This lady! She knows about my life before I became a Christian! She knows her stuff! I was into Astrology. I was into Yi-Jing/I'Ching. I was into Taoism. I was into Buddhism. I was into Numerology. I was into Horoscopes, the real thing, not just the daily horoscopes. I was into the occult. I actively communed with all sorts of strange things, and I didn't even realise it. Now, I have nothing more to do with all that stuff. You know what? I've had enough of this pretense. Her confession is my confession. Her sins were my sins. And her forgiveness is my forgiveness. I may act like a goody good, but I know the evil that is inside me. And it's about time I faced up to them. Finally, I'm free. I am no longer chained to my past. Thank You, dear Lord Jesus. Truly, Your Truth has set me free.......
This lady's testimony is a case to point: "[Name private and confidential]: I was in Thailand . I got violently ill there praying at the Buddha statues . They are everywhere . Every house has a mini temple with Buddha in it. Every cab driver has a Buddha swinging from mirror . Buddha was poisoned . I asked God for discernment in all of this . What looks like honey is not always sweet. It could very well even be poison. Also there is ancient text that Buddha Pointed to Jesus ... let me see if I can find it"
MegaE5150, Jesus is real. Inspite of hearing this testimony, you are still condemning Christians but I don't condemn you. May you break free from your turmoil life and find peace...Amen!
@MegaE5150 when you shall know the truth,the truth that is Jesus Christ the only son of the living God,who died for us on the cross for our sins,then that truth shall set you free.And you shall know that only through Jesus is a way to God and the bible is the only true word of God, the other books are nothing but just novels written to impress people.
I have listened to him since he first was on the air in Maryland,, in the mid 70s. Sid Roth is a real man of God. I am thankful he is still ministering! Praise the LORD.
"Satan's pretty much a spoiled brat who knows his time is near and he's pulling out all the stops to keep his little sand castle kingdom from being washed away."
I found it remarkable that she said, "you do not abort a child of a high priest". So even they recognize the power of life and the importance of life in the womb.
Lord we thank you for this cry for help GOD you know the situation please make every crooked place straight & heal this husband please get the glory and give this lady peace in Jesus name amen
I'm learning more and more. I was walking listening to this, my knee started to hurt me, and I said " I'm covered, bathe with the blood of Jesus, and sickness has no power over me." I feel no pain by the time I'm done walking. Praiiiiiiiiise Him!!!
R C What you said was so amazing! I just realized every time I have been coming to a realization or relegation from God my back goes out or my ear will ring so loudly I get a headache. Or get vertigo like I’m being sucked into a tornado. I didn’t know what to do about it. I’m going to try what you said. Thank you!
And as a christian i and many others love and respect muslims too but more than that God Almighty loves you he gave his only son for you so that you would have eternal life in him there is salvation nowhere else except in the name of Jesus. God bless you Amen.
Riyanna Gaal I’m am an x-Muslim . And believe Jesus Christ died and rose on the 3rd day . Because He loves us . It’s not by works that we can earn salvation or gain heaven. It’s by faith that we are saved . the Bible say that no man can earn his way to heaven but only by Jesus Christ . And also says our works are like filthy rags that no man can boast . Only faith in Christ that man hAs eternal life . So I pray God will reveal his love to you . Because God is Love ❤️
Dotta Racci I was a Muslim too, I gave my life to Jesus when I was young. This was not easy coming from a Muslim family, but now the Lord has made me stand. Now I am seeing most of my family now coming to Christ, Jesus Christ is real and wants all of us to come into this relationship with Him. Ask God to show you who Jesus is and speak to Him and invite Him into your life. The Holy Spirit will come and help you guide you.
Muslims teaches opposition of the truth! Jesus Christ he is the Messiah, the Savior, the Deliver and he was crucified for my sins and your sins and he while he was hanging there on the cross they was a blood that was coming out and that blood has cleansed us from our sins and qualified us to be called the children of God! Jesus Christ he died and rose on the third day he resurrected and even today he is alive! He is alive because when we talk to him he listens and answers! When we call upon his blood it just work Wonders! When we call his name the devil do not stand! Amen!! So Muslims and your so-called Muhammad are the agents of Satan. Jesus he is the way to God and life in eternity without him there is no going to the Father!
She is a very intelligent and smart lady. I like the way she explains things that happened in her day, which is a mirror of what’s going on today in this millennium. Social media, radio and etc,.. She was deep in this satanic cult; witnessed people dying, bringing hardship against folks and sabotaging ministries. So much to hear in her testimony...beautiful testimony!! God bless her for finding Jesus🙏🏻♥️
Satanists don't realize that Satan doesn't care at all for the souls of mankind. In fact, he hates them because God has created mankind and his creation is beautiful. Satan wants to destroy them in hell and keep them from experiencing eternal life. Satan deceives them into having power now in this life but DOESNT show them what awaits them. He blinds them to their eternity. Jesus loves them and knows what Satan is doing and wants to save them from this eternal horror and torment.
