 3:7-9,21: 5-6, 22:1-2,21:5-6,Is 22:22,
    Ps.70, 40,105:19,33:9, 75: 6-7,102:13,110:2, Deut 8:18, 28:12-13,Prov18:16,10:22,16:7, 6:31,Eph 3:20, Matth 22:14,7:7,
    Gen 41:1-52, 50:20, 1 Cor 2:9, Jer33:3,6,17:7,JOB 8 :21- 22, 22 :28,42 :10,Ps.23 :1-6,111: 9-10, 34 :17-19,126:4-5 Lev.26: 4,12-13, Ezikeal 12:25, 36:11, Matth 8:8, Rev.10:6, 3:14,5:5,
    1 Sam 17:51-52, 30:1-8,18-19, John 16:20,16:33,10:14,27-30, Prov11:2,21:1,6:31, Phillip 4:19, Micah 7:8, John 1:5, Matthew 5:16, Isaiah 60:1, Ps 18:28,Rom 13:12,8:28-31, John 16:20, Is 60:1-5, 1 Cor 1:27, 6:12, Joshua 21:43-45,8:1-2,13-17, Deut 28: 12-13,Jer 29:11,Matth7:7,6:47, John 14:13,Judges11:5-11, Jer 29:11, Job 8:21,22:28, 42: 2,10, JOEL 2:22-28, Joshua 3:5, 21: 43-45, Ps 23:5, 34:17, 1 Sam17: 50-53, Is 22:22 ,60:22, Gen12: 2-4, 39:2-6,41:46,51-52,1:26, 50:20, Rev 3:7-9, 2Cor 5:7,17, 2:12, 2 Cor 9:8,6-7, Prov11:24,
    Is 22:22, John 4:8-15, 5:6-12, Matth. 19:26, 20:16, 5:7-8, 14-16, 3:17, 16:20,17:20,
    2 Cor 5:7,17,2:16,Gen 41:46,
    49, 51-52,1 Cor 2:9, Rom.8:28-30, 37-39, 12:1-3, Eph 2:10,3:20, Gal 6:9,Zacch 4:6, 10,9:11-12, Is 60:1,54:4, 17,
    Ps.75:7, 32:8, 37:4,19, 39-40, Acts 14: 9-10, Lev. 26:4-9,
    JOEL 2:25, 1 Cor 15: 57-58, 10:31,Job 42:10, Esther 7:10, Psalm 1:3, 75:6-7, Matth.10:14, 7:11,24, Is 55:5, 8-11, 2 Cor 5:17,7:1,1Kings17:37-52,18: 43-46,19:11-18, Zeppniah 3:14-20,John16:20,15:16,1: 12,16, 2 Sam 6:14, Jer 11:11, 31:13, James 1:2-5, Micah 2:13,7:7-9, MATTHEW 5:14-16, Heb1:9,Deut.28:11-13, Acts 9:3-5,18-19,Gen12:1-3, 17:3-9, Eccles 3:1,5,11,17, 2 Cor 5:17,
    Is.54:2-3,17,55:5, 8-11, 1 Chron 4:10,Rev 21:5, Acts 9:3-5, 18-19, Is 40:31, 61:7,49:25, 46:4,32:1, Eph 2:8-10,19, 20-21, Malachi 4:2,20, Is 40: 29-31, John 10:10, 21:6-7, Joel 2:25, Job 42:10, Dan 2:22, 3:30,6:3, Gen 24:60, 1:26,41:14-46, 50:20,12:2-3, 24:60, Jer 29: 11-14, Rev 3:8-9, Matth 20:16, Rom 8:19, 28-31, Joshua1:5-6, 8-9, Is 9:2, 46:4, 30:21,43:1, 18-19,46:10, Gen19: 36, Ex.33:1-4, Psalm 91:1-10, 23:1-7, 126:1-4, Prov 6:30-31, Luke 23: 43,10:19, Joel 2:25, Ex. 3:14, Acts 12:6,10, 5:19,33, 38-39, 14:5, 22:29,23:27, 27:30, 15:33-36, Philip 3:20, 12-13, 4:12-13,19, Luke 18:1-8,12: 31,1:37, Is 9:2, 51:3,54:2-3,
    11-12,17, 3:10, Is 46:13, 26:3, 32:50, Prov 3:5-6 & 2 Peter 1:2,
    1 Peter 2:24. 🙏

  • @hwestministries
    @hwestministries Рік тому +2

    The Lord showed me a receipt that said $222.22!!! He said -- that's how much you saved -- I am saving you!

