She works hard for where she is now. And Romania gave her the opportunity to shine and the Romanians are really nice to open their heart for a new talent from another country. Thank you.
Translated basically what they said is that she is beautiful, she has been in Romania since November 2016, She is from Manila Philipines, she looks like Beyonce, she joined the band jugbox and is treated like a Princess by all the guys in the band. She is 28 years old there. Her boy friend is in the band and she is now married to him (at this time she was not though, im just adding this info for you guys). Oh, she also says that in the Philipines, they said she was cute, but never called her beautiful, but here in Romania, they are so much more appreciative of her beauty.
@@dynadee1115 no problem, she does have a daughter from a previous relationship in the Philippines, but neither one has contact with the biological father. Either In 2018 or in 2019, (sorry, forgot) Bella Santiago got married to her Romanian boyfriend (they met while in Malaysia) back in 2016. She has since flown her daughter to Romania.
Carla's.... Cuvinte mari și frumoase sfaturi de luat în bagaj pt tot restul vieții! Bine... ca de la Carla's nu ma așteptam la un altfel de comentariu! E OM, putini sunt ca el!! Felicitări fetei și succes!
That is definitely one of the best auditions I have ever listened to not only is her voice remarkable but she moves too, it's literally like watching a Bella concert. Absolutely amazing 👏
@@sydefx4651 hahaa cum e asta...iarta ma daca esti sarcastic sau te iau eu in serios, banuiesc ca actualul tatic este vitreg, avand in vedere ca nu arata deloc a filipinez 🤣
X Factor Romania should have English and Spanish subtitles because I would like to know what the judges are telling to the contestants. Spectacular Bella Santiago.!!!!
@Stardust Awww thank you so very much ..nice of you.! I would like to know everything about the interview the judges did to her after the presentation.!.
Nu sunt dependent sa cânt cu playback ca preferam sa cant live intotdeuna... ce e auzit este echo din sala dar asta sunt tot vocea mea.. si backing vocals... E super amuzant când cant și are lumea spune-am ca eu cant cu playback 😂 are moment la un concert care un fata sta in fața mea și a zis ca cant playback...stii ce am facut? Am cantat fara microphone si fata in fața mea a lasat gura inchis si nu mai zice nici o cuvinte...dar pentru mine e super amuzant si sunt deschis pe tot ce parere aveti... Va pup dragilor multumesc pentru tot comentari vostri🙈❤😘 va iubesc!!!!
Bella Resciebelle Santiago 💜💜💜💐🌼🌼🌼 Te sustinem frumoasa si talentata, dulce si plina de candoare femeie.. te iubim sa fii preafericita mereu.. Ce minunata esti... sa ne incanti mereu cu gratia ta.. si sa asculti sfatul lui Carla' s.. 💕😇
She just moved to Romania in 2016 but speaks their language so fluently. Gosh! This girl is not just talented but also adaptive and intelligent. Well, Filipinos are known in the world to be adaptive, talented and skilled people. I'm ptoud of you Labayan! Im proud to be Pinoy!
Dèvon you are just bitter because you know filipinos are way much better than YOU or your race(wherever you come from). You can't blame other nationalities for liking filipinas and filipinos because our women are one of the most beautiful in the world and aside from that, they have smooth and good-smelling skin not to mention good hygiene and that's why we look clean. Furthermore, many of other nationalities love to marry filpinos because we can take good care of them and our values are far more outstanding that's they want to be with us. Poor Devon, I pity you pathetic bitch!
I know it's been almost 3 yrs, obviously she's got the "X Factor" but she needs a great manager, a handler who can help her widen and promote her career. She has so much potential and am sure Romania loves her. Kudos to her coach here! Was her name Delia or Dalia? She's one of the key points how Bella became a monster on stage! She took songs that she thought would suit Bella's vocal range and style, and they both maintained it as the show goes! Also, I believe that their harmonious relationship also helped Bella succeed. Lots of love! 🤍🤌🏼
Wow! that was a SUperB Epic Live mashup performance by Bella. Thanks Romania for noticing and appreciating the Awesomeness of Bella. Love you too from the Philippines.
she was lucky, the people of romania were broadminded, they appreciated a talent whatever nationality.. compared on america and british people which will not let oursider win
Not actually it happens only that Bella has the x factor the excellent performance that was obvioysly better than the other. She showed the best performance especially her baravery and confidentiality she did. Thats why she won.
Prima concurenta X Factor Romania care stie pentru ce canta ! Bella are un scop si il duce pana la capat! E o adevarata artista , e completa ! Sper sa castigi ! Meriti din plin!
