I think Cersei is one of the most interesting female characters on TV. She's not simple. She's multifaceted and controversial. And very charismatic (thanks to Lena Headey, I ADORE her acting!)
@@bazingonator Cercea is selfish crue egoistic and stupid succubus. Lena Headey is awesome played such bad person comapare her brilliant acting Sarah Connor and soft wife in the Purge.
She might have been a psychopath, but you have to hand it to Cersei. She, Tywin, and Tyrion really were the best players of the game... All beautifully complex characters... Long may she reign!!!
This is so powerful and heartbreaking. Especially the ending of the video where Cersei reveals all her power and destroys everyone. But, in the end, she loses the battle to her prophecy. In the end, you perfectly showed that no matter how strong you are you cannot defeat fate. I'm almost crying... Cersei was and will always be my absolute favourite character of all time. She changed me in many ways and I became much more stronger thanks to her. The true queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
Whatever others think, say or do. Cersei is my favourite charackter and my queen. I love her! She is so powerful, strong and genius. She is a mother, a lioness, a leader and much more. And I'm wondering, why Lena didn't get an Emmy. She never played Cersei. She is Cersei. I can't imagine another actress then Lena! She ist the best! Thanks for making the video. I had a great day today and this video completed it! :D
Finally a women character with nuance and complexity who is dark and vindictive with reasons for being so, and unlike other female villains her character doesn't follow the very predictable femme fatale trope or isn't really just a dangerous women fantasy. And so many people hate her when everyone is responsible for murder in game of thrones , when she really has clear reasons for doing what she does. She knows herself the best and is very interesting to watch. She wasn't well received any where not even in her own family. Things were always difficult for her unlike the Starks, for whom their family was atleast a source of love, that made them believe about the good in the world. Cersei was wronged everywhere. And simply just choose not to sit still about it. She didn't want power through means women are supposed to use. Being pliant, manipulative, seductive, maternal etc she wanted power overtly unchallenged and to display it and wear it like an armor like men are allowed to do. And she did it.
The show version of Cersei will forever be one of my favorite characters of all time. She wasn't a bad person she was just a product of the society she was born in. Yes, she did terrible things but not without reason. I had so much empathy for her she will always be my queen
Love the music you picked, it really matches cersi as we saw what power drove her to do, what loosing those she loved brought her too. She was the queen, beautiful tribute to her.
This is definitely my new favorite Cersei tribute - I just can’t get over how unique it is in regards to how you decided to tell her story. You showed her fierce side, and human side perfectly o m g. The ending left me with chills.
it’s so powerful that I can rewatch it many many times over! especially love 1:12-1:18 part with Tyrion’s ‘STOP THAT’, and ‘LONG MAY SHE REIGN’ in the end of the vid ofc ❤️ your choice of background music is also amazing! I just make a video about Jaime with this song so I was searching for other tribute vids and found this one; so thank you for this pleasure!
я наконец закончила видео о Джейме и вернулась сюда, чтобы ещё раз посмотреть твоё; прочитала другие комментарии и обнаружила, что ты, оказывается, тоже из России) действительно приятно осознавать, что не только западные видеомейкеры могут делать такие впечатляющие посвящения любимым героям! я посмотрела все три твои видео по ИП и могу сказать, что все они очень хороши! но это по-прежнему моё любимое - из-за Серсеи. представляю, чего тебе стоило найти и отобрать все эти кадры, чтобы сохранить хронологию (ведь до момента walk of atonement почти на всех кадрах Серс с длинными волосами, даже если фразы/диалоги взяты из 6-7 сезонов). и ещё для меня по-новому открылась часть 4:00-4:30 -- это очень мощные 30 секунд с потрясающими параллелями и фоновым 'I want to hear it', браво! работа со звуком тоже впечатляет - в особенности то, как тебе удалось заполнить переходы, которые есть в музыке (0:32-0:35,2:32-2:35). прошу прощения за столь длинный комментарий, просто хотела пожелать развития канала, потому что ты делаешь что-то невероятное!
