Breastfeeding does require you to trust your baby to tell you when he’s hungry and when he’s full. Really pay attention to when he’s effectively feeding (slow gulps) and when he’s just suckling or pulling away often. Focus on his hunger cues and not the clock/ounces
Everyone's breastfeeding journey is SO different! And you'll find what works best for you and your family... and that is the best thing to do! My SIL exclusively pumps and I exclusively nurse (except for work I pump). And both are totally okay! I feel the mom guilt, but also YOURE DOING AMAZING and what works best for your family is what's best!!!! My goal right now is to make it to 6 months, and she's almost 5! I'd love to make it a full year/never buy formula, but also I'm checking my expectations and reminding myself that formula is okay if I choose to do that one day too! Just taking it day by day and doing whatever feels right for us 🥰 You're finding what works best for you guys and you're doing so good! Decker is lucky you have you as his mama 💕
Ok I really needed to hear this…thank you!!!❤️ I have the exact same mindset but need the reminder every once in a while! And you should be so proud of yourself!
Watching this as my sons is sleeping in my arms in his nursery for the very first time since bringing him home from the hospital. Loving the motherhood vlogs Clancy, always look forward to Wednesday and Saturdays. Especially now, going through similar journeys. ❤
Breastfeeding got significantly easier for me at 6 months, so I always encourage moms to not arbitrarily quit at 6 months just because. There’s a lot less pressure by then because they’re having start solids and that’s when I started exclusively nursing and stopped pumping. It just all clicked around that time for us.
You’re doing such a great job! I’ve been breastfeed my son for 9 months and still going strong. I remember earlier on in our journey that I was just trying to keep going through the next month because it was a struggle!! As he got older it got soooo much easier. Doing weighted feeds helped me feel confident with how much he was getting when nursing. You have already provided him so many nutrients and antibodies you’re crushing it!
After 12 weeks your milk regulates! So if you need to drop your middle of the night pump or extend to 4 hours instead of 3, you can do that & your supply shouldn’t decrease much or at all! 😊
To help pups go outside to use the potty. Lay down a tarp or rug then just lift it and he will have grass to go potty on and not freeze his toes. One time the snow reached the roof where we lived in NM. The best thing to do is sweep every hour to avoid shoveling. My hubby always puts down salt and shovels to keep us safe.
Listen girl, I nursed my first daughter for 14 months. It was wonderful and she weaned on her own. I was expecting the same with my second daughter (she’s a week older than Decker) but we had latch issues and then she wasn’t gaining weight either so I started pumping and OMG it made my mental health do a 180! I was nursing at night but she doesn’t nurse during middle of the night anymore so now I just pump and bottle feed and it is SO much better! Nursing was bringing me more stress than joy so I had to make a change. **Also, something that has helped me a TON is I pump everytime she eats. I just put her in her bouncer and give her her bottle and pump at the same time. That way you don’t have to entertain him while you try to pump.
Been exclusively pumping for 3 months now.. it’s definitely a commitment and every single pump session I consider quitting lol but you’re right, I love being my baby’s source of all his nutrients! The things we do ❤
Clancy you are blessed to be a stay at mom give yourself grace. Best is a fed baby do what works for you and hubs! Dont compare yourself to other moms ,health journals or books. ❤❤❤
I decided to combo feed (breastmilk and formula) at 6 months when solids were introduced. My son is now 10 months and we only breastfeed once a night now. Breastfeeding truly is a full time job! I never realized how hard it would be until I had him.
I really felt so restricted when I only nursed. I strictly pumped from early on. I pumped every 3 hours, like you but I eliminated the night pumping at about 4 months. I felt so much freer when I pumped.
Yes! The inner things on the dr brown’s bottles do work. Both our kids did great with them. No colic issues and any time I was too lazy to put it in we definitely noticed more stomach issues. Pumping is definitely hard work and a job in itself. Eventually baby will eat less and you will start having that oversupply and then slowly you can pump less and less but still have that stash.