Oh Bella I'm suffering from anxiety and depression and I always watch you and your humbleness and confidence lift up my bad days thanks to you. Mabuhay si BELLA SANTIAGO
A mai participat la Romanii au talent, canta in tupa Jubox...pai e supertalentata....are ff mare experienta..e fff se misca excelent are factor X👏👏👏👏👏💋💋💋🌈
@@ioantoma08Și carlas se chinuia săracu sa facă un avion pe care nu la mai dus la sfirsit și nici nu sia mai luat zborul. Are o scuza::cineva ia distras atentia😂😂😂😂❤❤
Yeah she is so talented but unfortunately the music industry in the whole world especially hollywood doesn't work that way.... There are quite a lot of mediocre singers who are more famous than her worldwide .....but with inferior talent compared to her!😩
*_O artistă adevărată care merită toată atenția din lume. Se ușurează pe multe așa zise "artiste" de la noi. Are prezență scenică, voce de aur, frumoasă de pică, ce să mai.. tot pachetul unui adevărat artist. Felicitări, mult succes pe mai departe, ai susținerea mea! ❤_*
Wow.. She have 4.447 million views.. Wow.. What a performance . Xfactor Romania now is so popular show to watch because of her. Bravo Bella Santiago.. :"-)
Proud, love and respect for our kababayan Bella Santiago. CONGRATULATIONS !! please enjoy your every moment in the stage❤❤❤ this is late but I still go back here and watch you.🥰😘😊😄
Ea merita sa castige X Factor! E foarte greu sa dansezi atat de bine si energic si sa fii in stare sa sustii niste note atat de pline si spectaculoase. Cantacioasele noastre autohtone dupa 2-3 pasi pe scena incep sa gafaie ca la maraton. Ar fi un privilegiu ca ea sa ne reprezinte intr-o zi la Eurovision
ESC RO ehe heee...Dc BELLA se marita cu Maruta...era fff era mai tare decat Andra.. Andra e in toate juriile..Romanii au talent, Vocea Romaniei, Vocea Romaniei Junior.. Pt o cariera stralucita a un mafiot gen Maruta... Dc alege avea o cariera mai modesta..DAR VA BUCURA INIMI...VA FI MAI LIBERA SI MAI FERICITA
Actually here in the Philippines (were she came from) her talent is very common. Because many filipinos are great in terms of singing and dancing, that's why most of the judges has the high standards. And it's good to know that romanian people appreciating our very own Bella ♥️
Mind blowing performance, I really hope you'll win X-Factor, because you fully deserve it! I like your way of being and appreciate you a lot for your kindness and grace. Keep going and never stop of being who you are! May God bless you and your dears one.
O prezenta exotica care are talent cu caru' si pe deasupra se mai si misca de ne da cu virgula. Ce sa mai, dupa o asa prestatie, cantam singuri... !! Asteptam cred, zic, s-o revedem... in forta!! Ole!
The blond guy in the middle is her boyfriend or future husband, the old man is her father, and the rest of them are friends of her boyfriend (her boyfriend is Romanian) and also she is part of a Romanian band called Jukebox She is in Romania since 2016 , already learned to speak Romanian and she claims now she is Romanian. I guess if you as a country don't value your people and don't support them , they eventually leave and search opportunities elsewhere. In this case X factor Romania gave that chance ,that one opportunity To this special beautiful girl from the Philippines and guess what We loved it and love her and most specially we will vote her. Kisses to Philippines From a simple person in Romania
She with her own words said AM VENIT CU TATAL MEU ( I came with my father ) now plz stop beeing so defensiv , this is the truth, she said it in romanian
May I ask if that blond guy you mean is her boyfriend? Because she has different boyfriend ( a dancer?) I think on her got talent audition before. I just dont understand their language, sorry.
Pai e mai romanca de cat multi.. in primul rand a invatat limba romana in al doilea rand...a ramas in Romania.. in al treilea este casatorita cu un roman in al patrulea...canta intr-o trupa romaneasca in al cincilea ...iubeste Romania in al saselea e nacuta pe 1dec 1989. yeeee👏👏👏👏
@@mihaiandrei4633 Majoritatea care sunt în funcțiile cheie ale statului sunt copii de străini care au primit un nume romanesc și și-au însușit o limba de care nu sunt demni pe care o pangaresc ca și portul național, tradițiile și obiceiurile. Obiceiurile noastre sunt total opuse de ale străinilor adoptivi nici trădători nu ii putem numai ci numai corupți și antiromani. Normal ca sunt cooptați și în structurile INFERIOARE corupți din ramura noastra. Au un singur scop denigrarea tarii și a neamului, c i siguranță marea majoritatea a noastră nu sunt creați după chipul și asemănarea alogenilor și trădătorilor, ci opusul la ce eticheta ne-au impus ei din vârf după lovitura de stat 1989.
Geto Dac Da asa este ai dreptate..Au urmarit asiduu distrugerea sufletului neamului romanesc..dintr-o tara fara datorii in ajuns datori vanduti, campioni la defrisari paduri..distrugeri de uzine si fabrici, natalitate scazuta si mortalitate crescuta...
