When they say women ain't FUNNY, I don't know what they mean but I am sending them this exhibit. Most entertaining episode yet and I am a backbencher who doesn't comment or subscribe .. solid show. Mammito should do a parody or something .. or not 😂😂😂
Such a heartfelt love letter. This is what we should all do with the people we love when they are still around. Letting them hear our sincere thoughts about them and how they make us feel. Those were happy tears. Such a blissful bond between sisters. ❤️
Tawi is the TRUTH!! Wicked wicked humor. Love to see it!! I have watched the video she introduced us to Pettyville and Petty Vuitton many times. Gold!!
WOW, JUST WOW!!!!!!! It's been ages since ANYOINE has made me cry-laugh, if you know what I mean. Thank you Kitt and Tawi for making my evening. Thanks, Steph, for always brightening my days.
Most enjoyable love letter so far. Tawi's humour is to die for. I admire their sibling relationship.
their sister chemistry is beautiful to watch🥺🙃
Tawi is ungovernable!😅😅😅
Aki Tawi we can't be crying and laughing at the same time. I truly admire your bond. This was beautiful!!
Why did I cry so much!?? This was so deep!! I love it and admire your relationship ladies!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
"In a world that increasingly feels like we are in a simulation, the one thing I know is real..." Felt thaaaaaaaat!
I love this whole family ...from their parents to the siblings...to the husband's...inlaws ...cousin,iykyk
Me too! I love them all!
Me too....they have the best dynamic
A sister is the only friend that one needs and will stand with you no matter what ❤️❤️
stephanie, you really stuck to this, congratulations, keep on. Kitt and tawi, i admire your sibling relationship
When they say women ain't FUNNY, I don't know what they mean but I am sending them this exhibit. Most entertaining episode yet and I am a backbencher who doesn't comment or subscribe .. solid show. Mammito should do a parody or something .. or not 😂😂😂
I have gone through a spectrum of emotion with this. I love Kitt and Tawi's relationship. Your parents did good
Such a heartfelt love letter. This is what we should all do with the people we love when they are still around. Letting them hear our sincere thoughts about them and how they make us feel. Those were happy tears. Such a blissful bond between sisters. ❤️
Tawi said give me a safe space to steal your things 😂😂 aa wa!
I love this sisterhood!
Kitt is a darling,Tawi too!The Nyangaya's are a whole vibe❤
Tawi is the TRUTH!! Wicked wicked humor. Love to see it!!
I have watched the video she introduced us to Pettyville and Petty Vuitton many times. Gold!!
Petty Vuitton 😅😅😅
Such a beautiful relationship. I have laughed, cried and crode.. So wholesome❤.
Happy Valentines friends ❤💌
Kitt is so grounded ❤. I love her.
The Best episode so far!!!
So real, hilarious, deep, comforting,healing,loving,forgiving and everything in between.
Kitt and Tawi ❤❤❤❤
Best love letter everrrrr!!!! Tawi, you have my heart!!! ♥
Here for kits laughter and vibe♥️♥️♥️❣️
How i love this Family ,,best love letter so far ,,the sibling relationship is awesome,,great👏👏👏👏
I have cried! My goodness!!!! 😭😭 Thank you for embodying sisterhood in its totality.
Why am I crying with total strangers and wiping my tears with lots of tissues ?Weeeh
This has got to be my favorite love letter ep thus far❤
Wueeh.. this made me cut onions.
After 11 days of avoiding this episode, I finally watched it and cried like a baby. My God this is the sweetest thing ever 💕💕
I've been Kitt's and Tawi's fan sincee....I love their personalities and the relationship they have with each other...so beautiful.
Dope Sanaa! Love their sibling love too ❤️
Kitt, totally understand about strangers
I've cried so much watching this! It's one of my favorite love letter episodes for sure! Loved every bit, their humor, especially 🫶🏽
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂this episode has honestly been the best ❤ i love these 2. They're such characters
Best love letter ever!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤I’m laughing and loving!!!!
A retake for these beautiful people.
