How To Produce "Heat Waves" by Glass Animals - FREE download

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @BeatAcademy
    @BeatAcademy  4 роки тому +28

    ►► Enjoy this video? Download the project file as well as the sample pack here for FREE -

    • @gabriellagenz
      @gabriellagenz 4 роки тому +5

      I’ve been watching a lot of your tutorials and think they are really helpful, but with learning specific songs like this, I find myself unable to create my own unique sounds. I would love to learn why certain methods lead to certain sounds. I don’t know if that makes sense, like for example if you know what kind of sound your trying to get, how can you go about achieving it. How do you decide which waves to use when you haven’t exactly heard the sound but have a general idea what your going for? Sorry if that doesn’t make any sense, kind of hard to explain what I’m thinking. Thanks anyway

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  4 роки тому +1

      @@gabriellagenz I totally understand and will keep it in mind in upcoming videos

    • @ileocruz
      @ileocruz 4 роки тому +1

      I’m struggling with kicks this time. How can I have this kind of “boom” on every kick.

    • @LiamPond
      @LiamPond 4 роки тому

      Thanks so much for all these videos. I can't tell you how much I've learned from you. Do you think you could go over how to turn a loop/beat into a full song?

    • @picas256
      @picas256 4 роки тому +1

      Can you help with song structure?

  • @smellyg2878
    @smellyg2878 4 роки тому +93

    i like how casually you say dying giraffe falling from a tree as if everyone knows what that sounds like

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  4 роки тому +29

      Totally thought it was the norm lol

  • @georgemalcolmtv
    @georgemalcolmtv 2 роки тому +4

    The care and attention to craft the correct sound!! Man! My respect!! LOVED IT!! INSPIRED!

  • @justinheald3000
    @justinheald3000 4 роки тому +3

    Glass Animals is my FAVORITE. Can't wait to follow along later!!!

  • @mikolajgrzywacz
    @mikolajgrzywacz 3 роки тому +3

    This is a perfect recreation of this beat. GJ brO!

  • @dushyantsapre2173
    @dushyantsapre2173 3 роки тому +1

    Please never stop making these videos coming.

  • @blue66
    @blue66 2 роки тому +3


  • @roshankachappilly5902
    @roshankachappilly5902 2 роки тому +1

    This is so cool... I loved this...

  • @mintyswirljoy
    @mintyswirljoy 2 роки тому

    Damn dog, some crazy cool tricks here! Kudos!

  • @PrathamBhatia
    @PrathamBhatia Рік тому

    Loved it man!

  • @BenCocks
    @BenCocks 3 роки тому

    Brilliant video! So useful.Thank you!!!!

  • @jamesvictor6682
    @jamesvictor6682 3 роки тому +2

    My favourite song currently on my playlist. Thank you

  • @InnerAbys
    @InnerAbys 4 роки тому +11

    Okay, from now you are the best producer on UA-cam! Thank you, learning everyday from you.

  • @JazSoda
    @JazSoda 3 роки тому +4

    Soooo cool to get an insight on how this is done, I really enjoy watching all of these How To Produce videos! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us!

  • @gs07007
    @gs07007 3 роки тому +10

    It's my second week of ableton and music production and your videos are so interesting and I have learned so much! I made a promise to myself that I will watch every one of your reproduction videos. I have never been this inspired for the last two weeks in my whole 20 years of existence. Thank you again for those videos! You're an inspiration!💪💪💪:D

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  3 роки тому +3

      Great to hear! You got this!

    • @duduodin7243
      @duduodin7243 2 роки тому

      hey good luck I hope that motivation still exists a year later!

    • @gs07007
      @gs07007 2 роки тому +1

      @@duduodin7243 haha, I just got the notification, and you're right, I haven't stopped since. Reading it back now after 1 and a half years, it's so cool. I've lost motivation throughout this process, but I kept going and I'll keep going. At the start the motivation is high for everyone, but then this excitement fades, but for me 50% of the time the motivation is still there. When there is no motivation, I'll just have to push myself in front of the computer and start producing something, and lot of the times, the motivation comes back. But yeah, so freaking cool to read back my comment!

    • @shivanshsharma6179
      @shivanshsharma6179 Рік тому

      @@gs07007 why u choose ableton than fl studio
      i also want to start producing music and want to do something in this field

  • @beatsmithaudio9245
    @beatsmithaudio9245 4 роки тому +2

    Big thanks! The live stream was fun and I learned a lot from this one!