Foarte bine ca a venit in Romania pentru ca le da clasa la multe cântărețe care nu merita scena si publicul care ii adoră, o voce foarte puternică și daca Bella ar concura la toate cu siguranta ca va castiga !!
The Filipina stand out for talent,beauty and brain and most of all to being industrious they working so hard not just for themselves but for their family...
Măcar are voința sa învețe limba tarii în care locuiește în mai puțin de 2ani, spre deosebire de o buna parte a "philipinezilor" nostrii din Harghita, Covasna șamd care s-au născut, crescut pe pământurile tarii. Așteaptă pomeni de la Budapesta, neștiind ca sunt considerați venetici de Ungaria. O "iubire" pe interes de ambele părți. Dacă și-ar face ADN-ul ar fi surprinși de rezultat. Stima ei pe lângă voce își iubește și tara adoptiva.
Ea a fost nevoita sa vorbeasca romana. Daca in CV/HG se vorbeste in jurul tau doar ungureste, de ce ai invata romana??? Aici e vorba de erorile administratiei si o stare de fapt nelalocul ei pe care politicul vrea sa o mentina, nu de faptul ca x sau y sint rai.
Codrut Nistor era un reportaj de la "Adevarul" de ce ungurii nu stiu romaneste, nu e interesul lor ca popor, nu ei vor sa ne dezbine, ci cei din politica la ordinele rusilor/americanilor.. la ei in scoala, nu se preda romana, de aia la unele examene de bacaureat la lb romana se copiaza la ei.. din cauza ca nu au carti, nu au profesori, si in plus mai bine de jumatate din ei, sunt jumatate romani..
Proud Filipino here in Finland!!! I love and salute u Bella for having such a total package talent on the stage👍👍👍 Admin, could u please translate in English language the way they talked? Salamat po❤️❤️❤️
She works hard for where she is now. And Romania gave her the opportunity to shine and the Romanians are really nice to open their heart for a new talent from another country. Thank you.
❤❤❤❤❤indeed we are
Romanian are awesome people.
@@violetavio4401 I
@@emelitavelasco1839 they are indeed 😁🥰
Unfortunately in the philippines competition is hard i also have a friend in fb shes from romania even she cant speak english she's nice
It doesn’t look like an audition, it’s like a mini concert for me😁😁😁 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Totalmemte ❤❤❤
She’s the 1st ever filipina to win on X factor and she deserves it! She’s a born diva. Filipina’s beyonce
Shay pau she's not the only one, there's one in Israel and and the other one is in Australia x factor grand champion Marliza Punzalan 5 years ago.
Unang nanalong Filipina c Rose sa X Factor Israel... 2nd c Marlisa Punzalan sa X Factor Australia.
research p more
Cyrus villanueva is also pinoy. Half Filipino. X factor Australia 2015 winner after NI marlisa
Eu sunt din Basarabia si am admirat mereu cum Romnânilor nu le pasă de unde vine cineva, Românii susțin talentul, de oriunde ar fi ❤
Great skin color ,hair,face , body and outfit.Confident,good stage presence and marvelous voice.Girl!!You took everything .😘
That's true. She's amazing. Perfect body, Perfect smile, Perfect dance, Perfect voice. Love Her.
Mo Ri Filipino skin color morena...
@@argensumaylo2947 ....oo
But how did she dance that good with high heels on
She's so talented, her singing while dancing is just phenomenal. She's a great ENTERTAINER. Applause to our Kababayan 👏🇵🇭.
Bravoo bravoo ang galing galing!
She is really good professional I saw many of her performance i think in Japan or korea really amazing
she's gorgeous!!!
True shes the real performer
What's the name of the second song she sung???
Translated basically what they said is that she is beautiful, she has been in Romania since November 2016, She is from Manila Philipines, she looks like Beyonce, she joined the band jugbox and is treated like a Princess by all the guys in the band. She is 28 years old there. Her boy friend is in the band and she is now married to him (at this time she was not though, im just adding this info for you guys). Oh, she also says that in the Philipines, they said she was cute, but never called her beautiful, but here in Romania, they are so much more appreciative of her beauty.
Thanks for this!
@@dynadee1115 no problem, she does have a daughter from a previous relationship in the Philippines, but neither one has contact with the biological father. Either In 2018 or in 2019, (sorry, forgot) Bella Santiago got married to her Romanian boyfriend (they met while in Malaysia) back in 2016. She has since flown her daughter to Romania.
Thank u
Katina, thank you for the warm thought of translating for us non Romanian speaker, much appreciated....from London.
@@spacecrew8376 im glad i was able to help out 😊
Carla's.... Cuvinte mari și frumoase sfaturi de luat în bagaj pt tot restul vieții! Bine... ca de la Carla's nu ma așteptam la un altfel de comentariu! E OM, putini sunt ca el!! Felicitări fetei și succes!
