I am glad I watched all the way to the end. Your decision to NOT join the committee is for the best. You struggle with your own issues and trying to sort out messes that others have caused could stress you out. Just remember that when you see a problem on the site, you have the resource to call about it. That, to me, is being a good lot holder. I have served on our neighborhood committee in prior years, now I couldn't because I could not keep my mouth shut. LOL I find that as I age I am more straight forward than I used to be. There are a couple of houses in our neighborhood which need to be changed, they won't because they are rented! I find that more often than not, that is the case. Happy gardening, Joe. Hi Kelly and the wee ones too.
I'm glad to see that you went through the proper channels and that you have gained the support to tidy up the side affecting your plot. If I was you, I would think twice before joining any committee at the present time, due to what's going on in your personal circumstances. You don't need the stress.
Hi Jo. I dont see anyone on my allotment. Most of ours are turned into pigeon sheds where people make money racing them. So theres no real community where I am. For gardeners... can be very lonely. But channels like yours give me that sense of community. I just wish you lived closer so I could.perswade you for help every now and then ..... anyway. Enjoy the fence and trim those trees!
Hi Joe, I suspect that your inclination would be to join the committee because you want to make things right, but I would be wary of doing so, your experience has already shown you how poisonous the politics can get and you have a lot on already, with the travel, your own plots and bringing up Winter! Personally I think the council have been slack on their oversight of the site and the lady you spoke to probably can see you potentially doing the councils dirty work! Good luck with whatever you decide to do ...
Correct Izzy... I work for a Council and they should regularly inspect all council plots throughout the seasons. They also have a responsibility to ensure the trees are kept safe and also cut the main allotment pathways. Cheers, Roger.
Hi mate. Good on you that you’ve brought it to the attention of the local council. Hope the people that are tipping get thrown off. Our committee inspect and if they are not being worked the tenants get a warning letter. If in the next inspection it’s not improved the person gets notice to quit. They do take into account health issues and special circumstances of course. Take care. Nick
Hi joe hope you and Kelly and winter are well. You know what happened last time just be careful.i agree with you the trees are on your plot . Chippingham garden are looking good
We have inspections every year I thought all allotments did. I've been thinking about joining the commity too since, we done have anyone on our site at all but I'm not sure. Good luck with whatever you decide
1st thing you have to do is cement up the holes where the rats are getting into your shed! 2nd thing to do is join the committee. 3rd thing to do is get that fence up even if it's only a green wire fence! And don't apologise or be nice anymore!!!
Rosyclaire There are so many rats it’s unreal. So many plot holders just chuck poison over their plots as they are fed up with them. You can see the rats up in the trees and running around in the daylight hours
Hello Joe. What a result mate. I was just thinking in case he loses the ownership of the plot .. can kelly not apply for the plot next door. This might be another opportunity to bring some much needed work there. Thanks and best wishes Ps. Please. Don't get into the politics of joining in the management committee. Its going to eat up all the time you rather be in your own plot.
This is what I dnt miss about being the only plot holder on the little site I'm on. I technically rent all 3 plots on the site and WORK them as one productive and thoroughly enjoyable site!. Its sad that people that clearly dont appreciate their site hold up those that are desperate for a little slice of gardening heaven!
I’m on our committee mate. 4 members a treasurer a secretary and a chairman. We meet on the first Monday of every month. We clear vacant plots and cover them with membrane. When someone takes a plot on, they have option to purchase the membrane or return it back to us. Also if people are breaking the rules, we inform the council and they send letters out etc. Good luck Joe in whatever you decide to do.
go Joe! Bringing that to the attention of the council is a good thing. Hopefully it makes a difference and things improve for you and the site. On our site a guy was storing trailers and hadn't cultivated for a year. Our allotment committee approached him and were honest and told him to get rid. he didn't like it but couldn't argue. As you say allotments are for growing and should be kept like that definitely. Having someone copy an idea isn't a bad thing necessarily, but blocking you just seems down right childish. If someones inspired by a video and they'd like to use it or try it out it should be celebrated and a shout out given or just say 'thanks for the idea, do you mind if i try this?' or 'you inspired me to try...' blocking is just rude. Anyway, keep up the good work Joe! Looking forward to seeing your progress through this season. take care and say hi to Kelly, Winter and the kitties! Jen
I’m on the committee at my allotment site and we’re slowly improving it from the last lazy committee. They would just renew plots even if they weren’t worked, we now give 6mth trial, if not worked at all then we don’t renew. The site might improve if your on the committee but it depends on the other members. Luckily my site has the community feel and everyone chats and helps each other out, shame more aren’t like it.
