There are SECRETS here. Spaceman Meridian!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @moosemuseum1853
    @moosemuseum1853 9 місяців тому

    Best all in one analog modulationIve ever heard! Awesome demo.

  • @SomeKindOfMadman
    @SomeKindOfMadman Рік тому +1

    Great demo, Sasha, your playing is always awesome

  • @TylerFoleyAudio
    @TylerFoleyAudio Рік тому

    Comb filtering is a phenomenon that happens when the same sound arrives at the listener's ears (or a microphone) at different times with a very small delay between the signals. This delay can be anywhere from one sample to several milliseconds, up to 15ms-20ms. (Straight from google)
    It's a concept that us recording engineers deal with often.

  • @mariodriessen9740
    @mariodriessen9740 Рік тому +1

    Man, I love your Tele so much. The colour haunts me, because I just can’t tell what it is. It’s like a very greenish grey. I love colours like that. Does that colour have a name?
    Great pedal by the way! I love their Explorer phaser.

  • @smokehouse4444
    @smokehouse4444 22 дні тому

    Oh man, anyway to get a tab of that beautiful piece between roughly 5:20 and 7:15? Gorgeous, I would live to learn that and play it for my wife!

    • @SashaIvantic
      @SashaIvantic  14 днів тому +1

      I really have to learn how to make tabs and get you laid

    • @smokehouse4444
      @smokehouse4444 10 днів тому

      Yeah, I think I need to learn this and the opening to the "Should Cornerstone make these a dual pedal" vid. Both phenomenal, and guaranteed to get me laid with the wifey!

  • @marksulkanon
    @marksulkanon Рік тому

    The style of your music doesn’t turn up that much in my mix or practice, but you are impressively good at it, and most importantly your attitude is absolutely infectious, well therapeutic actually.
    Also, you frequently downplay your pedal demo skills, and then go on to do a through and effective (ha!) demo nonetheless. So, hats off to you man! And, keep at it. Maybe mix up how/what you play a bit sometimes (or not). You’ll probably downplay your ability to do so, but given how capable you are at what you already put out, I’ll bet you have it in you. And, yeah some people take excessive glee at being shitty and demonstrating their profound insecurities in the comments, but the fact that the internet makes it much easier for folks to display their buttholes in public doesn’t make it any more meaningful than it’s ever been. Keep on, keeping’ on! And, mostly sincerely, thank you!

  • @thiagoalexandrino
    @thiagoalexandrino Рік тому

    Sounds amazing. I couldn't expect anything different coming from spaceman. In my opinion it sounds too close to the Aurora, that I already have, but I would love to have both.

  • @Dzika_Astronomia
    @Dzika_Astronomia Рік тому

    My thirst thought after 30 seconds of watching your video was: Apart from chorus side this pedal sounds (maybe unintentionally) like simulation of Leslie effect which is way better than pedals which built to sound like one :-) I often use Spaceman's Tremshifter and I love it.

    • @SashaIvantic
      @SashaIvantic  Рік тому

      It’s funny how all Spaceman pedals can do a leslie

    • @Dzika_Astronomia
      @Dzika_Astronomia Рік тому

      @@SashaIvantic It is high time to reveal the truth, and the truth is as follows: Leslie effect as such is the matter of philosophy, not just mere electronics :-)

  • @MFJord1
    @MFJord1 Рік тому

    I would love to see the epiphone makeover video!😊

  • @EhsaanHossain
    @EhsaanHossain 6 місяців тому

    "It sounds like gonorrhea...? OH YES!"

  • @alienfretboy
    @alienfretboy Рік тому +1

    But, with the Persistence of Time, Salvador overcame the Dali Drip.

  • @mrbrons69
    @mrbrons69 Рік тому

    What headphones do U use ?

  • @GuitarBailey
    @GuitarBailey Рік тому +1

    Does it take me down to the paradise city?

    • @SashaIvantic
      @SashaIvantic  Рік тому +4

      It does. And when you get there the grass will be green and the girls pretty

    • @GuitarBailey
      @GuitarBailey Рік тому +1

      @@SashaIvantic please take me home jk

    • @timjx3675
      @timjx3675 Рік тому +2

      At over 300 bucks they should SLASH the price😊😂

  • @RuGuan
    @RuGuan Рік тому

    They should really make a knob for preset, seriously.

  • @jensk4140
    @jensk4140 Рік тому

    Ik denk dat je hem maar moet houden 😊