ААААА, ТЫ НЕ ПРЕДСТАВЛЯЕШЬ, КАК МНЕ ПРИЯТНО!! Спасибо большое, правда. Это невероятно круто, когда у кого-то мои работы вызывают ТАКИЕ чувства! Кстати, у тебя незаслуженно мало подписчиков! Очень понравились твои видео. Особенно о Старках/Ланнистерах, Джейме/Серсее (тут даже украла себе в плейлист трек :D), о самом Джейме тоже довольно хороший вышел трибьют. Позволю себе дать небольшой совет: возможно, следовало бы по-больше (совсем чуть-чуть) поиграть с цветокоррекцией (в видео о Джейме). И по поводу замедления: сейчас я пытаюсь не замедлять, ибо картинка начинает двигаться как-то... нехорошо, в общем. Знаю, что существуют всякие плагины для "плавного замедления", но я их не скачивала (я монтирую в Сони Вегасе). Ещё знаю, что в Адобе Премьере замедление происходит вот прям так, как надо без плагинов (однажды замедляла там своё видео, снятое на камеру - получилось неплохо). Тем не менее, смысловое наполнение твоих видео, различные параллели, даже превью - всё прекрасно! Продолжай в том же духе! Я подписалась! Развития твоему каналу! :)
bazingonator и тебе спасибо - за советы и подписку! ♥️ я приняла к сведению) на самом деле, мне кажется, что я перемудрила с цветкором как раз в первых своих видео, поэтому сейчас стараюсь оставлять цвета более естественными, но пока ещё не добилась того, чего хочу в идеале - буду экспериментировать дальше) что касается замедления кадров, полностью согласна с тобой и сама стараюсь резать так, чтобы не приходилось изменять скорость, но иногда длины кадра не хватает, а заменять другим не хочется) я монтирую в final cut pro x, функционал меня устраивает вполне, но было бы здорово познакомиться и с альтернативными программами тоже, конечно) ещё раз спасибо тебе за уделённое время, комплименты и критику! для меня это важно!
It is unbelievable how people can't see that Cersei has suffered all her life because she was a woman. In the books she describes how people treated her very differently wlthan they did Jaime, even though they were almost identical as kids. She didn't understand it. As she grew up, she faced heartbreal in her marriage and endured Robert's physical abuse for years, unable to prevent it. The only joy she found was with her children. She was still strong enough to survive all that and sieze power in a world dominated by men who refused her authority and plotted against her. Even Jaime left her. She faced the worst thing that could happen to her, the walk of shame, the deaths of her beloved children, and she rose above it all. Alone. Her story is the most realistic for a woman in power in the medieval times. A woman who dared to take power on her own, not by her husband or father or son.
Epic! It would be so cool if you would make an edit for margaery and one for Arya😍😍😍 i love cersei so much. I love about game of thrones that the characters are not just black and white
Elaria,Tyrion and Olenna was think that would be easier destroy Cersei and the house Lannister,but they loser too. Everybody pay for his debits,Cersei could won if Daenerys hadnt the last Dragon
@@denisaivan2756 You should find some web resource where you can download the episodes. Unfortunately, I can't name specific website, cuz I'm not an english speaker, so I use websites, which are on my native language...
From a first glimpse you think the story is one sided Starks are the good guys and Lannisters the bad. But Cersei and Jamie and Tywin and Tyrion are deep deep characters, dramatic characters that are full of essence and ruthlessness and strength And by the way HotD Team Green 💚💚 all the way!!!!!
Советую ознакомиться с ее главами в "Пир стервятников" и "Танец с драконами".Настолько хорошо прописан этот персонаж.Настолько он притягивающий и необычный.Желаю ей и ее детям пережить пророчество в книгах.
Я читала все книги ПЛиО, так что я понимаю, о чём Вы :) Правда, я, скорее, фанат сериальной Серсеи, чем книжной. Слишком уж эгоцентричный, высокомерный и импульсивный это персонаж у Мартина, как по мне. У Д&Д Серсея изменена, скажем так, в более "человечную" сторону. Глядя на неё на экране, я хочу ей сострадать и хочу восхищаться ею. Читая книгу, я, к сожалению, подобных порывов не испытывала... Впрочем, в одном я могу согласиться - Серс действительно необычная и яркая героиня! :)
bazingonator я очень надеюсь что ее судьба в следующей книге не ограничится взрывом великой септы и смертью.как никак,нас ведь ещё ожидает суд семерых,где Роберт Стронг продемонстрирует нам свои способности).Надеюсь на большое количество глав от ее лица.На ютубе есть видео «How can TWOW fit into TWOW»,где автор также рассуждал о примерном количестве глав персонажей в след книге,тем самым проводя глубокую аналитику,и Серсея,по его мнению,получит приблизительно 8-12 глав(6 в крайнем случае).Что меня обнадёживает.
