@Phantommkll Thank you. Well, the hype has probably died significantly over the years, so I'm not expecting too much attention. I hope that the people that may really appreciate an addition such as this to the Cave Story fandom may run across it someday in their internet adventures…
@DrellisSkiad : ) Oh I certainly ran across your work on my internet adventures. I first saw your Moonsong recomposition and fell in love with it. It was so blissfully enchanting that I had to check out your other compositions. It was only when I read Phantommkll that I realized that you didn't have too many views... That's not very fair since you've done beautiful work that's pleasing to the ear and even more so to the fond memories I have of playing this game. Thanks for the auditory splendor!
@Tsukistar1 1 year response fail........ I think it's that charicter area selection - a map designed for the charicter's abilities (saying that they have differences, their cloths definatly say so)
Man, first you should have A LOT MORE views since this remixes are so awesome =). Second, consider on doing a lot more of recompositions If you would =).
@christehchris Hate to break it to you, but Curly was a robot made with boobs,kind sir, mostly because it's in her sprite. all the other things, are correct.
His main gun is a revolver, and he was clearly borrowing some tropes from Westerns. Particularly, he's the quiet stranger who shows up and helps the people with a big problem.
Ok just a minute got to do something before I comment, downloading... Ok! Now I love this and everything you've recomposed why didn't they choose you for the 3DS composing rather than Danny B. Styles (Super meat boy composer) I honestly think your better. Good job :)
@christehchris Because you never said what version earlier, and I have been playing wiiware and original, and in both sprites, the arm makes her look flat, when infact, she has boobs. :P
@zackattack50ful Notice how I don't really care? I'm not going for likes. I just wanted to say something positive towards the author and I felt it may be amusing. If I was really desperate for top comment, I'd post something like this 'OMIGOD! THUMBS UP GUYZ! KARROTS!'
curly:let's go left! quote:no.right. curly:no,left. quote:NO,UP! curly:is that even possible?
@Phantommkll Thank you. Well, the hype has probably died significantly over the years, so I'm not expecting too much attention. I hope that the people that may really appreciate an addition such as this to the Cave Story fandom may run across it someday in their internet adventures…
That’s so sweet…
Quote and Curly seem to be getting some trouble deciding where to go
@DrellisSkiad : ) Oh I certainly ran across your work on my internet adventures. I first saw your Moonsong recomposition and fell in love with it. It was so blissfully enchanting that I had to check out your other compositions. It was only when I read Phantommkll that I realized that you didn't have too many views... That's not very fair since you've done beautiful work that's pleasing to the ear and even more so to the fond memories I have of playing this game. Thanks for the auditory splendor!
@LizardSteak Fan logic breaks the boundaries of time and space. The image in this video is no exception.
@Deboogs Thanks for the comment! I really appreciate it.
the music: super-sonic-perfecto!
I still loving this song. :'3
I just noticed (after many times of viewing this) that quote's legs and feet are HUGE! XD
So good
This song makes me happy.
I thinks this one is the best of teh Cave story songs ^^ [Youres and the original ^^]
Quote looks like he's about ready to either ranch cattle or go on an expedition. I'm going to assume the latter
@Tsukistar1 If I were them I'd head to the bouncy tunes of Grasstown… Just sayin'…
@Jesiasan Awesome! Thank you! Spam away!
@Tsukistar1 1 year response fail........
I think it's that charicter area selection - a map designed for the charicter's abilities (saying that they have differences, their cloths definatly say so)
Man, first you should have A LOT MORE views since this remixes are so awesome =). Second, consider on doing a lot more of recompositions If you would =).
To answer your question LizardSteak. BECAUSE IT LOOKS COOL!!! that is all.
Sounds like something you'd hear in a Kirby game.
BEHOLD Quote and Curly as HUMANS!!!!
There are some elements in this song that remind me of Chaotix. Call that blasphemy if you want, but that's what I hear...
i remember that timer 1 year ago :`D
@LizardSteak And why is his Blade so miniscule?
Quote and Curly as humans x3
@LizardSteak Furthermore, why does he have Sora shoes?
very nice. but somehow i miss the iron badge on the artwork :3
holy shit.. this is wha the wiiware version should have been...
what in Ballos' name am I looking at?!
Screw Bushlands, I'm goin' to GrassTown!
@christehchris Hate to break it to you, but Curly was a robot made with boobs,kind sir, mostly because it's in her sprite. all the other things, are correct.
That little robot next to Curly...Robot: NOTICE ME SENPAI! v-v'
whats with the shoes big enough to sleep in?
nice. this sounds like its actually in the game itself lol, what software was used?
Love the song, but there's one thing: Why is Quote a fucking cowboy? He's a robot.
His main gun is a revolver, and he was clearly borrowing some tropes from Westerns. Particularly, he's the quiet stranger who shows up and helps the people with a big problem.
@Tsukistar1 Obviously they need some help from Balrog. HUZZAH!
Do you have the main theme/Plantation?
@xLightningWolFx yours is preaty cool too!
@christehchris number 2 is wrong
Does the album download have any viruses? Just asking.
@pukkiroxs only with a booster
I tried to draw a giant smiley face, but it had illegal characters :)
dat violin ; _;
Ok just a minute got to do something before I comment, downloading... Ok! Now I love this and everything you've recomposed why didn't they choose you for the 3DS composing rather than Danny B. Styles (Super meat boy composer) I honestly think your better. Good job :)
Why is Quote a Cowboy? With brown hair instead of black... and skin...? I'm confused.
hace 11 mese dije esto xD
hace 7 meses dije esto xD
Hace 4 años. xd
@@darklinkx53 5 años :D
Ya son 10 años, haha....
Quote and Curly Look cute
Both of the top comments complain about that anyway
Why those are even top comments.
@christehchris Because you never said what version earlier, and I have been playing wiiware and original, and in both sprites, the arm makes her look flat, when infact, she has boobs. :P
huh... I thought curly was flat chested, and I dont think qoute is a cowboy.
good work though.
@zackattack50ful Notice how I don't really care? I'm not going for likes. I just wanted to say something positive towards the author and I felt it may be amusing. If I was really desperate for top comment, I'd post something like this 'OMIGOD! THUMBS UP GUYZ! KARROTS!'
The panties COMPLETELY ruined the picture for me. -___-