Foxney. Proof kiss

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @deannapeppers-deberry3196
    @deannapeppers-deberry3196 9 років тому +51

    I love Whitney and Fox together.

    • @jeffincabo
      @jeffincabo 7 років тому +12

      I love anything white and black together !

  • @Neece152
    @Neece152 12 років тому +17

    Oh LAWD! I miss my Foxney ;'( JH and BK brought it in their scenes together. tfp

  • @joytaylor6553
    @joytaylor6553 18 днів тому +1

    Whitney and fox would have made a great couple

  • @nicki1091
    @nicki1091 3 роки тому +3

    Can someone please reupload their scenes I miss foxney

  • @SaffaGirl2011
    @SaffaGirl2011 11 років тому +19

    Love them together, pity they never hooked up in real life. With that out the way when Fox found out she was pregnant, how come he never recalled the total scene when she said she was going to be sick and ran into the toilet. The writers really messed up this relationship with all the lies Whitney began telling :-(.....I can't believe how the writers when to the extreme to write a silly storyline for these two, her being pregnant by her half-brother and trying to pass the child off as Fox's

  • @sammy28mcintyre47
    @sammy28mcintyre47 6 років тому +11

    i love this fox better

  • @kemiley56
    @kemiley56 12 років тому +9

    love foxney

    • @desireeboone3631
      @desireeboone3631 8 місяців тому +1

      Me too but they destroyed foxney so Chad could cheat on whitney with a man. I hated Chad's character he was a messed individual. Whitney should've had the sense to dump him after she got shot by his wife that she never knew she had. Then to get married as adopted cousin's incestuous.

  • @dinahwestallen
    @dinahwestallen 11 років тому +4

    Aww they're great. Where did you find the clips please and thank you?

  • @ConcreteRose22
    @ConcreteRose22 11 років тому +19

    and he was still ALL in that mouth lol. That's love

  • @cRaZyBeautyyful
    @cRaZyBeautyyful 7 років тому +2

    Was she pregnant?

  • @lovejoypain
    @lovejoypain 7 років тому +4

    Pretty chick...

  • @elizag7760
    @elizag7760 7 місяців тому +1

    Yeah Fox 🦊 Whitney is right she’s always in love with Chad not with you and she’s right

  • @keairafowler1577
    @keairafowler1577 4 роки тому +3


  • @desireeboone3631
    @desireeboone3631 8 місяців тому +1

    Whitney was beautiful but she needed to gain a few pounds

  • @AngelDollAvakin
    @AngelDollAvakin 11 років тому +9

    didn't she just throw up? ewww lol

    • @lucky-hd1yv
      @lucky-hd1yv 6 років тому +2

      your beautiful like Whitney 😊.