Hi thank you for this great tutorial. With regards to the auth cookie, how can I ensure that it expires/gets cleared when a user closes the window? For example, if I stop running the app locally on Visual Studio, make some changes and then run again, the page still shows that Im authenticated. When I check the cookie on dev tools under "Expires" it says session. Is there a way to override this using Identity?
Yes you can configure your cookies as you see fit. In the login you can do something like: var result = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email, model.Password, isPersistent: false, lockoutOnFailure: false);
Thank you, exactly what I needed to setup an environment.
Hi thank you for this great tutorial. With regards to the auth cookie, how can I ensure that it expires/gets cleared when a user closes the window? For example, if I stop running the app locally on Visual Studio, make some changes and then run again, the page still shows that Im authenticated. When I check the cookie on dev tools under "Expires" it says session. Is there a way to override this using Identity?
Yes you can configure your cookies as you see fit. In the login you can do something like: var result = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email, model.Password, isPersistent: false, lockoutOnFailure: false);
Thank you for this helpful and great tutorial
Can you create a CRM Admin panel with authentication, please?
Hi, thanks for the great tutorial, it's been really helpful. 😀 I was wondering thou, could you do another video adding Authentication to the project?
Hey! Thank you 😁😁It already has authentication and authorization though?
Thanks for the great tutorial !!
I have a question, why not using Contains() instead of IndexOf()?
Any reason?
I can't remember the code 😆It's been too long.