Quincey on Leaving Islam, Shooting at Police, 15 Years in Jail & More | #35

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • In Da Bridge Podcast #31, we have Quincey featuring. We speak through his eventful life, discussing his childhood, becoming Muslim and then leaving Islam, spending nearly half of his life in jail and much more.
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  • @staceyjones1000
    @staceyjones1000 Рік тому +31

    I rate quincey, he always speaks his mind and his truth is entertaining. Real brudda

  • @johnmccurdie8892
    @johnmccurdie8892 Рік тому +13

    Quincey one of the realest on UA-cam no bullshit just real talk

  • @mynewxiaomi4828
    @mynewxiaomi4828 Рік тому +23

    Listening to this, I have to ask myself if Quincey actually understood Tawheed. He's got good character and good morals , for him to understand what he has left he needs to know what he left exactly. May Allah Azzawajal guide him and guide us. Be in this world as a stranger, as a traveller.

    • @VBN156
      @VBN156 Рік тому +1


    • @HebrewsvJohnv
      @HebrewsvJohnv 3 місяці тому

      The Quran is plagiarised from Jewish, Christian, Arab paganism, Zoroastrianism, Apocryphal/Gnostic Gospels, Protoevangelum of James (140-170)AD and the Gospel of Pseudo Matthew.
      a) . Q18:8-25 “Surah Al Kahf” The Companions of the Cave The entire tale was plagiarised from a Christian myth called the “Seven sleepers of Ephesus”. First recorded by Jacob of Suarag in the 5th century in Syriac, then into Latin in the 6th c/y by Gregory of Tours in his work “The Glory of the Martyrs”. The story was slightly altered by the authors of the Koran from Christians being persecuted by Romans for not following their Gods, to Muslims being persecuted for not following Pagan gods.
      b) The New Testament Apocrypha is a collection of “extra canonical Christian writings.” The Koran plagiarizes many tales of Jesus (like making a clay bird come alive and speaking as a new born) and Mary straight from these. I.e. Surah Al Maeda 5:110 and Surah Al E Imran 3:49.
      In roughly June 2021, on his show let the Quran Speak, entitled Did The Quran copy from the Infancy Gospels, says 'Historians in looking at pre historic accounts for The Quran for infancy stories of Jesus see there must have been elements and traces and stories from which the Quran developed from,' sadly he said "Muslims celebrate these stories" and shamedly Muslims 'boast of these as a source of pride'.
      Even worse though is that Shabir Ally then goes onto say, 'is that even if you say from a historical perspective there is a connection between this and that Allah only guided Muhammad (in plagirizing from these non canonical absurd sources) to retain only that for The Quran which is compatible for Islamic theology, so stealing from the core but adapting the rest.
      c) The Korans “heaven” is plagiarised from a cycle of Christian Hymns called “Hymns of Paradise” written in the 4th c/y by St. Ephrem of Syria, 300 years before the time of Mohamed.i.e Q76 (Al Insaan) , Q77 (Al Mursalaat) , Q 78 ( Al Naba) , Q 83 ( Al Tatfeef)
      d) The Story of Solomon and Bathsheba: Q 27: 17-44.
      This exact tale comes from an earlier Jewish story from the “Second Targum of Esther” , “Targum Sheni”
      e) Abraham Being delivered from the Fire: Q 2:260 is the same as “Midrash Genesis Rabba” from the 5th c/y. Genesis 15:7, but with an interesting twist. When originally translating this story from Hebrew to Aramaic, which says Abraham was brought from” Ur of the Chaldeans”, Jonathan Ben Uzziel in his Targum wrongly rendered the Babylonian word “Ur” , which means “City” into the Aramaic word “fire”. , confusing it with the Hebrew word “Or” meaning light or fire. The original story still found its way into the Koran without Allah spotting this error.
      Note: Nimrod did not live at same time as Abraham. (5000-4500) BC Q21:50/70+ Q37:95
      f) The Quran maintains that Jesus was not actually crucified and did not die on the cross. Despite these views and no eyewitness accounts, most modern scholars have maintained that the Crucifixion of Jesus is indisputable.
      The view that Jesus only appeared to be crucified and did not actually die predates Islam, and is found in several apocryphal/gnostic gospels such as The Second Treatise of The Great Seth, the teachings of Basilides, The Gospel of Matthias and The Coptic Apocalypse of Peter.
      Ibn ‘Abbas (d.68/687) a paternal cousin of Muhammad and esteemed by many Muslims as the “father of Quran commentary” and “the Ocean [of knowledge]” commented on Quran 4:157-158, that they slew Tatianos, a Roman soldier instead of Jesus.
      Ibn Kathir, follows traditions which suggest that a crucifixion did occur, but not with Jesus. After the event, Ibn Kathir reports the people were divided into three groups following three different narratives; The Jacobites believing 'God remained with us as long as He willed and then He ascended to Heaven;' The Nestorians believing 'The son of God was with us as long as he willed until God raised him to heaven;' and the third group of Christians who believing; 'The servant and messenger of God, Jesus, remained with us as long as God willed until God raised him to himself.
      Ibn Ishaq stated: 'that Jesus was replaced by someone named Sergius, while secondly reporting an account of Jesus' tomb being located at Medina.'
      Al-Masudi, reported the death of Christ under Tiberius.
      Tabari, divided the early reports regarding Jesus crucifixion into two groups. According to the first, one of Jesus disciples volunteers to take the form of his master and is crucified. According to the other, the Jew mistakenly carried only an empty resemblance to the cross.
      Al-Tabari also records an interpretation transmitted from Ibn Ishaq Bishr: "God caused Jesus to die for seven hours".
      Ibn al-Athir forwarded the report that it was Judas, the betrayer, while also mentioning the possibility it was a man named Natlianus.
      10th and 11th-century Ismaili Shia scholars Ja'far ibn Mansur al-Yaman, Abu Hatim Ahmad ibn Hamdan al-Razi, Abu Yaqub al-Sijistani, Mu'ayyad fi'l-Din al-Shirazi and the group Ikhwan al-Safa affirm the historicity of the crucifixion, reporting Jesus was crucified and not substituted by another man as maintained by many other popular Qur'anic commentators and Tafsir.
      Shabir Ally, Muslim Apologist states:
      ‘I have followed the thinking of many who feel that it is not necessary to have the belief that someone else was substituted for Jesus. I distinguish between two meanings of crucifixion. One means simply “to hang on a cross”, but I believe the word crucifixion as used in the crucifixion as used in the Koran means to “kill a person by that means”.
      Shabir Ally in effect, admits that Jesus was put on the cross, but that he did not die on the cross, and therefore the koranic and biblical accounts are, to some degree, in harmony. He goes on to support his contention, saying: ‘There is a subtext, which points to the fact that Jesus could not be verified to have died on the cross. He may very well have been taken down while still alive.’
      Shabir Ally points out that Jesus wasn’t on the cross for very long, whereas crucifixion normally took days to kill a man, noting Pilate’s astonishment that Jesus was apparently dead before nightfall. In this respect, Ally subscribes to the ‘swoon’ theory of the crucifixion: that Jesus passed out on the cross, but later revived.
      So, after years of denying plagiarism by the Koran, Dr Shabir Ally , one of Islam’s foremost debaters now admits to plagiarism giving the laughable explanation that “Allah wanted to convey his final message by using stories already familiar to us,” mistakes and all.
      Hebrews 9 v 27 and John 3 v 16.

