They can experience a lot of the music through feel, especially loud amplified music. You know what a bass drum feels like, right? Or reverb shaking the barrier? Well a deaf person is much more attuned to that stuff than you are. Plus, if somebody gets pleasure from an experience regardless of the mode of their perception or nature of their disability, who are you to judge the value of that for them?
I remember hearing the song 1985 back in 2010 and wondering why he sounded familiar. I never would’ve guessed He sung the PAF theme. I thought Phineas himself sung it.
That’s sign language lady was totally rocking it with interpreting the song and dancing it out now that is awesome way to go lady we need more of her at the shows. Keep it up. That was totally cool.
Yeah it's awesome. My son LOVED that show. When I first heard the Theme song I was like "wait I know this band". Then they did cameos and I cracked up laughing.
i can hear using my sense of touch, i cant be the only one that can do that, it is just a matter of learning to translate the vibrations your body feels to sound, rock concerts have alot of vibrations in the ground for them to feel
Long time coming but I was explaining to my partner after showing him "My Wena" (happens to be one of my faves) that he knew Bowling for Soup. He didn't believe me so I went to find a clip of them playing it live. Jared so perfectly illustrated my point. The immediate rewind and burst of validation.
they actually got phineas's voice actor to sing the song in character once for part of a live tour i think, look up phineas and ferb: the best live tour ever
Saw an interpreter at a renfest doing one song that got progressively faster. Tried to get away with just signing Lalalala and the band caught him and called him out.
Phineas & Ferb was the shit on Disney Channel back in 2007! In addition to that, Jaret Reddick voiced Danny, the lead singer from the fictional band "Love Handel"! My favorite episodes are "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together" & "The Baljeatles/Vannessary Roughness"
I personally think the episode I remembered liking the most is where The boys have a race with the kids across the city and Candace flies into the fucking car wash. I remember replaying that shit about 7 times back in 2011.
my dad and I have met jaren (the lead singer) before multiple times because his son is in my grade and goes to my school. cool guy. (his son isn't but whatever)
Mom! Phineas and Ferb are making a live title sequence!
William Burrous you made my day better
love it
MOom! Phineas and Ferb have hired a live sign language interpretor for their live title sequence!
You know that you freaking rock when deaf people come out to see you play!
its awesome how they play the theme song for Phineas and Ferb at concerts :)
They wrote it. I hope this was not a joke comment. And if it was I hope I'm not wooooshed
I can tell by their voice
That lady doing the sign language is killin itXD
i don't get. why would a deaf person go to a rock concert?
They can experience a lot of the music through feel, especially loud amplified music. You know what a bass drum feels like, right? Or reverb shaking the barrier? Well a deaf person is much more attuned to that stuff than you are.
Plus, if somebody gets pleasure from an experience regardless of the mode of their perception or nature of their disability, who are you to judge the value of that for them?
@@StudioUAC im trying not to mention beethtoven but here i go
@@StudioUAC Because, you can yell.... WAHT?! and no one would think you are weird lol
I love that no matter how many videos I see of them performing this live there's always at least one person yelling "LIEK MAIBEE" early.
Who else was waiting on the bassist to do the background vocals like “it’s over here” or “come on Perry”
The audience should do that. Otherwise they are fake fans
Those parts were entirely up to the crowd to do. And at the very end it should have been, "MOM, Phineas and Ferb are doing a live concert!"
The sign language lady is having a whale of a time.
TotallyToonsTV I see what you did there.
No, that's just how you have to sign a song. Lol
I whaling for help
@@loading2169 dude, he's saying she's fat as a whale.......
if that lady stays by those speakers any longer she'll be deaf too
BfS: There’s a hundred and four days of summer vacation---
Sign language lady: edo tensei no jutsu
sign language interpretor at a concert...that's a first.
Is that really what she is doing? I thought she was a terrible dancer...
Ben LaMar bruh
Austin tx has a very huge school for the deaf
blisterpacman Why would a deaf person go to a concert?