Bine punctat !
Exact, m-a impresionat mult sfatul, o vad pe Bella cantareata de mare suces in viitor
Scurt si la obiect! Asteptam sa vad un comentariu dedicat spuselor lui Carla's
Yg b tb 091n bvcxsaz 9 I was A bit more. We just need an idea uijjjkjkjikkimjm d5knmasa si ursu masa si ursu
Spus adio muzica
That lady judge nice and supportive... Where as other lady judges are mostly jealous of talented female contestants
She's Bella's mentor actually
Delia is the most open mind female artist in Romania , and she is very very rich , she is a singer since she was 17 and always had huuge succes .
And that lady is became here mentor.
Yes very supportive and not envious. I love this judge ❤️❤️❤️
That is definitely one of the best auditions I have ever listened to not only is her voice remarkable but she moves too, it's literally like watching a Bella concert. Absolutely amazing 👏
I watched it for many times but still impressed to her and proud to be Filipino
Im picky af and Im so impressed by this. Wow just wow. Dang girl. 😱😱😱
Voce, atitudine, determinare, pasiune, energie.....un artist complet
Intr-un cuvant-IMPECABIL!!!
Din 2016 pana in 2018 a invatat romana mai bine decat Veorica.
Acum serios, felicitari Bella! Ai o voce superba!
Georgian Barbu comentariu mai bun decâ gafele "Veoricăi"😅😅
Si muuuuuult mai bine decat Iohannis.
Georgian Barbu minți
si a inviat si tasu, in 2016 la romanii au talent era cam mort.
@@sydefx4651 hahaa cum e asta...iarta ma daca esti sarcastic sau te iau eu in serios, banuiesc ca actualul tatic este vitreg, avand in vedere ca nu arata deloc a filipinez 🤣
X Factor Romania should have English and Spanish subtitles because I would like to know what the judges are telling to the contestants. Spectacular Bella Santiago.!!!!
Hear hear😭😭😭
@Stardust Awww thank you so very much ..nice of you.! I would like to know everything about the interview the judges did to her after the presentation.!.
You know that tey are deciding whether they are going to have subtitles or not, do you?
That would be fabulous - I love their xFactor - they have amazing singers. Fingers crossed on subtitles …..
@Stardust what a lovely reply - you are very very kind 😁🥰
Super! Ai meritat să câștigi, Bella! Ești o femeie luptătoare, am auzit povestea ta de viață👏🤗
She is amazing. This is a great performance. I wish there is an English translation. I would love to understand what they are saying.
me too
Me too
They are sayng she has a hood voice ,better than they expect !
I wish too
Nu sunt dependent sa cânt cu playback ca preferam sa cant live intotdeuna... ce e auzit este echo din sala dar asta sunt tot vocea mea.. si backing vocals... E super amuzant când cant și are lumea spune-am ca eu cant cu playback 😂 are moment la un concert care un fata sta in fața mea și a zis ca cant playback...stii ce am facut? Am cantat fara microphone si fata in fața mea a lasat gura inchis si nu mai zice nici o cuvinte...dar pentru mine e super amuzant si sunt deschis pe tot ce parere aveti... Va pup dragilor multumesc pentru tot comentari vostri🙈❤😘 va iubesc!!!!
Bella Resciebelle Santiago 💜💜💜💐🌼🌼🌼
Te sustinem frumoasa si talentata, dulce si plina de candoare femeie..
te iubim
sa fii preafericita mereu..
Ce minunata esti...
sa ne incanti mereu cu gratia ta..
si sa asculti sfatul lui Carla' s..
Măi fată tu meriți sa câștigi ai o voce nemaipomenită, mai ești si frumoasă pe deasupra 😘😘😘😘👍👍
Γεωργία ' Grecee 😘❤
OnePlaceForAll el e tatal lui iubitul meu tatal meu a murit cand sunt 1 ani
She just moved to Romania in 2016 but speaks their language so fluently. Gosh! This girl is not just talented but also adaptive and intelligent. Well, Filipinos are known in the world to be adaptive, talented and skilled people. I'm ptoud of you Labayan! Im proud to be Pinoy!
@@TheLui1024 whats wrong with you?
@@TheLui1024 poor soul. Keep watching more and you will suffer bad health.
@@TheLui1024 What's wrong with this guy?
Dèvon you are just bitter because you know filipinos are way much better than YOU or your race(wherever you come from). You can't blame other nationalities for liking filipinas and filipinos because our women are one of the most beautiful in the world and aside from that, they have smooth and good-smelling skin not to mention good hygiene and that's why we look clean. Furthermore, many of other nationalities love to marry filpinos because we can take good care of them and our values are far more outstanding that's they want to be with us. Poor Devon, I pity you pathetic bitch!
@@TheLui1024 god bless you.
Anyone still watching in 2020?
