Back to the Future Timeline Theory #BacktotheFuture



  • @retentiveguy7624
    @retentiveguy7624  3 місяці тому +2 timeline theory for movie 2

    • @jsbrads1
      @jsbrads1 Місяць тому +1

      Worth noting, Doc Brown using candles in the Beginning of movie 1 may mean he is the Doc Brown after movie 3, a guy who lived in the 1800s would be more likely to light candles.

  • @mikenash7049
    @mikenash7049 8 місяців тому +13

    In an early draft of the script, the movie was supposed to end by George in 1985 (timeline D) finding an old newspaper cutting which showed Marty playing Johnny B Goode at the Enchantment Under The Sea dance and saying, "Nah, it couldn't be..."

  • @Lord_Skeptic
    @Lord_Skeptic 22 дні тому +2

    11:36 that other youngster was the child of George with a different woman. He still went back in time and disrupted George and Lorraine's 1st meeting.

  • @Tasha9315
    @Tasha9315 3 роки тому +22

    I think the whole time Marty was in 1955 should be considered one timeline because the timeline where he goes back in time after knocking the pine tree over and without messing up his parents meeting doesn't exist as it never happens. I mean Marty never goes back to 1985 before he messes his parents meeting up.

    • @williamavitt8264
      @williamavitt8264 2 роки тому +9

      Exactly. This guy is overcomplicating things. The timeline skews when Marty goes back in time. Everything Marty does there is part of the new timeline he's creating. There is only Timeline A (Marty's original timeline) and Timeline B (the new one created by Marty's actions in the past). This guy doesn't understand time travel

    • @Marcus-nn6js
      @Marcus-nn6js Рік тому +3

      Yea I agree with this.

    • @jughead4845
      @jughead4845 9 місяців тому +4

      I also agree with all of the above. Retentive Guy is confusing himself. He claims that every time a change is made a new timeline is created. Nonsense. A new timeline is only created when a time traveller enters the past. Any changes he makes impart of the same timeline.

    • @jughead4845
      @jughead4845 9 місяців тому +1

      I mean "is part"

  • @CharleneOrtizTraining
    @CharleneOrtizTraining 8 місяців тому +7

    To be honest, I do think it's possible to forget what someone looked like 30 years ago even if they played a significant role in your life. I'm 49 and there are people I knew in high-school well that I wouldn't recognize today even if they looked exactly the same as when I knew them unless of course I kept in touch with them for a long time after high-school. If I knew someone in high school for only a week, I definitely wouldn't remember what they looked like today even if they had a significant contribution to my life in some way. You'll probably find this to be true as you get older. For me, it is believable that they wouldn't recognize him.

    • @leet7489
      @leet7489 3 місяці тому

      And honestly, George and Lorrane had no idea time travel was a real thing. George read sci-fi but there's no way he wouldve known it was real. If anything George wouldve thought Lorrane slept with"Calvin Klein"

    • @the_kombinator
      @the_kombinator 3 місяці тому

      Nah, I've seen friends from elementary school that I haven't seen in 30+ years and I sure as hell recognized them. It took them a while to realize who I was, but they did - some people's memories are more fluid than others it seems, as I was just talking to my niece about things we did in the past (she's 3 years younger than me) as kids and she did not remember the time where I snuck my dad's keys from him and took her for a joyride around the parking lot at like 9 or 10 years of age. I mean, who forgets that? I remember details of that, she remembers nothing. Depends on the person.

    • @leet7489
      @leet7489 3 місяці тому

      ​@@the_kombinator but Marty was a teenager in 1985, unless dude had good genes he wouldnt look the same 30 years later

    • @the_kombinator
      @the_kombinator 3 місяці тому

      @@leet7489 I'm in my 40s now and I had no problem recognizing people from my late elementary/middle school the few times it happened. I'm also readily identifiable, even though I've grown my hair shoulder length in the last 3 years.
      Also, look at Michael J Fox - Tell me he looks that different now, or even Christopher Lloyd, despite being in his 90s now.