@@electrarexx в каком-то смысле да. Как я и написала, Серсею сделали более человечной. Наверно, это можно считать "обелением". С Тирионом тоже согласна. По поводу Джейме - не могу сказать, что прямо-таки обелили, просто в сериале он до последнего остался верен сестре. Джейме в целом неплохой парень, как по мне. Один из моих любимчиков в книге. А вот по поводу Станниса просто ДИКО плюсую!
I did not have much love or support for this character. She and Daenerys ruined season 8 willingly with their evil madness in the second half. Cersei even brainwashed Jaime (along with Tyrion) into his own death my favorite person in the whole show. I love this song though and your awesome and epic tributes are always excellent! Thank you for your hard and determined work. She was too cruel and cunning like the Mad King, Tywin or Joffrey. Don't mean to be a hater or ignorant, just my opinion. Wish they had shown a nicer side to her other than pure manipulation or taking advantage of people. Usually not a big fan of bossy and controlling characters that do anything to keep their position or their job. The fact that she put and planted Joffrey on the throne despite what Robert wanted and had wished for at his deathbed in season 1 told me everything I needed to know about her power hunger, greed and lust. She struck me as a megalomaniac and was a serious threat for everyone as long as she was in charge. Also seemed to enjoy sadism similar to Melisandre or Ramsay for example. She was ruthless and pretty rotten to the core as a person even more so than Tywin and Joffrey. Margaery was the queen I was rooting for and Tommen was a nice sweet kid who deserved better than a mother who was trying to tear them apart and sunder. She had eight seasons to improve but it just wasn't there. I don't think anyone in this show had as many enemies as she did. Maybe Littlefinger and Euron but I don't know.
Thank you very much for feedback! Yes, Cersei is hard to love, but I manage 😅 At the same time, I didn’t root for her. In her skirmishes with Margaery, I was always on the side of the young queen. Cersei wasn't morally good, but she was an amazingly interesting and compelling character for me.
Cersei obviously one of the best female characters in tv history
I think Cersei is one of the most interesting female characters on TV. She's not simple. She's multifaceted and controversial. And very charismatic (thanks to Lena Headey, I ADORE her acting!)
@@bazingonator Cercea is selfish crue egoistic and stupid succubus. Lena Headey is awesome played such bad person comapare her brilliant acting Sarah Connor and soft wife in the Purge.
@@vadimkiruhin1226 learn english m8.
Cersei and Jinx are both my fav female characters
‘We’re the last Lannisters , the last ones who count’
❤❤❤love it
She's an icon, she's a legend, she is the moment.
She might have been a psychopath, but you have to hand it to Cersei. She, Tywin, and Tyrion really were the best players of the game... All beautifully complex characters... Long may she reign!!!
This is so powerful and heartbreaking. Especially the ending of the video where Cersei reveals all her power and destroys everyone. But, in the end, she loses the battle to her prophecy. In the end, you perfectly showed that no matter how strong you are you cannot defeat fate. I'm almost crying...
Cersei was and will always be my absolute favourite character of all time. She changed me in many ways and I became much more stronger thanks to her. The true queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
Thank you so much! And yes, I agree. Cersei was amazing character...
i love Cersei Lannister she was the real Queen
Whatever others think, say or do. Cersei is my favourite charackter and my queen. I love her! She is so powerful, strong and genius. She is a mother, a lioness, a leader and much more. And I'm wondering, why Lena didn't get an Emmy. She never played Cersei. She is Cersei. I can't imagine another actress then Lena! She ist the best!
Thanks for making the video. I had a great day today and this video completed it! :D
EXACTLY! Lena did an amazing job! I adore her acting. And Cersei is a legendary character on TV. Such powerful and charismatic!
I always loved her! My favorite character on the show!
She’s not my favorite character but it’s like you hate and love her at the same time. She commanded every scene she was in
I choose violence.
@@nursemercy5676 best performance on the show. its a toss up of favorite character for me Cersei, Arya, Joffrey or Khalesea
Finally a women character with nuance and complexity who is dark and vindictive with reasons for being so, and unlike other female villains her character doesn't follow the very predictable femme fatale trope or isn't really just a dangerous women fantasy. And so many people hate her when everyone is responsible for murder in game of thrones , when she really has clear reasons for doing what she does. She knows herself the best and is very interesting to watch. She wasn't well received any where not even in her own family. Things were always difficult for her unlike the Starks, for whom their family was atleast a source of love, that made them believe about the good in the world. Cersei was wronged everywhere. And simply just choose not to sit still about it. She didn't want power through means women are supposed to use. Being pliant, manipulative, seductive, maternal etc she wanted power overtly unchallenged and to display it and wear it like an armor like men are allowed to do. And she did it.