    • @HebrewsvJohnv
      @HebrewsvJohnv 3 місяці тому

      The Satanic Verses (Gharaniq incident) was an incident where Prophet Muhammad acknowledged Allat, Manat, and al-Uzza, the goddesses of the Pagan Meccans in a Qur'anic revelation, only to later recant and claim they were the words of the Devil.
      The Satanic Verses incident is reported in the tafsir and the sira-maghazi literature dating from the first two centuries of Islam, and is reported in the respective tafsīr corpuses transmitted from almost every Qur'anic commentator of note in the first two centuries of the hijra.
      It seems to have constituted a standard element in the memory of the early Muslim community about the life of Muhammad.[1]
      "Al-Lat was also called as a daughter of Allah along with the other two chief goddesses al-'Uzza and Manat. According to the 'BOOK OF IDOLS,' the Quraysh were to chant the following verses as they circumambulated the Kaaba: By al-Lat and al-'Uzza, And Manat, the third idol besides"
      Shahab Ahmed is the main Islamic scholar in this area. He summarizes his research as follows:
      The Satanic verses incident constituted a standard element in the historical memory of the Muslim community in the first 150 years of Islam, and was recorded by almost all prominent scholars working in the fields of tafsir and sirah-Maghazi. (Shahab Ahmed, The Satanic Verses Incident in the Memory of the Early Muslim Community - An Analysis of the Early Riwayahs and their Isnads, A dissertation presented at Princeton University, 1999, p. i)
      [We have] repeatedly dated the reports of the Satanic Verses incident to the late 1st and early 2nd centuries; in other words, to what seems to have been the earliest period of systematic collection and organization of historical memory materials in the Muslim community. As regards the discourses of which these reports formed a part, we have found that all the reports were transmitted by late 1st/early 2nd century sirah-maghazi and tafsir scholars (Shahab Ahmed, 1999, p. 258)
      The Satanic verses were being transmitted in almost every important intellectual centre in the Dar al-Islam: Madinah, Mecca, Basrah, Kufah, Baghdad, Missisah, Rayy, Balkh, Samarqand, San'a', Fustat and Qayrawan. (Shahab Ahmed, 1999, p. 260)
      When Islam starts to write its history, the Satanic Verses are universally part of that history. It is not a later development, but in the earliest Islamic sources.
      The event is recorded in multiple independent sources. This is what historians call multiple attestation. Multiple attestation makes a report more reliable.
      All the major Islamic centres transmitted the story. It had wide acceptance and was not a story that developed in one location.
      It was a standard part of how the early Muslims told the life of Muhammad in the first two centuries of Islam. That is, it had the consensus of the early Muslim community.
      In Islamic theology, false Angel Jibril, creates Islam in a cave and tries to steal the identity of The Holy Spirit and his action (see Luke 1 v 35), to create Islamic 'Isa', see Surah 66 ayat 12 (Qurandotcom and Sahih International).
      However, In the Bible Angels are not allowed to create or impregnate humans, only God can create, this is plagiarism and shirk...see Genesis 6:1‭-‬5, Jude 1 v 6, 2 Peter 2 v 4, Matthew 22 v 30.
      The Quran gets the Trinity wrong, mentioning Jesus and Mary and not mentioning the Holy Spirit, because the false Angel Jibril was trying to steal the identity and action of the Holy Spirit and create Islamic Jesus (Isa). Three Quranic verses may directly refer to this doctrine.4:171, 5:73, and 5:116-118.
      So... Allah got it wrong because false Angel Jibril is allowed to masquerade as the Holy Spirit for Islamic theology, that is why Jibril then created a false Jesus that was not divine or crucified in the Quran.
      Galatians 1:8 KJV
      But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
      John 4 v 22, additionally says salvation is of the Jews, NOT the Ishmaelites!

