That mum at the end saying she's embarrassed there were 10 professionals in her house and nothing wrong with her baby - I bet every one of them would rather be there and there be nothing wrong than any other way.
Your absolutely right… I’d rather have those calls then the ones that have sick kids…. I hate kid calls …. But they bring me the most satisfaction when they work out
You're absolutely right. Even better still are good community outreach and education programs which help teach people how to handle minor ailments and problems themselves instead of calling 911. Also in this type of program could/would be a community health program wherein trained personnel (usually a two person team of medical and social work) can do proactive visits to people with health problems and/or other needs. For example, a community team would follow up with this mom and give her some training and resources for future incidents.
Can confirm. Anytime I get a kid call and it turns out to be nothing, I’d still rather be there than read about the worse outcome the next day because we weren’t called
I loved the interaction at the end with the two boys! It is so important to teach the kids what a firefighter looks like, and what a police officer looks like!
The fact that they took the time to give that brief little demo shows their level of professionalism. Since the call went to non-emergent and they were just monitoring the situation, why not throw a little education session in there to help ease the tension.
It's my favourite part of the job. Whenever we are on a call that is not time-critical and there are children (either as patients or just "around"), I always take the time to do the whole "paramedics are friends, not scary" routine, because it is SO important that children aren't traumatized by the lights and the chaos. It also fills my tiny black heart with a little joy, so there is that :)
Man! I sure wish I could be a paramedic, because I understand a lot of this medical stuff! I can't, due to me being totally blind! Thank you to all the first responders out there for all you do to keep us safe!
@@joshuasmith7034 I think that there's a way to do that. You may not be able to be lead on calls, but you definitely could. I'm blind too and am looking into working in the healthcare field in some capacity. Maybe as a music therapist.
You could work on other sides of it or work for an agency, the on calls part would. Be tough. As for the medical knowledge I’m surprised how easy it’s sticking for me
EMT here for a private company, joining a rescue squad soon. I think so much of the job is just knowing how to act, how to calm others down, how to be professional and compassionate. I watch things like this to see how others do it, and to take notes for myself. Thank you for your service to your community - a series like this helps civilians and fellow EMS workers alike.
AEMT here I feel seen, so very much. What we do from a medical standpoint feels so important at a human level. A lot of firefighters complain about medical calls but they are so very important to what we do as a public service. I'm so glad you guys put this series together.
I can agree, not as an EMT but as a patient. I was involved in an MVA and had a spinal injury and was being evaluated for internal injury, the ambulance team who took me to the hospital was so kind and amazing, the man in the back with me (I can’t remember his name sadly) was constantly talking to me, asking about my hobbies, explaining what was going on, etc. there are so many good people in the EMS service.
The fire paramedics are so kind and patient. I realize their patience is tested sometimes. In the long run, they are people too. Thank you for always being so helpful and flexible when we need an immediate solution for an emergency. God bless you guys.
Excellent work. Going to share with my EMT class as homework. Major bonus to the paramedic on 21 going to the smoke investigation and putting on his SCBA while belted in. So many of our public safety don't think about the risk of being unbelted.
I love that even though these people are not running bad calls necessarily they handle everything so professionally and are so calm! Great work that you guys do. I am hoping to get my emt certification soon. I work this my fire department.
Wow! This was an awesome episode and I love the fact you are trying this type of series! I cannot wait for the the next episode!!! Thank you for all of the hard work it took to put this together! Thank you to all of the first responders for letting you tag along on each ride. I hope all of the patients made a full recovery and a big thank you to each of them for letting us see their care during one of the scariest moments of their lives!
Thank you very much for the candid interview with the mom/caregiver. As a newer parent in the South Metro area, it was so reassuring to hear that people have the same concerns that my wife and I do about when to call for emergency services, etc. We are already signing up for CPR training and this was the push we needed. Also, this production quality is excellent!
Just watched the premiere. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was great to see to just exactly what it’s like on the EMS side of things from south metro will definitely continue to watch and can’t wait for a future episodes. Thank you again.
I'm a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine. If I can do something to make my patients laugh or smile and put them more at ease with the situation, it makes the call go a lot smoother. And I feel like it instills some trust in the patient and they feel comfortable with us as providers. Great video, great series. If I lived in your area I'd love to work for this department. Love the channel.
