Poor BiBu was given a lot of time by Dad to love and take care of her!
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- ------------Poor BiBu was given a lot of time by Dad to love and take care of her!--------------------
Welcome everyone to Bibu's daily life!
Channel sharing about the daily life of Bibu monkey!
Hope everyone has a good time watching Bibu's videos! Thanks for watching the video!
#Bibimonkey #Animals #Cutemonkey
Мистер Санг, одна хорошая семья проделала подвиг, они преодолели 4000кидометров пути в клинику для животных, чтобы срасти собачку после ДТП, но не смогли, потому что те увечья , которые она получила, были несовместимы с жизнью. Они сделали всё невозможное для неё, но спасти так не смогли, её сеодце перестало биться .
Мы очень благодарны этим золотым людям за попытку помочь травмированному животному.
Я уверена, если вы попробуете спасьи Бибу у вас всё получится, и вы осчастливите не только Бибу но и нас!!!❤❤❤
Sweet, adorable Bibu is an angel, I can't stand seeing her so sad, I truly wish I could help her. I love beautiful Bibu so much, she is very special. 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Γιατί δεν κάνετε κάτι άλλο στην ζωή σας από το να βοηθάτε στην κακοποίηση καί εκμετάλλευση των ζώων?
Στο Βιετνάμ είναι παράνομη η κράτηση μαϊμούς ως κατοικίδιο 😢.
Αυτός ο άνθρωπος είναι παράνομος 😢,οπότε δεν θα πάει ποτέ το ζώο σε νόμιμη κλινική 😢 .
Η λύση είναι να το πάει σε νόμιμη δομή προστασίας ζώων και να λάβει την φροντίδα που χρειάζεται το ζώο 😢.
Αυτός ο άνθρωπος δεν μπορεί να πάει πουθενά το ζώο γιατί θα του το πάρουν 😢😢😢😢, οπότε θα το πετάξει 😢😢😢😢😢..
Τελικά αυτά τα ζώα δεν πρέπει να απομακρυνθούν μόνο από αυτούς τους παράνομους καταχραστες αλλά και από όλους εσάς 😢😢😢😢😢που δεν διαβάζετε, δεν ξέρετε τίποτα για αυτά τα ζώα,και από τον καναπέ του σπιτιού σας τα κακοποιείται 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Die arme Bibu braucht jetzt viel mehr Aufmerksamkeit und Liebe❤❤❤,aber der liebe Papa macht schon alles richtig ❤❤❤
Что например он делает?.. она сидит одна ціелими днями в к омнате он никогда не играет с ней. На улицу редко тоже почти ее не випускает обезьяне нужен дневной свет и воздух
She's so sweet I'm praying 🙏 for her to get well soon and that a doctor somewhere will see 👀 her story and help me.
Sr Sang: no se puede demorar más.
Accione antes de que sea tarde.
Las indecisiónes son fatales.
Le ruego no la deje así.
Pobrecita esta muy triste!!
Así es. Los problemas de los ojos hay que resolverlos cuanto antes!
@Charo-qc9rk this cause of waiting after her fall and didn't take to the hospital?
Dad takes such good care of sweet Bibu. She loves being held by Dad and softly talked to. I’m very thankful her appetite is good. Dad, Thanks for loving and taking such good care of Bibu. Don’t be discouraged, Dad. We support your decisions made on Bibu’s behalf. I will always love you my sweetest Bibu. 😘😘💞🧚💕🤗♥️
Она ослепла изза него
Весь мир любит Бибу, сопережевае вам, маленькая жемчужинка наша, пусть Бог даст тебе выздоровление, Бибу выздоравливай любовь наша!❤❤❤
BiBu está adelgazando y está muy triste. Por favor, es que no lo ve? Me desespera su pasividad. Muévase. Si estuviera cerca de donde estoy yo, ya hubiera ido por BiBu. Haga lo que le digo. YA. Qué quiere un desenlace fatal? BiBu es un ángel. Ha tenido mucha suerte de que cayera en sus manos. Ayúdela ahora que le necesita
Please translate my comment to Bibus Dad !!
M.Sang aime Bibu autant que quiconque. Bibu fait partie de sa famille.
M. Sang va prendre une décision la plus appropriée pour Bibu.
Mais il ne s'agit pas d'une décision facile compte tenu de plusieurs considérations.