MegaE5150 THANK YOU! He reached ascension training with Buddhists! He told everyone how to so they tried to kill him, and they didn’t tell anyone he went to Asia, and said “he’s got you, don’t worry about saving yourself” so no one would gain their full potential and stop this trainwreck we’re on.
i think its funny how you give people explanations as to why you feel the way you feel or think and immediately they go on the defensive as if they know (Joan Stepp) they are right and every one on this green earth is wrong. i hate bible thumpers like that. I HATE (and i use that word lightly) when you make people think. i mean really think about what they are devoting their life to they get all defensive instead of learning something new
Bible say u will be blind ... Even after God destroying churches/dolls/statues/pic of that CORPSE jesus *ALL OVER THE WORLD!* and u still don't see it. Only u have horror dreams with jesus & Disasters . Cz even good christ' will die. *THE GOD OF ISRAEL🔯CREATED & RULE THE WORLD* *HE IS THE ONLY! REAL! ONE GOD! IN THIS WORLD!* A human Can NOT! Create the world /The sun... and the first!man! Bible say: all who worship jesus will die by disasters. Start pray to God 🌏 Bible say storms , fire, earthq', & then the big ones. meteor, atom, tsunamy. Its not the end of the world . Its the end of all evil. Antisemite. &LIES!!! in this world. ☆ Russia & Islam = most evil ppl= killing eachother. ☆ Europe = the capital of antisemite - killed by Islam. and churches destroyed by Islam & disasters And nothing in Israel .cz We worship ONLY!!! God . That's Y No disasters. No Isis. & No demons in Israel . Wake up or u'll die
I think when someone signs up for this so young or has been the victim of circumstances, God doesn't give up and finds you. During this time this woman took to find God, he used these situations to make her stronger.
It's mindblowing just how delusional you people are. Your lives must be incredibly boring, empty and sad for you to be so desperate to find meaning in utter nonsense like this
LordHealey And yet here you are taking time out to write a senseless comment to people who believe Jesus Christ and could care less about your opinion. You must be a so called voodoo priest and found out you can't stand against followers of the one who is supreme amongst the nations, supreme over the world. You'll never win unless you follow Jesus☺
I heard that sometimes Satanist sacrifice Innocent people and drink baby's blood and rape women the Satanist cults should be executed.i really don't like Satanist
People In a deep sleep trance thanks to hollywood music false news etc it's all a part of the plan Picture this is already here temporal lobe radiation through tv and smartphones etc image of the beast hence mark in your forehead
_"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."_ - Roger "Verbal" Kint (A.K.A.: Keyser Söze), the _Usual Suspects_ [1995]
God bless you Phil. Jesus was never seen or heard to 'argue' or 'fight' to try to prove He was real or who He said He was. So I am not going to fight or argue with you either. It will be very interesting to see what you think and say in a few years time though. Just know that Jesus IS very real and whether you believe in Him or not, He loves you dearly.
wow!! I was touched and almost cried when she was talkingabout when she accepted jesus she felt drunk and started to laugh cause I've tested this feeling before.. glory to our sweet lord jesus!❤
Tracey forever xx “wow most I know in Ireland are absolutely broke haha” HAHA 😆 that’s funny ! Hi tracey I’m in Scotland, where in Ireland Are you and are a Christian?
He comes in all different forms. He can make himself appear as red cape, pitch fork, and horns. He make himself appear to look like that too. Literally Satan the Devil transforms himself in different ways.
Something Beautiful Something good All her confusion He understood All she had to offer Him Was brokenness & strife But He made something Beautiful of her life 💐
Beautiful testimony! What a faithful servant of the Lord! He suffered loss of his family, his job and then his health and remained steadfast for Jesus! Then the Lord healed him, then he got his oldest daughter back and his 82 year old mother saved! "A faithful man abounds with blessings." (Proverbs.)
Do not under estimate the Devil he's much stronger and smarter than you, and you can never defeat him. But if you give your life to Jesus Christ, he will not only protect you but also deliver you from Satan. Jesus' name is so powerful that the mere utterance of his name is enough to clear a room from evil. I used to constantly get attacked at night (sleep paralysis) that at times I couldn't even open my mouth, sometimes I could only, with great effort, spell out Jesus' name, and by the time I got to the first "s" I was rid of that oppressive force. Alone we are nothing but with Jesus we are guaranteed eternal life. I beg you all to grasp on to Jesus, never let him go and share with everyone how he's changed your life. This is a former atheist speaking to you, that thought he had it all figured out. Praise Jesus as often as you breathe and don't allow anything that's not of him or for him to attach itself to you. God bless you all, especially our enemies...
Amen! Praise and glory be to God that you came to the truth and believe. Now were no longer alone or have to fight alone, we've been free from the power's of sin and of darkness!🙌🙌
Chris Freely amen, however though the enemy is very crafty, he is not stronger than us believers in Christ. Ephesians 6:12 shows that we are not wrestling against evil forces programmed on the heavenlies, however the phrase before that says put on the full armor of Christ so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes. The word of God is a weapon in itself and revelation 12:11 shows us in the first place that it is the Word which is Jesus Christ and the power of our testimony that enables us to overcome Satan and his evil works.
Harry Potter turned me into 8th degree level 67 warlock. I now place a curse on you for giving away our black secrets. OH LORD BEHEMOTH!!! PLACE YOUR DARKNESS UPON THIS FOOL!!! FOR THEIR PESTILENCE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!