Clancy, you are doing so great. I think that is what this time is all about- just getting to the next milestone and reevaluating. I was thinking about what you said about missing your baby when you are apart in this video and the last couple as well. That is such a cool design when you think about it as it is nature’s way of keeping mom and baby together as there is no way a babe could survive on its own. Just random thoughts….
OMG i just started watching the video but i sweaaar by “shout”, its a spray that removes stains and odor so if you spray that before you do laundry on the milk spot on ur shirt, it should go away!! Hope this helps clancy! 🥰
I gradually stopped my middle of the night pump. I was lucky enough that it didn’t affect my supply, but I’m still pretty strict with my pump schedule during the day. You could always give it a try it might not effect your supply the way you think.
Omg my dog loves storytime too! I did the same pump/bf. Don’t let it make you feel guilty. It was draining so much energy out of me that I had to stop at 6 months. He did great on enfamil
I have a 2 week old now and while I feel so blessed and grateful, I am also dealing with the same cluster feeding for hours on end with baby glued to my breast and mentally it is driving me insane! Thank you for sharing your breastfeeding and pumping journey and schedule! It inspires me that there are alternatives. My supply seems on the low end, how do you get your supply to increase?
I hear moms talk about stopping bf all the time, and I know moms have tons of complications that can happen but I’m always wondering mentally why it’s hard for some? Is it frequency? Baby only relying on you? I don’t know if I have just had a very smooth breast-feeding journey, but my daughter is eight months old and I don’t anticipate stopping her soon just because it’s been so smooth! I feel very grateful Also I’m a formula baby too lol my mom said she had no interest in bf-ing Also also - breastfeeding was painful for us in the beginning but I just worked with the LC at the hospital to get her to latch differently
For any formula mamas worried about antibodies and their babies getting sick easier - I have a 13 month old (born Jan 2024 peak sick season) and he’s been formula fed his whole life and he has never been sick. Not one single time. And he’s taken EVERYWHERE with me - the store, family gatherings, work, etc. from the moment he was an infant. Breastfed is great, but it’s not the only GREAT option for you and your baby as Clancy explained. ☺️
Past 12 weeks your milk should be regulated. If you drop a pump you may be surprised it doesn’t drop your supply much. I make the same amount in 5 pumps that I used to make in 7 pumps! Depends on breast capacity! You might be able to make it more manageable and keep your supply instead of doing every 3hrs
I definitely used your link for Homeaglow a couple of months ago and now here I am with a regularly scheduled cleaner who I appreciate so much! Im not kidding she’s a lifesaver!
You should always tip your cleaners because most house cleaners that work for a company are only making 10/hr. If you tip a hairdresser/server you should def tip a cleaner, they do so much more.
@@heather4180 downplaying the benefits doesn't change the truth which some research bears out - but no prob with supplementation too. Oh and I forgot it benefits their BMI also.
I EBF (exclusively breast fed) all my children until they self weaned. For some reason they all self weaned at 15 months. I pumped very rarely. Breast is best but also to me it’s just easier, (lazier lol.) Like no bottles… I don’t have to deal with anything. Just do whatever you feel like. As they get older they fed in like 5 minutes and they’re done. lol. Pregnant with #4. Also, the baby can empty your breast better than a pump can. But it is time consuming so I definitely feel you! No guilt! Around 6 months they start eating solids anyways and they start going longer between milk feedings anyway so it does get better!
holy crap...15 months!! are you kidding?? they can eat hamburgers and fries at that age! Babies need solid food around 8 weeks, or they are just continuously friggin hungry! but kudos to you for letting a kid latch onto you that has teeth.