Proud and loud Filipino here
Yow mee
yes proud of her so much
Film sexi
Wooowww just woowwww... speechless.... so beautiful lady with a beautiful voice... great performer... total package! 😍😍💪💪💪
Wow! This lady deserves a record and this video deserves billion of views!!!
She is beautiful, she can sing, she can RAP , she can dance, is she a goddess ?!
Indeed she's a goddess sir... 😍😍😍
Proud to be a Filipina like her...
yes, she is. she's a humble goddess from the Philippines.
Truth. She is.
She's one of the Goddess of the Philippines
I know it's been almost 3 yrs, obviously she's got the "X Factor" but she needs a great manager, a handler who can help her widen and promote her career. She has so much potential and am sure Romania loves her. Kudos to her coach here! Was her name Delia or Dalia? She's one of the key points how Bella became a monster on stage! She took songs that she thought would suit Bella's vocal range and style, and they both maintained it as the show goes! Also, I believe that their harmonious relationship also helped Bella succeed. Lots of love! 🤍🤌🏼
She's not that great like everyone is saying here lol
I swear ive watched this 100 times already ..luv herrrrrr
Same here😁
Hahahaha...same here again and again hahahha
Me too
Same...and it makes me laugh watching their reactions😂😂😂
Boys boys boys😂😂😂
Bravo!...... she own the stage😍amazing performance.
Another Filipino pride👍👍👍Good luck Bella😘
Merita sa ma uit la acest videoclip de mai multe ori doar pentru a vedea reacția lui Carla:)) fata e geniala, ea e câștigătoarea fără doar și poate!
She owns the stage. She deserves every bit of success. She's extremely talented and very beautiful.
A definition of X Factor! Wow total package! 💯👏🏻👏🏻🇵🇭
Wow! that was a SUperB Epic Live mashup performance by Bella. Thanks Romania for noticing and appreciating the Awesomeness of Bella. Love you too from the Philippines.
she was lucky, the people of romania were broadminded, they appreciated a talent whatever nationality.. compared on america and british people which will not let oursider win
She is romania
No. She is Filipino, but she has a chance to explore her talent there in Romania. A well talented Lady with a Good heart.
Talents never discriminate people!
Not actually it happens only that Bella has the x factor the excellent performance that was obvioysly better than the other. She showed the best performance especially her baravery and confidentiality she did. Thats why she won.
You are broadminded idiot
She didn't came there for an audition. She came there for her concert.
Very original comment haHHa
waki DL hahaha yeah of course lol 😂
Oh yaass haha
Angelie Lazaro oh you agreed.😅 haha
She didn’t come ***
The best performance of a very talented Filipino singer i have seen. Bella God bless!
Prima concurenta X Factor Romania care stie pentru ce canta ! Bella are un scop si il duce pana la capat! E o adevarata artista , e completa ! Sper sa castigi ! Meriti din plin!
Hello talented Filipinos all over the World!!! Mabuhay!!!
She will be romanian :)
Yeah.. half filipina si kabayan pla toh..😊
Oh Bella I'm suffering from anxiety and depression and I always watch you and your humbleness and confidence lift up my bad days thanks to you. Mabuhay si BELLA SANTIAGO
I am watching her videos again and again until now.
I am so obsessed of u Bella ..
Love from Philippines ❣️
I couldn’t even count how many times i have watched her performance 👏🏻 she deserves everything she has 🥰
Amazing girl. So talented. Why dislike her? If you don't like her coz you are jealous of her just keep it to yourselves.
Rose Mac agreed
Rose Mac just haters
Maybe from the other contestants lolll
she gonna win this year...roumanians like her and we gonna support her til the end...
What is worong with you? 80% of comments are in a good way.
Again & again..., FILIPONOOOOOO???? 😱😱🤔 #LoveFrom_Indonesia 🇮🇩🇵🇭
Just Posting g
A mai participat la Romanii au talent, canta in tupa Jubox...pai e supertalentata....are ff mare experienta..e fff se misca excelent
are factor X👏👏👏👏👏💋💋💋🌈
Lalita Sundari jukebox*
Scuze ..JUKEBOX e formatia..din graba am scris gresit..SORRY
Da numai sa fie bine cunoscută de cei care au trăit clipe frumoase alaturi de ea
E fenomenala femeia! A trecut 1 an de la prima apariție la xfactor si totusi de fiecare daca cand ascult prestatia ei, mi se face "pielea de gaina".
Si mie imi place sa vad prestatia asta! Imi place cum i-a lăsat pe ai noștri cu gura deschisă!
@@ioantoma08Și carlas se chinuia săracu sa facă un avion pe care nu la mai dus la sfirsit și nici nu sia mai luat zborul. Are o scuza::cineva ia distras atentia😂😂😂😂❤❤
A trecut mai mult ptr că eu am ascultat-o acum ín octombrie 2023
Tell me this is not her audition. Wow, it's like she is performing for the finale.