Those seemingly innocent tv shows, those seemingly innocent pop songs are the worlds indoctrination into darkness. But God is always there waiting patiently to pull us into the light when we finally come to our own realization that we are in way over our heads. Praise God.
It's true. Red flags go up for me every time one of those shows comes on with my kids, and those shows come on very regularly. In fact, there is hardly a single show that doesn't involve someone with some type of magic or superpower.
Tamara Bradshaw I remember my mom using the TV as a babysitter. Lots of the Bewitched show before dinner was ready. It’s all just a small fragment that adds up.
I've noticed Satan goes for the ones with a lack of identity. I can resonate some what with this brave lady. O'lord shower me with your mercy. Jesus is sovereign.
Don’t you think his profile picture is a bit too lewd? Calling Him Lord is a bit too far from being in the God family. You serve him in this life and then you enjoy his presence in the future.
Lisa if you happen to read this I absolutely love you it has taken me many many years to learn what you know about the power of the Holy Spirit I am so intrigued by you I just adore you you are a lovely woman Inside and Out God bless you thank you for sharing your testimony
I watch Sidroth's It's Supernatural everyday and I've noticed my faith growing😊 through all the testimonies I hear. Jesus Christ is Lord🙌🏼 Hallelujah 🙌🏼
"If we've been buried with Christ in baptism, if we've entered into the family of God, then we've been buried with him into his death. The old me - the only one they had the license to kill, was the old me. She's the one who did all of those things, when I accepted the Lord I became a new creation. And as long as I keep the old me dead, He will keep the new me alive." 👑 24:04
Amazing story. She tells the truth and she knows the Bible versus to back it up. I love how Gods glory is shining through this girls story. May God bless you her and use her testimony to show His true power, love and forgiveness.
#1: Her story is very real #2: The Church as a whole in the U.S. is very spiritual-warfare illiterate #3: Does anyone know where she is today? If she has a ministry in a married name, I would like to check into it. If you google her name as it appears here, this is basically the only reference to her. #4: When she mentions her "imaginary friends" at 4:28 through 4:33 something appears on camera in the background behind her and Sid. It makes me wonder if she needs(ed) further help. I would be interested in hearing more of her testimony.
Great video. Thanks Pst. Sid. I wish the questions were not so rushed, but she was allowed to talk. She was sharing really insightful stuff but was cut off so many times with another question when she had not finished answering the first.
God is the best. God have bless me so much. My husband and I are homeless but God is with me every single day and I thank him for my life. I wouldnt trade it for anything. I used to sell my body because when I was 12 I was exposed to that lifestyle. Terrible things happened to me in that life. I lived it until 2 years ago and Im 33 now. I made great money, I wore the best of the best, I went anywhere I want when I want, but was still a slave to the devil because of what I was doing to get it. Once I met my now husband I changed my ways and slowly stopped doing it all. I left my place and he came with me. We went unto the couples shelter and I must say I have never in my lufe felt so free and blessed. I dont have any of the expensive things I had before, no diamonds, no gucci and chanel but I have my faith, my testimony, and my God, and for that I am rich.
Demons tremble in fear of Jesus Holy Name! God's word(Jesus) is of power! Praise you Lord we must not fear but trust in I AM! Thanks be to God for the Testimony! Whom the Son has set free is free indeed!
I love that our God is such a forgiving God. There was a man a few years back that out of pure curiosity started going to my sisters church. He was very open about the fact that he was a satanist and just wanted to learn about what he was so against. They welcomed him and listened to him as well. Long story short, a year later he accepted the LORD into his heart and denounced satan as his leader. Exactly a week after he gave his life to God and accepted Him into his heart he actually died in a motorcycle accident. Now THAT is God's love. His death was sad but also a huge victory. You're never too far gone. Never.
This was very disturbing to me . She was talking about witnessing child sacrifice! And actually being part of it ! Why isn't she in jail ?!!! Why aren't those people who done that horrendous thing been tried for murder!! What on the earth ??!! She and her former cohorts need to be accountable. It's all okay and wonderful to become a Christian and to repent and to be forgiven by God but you still have to be accountable to the Law !!!
i think i witnessed a child.murder, but only have fragmented flashbacks, so im not able to identify the killer, location etc just vague details. im sure if people knew the names of those who killed children, they would happily give them up even if it meant being killed thenselves
Temptation never comes as an ugly package labeled "Death." It always comes beautifully wrapped like a birthday gift... remember, Lucifer was the most beautiful angel. Jesus is THE POWER, holding the world together by His Word.
I can hear her talk all day long ! I feel like her life needs to be written in multiple books 😍 there isn’t enough time in the world but man I would love to stay as long as I could to sit at this woman’s feet ❤️
YAY, GOD!!! WHAT AN AWESOME SISTER GOD RESCUED!!! I pray her testimony will bring multitudes into the Family of God in Christ!!! Thanks for sharing👍🏻💖😃🇺🇲
Separating from God, is worshiping Satan. You either serve one or the other. If power and protection is what you seek. Worship the very divine being that gave Satan his power. As easily as he gave the title/power, God could take it away.