My babies currently transitioning to lactose free milk after breast feeding for over a year. She still wants to breast feed every morning and every night. I hate it right now but I know I’ll miss it so much
I promise you there is guilt with motherhood constantly and it doesn't end when they grow up. Did I do this right? Did I do that right? Maybe if I had done this or that he would have slept longer, wouldn't have gotten sick, on and on. I made myself crazy and finally, I had to get over myself so I could have a life. You will make the best decision for you! Don't look at what other moms do or don't do, who cares what this book or that book says make yourself happy and do what works for YOU!!
Omg! I was so happy to see others commenting about mixing the milk! Clancyyyyy all that beautiful fattttt lol! I had no idea either until I came across a TikTok but yes shake it up to get all the goods in there!🫶
Girl! There is nothing to feel guilty about ❤ a fed baby is a happy baby, and he is LOVED. Anyone can give him a bottle, and it fills your cup so you can be the best you for him. You are tied down pumping, but you can have a schedule! If anyone shames you, shame on them.
My son is Decker’s age (they may very well share a birthday 😅) and literally every concern/experience you’ve talked about has been so similar to my experience! Breastfeeding is the one of the hardest things I’ve ever done- every month that goes by is a breastfeeding milestone to me. If you make it 6 months that is wonderful! I’m a big supporter of breastfeeding but sacrificing mental health is not worth it! You’re doing amazing! ❤
Don’t beat yourself up my daughter also cluster fed literally all day until she was 2 and half months. The older they get the faster they are at breastfeeding/nursing, so it’s not as time consuming!
An interesting thing I found out about breastfeeding, is that your body knows if the baby is sick due to the babies saliva when it drinks, so it makes extra antibodies. Same as if you pump at night, only give the baby that milk at night as it has melatonin in it!
Clancy you are doing amazing :) I breastfed my son for 6 months and I did love breast feeding but I also had some hacks that helped me, ill share one in hopes it might help you out to :). I am a light sleeper and my bed was against the wall at the time but during the night when my son wanted to feed I would bring him in bed with me beside me and snuggle him up to me and pull out my boob and he would latch and hed go back to sleep while feeding and I would relax/sleep until he was done. It really saved me from being very exhausted while still feeding. I swear that was a lifesaver for me not everyone is light sleepers and would feel safe to do what I did but it really worked for me so I thought it would be worth mentioning. Your a super mom Clancy.
Don't forget that babies need to learn to put themselves to sleep. You do not need to sooth or entertain 24/7 to be a great mom. Maybe Decker needs more milk at night? The doctor told me to add a little baby oatmeal to his milk because my son was hungry so often. I nursed my son for two years due to him having medical issues so your missing one pump should not be a problem. My son had trouble nursing but I seemed to have milk when he needed it. Yea nursing takes time!!!! But nursing should not be a way that it's only how your child will sleep. I was a lactate specialist for many years and taught many women and am just trying to offer some comfort! The guilt will die down but it takes time as you know. You are a fantastic mom. I wish my mom had been like you. Keep going your doing great. Oh try a funnel when you are putting milk in the bags. Look in kitchen supplies you should find small ones.
You are such a great mom Clancy ❤❤. Would it be too personal for you to share the cost of giving birth to Decker? As a european it's always very intresting to me how things work/cost in the US.
The thing about tossing bottles after like an hour is from one PhD paper. It's hasn't been tested multiple times. So moms are wasting their milk and formula
I was not able to breasfeed. Something to do with my niples struckture. Sorry for TMI. But we all ladies here)))) But my baby girl was so determined she did not have amy milk out but kept at it. So we saw the milk consultunt. And she mentioned that she did not get an once of milk. So it was formula feeding. Oh only pump. I pumped for a while, but she was mostly formula feed, i did not make enough.
Everyone’s experience is different but I have a four month old and the first six weeks were painful and they feed A LOT to establish your supply. I was told by a lactation consultant to not give him a bottle for four weeks and he doesn’t like bottles now but I really don’t mind. It isn’t painful at all now and it is such a beautiful bonding experience. I remember one day looking down and he was staring up and smiling at me and it made me tear up! It forces me to slow down and rest. If you’re a go go go person that might be hard to adjust to so pumping and breastfeeding could be a good combo.