    • @turntsnaco824
      @turntsnaco824 2 місяці тому

      ​@@the_kombinator Sure, I have too. But like you said - friends. People I ate lunch with every day, for like two full grades, and only 10 years after the fact. And the one guy I'm thinking of, he had a VERY specific face and mannerisms, just completely unmistakable. You might think the same of Michael J Fox, because he's an actor and we all know what he looks like - but if you just knew him for a few days?
      You also have to realize it's not like he just suddenly showed up looking just like he did in 1955 - he was their kid for years. By the time he was high school age, his parents would have just seen him as "their kid, but older", by which point they've probably long forgotten the details of what "Calvin Klein" looked like. Not that they probably couldn't recall a vague idea of how he looked, but picture-perfect? Yes, it was an important week of their life, that I'm sure they remember the specifics events of. But I'm sorry, no one puts to memory for 30 years the face of someone they only knew for a few days, no matter how important that encounter might have been - at least not to the point that if the person walked in front of them they'd be like "oh my God, you're that guy!!" They might think he looks familiar, or similar to the guy.
      But the point is, people argue it's a blatant paradox - but whether or not you think you'd be the same way, it's entirely believable that there are people who wouldn't realize that he looks EXACTLY like someone they knew for a few days decades earlier. There's nothing remotely unbelievable about that. People who think it's an unmistakable paradox are looking at it way too objectively and not giving enough credit to human error.

  • @johnsciara9418
    @johnsciara9418 8 місяців тому +3

    You put a lot of thought into your ideas about the timelines. I have a thought myself that you may find interesting. In 1955, Dock was standing on his toilet hanging a clock when he slipped and fell and hit his head. When he came to he had a vision, the flux capacitor. When Marty goes back to November 5th 1955, he calls Doc from Lou's cafe and gets no answer. What if at the time that Marty calls Doc, Doc had been standing on his toilet hanging a clock, Marty's phone call was what caused Doc to slip and fall, inventing the Flux Capacitor. Had Marty not call Doc at that time, Doc would not have envisioned the Flux Capacitor.
    As for Marty's parents not recognizing that Marty was the person in 1955 who brought them together. Why would they recognize Marty? In 1985 Calvin Klein would have been 47, Marty is only 17. Marty lived with his parents his entire 17 year life.
    What would have been a nice Easter egg is when the photo shows his siblings, instead of the same clothes that Dave and Linda were wearing, they had better clothes on because George and Lorraine were more affluent and their children would be wearing better clothes.
    1955 Doc would have seen that his time machine worked and was built from a 1981 DeLorean. So 1955 Doc would have to wait until 1981 for the DMC to be produced. What if Doc after selling his land and collecting the insurance from the fire, find John DeLorean to invest in his start up car company to build the DMC car in 1981?

