  • Опубліковано 4 лют 2024
  • There are essentially two defects with the vessels that God desires to use:
    1. Vessels that are completely disinterested in spirituality, spiritual growth, and God’s program or Kingdom come, even though there is a prophecy upon their lives. They may not even know they’re vessels. For others, it has degenerated into sheer Godlessness. The Spirit of God desires to work on such disinterest. (Acts 9:5)
    Available and usable vessels are few, and in any battle, the number is an advantage. God is still looking for vessels.
    2. Vessels with a lot of zeal and spirituality or a semblance of it but without true revelation or knowledge.
    The major limitation of such a category of people is the danger and deception of self-sufficiency.
    place of genuine manifestation of the power of God.
    In the name of Jesus, I take away from your life the spirit of pride!
    Every arrival mentality that will not allow you to patiently learn the ways and precepts of God, I curse it now, in the name of Jesus Christ!
    A generation that dishonors fathers and embraces self-sufficiency should exercise caution and tread carefully.
    The spiritual stature of individuals extends beyond mere sermons; it involves a track record men have with God that receives honor during their lifetime.
    The younger generation of Believers must cast away the “know-it-all mentality.”
    Never allow what you know, to deprive you of accessing what you do not know.
    We must cast away the mindset of the know-it-all mentality. Never allow what you know, to destroy your passion to learn what you do not know.
    Every challenge in The Body of Christ has someone who carries the graces to address that challenge. It is a lack of discernment (not discerning The Lord’s body), that makes them not enjoy these graces.
    No matter how closely you walk with God, the graces that you need have been carefully distributed amongst the body. It will take humility and submission to access them.
    Worshipping yourself in self-sufficiency is idolatry. (Exodus 20:3)
    There is a price to pay as a Believer to access certain possibilities in God; you pay the price of faith and obedience that coordinates the delivery of what Jesus Christ has paid for.
    As Believers, we pay the price of fasting, prayers, and study of God’s Word to grant us illumination to safely receive what God has deposited for us on earth.
    The ultimate price has been paid for us by Jesus Christ.
    As Believers, we pay our price by hiding behind the cross of Jesus Christ.
    Avoid the temptation to elevate yourself through pride.
    The concept of being mighty is being mighty and empowered by God.
    Although the ultimate price has been paid for us by Christ Jesus, there is an error of complacency that makes Believers assume that because Jesus has paid the price, there is no need to pray, fast, and study the Word of God. When we carry out these spiritual activities behind the cross, it becomes powerful.
    It is Jesus Christ that gives value to the spiritual sacrifices we make. It is Jesus Christ and the cross (the ultimate price) that amplifies the efforts of Ministers of the gospel.
    As a Believer or Minister of the Gospel, the price you are expected to pay is the price for alignment for the purpose of delivery (of the possibilities God has made available), not the price for creation (of such possibilities or miracles).
    No amount of fasting, prayer and word study in our own (human) strength will ever be enough to host God and result in a revival.
    The price has been fully paid by God. It is your price of alignment that sponsors the safe delivery of what has already been paid for.
    Pray: Lord, in whatever capacity You desire to use me, I am ready and available.
    Pray: Father, find a worthy vessel in me. I would not be careless, I submit myself to learn and honour those who have gone ahead, regardless of my background.