To say breastfeeding is “time-consuming” is a negative judgement. It is what it is. It is what it is supposed to be. You are supposed to look at your baby and let him look at you and you are helping them grow thru each breastfeeding interaction. Don’t escape it, don’t resist it, enjoy it and remember this phase is going to go by so fast you will wish you took your time too look at that sweet baby’s face every second you can.
It felt bad watching all the good, satiating fat being left in the bottles. He really needs that to be satisfied and settle. Give the bottles a shake before you transfer the milk to the bags. It would make it easier to pour if you can find a funnel to use with them. Keep going, but don't sacrifice your sanity to BF.
I learned from my lactation consultant that being sleep deprived can also affect your supply. I would highly suggest dropping some of your overnight pumps. Your body will adjust. Or talk with an LC again who’s familiar with pumping. You’re a stay at home mom and I think you are focusing way too much on a freezer supply.
Head to to get your first 3 hours of cleaning for only $19! 🎉
I hope you never stop posting! ❤ you’re such a wholesome, relatable person!
Agreed! This is why I love Clancy shes so real and shes such a sweetheart!
It's rainy outside, my coffee is ready, I'm in my pjs and you dropped a video???? Today is going to be perfect! ❤
Awww the perfect setup!! 😍❤️
Breastfeeding does require you to trust your baby to tell you when he’s hungry and when he’s full. Really pay attention to when he’s effectively feeding (slow gulps) and when he’s just suckling or pulling away often. Focus on his hunger cues and not the clock/ounces
It’s way more enjoyable that way too! It’s a relationship, not a job.
Everyone's breastfeeding journey is SO different! And you'll find what works best for you and your family... and that is the best thing to do! My SIL exclusively pumps and I exclusively nurse (except for work I pump). And both are totally okay! I feel the mom guilt, but also YOURE DOING AMAZING and what works best for your family is what's best!!!! My goal right now is to make it to 6 months, and she's almost 5! I'd love to make it a full year/never buy formula, but also I'm checking my expectations and reminding myself that formula is okay if I choose to do that one day too! Just taking it day by day and doing whatever feels right for us 🥰
You're finding what works best for you guys and you're doing so good! Decker is lucky you have you as his mama 💕
Ok I really needed to hear this…thank you!!!❤️ I have the exact same mindset but need the reminder every once in a while! And you should be so proud of yourself!
Watching this as my sons is sleeping in my arms in his nursery for the very first time since bringing him home from the hospital. Loving the motherhood vlogs Clancy, always look forward to Wednesday and Saturdays. Especially now, going through similar journeys. ❤
Omg!!!! Congratulations! 😭❤️
Breastfeeding got significantly easier for me at 6 months, so I always encourage moms to not arbitrarily quit at 6 months just because. There’s a lot less pressure by then because they’re having start solids and that’s when I started exclusively nursing and stopped pumping. It just all clicked around that time for us.
Yes I totally agree!!! After 6 months it totally changed and there is way less pressure. I actually loved it that much more as my baby grew
This is so encouraging to hear - thank you!!
This is so accurate
This!! You are doing great Clancy!
So easy after 6 months! He eats in 10 mins! Such effective eaters
You’re doing such a great job! I’ve been breastfeed my son for 9 months and still going strong. I remember earlier on in our journey that I was just trying to keep going through the next month because it was a struggle!! As he got older it got soooo much easier. Doing weighted feeds helped me feel confident with how much he was getting when nursing. You have already provided him so many nutrients and antibodies you’re crushing it!
After 12 weeks your milk regulates! So if you need to drop your middle of the night pump or extend to 4 hours instead of 3, you can do that & your supply shouldn’t decrease much or at all! 😊
You’re doing amazing momma. So many opinions and do this do that. You do you you’re baby is healthy and you’re healthy xoxo.