Ben LaMar its like a blind person going to an art gallery haha whats the point aye
the sign language interpreter was having the time of her life lmao
Im pretty sure the only reason I'm into punk music today is because this was my favorite cartoon as a kid.
I know I'm late, but same here. I love Phineas and Ferb
Phineas and Ferb is a blessing. I remember the first episode I watched was the episode where Phineas yelled at Candace to get on the fucking tricycle.
Same here
That sign-language lady is the real star here
You know the voice of Phineas kinda sounds like a younger version of the lead singer of Green Day. (Sorry I meant the singer of the theme song)
I am so happy someone brought up green day since its my fav band
(The guy from Green Day is Billie Joe Armstong)
Emma Walters dude same. I love Green Day and bowling for soup
Emma Walters Once again same
Yeah I love Tim Armstrong
Bryton Massie Lol 😂 🤦🏻♀️
When I first watched the show, had no idea who bfs was. Now they are one of my favorite bands and I can never hear the song the same way again lol
I had no idea that BFS sang the Phineas and Ferb theme song
I remember hearing the song 1985 back in 2010 and wondering why he sounded familiar. I never would’ve guessed He sung the PAF theme. I thought Phineas himself sung it.
That’s sign language lady was totally rocking it with interpreting the song and dancing it out now that is awesome way to go lady we need more of her at the shows. Keep it up. That was totally cool.
Yeah it's awesome. My son LOVED that show. When I first heard the Theme song I was like "wait I know this band". Then they did cameos and I cracked up laughing.
They are in one of the episodes of the show....
joseph smith what episode
joseph smith I kinda think you are lying
@@lizdelgado6591 The time machine episode (The one in the future)
The sign language translater looks like she's doing a tiktok dance but she still killed it though 👌
They can enjoy the lyrics and feel the vibrations from the music and still enjoy themselves, actually.
Are they bowling to earn soup or are they bowling in behalf of soup?
All of the above
Thatd make an interesting Phineas & Ferb episode
Technically their original band name was “Bowling for Shit” based off a Steve Martin skit
I love rewatching this video, it's legendary
Wow live performance 🥺🥺🥺🥺
This song is so nostalgic
I miss phineas and ferb, best cartoon to exist
How did I not know of of my favorite bands did the theme song for one of my favorite shows
Oh yeah! I've been there! That is probably the coolest laser show I've ever seen!
Mom! Phineas and Ferb are doing a live action performance of their title sequence!
the song starts at 0:54 in case yall wanted it
That sign language lady is rock!!
I saw it live and it was the best thing ever
I didnt realize until now how much this should have been a green day song
Kyle Esposito god no
i can hear using my sense of touch, i cant be the only one that can do that, it is just a matter of learning to translate the vibrations your body feels to sound, rock concerts have alot of vibrations in the ground for them to feel
Yea that’s what deaf people do there was a documentary about it I’m sure
Your sound like toph from avatar
Mom, Bowling For Soup is doing a cartoon song at SXSW!
That sign language translater is goin ham
Long time coming but I was explaining to my partner after showing him "My Wena" (happens to be one of my faves) that he knew Bowling for Soup. He didn't believe me so I went to find a clip of them playing it live. Jared so perfectly illustrated my point. The immediate rewind and burst of validation.
*_this gives me goosebumps!_*
Omfg "when you sing a song about a penis, you gotta follow it up with the theme song of the best cartoon in the world" loved it
Phineas And Ferb Have Always Been My Favorite Disney Channel Show Ever Growing Up As A Kid Until Now.
Loved watching that lady sign to the song.
Legend sign language girl, shes in her own world
Mom! Phineas and Ferb are collaborating with Bowling For Soup again!
I didn't even know they sang this ! 😍😂 Probably because my country did a dabing of it, that isn't this great.. -_- :D
I stumbled across this video 11 years and a lot of weed later, and all I can say is the thumbnail looks like someone reacting to the video
look at the size of this lad. absolute unit
damn. now i wish i was a concert sign language interpretor.
That security guard is PURE focus.
I never would have guessed these guys did this themes song, but now it makes so much sense.