Wow. Great Series to start. Great 1on1 education for big brother at the end. Loved showing him turnout equipment so of there where a fire, he knows the masked people that look like aliens are there to help and not to be afraid of them. That's one thing I miss was education sessions at schools. Praying for the gentlemen who fell into the escape well of his window. Hope he is safe and recorded or recovering. Keep up the good work SMFR!
I love the paramedics and firemen in this video! They are so kind! Much love from Oklahoma!! I love the story at the end! They turned that very scary sounding experience into an experience that little boy won’t forget!! He won’t ever be scared of firemen or paramedics now! Great job!!
This is a Great demonstration of what our medics do and certainly helps explain their jobs to our public , a Big Thank you to So.Metro Fire Rescue and the Department PIO Folks . Good Work !!!!!
Looking to get my national and colorado state certifications for EMT work here in January, so nice to see seasoned professionals doing their job, especially one of the top departments in the state.
Howdy! I like the intro to this new series! A few weeks ago I got a tour of the local fire hall where I live and it was neat, because a emergency call came in and I got to watch the firemen in action! I still believe that there is kind people in this world that care about others. I am 24, soon turning 25 and I love seeing kids interested in this kind of stuff. It's about people! I like your content, keep it up! God bless! Daniel from Canada.
What does your EMT certification then allow you to do? Here in Australia having a Bachelor of Paramedicine is a pre-requisite to working on an ambulance in all but remote locations.
Excellent episode. It highlights EMS in action and will hopefully incentivize future EMS clinicians to join our profession. Well done and I'm looking forward to future ones!
This is so incredibly helpful for someone like me who is an EMR about to start my EMT semester. Im utterly terrified and its extremely overwhelming right now. Im so excited so nervous to start this career. I know once i start my first day ill either fall in love with it or want to change paths. I think im going to absolutely fall in love with it and i really love the medical field. I truly cannot wait to get it started♥️♥️♥️keep maming these videos these are far more educational and informational as well as real to whats happening then most over dramatic paramedic shows. Thank you for sharing♥️♥️♥️🤜🏻🤛🏻
What a great insight to how South Metro paramedics work. Certainly different to the Australian way. Our ambulance services aren't part of or affiliated with the Fire Service, so tend only to use Fire and Rescue when needed (not for routine medical cases). We used to have firefighters cross over to the ambulance service years ago, but nowadays with a Bachelor of Paramedicine being a pre-requisite to working on ambulances, few have time to attend university. I believe in Melbourne they use the Fire Service for Cat 1 cases if for some reason an ambulance is being dispatched from a fair distance away. The fire crews just provide treatment until the paramedics arrive and take over treatment and transport.
Pretty sure that gentleman putting the collar on during the 1st call was John Spera, my EMT Instructor in 2013 at CCA. That guy is an awesome instructor and person. Even though my class was now 10 years ago, I think of that class and all of the instructors often. The education was high-quality. If you see this sir, thank you for the great 1st impression of EMS, and leaving a positive lasting impression on myself and many others! I am now a Paramedic and teach EMT/AEMT Classes at the local Tech College. The quality education I got from the beginning with Mr. Spera & the other skills instructors is what got me really motivated to study and be a quality provider. Living many many miles away from Aurora now, what a cool thing to have this video pop up and then see a face from the past that I recognized. Really cool video, guys! Will be subscribing and following, as well as sharing with our EMT students. Thanks for all you do.
I love this channel. I live in chapel hill nc, here it’s weird the ems and fire dept are different. The fire dept knows basic medical stuff but they aren’t able too do the type of stuff that paramedics do where you all are it’s very interesting to see how different departments.
Australian emergency services are structured like that. Fire and Rescue deal with those, while paramedics are tasked with providing pre-hospital emergency medical care. The ambulance and Fire services are two separate entities.
