I just wanted you to know that Haham David Nieto is my ancestor of seven generations. I know of this due to extensive research my father has performed on my ancestry- which began when I was 6 months old, and continued for 18 years. I have my ancestors name and the Hebrew calendar date of his death tattooed on my left arm (28th Tebet 5488). I have read his greatest work, On divine providence or on universal nature, and it has definitely transcended a lot of beauty into my life. I have looked up-to my ancestor since I was a child. I love my ancestor so much and I hope that anyone watching admires his story as much as I did and still do.
Thank you, keep making videos.
I just wanted you to know that Haham David Nieto is my ancestor of seven generations. I know of this due to extensive research my father has performed on my ancestry- which began when I was 6 months old, and continued for 18 years. I have my ancestors name and the Hebrew calendar date of his death tattooed on my left arm (28th Tebet 5488). I have read his greatest work, On divine providence or on universal nature, and it has definitely transcended a lot of beauty into my life. I have looked up-to my ancestor since I was a child. I love my ancestor so much and I hope that anyone watching admires his story as much as I did and still do.