Lol... ‘Lord have mercy child! I have been talking to God and He wants you to stop’. Was granny a southern woman? Pretty good impression. Thank you sweety. God bless you wherever you are now.
Is there a part 2? Regardless, what a powerful testimony. No wonder satanists attempt to off the converted. Praise the Lord and may this testimony reach far and wide and bless thousands. I pray this in Jesus' Mighty name.
Thank you Sid for such testimonies. We need this information as the body of Christ and it's important to get it from safe and reliable sources especially with all the information that is out there
Sacrificing children is an opportunity to whip up terror and fear which aligns the summoned spirit(s) to the summoners to make their contract with each other. The lower the frequency the easier the alignment. Love and joy are very high frequencies. That's another important part of what she's talking about.
My fav channel^^
Same with me here too :-)
caleb judah umm?
Peter McChris :3
This lady! She knows about my life before I became a Christian! She knows her stuff! I was into Astrology. I was into Yi-Jing/I'Ching. I was into Taoism. I was into Buddhism. I was into Numerology. I was into Horoscopes, the real thing, not just the daily horoscopes. I was into the occult. I actively communed with all sorts of strange things, and I didn't even realise it. Now, I have nothing more to do with all that stuff.
You know what? I've had enough of this pretense. Her confession is my confession. Her sins were my sins. And her forgiveness is my forgiveness. I may act like a goody good, but I know the evil that is inside me. And it's about time I faced up to them. Finally, I'm free. I am no longer chained to my past. Thank You, dear Lord Jesus. Truly, Your Truth has set me free.......
You don't know what you are talking about. You don't know the terrible life of a person who lives mixed up with demons.
This lady's testimony is a case to point: "[Name private and confidential]: I was in Thailand . I got violently ill there praying at the Buddha statues . They are everywhere . Every house has a mini temple with Buddha in it. Every cab driver has a Buddha swinging from mirror . Buddha was poisoned . I asked God for discernment in all of this . What looks like honey is not always sweet. It could very well even be poison.
Also there is ancient text that Buddha Pointed to Jesus ... let me see if I can find it"
MegaE5150, Jesus is real. Inspite of hearing this testimony, you are still condemning Christians but I don't condemn you. May you break free from your turmoil life and find peace...Amen!
@MegaE5150 when you shall know the truth,the truth that is Jesus Christ the only son of the living God,who died for us on the cross for our sins,then that truth shall set you free.And you shall know that only through Jesus is a way to God and the bible is the only true word of God, the other books are nothing but just novels written to impress people.
Zhou Wu PRaise God
I have listened to him since he first was on the air in Maryland,, in the mid 70s. Sid Roth is a real man of God. I am thankful he is still ministering! Praise the LORD.
"Satan's pretty much a spoiled brat who knows his time is near and he's pulling out all the stops to keep his little sand castle kingdom from being washed away."
nathaniel great quote definately :)
nathaniel So Good!!
He's a hopeless a creature with a scary end.I wonder how he reacts when he remembers that fiery fact of hell!
🤣 on point!
Did Jesus Christ died for our sins?
Yes or no
Great testimony..If she can come back from the darkness,anybody can..Praise The resurrecting power of Jesus,hallelujah!
yup I did. I thought I was going to die at one point I was so deep in the occult
Thank you Jesus for bringing Matthew back to the kingdom of light.
Amen, I have been a broken man, and Jesus saved me and made me whole. This shows anybody can come from darkness no matter how low you go!
too much mixed drugs
the corpse save him
.. lmao 😂😂😂😂
I found it remarkable that she said, "you do not abort a child of a high priest". So even they recognize the power of life and the importance of life in the womb.
Oh please Lord Jesus i need a miracle for my husband who has stage 4 cancer please Lord hear my pray 😭🙏🏻
Psalms 103:3....
What is his name?
Lord we thank you for this cry for help GOD you know the situation please make every crooked place straight & heal this husband please get the glory and give this lady peace in Jesus name amen
I'm learning more and more. I was walking listening to this, my knee started to hurt me, and I said " I'm covered, bathe with the blood of Jesus, and sickness has no power over me." I feel no pain by the time I'm done walking. Praiiiiiiiiise Him!!!
R C awesome R C
R C What you said was so amazing! I just realized every time I have been coming to a realization or relegation from God my back goes out or my ear will ring so loudly I get a headache. Or get vertigo like I’m being sucked into a tornado. I didn’t know what to do about it. I’m going to try what you said. Thank you!
R C our God is sovereign. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise God! Jesus all the way
How effortless
I’m a Muslim woman and I love Jesus and I respect the Christians you guys are the people of the book. This woman her story is amazing
And as a christian i and many others love and respect muslims too but more than that God Almighty loves you he gave his only son for you so that you would have eternal life in him there is salvation nowhere else except in the name of Jesus. God bless you Amen.