  • @maplehill9028
    @maplehill9028 Рік тому +6

    As I'm writing this, it's 4:44 WI time.
    Thank you for this, because the Lord has been heavily showing me 222, 444, and 777. In fact, the other day, I saw on the side of a semi. In giant numbers, 7777-7777.
    I receive these blessings and opened doors. The Father is preparing me to move back to my home state. I'm more than ready. Thank you!

  • @cherylwilliams4738
    @cherylwilliams4738 Рік тому

    Prayers please. I'm struggling so much. I've been 99% bedridden and in horrific 24 7 pain for over 3yrs. I need a recreative miracle in my cervical spine . Ty

  • @ChildofGod98765
    @ChildofGod98765 Рік тому

    I was taught as a christian to trust in Jesus because he is our savior, he died for our sins. I will always hold on to my faith. Even when it’s hard. Please pray for me. My husband passed away years ago. I’m a single mother. Both of my sons are autistic and non verbal. Heavenly Father I know you don’t give us no more than we can handle. I know I’m a spiritual being in a physical body. But Lord have mercy on me. Since covid I can’t seem to get back on my feet. I was fired from my job for declining the vaccine. I declined due to my lupus and I also have a heart condition. I’m waitressing but not making nearly enough to get by. Every month is a struggle not to end up on the streets with my children. I’m struggling putting groceries in my refrigerator. Struggling to pay rent. I have no family nor friends to lean on. I’m so tired of struggling financially. I feel alone. I’m crying out to you LORD Jesus SAVE ME and my children from poverty and homelessness. Please hear my prayers. Walking with faith not by sight. ❤

  • @belindashivangulula7359
    @belindashivangulula7359 Рік тому +1

    I'm breaking through and breaking out in Jesus Christ Name 😂

  • @eloisadilber942
    @eloisadilber942 Рік тому +2

    I felt exactly that, 444.

  • @combatmedic91-b76
    @combatmedic91-b76 Рік тому +8

    Thank you Pastor Song 🎵, blessings to you in Jesus mighty name 🙏 😊. 222 444 777😊

  • @frankmurray222
    @frankmurray222 Рік тому +3

    Yeah this was crazy, today I seen 444 twice in a row on a passing train at a crossing at 2:22 pm. I've been seeing these numbers for months now. The Lord actually talks to us through numbers (or at least He does with me) I take these numbers to scriptures and He literally gives me verses pertaining to exactly what I'm going through or what He wants me to do or just promises from the Lord. I picked up on this back in February and now I know what my calling is and what the Lord has for me if I do His will. It's been a journey...no joke! For example when I clicked on this message I seen 554 and I've seen this before while watching other anointed ministries and it is a confirmation from God to listen to you. See Isaiah 55:4
    "I have made him/her a witness to the nations, a leader and commander to the people's." Just a little confirmation from the Lord to me to listen to you so be blessed and thank you for your encouraging words. Oh btw I was praying this morning for encouragement because of what the Lord has been pressing me to do right now and your word is an actual now word for me so thanks again. God bless you and your ministry sister. ❤️🙏

  • @joanneyow8034
    @joanneyow8034 Рік тому +3

    God is good! I been getting all these number 222 and 444 for days and weeks. And my birthday is 7/7/7x so 777 is a huge deal. All your interpretations are correct because I got the same interpretations for all. Bless you!!

  • @Jessicaram511
    @Jessicaram511 Рік тому

    He’s being showing me all these numbers too Thank you Jesus Hallelujah 🙌🙌🙌

  • @BrentotheMaestro
    @BrentotheMaestro 27 днів тому

    Very encouraging and relevant. God is Good! ❤ Thank you 🎉

  • @Vanessa-mv7xm
    @Vanessa-mv7xm Рік тому +1

    I have been seeing triples 222, but more of triples 444, I receive the declaration by faith in God Hallelujah Praise Jesus Amen.

  • @chrismathew1952
    @chrismathew1952 Рік тому +2

    Prophet: Accurate!! Especially the “set apart”. Thank you!