Got to meet Chris Burney at Warped 2017! He was super cool!
i already have the tab for this a long time ago, I just didn't want to upload it :)
francis vergara plz upload it already!
*BANG* 🎸
God damn that other guitarist could eat a whole school
ey b0ss
Harvard University lol
Bowling for a whole lot of fuckin soup
Vinylguy1327 productions 2019 this comment made me spit water all over myself.
Imagine what if they sang Eminem RapGod
Sign Language Lady: Ohh hell nahh
There are videos of people signing Rap God I think
I am crying 😭😭😭 my childhood is back 😭😭😭
MOM! Phineas and Ferb are getting a getting a concert track!
Anybody else see the thumbnail and think this was a guy reviewing it? 😂
lol I was at this show trippin balls before blue October played
Phineas and Ferb are my favorite cartoon and bowling for soup are my favorite band :D
MOoom Phineas and Ferb are creating a title sequence
That lady in the front is really good at dancing. It’s almost as if she’s trying to tell us something.
the sign language lady is adorable aww
Jesus Christ the sign language lady is my favourite part
We’ve seen it all from bowling for soup a cartoon theme a person who has to do sing language and a song about Alexa bliss
Cartoons in the mid 2000s really got me into punk rock
They can feel the vibration and feel the music in a way we can't but from what I understand is good
Until getting this in my reccomended, I never knew that they were the ones who made the theme song lmaoo
The thumbnail i thought it was a reaction video
Mom! Phineas and Ferb and Bowling for Soup are Making a Title Sequence!
that one lady in the background:💃
Anyone else find it weird that the guy that sounds like phineas that sings the theme song for phineas and fern doesn’t also PLAY phineas ...
they actually got phineas's voice actor to sing the song in character once for part of a live tour i think, look up phineas and ferb: the best live tour ever
Top 10 anime intros
Love from INDIA 🇮🇳
The sign language lady kinda loves that song!
Alright, someone has to mention the absurdity of bringing deaf people to a music concert. That's like taking a blind person to watch an illusionist
Saw an interpreter at a renfest doing one song that got progressively faster. Tried to get away with just signing Lalalala and the band caught him and called him out.
There's not 104 days of vacation here in Belgium
I would go to a bowling for soup concert just 2 see this
Did not know they made the theme song after all those years
That sign language interpreter looks like a TikToker
Deaf person sees the sign language lady
Deaf person: *THIS FIRE*
They rock and i think that deaf people can the vibration from the instruments
My childhood song
Phineas & Ferb was the shit on Disney Channel back in 2007! In addition to that, Jaret Reddick voiced Danny, the lead singer from the fictional band "Love Handel"! My favorite episodes are "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together" & "The Baljeatles/Vannessary Roughness"
I personally think the episode I remembered liking the most is where The boys have a race with the kids across the city and Candace flies into the fucking car wash. I remember replaying that shit about 7 times back in 2011.
Love the sign language interpreter
I thought it was a reaction video, looking at the thumbnail
LOL ... The sign lady ft. Busta Ryme Look at me now ... wahahaha
2024 comeback🤩🔥
yea, the first day i found out they were the ones that wrote it i was suprised as hell too
love how Jeremy Furstenfeld is in the back ground :P
One question who goes to a concert where you “listen” to music if you can even hear
A lot of deaf people love concerts and listening to music through big speakers because you can feel the vibrations.
actually most deaf people love going to concerts because they can feel the vibration of the music so strongly
I would’ve never thought this band sung this song.
The drummer looks like the All stars guy
I know that deaf people feel the music rather than hear It but it’s so strange to see an interpreter 😂
The sign interpretetor rocks🤘
200th comment. That sign language lady is amazing
I though that guy on the left bottom corner is reacting to this.
Never forgot
I Know What We Are Gonna Do Today!
my dad and I have met jaren (the lead singer) before multiple times because his son is in my grade and goes to my school. cool guy. (his son isn't but whatever)
Chance Disney fucking lucky dude. Not a big BFS fan but this song is my childhood