Riyanna Gaal I’m am an x-Muslim . And believe Jesus Christ died and rose on the 3rd day . Because He loves us . It’s not by works that we can earn salvation or gain heaven. It’s by faith that we are saved . the Bible say that no man can earn his way to heaven but only by Jesus Christ . And also says our works are like filthy rags that no man can boast . Only faith in Christ that man hAs eternal life . So I pray God will reveal his love to you . Because God is Love ❤️
Sam Cohen you're sick
you need Jesus
Dotta Racci
I was a Muslim too, I gave my life to Jesus when I was young. This was not easy coming from a Muslim family, but now the Lord has made me stand. Now I am seeing most of my family now coming to Christ, Jesus Christ is real and wants all of us to come into this relationship with Him. Ask God to show you who Jesus is and speak to Him and invite Him into your life. The Holy Spirit will come and help you guide you.
Muslims teaches opposition of the truth! Jesus Christ he is the Messiah, the Savior, the Deliver and he was crucified for my sins and your sins and he while he was hanging there on the cross they was a blood that was coming out and that blood has cleansed us from our sins and qualified us to be called the children of God! Jesus Christ he died and rose on the third day he resurrected and even today he is alive!
He is alive because when we talk to him he listens and answers!
When we call upon his blood it just work Wonders!
When we call his name the devil do not stand!
Amen!! So Muslims and your so-called Muhammad are the agents of Satan.
Jesus he is the way to God and life in eternity without him there is no going to the Father!
Dear Sid, this is one of the most powerful shows you recorded. Thank you very much!
She is a very intelligent and smart lady. I like the way she explains things that happened in her day, which is a mirror of what’s going on today in this millennium. Social media, radio and etc,.. She was deep in this satanic cult; witnessed people dying, bringing hardship against folks and sabotaging ministries. So much to hear in her testimony...beautiful testimony!! God bless her for finding Jesus🙏🏻♥️
She was drunk in the Spirit 😂🤣😂🤣 when she talks about it I can’t stop laughing. That’s the Holy Spirit for you, love Him 🤣
The part where she is telling us about the persistent teen and then starts listing off what she wants made me cry. Praise God 🙌
"As long as I keep the 'old me' dead, God will keep the 'new me' alive!" Soooo good!
Satanists don't realize that Satan doesn't care at all for the souls of mankind. In fact, he hates them because God has created mankind and his creation is beautiful. Satan wants to destroy them in hell and keep them from experiencing eternal life. Satan deceives them into having power now in this life but DOESNT show them what awaits them. He blinds them to their eternity. Jesus loves them and knows what Satan is doing and wants to save them from this eternal horror and torment.
I try and tell this to my stupid friends. but they love following Satan.
Ziggy Lu 2022 so true
So you're supposed to be poor and lacking until you die here on Earth?
Ziggy Lu 2022 amen
Ziggy Lu 2022 like God/Jesus both said, help yourself and i will help you
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the LIFE!!!
MegaE5150 THANK YOU! He reached ascension training with Buddhists! He told everyone how to so they tried to kill him, and they didn’t tell anyone he went to Asia, and said “he’s got you, don’t worry about saving yourself” so no one would gain their full potential and stop this trainwreck we’re on.
i think its funny how you give people explanations as to why you feel the way you feel or think and immediately they go on the defensive as if they know (Joan Stepp) they are right and every one on this green earth is wrong. i hate bible thumpers like that. I HATE (and i use that word lightly) when you make people think. i mean really think about what they are devoting their life to they get all defensive instead of learning something new
Praise God
Bible say u will be blind ... Even after God destroying churches/dolls/statues/pic of that CORPSE jesus *ALL OVER THE WORLD!* and u still don't see it. Only u have horror dreams with jesus & Disasters . Cz even good christ' will die. *THE GOD OF ISRAEL🔯CREATED & RULE THE WORLD* *HE IS THE ONLY! REAL! ONE GOD! IN THIS WORLD!* A human Can NOT! Create the world /The sun... and the first!man! Bible say: all who worship jesus will die by disasters. Start pray to God 🌏
Bible say storms , fire, earthq', & then the big ones. meteor, atom, tsunamy. Its not the end of the world . Its the end of all evil. Antisemite. &LIES!!! in this world. ☆ Russia & Islam = most evil ppl= killing eachother. ☆ Europe = the capital of antisemite - killed by Islam. and churches destroyed by Islam & disasters And nothing in Israel .cz We worship ONLY!!! God . That's Y No disasters. No Isis. & No demons in Israel . Wake up or u'll die
I think when someone signs up for this so young or has been the victim of circumstances, God doesn't give up and finds you. During this time this woman took to find God, he used these situations to make her stronger.
She spoke the truth back in 1998. People were sleep but now people ( not nearly enough) are waking up.
Nikki S Yes people are awakening because spirituality has become more and more mainstream.
More shall wake up ..indeed by grace and will of God..all of God s creation in Jesus name Amen
This is an amazing testimony! She speaks so many truths and the churches of this age are fast asleep.
God bless you Lisa
Jesus Is calling you true.
We need to wake up.