“Sometimes I wonder... if this is the price for what we’ve done... for our sins.” WOW 👌🏽
That masterpiece of editing between 4:45 and 5:09 is hands down incredible!!!
Thanks! :)
The show version of Cersei will forever be one of my favorite characters of all time. She wasn't a bad person she was just a product of the society she was born in. Yes, she did terrible things but not without reason. I had so much empathy for her she will always be my queen
Best player ever
No she wasn't
Petyr Baelish was the best player
Love the music you picked, it really matches cersi as we saw what power drove her to do, what loosing those she loved brought her too. She was the queen, beautiful tribute to her.
Thank you! :)
Song name please?
what the fuck did I just see? A pearl, a masterpiece. I saw very few videos on Cersei beautiful in this way. Congratulations and THANK YOU! Subs.
Ahaha, thank you so much!
Btw, I like your videos!
This is the best Tribute video for Cersei so far.
Thank you so much!
Show them what Lannisters are, what we do to our enemies
Jesus H Christ, that was an emotional rollercoaster. Absolutely brilliant tribute to one of the best characters on television.
This is definitely my new favorite Cersei tribute - I just can’t get over how unique it is in regards to how you decided to tell her story. You showed her fierce side, and human side perfectly o m g. The ending left me with chills.
Thank you so much!
I've watched this so many times and I cry every time. It's that good. I miss her so much
This final... still have shivers
2:50 I will watch over and over again, love it!
it’s so powerful that I can rewatch it many many times over! especially love 1:12-1:18 part with Tyrion’s ‘STOP THAT’, and ‘LONG MAY SHE REIGN’ in the end of the vid ofc ❤️
your choice of background music is also amazing! I just make a video about Jaime with this song so I was searching for other tribute vids and found this one; so thank you for this pleasure!
She said burn several times. I wonder what she would’ve done if had a dragon 🤔
You don't have to wonder
She would have burned that poor script of her death first.
Great work! One the best tribute video never i see.... And about cersei...she is the best female character tv!
Thank you so much!
Omg I love it, watch it almost every day
I miss my Queen 💖 Thank you
This was beautiful!
Thank you!
Was desperately looking for a tribute about her with this song - thank you. ❤️
Ahaha, you're welcome! :)
Such a good tribute! I love it!
Thank you!
Your video is amazing ! You're so talented ! Cersei is my favourite character, I love her so much ! ❤
I absolutely love it !! It's amazing
Thank you!
I feel like Daenerys was more a savage warrior than a queen but cersei was a really good queenly figure who had class in her ways
My Queen 👑
This is incredibly beautiful, truly!👌🏻💕
This edit is amazing, great effort!!! I'm shocked that this has less views
Thank you so much!
first queen regnant in game of thrones history thats a legendary feat
я наконец закончила видео о Джейме и вернулась сюда, чтобы ещё раз посмотреть твоё; прочитала другие комментарии и обнаружила, что ты, оказывается, тоже из России) действительно приятно осознавать, что не только западные видеомейкеры могут делать такие впечатляющие посвящения любимым героям! я посмотрела все три твои видео по ИП и могу сказать, что все они очень хороши!
но это по-прежнему моё любимое - из-за Серсеи. представляю, чего тебе стоило найти и отобрать все эти кадры, чтобы сохранить хронологию (ведь до момента walk of atonement почти на всех кадрах Серс с длинными волосами, даже если фразы/диалоги взяты из 6-7 сезонов). и ещё для меня по-новому открылась часть 4:00-4:30 -- это очень мощные 30 секунд с потрясающими параллелями и фоновым 'I want to hear it', браво! работа со звуком тоже впечатляет - в особенности то, как тебе удалось заполнить переходы, которые есть в музыке (0:32-0:35,2:32-2:35).
прошу прощения за столь длинный комментарий, просто хотела пожелать развития канала, потому что ты делаешь что-то невероятное!
ААААА, ТЫ НЕ ПРЕДСТАВЛЯЕШЬ, КАК МНЕ ПРИЯТНО!! Спасибо большое, правда. Это невероятно круто, когда у кого-то мои работы вызывают ТАКИЕ чувства!