  • @itsMakeMusic
    @itsMakeMusic 2 роки тому

    thank you so muuuch. that was ice as hell

  • @mara.j
    @mara.j 4 роки тому +4

    My favorite song from them rn and Dreamland i can listen too forever. Great tutorial 🙌💜

  • @stevenvanderwerff9488
    @stevenvanderwerff9488 3 роки тому +1

    this is totally awesome

  • @HanjoSynth
    @HanjoSynth 4 роки тому

    Beat academy pro member here, just commenting to confirm to those unsure about it (I was there too). It is TOTALLY worth it! I see it as an extension of this awesome channel. Value, value and more value. Happy to be part of the community and supporting more content like this being shared.
    By the way @beatacademy awesome video too! (:

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for sharing!! Excited for you and looking forward to helping you take your next step forward with your music!

  • @neonglowmusic
    @neonglowmusic 4 роки тому +1

    I love Roughrider as a parallel compressor on vocals.

  • @jamesd7998
    @jamesd7998 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for demonstrating the ADSR in classic mode! I’ve been using the fades in one shot mode

  • @itsxseed
    @itsxseed 4 роки тому +5

    Could you do sauce in the rough by brakence? I love your videos by the way! So hard to find people using ableton. Your guides are always in depth, with concise definitions and you have a great way of helping me(someone who i feel is more scientific music wise) understand concepts of musicality better! Love ya!

  • @dbw1405
    @dbw1405 4 роки тому +6

    Really in-depth video man! Can you someday make a tutorial for a hyperpop like beat? Like the brakence song sauceinrough or maybe dorian electra or 100 gecs??

    • @torchlab
      @torchlab 3 роки тому +2

      I second this. Would love a gecs/dylan brady breakdown

  • @amandareis_01
    @amandareis_01 4 роки тому

    you're so professionalll, great job you're the bestttt

  • @maxnguyen22
    @maxnguyen22 3 роки тому


  • @MagicCvstle
    @MagicCvstle 4 роки тому

    You nailed it.

  • @callystha4871
    @callystha4871 3 роки тому

    i'm really really thankful for what you do here, it helps a lot so thank you so so much for doing this :(

  • @hadookin47
    @hadookin47 3 роки тому

    Super useful!

  • @caxapom
    @caxapom 4 роки тому

    Love your channel!

  • @MARxSx1
    @MARxSx1 4 роки тому +1

    I just love these videos, been watching them all night!
    Maybe you could do something by Christine and the Queens? The beat of „I disappear in your arms“ is super awesome and creative imo

  • @TheRecep27
    @TheRecep27 2 роки тому

    Very nice !

  • @namitagupta8241
    @namitagupta8241 2 роки тому

    It's cool !!!!! :)

  • @4theswarm13
    @4theswarm13 4 роки тому +27

    whoaa trigger waves with MIDI is a legit tip... thank you amigo~
    (you don't sound like a dying giraffe lool)

    • @zionherbert
      @zionherbert 4 роки тому +1

      exactly that’s what I’ve learned in this video great trick

  • @gitongamukira3749
    @gitongamukira3749 3 роки тому

    Thank you for this, I have been following you for years and I can attribute my success in production to you!!!

    @SHARKBAIT_30 2 роки тому


  • @magnus9756
    @magnus9756 4 роки тому +2

    OMG i wachted this Video knowing i would learn something awesome and i did!!! never got that waves Pitch to work thanks so much

  • @bhaveshtochabbra6853
    @bhaveshtochabbra6853 4 роки тому +1

    Been waiting for this. Thanks ivan. Can you do one Lauv song please. 🙏💖

  • @lesbnlime
    @lesbnlime 4 роки тому

    thank you so much for this!!!

  • @xsfroger
    @xsfroger 3 роки тому

    Awesome thanks for this!!

  • @bhbbmcr2022
    @bhbbmcr2022 2 роки тому +1

    Great work. 👍🙌 I tried it out and it was wonderful but can i have your vocal in this song for training please?

  • @mattleymusic3496
    @mattleymusic3496 2 роки тому +1

    Kinda insane how close you got to the original!

  • @lucamilozzi6867
    @lucamilozzi6867 4 роки тому

    Best yt video in 2020. But which 3rd part plugins you used are free?

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  4 роки тому +1

      Roughrider 2 from Audio Damage

  • @ehsun_does_music
    @ehsun_does_music 2 роки тому

    sir you have a good voice

  • @FlatTire
    @FlatTire 4 роки тому +1

    Cool stuff with Waves tune RT

  • @TGTrangnguyen
    @TGTrangnguyen 3 роки тому +3

    can u explain how u crated the 808 KICK1 sound, PLEASE.