The Lord Is My Shepherd your so right, we need more warriors, and less bench warmers. Amen
It's mindblowing just how delusional you people are. Your lives must be incredibly boring, empty and sad for you to be so desperate to find meaning in utter nonsense like this
LordHealey, Check put Mark Taylor
LordHealey And yet here you are taking time out to write a senseless comment to people who believe Jesus Christ and could care less about your opinion. You must be a so called voodoo priest and found out you can't stand against followers of the one who is supreme amongst the nations, supreme over the world. You'll never win unless you follow Jesus☺
Wow. Do you see the dry face when she talk about her past. And the talk about Jesus the joy in her face
Can you do more interviews like this..Maybe if people see the devil and witches are real they will learn to put on the full armour of God..God bless
this was a long time ago, he has up to date shows on youtube, type in his name,
Israel Vasquez so true
I heard that sometimes Satanist sacrifice Innocent people and drink baby's blood and rape women the Satanist cults should be executed.i really don't like Satanist
People In a deep sleep trance thanks to hollywood music false news etc it's all a part of the plan Picture this is already here temporal lobe radiation through tv and smartphones etc image of the beast hence mark in your forehead
jc og How scared you must have been! Did you cry out to Jesus? I have a friend that this happened to.
_"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."_ - Roger "Verbal" Kint (A.K.A.: Keyser Söze), the _Usual Suspects_ [1995]
I watch your channel every day now. It lifts me up to hear, see and feel the power of God in such mighty ways. God bless you and your ministry.
God bless you Phil. Jesus was never seen or heard to 'argue' or 'fight' to try to prove He was real or who He said He was. So I am not going to fight or argue with you either. It will be very interesting to see what you think and say in a few years time though. Just know that Jesus IS very real and whether you believe in Him or not, He loves you dearly.
Amen! Greater is he That's in me than he that is in the world!
wow!! I was touched and almost cried when she was talkingabout when she accepted jesus she felt drunk and started to laugh cause I've tested this feeling before.. glory to our sweet lord jesus!❤
Praise God!!! This lady knows what God's power is based on!!! Pure and powerful LOVE!!!
"Many Christians have a million dollars in the bank, they just never go to withdraw it." daaaannnngggggg 🙏🙏
puzz88 wow most i know In Ireland are absolutely broke haha . This is American Christians usa love money and i mean love money
Tracey forever xx “wow most I know in Ireland are absolutely broke haha”
HAHA 😆 that’s funny ! Hi tracey I’m in Scotland, where in Ireland Are you and are a Christian?
I got chills when she said that.
Say it again ooo
puzz88 😂😂😂😂😂
The devil doesn’t come to you in a red cape and horns...he comes as everything you ever wanted.
I think i understand that now
I think i understand that now 14.36. Amen in Jesus name
He comes in all different forms. He can make himself appear as red cape, pitch fork, and horns. He make himself appear to look like that too.
Literally Satan the Devil transforms himself in different ways.
The devil isn’t real
No they come as a Demon
Something Beautiful
Something good
All her confusion
He understood
All she had to offer Him
Was brokenness & strife
But He made something
Beautiful of her life 💐
Just found this channel this weekend. Im so thankful i did!!! What encouraging Testimonies and POWEFUL GOD !!!
.."Many churches affirm the power of God, but they deny there is a Devil." Fact missed by today's Christians.
"...form of godliness, but deny the power thereof..."
Beautiful testimony! What a faithful servant of the Lord! He suffered loss of his family, his job and then his health and remained steadfast for Jesus! Then the Lord healed him, then he got his oldest daughter back and his 82 year old mother saved!
"A faithful man abounds with blessings." (Proverbs.)
one of the Best Testimonies I have heard in awhile❤ Thank You & God Bless, Sid & Lisa♥
Do not under estimate the Devil he's much stronger and smarter than you, and you can never defeat him. But if you give your life to Jesus Christ, he will not only protect you but also deliver you from Satan. Jesus' name is so powerful that the mere utterance of his name is enough to clear a room from evil.
I used to constantly get attacked at night (sleep paralysis) that at times I couldn't even open my mouth, sometimes I could only, with great effort, spell out Jesus' name, and by the time I got to the first "s" I was rid of that oppressive force.
Alone we are nothing but with Jesus we are guaranteed eternal life. I beg you all to grasp on to Jesus, never let him go and share with everyone how he's changed your life. This is a former atheist speaking to you, that thought he had it all figured out.
Praise Jesus as often as you breathe and don't allow anything that's not of him or for him to attach itself to you.
God bless you all, especially our enemies...
Chris Freely
Amen amen amen
Amen! Praise and glory be to God that you came to the truth and believe. Now were no longer alone or have to fight alone, we've been free from the power's of sin and of darkness!🙌🙌
Chris Freely amen, however though the enemy is very crafty, he is not stronger than us believers in Christ. Ephesians 6:12 shows that we are not wrestling against evil forces programmed on the heavenlies, however the phrase before that says put on the full armor of Christ so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes. The word of God is a weapon in itself and revelation 12:11 shows us in the first place that it is the Word which is Jesus Christ and the power of our testimony that enables us to overcome Satan and his evil works.
Chris Freely Thank you Jesus
excellent episode!
That's why "family" movies like Harry Potter can be so dangerous in influencing our youth or even adults.
Brent Dozier: what’s wrong with Harry Potter?
What’s wrong with having an imagination?
Harry Potter turned me into 8th degree level 67 warlock. I now place a curse on you for giving away our black secrets.