Going on 17 years as a firemedic and hear all the time “he was fine when you guys got here”… having 3 kids myself, losing 1 then having my other 2 with either bad allergies and asthma and my daughter w a pretty severe GI disease process, don’t ever feel like you are bothering us. That’s what we are trained for and if it’s a 24,48 or 72 hr shift it’s being prepared to answer whatever call no matter how big or “insignificant” it may seem to you all calls are taken very seriously by us. Nothing wrong with getting him checked out. That’s called being a good parent 🙃❤
Ok i think im going to really like this series given that a fire medic is actually what im working towards right now getting ready to go back to school to be a paramedic. But also i was secretly hoping for a little more content around the medic side of South Metro, and well here it is. Thankyou for all the excellent work you all do over at SMFR.
Great stuff South Metro, excellent look at patient care with the Paramedics. Side note I don't think there is a ambulance made that ride halfway decent. Lol. Looking forward to the next video. Take care and be safe. Greg
it’s kind of interesting because i’ve been on some wild calls (for example, someone is unconscious at a party and it becomes chaos when i get on scene, or a trauma activation for a bad femur fracture, or a terrible stroke) This is really the worst of calls I’ve been on. And I despise when alcohol is involved in a patient sometimes that’s why they aren’t responding to me but this is why narcan is like a swiss army knife to me.
Iam a Paramedic from Germany and this Video was recommended for me so i was curious of how you are working over there in the USA. Its interesting what differences are in between. Starting with the i.v. Catheter which is completely different to ours, to the Little Space you have in the back with the Patient compared to us. Is there a reason behind this Thats your Medical Vehicle has such interiour? You guys have one of the best reputations and are way ahead of us in many points and Even in the apprenticeship we learn a lot from you because the eyes are on your System simply because its ahead of our Time. Would Love to Work a Shift with you guys! Greetings from Brandenburg, Germany 👋🏼
Thank you for watching! Most ambulances in the Untied States have that much space in the patient area, although some have far less! SMFR uses both Type 1 and Type 3 ambulances and you can see more details on what they're link at this link
That mum at the end saying she's embarrassed there were 10 professionals in her house and nothing wrong with her baby - I bet every one of them would rather be there and there be nothing wrong than any other way.
Your absolutely right… I’d rather have those calls then the ones that have sick kids…. I hate kid calls …. But they bring me the most satisfaction when they work out
You're absolutely right. Even better still are good community outreach and education programs which help teach people how to handle minor ailments and problems themselves instead of calling 911. Also in this type of program could/would be a community health program wherein trained personnel (usually a two person team of medical and social work) can do proactive visits to people with health problems and/or other needs. For example, a community team would follow up with this mom and give her some training and resources for future incidents.
Correct...I don't mind.
Can confirm. Anytime I get a kid call and it turns out to be nothing, I’d still rather be there than read about the worse outcome the next day because we weren’t called
I loved the interaction at the end with the two boys! It is so important to teach the kids what a firefighter looks like, and what a police officer looks like!
The fact that they took the time to give that brief little demo shows their level of professionalism. Since the call went to non-emergent and they were just monitoring the situation, why not throw a little education session in there to help ease the tension.
It's my favourite part of the job. Whenever we are on a call that is not time-critical and there are children (either as patients or just "around"), I always take the time to do the whole "paramedics are friends, not scary" routine, because it is SO important that children aren't traumatized by the lights and the chaos. It also fills my tiny black heart with a little joy, so there is that :)
Good stuff guys. Raising the bar for PIOs everywhere. Excellent work with this, can't wait to see what else you guys have for us in this series!
Thank you!
I look forward for more of this series and other cool blogs to follow.
@@SouthMetroFireRescuePIOpeople keep being mean to me what should I do 0:13
Man! I sure wish I could be a paramedic, because I understand a lot of this medical stuff! I can't, due to me being totally blind! Thank you to all the first responders out there for all you do to keep us safe!
I’m very sorry to hear that. It’s definitely stressful sometimes but it’s also a very rewarding profession to be in.
@@joshuasmith7034 I think that there's a way to do that. You may not be able to be lead on calls, but you definitely could. I'm blind too and am looking into working in the healthcare field in some capacity. Maybe as a music therapist.
I was a paramedic and ED nurse for 30 years…till I was in a wreck…there are blind emergency docs and nurses…
You could work on other sides of it or work for an agency, the on calls part would. Be tough. As for the medical knowledge I’m surprised how easy it’s sticking for me
Drew over here being the best human
EMT here for a private company, joining a rescue squad soon. I think so much of the job is just knowing how to act, how to calm others down, how to be professional and compassionate. I watch things like this to see how others do it, and to take notes for myself. Thank you for your service to your community - a series like this helps civilians and fellow EMS workers alike.
