L2 | Muqaddimah of Tafsir | Shaykh Muhammad Hisham's Foundational Dawrah Day 4 Session 1

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024


  • @Ahmeddddd0
    @Ahmeddddd0 3 місяці тому +4

    Ash'aris- followers of Abul Hasan al ash'ari (keep in mind, Abul Hasan al Ash'ari, not Abu Musa al Ash'ari)
    Abul Hasan al ashari is frim the imaams of ahlu sunnah. He repented and went back to the sunnah. Evidence for this is his book, al ibaanah an usool ad diyanah.
    He went through 3 phases:
    • 1st he was upon the aqeedah of his step father, Abu Ali al Jubbaai al mutazili.
    After he reached 40 years, debate happened between jubbai and ibn Kullab. So Abul Hasan realised how herrendous the saying if mutazila is and left that path.
    • 2nd he became from the kullabiyah, which todays asharis are upon
    • 3rd phase, when he reached baghdad and met the students of imaam Ahmed, he threw away every aqeedah that is not the aqeedah of ahlus sunnah wal jamaah.

  • @HamidJamaal4332
    @HamidJamaal4332 3 місяці тому +5

    Makki - Giving Information / Akhbar - Short Ayats, Regards to towhead and Shirk, and begins addressing the people Note most of the time not always. Madani, Rulings, longer ayats, and addressing those who believe
    Mufassal Mainly Makki and its from Surah Qaf to Nas
    There are hundred 114 Suwar

    • @Al-Asad172
      @Al-Asad172 3 місяці тому

      جزاكم الله خيرا أخي

  • @Ahmeddddd0
    @Ahmeddddd0 3 місяці тому +1

    Saying of the Jahmiyyah and mu'tazila that Quraan is created in a certain body:
    They are called jahmis because of al Jahm ibn Safwaan at Tirmidhi and he is from the remnants of majoos (i.e fire worshippers ) that showed as if they were Muslims. And they wanted to demolish Islaam in the name of Religion and religiousity.
    These people believe that the tree is the one that told Musa in surah Taha:14 "Most certainly, I am Allaah, there is no diety worthy of worship except me, so worship me." SubhaanAllaah! How horrendous this is.

  • @Deencord
    @Deencord 3 місяці тому +2

    Differtent between al basmallah and at tasmijah= Basmallah is Bismillahirrahmanir rahim. Tasmijah is Bismiallah!

  • @AK-sy8gr
    @AK-sy8gr 2 місяці тому +1

    SubhanAllah if i look at the live chat i frequently see someone ask a philosophical type question that brings a thought to my mind that i never had before. Perhaps it shouldnt be allowed, unless its a question the Ustaadh is definitely going to answer.

    • @E.Cerulean
      @E.Cerulean 2 місяці тому

      You can hide the chat on your end, you won't see that إن شاء الله

  • @Ahmeddddd0
    @Ahmeddddd0 3 місяці тому +1

    Memorise this:
    •If you share a same name or same term with simething else, it does not mean that they are equal
    For example: Allaah azzawajal is Hayy (alive) and you are also alive but both are not the same.
    Allaah azzawajal exists and you exist. But both are not the same. The existence of Allaah is eternal (doesn't have beginning and doesn't have end). As for our existence, it is created and has a beginning and an end

  • @E.Cerulean
    @E.Cerulean 2 місяці тому

    Scary thing is that the most famous speaker in the west (and a huge following in the east), whose tafaseer have millions of views, he takes HEAVILY from zamakhshari. Allahul Musta'an

  • @HussainFahmy
    @HussainFahmy 3 місяці тому

    *_Barak'Allah feek_*