In smaller cars it is a little wide and kind of difficult to reach the seat belt buckle in the car where the booster seat kind of covers it. But overall, it's great. The cup holders fold in if you want. My granddaughter loves it and is so excited to have outgrown her car seat. I am constantly reminded that she now has a booster seat, not a car seat. Will probably buy another for a different vehicle.
Andreas Warberg He love’s it!!He is very happy to sit there!!And it’s really easy to install it! And the hook to adjust the seat belt for his solder it really gives this seat extra points cause it so much more comfortable for him and safe! I am really happy with it!!!
Thank you. We just got this seat and the instructions are rubbish. Your video has helped. 👍
This is a very informative and detailed video. Thank you very much for taking your time and sharing with us.
Easy to install, I love it
In smaller cars it is a little wide and kind of difficult to reach the seat belt buckle in the car where the booster seat kind of covers it. But overall, it's great. The cup holders fold in if you want. My granddaughter loves it and is so excited to have outgrown her car seat. I am constantly reminded that she now has a booster seat, not a car seat. Will probably buy another for a different vehicle.
Thanks for the tutorial
How does your child like this car seat compared to the one he outgrew? The backless car seat must make it quite different to sit in.
Andreas Warberg He love’s it!!He is very happy to sit there!!And it’s really easy to install it! And the hook to adjust the seat belt for his solder it really gives this seat extra points cause it so much more comfortable for him and safe! I am really happy with it!!!
@@myhappyplace5454 Sounds great, thanks! My girl is soon outgrowing her childseat too, and this booster looks very good.
These are super expensive