  • @transformationtv2024
    @transformationtv2024 Рік тому +6

    ❤❤❤ In Jesus Christ name Amen, Thank you I received this word

  • @merissacunningham9303
    @merissacunningham9303 Рік тому

    Amen. Blessings from Guyana 🇬🇾 South America

  • @arielstefanovic
    @arielstefanovic 18 днів тому

    The Holy Spirit has me watching this video today, Tuesday, July 9, 2024. Starting from the title, and the butterflies 🦋 's on your t-shirt are all conformation. I even pause the video unintentionally on minute 2:27 and this video is 27:27 seconds ❤😂. God bless you Apostle Song
    Ive been seeing alot 222,2222 ,444, 4444, 111 333, 555

  • @reitze01
    @reitze01 Рік тому +2

    Your faith makes you beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  • @craxnews831
    @craxnews831 Рік тому

    Wow 😮! This messages are a music to my ear! God is speaking….it is already time! July 7 2023(2+2+3) 777.
    The time is 21.

  • @RevelationStation227
    @RevelationStation227 Рік тому +6

    Thank you for sharing. God has highlighted 222 and 444 all week to me. Praise God

  • @1clay_vessel
    @1clay_vessel Рік тому

    I had read Isaiah 22 this month. Removal of one peg that things hang on, and a set up of another peg. Precursor of Jesus.

  • @michellemincy6579
    @michellemincy6579 Рік тому

    ❤❤❤Gloryyyyy to God that Word was for me!!! Ive been seeing 222 444 & 777! Wowwwww

  • @catherinebaumgartner5686
    @catherinebaumgartner5686 Рік тому +6

    Wow!!! Exactly thise numbers I have been seeing along with 555, 888, 111, 999. Thank you so much for this encouraging word!!! Blessings from Switzerland 🇨🇭🙏❣️🙏

  • @onelmaiga1378
    @onelmaiga1378 Рік тому

    I like the words u said"the calling". Yes we been called, and hears his voice. We are his sheeps..

  • @claudiatape807
    @claudiatape807 Рік тому

    Awesome stuff...what a confirmation...just yesterday the 10th July...I bought some goods and the total came to R222,77... I connect myself to the promise word of God...He will perfect everything concerning me...

  • @CJMercyMinistry
    @CJMercyMinistry Рік тому

    Thank You For Speaking, Bina shema toled insald frost kem JAH Elohim Shema insed essene shema jah Keppra hester intelled for drawn sint ekaeda kailee sacradondestah elohim shema!

    • @CJMercyMinistry
      @CJMercyMinistry Рік тому

      Bina = knowledge insight
      Shema = hear o Israel
      Toled = Allure
      Isnad = chain of authority attesting to history
      Essene = a new Kingdom of some kind coming
      Shema = hear o Israel
      Frost = deposit of crystals usually on ground
      Kem = shoulder
      JAH = Personal name of God
      Keppra = brain disorder treatment
      Hester = Star
      Intelled = useful information to lead with
      For = for the sake of
      Drawn = warped, Illusions
      Sint = that are mad
      Ekaeda = with creed
      Kailee =the Keeper of The Keys
      sacradondestah = Of The Sacred Golden House
      Elohim = God Of Israel
      Shema = hear o Israel

  • @ninjarob187
    @ninjarob187 Рік тому +1

    A word or teaching on the autoimmune would be great. I've had an autoimmune condition for almost 20 years and I'd love to be rid of it!

  • @TiaJoy1372
    @TiaJoy1372 Рік тому

    This is my word, lord you are so good all the time Amen😊💛🙏🏾🙌🏾

  • @paulinew4547
    @paulinew4547 Рік тому

    Bless you, my Sister in the Lord. My daughter has been seeing 777 also, and granddaughter seen 444 months ago. May the Lord Bless you and the Ministry. Praise God

  • @ccagrad2002
    @ccagrad2002 Рік тому

    Let your will be done Adonai
    In Luke 22, verse 42, Father if you are willing let this cup pass, yet not my will, let a Your will be done

  • @mildredmolina6398
    @mildredmolina6398 Рік тому

    I receive this word in Jesus Christ name! Thank you for your obedience!