Proud Filipina here living in Romania! Go bella we got your back.. we love you and we believe in you.
Kindly translate what they are saying plssssss
She looks like Eumee Capile of TNT🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
Proud filipina living here in middle east. Go go Philippines
sana makarating ako sa lugar na yan.
im living in yur heart love u
I've been watching her videos for how many times but still having a goosebumps while listening to her voice.
She's a total performer!
Bring this woman to America!!! She must be an International STAR!!! Who compare to the voice, the stage presence, the sheer TALENT!!!
Yes Wrelee.
Da Adevărat, Foarte.
no thx. keep ur artists and stay where u are
Yeah she is so talented but unfortunately the music industry in the whole world especially hollywood doesn't work that way.... There are quite a lot of mediocre singers who are more famous than her worldwide .....but with inferior talent compared to her!😩
Your talent should be known in the world. What an amazing performance !! greetings from Qatar Doha middle east .
*_O artistă adevărată care merită toată atenția din lume. Se ușurează pe multe așa zise "artiste" de la noi. Are prezență scenică, voce de aur, frumoasă de pică, ce să mai.. tot pachetul unui adevărat artist. Felicitări, mult succes pe mai departe, ai susținerea mea! ❤_*
În sfârşit nu mai scrii acelasi comentariu, nu e greu, asa-i?
Le a stins lumina la “jurati “😂😂😂
@@alinaalexandra8812 I au băgat în boală 😆😆☝
Love her...and the faces of the judges, just love it 🎶❣️🥰
Wow.. She have 4.447 million views.. Wow.. What a performance . Xfactor Romania now is so popular show to watch because of her. Bravo Bella Santiago.. :"-)
She's is bad ass . I couldn't believe it when I saw this performance. She blew everyone away and messed up every man around
Now 5.5million
Now 7.7 Million
It has reach 7.8M now.
Proud, love and respect for our kababayan Bella Santiago. CONGRATULATIONS !! please enjoy your every moment in the stage❤❤❤ this is late but I still go back here and watch you.🥰😘😊😄
Ea merita sa castige X Factor! E foarte greu sa dansezi atat de bine si energic si sa fii in stare sa sustii niste note atat de pline si spectaculoase. Cantacioasele noastre autohtone dupa 2-3 pasi pe scena incep sa gafaie ca la maraton. Ar fi un privilegiu ca ea sa ne reprezinte intr-o zi la Eurovision
Ea deja a partecipat la preselectie di eurovizion.
Ai dreptate, dar nu le poti judeca pe "cantacioasele" noastre pentru faptul ca nu pot dansa in timp ce canta. Pana la urma cantatul e cel important
Nu le judec, doar fac o comparatie. Bella Santiago merita o cariera stralucita, e foarte talentata!
ESC RO ehe heee...Dc BELLA se marita cu Maruta...era fff era mai tare decat Andra..
Andra e in toate juriile..Romanii au talent, Vocea Romaniei, Vocea Romaniei Junior..
Pt o cariera stralucita a un mafiot gen Maruta...
Dc alege avea o cariera mai modesta..DAR VA BUCURA INIMI...VA FI MAI LIBERA SI MAI FERICITA
Degeaba,poate sa fie la fel de promovata dar talentul muzical al Andrei e mult peste
thank you so much Romania mabuhay
Wow!!!! She really nailed it! That was her show.. Her concert.
What a total performer!
Yes. I agree with you.
Filipino singers are recognized excellent performers in X factor UK, US, Australia, and in Israel and now in Romania 😉
true we even had a back2back winner in Australia's X factor with Marlisa Punzalan won it and Cyrus Villanueva the following year.
hahahahhaha true
Filipina is in the house!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm confused did she audition or do consert❤️❤️
she just nailed it ❤️
@@byjarasin5353 ❤️❤️❤️
Who cares. She was amazing regardless
Actually here in the Philippines (were she came from) her talent is very common. Because many filipinos are great in terms of singing and dancing, that's why most of the judges has the high standards.
And it's good to know that romanian people appreciating our very own Bella ♥️
You have a point and I am a Filipino as well. But still we should be humble and be very thankful that foreigners appreciate our GOD GIVEN TALENT.
Yabang pa More.
@@jvlopez193 no room for jejemon 🙄
Jusko pati Jejemon hindi alam ang ibig sabihin. Mayabang na nga kulang pa sa kaalaman. Very common talaga, nakakaloka ang kayabangan ng iba.
She won't be known if she stays in the Philippines where flooded with talents wise move she's in romania ❤❤❤❤
Mind blowing performance, I really hope you'll win X-Factor, because you fully deserve it! I like your way of being and appreciate you a lot for your kindness and grace. Keep going and never stop of being who you are! May God bless you and your dears one.
