कमलाम्बा नवावरणं -kamalAmbA navAvaraNam-Tamil meaning by Sri.Vid.Dr.Godavenkateswara Sastri

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • Part-3
    कमलाम्बा नवावरणं -kamalAmbA navAvaraNam-Tamil meaning by Sri.Vid.Dr.Godavenkateswara Sastri
    The set of compositions, popularly known as ''KamalAmbA
    NavAvaraNam'' is a series of eleven kIrtanam-s composed by the
    illustrious composer, ShrI MuttusvAmi DIkShitar, in praise
    of Goddess KamalAmbA of the mammoth temple at TiruvArUr. This
    work is one of the peaks of his creativity. Be it the meaning,
    the rAga or the structure, each one of the kritis is a gem.
    In this intellectual project, the composer is at his best,
    the lyrics are superb and steeped in devotion, the theme is
    lofty, and everything is indeed 'par excellence'!!
    TiruvArUr is a small town in the south Indian district of
    Ta~njAvUr, about 35 miles east of the town of Ta~njAvUr,
    situated as a railway junction between NAgapaTTaNam and
    Ta~njAvur, as well as between MayilAdutturai and KAraikkuDi,
    in the KAveri river delta. This is the location of the
    vast temple complex dedicated to Lord TyAgarAja (Shiva).
    Seven temples in the vicinity of TiruvArUr are designated as
    'sapta viTa~Nka kShetram'-s of TyAgarAja (somAskanda), and
    the foremost among them is the 'vIthI viTa~Nka' TyAgarAja of
    the majestic TiruvArUr temple. The massive structure of this
    temple is enclosed in a huge quadrangle that measures 846 feet
    in length, and 666 feet in breadth. There are four gopurams
    (temple towers) on the four sides, and three smaller ones
    inside the complex. The eastern entrance is vast and spacious
    (110 feet by 60 feet), and has the huge rAja gopuram (main
    temple tower) 120 feet tall. It is a gigantic five-tiered
    structure topped with 11 'kalasham'-s (sacred pots), and has
    the unique and unusual feature that it abruptly diminishes in
    size as it rises. There are three prAkArams (complex walls,
    circumambulatory paths) in this temple, and numerous shrines
    too many to count, big and small, are scattered throughout.
    The TyAgarAja shrine is located in the innermost prAkAram,
    to the south of the ValmIkanAtha (pRRithvI li~Ngam or ValmIka
    li~Ngam-ant-hill)) shrine within the same prAkAram. Both
    share a common mukha maNDapam. Four other important shrines,
    HATakeshvara, Acaleshvara, SiddhIshvara, Anandeshvara are
    located at the four cardinal points (southewest, southeast,
    northeast, and northwest, respectively) of the middle
    prAkAram. The consort of TyAgarAja is NIlotpalAmbA, the
    goddess of blue lotus. In TevAram songs, she is affectionately
    addressed in tamil as ``alliyankotai''. Her shrine is located in
    the second prAkAram on the right side. The unique feature is
    that here, nIlotpalAmbA is depicted as blessing her second son,
    skanda (subrahmaNya) with her hand on his forehead.
    The KamalAmbA shrine is in the northwest corner of the outermost
    prAkAram, well away from the main shrines, with its own MaNDapam
    and circumambulatory passages that makes an angle with the
    prAkAram wall. This shrine is traditionally and ritually
    unconnected with the main shrine of TyAgarAja. Here, the
    Goddess is depicted in a meditating posture. While NIlotpalAmbA
    is supposed to represent the ``bhoga shakti'' of Lord Shiva,
    KamalAmbA represents the ``yoga shakti''. It is to be observed
    that muttusvAmi dIkShitar never associated kamalAmbA with
    TyAgarAja, and considered only NIlotpalAmbA as the consort
    of the deity. All the eleven kIrtanams of the KamalAmbA
    NavavAvaraNam series are engraved in marble slabs on the walls
    at the entrance to the main sanctorum of Goddess KamalAmbA.
    The huge tank, kamalAlayam is located on the western side
    of the temple complex. and covers an enormous area of 25
    acres (compared to only 20 acres area of the temple complex).
    There is a shrine dedicated to nAganAthasvAmi in the middle of
    the tank, approached only by boat. The grand float festival
    that takes place in this tank is indeed very magnificent.