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  8 місяців тому

      Wow! A lot of great stuff there thank you for sharing

  • @samhook8109
    @samhook8109 3 місяці тому +4

    I prefer the Back to the Future Eternal Recurrence Theory. Essentially, they are in a time loop where the original "Marty" was BIff's son. Having grown up in a toxic household, "Marty" turns to a crime at an early age, and one night breaks into Doc's lab and steals the DeLorean. He races away, and ends up being transported back to 1955. When there, he decides to sacrifice himself in order to save his mother, and ensures that BIff and Lorraine never get together. Because Biff is out of the picture, George is able to date and eventually marry Lorraine, which leads to the birth of Marty.
    The time machine is still in 1955. The police don't know what to do with the strange vehicle, and seek help from the local scientist, Doc Brown. He spends his life and family fortune to reverse engineer the time machine. He is shocked to discover the flux capacitor, which he would have drawn a picture of earlier that week, and pieces together that it was he himself who had originally invented it and sent it back to 1955. He also figures that the time machine has something to do with the kid who appeared out of nowhere and killed the local teenager, Biff Tannen. After meeting "Marty" he realizes that he doesn't know how the time machine works, but there is a clue--Lorraine. He follows this and eventually befriends her family, putting him in contact with "Marty". From here, the events would play out essentially the way they did in BTTF except that Biff isn't around. The first time Marty goes to the past, he creates a new timeline where Biff isn't killed by his time travelling son. This creates the timeline we are most familiar with, but it would have to be the third iteration (at least).
    Knowing that it was he, himself who invented the time machine, Doc includes all of the notes he wrote over the course of reverse engineering it to make it easier for the next iteration to complete the work. Unfortunately, despite having additional information, the material cost of the reverse engineering always leads Doc to the financial state he experiences in 1985. It may seem out of character for Doc to choose to actively influence the future with these notes, as he warns Marty that doing so can have dire consequences. He warns Marty though because he wants to be the only variable changing things. If Marty also seeks to influence the future, it could lead to unforeseeable circumstance out of Doc's control.
    This is the eternal recurrence part. In many instances, Marty almost dies and is saved by Doc Brown. Each of these instances represents a time when Marty died. Doc includes this in his notes to his future self, and endeavors to prevent Marty's death. In instances where Marty was able to get his parents back together, the timeline continues on as it would. In instances where his parents don't get back together, before he dies, the timeline resets to the original iteration with Biff and Lorraine get married and have "Marty". We are only privy to one of the iterations, so it is entirely possible that the timeline resets thousands, even millions of times before we get the most successful iteration. Either a "Marty" or Marty is always born, and always travels back in time. When Marty is successful, he actually influences the town (becoming an urban legend) and thus his own upbringing by popularizing Marty's two favorite pastimes--skateboarding and guitar playing. Because of this, every iteration of Marty becomes better suited to accomplish his goals in the next iteration until we get the version we see in the movie.

  • @rogerdriscoll7145
    @rogerdriscoll7145 Рік тому +3

    BTF I is a science fiction film in which the science doesn’t make much sense, but the fiction is pure genius ( three act structure). Marty has a week from stopping George getting run over to devise ways of getting his parents to kiss at the dance, this is what makes the script work so well for the middle section of the story (Act 2).

  • @theFLCLguy
    @theFLCLguy 3 роки тому +6

    I think the slow fading is from their prospective as they disappear. Soon as they are give completely it's like they never existed.
    Also it could be because lingering effect of time travel. Maybe it's because he's not from that time so there's a delay.

  • @MrJeffcoley1
    @MrJeffcoley1 Місяць тому +1

    I think the explanation for the eldest children disappearing first is time travels forward from the change as a wave. It overtakes the first thing it comes to, the older children, then Marty, and then finally the photograph. Time travel movies are always full of paradox,back to the future is it own unique set of rules

  • @Jostradomas
    @Jostradomas 11 місяців тому +6

    So I have always interpreted the sticky point of marty's slow disappearance in the movie thusly:
    The timeline erases those images in the photo, and then marty himself, the closer it gets to the point of no return. When Marty pushes his dad and changes the timeline, the most likely outcome is that they will not get together and thus marty will disappear. However, there is a chance, small as it is, that marty can fix it, and due to that... time acts more slowly. It does not erase marty immediately, because a path to his existance still exists. The closer he gets to the moment his parents are supposed to kiss and fall in love the more unlikely it is he will succeed and so the erasure speeds up. Its also worth noting that the erasure of marty himself does not begin until he is in a situation where there is nothing left he can do to help... its all up to george. At that point he begins to vanish as time see's little chance he will exist, but once george makes his choice and kisses her... marty is back as now his existance (and his families) are assured.

  • @robertoso8796
    @robertoso8796 Місяць тому +2

    "calvin" doesn't immediately fade when he gets hit instead of george by lorraine's dad because the dance was where they fell in love. technically there was some miniscule statistical chance that george could've still gotten her affection on his own somehow .