AEMT here
I feel seen, so very much. What we do from a medical standpoint feels so important at a human level. A lot of firefighters complain about medical calls but they are so very important to what we do as a public service. I'm so glad you guys put this series together.
The last four minutes are WHY we do this job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7:27 FACTS, as an EMT-B I realize that talking to the patient and keeping them calm is sometimes just as important as providing an intervention!
I can agree, not as an EMT but as a patient. I was involved in an MVA and had a spinal injury and was being evaluated for internal injury, the ambulance team who took me to the hospital was so kind and amazing, the man in the back with me (I can’t remember his name sadly) was constantly talking to me, asking about my hobbies, explaining what was going on, etc. there are so many good people in the EMS service.
The fire paramedics are so kind and patient. I realize their patience is tested sometimes. In the long run, they are people too. Thank you for always being so helpful and flexible when we need an immediate solution for an emergency. God bless you guys.
Your departments culture is top notch! Love your videos.
Excellent work. Going to share with my EMT class as homework. Major bonus to the paramedic on 21 going to the smoke investigation and putting on his SCBA while belted in. So many of our public safety don't think about the risk of being unbelted.
I love that even though these people are not running bad calls necessarily they handle everything so professionally and are so calm! Great work that you guys do. I am hoping to get my emt certification soon. I work this my fire department.
Amazing series, I can't wait to see more! Amazing job SMFR
Love to see some kids looking for seeing some fire crews doing their jobs
Love the videos! Been watching all the old “Day in the Life” ones. Two days till I take my state and I can’t wait to start running calls
Good luck. You got this.
@@StormChaserCalebkime Thanks brother!
You already passed it. That's what class and practice is for. You just don't know you passed it yet but your a rock star. You got this.
Best of luck on your test!
@@SouthMetroFireRescuePIO Thank you very much!
Love seeing other medics my age making all the difference! Kudos SMFR!
Wow! This was an awesome episode and I love the fact you are trying this type of series! I cannot wait for the the next episode!!!
Thank you for all of the hard work it took to put this together! Thank you to all of the first responders for letting you tag along on each ride.
I hope all of the patients made a full recovery and a big thank you to each of them for letting us see their care during one of the scariest moments of their lives!
Thank you very much for the candid interview with the mom/caregiver. As a newer parent in the South Metro area, it was so reassuring to hear that people have the same concerns that my wife and I do about when to call for emergency services, etc. We are already signing up for CPR training and this was the push we needed.
Also, this production quality is excellent!
Thank you for watching and sharing this feedback! It's helpful to know that our message is being seen by our community.
The best medic production I’ve seen on UA-cam, great work by the medics and the pios for making this happen
Just watched the premiere. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was great to see to just exactly what it’s like on the EMS side of things from south metro will definitely continue to watch and can’t wait for a future episodes. Thank you again.
I'm a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine. If I can do something to make my patients laugh or smile and put them more at ease with the situation, it makes the call go a lot smoother. And I feel like it instills some trust in the patient and they feel comfortable with us as providers. Great video, great series. If I lived in your area I'd love to work for this department. Love the channel.
Thank you!
Wow. Great Series to start. Great 1on1 education for big brother at the end. Loved showing him turnout equipment so of there where a fire, he knows the masked people that look like aliens are there to help and not to be afraid of them. That's one thing I miss was education sessions at schools.
Praying for the gentlemen who fell into the escape well of his window. Hope he is safe and recorded or recovering.
Keep up the good work SMFR!
I love the paramedics and firemen in this video! They are so kind! Much love from Oklahoma!! I love the story at the end! They turned that very scary sounding experience into an experience that little boy won’t forget!! He won’t ever be scared of firemen or paramedics now! Great job!!
This is a Great demonstration of what our medics do and certainly helps explain their jobs to our public , a Big Thank you to So.Metro Fire Rescue and the Department PIO Folks . Good Work !!!!!