  • @dmaragh994
    @dmaragh994 Рік тому +12

    Quincey was in my class in school.. purple tie... Been Muslim over 20 years many people/Muslims have let me down. I Thank Allah for my understanding of the religion its more beautiful then any person. People are weak noone is perfect but Islam is perfect. Allah is Greatest.

  • @philcurrie7524
    @philcurrie7524 Рік тому +8

    I was on the other side of the fence, but always liked Quincy. This interview to use Quincy’s words reaffirmed why.
    I met many men like Quincy in Prison with untapped talent.
    Great to hear you’re building a new life.
    Take care.
    Phil (PEI)

      @REALLIFETVUK Рік тому +4

      Thank you Phil

    • @thetruthwillsetyoufree7167
      @thetruthwillsetyoufree7167 Рік тому

      Quincy is as real as it gets! Let’s be real Islam is a beautiful religion that is getting abused at the moment especially in the uk! Half these road man pretend to be Muslim but use it for protection quince fell in love with the peace and righteous brotherhood of Islam

  • @aaronvisual
    @aaronvisual Рік тому +10

    Man said the Coxsones and Saxons like they’re soldiers and then said “ain’t it just steel pans” 😂😂😂 defo need to do likkle research gg! Hail up the two Lloyd’s dem! 🙏🏾

  • @moroyalty
    @moroyalty Рік тому +6

    Great interview I got so much ❤️& Respect for Q as a Man & Elder for all he’s been through & overcome his childhood & upbringing has so many similarities to my own it’s crazy lol & love his growth & positive changes to his life definitely an older from my ends I rate & respect highly & our families our connected we just don’t personally know eachother due to different generations & his long prison sentences etc but the Love I have for him is genuine cos I know he’s basically family & his mindset & behaviour reminds me of my dad he’s definitely from that same school of morals & actions may Allah continue to bless & protect him & keep him on the right path on his journey through life AMEEN

  • @marvinwright7656
    @marvinwright7656 Рік тому +16

    Big up Quincy who was never a yes man. Respect to a man who denounces religious nonsense and makes his own decisions based on facts! Trust god and god alone.

    • @jackdeniels6907
      @jackdeniels6907 Рік тому +8

      Without ANY type of guidance it's hard for a human being to find the adequate and hygienic way of washing your own @ss never mind the multiple other tasks we conduct on a daily basis.
      Alhamdulillah for the guidance n code of conduct the Muslims have been given.
      Proud to be Muslim n I wouldn't want it ANY other way

    • @marvinwright7656
      @marvinwright7656 Рік тому +1

      The problem arises when the family home is broken. All kids yearn to be loved. No child is born bad it’s all learnt behaviour. If a child doesn’t receive love at home then they search for it elsewhere. This is why so many lost kids join gangs which are just a substitute family designed to exploit.
      Religion was designed to control the masses. Being a Muslim (or any other religion) doesn’t allow you to think critically because you have to follow the rules of the ‘holy book’. Religion is division. Life is simple, love god and treat others how you want to be treated!

    • @somquestofficial
      @somquestofficial Рік тому +2

      Show some respect ! In Allah we trust , Islam is the way for lost souls ❤❤❤

    • @ViralSportsTV397
      @ViralSportsTV397 Рік тому +1

      @@jackdeniels6907 Alhamdulillah to Islam for guiding the likes of Muhammad Ali

    • @abdurrahmanalothman4900
      @abdurrahmanalothman4900 Рік тому +1

      Islam is beautiful and guidance.

  • @Jav1arda
    @Jav1arda Рік тому +41

    Great interview. May Allah guide Quincey back to Islam Ameen ❤️

    • @amaanaltaf3344
      @amaanaltaf3344 Рік тому +7

      @@spamspam7265because Islam is the truth

    • @amaanaltaf3344
      @amaanaltaf3344 Рік тому +2

      @@spamspam7265 no sorry but it’s the truth

    • @amaanaltaf3344
      @amaanaltaf3344 Рік тому

      @@spamspam7265 what do you believe in then

    • @amaanaltaf3344
      @amaanaltaf3344 Рік тому +1

      @@spamspam7265 some Africans are Muslim

    • @sym929
      @sym929 Рік тому +3

      @@amaanaltaf3344 not the truth

  • @Matt77125
    @Matt77125 Рік тому +11

    the imam was lowkey telling him to turn on white people 😂

  • @exposingthetruth5503
    @exposingthetruth5503 Рік тому +19

    Get Shower Malik On Here In Sha Allah

  • @starboiii9508
    @starboiii9508 Рік тому +6

    Islam is a powerful religion I’m not I’m a Christian but nothing give me a reason to convert to when to be closer to our god so I gets what Q was saying how he felt big him up