  • @emsleywyatt3400
    @emsleywyatt3400 3 місяці тому +2

    OK, here's my take. It is an "Infinity loop", but one which closes back on itself like a Mobius strip. You have Marty One and Marty Two. One who leaves from the Twin Pines Mall, one who leaves from the Lone Pine Mall. The latter never hits the pine tree, because he is a better driver, what with having his own truck and all. He's also a bit of a jerk, coming from a better off family, and does not think to write the letter to Doc Brown. The Doc Brown that Marty One sees killed is the one that helped Marty Two get home. The Doc Brown that Marty Two sees get shot (but not killed) is the one that helped Marty One get home. Then Marty One runs down to him and finds him alive.

  • @samsonk1696
    @samsonk1696 3 роки тому +5

    I have no clue why this just came in my recommendations. Although I’m not mad, I really enjoyed this video, as well as the fact that BTTF is my favourite 3 movies

  • @Christopher-jp5zo
    @Christopher-jp5zo 2 роки тому +4

    This video is good, however I believe the first timeline existed, until Marty goes back and changes things which causes the first timeline to be erased and the second timeline to exist, and the second timeline is the timeline with lone pine mall, George punches Biff, Doc survives, etc, not four different unproven, unnecessary timelines, Marty’s interference causes a paradox however the universe finds its own way around this as we see Marty at the lone pine mall go back in time which doesn’t change anything yet again in a new timeline so this is the same Marty but the universe found a way to harmonise the two timelines until Marty is sent back, then it keeps the new timeline and throws out the old. So both timelines happened but events changed slowly which explains why Marty didn’t disappear straight away.
    Also Marty didn’t disappear straight away because there was still possibility of the timeline being fixed at the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance, and if George and Lorraine kissed and Lorraine decided to spend the rest of her life with George at that exact moment, then they would exist otherwise then they would disappear because there would be less chance of them existing
    That’s my theories and ways to make it make sense

  • @joeo4496
    @joeo4496 2 роки тому +4

    Of course they remember "Marty" from 1955, but you wouldnt remember exactly what he looked like after all that time

  • @the_kombinator
    @the_kombinator 3 місяці тому +2

    1:49 - Wrong - you MUST time travel AND "globe" travel (whatever that means) at the same time, because even a second ago, the Earth was in a different spot in the universe. It is absolutely necessary to move around in the first three dimensions in conjunction with the fourth, less you end up in the cold vacuum of space. If Doc found a way to synchronise this multidimensional movement, it's not a stretch to be able to adjust it to appear anywhere you want.

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  3 місяці тому

      @@the_kombinator this is actually something I didn’t consider. You could be off by a whole month in 30 years.

    • @the_kombinator
      @the_kombinator 3 місяці тому +1

      @@retentiveguy7624 Given the relative speed of our galaxy's spin (210 km/sec), one second of difference could land you in space, inside the Earth, or some distance above a lake or some land depending on where you are and which way the Earth moved.
      Unappealing prospects, either way ;)

    • @Lord_Skeptic
      @Lord_Skeptic 22 дні тому +2

      Space does need to have a relative point to define where in space one space is so one might as well use the earth as a reference point

  • @johncap6495
    @johncap6495 Рік тому +2

    I love these movies but I just thought of a plot whole. Did Doc miscalculate the time it would have taken for the car to reach the wire. If the car would have started when the clock went off Marty would have gotten to the wire before the lighting bolt hit the clock tower. The car stalling is the only reason why the car got to destination at the precise time the lighting bolt struck the clock tire and the lighting traveling across the wires.

  • @alexfreeman9875
    @alexfreeman9875 3 роки тому +3

    only one line if go back in time to 1955 you point of view, in 1955 point of view you have come from the future.

