I love your vlogs Daley!! You're always so happy and youre such a ball of sunshine hahah! You're the reason I decided to start my own vlogs, so it would mean the world if you watched my latest vlog og me in Malayia! I love you so much and have fun back at home this summer!!!! Go dawgsss
Okay I already thought you were super chill. But then when you talked about the Shawn and Hailey dating thing in the car I knew you were a baller! Honestly think we'd be great friends lol
OMG DALEY WHAT IF YOU VLOGGED EVERYDAY? You would be a "Daley vlogger" 💀💀💀
Goodness Rocks Bruh I THINK ABOUT THIS EVERYTIME I SEE “Daley vlogs” in her intro!!!
Yesss love this! I'm from Howell so this was so cool to watch you back in your home town! (love pete and eldas! 😍)
Haha I love your vlogs because you are so funny! Cant wait to see more vlogs this summer 💕
I love your content!! Your videos are so inspiring!!
Love your videos! You are so funny and I can’t believe how quick your channel has grown in subscribers! It’s so awesome 👏
"the tunes i would usually bool to" lol love it
I am so glad that you made a UA-cam channel Daley.
I know all the paces your talking about, I’m from brick, NJ!! Love seeing locals on UA-cam lol
So cool!
Pete & eldassssss >
Could you be any more adorable?! Love you, Dales!
your mom could be a vlogger herself!!!
Love your vlogs!❤❤
I just love you , you are so funny
I live in Wall township!!! So close!!!
Thunder 106 😍 I love country music
I love your vlogs Daley!! You're always so happy and youre such a ball of sunshine hahah! You're the reason I decided to start my own vlogs, so it would mean the world if you watched my latest vlog og me in Malayia! I love you so much and have fun back at home this summer!!!! Go dawgsss
EXCUSE ME i"m his future wife
Do a playlist video, pliiiiss. Lvu
love you Daley!!!
Love ur videos!!❤️
Thank you!
Jersey accent coming out okay DALEy
Love your videos!! What do you use to edit your videos since you film on your phone?
Okay I already thought you were super chill. But then when you talked about the Shawn and Hailey dating thing in the car I knew you were a baller! Honestly think we'd be great friends lol
love you sm!!!:)
I love you!
AHHH my name is Maura! No one else ever has that name!
Omg do you live in Spring Lake by any chance !?!
we literally live in the same area lmao
you are awesome
Thank you!
I love you soooo much Daley and it me from insta dm❤️❤️❤️
lmao @ me working at omg yogurt
Love u
I love you!
wait what state are you from?
Lauren Casey New Jersey
💜💜Okay, I love you and all but I think you have it wrong. I'm Shawn's future wife...yeah so yeah
your bf looks like daniel radcliff lol