Humani Generis by Pope Pius XII

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @tau7260
    @tau7260 7 років тому +12

    How wonderful it is to have these very important documents presented through this medium. I never seem to make or find the time to read them and being able to listen to them and understand their importance; especially in light of of so much modern heresy, error, philosophy, and misunderstanding, of what our church teaches and why.

  • @JohnBoyleJCL
    @JohnBoyleJCL 3 роки тому +3

    So lovely to hear Father Thwaites’s reading of this important encyclical.

  • @davidstanton3174
    @davidstanton3174 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks be to God, the true Church has never died, very sad men and bishops nevertheless cared for such warnings,and j p 2 was used to cover over all these things,.. they have still failed.pray for us BLESSED papa pio12 lord I pray a miracle associated with your beloved blessed pope pacelli... pius12...will come soon..amen

  • @KoalaBear499
    @KoalaBear499 4 роки тому +1

    Wonderful to hear the teaching from the primary source! Thank you.

  • @davidstanton3174
    @davidstanton3174 3 роки тому +2

    Who is the man reading out the encyclical ,the oratory style of the orator suit's the spirit against these ANTI mod demolishers,.the urgency and restlessness,..I feel a work should be done to put pacendi,and all encyclicals including this into one book... also pope Leo's encyclical on freemasonry,, every one of them out in a treasury of one, what a gift to humanity and the churches sons and daughters this would be!!!!!

  • @davidstanton3174
    @davidstanton3174 3 роки тому +2

    Angelic shepherd, he is called in st, malichies prophecy of popes,consicrated Russia late our lady requested,in unison with bishops,still debated.but we sure got a period of piece,if we look at history,why oh why did inovators Marr beautiful traditional Catholic ways

  • @Gofaw
    @Gofaw 5 місяців тому

    Denying the historicity of Genesis is condemned and anathematized in the Council of Carthage of 418. The fact that Pius XII contradicts the canons of the aforementioned council disproves papal infallibility

  • @davidstanton3174
    @davidstanton3174 3 роки тому +1

    Pray BLESSED piu9..and blessed pius12 will be saints in time, because the scattered flock will read their books, and look into them

  • @lonedesertfox
    @lonedesertfox 2 роки тому

    Deo Gratias

  • @seriouscat2231
    @seriouscat2231 4 роки тому +1

    Seems like this has been translated to English more than once. At least I found the one at phrased differently. Also the Vatican's English version is different from what he is reading. What is happening? The quotes in the new Catechism agree with what he is reading, but I can't find any original text where those could be from.

  • @davidstanton3174
    @davidstanton3174 3 роки тому +1

    Religious equality, with the gods of the world aka ecumenical acts let intruders in to devour Jesus lambs,.... this pope was prophetic

  • @juliobenitodeurrutia6637
    @juliobenitodeurrutia6637 4 роки тому

    The Catholic Church, in the latest edition of the Catechism and in the Foreword of the Bible, accepts Evolution as the way God used to create the world and life as we know it, but it seems that sometimes it is not consistent with that belief. ..
    On the one hand, he considers Genesis as a mythical story, but affirms that Original Sin comes from a single human couple, Adam and Eve and not from the primitive groups that first became aware and began to commit sin, because they were already intelligent ... If my dog ​​bites me for taking care of his food, he does not sin because he has no awareness of sin ...

  • @juliobenitodeurrutia6637
    @juliobenitodeurrutia6637 4 роки тому

    How should the Encyclical of Pius XII "Humani generis" be interpreted in the light of current theology, in which "polygenism" is condemned and it is taught that the entire human race descends from a single couple: Adam and Eve? .. Is that teaching included in the Pontifical Infallibility or is it considered a Dogma of Faith of the Church, or is it rather a fruit of the ignorance of Pius XII on Modern Biology? ...
    -Today it is unimaginable that an entire species, like the human one descends from a single couple ... It would be like believing that all the giraffes of the Serengeti National Park, come from only one male and one female created by God at the beginning of Creation, not by Evolution but by the direct making of the hand of God ...
    P.S. Let me copy a comment from another commentator referring to the same thing: "God created at first a man, and a woman. And the rest, descends from them. Only a couple." Polygenism is condemned by Pius XII in the Encyclical "HUMANI GENERIS":
    -Point 30: "But, when it comes to the other hypothesis, that is, that of polygenism," the children of the Church do not enjoy the same freedom, because the Christian faithful cannot embrace the theory that after Adam had on earth real men not coming from the same protoparente by natural generation ", or that Adam means the set of many first fathers, because it is not clear how such a sentence can be combined with the sources of the revealed truth and Documents of the Magisterium of the Church teach about Original Sin, which comes from a sin actually committed by "one Adam individually and morally," and which, transmitted to all men for generations, is inherent to each of them as your own. " (SS Pius XII).