  • @KilosFoxo
    @KilosFoxo 3 роки тому +4

    timeline d continues into the 2nd movie up untill old biff returns to 2015 creating timeline e (1985A) where biff is in power over hill valley and killed george mcfly after marty was born
    timeline e then gets erased by marty and doc but because 1955 biff rnotices that there are 2 marty's and the flying delorean the timelie does not return to timeleine d as it goes to timeline f which almost immediately gets replaced by timeline g when doc gets sent to 1885, saves clara clayton, writes marty a letter, gets murdered and hides the DeLorean. time line g gets replaced with timeline h when marty to goes to 1885 to save doc where clara is saved , doc survives, buford tannen is arrested, and shonash ravine is renamed eastwood ravine to honour the man who got buford tannen arrested and doc builds a 2nd tome machine which is the timeline that the film ends with
    an alternate universe version of timeline E occurs during the transformers in a universe functinally the same as timeline d except marty never ran over a pine tree keeping twin pines mall the same and transformers exist during the back to the future crossover comic with the decepticons taking over the world because rumble stowing away in doc's delorean and an alternate timeline f is made whan gigawatt attempts to stop the decepticons from being awakened early but ends up undershooting into 1985 because of damage to his flux capacitor and brins marty back to timeline E's 2015

  • @robertorenteria3894
    @robertorenteria3894 3 місяці тому +2

    I believe that the Marty we see in BTTF 2 is not the same Marty from BTTF. He is in fact the Marty we see time travel at lone pine mall. That’s why his girlfriend is different. It’s a different timeline. That’s why Marty also has the “no one calls me chicken” character flaw. He was raised by new George Mcfly and he stands up to bullies. The original Marty had no self esteem like his father.

    • @philfitnesspt6139
      @philfitnesspt6139 Місяць тому +1

      No it is the original marty time travelers are protected from the changes as they are in the time machine also its obviously original marty as he is shocked by all the changes at end of part 1 now there is case that marty starts to rembers both timeliness so he rembers poor timelines of original and new timeline like in terminator gensis Kyle reace now recalls two different timeliness also the back future part 3 novel indicates as time catches up old doc starts to recall new timeline changes as he starts to recall it was him who dressed marty up in terrible cowboy clothes

  • @josephmackela8466
    @josephmackela8466 Рік тому +2

    I would like to hear your idea of what happens to the Marty that goes back to 1955 at the very end of the movie while the Marty that just got back from 1955 is seeing Doc get shot.

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  Рік тому +1

      Might try to analyze this if I get to another episode.

  • @KrissNA204
    @KrissNA204 3 роки тому +4

    I love this movie so thank you for giving me more to think about lol

  • @paulsmith9192
    @paulsmith9192 9 місяців тому +2

    I've always wondered if Marty never went back in would the family end up in,2015?my guess Marty parents be divorced.

  • @OneTrueSonOfGod
    @OneTrueSonOfGod 3 місяці тому +1

    Was reading through some of the comments, and would say: I believe that this situation is meant to function as a pop entertainment story, and only if it was presented in a concept of infinite tangential time shapes would this make sense as any action in an out of place time sequence is as crucial to any other. Further more, once the time barrier is broken there is no constant time coordinate, and space time would thus become a a differentiation of all things; meaning all coordinates become a function of the current status of time, and even more so a function of the future, as well the past, and present as we have seen. In all moments the future holds possibility that someone, or thing can come back from the future, even your self, including what i am working on in my sequel, the use of the time machine, as no matter if it is even destroyed it can always be prevented from being destroyed in a time traveling event, and thus rather than a singular time line all things become personal dimensional time shapes, and ultimately would cause time to be recomposed as made out of a substance that travels through time. Though any perceivable thing may be accepted as a concrete notion, it would only seem that way within the time shape. It is most likely that in a machine based time travel, a person would travel to a fifth dimensional dream world type reality where every thought would create a conclusive drama of that idea, and the way the interaction occurs would hold a physical shape that reflects the impression of that idea as reflected by the viewer. With that being a bit awesome for a movie, I am cool with the approach of this story, and I think that continuing the story is simple, and opens people to the perception of time travel, and time traveling entities. Also, I believe that it could be possible to travel such as is presented, though I believe the unverse would compensate for it by causing the people to interact with the traveler in a way that constrains the traveler to exit in the most simple way while erasing the memories, and changes the traveler brought to the time as it seems that time is such a large object that minor alterations would be congealed and homogonized.