    • @Sha-El
      @Sha-El Місяць тому

      No it's not, aint no different to any other religion man made bull

  • @P12-d3d
    @P12-d3d Рік тому +5

    The best podcast Eva 💯

  • @MK-pt9xt
    @MK-pt9xt Рік тому +14

    MashaAllah a good brother you can see, never judge a book by the cover.
    May Allah guide him and us ameen

  • @eesagino5327
    @eesagino5327 Рік тому +10

    Rate Quincy ngl may Allah keep blessing him and guide him back to the deen

  • @ORGPPL1
    @ORGPPL1 Рік тому +2

    For clarity, it wasn't called "1st years".
    When you left junior school and started secondary school, you was in what was called the 1st form or 1st year, then the 2nd form - up to the 5th form.
    Some stayed on until what was called the 6th form.

  • @genral5502
    @genral5502 Рік тому +5

    Allah swt doors are never closed my brothers and sisters.
    # Salaams and Salawaats to our master Sayidina Muhammad saws
    # Free Palestine
    # Free Kashmire

    • @wework8739
      @wework8739 Рік тому +1

      Free Yeman. Free the oppressed Ummah. Allah hu akbar

    • @genral5502
      @genral5502 Рік тому +1

      @@wework8739 SubhanAllah how could I ever forget.
      # Free all the brothers and sisters under oppression.
      # ALLAH swt please help us
      # Salaams and Salawaats to our master Sayidina Muhammad saws

  • @abdurrahmanalothman4900
    @abdurrahmanalothman4900 Рік тому +1

    If he left Islam Allah will guide others who hold on firmly to it. Many doctors and professors and even priests convert to islam thank Allah.

  • @RaphaelDawkinsCombatRadio
    @RaphaelDawkinsCombatRadio Рік тому +4

    I enjoyed this chat.

  • @jshaw4757
    @jshaw4757 Рік тому +3

    Don't come too much realer than Quincy very switched on..cheers for podcast 👍

  • @anthonysestanovich3997
    @anthonysestanovich3997 Рік тому +6

    Yes q speak da truth 💙💯👊🏽🙏🏽

  • @emceeultra2677
    @emceeultra2677 Рік тому +2

    Big up Q always keeping it real

  • @desmondcampbell4901
    @desmondcampbell4901 Рік тому +7

    I was in pen with this guy in Ayelsbury back in the day when he had a straightener with a yardie called Ricketts who tried to slash Quincy face he did nick him a bit but nothin major Quincy tumped him up tho lol in the cell I both came out and sat down like nothing happened and start watch TV hahaaa memories yo big up Quincy man straight G

  • @strikerfromthe3rd
    @strikerfromthe3rd Рік тому +5

    Big up Q real as they get

  • @mikemickalis
    @mikemickalis Рік тому +4

    Quincey always grubbing on something 🤣🤣🤣

  • @Wills365
    @Wills365 Рік тому +3

    Wicked listen this.. from all three fellas good podcast ❤

  • @Doubletrouble000
    @Doubletrouble000 Рік тому +2

    Interesting life I like this guys insight great viewing 👍

  • @everythingisfake7555
    @everythingisfake7555 Рік тому +1

    Quincy is breaking the narrative

  • @mostincredible21
    @mostincredible21 Рік тому +12

    I enjoyed the conversation. It was a shame you guys missed the question on asking him about his creativity

    • @mostincredible21
      @mostincredible21 Рік тому +3

      ....although Quincy did go into it himself, towards the end of interview

  • @kole9158
    @kole9158 Рік тому +4

    regardless of religion spread love not pain, i dont follow islam but its a beautiful religion when taken seriously, ive seen it provide friends with routine, guidance and discipline, so I will always respect it, Im a Christian man I take my ting very seriously, im not someone who bashes beliefs and puts others down if you do that youre no Muslim or Christian, what you are is a dickhead honestly - live in love and behave yourself

  • @strikerfromthe3rd
    @strikerfromthe3rd Рік тому +9

    Sinbad from bush but moved to reading

    • @zackm2694
      @zackm2694 Рік тому +4

      Correct. Good brother still..

  • @neelante
    @neelante Рік тому +7

    Let him do want he wants to do stop forcing the issue on him.

  • @snowteam6609
    @snowteam6609 Рік тому +5

    Can you get young spray

  • @selhurt
    @selhurt Рік тому +1

    Really good interview

  • @yscsolja
    @yscsolja Рік тому +9

    Imam tryna bait the race ting always

  • @donsmithered5623
    @donsmithered5623 Рік тому +6

    Yes Q!
    Only heard you through Yammy and his online presence.
    I’m a good ora/vibe reader , your nuhss is strong man 💪🌟
    I love the loyalty and regard you have for your friend Yammy 🌟 It’s great to see and for younger guys to see as well 🙃
    ✌️ n 💚

      @REALLIFETVUK Рік тому +3


    • @jshaw4757
      @jshaw4757 Рік тому +1

      Watch his real life TV youtube series I think it's still on his channel its sick

      @REALLIFETVUK Рік тому

      @@jshaw4757 REAL LIFE TV UK VIA UA-cam

  • @JL1990
    @JL1990 Рік тому +11

    Quincey the real deal thwaites

  • @professorhulkbanner
    @professorhulkbanner Рік тому +4

    Its deep that he basically got put in care because his stepdad didn't wanna be baited up. In this day we would hope the mum makes her man leave the yard to keep her son home and safe but we come from a different time

    • @WorldCupWillie
      @WorldCupWillie Рік тому +1

      It's not really about the era. Unfortunately, still to this day, women are still choosing arse hole men over there kids.