If this is a new series that’s awesome. Stay safe brothers
Looking to get my national and colorado state certifications for EMT work here in January, so nice to see seasoned professionals doing their job, especially one of the top departments in the state.
Great attitude from the 1st medic!
Howdy! I like the intro to this new series! A few weeks ago I got a tour of the local fire hall where I live and it was neat, because a emergency call came in and I got to watch the firemen in action! I still believe that there is kind people in this world that care about others. I am 24, soon turning 25 and I love seeing kids interested in this kind of stuff. It's about people! I like your content, keep it up! God bless! Daniel from Canada.
I love these please make more of these make like a entire season would be great
Thank you for putting out great videos and making the community Feel safe.
This series is awesome! I am getting ready to start my EMT certification so this is very cool to watch and learn!! Please keep making these videos!
What does your EMT certification then allow you to do? Here in Australia having a Bachelor of Paramedicine is a pre-requisite to working on an ambulance in all but remote locations.
Great job folks! According to our PIO we do smoke detectors, our volunteers do everything, and our Chief gets awards.
Great video. Can't wait to see the rest of the series.
Good God Eric, the suspense from the last vlog almost killed me
Super excited to see this!!!
Excellent episode. It highlights EMS in action and will hopefully incentivize future EMS clinicians to join our profession. Well done and I'm looking forward to future ones!
This is so incredibly helpful for someone like me who is an EMR about to start my EMT semester. Im utterly terrified and its extremely overwhelming right now. Im so excited so nervous to start this career. I know once i start my first day ill either fall in love with it or want to change paths. I think im going to absolutely fall in love with it and i really love the medical field. I truly cannot wait to get it started♥️♥️♥️keep maming these videos these are far more educational and informational as well as real to whats happening then most over dramatic paramedic shows. Thank you for sharing♥️♥️♥️🤜🏻🤛🏻
Happy New Year to all at South Metro Fire Rescue from NE Ohio from my wife and myself. Stay safe. Hope to join this year. 🤓
Great ending, glad the kid was okay 👍🏼
😊 wow!! What a great video! Awesome. Can’t wait to see more.
Thank you Kim Connor Eric and Lauren happy new year my friends love and miss you from your friend in Springfield Missouri kyle
Ya I miss Connor too
@@alisonhodorowski5484 Connor is still a PIO but she doesn’t run the UA-cam side of things
Not even 5 minutes in and I love this show 😂
I love the interaction!
What a great insight to how South Metro paramedics work. Certainly different to the Australian way. Our ambulance services aren't part of or affiliated with the Fire Service, so tend only to use Fire and Rescue when needed (not for routine medical cases). We used to have firefighters cross over to the ambulance service years ago, but nowadays with a Bachelor of Paramedicine being a pre-requisite to working on ambulances, few have time to attend university. I believe in Melbourne they use the Fire Service for Cat 1 cases if for some reason an ambulance is being dispatched from a fair distance away. The fire crews just provide treatment until the paramedics arrive and take over treatment and transport.
Thank yo for watching and giving us insight into the Australian EMS system!
Great series guys. Can't wait to see the next episode. Very informative
Glad you are doing this. I enjoy watching.
The intro is sick.
Love the episode
That older medic reminds me of my late grandfather.
Pretty sure that gentleman putting the collar on during the 1st call was John Spera, my EMT Instructor in 2013 at CCA. That guy is an awesome instructor and person. Even though my class was now 10 years ago, I think of that class and all of the instructors often. The education was high-quality. If you see this sir, thank you for the great 1st impression of EMS, and leaving a positive lasting impression on myself and many others! I am now a Paramedic and teach EMT/AEMT Classes at the local Tech College. The quality education I got from the beginning with Mr. Spera & the other skills instructors is what got me really motivated to study and be a quality provider. Living many many miles away from Aurora now, what a cool thing to have this video pop up and then see a face from the past that I recognized.
Really cool video, guys! Will be subscribing and following, as well as sharing with our EMT students. Thanks for all you do.
You're right! We shared your message with John and he's very grateful!
Such a great channel, really looking forward to this series! Thank You for sharing.
So good video! Thank's for your service and greetings from Ukraine!
Outstanding Eric.
This Was An Amazing Start To What I Hope Is A Long Series
i will work there when i grow up
Love this can’t wait for the next episode
This series is going to be awesome!!
