Blood Bowl Match Report - BLACK ORCS vs NORSE

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @eagletsi111
    @eagletsi111 Рік тому +7

    Nice, but lots of mistakes. Yhetti has frenzy and had to follow up. Also, troll has very stupid and must roll a D6, If you have a non stupid friend marking the troll its activates one a 1. You must announce things are the start of your activation, so you would have had to announce the throw before you rolled to activate. Looking good, but you have to get the rules down better. Also assists on fouls are counted for both teams, not just one and players assisting must no be marked unless they have guard. Looking forward to more. As long as you have fun that is what counts, but getting the rules correct will help your games be more fluent and strategic. Wow that crowd rule is killer, Way overpowered IMO. Makes it much easier to score and you cannot block the sidelines then :( Also makes high armour teams way more vulnerable, and requires less skill to surf someone. Also Super Important here, flip over at the end of the turn not the beginning. With frenzy you have to follow up and if you need to go for it you must. There is a -1 for catching a bouncing ball. Also you didn't show it but the ball must deviate 3 times before attempting to be caught. There is a -1 modifier for catching a kicked ball that has not hit the ground yet too. In this case if the ball never touched the ground and hit the valkrye should would suffer a -1 modifer for the ball being kicked and in the air. Also notice you don't turn your players or mark them when your done an action with them, You should start doing that to prevent using the same player more than once in a turn.

    • @johnhickman8391
      @johnhickman8391 8 місяців тому

      Learn where to use blitz move is important as well. You don't use your blitz move ,to jus put a hit on a lineman, on the other side of the pitch. When the you could go after the ball instead.

  • @germanbenitez9287
    @germanbenitez9287 10 місяців тому +2

    Good game. Check the rules, though. Lots of mistakes, such as the rule of pushing out of the pitch when there are still squares where to be push back; unless no other square is free, you cannot push a player out of the pitch.

    • @salthammerwargaming
      @salthammerwargaming  10 місяців тому +2

      Whilst we do get a lot of rules wrong, this is not a mistake. It's a house rule we use. We say so in the video a few times. People generally don't seem to like it so in future videos we stopped doing it.

  • @MisterNeily
    @MisterNeily Рік тому +2

    Fing about Norse is, they always try an' walk it in!

  • @paulbrown3251
    @paulbrown3251 10 місяців тому

    Where did you get the pitch enjoyed the game.

  • @carlosavila9977
    @carlosavila9977 11 місяців тому +1

    I stopped watching the minute the norse coach starting making one die blocks at the start of the turn.