Ashrid Hussan: Ha Ha! You have a funny sense of humor! Good for you! This world is too serious. You funny!!
@@JA-re8gi HAHAHA. FOOL.
Those seemingly innocent tv shows, those seemingly innocent pop songs are the worlds indoctrination into darkness. But God is always there waiting patiently to pull us into the light when we finally come to our own realization that we are in way over our heads. Praise God.
It's true. Red flags go up for me every time one of those shows comes on with my kids, and those shows come on very regularly. In fact, there is hardly a single show that doesn't involve someone with some type of magic or superpower.
Tamara Bradshaw I remember my mom using the TV as a babysitter. Lots of the Bewitched show before dinner was ready. It’s all just a small fragment that adds up.
I've noticed Satan goes for the ones with a lack of identity. I can resonate some what with this brave lady. O'lord shower me with your mercy. Jesus is sovereign.
And Satan will create situations where you don't develope an idenity. Good observation.
Why does your pfp have a lady showing her leg and is practically half-naked?
You call him lord, yet you don’t obey and have his spirit in you.
Don’t you think his profile picture is a bit too lewd? Calling Him Lord is a bit too far from being in the God family. You serve him in this life and then you enjoy his presence in the future.
Thank you Sid Roth + the team!
I enjoy having on demand access to new, classic videos, and your live stream!
Lisa if you happen to read this I absolutely love you it has taken me many many years to learn what you know about the power of the Holy Spirit I am so intrigued by you I just adore you you are a lovely woman Inside and Out God bless you thank you for sharing your testimony
Beautiful testimony.
So encouraging!
Thank you for this testimony. Powerful, no more fear or impossibilities with God who loves me.
I watch Sidroth's It's Supernatural everyday and I've noticed my faith growing😊 through all the testimonies I hear. Jesus Christ is Lord🙌🏼 Hallelujah 🙌🏼
Thank you Jesus for her salvation (Lisa). Hallelujah🙌🏾
Mariama Tee. Praise God!
Praise the almighty God! "The assignment was to kill the old me and not the new me" Thank you Lord for her and gor all of us.
"If we've been buried with Christ in baptism, if we've entered into the family of God, then we've been buried with him into his death. The old me - the only one they had the license to kill, was the old me. She's the one who did all of those things, when I accepted the Lord I became a new creation. And as long as I keep the old me dead, He will keep the new me alive." 👑 24:04
Amazing story. She tells the truth and she knows the Bible versus to back it up. I love how Gods glory is shining through this girls story. May God bless you her and use her testimony to show His true power, love and forgiveness.
#1: Her story is very real #2: The Church as a whole in the U.S. is very spiritual-warfare illiterate #3: Does anyone know where she is today? If she has a ministry in a married name, I would like to check into it. If you google her name as it appears here, this is basically the only reference to her. #4: When she mentions her "imaginary friends" at 4:28 through 4:33 something appears on camera in the background behind her and Sid. It makes me wonder if she needs(ed) further help. I would be interested in hearing more of her testimony.
Truth Like A Lion I don't see anything?
I see them!
I don’t see them either 🤷🏾♀️
Truth Like A Lion the two glowing dots??
Great video. Thanks Pst. Sid.
I wish the questions were not so rushed, but she was allowed to talk.
She was sharing really insightful stuff but was cut off so many times with another question when she had not finished answering the first.
Hi! I'm watching your channel and it helps me become closer to God. Praise be to God to all testimonies ❤
Whoooooh!! Victorious Jesus, Victorious King!!!!! 😄😊
She is so tough and I can just see it through how she talks. Amen
What a great testimony! I love it very much....reminds me a little bit of my past....ALL glory to Jesus!!!
Susanna Jacobi me too..
Praise Jesus!!!
This is reinforcing my faith in God.
Mine too...
Gosh what she has been through . Abuse on all levels . It's so sad . She's an amazing beautiful strong lady to survive and come through it .
HI Sid that was a powerful lesson and testimony from Lisa kindly ask her if she can also share the whole of her testimony may be on UA-cam. Thanks
Thank you for sharing this knowledge and testimony brethren!!
God is the best. God have bless me so much. My husband and I are homeless but God is with me every single day and I thank him for my life. I wouldnt trade it for anything. I used to sell my body because when I was 12 I was exposed to that lifestyle. Terrible things happened to me in that life. I lived it until 2 years ago and Im 33 now. I made great money, I wore the best of the best, I went anywhere I want when I want, but was still a slave to the devil because of what I was doing to get it. Once I met my now husband I changed my ways and slowly stopped doing it all. I left my place and he came with me. We went unto the couples shelter and I must say I have never in my lufe felt so free and blessed. I dont have any of the expensive things I had before, no diamonds, no gucci and chanel but I have my faith, my testimony, and my God, and for that I am rich.
Demons tremble in fear of Jesus Holy Name! God's word(Jesus) is of power! Praise you Lord we must not fear but trust in I AM! Thanks be to God for the Testimony! Whom the Son has set free is free indeed!
No one trembles in fear of that except in your imagination.