Well done for speaking up, sometimes we have to stand up and be counted and you are doing this. Making the area safe and a growing field for you a to use Great you are signing up for this comitee, they need you.
It is frustrating when people have allotments and either misuse or don't work them yet are too selfish to give them back so others who want to grow food can enjoy them. Good for you. The committee should be keeping on top of this problem.
Quite right Joe - i have a mate who is a licensed waste remover, and mixed waste is about £120-150 a tonne. £50 a year is way cheaper, but a bit daft. Their name is on the plot ffs! Dont underestimate the time investment in being on the committee - its a big commitment.
Thankfully my garden is my plot. Being a tattooed outspoken bird myself I do get frowned upon whatever I do. Your the new generation of gardener, as I am and the old timers dont like it. Bollocks to them. Keep growing and digging :-)
🏴 I know we're in different parts of the country but it drives me bonkers, that I'm so desperate for an allotment, (been waiting over 3 years) and can't get one. And then I see people wasting their opportunities. Keep up the good work Joe, you have an excellent allotment and very inspiring. Top job 👍👍👍👍 Best wishes Steve
Joe you are so good hearted. Their should be more people like you. Do they come out & check your plot when it is time to renew ? If they don't no wonder their is a long waiting list. I don't know how you renew your plots. This is something they should do. I sure hope she comes out to see the plots. I would see who is on the committee first & what it is all about. It is sad that people have to hate other people for what they are trying to do. Life is to short. Thats what garden plots are for. To have fun, help each other, learn new things. I would be like you. I would want to help that person to clean up their plot. I'm always trying to keep thing looking good at the flower plot that I take care of a cross the road from me. They use to have some lady's take care of it, but for some reason they quit. And after watching the weeds grow up I got tired and just have to cut them down. I now take care of it. When people come out to the park to use it the flowers looks so nice. Sorry this is so long. Love from Iowa,US. :) :)
Also un-worked allotments are a waste. I can't get an allotment near me cus I think they are being paid for by blow-jobs & back-handers & i'm not prepared to do either!
allotments are like gold ! in certain areas where they are not used the council will build on them ! as for not digging them its just a waste get them off........cheers
We have people walk round quite a bit on our allotment site and report back if plots are not being worked. It’s not fair you keeping your plot looking lovely and then having rats in your shed because of next doors plot.
Bah i could do with some help took a plot on and it has got the better of me it's bigger than i first thought. The fella let it go for personal reasons which i found out later why he did which hurts as all of his hard work in the past has gone but I understand why. I would have done the same. I can't say too much but moral of the story is that he lost his daughter and for me taking his plot over i would love him to see it in its glory. I've tried but it never looks any different after a couple of days. Any pointers would be very appreciated
£50 for a plot is cheap, I have a 6 pole costing me £100 and we have no shop or comity 😞 but we have regular inspections and a site secretary and we are classed as a grade a plot, no hoses allowed fires only in winter no bbqs or gatherings and we have loos and a communal room
People are selfish. It’s the same in our site people haven’t cultivated for years then I got a letter because it got overgrown. I was having treatment for cancer. Hence the council got the wrath of my tongue.
Such a shame Elaine I go to my allotment once a week I'm willing to get it weed free of dandelions and bind weed it is a massive job I've took on and I got a telling off for a tiny bit of overgrowth I'm handing keys back and trying for a different allotment elsewhere and two plots near me sod all is done but I get a telling off for a tiny bit of work not done
We’ll I think you should be on the committee , it might get the lazy ones to put there finger out there shifter, (SORRY) and clear it up, I would. Love to have mine back, you go for it xxxx
Committees, are so up their own backsides, it’s like a click. You can’t do this you can’t do that. Unless you are in their club or friends of the Committee!