  • @Bobbibouchersmumwasright
    @Bobbibouchersmumwasright Рік тому +4

    Delphon died 2 yrs ago?

  • @Bobbibouchersmumwasright
    @Bobbibouchersmumwasright Рік тому +5

    Q’s totally right about the Bones being fashion.. it’s mad to even say it but he is right… I won’t lie though 8/10 man say yeah I used to bun hard food “BUT ONLY IN A ZOOT” …

  • @truskool1971
    @truskool1971 Рік тому +2

    INDEED ! ,there is a CREATOR, Nice reasoning and a quick genuine question , can anyone provide stats of the many young black male muslims marrying into non black or "middle eastern" muslim families here in the uk?

  • @solslastcannula5665
    @solslastcannula5665 Рік тому +2

    Sinbads brothers are after him! For his fathers inheritance! Who passed away! He used to own chicken cottage on Shepherd’s Bush Green! Back in the day! Dad was a boss man! Sinbad got the gold fake teeth! He has small hands! Hes a shorty! He currently sleeps rough in Cambridge!

  • @Abdul.M.
    @Abdul.M. Рік тому +3

    Mashaa’allah Allahumaabaarik interesting video ❤😂

  • @breakdownshakedown71
    @breakdownshakedown71 Рік тому +6

    Untouchables was Peckham. Remember hearing about them as a kid living in New Cross

    • @julieraffo6235
      @julieraffo6235 Рік тому +11

      No there from brixton u mad man 😂😂😂

    • @breakdownshakedown71
      @breakdownshakedown71 Рік тому +2

      @@julieraffo6235 so how come Quzo even said they ain't from Brixton?

    • @thestranger6340
      @thestranger6340 Рік тому +1

      @@breakdownshakedown71 Quincy doesn't know where their from. But they're from Brixton or kenington.

    • @deanharding7730
      @deanharding7730 Рік тому +2

      Untouchables was from Brixton just after the raiders posse they was angel town Loughborough Stockwell kennington oval Camberwell the original untouchables ....

  • @truthheard6142
    @truthheard6142 Рік тому +9

    May Allah guide him back to Islam.

  • @dmney123
    @dmney123 Рік тому +12

    Good interview Quincy can crack jokes, very humble, good humour and the names they gave him in prison lol but overall sounds like a good brother we got to hear a lot, his been through a lot glad he is able to still speak about it and in sha Allah he can come back to Islam and rectify his faith because he has the character of a muslim it’s a shame he was put off by a few individuals, but then again he was young then and we all are constantly learning and growing even into adulthood, am sure he will revisit because he sounds like an intellectual individual and is surrounded by muslims. That being said a good example I could give which could be relatable and which started in prison would be Malcolm x who followed the nation of Islam for years but when he wanted to go Hajj he realised he was following the wrong kind of Islam for years because they preached hate and left them and found Islam again the correct way and Allah guided him. A lot people often end up with the wrong crowd it’s happened to all of us at one point and Quincy would know his from the streets, but we don’t let those situations change us because their lessons, how else would we learn. So Quincy if your reading that’s my message for you my brother, remember muslims are still human and you will find good and bad everywhere.

      @REALLIFETVUK Рік тому +3


    • @LettsTrade
      @LettsTrade Рік тому

      Malcom x the free mason ?

    • @dmney123
      @dmney123 Рік тому +1

      @@LettsTrade Malcolm wasn’t a Freemason maybe whilst at the Nation of Islam, that would be before going Hajj and fully accepting orthodox Islam but not after going Hajj and after Hajj we know he only lived for 3 months and then he was assassinated, hope that helps you 👍🏾

    • @kf9926
      @kf9926 Рік тому +1

      @@dmney123 you do know Islam has ties to masonry right ?

    • @dmney123
      @dmney123 Рік тому

      @@kf9926 not the Islam we follow I have no idea what Islam your speaking of maybe the Islam from cnn and bbc. You need to stop watching tv and stay away from the internet and get correct sources from muslims not non muslims 👍🏾

  • @troublesumdemon5595
    @troublesumdemon5595 Рік тому

    U are a legend. Big up bro .

  • @TraderlifeMR10X
    @TraderlifeMR10X Рік тому +1

    People saying don’t follow religion just follow god lol the whole point of Islam is it gives you the blu print on how to follow god
    Anything outside of that your doing according to your own desires and narrative
    Messengers were sent for a reason

  • @tajkhan8758
    @tajkhan8758 Рік тому +2

    Big up Quincy man.

  • @shadeytaylor
    @shadeytaylor Рік тому +1

    I was in Aylesbury prison from 97-99 when i got released

  • @waynegordon3445
    @waynegordon3445 Рік тому

    Come on.. man like Q, salute 🫡.
    Second time I hear bout Paul Massey.. my man on James English interview dropped his name aswell.. referred to him as a front runner - leader of the pack!