Кстати, у тебя незаслуженно мало подписчиков! Очень понравились твои видео. Особенно о Старках/Ланнистерах, Джейме/Серсее (тут даже украла себе в плейлист трек :D), о самом Джейме тоже довольно хороший вышел трибьют. Позволю себе дать небольшой совет: возможно, следовало бы по-больше (совсем чуть-чуть) поиграть с цветокоррекцией (в видео о Джейме). И по поводу замедления: сейчас я пытаюсь не замедлять, ибо картинка начинает двигаться как-то... нехорошо, в общем. Знаю, что существуют всякие плагины для "плавного замедления", но я их не скачивала (я монтирую в Сони Вегасе). Ещё знаю, что в Адобе Премьере замедление происходит вот прям так, как надо без плагинов (однажды замедляла там своё видео, снятое на камеру - получилось неплохо).
Тем не менее, смысловое наполнение твоих видео, различные параллели, даже превью - всё прекрасно! Продолжай в том же духе! Я подписалась! Развития твоему каналу! :)
bazingonator и тебе спасибо - за советы и подписку! ♥️ я приняла к сведению)
на самом деле, мне кажется, что я перемудрила с цветкором как раз в первых своих видео, поэтому сейчас стараюсь оставлять цвета более естественными, но пока ещё не добилась того, чего хочу в идеале - буду экспериментировать дальше) что касается замедления кадров, полностью согласна с тобой и сама стараюсь резать так, чтобы не приходилось изменять скорость, но иногда длины кадра не хватает, а заменять другим не хочется)
я монтирую в final cut pro x, функционал меня устраивает вполне, но было бы здорово познакомиться и с альтернативными программами тоже, конечно)
ещё раз спасибо тебе за уделённое время, комплименты и критику! для меня это важно!
Ok THIS was some epic editing🤩 so talented! Keep doing what you do omg!
Thank you so much!
This is truly AMAZING!!!!
Editing 🔥🔥🔥
Real queen 🔥
Amazing ! 💜💜💜
Thank you!
It is unbelievable how people can't see that Cersei has suffered all her life because she was a woman. In the books she describes how people treated her very differently wlthan they did Jaime, even though they were almost identical as kids. She didn't understand it. As she grew up, she faced heartbreal in her marriage and endured Robert's physical abuse for years, unable to prevent it. The only joy she found was with her children. She was still strong enough to survive all that and sieze power in a world dominated by men who refused her authority and plotted against her. Even Jaime left her. She faced the worst thing that could happen to her, the walk of shame, the deaths of her beloved children, and she rose above it all. Alone. Her story is the most realistic for a woman in power in the medieval times. A woman who dared to take power on her own, not by her husband or father or son.
She is still an horrible person who indirectly caused the death of her children
God ❤ this is too powerful !!!
I love Cersei and Lena so muchhhh💞💞🔥🔥🦁🦁🦁👑👑🦁🦁🔥
Epic! It would be so cool if you would make an edit for margaery and one for Arya😍😍😍 i love cersei so much. I love about game of thrones that the characters are not just black and white
Thank you! I adore Margaery and Arya, so I definitely will make some videos! But I can't promise I will make that soon 😂
@@bazingonator Don't stress! 🤗
This was beautiful done, I had chills. It was like Cersei made the world know not to f*ck with a lioness
Elaria,Tyrion and Olenna was think that would be easier destroy Cersei and the house Lannister,but they loser too. Everybody pay for his debits,Cersei could won if Daenerys hadnt the last Dragon
Sorry, but i loved the part of Margaery (2:42)
Long live the Queen
Para mí cersei es el mejor personaje de GoT
She's a survivor
Queen cersei ❤
Whoo this is fucking amazing.
This is amazing! Can you tell me how you download the scenes with such good quality?
Thank you! Well, I download not the scenes, but the whole episodes in 1080p :)
@@bazingonator How? It would really help me :)
@@denisaivan2756 You should find some
web resource where you can download the episodes. Unfortunately, I can't name specific website, cuz I'm not an english speaker, so I use websites, which are on my native language...
@@bazingonator alright, thank you!
@@denisaivan2756 You're welcome ;)
From a first glimpse you think the story is one sided Starks are the good guys and Lannisters the bad. But Cersei and Jamie and Tywin and Tyrion are deep deep characters, dramatic characters that are full of essence and ruthlessness and strength
And by the way HotD Team Green 💚💚 all the way!!!!!