  • @rhess10
    @rhess10 2 роки тому +3

    Lots of theories on time travel but not one theory on why Marty parks his Toyota pickup truck on an angle INSIDE the garage.
    I'll never get a good night's sleep..

  • @jimcroft21
    @jimcroft21 4 місяці тому +1

    I think Doc eventually goes over to tell George what happened, so that he wouldn’t disrupt Marty going back, and that he could start garnering a relationship with Doc early

  • @peterskrobola8753
    @peterskrobola8753 3 місяці тому +1

    The inconsistency between Timeline A and Timeline D is what broke my brain when I first saw this movie as a child.

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  3 місяці тому

      @@peterskrobola8753 might I ask what you mean?

    • @peterskrobola8753
      @peterskrobola8753 3 місяці тому

      @@retentiveguy7624I was confused by the concept of two Martys being there at the same time and how exactly Marty from the past would eventually become future Marty (or the Marty that we were following) This was also the first time travel movie had seen so I hadn’t thought about things like this before.

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  3 місяці тому

      @@peterskrobola8753 that is the one important thing about the movie, since he’s going 15 minutes into the past before he left timeline D Marty must make the jump to 1955 or everything he has done is meaningless and will disappear

  • @Brandonyoungblood50
    @Brandonyoungblood50 8 місяців тому +1

    They think Biff was the one who brought them together. They talk about it at end of movie before Biff comes in delivering the package. Also, if that book was George’s first, what did he do for a living to afford the new furniture, a BMW, a 4x4 truck for Marty, tennis club membership. Why was Marty’s brother, David, still living at the home since Dave worked at an office?

  • @danielmoss895
    @danielmoss895 3 роки тому +8

    My theory on the plot holes relating to Marty's return to the future at the end of Part 1: Marty arriving in Doc's time machine on the same day he invented the flux capacitor in 1955 and thus creating a new timeline means that Doc was able to build it way earlier. Knowing that George had faced up to Biff, he follows him and Lorraine and their relationship before eventually approaching them in the early sixties to tell them the whole story. It takes some convincing, but eventually they have the same three kids in the same order and live in the same house, but just live better, happier lives overall. But you know what? This doesn't solve it either. If this were the case, then technically there should be 2 Martys in what this guy's video refers to as Timeline D. The firsty Marty being the one born in 1968 in Timeline D and who grew up with successful, confident parents and who owns a 4x4 at age 17. Whereas the second Marty is the orginal one from Timeline A who has just travelled back from 1955 and starts questioning his older brother about wearing a suit. This could only mean that some time before Saturday morning on October 26, 1985, Timeline D Marty has somehow been dispensed with. Maybe after Doc drops Marty A home in the early hours of the morning after the whole Twin Pines/Lone Pine mall fiasco he travels back several hours before going to the future (but within Timeline D of course) and murders Timeline D Marty. Because Timeline A Marty is now there, his family and Jennifer are none the wiser and they just think he's being weird for no reason. I don't know! I could go on forever theorising, or I could just accept my favourite movies growing up for what they are...Pure escapism.

    • @JohnCenaIsMyDad
      @JohnCenaIsMyDad 11 місяців тому

      there is no plot hole.

    • @jughead4845
      @jughead4845 9 місяців тому +1

      You're confusing yourself too because whatever the guy in this video is saying about multiple timeliness in the first movie is wrong.

  • @We_Are_Borg_478
    @We_Are_Borg_478 3 місяці тому +1

    The only problem with this thought is that while Marty thinks going to 1955 is his past, it's actually his future.
    That means he had already saved his parents and himself all along, regardless of his getting hit by the car.
    The proof is that Marty shows right back up from the future at the end of the movie.
    It means Marty always succeeded in 1955, because he couldn't have multiple versions of himself without that posterity.

