Absolutely amazing, praise our loving living Jesus Christ who has anointed this worship movement with the explosive power of our wonderful Holy Spirit! Keep it up, keep on going, carry living your life to love, adore, worship, lift up, glorify and serve our gracious Father God! Let His kingdom come, let His will be done! With your worship songs you have definitely moved His heart to move others to worship in the same way! Tremendously moved!
I really love and appreciate this set. When I have a hard time feeling like I have still have a heart of worship left in me, this charges my heart and reminds me. Thank you!
This song and worship has touched my life more than any other song.
Amen. These words have changed how I see God. He has a heart that can be moved and all I want to do is make Him feel loved with my small life.
This youth sing with a passion, love and hope; its a joy see worship leaders that penetrates with the singing the spirit of the Lord.
Joel Figueroa
When he sings that long Ahhhhh ahhhhh it sounds like angel armies!!!! LOVE IT!
Absolutely amazing, praise our loving living Jesus Christ who has anointed this worship movement with the explosive power of our wonderful Holy Spirit! Keep it up, keep on going, carry living your life to love, adore, worship, lift up, glorify and serve our gracious Father God! Let His kingdom come, let His will be done! With your worship songs you have definitely moved His heart to move others to worship in the same way! Tremendously moved!
I really love and appreciate this set. When I have a hard time feeling like I have still have a heart of worship left in me, this charges my heart and reminds me. Thank you!
Amazing brings tears of joy. God gets all the glory.
This right here 😭😭❤️🔥❤️🔥 this all I want to do !!
wow I love this!! Thank you for sharing this! God's presence is mighty! We are so blessed to know the Living God!!
...You...Just YOu... Move Me....Says The Father
You Are A BeAutiful People 🤩
Be LoVe.....My Beloveds...
Thank youuuuuuu
I pray that Chandler Moore would sing this... He is my favorite. Please Chandler sing this please sir
What's his name?
Joel Figueroa