We never had a committee when I first got my plot but have one now, , I kept reporting things going missing on my plot so it got decided to form a committee. Now all that people do is complain about the committee, so now I pay my subs and leave the moaning to them . A chap used to tidy the plots up and keep things looking nice, no one asked him but some people thought he was getting paid by the Council to do it he wasn’t. We have plots unworked but the council do send letters out, then it takes ages to evict them from the plot. I like to go down do a little or a lot and have a chat, get away from the hassle of every day life and relax. If the slugs get all my veg oh well it’s nature, as long as take home something I’m happy.
Steve Moulson Most committees in my opinion are not very active anyway and just enjoy the title. A full van load of skip rubbish was being off loaded onto an abandoned plot as I was leaving. It’s a joke, people are waiting on lists and when one becomes available you need a few skips to clear it before you can even start
Joe Mills We don’t get skips delivered now to our plots, only reason why you get sofa/ fridges / TVs and beds put in the skip. The skips are on site to remove allotment rubbish not household crap, our recycling plant it’s 5 mins away from site. We can’t even have fires because a chap in a house complains, but doesn’t complain when his neighbours has a fire in his garden. Look at me complaining I don’t on site I just listen and go away and weed.
That's great news Joe, I think you need to join the committee and also push to get whoever is claiming to be committee to actually put it in writing and pull their weight or go, it's council owned, you've had permission from them and really of you can use that to actually highlight people that are taking the piss, get them gone and allocate those spaces to people that actually want to use them properly, while it's still early in the year, it should be use it properly or lose it, paying fees shouldn't mean a whole lot when others could be paying fees and growing good and flowers in it ffs, I know you don't like drawing attention to yourself or confrontation but sometimes you have to do that, because the good people need a voice, the elites are pants mate, that's why I went into politics and we're enjoying our best election result ever counting as I type, speak up for the little guy Joe 👊
I agree, when our site has a waiting list our committee starts getting though on people who are not working their plot properly, but at the same time are fair. ie if someone has a serious illness allowances are made (although to an on looker who does not know the situation it may not seem fair but giving someone time to recover from cancer etc is the right thing to do) Enjoying your videos and don’t think I copy you at all on my vids 😋
Committees are an exclusive club, they won't want you trying to improve things although they are obviously not doing it or liaising with the council. Is there a site rep? They don't do walk arounds by the looks of things. Tread carefully!! 😉
Good, that you spoke up but be careful you could have a problem with the committee, and the C. can be quite nasty... I am part of a C not by choice.. I want it to help and ended up being one of them. our the manager is quite nasty, lucky for me I follow rules and he likes us, but if you are on his black book, you are not going to have an easy life. I really I do admire your attitude, you are brave. Love and Peace always!!
Hi Joe......I feel your exasperation and annoyance! Our site is very much the same. It is run by the town council. They don't keep up the site visits to ensure people are using the plots for growing food. Then we get newsletters with new "rules". They have decided that polytunnels are bad for the environment......they don't like raised beds covering a plot. The latest is compost wars......as the pest control,don't do their job properly.....they have decided that all compost bins need to be wired in and covered. I have pointed out in an email that unless they are completely enclosed in 1inch steel mesh the rats will still get in! I and a couple of fellow plot holders took matters in to our own hands last year and put poison down in our areas. I lost eight Uckiki Kuri squash to rats.......yuk. Rats will always find food on an allotment.....if they can't get a the compost they will eat the crops. It is imperative that the pest control do their bit to regulate the population. I have also reported that ours turns up......sits in his van eating lunch.....and then leaves!!! He is obviously a friend or relative of the council employees. Rant over......still love allotment life in general and your channel too. Keep the good work xxx
when it comes to joining a committee i always thought once bitten twice shy.. admittedly, i'm chairman on our site. and the only issue i've had to deal with was with a non- member. it's no skin off my nose because i always attend every meeting. the choice is always going to be yours, joe...............................brian
shouldn't the committee have regular or at least occasional walk throughs so they are aware of which sites are being maintained appropriately and those that aren't?