  • @flamboyentpromotions3471
    @flamboyentpromotions3471 Рік тому

    Untouchables from Brixton an all over London

  • @moorefyre9381
    @moorefyre9381 Рік тому +1

    Man really mentioned sinbad nuts remember him from way back

    • @moorefyre9381
      @moorefyre9381 Рік тому

      @Sohael Sayed don't hear much about him now may Allah preserve and correct him ameen

  • @Elevationbeyondexplanation
    @Elevationbeyondexplanation 5 місяців тому +2

    christianity does say to pray to Jesus anyway .. Jesus taught us to pray Our father who art in heaven. straight to The creator even tho JESUS IS THE WORD of GOD who without him nothing would have been created that was created

  • @sleeplessinstockwell
    @sleeplessinstockwell Рік тому +4

    Poor interviewing they sound like they’re interrogating man religiously

  • @truey3565
    @truey3565 Рік тому +4

    Who could it be ??? Its qozo the lord

  • @trustmylingo8111
    @trustmylingo8111 Рік тому +2

    This was way too short

  • @coachkitson2998
    @coachkitson2998 Рік тому +1

    ❤️🙏🏾 my bro

  • @rickyomoiawua4463
    @rickyomoiawua4463 Рік тому +1

    Salam walakum InshAllah Allah guide him

  • @johnwickr678
    @johnwickr678 Рік тому +4

    I rate massey keep your head down kid 🤣

  • @nikkis9292
    @nikkis9292 Рік тому +3

    Quincy is usually full of jokes and laughter , this interview he came across guarded almost like a police interview .

    • @aq991
      @aq991 Рік тому

      This is your own perception probably based on preconceptions you have about this partciular environment which speaks volumes about you. You're very weak

    • @nikkis9292
      @nikkis9292 Рік тому +1

      @@aq991 very weak elaborate

  • @archdesignstudios4507
    @archdesignstudios4507 Рік тому +1

    Another great episode keep up the good work. Salaam

  • @JL1990
    @JL1990 Рік тому +4

    Quincey I no knew sum crazy white Boys from bricky facts

  • @thestranger6340
    @thestranger6340 Рік тому +2

    Q have you seen whisper lately?

  • @ltrick3096
    @ltrick3096 Рік тому +6

    So basically man went jail and become Muslim cos he was shook to then come out and stopped being Muslim

      @REALLIFETVUK Рік тому +7

      Nah he never said that, he turn Muslim when no one was Muslim, then left it in.prison because of the new clientele

    • @ltrick3096
      @ltrick3096 Рік тому +1

      @GmartSuy 🧢

    • @emceeultra2677
      @emceeultra2677 Рік тому +1

      How did you come to that conclusion

    • @lukeb4nts172
      @lukeb4nts172 10 місяців тому

      You dont know who this breddah is init? Haha shook of prison? 😂

  • @jermaynemaniac4768
    @jermaynemaniac4768 Рік тому +3

    Great person Q great show

    • @topmanuk2525
      @topmanuk2525 Рік тому +2

      You guys are a generation of good people even the negative ended up becoming good.

    • @jermaynemaniac4768
      @jermaynemaniac4768 Рік тому

      @@topmanuk2525 thank you

    @THEREALJDOT Рік тому +2

    My G, you've always had a good ora despite being an outlaw. Big up Ex

  • @benmatthews6478
    @benmatthews6478 Рік тому

    Allah guide you all

  • @WorldCupWillie
    @WorldCupWillie Рік тому +1

    Is it me, or is there a weird vibe in this interview? Quincy seemed to be a bit pissed off.

    • @WorldCupWillie
      @WorldCupWillie Рік тому +3

      @GmartSuy Quincy is much more relaxed on his podcast. Then again, his podcast doesn't include people who get confused by the idea of the 1st year in secondary school being called "year 1"

    • @solslastcannula5665
      @solslastcannula5665 Рік тому +1

      @@WorldCupWillie erm, that would confuse like 99% of people. Bruv who the heck calls year 7/2nd form “YEAR ONE”. Bruv the Iq might be a little low in dis brudda

    • @WorldCupWillie
      @WorldCupWillie Рік тому +2

      @@solslastcannula5665basically, every one who went to secondary school before the 90s called it "1st year". Haven't you ever heard of the term "6 form" ?

  • @byanymeansnecessary3052
    @byanymeansnecessary3052 Рік тому +6

    I spent time with this brother. Cool brother. Islam is not for us. We are the Biblical Israelites. Big up Q.

    • @anohsh
      @anohsh Рік тому +9

      The bible contradicts it self..

