Prior phrases sentences as if cumulatively, the info creates a fact when in reality, these sentences are inaccurate and manipulative. “Tammy took all kinds of herbal medicines to treat her maladies- she suffered from depression and treated it with fluoxetine as well as all kinds of herbal medications because she didn’t like to go to the drs, right? Are you aware that there were all kinds of herbals found that she was using to treat herself?!” (Ignoring that we all have an accumulation over a lifetime, in our cabinets, if all the crap we’ve tried - OTC cold meds, stomach meds, old per-scripts, bandaids, alcohol, liquid bandaid… whatever! It’s not as if she ran out and overnight stocked her medicine cabinet w a plethora of store and herbal products bc she suddenly and secretly became sick! Why doesn’t anyone push back against this obnoxious bully?! The rare times someone pushed back w common sense he backs down and shuts up .
Crazy... My dad has a massive heart attack i can recite his ehole medical history .. threw the tears and weeping. Duh.
On one hand prior says “you don’t know if Tammy even wore the fit bit@ and on the other, he says “you don’t know how Tammy used the fit bit”
Brenda girl!!! Wish I could have sent her super steel power to be stronger on the stand. I have all KINDS of comments for Mr. “Lapidity”
Prior phrases sentences as if cumulatively, the info creates a fact when in reality, these sentences are inaccurate and manipulative. “Tammy took all kinds of herbal medicines to treat her maladies- she suffered from depression and treated it with fluoxetine as well as all kinds of herbal medications because she didn’t like to go to the drs, right? Are you aware that there were all kinds of herbals found that she was using to treat herself?!” (Ignoring that we all have an accumulation over a lifetime, in our cabinets, if all the crap we’ve tried - OTC cold meds, stomach meds, old per-scripts, bandaids, alcohol, liquid bandaid… whatever! It’s not as if she ran out and overnight stocked her medicine cabinet w a plethora of store and herbal products bc she suddenly and secretly became sick! Why doesn’t anyone push back against this obnoxious bully?! The rare times someone pushed back w common sense he backs down and shuts up .