WOTLK Protection Paladin PvE Build (3.3.5)

  • Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
  • Continuing with the Wotlk tank builds, here we have the protection paladin. Widely considered to be the best tank in wrath this video will hopefully guide you in learning about the talents of a prot paladin. Enjoy!
  • Ігри


  • @a.x.w
    @a.x.w 2 роки тому +1

    Touched by the Light is not just a hybrid talent. Consecration, seals and judgement all scale with holy spell damage.

  • @snowieredbluewhite6100
    @snowieredbluewhite6100 2 роки тому

    Thanks a lot for the clear explanation

  • @jamessikaris9288
    @jamessikaris9288 2 роки тому

    Awesome stuff Soul! I’m pumped to roll prot paladin on a fresh server. Either that or continue my shaman or warrior

      @SOULTHAGOD  2 роки тому +1

      Death Knight for me although I can’t say yet if I.ll make a toon on a fresh realm

  • @Bromag118
    @Bromag118 2 роки тому

    Also seal of command is pretty good for tanks as well.

  • @Bromag118
    @Bromag118 2 роки тому

    Touched by light is not a hybrid talent. It is an absolute must have prot talent.

  • @jasonleader9248
    @jasonleader9248 2 роки тому

    Looks legit. Good work, but why not go into priorities and some gear to look out for while leveling

  • @adickurig
    @adickurig 2 роки тому +3

    Str = Parry for Paladins? DKs sure, but Paladins too?

    • @BlackOUT1448
      @BlackOUT1448 2 роки тому +1

      Yup, for warriors as well

    • @SubtleSlacker
      @SubtleSlacker 2 роки тому

      @@BlackOUT1448 I thought it was block?

      @SOULTHAGOD  2 роки тому

      Strength only converts to parry for DKs

    • @chl2161
      @chl2161 2 роки тому

      Pala gets SBV!

  • @Doctor_Beats
    @Doctor_Beats 2 роки тому +1

    Hey if you need tips from a former professional paladin, let me know

      @SOULTHAGOD  2 роки тому +2

      The return of shorn!!!

    • @Doctor_Beats
      @Doctor_Beats 2 роки тому

      @@SOULTHAGOD skorn! Put some respect on it, jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

      @SOULTHAGOD  2 роки тому +2

      @@Doctor_Beats lmao That was auto correct

  • @lolpaladins
    @lolpaladins 2 роки тому +1

    Guarded by the light isn't required to be taken to 2/2... just 1/2 will keep refreshing divine plea often enough that you won't run oom. Even if it does fall off due to say, boss RP, it only has a 1 minute cooldown, so it will be up again quick enough. Judgement of the Just and Vindication are both, imo, REQUIRED talents. Judgement reduces the damage you take by roughly 20% on a lot of bosses... for only 2 talent points. That's crazy good value, compare that to a talent point spent in conviction.. you're going to increase your dps by 0.4% maybe? Totally not worth it. Vindication ends up reducing the damge you take by an additional 15% or so, which is also a HUGE amount of damage reduction, you 100% can not rely on a dps warrior to keep up those debuffs, plus it's lowering their dps to do it, while you can do it as part of your normal rotation. Also, because of the typical 969 rotation that you are following (or at least should be following) you can also drop 1 point out of improved judgements. Since you're only going to be able to cast judgement every 9 seconds AT THE MOST (assuming you aren't using d-sac or HoSac or HoSalv as defensive cooldowns.) So.. with all that said, wotlkdb.com/?talent#sZV0tAruRGsIusdxsr0b:NpG is my preferred build. That being said, something like wotlkdb.com/?talent#sVcdMZV0tAruMussusdxo:NjG can also be good for heroic icecrown raiding because you get extra stuns (important on lich king encounter specifically) but also 3 more cooldowns (aura mastery, imp loh, and salvation) can can really help reduce some of the predictable burst damage on the fight.

      @SOULTHAGOD  2 роки тому +1

      The talent build variants you provdied are great builds to runs. Judgements of the justs because it more than likely will be overridden by frost fever considering most dk specs go for the frost subspec which has improved icy touch, which is why i considered it one of the weaker of the optional talents. It all depends on your raid comp and what is needed to be broight however. The percentage comparisons you make to the accompanying talents will vary and can border being anecdotal. However as with all of the optional talents, prot paladin is flexible enough to be tailored to a multitude of situations, one of the things I love about it. Most will know what kind of raid comp they will be apart of, if it calls for one of the talents I passed on, a prot pally can easily provide these

    • @lolpaladins
      @lolpaladins 2 роки тому

      @@SOULTHAGOD yea, I think obviously raid comp plays a role, but also a lot of the 10 man (especially 10 man normal) is the type of content you run in random pugs just with whoever happens to be online maybe for some easy gold (wrath raids actually drop a lot more money than previous expansion, and I’m not sure many people remember that) or also easy badges. I don’t think it’s fair to count on a frost dk or dps warrior to be in those comps, and like I said, even if there are; they might be doing something else during the fight, such as on a split dps encounter like hodir. As for the power of atk power debuffer, this is a lengthy post from vanilla classic, but the math holds up and continued through tbc into wrath. us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/boss-attacks-and-you-beware-math-inside/459866 and in sunwell brutallus or fights like illidan we’ve often seen crazy stupid tank burst deaths where warlocks buff the atk power of mobs with recklessness before the warriors have a chance to build rage and apply demo shout/tclap to counteract. But that is the opposite end of the spectrum, hard raid content: and that’s also where it’s important, because you can’t guarantee your dk is going to be attacking the same target as you, such as the shambling horrors on Lich King. They hit just as hard as the boss, and no one is going to be attacking them except the tank.
      Even if the true numbers are lower and slowing autoattacks by 20% doesn’t actually reduce damage intake by 20% and vindication might be only a 10% dmg reduction, I still think they end up being very important, you’ve got 2 jobs as a tank, hold threat and stay alive, most of the content in the game is trivial to hold threat with. So only the most powerful threat talents/glyphs like 10 expertise (which also helps reduce parry haste when applicable) should even be considered.

    • @adickurig
      @adickurig 2 роки тому

      Guarded by the light also gives 3%/6% reduced spell dmg taken. I agree that 50% chance for divine plea refresh is sufficient. Do you think losing 3% reduced spell damage is worth leaving a point out of this ability?

    • @adickurig
      @adickurig 2 роки тому

      Later in the expac most paladins will remove 1 point from Spiritual Attunement since the 5% mana from heals is sufficient to stay full on mana. Maybe this is what you were thinking of pulling a point from?

    • @lolpaladins
      @lolpaladins 2 роки тому

      @@adickurig I think points are pretty tight if you start going for the extra holy cooldowns, so it’s entirely possible to pull points from both.

  • @vincenthammons6705
    @vincenthammons6705 2 роки тому

    hows mana issues early gearing for paladin in this

      @SOULTHAGOD  2 роки тому

      in raiding content mana wont really be an issue unless your deliberately over exerting or theres a lack of incoming heals to supplement the mana gain from divine plea. In dungeon content its the similar, you wont be drinking after every pack but there will be points where u need to drink

  • @redrav4233
    @redrav4233 2 роки тому

    What about Seal of Command? Double down on the AoE threat. 1% crit for more output on cleave/AoE.

      @SOULTHAGOD  2 роки тому

      Seal of command is a decent optional pick imo, however your doubling down in an area that prot paladin far from struggles with.

    • @a.x.w
      @a.x.w 2 роки тому

      Seal of Command is great for short lived AoE/cleave fights. On longer fights, you can keep five stacks of SoV up on multiple mobs.