Moi, je suis rassurée et j'ai confiance en M. Sang.
so cute hope Bibu gets better❤❤
Be strong and healthy bibu
If anything happens to Bibu 😢 I will never recover 😢 I love you so much dear Bibu ❤ I pray you will receive a miracle for your eyes ❤
Моя любимая девочка, обнимаю и целую тебя, не грусти, детка, папа и мы тебя очень любим.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Bibu ty śliczną małą laleczko ❤ wracają szybko do zdrowia ❤️❤️
앙증맞고 사랑스럽고 귀여운 비부가 맛있는 음식도 많이 많이 잘 먹고 치료도 잘 받고 하나님의 은혜와 축복이 비부가 건강하게 쾌차 할수 있기를 간절히 바라고 바랍니다🤗☺️🐒🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💕
Какой надеюсь и милая одна глаз или дикий живот💯💯 домашний живот сабака или кошка. Обезьян🐒 должен быть на клеток💯💯
It will be ok Bibu, my heart is so filled with love for you,I'm praying for you and prayer is the strongest thing I can give you ❤
Sr. Sang. No le siga poniendo esas gotas a Bibu y mucho menos dos gotas en cada ojo. Por favor, se lo suplico, tenga en cuenta nuestra opinión. Por favor. Déjelo y póngase en contacto con David Thanh, el padre de Kyo. Tiene el mismo problema que BiBu y ha encontrado un oftalmólogo humano que le hace la cirugía. Déje de perder tiempo y hágalo. Sí realmente quieres a BiBu, hágalo. No nos decepcione de nuevo
No lo demore, sr. Sang, el tiempo es muy importante para los problemas de los ojos!
je lui en est déjà parlé mais pas de réponse ❤❤
나에 소중하고 귀하고 사랑스러운 비부야 사랑한다😍🥰🐒❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💕
My lovely Bibu ❤❤
Get bibu seen by the speacialist as soon as you can Dad its crucial thank you
I love you Bibu😘😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤
Le sigue poniendo Lanomax sin consultar a un veterinario o a un oftalmologo y después dice que se preocupa por Bibu. Es muy irresponsable de su parte hacer eso, tiene que pensar que el Lanomax no ha mejorado a Bibu sino que en poco tiempo empeoró mucho. Llevela otra vez a un especialista y deje de ponerle tratamientos sin prescripción, hágalo usted por la pobre Bibu, no porque yo se lo pida, haga el favor señor Sang.
Я тоже так думаю
Bibu beautiful little baby angel !! She will be fine, just in the right moment Dad will take her to the doctor/surgeon. Maybe it is her age problem as she is still very young for surgery. I don't know.
It's hard seeing her like this all depressed. 💝💝💝💝💝
😢😢😢 still praying for you my sweetheart bibu❤
😊😊😊😊😊😊mi princesa bibu la mas linda de todas ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Бибу сладкая девочка поела вкусненько. Умничка. Только поправляйся лапочка. Я молю за тебя и прошу Бога чтобы твои глазки поправились. Я тебя очень люблю куколка маленькая.
Espero que lo busque!
Put your trust in God 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Brasil, como pode ser tão dócil, o Bibu vai conseguir vencer está doença ele é forte apesar de ser tão pequeno ele vai vencer, nós o amamos muito, obrigado por amarem esse pequeno grande heroi❤❤❤
Здравствуйте мистер Санг, спасибо за заботу и любовь к Бибу. Не оставляйте ее ,пожалуйста 🙏🐒🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Beautiful Princess Bibu!! I love you so much you sweet little girl. You bring smiles to my face every day! You have a wonderful appetite and you are fed the best foods. Your dad is very patient and kind and loves you so much. Mr Sang- whatever you decide to do for Bibu I know you will do what is best for her and her life. No one has the right to tell you that you have to get her to the eye surgeon immediately to have the procedure done. No one knows what will happen but I know you love Bibu and will do whatever is necessary to keep her in the best condition.
아름답고 귀여운 비부야 많이 먹고 치료를 잘 받고 빨리 눈이 회복 해서 건강하게 뛰어놀고 있는 모습을 보여 다오🤗😊🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❣❣❣
Se è cataratta come ha detto non si riprende da sola ci vuole l'intervento, ma il signore ha già detto che è un intervento costoso!!
Sang bibu so sweet and she has you and you love her. Give her all the love
Je suis rassurée car Sang s'occupe bien de Bibu❤❤
Bibu ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Pai, não aguento olhar para Bibu e vê a tristeza no rosto dela😢..Meu coração dói, Bibu não pode ficar assim, totalmente desinteressada para brincar, ela era muito ativa,alegre, feliz!! Pai, leve a Bibu urgente ao médico da Kyo antes que ela fique doente ..Você disse que é 200km o pai do Bibi que você conhece muito bem, viaja para casa da mãe dele, longe também, se não me engano é 500km.Bibi aguenta a viagem de boa ..Por favor pai! Eu amo o Bibu como uma pessoa da minha família estou sofrendo😢 de vê meu doce amor nessa tristeza profunda..Estou orando pela Bibu 🙏❤️
I too am wondering if you have spoken to Kyo's dad. The specialist they went to were open to surgery. Just you two dad's might find strength in one another, seeing both your girls are similar age, with the same problem. With deepest admiration for you, Mr. Sang and great love for Bibu. Prayers for everyone facing this difficult, heartbreaking situation. ❤🐵❤
Hola mucho ánimo para Bibu y su papá ❤❤❤
She is so calm
Здоровья тебе маленькая. Мы очень любим тебя и твоего папу. Он старается тебе помочь.