  • @TiaJoy1372
    @TiaJoy1372 Рік тому

    Lord let your will be done😊💛 🙏🏾 🙌🏾

  • @chiquitac.4222
    @chiquitac.4222 Рік тому

    Blessings to you, to your family and to your ministry as well. To this video message, word, and prayer - Amen and Amen. Enjoy your day and week. 🙂✝️🙏🏾

  • @dalreneserpanchy2265
    @dalreneserpanchy2265 Рік тому

    We receive this word in Jesus name amen

  • @ichbinliebeschon2708
    @ichbinliebeschon2708 Рік тому

    And received this with gladness over myself

  • @belindashivangulula7359
    @belindashivangulula7359 Рік тому +1

    Revelation ❤

  • @kerihiggins1688
    @kerihiggins1688 Рік тому +1

    Thank you 🙏🏻🇬🇧

  • @lakishalittle9228
    @lakishalittle9228 Рік тому

    Watching the replay from Baltimore Maryland! Thank you for releasing this word🙌🏾

  • @corlisssmith9303
    @corlisssmith9303 Рік тому +1

    I have been seeing 444 for months and it always be time.

  • @moonglimmers
    @moonglimmers Рік тому +1

    Eight is the number of new beginnings

  • @francesburns3591
    @francesburns3591 Рік тому +3

    It is so! It is done! In Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏 🙌 ✨

  • @Monarch1111
    @Monarch1111 Рік тому +1

    Wow auto immune me. I've been dealing with some weird health stuff even after the Lord had healed me from last summer and just recently it seems like I'm having all this inflammation everywhere in my body I feel like it's an attack.

  • @SM-fy8ct
    @SM-fy8ct Рік тому +3

    Thank you woman of God, your word encouraged me. In Jesus's name,

  • @trustinhim33
    @trustinhim33 Рік тому +4

    Thank you my sister of Christ for allowing our Father to work through your vessel. In Jesus’s name. Amen

  • @joejoe6411
    @joejoe6411 Рік тому +2


  • @eulaliewhite-martinez1061
    @eulaliewhite-martinez1061 Рік тому +1

    O receive this wotd Amen

  • @eulaliewhite-martinez1061
    @eulaliewhite-martinez1061 Рік тому +2

    Thank you Lord Amen

  • @catherinesmiley4845
    @catherinesmiley4845 Рік тому +4

    I receive this prophetic word 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • @goldybosquet8948
    @goldybosquet8948 Рік тому +1


  • @emmaderrick519
    @emmaderrick519 Рік тому +2

    Ive been seeing 444 constantly for nearly a year

    • @mel19593
      @mel19593 Рік тому

      Me too 😊 GOD BLESS

  • @margarettrio9480
    @margarettrio9480 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for your encouraging word.

  • @t.c.o.g.773
    @t.c.o.g.773 Рік тому


  • @esmeraldavilla7326
    @esmeraldavilla7326 Рік тому +1

    Yes, I’ve been seeing those numbers a lot 111 222 777 444 666

  • @Faithoverfear247
    @Faithoverfear247 Рік тому

    Exactly the numbers I have been seeing constantly

  • @slickrick4701
    @slickrick4701 Рік тому +1

    All facts. All praises to the most high 🙌🏾🙏🏾

  • @SynergybyJT
    @SynergybyJT Рік тому +4

    I am so happy to catch this word for July !

  • @travellinglight77
    @travellinglight77 Рік тому +5

    So encouraging!!! Amen, GOD WILL DO IT! 🔥👑♥️🕊️

  • @jtaro6807
    @jtaro6807 Рік тому +1

    Praise GOD! Encouraging word!

  • @sabrinalopez2409
    @sabrinalopez2409 Рік тому

    Thank you Pastor Song!

  • @divinenutritionandhealth6327

    It is a blessing, thank you

  • @genfann9976
    @genfann9976 9 місяців тому

    Thank you for being obedient to God ,this word helped me..

  • @melissao1970
    @melissao1970 Рік тому

    Thank you❤ All glory be to GOD❤

  • @chesleyjohnsonthomas8906
    @chesleyjohnsonthomas8906 Рік тому

    Amen!!! I’ve been seeing these numbers and thank you for clarifying ❤

  • @liramotsohi7282
    @liramotsohi7282 Рік тому +1

    This Word is speaking to me... IT IS TIME!!!! ⌚Do Something!!! ... oh my God 🙌🔥🙌🔥🙌🔥🔥🔥

    • @michellemincy6579
      @michellemincy6579 Рік тому

      Amen.... Jesus said to me a few times. It's Time! To be honest...I don't know what that exactly means...but been asking. Thanks 4 sharing liramotsohi!