JetLion Love you’re profile picture
Selezia fan Sailor Moon? ❤
JetLion Sailor Venus is my life 😍
Another Filipina talent... Bravooo.!
I Told You Guy's Dont Give a Mic to The Filipino's😍
Hehe Yeah your right sir because Filipino is so talented
Hahaha why I am Filipino I can't sing😭
I m indonesian and agree with u sir
She is rumanian.....
O prezenta exotica care are talent cu caru' si pe deasupra se mai si misca de ne da cu virgula. Ce sa mai, dupa o asa prestatie, cantam singuri... !! Asteptam cred, zic, s-o revedem... in forta!! Ole!
Esti geniala!mereu ma intorc sa te revad!
The blond guy in the middle is her boyfriend or future husband, the old man is her father, and the rest of them are friends of her boyfriend (her boyfriend is Romanian) and also she is part of a Romanian band called Jukebox
She is in Romania since 2016 , already learned to speak Romanian and she claims now she is Romanian.
I guess if you as a country don't value your people and don't support them , they eventually leave and search opportunities elsewhere.
In this case X factor Romania gave that chance ,that one opportunity To this special beautiful girl from the Philippines and guess what We loved it and love her and most specially we will vote her.
Kisses to Philippines From a simple person in Romania
LOL, that is not her father. Her parents are both pure Filipino.
She with her own words said AM VENIT CU TATAL MEU ( I came with my father ) now plz stop beeing so defensiv , this is the truth, she said it in romanian
@@TheEDEN001 Yeah because it's a Filipino culture to present your parents in law as your real parents.
We know her more than you do. So back off.
May I ask if that blond guy you mean is her boyfriend? Because she has different boyfriend ( a dancer?) I think on her got talent audition before. I just dont understand their language, sorry.
She looks like a superstar ....
When others ask for auditions and Filipinos give them a concert!
Very well said
I thought this was an audition? NO!!! This was a concert! She own the stage! ❤️🔥❤️🔥 🇵🇭💪
Wow this is so amazing i am happy for her shes famous now in romania. Proud to be filipino.
Stop with that proud thing. That's purely nonsense. Magaudition ka rin at saka mo sabing "Proud to be jen tape”
@@yuangrey1953 uu mag audition na tayo sabayan mo ako ha
@@jentape oo maganda yan. Para matigil ang kahibangan ng mga kababayan kong tulad mo😉 😘
@@yuangrey1953 hahaha tara na
Asa ceva n-a pasit si nici nu va pasi pe sceana X FACTOR😎😎😎
PERICOL!! As plati oricand si oricat sa o vad pe aceasta artista! BRAVO!
5 years and still iconic! 💯✨
She did a concert there yeah!!!!❤❤❤❤😍😍😍💋💋💋
Yeah she really did, she really knows how to conquer the crowd. Besides she speaks romanian almost like a native, great for her.
She is on fire well done girl
Yes.. half filipina pla xah..
Absolutely not only an auditions
Fuck off filipinos! She's disgusting!
Trying hard!
Everything about her is cheap!
Yuck! 🤮
that was a powerful performance.
Is it a new competition? Didn't she join already a few years ago?
@@totomu401 i think she just go for guesting...😊😊
oh! thanks for the info.! haha.
Thanks Romania for embracing filipino talents. 😍😍😍
She is absolutely beautiful and has an amazing voice ❤💜❤💜❤
Pai e mai romanca de cat multi..
in primul rand a invatat limba romana
in al doilea rand...a ramas in Romania..
in al treilea este casatorita cu un roman
in al patrulea...canta intr-o trupa romaneasca
in al cincilea ...iubeste Romania
in al saselea e nacuta pe 1dec 1989.
Ea nu știe cum e viața și cum sunt romanii de corupți, hoți etc.
@@mihaiandrei4633 Majoritatea care sunt în funcțiile cheie ale statului sunt copii de străini care au primit un nume romanesc și și-au însușit o limba de care nu sunt demni pe care o pangaresc ca și portul național, tradițiile și obiceiurile. Obiceiurile noastre sunt total opuse de ale străinilor adoptivi nici trădători nu ii putem numai ci numai corupți și antiromani. Normal ca sunt cooptați și în structurile INFERIOARE corupți din ramura noastra. Au un singur scop denigrarea tarii și a neamului, c i siguranță marea majoritatea a noastră nu sunt creați după chipul și asemănarea alogenilor și trădătorilor, ci opusul la ce eticheta ne-au impus ei din vârf după lovitura de stat 1989.
Geto Dac Da asa este ai dreptate..Au urmarit asiduu distrugerea sufletului neamului romanesc..dintr-o tara fara datorii in ajuns datori vanduti, campioni la defrisari paduri..distrugeri de uzine si fabrici, natalitate scazuta si mortalitate crescuta...
Hope have subtitles. What I understand is that "She's a FILIPINA ". She nailed it anyway! 👏 Good luck Kabayan!