Louise King I have to do it haha even though he has paid up for this year the council wasn’t impressed to hear he doesn’t work it whatsoever because of the long waiting lists
Louise King Yes definitely Louise it won’t match the front fence as I’ve run out of those pallets now but as long as it serves it’s purpose I’m ok with that haha
Hi Joe, even you join the committee you will not be able to change a lot if the others on the committee are against you. I would not do it just enjoy your plot. Take care. Tamara
You're right what you say mate they can be very hostile heads up there arses most of them but some nice people aswell you will find out the decent people council are useless at times aswell.
oh my that lot you are on about that if you have a single weed you are off , I'd have to antagonize and grow a bed of dandelions as they are an edible crop and other crops that are edible and possibly considered weeds XD aw caucasian spinach would be a dream crop too as its looks like bindweed but is edible XD
Joe Mills the arguments that would ensue 🤣 the definition of a weed is a wild plant growing in competition with cultivated plants, the next argument is about biodiversity and sacrificial plants to divert pests attention 🙈 and then the argument between growing styles as in well manicured or intercropping and allowing volunteers to grow as the wish etc 🤣
skashax777x Haha exactly lol some people don’t see weeds whatsoever they see self seeded plants and mostly edible so that would have confused the idiot haha
I am glad I watched all the way to the end. Your decision to NOT join the committee is for the best. You struggle with your own issues and trying to sort out messes that others have caused could stress you out. Just remember that when you see a problem on the site, you have the resource to call about it. That, to me, is being a good lot holder. I have served on our neighborhood committee in prior years, now I couldn't because I could not keep my mouth shut. LOL I find that as I age I am more straight forward than I used to be. There are a couple of houses in our neighborhood which need to be changed, they won't because they are rented! I find that more often than not, that is the case. Happy gardening, Joe. Hi Kelly and the wee ones too.
I'm glad to see that you went through the proper channels and that you have gained the support to tidy up the side affecting your plot. If I was you, I would think twice before joining any committee at the present time, due to what's going on in your personal circumstances. You don't need the stress.
I totally agree with you and I have been having problems with mine brwak ins etc but u nailed it on the head
Hi Jo. I dont see anyone on my allotment. Most of ours are turned into pigeon sheds where people make money racing them. So theres no real community where I am. For gardeners... can be very lonely. But channels like yours give me that sense of community. I just wish you lived closer so I could.perswade you for help every now and then ..... anyway. Enjoy the fence and trim those trees!
Hi Joe, I suspect that your inclination would be to join the committee because you want to make things right, but I would be wary of doing so, your experience has already shown you how poisonous the politics can get and you have a lot on already, with the travel, your own plots and bringing up Winter! Personally I think the council have been slack on their oversight of the site and the lady you spoke to probably can see you potentially doing the councils dirty work! Good luck with whatever you decide to do ...
Correct Izzy... I work for a Council and they should regularly inspect all council plots throughout the seasons. They also have a responsibility to ensure the trees are kept safe and also cut the main allotment pathways. Cheers, Roger.
Hi mate. Good on you that you’ve brought it to the attention of the local council. Hope the people that are tipping get thrown off. Our committee inspect and if they are not being worked the tenants get a warning letter. If in the next inspection it’s not improved the person gets notice to quit. They do take into account health issues and special circumstances of course. Take care. Nick
Nick's Allotment Diary That’s how it should be Nick, not fair on all the poor sods stuck on lengthy waiting lists aye.
Hi joe hope you and Kelly and winter are well. You know what happened last time just be careful.i agree with you the trees are on your plot . Chippingham garden are looking good
We have inspections every year I thought all allotments did. I've been thinking about joining the commity too since, we done have anyone on our site at all but I'm not sure. Good luck with whatever you decide
1st thing you have to do is cement up the holes where the rats are getting into your shed!
2nd thing to do is join the committee.
3rd thing to do is get that fence up even if it's only a green wire fence!
And don't apologise or be nice anymore!!!
Rosyclaire There are so many rats it’s unreal. So many plot holders just chuck poison over their plots as they are fed up with them. You can see the rats up in the trees and running around in the daylight hours
@@diggingfordinner that's horrendous. Keep ringing the council about it. If the houses behind complain too much the allotments could be closed 😣
Hello Joe. What a result mate. I was just thinking in case he loses the ownership of the plot .. can kelly not apply for the plot next door. This might be another opportunity to bring some much needed work there.