  • @sush1sea
    @sush1sea 3 роки тому +1

    Bro I didn’t even come here because of production. I just came to vibe

  • @woojaekim_official
    @woojaekim_official 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much!

  • @PrinceFJ
    @PrinceFJ 4 роки тому

    OMG!! Wath a good video!

  • @TheSmithylicious
    @TheSmithylicious 4 роки тому +2

    Hi I love your videos and you’ve really helped me in producing and I’ve learnt a lot. I want to follow along on your lessons with abletons synthesiser but I have logic. Any suggestions or help?

    • @sigmathletics
      @sigmathletics 2 роки тому

      Try vital, it’s like free serum but sounds just slightly different, but in a mix they would be identical

  • @TheThermalheat
    @TheThermalheat 4 роки тому


  • @The_Svara
    @The_Svara 4 роки тому +1

    Great video as always, I really loved the magic you did with waves real time. I am gonno use that technique to create melodies in my songs for sure. Thanks a lot my brother for all this wonderful work may all your wishes come true. 🙂🙏

  • @zzzzzz-wb6sj
    @zzzzzz-wb6sj 3 роки тому +3

    hey ill factor! i absolutely love this tutorial because ive been obsessed with this song. thank you so much for it! however, could i ask if you removed the samples from the free pack? bcos i downloaded it and cannot find a folder for this particular project. could i ask if you could upload it once again? it would be much appreciated so that i can follow along with this tutorial! thank you once again :)

  • @mikelinfield3477
    @mikelinfield3477 3 роки тому

    Top quality that

  • @eolsith
    @eolsith 4 роки тому +4

    this is awesome man. i actually remade / covered a bunch of Glass Animals songs from Zaba this year. they're probably my favorite band rn

  • @mrrb_888
    @mrrb_888 4 роки тому

    I love your Tutorials! Everytime i get new ideas and inspirations :D
    I would love to see some creative sessions of you creating new music, is this possible maybe in the future? :)

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  4 роки тому +3

      I do it once a month in my Beat Academy members area. check it out

  • @henryryan2896
    @henryryan2896 3 роки тому +1


  • @heinrichsmit2
    @heinrichsmit2 4 роки тому +1

    Hey Ill Factor, do you have any advice on doing a press release just before release a single or how to contact the right people to get your song out there ?

  • @drewskywalkerpa
    @drewskywalkerpa 4 роки тому

    cool trick w the auto tune and midi , def gonna try it out thanks!

  • @Dan-rr1hv
    @Dan-rr1hv 2 роки тому

    Great tutorial, I noticed that in the reference the kick is also wide but it doesn't sound like a chorus effect. How would I achieve that effect?

  • @TheShepherdFilms
    @TheShepherdFilms 2 роки тому

    very cool...I was a lead singer of a band for a long I'm old and mess around with fruity loops, and make some more personal songs...which is cool...(I miss the collaboration) but everytime I make beats/ songs/ all my family get annoyed with repetition...all I can say is yes it's annoying...but it gets there eventually...or it doesn't. Not all songs are winners...but they are all special and wonderful...

  • @mintcream7017
    @mintcream7017 4 роки тому +1

    Great idea with the chorus on the 808 I like that. Ill one thing that I’m kinda struggling with, especially the more I learn about production it’s harder to know what my unique sound is. I worry that the more I learn about how other people do things and the “right” way to do things, knowing what my sound is is more and more confusing. Kinda a tough question I’m wondering if you have any words of wisdom. Thanks bruv

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  4 роки тому +2

      Totally understand will try and address this topic in an upcoming video!

    • @108077854
      @108077854 4 роки тому +1

      You want to think outside the box. Look at Finneas video

  • @versa.muusika
    @versa.muusika 4 роки тому

    Do LSD remake, one great song is "Thunderclouds" for example, but really anything from them. =)

  • @praketchaudary9273
    @praketchaudary9273 3 роки тому

    hello can you tell me which app did you use for this?

  • @canguven1180
    @canguven1180 3 роки тому

    I made it at home, super easy

  • @Sisyaka
    @Sisyaka 4 роки тому +3

    Круто. Завтра посмотрю. Сейчас ночь.

  • @11_JK_11
    @11_JK_11 Рік тому

    how do i see the waveform for the kick? cant find it anywhere in ableton live

  • @ultimaterudra1347
    @ultimaterudra1347 2 роки тому +1

    Software name please

  • @thelastmaster2915
    @thelastmaster2915 3 роки тому

    which editing program is he using?

  • @Killianmcgee53
    @Killianmcgee53 2 роки тому

    We’re in the video did u record the guitar

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  2 роки тому

      Never recorded the guitar I show you the instrument I used for it.