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  3 місяці тому

      @@We_Are_Borg_478 I’m saying this is a plot hole in the film because if you stop your own existence you won’t slowly fade over a week.
      He couldn’t have always saved his parents because he is the first Marty to go back in time to ruin his existence.

    • @We_Are_Borg_478
      @We_Are_Borg_478 3 місяці тому

      That's my point.
      He never stopped his own existence.
      The past he travels to is his future, but it is still the past to Marty from BTTF 2.
      The fact that a 2nd Marty is at the High School dance stealing an almanac proves it.
      That Marty couldn't exist unless Marty 1 always succeeded in the first movie.
      In other words, you are focused on 1 event, but the timeline itself observes all events. Yes, he saved his father from the car, but it's also past tense when Marty corrects the events and fixes his parent's relationship.

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  3 місяці тому

      @@We_Are_Borg_478 you cannot correct your existence if you’ve faded out of existence or you’ve stopped your existence. Only someone else can. See the movie “Hot Tub Time Machine” to see what I’m referring to.
      If he always saves his own existence how come the Marty in BTTF 2 who is the “other Marty” even disappears in the first place? If he is always supposed to succeed, how come he even fades in the first place? If he always succeeds there shouldn’t be any issue.
      Also Marty is the last born so he should disappear first. Final point, if the kiss at the dance was the reason for Marty’s existence then the images in the photo shouldn’t have disappeared at the moment he stopped his parents from meeting.

    • @We_Are_Borg_478
      @We_Are_Borg_478 3 місяці тому +1

      The reason Marty started fading in the first movie at the dance wasn't his fault.
      An unknown threat, the guy that grabs Loraine from George, is why Marty begins to fade.
      For a split second, Marty's future and past rested solely in George's hands.
      If George had chickened out and let Loraine go, Marty is gone.
      If George defends Loraine, Marty lives.

  • @89winterhawk
    @89winterhawk 7 місяців тому +2

    Not a swinging clock rather he was standing on his toilet while trying to hang a clock, slipped hit his head on the sink

  • @skatinwhenican
    @skatinwhenican 3 місяці тому +1

    This was awesome!

  • @Brandonyoungblood50
    @Brandonyoungblood50 8 місяців тому +2

    Marty should still disappear when they kiss because the new Marty will be born and subsequently raised by the new George and Loraine, creating a new timeline. Doc won’t befriend the new Marty but will will test the Delorean in another location.

  • @paulsmith9192
    @paulsmith9192 9 місяців тому +1

    Well,michio kuku believes time travel exist.I believe we can time travel one day.

  • @Its-Gnat
    @Its-Gnat Рік тому +1

    Wait didn’t Marty stay in 1955 and breaks the tree so this timeline should be timeline b
    Edit: Marty STAYS in 1955 when he pushes his father so this is still timeline b

  • @Brandonyoungblood50
    @Brandonyoungblood50 8 місяців тому +1

    My theory was similar, Doc had to befriend Marty, since he would have created the Time Machine only when Marty meets and tells him in 1955. Had Marty not gone back, Doc Brown would hve just thrown out the piece of paper, chalking it up to another failed idea.

  • @lolsoina
    @lolsoina Рік тому +1

    I didnt even notice the quality is 360p

  • @SSProdigy1221
    @SSProdigy1221 3 місяці тому +1

    The main problem with the trilogy is it bounces back and forth with when it wants to keep a timeline singular or multiverse theory. Like with jennifer waking up about the "dream" she supposedly had from bttf 2. But that jennifer was left behind in the dystopian biff timeline. Which doc says should be erased allegedly when they stop biff from keeping the almanac. So how would she remember those events? It also shouldnt be the same jennifer since she was left in the biff timeline. And if the film tries to apply the singular timeline theory, shouldnt there be two jennifers like there were two martys when marty went back to the "lone pine mall" to see a different version of himself.

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  3 місяці тому

      I made one of these for Back to the Future 2 if you’d like some insight on that!

