Lenita, You said it. There it is. The 'way' you do what you do. That's exactly it. It's what draws me to you. I am very similar in my 'doing' and I always thought there is really no value in the way I 'do' my thing. It's just the way, I do it. No one else could possibly do it this way. Our thinking creates our reality...... doesn't it? I'm so glad to have been drawn to you. Thank you for showing the way !
Lenita, You said it. There it is. The 'way' you do what you do. That's exactly it. It's what draws me to you. I am very similar in my 'doing' and I always thought there is really no value in the way I 'do' my thing. It's just the way, I do it. No one else could possibly do it this way. Our thinking creates our reality...... doesn't it? I'm so glad to have been drawn to you. Thank you for showing the way !