It is good to see you grow in motherhood and feeling more confident . You are a good mom.
You and Zac are doing great! Yes everyone's journey is different. Happy family and baby is best no matter your feeding journey!
To help pups go outside to use the potty. Lay down a tarp or rug then just lift it and he will have grass to go potty on and not freeze his toes.
One time the snow reached the roof where we lived in NM. The best thing to do is sweep every hour to avoid shoveling. My hubby always puts down salt and shovels to keep us safe.
Listen girl, I nursed my first daughter for 14 months. It was wonderful and she weaned on her own. I was expecting the same with my second daughter (she’s a week older than Decker) but we had latch issues and then she wasn’t gaining weight either so I started pumping and OMG it made my mental health do a 180! I was nursing at night but she doesn’t nurse during middle of the night anymore so now I just pump and bottle feed and it is SO much better! Nursing was bringing me more stress than joy so I had to make a change.
**Also, something that has helped me a TON is I pump everytime she eats. I just put her in her bouncer and give her her bottle and pump at the same time. That way you don’t have to entertain him while you try to pump.
Been exclusively pumping for 3 months now.. it’s definitely a commitment and every single pump session I consider quitting lol but you’re right, I love being my baby’s source of all his nutrients! The things we do ❤
Clancy you are blessed to be a stay at mom give yourself grace. Best is a fed baby do what works for you and hubs! Dont compare yourself to other moms ,health journals or books. ❤❤❤
I decided to combo feed (breastmilk and formula) at 6 months when solids were introduced. My son is now 10 months and we only breastfeed once a night now. Breastfeeding truly is a full time job! I never realized how hard it would be until I had him.
I really felt so restricted when I only nursed. I strictly pumped from early on. I pumped every 3 hours, like you but I eliminated the night pumping at about 4 months. I felt so much freer when I pumped.
Yes! The inner things on the dr brown’s bottles do work. Both our kids did great with them. No colic issues and any time I was too lazy to put it in we definitely noticed more stomach issues.
Pumping is definitely hard work and a job in itself. Eventually baby will eat less and you will start having that oversupply and then slowly you can pump less and less but still have that stash.
I love your long straight hair. I wore long hair too. So much easier than anything else and it can go up when needed. Quick and easy.
I love your hair! It’s getting so long!!!
Happy Wednesday, Clancy. Thank you for the VLOG ❤
Clancy, you are doing so great. I think that is what this time is all about- just getting to the next milestone and reevaluating. I was thinking about what you said about missing your baby when you are apart in this video and the last couple as well. That is such a cool design when you think about it as it is nature’s way of keeping mom and baby together as there is no way a babe could survive on its own. Just random thoughts….
Omg I didn’t even think of that 😭😭 what a great point - thank you!!❤️🥹
Asher looked like "Mom, I love it when you read to me and Decker." :)
When you go to bag milk pour it into a measuring cup with a spout first! Makes pouring into bags a lot easier and less wasted milk
OMG i just started watching the video but i sweaaar by “shout”, its a spray that removes stains and odor so if you spray that before you do laundry on the milk spot on ur shirt, it should go away!! Hope this helps clancy! 🥰
You’re doing awesome! I exclusively breastfed my first for 13 months and my second for 16 months. It’s definitely a full time job but so rewarding. 😊
Shake that milk up before storing it! All that fatty cream is going to waste sticking to the side of bottle
Yep this or she can warm it up by rolling it with her hands and it'll melt into the milk!
Thisssss!!! Soo much this! And you want to make sure the hind milk and foremilk are combined if you pour it in with other milk.
Was hoping someone would suggest this!
Ahh thank you!!!
I don’t think you’re supposed to shake breast milk but gently mix it 😘
Happy Wednesday ❤ so glad you are sharing your journey 😊 sure it is helping so many 😊
I saw that the motif bags recommend using non toxic markers to write on them, just an fyi to check that what you are using is safe
I would love to see your dad, Tom, with the baby, and your brother too😊 I imagine that would be really sweet.