Greatings from singapore,...what a lovely filipino voice have..
Foarte bine ca a venit in Romania pentru ca le da clasa la multe cântărețe care nu merita scena si publicul care ii adoră, o voce foarte puternică și daca Bella ar concura la toate cu siguranta ca va castiga !!
I iarba vv ceh g g
@@numoldovan7650 romana te rog !
That's what you get for giving a Filipina a microphone. She's not giving it back and she's gonna light the stage on fire. #BellaSantiago
@Art Garcia hahaha 😂😂😂
Speechless great performance.. it seems jukebox is more in love with Bella....
bestialaaaaaaaaaa.... o iubesc pe Delia, dar i se vede gelozia! Este super frumoasa si talentata!
Daniela Obrebski INVIDIA DELIEI
Nu e invidioasa lol 😂
I can play over and over and its still the same energy and goosebumps
Wow.. She's Amazing.. Her voice is phenomenal. So proud to be a Filipina.. go Bella Santiago . You're the best.. I'm rooting for you.. :-)
2020 and watching this again huhu so much talent! Proud pinay!!! ♥️ 🇵🇭
The Filipina stand out for talent,beauty and brain and most of all to being industrious they working so hard not just for themselves but for their family...
purple heart customised by western culture no reflection of their authenticity....I do know they are hardworking folks though....well done missy
I love you Bella♥️ super gorgeous and full of talent🙂 thanks Romania for appreciating such talent❤️
Bella is like. - i will sing bang bang by jessie j
Oh no wait lemme do a mash up
Oh no wait lemme dance too
Oh no wait lemme rap too
May I know what's the title of the second song that she sang please?
@@jovelynlimo6958 im cumming up
Woooowww just wow! Complete package. Just saw this yesterday and played this how many times. Proud of you bella!!!😊😊😍😍
Au vazut si romanii in special juratii cum arata ,ce voce si ce joc de scena are Bella .Superba.
She was doing a concert on her audition lol ❤❤❤❤❤ what a voice and energy! ❤❤❤❤❤
Cântă fata asta de rupe! Am văzut-o live la Eurovision în iarnă! Are o voceeeee! Mamăăăă!
Wow! Nice performance bella .
Proud filipina here.
From philippines to korea to romania and now her.. Wooow.
Its not audition,its her concert wow proud filipino ur the best
Măcar are voința sa învețe limba tarii în care locuiește în mai puțin de 2ani, spre deosebire de o buna parte a "philipinezilor" nostrii din Harghita, Covasna șamd care s-au născut, crescut pe pământurile tarii. Așteaptă pomeni de la Budapesta, neștiind ca sunt considerați venetici de Ungaria. O "iubire" pe interes de ambele părți. Dacă și-ar face ADN-ul ar fi surprinși de rezultat. Stima ei pe lângă voce își iubește și tara adoptiva.
Moooooor :))))) cât de trueeeeee, felicitări!
“Philipinezii” din Harghita și Covasna au un orgoliu horror! Sunt spurcati...
Ea a fost nevoita sa vorbeasca romana. Daca in CV/HG se vorbeste in jurul tau doar ungureste, de ce ai invata romana??? Aici e vorba de erorile administratiei si o stare de fapt nelalocul ei pe care politicul vrea sa o mentina, nu de faptul ca x sau y sint rai.
Codrut Nistor păi ba sunt pt că ne denigrează...spun că limba română e urâtă și multe rezum la atât..
Adria Maria Să nu generalizam. Și pe ei ii strică oamenii politici care de fapt nu ii reprezinta ca și pe noi.
Codrut Nistor era un reportaj de la "Adevarul" de ce ungurii nu stiu romaneste, nu e interesul lor ca popor, nu ei vor sa ne dezbine, ci cei din politica la ordinele rusilor/americanilor.. la ei in scoala, nu se preda romana, de aia la unele examene de bacaureat la lb romana se copiaza la ei.. din cauza ca nu au carti, nu au profesori, si in plus mai bine de jumatate din ei, sunt jumatate romani..
Cant stop watching this kind of audition huhuhu i love u and im proud of being filipina
Wow!! Almost everyday I watch this video , she so talented and gorgeous!
As numii clipul asta: "Cand concurentii canta mai bine decat juratii"....
O , da
Atlanta Lover Tareeee...!
Atlanta Lover 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
First saw her.. and i was like..
'' please.. hopefully she's Filipino".. and i was right😁😍😍😍
You know its a filipino if she can sing like that..
Borneo sabah
Proud Filipino here in Finland!!! I love and salute u Bella for having such a total package talent on the stage👍👍👍 Admin, could u please translate in English language the way they talked? Salamat po❤️❤️❤️
Super!!!!!! Cea mai tare concurenta si cea mai tare voce de la x Factor!!!! Are tot ce ii tre unei artiste unei Dive☺☺☺ superrr