Papa kann so stolz auf Bibu sein ❤beide sind so toll und macht als Papa alles richtig ❤❤
Ein so lieber Bibu ❤❤❤
Bibu come bien, eso es muy importante ❤❤
God bless you Bibu and dad ❤❤❤
love you bibu❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Bibu es lo mas tierno que he visto esa carita me mata de amor, tu papa haz todo por ella la decisión es tuya podemos opinar mucho pero el que esta ahi eres tu los amo❤❤
He is doing what?.. keeps her daily in the room not even playing with her. Fruits a nd milk that's is
Cutie pie Bibu you are our hope for living😮😊.
love bibu💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Маленькая девочка, живёшь ты прекрасно, ещё бы тебе сладкой здоровья с глазками желают твои поклонники.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Какой девочка скажи поледние живот или одна глаз обезьян🐒 должен быть на клеток нельзя было дома💯💯
Poor Monkey 😢 Katarakt no good😢 I lov Bibu❤ and Dad
Much love bibu your gonna fine dad your great with her it touches my heart hugs to bibu
Hello bibu n dad gud pm bibu❤❤❤😊😊😊
Hello Mr Sang You know that I adore Bibu as if she were my friend, I have a huge love for her and I can't deal with her suffering, as soon as I look at her I start to cry. I don't understand why Mr Sang doesn't go to the ophthalmologist who has the solution for Bibu... I really don't understand... you already told me that it's 200 km away but you don't want Bibu to play again, jump and be happy? please Mr Sang I beg you, at least listen to what Kyo's ophthalmologist has to say to Bibu...I beg...I beg
Thank you for always loving BiBu, I am still waiting for Kyo's treatment results, because the distance is 2000km and BiBu has to travel by car, you know that is a very long distance to travel. If Kyo is cured, I will definitely take BiBu there. You have to understand my situation, I love BiBu more than anyone. But traveling a distance of 2000km without results will be very tiring. Every time BiBu comes back from the doctor, she is sick for several days. Traveling 2000km by car is not something that can be done right away. I hope you understand me.
@@SangFarmVlog Mr Sang I have a profund admire for you but please listen me, Kyo is not be operat right now because Kyo cataracts have a slow development...not like Bibu😢 Mr Sang try understand that if you go to that fine specilist he may observe Bibu and say to you what the best to do in Bibu case. I know that 200 kms are far but in a confortable car is not bad trip. Please dear Sir go there and listen the specialist
if you need we all help I'm sure
I implore .....
@@Kako-u-k8m Muy listo el padre de Kyo...
😢😢😢😢😮😮😮😮 adorable Bibi. Guéri vite❤❤❤
Здоровья вibu❤❤❤❤❤ умничка чтобы у тебя было все хорошо❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Meu amor linda te amo fofinha bonequinha
Bibu 🥰🥰🥰👍🇫🇷
dolce amorevole cucciola è la prima volta che ti vedo !!!!sei ammalata? spero che non sia niente di grave ti faccio tanti auguri di una veloce guarigione.. già io ti adoro ❤️❤️❤️
.como está o querido Bibu?
Cateract does not go away it gets worse without surgery.
귀여운 비부 가여워서 어떻게하지 쪼꼬만게 얼마나 힘들까 비부눈에 촛점이없어 낫게해주세요😢😢😢
As long bu eat regularly we should not worry , sang made sure she ate look 👀 after.❤❤❤❤
Good dad hugs baby Monkey ❤❤
I hope and pray for you and Bibu ❤ do you think she can get help 😢 you've been so fantastic with her 🙏 I think she'll be okay I hope she's beautiful ❤️ hope and love ❤️ my name is Mary Ann and I'm from United States. I watch faithfully since the beginning of your family ❤❤
BibuBaby Monkey At Lease Same AsKyo Can See &play.Atively..DAddyMr Sang
No I can't, he files her toenails instead of taking care of her eye surgery. This is what happens when the only reason to take care of an animal is to earn money from it.
Kyo father went and made Kyo's eyes good again. If this was your boy you have surgery. Well you brought Bibu to your home hopefully with proper papers. So SBibu is your son so I dont care how far away the place for surgery please go. I would take my pet dog to help him. You make make money from Bibu so use some of the money to help Bibu. I believe your a good man with a good family. Bibu is apart of your good family.❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Where did you see that Kyo had the surgery on her eyes? The last I saw was that they went, test were done and the doctor offered surgery. Kyo's Dad hasn't made a decision yet as the doctor is for human not animals. Not knowing if the doctor has the right sized lens, etc. I can understand his trepidation. If indeed your correct, Sang will definitely get in touch with Kyo's dad.