    • @politicsdrc153
      @politicsdrc153 Рік тому +1


    • @ryancooper3449
      @ryancooper3449 Рік тому +1

      no ur not 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @youtubewatcher8254
      @youtubewatcher8254 Рік тому

      If I’m not mistaken you guys believe that only other black Israelites are the ‘saved’ people chosen by God who will rule the earth and others (white Europeans) will be your slaves?
      As a black person myself, I urge you to use your God given intellect and logic. This is actual racism, just because you’re white doesn’t mean you’re doomed. It just doesn’t make sense. It seems that black Israelites have let history eg: slavery get to them too much, to the extent they have made up a false religion to make them feel better. This is the same thing done by Louis Farrakhan in the Nation of Islam (I can’t believe these guys believe the black man is God). Such terrible things to believe.
      In reality, black people eg: Malcom X and Muhammad Ali that did MORE for the black community than any Nation of Islam member or any black Israelite ended up turning to the REAL Islam. Worshipping one God, alone with no partners.
      You are not doomed just because of your ethnicity or race - that isn’t fair. Allah does not look at your skin colour, country or lineage. It’s about what YOU as an individual do in terms of good deeds and sins. Worship the one true God, do not associate partners with God, testify that Muhammad (SAW) is his final messages & his slave. Be upon those who follow the Quran and Sunnah and don’t innovate. This is what matters.

    • @Ukboss1
      @Ukboss1 3 місяці тому


  • @east_londonlad8988
    @east_londonlad8988 Рік тому +2

    So this guy apostatised from Islam due to a minority of extremist delinquents going against the teaching of Islam? They did not represent Islam and Muslims. It shows he had a poison in his heart and the poison only increased and became incurable and thus the reality became clear of what was in his heart. I remember there was another ex Muslim who renounced Islam but it was after 9/11 and this individual had also been a Muslim very briefly. There are times my faith has been weak due to the actions of certain Muslims I.e when I see Muslims support Arab Muslims over non-Arab Muslim causes such as Burma and Africa, I feel so disgruntled when I see this and question the selective outrage in the muslim community however not once did a thought cross my mind to abandon my faith due to actions of these wierdos astaukfirullah.

    • @jondoe7936
      @jondoe7936 Рік тому

      Ay I hear brick lane sells crack n heroin ie your lot selling it killing people

    • @jondoe7936
      @jondoe7936 Рік тому +3


    • @rahuldahoob
      @rahuldahoob Рік тому

      Freedom of choice

  • @donttalkwet1
    @donttalkwet1 Рік тому +4

    Firstly he reminds me of Kano how he speaks I mean. Secondly, this guy is a true hero. He's not getting brainwashed by this Iman to his side or anybody else, he is morally right and defends the weak and vulnerable like a true real life hero and that's what we all should aspire to be. I don't wanna hear about no prophet Mohammad who killed hundreds of people and claimed to hear the voice of God 200 years plus after all of the other relegions had already been written down on papyrus and then come up with a similar but changed story. That's one thing. Secondly Islam is a disease that's causing segregation and problems across the world. Big up Quincy though still

  • @shahalum1531
    @shahalum1531 Рік тому

    Islam never entered this persons heart - it was because of his emptiness and troubled upbringing. He found comfort in people, those people could be Amish and he would’ve converted to that. He’s a lost old man

  • @qasierazad508
    @qasierazad508 Рік тому +1

    Some one drinking a costa with the lid on really irritates me!!!!! 😖

  • @jondoe7936
    @jondoe7936 Рік тому

    45:08 tell us about BILAL

  • @starwonder8324
    @starwonder8324 Рік тому +3


  • @user-ic1oe4li2i
    @user-ic1oe4li2i Рік тому

    Why is he eating food while chatting 😅

  • @Hamzasautismpda
    @Hamzasautismpda Рік тому

    Why are you having a murtad on the show?

  • @aburaheimhassan1894
    @aburaheimhassan1894 Рік тому +2

    Classic example of the importance of the call to tawheed and building upon that as the foundation. Side point its not permissible to call people bro, akh etc if they are not actually family or Muslim. التوحيد أولا لو كانوا يعلمون

  • @784ryfh4iubifyhieucdk
    @784ryfh4iubifyhieucdk Рік тому


  • @hpsauce9608
    @hpsauce9608 Рік тому +25

    Good interview but old man gotta stop tryna groom man back into Islam.

    • @jondoe7936
      @jondoe7936 Рік тому

      It's satanic literally they sit there thinking their doing something rite but all this THING brings is death n destruction ie go look at all Islamic satanic countries ok but remember it's not the people I'm talking about the satanic cult that says 1 days olds are permissible etc ha? imagine yet we've got them living around us and yes I can give book name page number chapter n verse of what I say trust me it's 1 sick satanic cult of Lah worship

    • @TheAbuFulaan
      @TheAbuFulaan Рік тому +8

      You call it groom but we call it advising a fellow human being with what will be beneficial for there life and afterlife. They can either accept or reject the advice but don’t go around telling people what to do

    • @hpsauce9608
      @hpsauce9608 Рік тому +9

      @@TheAbuFulaan that’s what all religions do my friend. They groom ones mind, especially islam. Most converts are through the prison system like this guy here and there’s a reason for that…grooming on all different type of levels.

    • @WorldCupWillie
      @WorldCupWillie Рік тому

      Too many prison converts are converting for the wrong reasons.

    • @jondoe7936
      @jondoe7936 Рік тому

      baal-lah u ak-baal illshitonala pissmilla take beer 🍻🍺🍻 baal-lah u ak-baal ala said 1 days olds is ok ha? Hmm Ay back that near me if you was born with that name ok I dare you

  • @dmney123
    @dmney123 Рік тому +5

    At 14:00 if anybody is interested in this stuff, The original 28’s are a gang in South Africa formed in South African prisons they have 26’s, 27’s and 28’s but I don’t know how it was adopted over here in the UK in Brixton maybe there was 28 of them.