  • @peterl1099
    @peterl1099 Рік тому +1

    Lots of confirmation here. Thank you for your obedience Pastor Song. God bless

  • @elizabethcoetzee4098
    @elizabethcoetzee4098 Рік тому +1

    Amen thank you God 🙏

  • @lionelstokes7026
    @lionelstokes7026 Рік тому +1

    Amen. I Am in agreement with you, and I receive this word in the name of Jesus!!!!

  • @elenaandrei7037
    @elenaandrei7037 Рік тому +1

    I thank you, God! Amen and amen! God bless you Pastor Song!

  • @saymoo2064
    @saymoo2064 Рік тому +2

    I received this prophetic words in Jesus name Amen

  • @melissao1970
    @melissao1970 Рік тому

    GOD bless you❤

  • @kathleencollins1386
    @kathleencollins1386 Рік тому +1

    Amen! I receive this word. You are blessed and beloved Pastor Song.

  • @lianet777
    @lianet777 Рік тому

    Thank you Jesus

  • @madinamuzei5520
    @madinamuzei5520 Рік тому

    God bless you woman of God I was Soo bless . Glory be to God

  • @travellinglight77
    @travellinglight77 Рік тому +1

    Agreeing with every prayer, anointing to be ❤ 👑🕊️ set apart for His glory!! 🔥

  • @guylatibbs3564
    @guylatibbs3564 Рік тому +1

    Blessings to you daughter of the Most High God!❤❤❤

  • @vthegreat6334
    @vthegreat6334 Рік тому +2

    This was so helpful!! I’ve been seeing 444 for months

  • @debrabouwer4133
    @debrabouwer4133 Рік тому

    GRACE GRACE GRACE For you Ps Song.. Blessings I do pray for you ❤

  • @melissao1970
    @melissao1970 Рік тому

    This is a Blessing to me

  • @beccac3694
    @beccac3694 Рік тому +3

    Hello my sister in Yeshua Bless his Name and Authority !!! Did you realize that the time on this message you gave on numbers on UA-cam is clocked at 27:27 look at it ! The Lord is speaking clear 🙌🏼 I see these numbers every day and 11:11 thank you for your obedience
    And May you be in peace🙋🏽‍♀

  • @anneliselodewyk9852
    @anneliselodewyk9852 Рік тому +2

    Amen Hallelujah. Thank you JESUS. Confirmation. I've been seeing numbers. 🙏🙌🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @johnharris2213
    @johnharris2213 Рік тому +1

    Amen and Yes Thank You Prophetess! O receive this word in Jesus mighty name 🙏 🙌❤!!!

  • @alicebuckley806
    @alicebuckley806 Рік тому +2

    AmenAmen! Thank you for this message Pastor Song! I receive in Jesus Name!

  • @stephjewels100
    @stephjewels100 Рік тому

    I am watching the replay of this and I believe some of this Word is for me. Thanks Pastor Bae

  • @zionramthangmawi1233
    @zionramthangmawi1233 Рік тому

    Thank you Lord

  • @enidualcdrahcir7670
    @enidualcdrahcir7670 Рік тому

    This word was so for me! thank you!

  • @debrablunt1145
    @debrablunt1145 Рік тому

    Thank you sister in christ blessings 🙏🏾

  • @truthbtold9794
    @truthbtold9794 Рік тому

    Great on time word. Thank you. Stay blessed in Jesus name.

  • @crissydionne8328
    @crissydionne8328 Рік тому

    Thank you almighty father for this divine message! Amen! 🙏🏽💙

  • @TheGr8erPurpose
    @TheGr8erPurpose Рік тому

    Amen! Thank You Lord for the confirmations. Thank you Ptr. Song. God bless you and all abundantly.

  • @travellinglight77
    @travellinglight77 Рік тому +1

    God is speaking 👑🔥♥️🕊️✝️

  • @HiRVB
    @HiRVB Рік тому

    I thank the Good Lord for good news this month in the mighty name of Jesus Christ ❤

  • @Faithwalk212
    @Faithwalk212 Рік тому +1

    Every word of instruction is on point in line for pursuing purpose..Jesus thank You