There are no papers. These stump tailed monkeys are owned illegally. Kyo has not had surgery. I'm sorry but I don't trust this man. Bibu is too docile and he still makes her wear a back brace. Why is that?
No tiene sentido esperar el resultado de la operracion de Kyo para decidirse ya que estan en distintos grados de ceguera y no todos son iguales. Lo sensato es ver que dice el medico lo mas pronto posible y no sentarse a esperar. Sr. Sang en esta decision se esta jugando mucho . Haga el recorrido en tramos ,solicite algo de ayuda si la necesita ,si quiere tener a Bibu mucho tiempo ayudela
❤❤❤Como estas bonita 😊😊😊😊
You need to let your son play with her. Use a string to be her guide, set up from one side room to climbing structure. Practice until she gets it. Next, add string to the first rung of structure. Practice again, corner of room to climber to first rung. Use one to her draws, teach to feel and open. Make it a game with your son. Good luck, you must break her depression and no confidence
Ten malý trpaslík je úžasný tak pozorný smířený ze svým osudem a vděčný za veškerou péči od svého vychovatele
La pobre Bibi no sabe nada de lo que le sucede...
I am starting to feel too sad to watch Bibu going through her struggle please put aside your pride and let others help you. Bibu is the imporant one here so if pride is holding you back think of Bibu and how unhappy she is struggling. I'm sure you will get help financially etc from the people that love her so please do what is best for Bibu and not just yourself. You seem to love her so prove it get her the help she needs 😢
Herr Sang kochen sie für Bibu nahrhafte Breie und geben sie Bibu alle 2 stunden zu Essen und viel wasser und Milch zu trinken.
Gute Besserung Bibu und Herr Seng sorgen sie bitte gut für Bibu.
Viel Glück und Gesundheit für euch alle. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
princesinha Bibu sinto muito por você minha linda amo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Brasil
Llevala para que le pase, alimento suero intravenoso. Por favor, si no come llevala algun lugar para que sienta bien
Why do you do those sound effects when he’s eating? It’s annoying and sounds stupid.
Mam nadzieję, że i Kyo i Bibu wyzdrowieją. Martwię się też o Bibi i Lala. Jakiś wirus panuje ponoć, który może mieć negatywny wpływ na oczy. Oby szczęście nam dopisało.
No se da mucha pena ver a BiBu tan triste es tan buena ..Lo que no se es porque no le han operado los ojos ? O es que no tiene solución ? Si alguien lo sabe que conteste ..Gracias un saludo desde España ❤❤❤😘😘😘🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏
On a l’impression que le biberon la rassure ❤❤❤
Get her a cat so she won't be lonely
Por favor papa, has algo para que no se muera por favor. Llevala agun lado. No la puedo ver asi.Papa debe haber algo que hacer por ella. Y orar no se va a curar
Ju lutem dikush ta ndihmoj babin ta dergoj Bibun tek mjeku i duhur është e dhimbshe ta shohesh këtë engjell të piklluar 😢😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤
Si de verdad quieres a BiBu, has algo bueno para salvar sus ojos, busca ayuda por favor
Ciao Bibu ti vogliamo bene e speriamo che tu stia meglio.❤
라노맥스(안약)은 듣는데 7주가 걸린다고 하고 비부의 백내장은 진행이 너무 빠른 것 같아요 ㅠ ㅠ 눈이 보일 때 수술을 해야 한다는 이야기도 있으니 그 부분은 의사선생님한테 정확히 물어보시고 확인하실 필요가 있을 것 같습니다 ㅠ ㅠ
아기 발톱 정말 작다
작고 소중해 우리 아기 ♡
Medicated eye drops are strong with side effects, you should wipe off and not let the drips stroll down Bibu's cheeks into her mouth.
Is er bij u in de buurt geen oogarts voor mensen misschien kunt u daar heen gaan.
También operan de cataratas a perros y gatos... Aunque no sé si en Vietnam.
Con tu amor el se sentirá mejor y tus cuidados.
maybe talk to kyo s owner ?
As Dr Yat To Give Baby.MonkeyAvice .same AsKyo Is Ative .No Sugery.
MyGift Donation Tommorrow Eveing Till My Daughter After Work.From You Tube To BabyBiBU..DADDY .Mr.Seng
Pane Sang,kéž vám Bůh ukáže cestu,kterou máte jít,pro uzdravení malé Bibu!
Plot Twist: Eyes are fine no problem 😉
@llks1772 They have certainly deteriorated far too quickly. I wonder why that is?
@ because they put stuff in there eyes to hurt them for more content
@llks1772 Absolutely right. I'm so pleased that someone else can recognise the @bu5e going on here.