    • @maa4486
      @maa4486 Рік тому +2

      Numbers gang

    • @kingco-bruh7271
      @kingco-bruh7271 Рік тому +10

      that's a different 28's

    • @dmney123
      @dmney123 Рік тому +2

      @@kingco-bruh7271 Yh I know but I am thinking maybe it derived from there, but as he mentioned maybe there was 28 of them but then he wasn’t sure himself, not that it holds any benefit or weight now, those times are now over, but it would be nice to know where it all originated from and if they had any connection.

    • @youcantseeme2281
      @youcantseeme2281 Рік тому +8

      @@dmney123 I'm sure it was cause there was actually 28 of them and they wouldn't have any connection with South Africans

    • @dmney123
      @dmney123 Рік тому +1

      @@youcantseeme2281 am with you.

    @RPNDWORLDWIDE Рік тому +2


    • @hailabbajanhoy777
      @hailabbajanhoy777 Рік тому +1

      You know how mad it is you wrote that word, its like you did read my mind. Tawehedo, the oneness of divinity and humanity in the form of divine man, the original oneness. Blissings and wadada

  • @ryancooper3449
    @ryancooper3449 Рік тому +3

    is quincey always this dry or is this an offday for him?

  • @Ahm12363
    @Ahm12363 10 місяців тому

    How comes that everybody calling him brother he is a murtad

  • @jondoe7936
    @jondoe7936 Рік тому +1

    42:48 he's lying like satan his father ala 👹👈🏼

  • @jermaynemaniac4768
    @jermaynemaniac4768 Рік тому +2


  • @RK-nt1jz
    @RK-nt1jz Рік тому +5

    Is he a ex Muslim ???

    • @staceyjones1000
      @staceyjones1000 Рік тому +2


    • @Rationality4Life
      @Rationality4Life Рік тому +13

      Good for him!!!

    • @staceyjones1000
      @staceyjones1000 Рік тому

      @@Rationality4Life why??

    • @duncanmurphy9762
      @duncanmurphy9762 Рік тому

      @ꫝarry K so what, LGBT is also on the rise and it used to be commonly despised. Have you noticed also that rappers are gangsters I e parasites and murderer's and killers , thieves bullies etc? Then they join Islam? It makes good sense I suppose mate. l 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @MkMk-rv7kr
    @MkMk-rv7kr Місяць тому

    Eating on a podcast 🤦🏼‍♀️

  • @anthonyhodge6005
    @anthonyhodge6005 Рік тому +6

    Well done on leaving Islam Quincey. Hopefully other's can do the same

    • @muslimalbanian
      @muslimalbanian Рік тому +1

      They wish to extinguish Allah’s light with their mouths, but Allah will ˹certainly˺ perfect His light, even to the dismay of the disbelievers.
      Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world through conversion rate (Pew Research Center), may Allah guide you to the truth which is Islam, we were created to worship Allah alone, who is our creator, sustainer, provider, ordainer of all affairs, the one whom possesses 99 beautiful names and attributes such as Ar-Rahman (the most merciful), Al-Wadud (the most loving), Al-muqsit (the Just one). His lordship (Allah being the sole creator, sustainer, ordainer of affairs, provider) and his 99 names and attributes that we know of (that are unique and solely for Allah alone) make him the only one worthy of our worship, if he had not willed you wouldn’t have even existed, out of his mercy, grace, favour he gave you the blessing of life, and this is why we single out Allah in worship, and this principle is the main fundamental of Islam. We choose to submit our will to the only one worthy of worship, everyone is worshipping something but how many are worshipping other than the one true creator (which are not worthy of worship and will only lead to their destruction in this life, why are so many people miserable do you wonder?). Death is guranteed for everyone, from our creator we came from and were originated from and to our creator we will return, in what state will you return to your creator though, ask yourself this question. None of us are guranteed to live till the end of the day.

  • @HeadbuttingBulletz
    @HeadbuttingBulletz Рік тому +3

    Big up Quincey for standing up on islam being nonsense

  • @Loud-pakz
    @Loud-pakz Рік тому +1

    Good interview but why's old man always tryna bring race religion unity all dat bullshit

  • @f1guy447
    @f1guy447 Рік тому +4

    I hope the imam and the other brother told this murtad if this was in an Islamic state he'd have 3 chances to make tawba and Come back to Islam or he's getting boddied, what an absolute plank for leaving islam, lucky he isnt still in dispersal, he'd live his life on the blocks if was

      @REALLIFETVUK Рік тому +18

      Luckily it's not a Islamic state then ffs 😆😆😆😆

    • @f1guy447
      @f1guy447 Рік тому

      @@REALLIFETVUK unlucky for the state

    • @mrebk3358
      @mrebk3358 Рік тому

      Fear Allah takfeeri dog

    • @f1guy447
      @f1guy447 Рік тому

      @kayn6858 suck yuh mumma sour pum pum

    • @f1guy447
      @f1guy447 Рік тому

      @soufman08 where

  • @djshaqavelly2202
    @djshaqavelly2202 Рік тому

    A man said steel pans 🫠yea do your research