I love this channel. I live in chapel hill nc, here it’s weird the ems and fire dept are different. The fire dept knows basic medical stuff but they aren’t able too do the type of stuff that paramedics do where you all are it’s very interesting to see how different departments.
Australian emergency services are structured like that. Fire and Rescue deal with those, while paramedics are tasked with providing pre-hospital emergency medical care. The ambulance and Fire services are two separate entities.
@@coover65 must be nice
Great first episode! Looking forward to more to come!
Going on 17 years as a firemedic and hear all the time “he was fine when you guys got here”… having 3 kids myself, losing 1 then having my other 2 with either bad allergies and asthma and my daughter w a pretty severe GI disease process, don’t ever feel like you are bothering us. That’s what we are trained for and if it’s a 24,48 or 72 hr shift it’s being prepared to answer whatever call no matter how big or “insignificant” it may seem to you all calls are taken very seriously by us.
Nothing wrong with getting him checked out. That’s called being a good parent 🙃❤
Great job Eric and staff on poi!!
Absolutely love this new series 😍
Halfway through Emt school this video gets me so excited
I love it. Greetings from Argentina.
Ok i think im going to really like this series given that a fire medic is actually what im working towards right now getting ready to go back to school to be a paramedic. But also i was secretly hoping for a little more content around the medic side of South Metro, and well here it is. Thankyou for all the excellent work you all do over at SMFR.
New series? Oh heck yeah!
This is like Night watch down in New Orleans. Because they follow the EMS crew down there
Great start to the series!
Looks like SMFR gets all manual BPs instead of relying on the Lifepak, great way to keep up on the skill
Great video! Love the content and can’t wait to see where this goes.
Great episode! Thanks for doing this!
excellent really enjoyed this series wonderfull job keep them coming love it
I love this
Great new series...
good job guys i love fire medics
Congrats on getting your own show. Well deserved!
Please keep making more.🤞🏼👍🏼
Gotta laugh about the dryer vent !
Love this video! it gives a good inside in the jobs you guys have! ☺
Hi Greg - good to see you again! Stan Eastin (EMT)
Absolutely loved this new series! Can't wait for more!🤩
Excellent content, well presented.
Another great insight video of the services you provide.
Great series. I'm looking forward to more episodes. Happy New Year my friends ❤️🙂⚘️🥂🎆🎇.
Love this episode cant wait for more
Great stuff South Metro, excellent look at patient care with the Paramedics. Side note I don't think there is a ambulance made that ride halfway decent. Lol. Looking forward to the next video. Take care and be safe.
Great video well done 👏
2:36 "make it up as you go"
*Puts the spinal collar on backwards*
it’s kind of interesting because i’ve been on some wild calls (for example, someone is unconscious at a party and it becomes chaos when i get on scene, or a trauma activation for a bad femur fracture, or a terrible stroke) This is really the worst of calls I’ve been on. And I despise when alcohol is involved in a patient sometimes that’s why they aren’t responding to me but this is why narcan is like a swiss army knife to me.
Wish the at home service existed here in MD
Can't wait for this!
Nice Video Series Again SMFR PIOs! Looking Forward To Many More! Cheers To A Good 2023!
Infrared spectrometer would be useful…have the Captain carry one…can immediately identify what the “smoke” is…steam, complex hydrocarbons, etc…
Eric great episode keep them coming.
Very Nice
Great content! Love it
Iam a Paramedic from Germany and this Video was recommended for me so i was curious of how you are working over there in the USA. Its interesting what differences are in between. Starting with the i.v. Catheter which is completely different to ours, to the Little Space you have in the back with the Patient compared to us. Is there a reason behind this Thats your Medical Vehicle has such interiour?
You guys have one of the best reputations and are way ahead of us in many points and Even in the apprenticeship we learn a lot from you because the eyes are on your System simply because its ahead of our Time.
Would Love to Work a Shift with you guys!
Greetings from Brandenburg, Germany 👋🏼
Thank you for watching! Most ambulances in the Untied States have that much space in the patient area, although some have far less! SMFR uses both Type 1 and Type 3 ambulances and you can see more details on what they're link at this link
God Bless