Exactly! 💚
Cersei is so jealous of Magaery. 😂
2:38 - 2:40. 😱
Только что поняла, что ты тоже из России)) приятно видеть, что наши тоже умеют классно видить) подпишусь, пожалуй 😄
Спасибо! Добро пожаловать на мой канал, как говорится! 😄
bazingonator 🙌🏼
Ironically she did burn her house to the ground
Советую ознакомиться с ее главами в "Пир стервятников" и "Танец с драконами".Настолько хорошо прописан этот персонаж.Настолько он притягивающий и необычный.Желаю ей и ее детям пережить пророчество в книгах.
Я читала все книги ПЛиО, так что я понимаю, о чём Вы :) Правда, я, скорее, фанат сериальной Серсеи, чем книжной. Слишком уж эгоцентричный, высокомерный и импульсивный это персонаж у Мартина, как по мне. У Д&Д Серсея изменена, скажем так, в более "человечную" сторону. Глядя на неё на экране, я хочу ей сострадать и хочу восхищаться ею. Читая книгу, я, к сожалению, подобных порывов не испытывала... Впрочем, в одном я могу согласиться - Серс действительно необычная и яркая героиня! :)
bazingonator ее обелили,как и Тириона,Джейме и многих других персонажей.Таким же образом они очернили Станниса.
bazingonator я очень надеюсь что ее судьба в следующей книге не ограничится взрывом великой септы и смертью.как никак,нас ведь ещё ожидает суд семерых,где Роберт Стронг продемонстрирует нам свои способности).Надеюсь на большое количество глав от ее лица.На ютубе есть видео «How can TWOW fit into TWOW»,где автор также рассуждал о примерном количестве глав персонажей в след книге,тем самым проводя глубокую аналитику,и Серсея,по его мнению,получит приблизительно 8-12 глав(6 в крайнем случае).Что меня обнадёживает.
@@electrarexx в каком-то смысле да. Как я и написала, Серсею сделали более человечной. Наверно, это можно считать "обелением". С Тирионом тоже согласна. По поводу Джейме - не могу сказать, что прямо-таки обелили, просто в сериале он до последнего остался верен сестре. Джейме в целом неплохой парень, как по мне. Один из моих любимчиков в книге. А вот по поводу Станниса просто ДИКО плюсую!
@@electrarexx По поводу глав Серсеи тоже соглашусь. Надо признать, что читать их - очень занимательно!
Holy shit! it was so fuck amazing
Me: *Cersei Lannister deserves better death.*
Also me: Everyone in season 8 deserves better death.
I did not have much love or support for this character. She and Daenerys ruined season 8 willingly with their evil madness in the second half. Cersei even brainwashed Jaime (along with Tyrion) into his own death my favorite person in the whole show. I love this song though and your awesome and epic tributes are always excellent! Thank you for your hard and determined work. She was too cruel and cunning like the Mad King, Tywin or Joffrey. Don't mean to be a hater or ignorant, just my opinion. Wish they had shown a nicer side to her other than pure manipulation or taking advantage of people. Usually not a big fan of bossy and controlling characters that do anything to keep their position or their job.
The fact that she put and planted Joffrey on the throne despite what Robert wanted and had wished for at his deathbed in season 1 told me everything I needed to know about her power hunger, greed and lust. She struck me as a megalomaniac and was a serious threat for everyone as long as she was in charge. Also seemed to enjoy sadism similar to Melisandre or Ramsay for example. She was ruthless and pretty rotten to the core as a person even more so than Tywin and Joffrey. Margaery was the queen I was rooting for and Tommen was a nice sweet kid who deserved better than a mother who was trying to tear them apart and sunder. She had eight seasons to improve but it just wasn't there. I don't think anyone in this show had as many enemies as she did. Maybe Littlefinger and Euron but I don't know.
Thank you very much for feedback! Yes, Cersei is hard to love, but I manage 😅 At the same time, I didn’t root for her. In her skirmishes with Margaery, I was always on the side of the young queen. Cersei wasn't morally good, but she was an amazingly interesting and compelling character for me.
Machts zeit meine alligatorin
"חלש אז נכה י'י(20".
/"שח אז נעמה"/"שח נאזה"/"הנחש"(N
חזרתי לראשון שלי איך זה?
i hate daenerys love cersei