  • @krutoyinfo
    @krutoyinfo 4 роки тому +1

    Ron Perlman rules )

  • @wtoven647
    @wtoven647 4 роки тому

    Do you ever use logic by any chance?

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  4 роки тому +1

      yup. I have done a couple of videos in Logic

    • @wtoven647
      @wtoven647 4 роки тому

      @@BeatAcademy Cheers mate i'll check them out

  • @thetutux8966
    @thetutux8966 4 роки тому

    Hey can you plz make a Lauv style track similar to his production in his album I met you when I was 18

  • @brunoconceicao749
    @brunoconceicao749 4 роки тому

    heyy, can you do Earfquake by Tyler The Creator? These vids are so fire, keep them coming lmao

  • @Alyssav90
    @Alyssav90 3 роки тому

    I really want to learn this but it seems so difficult.

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  3 роки тому

      You got this! you can visit my site and dive into the courses that will guide you step by step!

  • @Karen-fe9lu
    @Karen-fe9lu 3 роки тому


    • @nshekhar
      @nshekhar 3 роки тому

      Only time I will say thank you to a karen

  • @tundeweddings4466
    @tundeweddings4466 4 роки тому

    hey bro, could you please do a tutorial on Bigger Love by John Legend?

  • @moshehtaffe
    @moshehtaffe 4 роки тому

    No Sir , Thank YOU!

  • @destinyosa3331
    @destinyosa3331 2 роки тому

    Can't find about the drumbus for FL

  • @mariahcareyreal
    @mariahcareyreal 4 роки тому

    What key is this in?

  • @thiswillnotdo6027
    @thiswillnotdo6027 4 роки тому

    can you do souvenir by selena gomez?? i really want to recreate it, especially the chorus, but mine always sounds flat and dull compared to the original.

  • @michaelhenggeler223
    @michaelhenggeler223 3 роки тому

    Almost thought it was the actual track at the beginning. So nice vocal performance!

  • @yashsinghal4064
    @yashsinghal4064 4 роки тому

    Please please please do reminds me of you by Juice Wrld and The Kid LAROI

  • @NiklasLindholm
    @NiklasLindholm 4 роки тому +2

    I never knew you could route MIDI to effects plugin on other tracks. That's really cool! But it took some googling before I understood that tracks will only show up in the "MIDI To" dropdown if they have plugins on them that actually accept midi input.

  • @heatwaves-glassanimals
    @heatwaves-glassanimals 2 роки тому

    This is good but it sounds more like the kids bop version than the original one by glass animals
    which is the best

  • @themandlaziman
    @themandlaziman 4 роки тому +1

    you legit sound like them gaddam

  • @barriosamir_ok
    @barriosamir_ok 4 роки тому

    brooo can you make a shut up tutorial for ariana grande?

  • @aorimpsupreme7836
    @aorimpsupreme7836 4 роки тому

    Autotune tricks are very intresting although Im not using it most of the time

  • @lindamkhabela6044
    @lindamkhabela6044 4 роки тому

    My music suck coz it's always slow and the chord progression always sounds the same one way or another I can't really pick good sounds can anyone help with some tips

  • @justinswaynebeats1883
    @justinswaynebeats1883 2 роки тому

    :\ so the "Free Download" is just the sample pack I'm guessing? Which just turns into a sales pitch.... nice. Smfh, I came for the project/multi tracks

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  2 роки тому

      No… the project is located in the link we send you

  • @sebisk14
    @sebisk14 2 роки тому

    Am I the only one who thinks that the hihat is not played on all 16th notes, but that the whole thing is played rather linearly, i.e. no hihat where bass and snare are?

    • @BeatAcademy
      @BeatAcademy  2 роки тому

      Might be so I just listen to the reference a couple of times before re making it

  • @beldeninovs
    @beldeninovs 4 роки тому

    Great video! Can you do Easy by Troye Sivan? Great song, want to know how to produce it! Like this comment if you agree with me, let’s show up it to Ill! 🔥❤️

  • @riosanjay6845
    @riosanjay6845 2 роки тому

    Bro heat waves sample

  • @hellya4437
    @hellya4437 4 роки тому

    Hey! Can you make ‘just like magic’ by Ariana Grande? I think it’s tricky one, and would be useful to create something similar.

  • @samsidique8662
    @samsidique8662 4 роки тому

    Who is that one person to dislike it. What is wrong with you? Smh.

  • @steveshadforth
    @steveshadforth 3 роки тому

    that opening riff is an octave too low ffs

  • @barriosamir_ok
    @barriosamir_ok 4 роки тому

    brooo can you make a shut up tutorial for ariana grande?