I gradually stopped my middle of the night pump. I was lucky enough that it didn’t affect my supply, but I’m still pretty strict with my pump schedule during the day. You could always give it a try it might not effect your supply the way you think.
Love the ASMR when you were baking!
Dawn powerwash for milk stains! Saved my life during postpartum!
Mom guilt until we die❤
Omg my dog loves storytime too! I did the same pump/bf. Don’t let it make you feel guilty. It was draining so much energy out of me that I had to stop at 6 months. He did great on enfamil
I have a 2 week old now and while I feel so blessed and grateful, I am also dealing with the same cluster feeding for hours on end with baby glued to my breast and mentally it is driving me insane! Thank you for sharing your breastfeeding and pumping journey and schedule! It inspires me that there are alternatives. My supply seems on the low end, how do you get your supply to increase?
Do you have air purifiers? They help a lot with dust and pet hair.
I hear moms talk about stopping bf all the time, and I know moms have tons of complications that can happen but I’m always wondering mentally why it’s hard for some? Is it frequency? Baby only relying on you? I don’t know if I have just had a very smooth breast-feeding journey, but my daughter is eight months old and I don’t anticipate stopping her soon just because it’s been so smooth! I feel very grateful
Also I’m a formula baby too lol my mom said she had no interest in bf-ing
Also also - breastfeeding was painful for us in the beginning but I just worked with the LC at the hospital to get her to latch differently
No, the Dr Brown bottles are not a gimmick. They really helped my kiddo with reflux.
For any formula mamas worried about antibodies and their babies getting sick easier - I have a 13 month old (born Jan 2024 peak sick season) and he’s been formula fed his whole life and he has never been sick. Not one single time. And he’s taken EVERYWHERE with me - the store, family gatherings, work, etc. from the moment he was an infant. Breastfed is great, but it’s not the only GREAT option for you and your baby as Clancy explained. ☺️
5 minutes :) love your videos Clancy. We are trying to buy a house by May/June and then start trying for a kid so I love these. We are 33 and 39.
Past 12 weeks your milk should be regulated. If you drop a pump you may be surprised it doesn’t drop your supply much. I make the same amount in 5 pumps that I used to make in 7 pumps! Depends on breast capacity! You might be able to make it more manageable and keep your supply instead of doing every 3hrs
Clancy!! You have to shake the fat on the bottles to mix it in before you bag it. Don’t waste that liquid gold.
Thank you for the tip! 🙏🏻
For me and many other moms frozen milk doesn't work - high lipase. Babies just refuse it. Hope it doesn't go to waste
I definitely used your link for Homeaglow a couple of months ago and now here I am with a regularly scheduled cleaner who I appreciate so much! Im not kidding she’s a lifesaver!
Homeaglow and all its affiliated companies scam not only cleaners but also their clients out of money. Beware.
My baby will not be attending the skipping nap class. Sorry decker 😂
i have a 10 week old and i also wonder every day if those green inserts in the doctor brown bottles do anything! they are so annoying to clean😂
I’m dying at the fatty goodness that went to waste in the bottle! I was screaming through the phone!!
Do you tip the cleaners? You don’t have to answer if it’s too personal but I’m trying to put this in my budget.
I do. Usually 10%- 15% (more when I can).. I also budget a christmas bonus, which apparently isn't necessary but i always thought it was common..
You should always tip your cleaners because most house cleaners that work for a company are only making 10/hr. If you tip a hairdresser/server you should def tip a cleaner, they do so much more.
BF is a sacrifice that's worth it in the long run. They'll have better gastro health, dental, social-emotional, ect.
While BF is a sacrifice it does NOT equal better dental, social and emotional health.
@@heather4180 downplaying the benefits doesn't change the truth which some research bears out - but no prob with supplementation too. Oh and I forgot it benefits their BMI also.