Thanks and best wishes
Ps. Please. Don't get into the politics of joining in the management committee. Its going to eat up all the time you rather be in your own plot.
This is what I dnt miss about being the only plot holder on the little site I'm on. I technically rent all 3 plots on the site and WORK them as one productive and thoroughly enjoyable site!. Its sad that people that clearly dont appreciate their site hold up those that are desperate for a little slice of gardening heaven!
I’m on our committee mate. 4 members a treasurer a secretary and a chairman. We meet on the first Monday of every month. We clear vacant plots and cover them with membrane. When someone takes a plot on, they have option to purchase the membrane or return it back to us. Also if people are breaking the rules, we inform the council and they send letters out etc. Good luck Joe in whatever you decide to do.
go Joe! Bringing that to the attention of the council is a good thing. Hopefully it makes a difference and things improve for you and the site.
On our site a guy was storing trailers and hadn't cultivated for a year. Our allotment committee approached him and were honest and told him to get rid. he didn't like it but couldn't argue. As you say allotments are for growing and should be kept like that definitely.
Having someone copy an idea isn't a bad thing necessarily, but blocking you just seems down right childish.
If someones inspired by a video and they'd like to use it or try it out it should be celebrated and a shout out given or just say 'thanks for the idea, do you mind if i try this?' or 'you inspired me to try...' blocking is just rude.
Anyway, keep up the good work Joe! Looking forward to seeing your progress through this season. take care and say hi to Kelly, Winter and the kitties!
I’m on the committee at my allotment site and we’re slowly improving it from the last lazy committee. They would just renew plots even if they weren’t worked, we now give 6mth trial, if not worked at all then we don’t renew. The site might improve if your on the committee but it depends on the other members. Luckily my site has the community feel and everyone chats and helps each other out, shame more aren’t like it.
Well done for speaking up, sometimes we have to stand up and be counted and you are doing this. Making the area safe and a growing field for you a to use
Great you are signing up for this comitee, they need you.
Only just started following you Joe , wish I had you next to my allotment 👍
It is frustrating when people have allotments and either misuse or don't work them yet are too selfish to give them back so others who want to grow food can enjoy them. Good for you. The committee should be keeping on top of this problem.
Quite right Joe - i have a mate who is a licensed waste remover, and mixed waste is about £120-150 a tonne. £50 a year is way cheaper, but a bit daft. Their name is on the plot ffs! Dont underestimate the time investment in being on the committee - its a big commitment.
Tony's Gardens & Gizmo’s Hi mate, I thought about it and decided against it lol
Thankfully my garden is my plot. Being a tattooed outspoken bird myself I do get frowned upon whatever I do. Your the new generation of gardener, as I am and the old timers dont like it. Bollocks to them. Keep growing and digging :-)
🏴 I know we're in different parts of the country but it drives me bonkers, that I'm so desperate for an allotment, (been waiting over 3 years) and can't get one. And then I see people wasting their opportunities. Keep up the good work Joe, you have an excellent allotment and very inspiring. Top job 👍👍👍👍
Best wishes
Joe you are so good hearted. Their should be more people like you. Do they come out & check your plot when it is time to renew ? If they don't no wonder their is a long waiting list. I don't know how you renew your plots. This is something they should do. I sure hope she comes out to see the plots. I would see who is on the committee first & what it is all about. It is sad that people have to hate other people for what they are trying to do. Life is to short. Thats what garden plots are for. To have fun, help each other, learn new things. I would be like you. I would want to help that person to clean up their plot. I'm always trying to keep thing looking good at the flower plot that I take care of a cross the road from me. They use to have some lady's take care of it, but for some reason they quit. And after watching the weeds grow up I got tired and just have to cut them down. I now take care of it. When people come out to the park to use it the flowers looks so nice. Sorry this is so long. Love from Iowa,US. :) :)
Good luck with whatever you decide , just listen to your intuition
Also un-worked allotments are a waste. I can't get an allotment near me cus I think they are being paid for by blow-jobs & back-handers & i'm not prepared to do either!
allotments are like gold ! in certain areas where they are not used the council will build on them ! as for not digging them its just a waste get them off........cheers
We have people walk round quite a bit on our allotment site and report back if plots are not being worked. It’s not fair you keeping your plot looking lovely and then having rats in your shed because of next doors plot.