Dear Sid, please make a follow-up show with your guest. Thank you very much
I love that our God is such a forgiving God. There was a man a few years back that out of pure curiosity started going to my sisters church. He was very open about the fact that he was a satanist and just wanted to learn about what he was so against. They welcomed him and listened to him as well. Long story short, a year later he accepted the LORD into his heart and denounced satan as his leader. Exactly a week after he gave his life to God and accepted Him into his heart he actually died in a motorcycle accident. Now THAT is God's love. His death was sad but also a huge victory. You're never too far gone. Never.
This was very disturbing to me . She was talking about witnessing child sacrifice! And actually being part of it ! Why isn't she in jail ?!!! Why aren't those people who done that horrendous thing been tried for murder!! What on the earth ??!! She and her former cohorts need to be accountable. It's all okay and wonderful to become a Christian and to repent and to be forgiven by God but you still have to be accountable to the Law !!!
Anna B Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
Because justice and truth don't always happen here on earth... that's how murderers get away with killing...
Rose B cause she was protected by the elites
i think i witnessed a child.murder, but only have fragmented flashbacks, so im not able to identify the killer, location etc just vague details. im sure if people knew the names of those who killed children, they would happily give them up even if it meant being killed thenselves
The Elites are the law.
Great testimony. Praise be unto the wonderful powerful Name of Jesus Christ 🙏🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾🛐🙏🏾
Thank you Jesus!!! My God is an Awesome God
Wow, incredible story. Love her testimony and she's such a great speaker. Thank you for sharing.
God bless her soul. God bless Sid Roth!!❤️ Amen.
What a beautiful woman and a beautiful testimony!
She was drunk in the Holy Spirit! Hah!
This is an eye opening testimony. Great job Sid 👍👍👍
Temptation never comes as an ugly package labeled "Death." It always comes beautifully wrapped like a birthday gift... remember, Lucifer was the most beautiful angel.
Jesus is THE POWER, holding the world together by His Word.
I can hear her talk all day long ! I feel like her life needs to be written in multiple books 😍 there isn’t enough time in the world but man I would love to stay as long as I could to sit at this woman’s feet ❤️
Satan is pure evil 😡
Wonderful testimony, thanks for shining a light into the darkness!
YAY, GOD!!! WHAT AN AWESOME SISTER GOD RESCUED!!! I pray her testimony will bring multitudes into the Family of God in Christ!!! Thanks for sharing👍🏻💖😃🇺🇲
Separating from God, is worshiping Satan. You either serve one or the other. If power and protection is what you seek. Worship the very divine being that gave Satan his power. As easily as he gave the title/power, God could take it away.
Yahshuah(Jesus),please save us from evil. This woman is blessed...Satan has no love,therefore he has no power over Yahweh (God).
John Glenn
You mean.. He-Zeus. Or Odin. Same story, different time period. I wish he was real.
I love the way she is explaining things ❤❤ so much truth in her speech ❤
She gave a beautiful, powerful testimony! Thanks for the truth about the living God via Jesus, our Savior.
Amazing story thank you so much for sharing it thank you Jesus to God be the glory
Ursula Psaila amen
Powerful testimony! God Bless you!
Wow. I love this lady and testimony is she still alive and around??
I cannot find answer to that question.
Lisa Gwinnett is beautiful inside and out. Beautiful spirit. I love hearing what she has to say.
I truly truly love these types of testimonies I'm so interested in the supernatural realm. Great testimony
Lol... ‘Lord have mercy child! I have been talking to God and He wants you to stop’. Was granny a southern woman? Pretty good impression. Thank you sweety. God bless you wherever you are now.
WOW... Very interesting. What an amazing testimony. Thank you Lord! You are SO good!!! YOU are THE Supreme power, Almighty God
11:03 - 11:13 might be one of the REALEST quotes I've heard in the last 5 years. This woman is lowkey DEEP.😤🤘🏽
My God is great!
Praise God!
I couldn't help but to weep..What a powerful testimony!!! I thank the lord that i wasnt't abused as a child.
I couldn't help but to laugh.
Is there a part 2? Regardless, what a powerful testimony. No wonder satanists attempt to off the converted. Praise the Lord and may this testimony reach far and wide and bless thousands. I pray this in Jesus' Mighty name.
God bless this woman for her testimony!!!!
Thank you Sid for such testimonies. We need this information as the body of Christ and it's important to get it from safe and reliable sources especially with all the information that is out there
Powerful testimony 🙌 ❤🎉All glory to God!
just sent it to a friend who is a which
Which what??
Tom Fuller I think he means witch
Alexis Despland Witch not which
Alexis Despland Really? She's a which? Which kind of which?-Lol!
Did he/she watch? Any feedback?
Sid, this interview was hard to listen to because you kept interrupting this lady’s story which was powerful
I could learn to this channel all day nothing but food for the soul
Sacrificing children is an opportunity to whip up terror and fear which aligns the summoned spirit(s) to the summoners to make their contract with each other. The lower the frequency the easier the alignment. Love and joy are very high frequencies. That's another important part of what she's talking about.
This was SOO GOOD!
AMAZING and POWERFUL conversation, loved it all
There are witch’s still attacking this woman. Obesity is spiritual half of the time. Pray against the people that harm you and ask for protection.