For reference, you can find NIH studies on childhood dental caries, microbiome support and mother-baby bonding studies. It's all there.
I EBF (exclusively breast fed) all my children until they self weaned. For some reason they all self weaned at 15 months. I pumped very rarely. Breast is best but also to me it’s just easier, (lazier lol.) Like no bottles… I don’t have to deal with anything. Just do whatever you feel like. As they get older they fed in like 5 minutes and they’re done. lol. Pregnant with #4. Also, the baby can empty your breast better than a pump can. But it is time consuming so I definitely feel you! No guilt! Around 6 months they start eating solids anyways and they start going longer between milk feedings anyway so it does get better!
holy crap...15 months!! are you kidding?? they can eat hamburgers and fries at that age! Babies need solid food around 8 weeks, or they are just continuously friggin hungry! but kudos to you for letting a kid latch onto you that has teeth.
My babies currently transitioning to lactose free milk after breast feeding for over a year. She still wants to breast feed every morning and every night. I hate it right now but I know I’ll miss it so much
I promise you there is guilt with motherhood constantly and it doesn't end when they grow up. Did I do this right? Did I do that right? Maybe if I had done this or that he would have slept longer, wouldn't have gotten sick, on and on. I made myself crazy and finally, I had to get over myself so I could have a life. You will make the best decision for you! Don't look at what other moms do or don't do, who cares what this book or that book says make yourself happy and do what works for YOU!!
Do you live outside the city?
Omg! I was so happy to see others commenting about mixing the milk! Clancyyyyy all that beautiful fattttt lol! I had no idea either until I came across a TikTok but yes shake it up to get all the goods in there!🫶
“Hit the pump” 😂
Girl! There is nothing to feel guilty about ❤ a fed baby is a happy baby, and he is LOVED. Anyone can give him a bottle, and it fills your cup so you can be the best you for him. You are tied down pumping, but you can have a schedule! If anyone shames you, shame on them.
Watching this from Michigan where is 10 degrees and a low of -5 lol bet me outta here 😂
Right now here in Eastern PA it’s 17 degrees
My son is Decker’s age (they may very well share a birthday 😅) and literally every concern/experience you’ve talked about has been so similar to my experience! Breastfeeding is the one of the hardest things I’ve ever done- every month that goes by is a breastfeeding milestone to me. If you make it 6 months that is wonderful! I’m a big supporter of breastfeeding but sacrificing mental health is not worth it! You’re doing amazing! ❤
Don’t beat yourself up my daughter also cluster fed literally all day until she was 2 and half months. The older they get the faster they are at breastfeeding/nursing, so it’s not as time consuming!
An interesting thing I found out about breastfeeding, is that your body knows if the baby is sick due to the babies saliva when it drinks, so it makes extra antibodies. Same as if you pump at night, only give the baby that milk at night as it has melatonin in it!
And because of that saliva your body knows baby is sick even BEFORE you notice symptoms and is already working.
Yea, besides the terrible latch, this is why I chose to pump. 80/20 too, or more like 90/10 tbh
Clancy you are doing amazing :) I breastfed my son for 6 months and I did love breast feeding but I also had some hacks that helped me, ill share one in hopes it might help you out to :). I am a light sleeper and my bed was against the wall at the time but during the night when my son wanted to feed I would bring him in bed with me beside me and snuggle him up to me and pull out my boob and he would latch and hed go back to sleep while feeding and I would relax/sleep until he was done. It really saved me from being very exhausted while still feeding. I swear that was a lifesaver for me not everyone is light sleepers and would feel safe to do what I did but it really worked for me so I thought it would be worth mentioning. Your a super mom Clancy.