I waited 10 years for an allotment neath port Talbot but have given up either dead men's shoes or who you know!!!
Bah i could do with some help took a plot on and it has got the better of me it's bigger than i first thought. The fella let it go for personal reasons which i found out later why he did which hurts as all of his hard work in the past has gone but I understand why. I would have done the same. I can't say too much but moral of the story is that he lost his daughter and for me taking his plot over i would love him to see it in its glory. I've tried but it never looks any different after a couple of days. Any pointers would be very appreciated
I’ve just got an allotment and, amongst other things, I inherited a non working toilet 🚽 I was thinking you should be chairman of the committee 👍🏼
£50 for a plot is cheap, I have a 6 pole costing me £100 and we have no shop or comity 😞 but we have regular inspections and a site secretary and we are classed as a grade a plot, no hoses allowed fires only in winter no bbqs or gatherings and we have loos and a communal room
People are selfish. It’s the same in our site people haven’t cultivated for years then I got a letter because it got overgrown.
I was having treatment for cancer. Hence the council got the wrath of my tongue.
Such a shame Elaine I go to my allotment once a week I'm willing to get it weed free of dandelions and bind weed it is a massive job I've took on and I got a telling off for a tiny bit of overgrowth I'm handing keys back and trying for a different allotment elsewhere and two plots near me sod all is done but I get a telling off for a tiny bit of work not done
chris kidner that’s just petty of them really. Mine was overgrown tbh but I wasn’t well at the time.
Hope you find somewhere x
We’ll I think you should be on the committee , it might get the lazy ones to put there finger out there shifter, (SORRY) and clear it up, I would. Love to have mine back, you go for it xxxx
Great vid I've my own Allotment horrors
Committees, are so up their own backsides, it’s like a click. You can’t do this you can’t do that.
Unless you are in their club or friends of the Committee!
We never had a committee when I first got my plot but have one now, , I kept reporting things going missing on my plot so it got decided to form a committee. Now all that people do is complain about the committee, so now I pay my subs and leave the moaning to them . A chap used to tidy the plots up and keep things looking nice, no one asked him but some people thought he was getting paid by the Council to do it he wasn’t. We have plots unworked but the council do send letters out, then it takes ages to evict them from the plot. I like to go down do a little or a lot and have a chat, get away from the hassle of every day life and relax. If the slugs get all my veg oh well it’s nature, as long as take home something I’m happy.
Steve Moulson Most committees in my opinion are not very active anyway and just enjoy the title. A full van load of skip rubbish was being off loaded onto an abandoned plot as I was leaving. It’s a joke, people are waiting on lists and when one becomes available you need a few skips to clear it before you can even start
Joe Mills We don’t get skips delivered now to our plots, only reason why you get sofa/ fridges / TVs and beds put in the skip. The skips are on site to remove allotment rubbish not household crap, our recycling plant it’s 5 mins away from site. We can’t even have fires because a chap in a house complains, but doesn’t complain when his neighbours has a fire in his garden. Look at me complaining I don’t on site I just listen and go away and weed.
That's great news Joe, I think you need to join the committee and also push to get whoever is claiming to be committee to actually put it in writing and pull their weight or go, it's council owned, you've had permission from them and really of you can use that to actually highlight people that are taking the piss, get them gone and allocate those spaces to people that actually want to use them properly, while it's still early in the year, it should be use it properly or lose it, paying fees shouldn't mean a whole lot when others could be paying fees and growing good and flowers in it ffs, I know you don't like drawing attention to yourself or confrontation but sometimes you have to do that, because the good people need a voice, the elites are pants mate, that's why I went into politics and we're enjoying our best election result ever counting as I type, speak up for the little guy Joe 👊
I agree, when our site has a waiting list our committee starts getting though on people who are not working their plot properly, but at the same time are fair. ie if someone has a serious illness allowances are made (although to an on looker who does not know the situation it may not seem fair but giving someone time to recover from cancer etc is the right thing to do)
Enjoying your videos and don’t think I copy you at all on my vids 😋
Committees are an exclusive club, they won't want you trying to improve things although they are obviously not doing it or liaising with the council. Is there a site rep? They don't do walk arounds by the looks of things. Tread carefully!! 😉
Good, that you spoke up but be careful you could have a problem with the committee, and the C. can be quite nasty... I am part of a C not by choice.. I want it to help and ended up being one of them. our the manager is quite nasty, lucky for me I follow rules and he likes us, but if you are on his black book, you are not going to have an easy life.