  • @sith29
    @sith29 8 місяців тому +1

    Do you think George went easy on Marty for the fire rug?

  • @Brandonyoungblood50
    @Brandonyoungblood50 8 місяців тому +1

    I believe we create infinite timelines every day. But your current timeline continues until you die. All the other timelines continue until the other selves die. So consider you are creating a zillion timelines in your own lifetime.

  • @philfitnesspt6139
    @philfitnesspt6139 Місяць тому +1

    Basically they messed up film at end what should have happened was as marty sees himself go back in time the sign would change to one pine.

  • @seanmanahan477
    @seanmanahan477 3 місяці тому +1

    in the a and b timelines where marty "disappears" its cuz he was never born....why would there be a search party in 1985 for someone that never existed in the first place??!

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  3 місяці тому

      @@seanmanahan477 I’m going at this with the idea of a multiple timeline theory. It is the idea that each timeline is a separate universe that a specific form of Marty is present in. In timeline C he is never born so there isn’t a Marty to return back to timeline B because it ceases to exist.
      I recognize it is very out there which is why I don’t do this for the part 2 theory

  • @craigsmith5685
    @craigsmith5685 Місяць тому +1

    george gives marty a 4x4 the day after the dance ! of couse he remembers

  • @Johnadams20760
    @Johnadams20760 2 роки тому +2

    the reason that marty didn't dissappear the moment he pushed george out of the way is because they fell in love on the dance floor with the first kiss. and tha tis why they eventually got married.
    since that event was still a few days away, as long as he could fix that, everything would be fine.
    as for the house. george was more affulent, but only a little bit. not to the point of something so dramatic that he would move to a much larger house, just the same house where things are nicer.
    the day marty comes back goerge just then got his first novel published and was about to become farmore successful. i am sure they probably moved to a bigger house a year later .
    although my question is, why would they allow biff to work on their car when he raped lorraine?

    • @Johnadams20760
      @Johnadams20760 2 роки тому

      btw, i think that is why the rest of teh series, everything else happened more instantly.
      not sure if you ever saw this, but there was a special dvd when i bought the original trilogy set that kirk cameron hosted. answreing fan questions.
      in part 2 when biff came back to 2015 and got out of the car. orginally he dissappeared instead of simply holding his chest. the movie makers said they thought the audience might be confused, however why? they already saw and understood why marty faded away. but they said the theory was lorraine likely shot/killed biff in the late 90s after she couldn't tak ehis abuse anymore. not official, but just what they said.
      also, there was a scene where marty did see his school burned down.

  • @Crosswalkcreation
    @Crosswalkcreation 3 роки тому +4

    This video is so underrated

  • @Felixtrack
    @Felixtrack Рік тому +1

    Dude you're overthinking it way too much ! It's just a movie ok

  • @alexfreeman9875
    @alexfreeman9875 3 роки тому +1

    your can not change time,

  • @leet7489
    @leet7489 3 місяці тому +1

    Ask yourself this, how would George and Lorrane know about time travel? They didnt know it was real. They had no way of knowing it was real. They wouldve had no way of knowing that Calvin Klein Marty was the same Marty who was a teenager in 1985. If "Calvin Klein" Marty stayed in 1955 and lived to 1985 he wouldve aged normally and looked 30 years older. He wouldnt look like a teenager like 1985 Marty who went back. The only logical thing George could think of is that 1985 Marty is Lorrane and Calvin Klein Marty's son and not his

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  3 місяці тому

      @@leet7489 that wouldn’t be possible as Marty was born in 1968.

    • @leet7489
      @leet7489 3 місяці тому +1

      @@retentiveguy7624 its very much possible for George to have believed Lorrane cheated on him

    • @retentiveguy7624
      @retentiveguy7624  3 місяці тому

      @@leet7489 there is actually a very funny video on UA-cam that outlined what you’re saying

  • @kevindawson3727
    @kevindawson3727 3 роки тому +2

    Take a piss hade me dead