Ill take a video on recommendation for books.. i feel i didnt research breastfeeding enough and all the books sound a bit culty lol
Not me watching this while I pump. ❤
Don't forget that babies need to learn to put themselves to sleep. You do not need to sooth or entertain 24/7 to be a great mom. Maybe Decker needs more milk at night? The doctor told me to add a little baby oatmeal to his milk because my son was hungry so often. I nursed my son for two years due to him having medical issues so your missing one pump should not be a problem. My son had trouble nursing but I seemed to have milk when he needed it. Yea nursing takes time!!!! But nursing should not be a way that it's only how your child will sleep. I was a lactate specialist for many years and taught many women and am just trying to offer some comfort! The guilt will die down but it takes time as you know. You are a fantastic mom. I wish my mom had been like you. Keep going your doing great. Oh try a funnel when you are putting milk in the bags. Look in kitchen supplies you should find small ones.
You are such a great mom Clancy ❤❤. Would it be too personal for you to share the cost of giving birth to Decker? As a european it's always very intresting to me how things work/cost in the US.
I believe it ended up being around $1500 out of pocket!
Don’t be afraid to introduce formula as a combo. Sometimes introducing formula allows your baby to get more breast milk.
Said NO lactation specialist ever
Mix the milk!!!
My mom breastfed my brother and i was a formula baby. She said it was a-lot with 2 under 2. We turned out ok😊
Nice Clancy 😅🎉🎉😂❤
The thing about tossing bottles after like an hour is from one PhD paper. It's hasn't been tested multiple times. So moms are wasting their milk and formula
We only hsve about 5 inches on the ground
girl!!! shake those bottles!!! you're leaving so much fat at the top of the bottles! you are doing great!!
My daughter started eating baby food at 2 months along with milk and a little water. That was 30 yrs ago. I guess things have changed.
Don't cut your hair clancy. Stay long ❤❤❤❤
Have you calculated how much you have saved, nursing? You do money videos sometimes. 😊
I was not able to breasfeed. Something to do with my niples struckture. Sorry for TMI. But we all ladies here)))) But my baby girl was so determined she did not have amy milk out but kept at it. So we saw the milk consultunt. And she mentioned that she did not get an once of milk. So it was formula feeding. Oh only pump. I pumped for a while, but she was mostly formula feed, i did not make enough.
Is it that bad oh no !!! I’m due soon but I wfh my plan is to exclusively breast feed ….
Everyone’s experience is different but I have a four month old and the first six weeks were painful and they feed A LOT to establish your supply. I was told by a lactation consultant to not give him a bottle for four weeks and he doesn’t like bottles now but I really don’t mind. It isn’t painful at all now and it is such a beautiful bonding experience. I remember one day looking down and he was staring up and smiling at me and it made me tear up! It forces me to slow down and rest. If you’re a go go go person that might be hard to adjust to so pumping and breastfeeding could be a good combo.
Breastfeeding is so amazing. My first son was formula fed and my youngest (now 3) I breastfed/pumped for 18 months. A bond I’ll never get over ❤
To say breastfeeding is “time-consuming” is a negative judgement. It is what it is. It is what it is supposed to be. You are supposed to look at your baby and let him look at you and you are helping them grow thru each breastfeeding interaction. Don’t escape it, don’t resist it, enjoy it and remember this phase is going to go by so fast you will wish you took your time too look at that sweet baby’s face every second you can.
Bottle do work, grandbaby uses them.
Read up,on baby-led weaning. When he’s ready to start eating real food, you’ll know…..
It felt bad watching all the good, satiating fat being left in the bottles. He really needs that to be satisfied and settle. Give the bottles a shake before you transfer the milk to the bags. It would make it easier to pour if you can find a funnel to use with them. Keep going, but don't sacrifice your sanity to BF.
Your baby would probably sleep better if he was formula fed.
Don’t feed during the night at this age. Only give him water. He will get the message quickly.
Babies can’t have water until they’re 6 months
I learned from my lactation consultant that being sleep deprived can also affect your supply. I would highly suggest dropping some of your overnight pumps. Your body will adjust. Or talk with an LC again who’s familiar with pumping. You’re a stay at home mom and I think you are focusing way too much on a freezer supply.