I really I do admire your attitude, you are brave. Love and Peace always!!
Truth and Justice Joe! Keep going ☺ God bless m x
What did they kick you off for?
Hi Joe......I feel your exasperation and annoyance! Our site is very much the same. It is run by the town council. They don't keep up the site visits to ensure people are using the plots for growing food. Then we get newsletters with new "rules". They have decided that polytunnels are bad for the environment......they don't like raised beds covering a plot. The latest is compost wars......as the pest control,don't do their job properly.....they have decided that all compost bins need to be wired in and covered. I have pointed out in an email that unless they are completely enclosed in 1inch steel mesh the rats will still get in! I and a couple of fellow plot holders took matters in to our own hands last year and put poison down in our areas. I lost eight Uckiki Kuri squash to rats.......yuk. Rats will always find food on an allotment.....if they can't get a the compost they will eat the crops. It is imperative that the pest control do their bit to regulate the population. I have also reported that ours turns up......sits in his van eating lunch.....and then leaves!!! He is obviously a friend or relative of the council employees. Rant over......still love allotment life in general and your channel too. Keep the good work xxx
when it comes to joining a committee i always thought once bitten twice shy.. admittedly, i'm chairman on our site. and the only issue i've had to deal with was with a non- member. it's no skin off my nose because i always attend every meeting. the choice is always going to be yours, joe...............................brian
shouldn't the committee have regular or at least occasional walk throughs so they are aware of which sites are being maintained appropriately and those that aren't?
Mark W Yes they should. I agree
Makes changes Joe get on the committee, Shame people get jealous because you`ve done amazing and Kelly on your plots. Keep up the good work mate.
Hey why the channel name change my friend.
Join the committee, Joe, the allotment holders and seekers would benefit greatly.
Yes Joe Yes, if you can join the commitee then do it lol
Have you decided on a fence yet?
Louise King I’ll be erecting a fence 100%
Joe Mills well done
Louise King I have to do it haha even though he has paid up for this year the council wasn’t impressed to hear he doesn’t work it whatsoever because of the long waiting lists
Joe Mills are you going to do it with pallets?
Louise King Yes definitely Louise it won’t match the front fence as I’ve run out of those pallets now but as long as it serves it’s purpose I’m ok with that haha
Joe, I think you need to be called ‘No digging for dinner” really!
Ballet News ahahaha
Hi Joe, even you join the committee you will not be able to change a lot if the others on the committee are against you. I would not do it just enjoy your plot. Take care. Tamara
Why do people take on an allotment and not work it....at all, surely thats blatent neglect and they should have there plots reviewed.
Paul Jordan I agree Paul, it’s a bloody joke mate
You're right what you say mate they can be very hostile heads up there arses most of them but some nice people aswell you will find out the decent people council are useless at times aswell.
I think you should deffo join the committee
oh my that lot you are on about that if you have a single weed you are off , I'd have to antagonize and grow a bed of dandelions as they are an edible crop and other crops that are edible and possibly considered weeds XD
aw caucasian spinach would be a dream crop too as its looks like bindweed but is edible XD
skashax777x Hahaha love that idea would have been funny to put him in his place over what is classed as a weed
Joe Mills the arguments that would ensue 🤣 the definition of a weed is a wild plant growing in competition with cultivated plants, the next argument is about biodiversity and sacrificial plants to divert pests attention 🙈 and then the argument between growing styles as in well manicured or intercropping and allowing volunteers to grow as the wish etc 🤣
skashax777x Haha exactly lol some people don’t see weeds whatsoever they see self seeded plants and mostly edible so that would have confused the idiot haha
you will put a lot of stress into yourself if you join the committee.I think is a bad move but i wish you well.
Sometimes you just have to do stuff and apologise later.
hi joe i wouldnt bother joining as it always back fires on you and its not fair on you ,kay
They dont like you because your young and know more then them.