I love Kitt and Tawi,two lovely souls both on camera and in real life......I have cried and laughed with you❤❤
A snack and a nap fix everything...my take home is get over it 🤣. I love it all. I have cried and laughed all in the same breath. Thank you
Thiiiiisssss 😅
I have cried really admire ua bond it's amazing
This was a win❤
Tawi is so beautiful 😍
Have cried so much, beautiful relationship.❤❤❤
came here running ...i love me some Kitt and Tawi😍
Kitt just never disappoints. Today I needed to cry. I have laughed and cried my heart out... What a relief.
Thoroughly enjoyed this. The episode we didn't know we needed. ❤
I have crode and crewed
Oh wow! The best episode yet!😍
Wow. .. .love this two.I have laughed my all and to think they are sisters,double blessing
They are refreshing no lie😂❤❤❤❤❤love to see it
Here for Kitt an awesome woman
This is very kind. Thank you so much
Omg, Tawi talks like your Mother❤❤❤❤
Kitt and Tawi are quite a duo. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.
I love Tawi so much😂😂😂she is cracking me up!! Such a middle child, I relate so much!
This was such a hearty chat. Tears were tearing. So wholesome and a good reflection of a healthy sibling relationship.
This is Soo awesome and very authentic
😂😂😂 Tawi's first time seeing stars😂😂
I have a headache from crying WUEH!!
Heh…. Tawiii. You can’t make us cry like that right at the beginning. 🥰
Why again did I watch this during work hours!??
no make up lol you cant explain whats happening .
WOW, JUST WOW!!!!!!! It's been ages since ANYOINE has made me cry-laugh, if you know what I mean. Thank you Kitt and Tawi for making my evening. Thanks, Steph, for always brightening my days.
Ungeeka disclaimer apo before ianze. I have cried and laughed so hard to this. Thank you for being real and raw.
How beautiful was this episode ❤❤❤❤❤❤. I cried soo hard Sina, am so glad I got a sister in this life
I absolutely love love love this. But I feel like there is a lot to be unpacked between the 2. They absolutely love each other but there is sth there
There's nothing there 😅 but I see why a 1hr video of strangers might bring up something in you
Ofcourse honey it would
Ona vile tunalia huku😭🥹❤
The waterworks!! I did not expect😭😭😭
I was not ready to cryyy😭
Enjoyed this episode. The episode left me wondering why I don't have a sister.
Sisters are magic 😍
❤❤ wish I had this with my sister😢
Tawi is hilaaaaaariioous😂😂
Its the lollipop for me, Tawi, falling into a coma 😅😅😂😂
Tawi is so funny!! 😅😅
So cute ❤
So wholesome ❤
The best love letter yet! Sibling love is so beautiful 😍
Not me pausing to tear up best love letter so far
Kitt & Tawi ❤❤
😭😭😭😭😭I have really cried, crode and crode! My God!
My favourite
One of the conversations I've been looking forward to. Thank you
Beautiful ❤
Ohhh that was way more important honey 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I can't 😂😂😂😂😂this has to be the funniest thing I have heard this year😂😂😂😂😂😂
Thoroughly enjoyed these two! ❤
This was so beautiful to watch,the authentic conversation and the love❤️❤️❤️
This was so beautiful to watch
I swear i was on my 50th tissue until Tawi mentioned "age"😅😅😅😅😅 wooow Tawi
Wueh 😅
Best episode ever!!!
So wholesome
Watched twice.
Wow I have crode yawah wueh
The tears I have went! Great episode
This was so wholesome
Thank you
Beautiful episode♥️
This is so beautiful to watch❤️😍.
The best love letter i have heard.❤
Ive crode and crode.I love these two 😍
I loved this alot❤
I wish i had a sister
the most entertaining love letter yet!!
'Kitt you've monopolized feelings' 😂😂
I have laughed throughout
Love the duo
the best episode ❤....
ONIONS!!! It's alright, let the river flow 😅😅😅
I enjoyed watching this❤
My favourite so far..🔥🔥🔥🥰 I love it here
Such a sweet, and fun episode! 🤗
This was so so beautiful.. I cried and crode . I love these two gorgeous and ungovernable women . ❤️❤️