True Colors Symphony - 男兒當自強 A Man Should Strengthen Himself feat. 林子祥 George Lam
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- 醉裏挑燈看劍,夢迴吹角連營。八百里分麾下炙,五十弦翻塞外聲。沙場秋點兵。(辛棄疾《破陣子·為陳同甫賦壯詞以寄之》節錄)
Drunken, I examine my fine sword with the brightened lamp, dreaming of the battlefield in autumn. From garrison to garrison, the horns a-blowing in unison. The troopers wolf down their barbequed beef, with sounds of strings coming beyond the frontier. The soldiers gather for inspection. (Excerpt from “Po Zhen Zi” by Xin Qiji)
//這次新編曲加入的敲擊樂器多達八種,除了中國大鼓,還包括定音鼓、大鼓、小鼓、中國小鼓、鑼、碎音鈸和吊鈸。開首由兩個中國大鼓打頭陣,颯爽豪邁。緊接著由男女老少組成的合唱團,為林子祥的Ah Lam強勢出場作鋪墊。敲擊樂編排在中段漸趨緊湊,另一段間奏亦以弦樂和二胡為主打,兩種中西樂器並驅爭先,好不精彩。到後段,敲擊樂器與弦樂和管樂融合,加上Ah Lam 和合唱團賣力演唱,氣勢磅礴,將歌曲推向結尾的高潮,正好回應了歌詞「讓海天為我聚能量/去開天闢地」,展現無比陽剛英氣。
8 percussion instruments are added in this re-arranged piece. You can find Chinese bass drum, Chinese snare drum, timpani, western bass drum, western snare drum, tam tam, crash and suspended cymbal in the video. The two Chinese bass drums in the beginning set the tone for the rest of the song - bright and brave, valiant and heroic. They are followed by our chorus made up of children, adults and senior citizens, which later becomes a solid base for George Lam's (Ah Lam) powerful voice. With the percussion arrangement turning more intense in the middle, another thing you shouldn't miss is the interlude featuring the "battle" between the strings and erhu. The way they complement each other is simply breath-taking. The exhilarating performance ends in its climax when Ah Lam's voice combines seamlessly with every instrument in the orchestra, reinterpreting "masculinity" in the all-time favorite "A Man Should Strengthen Himself". //
Dream Beyond
True Colors Symphony 音樂會 Concert 2021
香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Music: General Order
Lyricist: Jim Wong
Arranger: Yin Ng
Soloist: George Lam
影片Video: @Blurr Creative
香港最大共融樂團 True Colors Symphony (TCS),提倡 Be True,Be Colors 理念,以音樂譜出共融社會。欲關注更多,請瀏覽True Colors Symphony Facebook 專頁: / truecolorssymphony
True Colors Symphony is the largest all-inclusive orchestra in HK, advocating social inclusion through music. Want to know more about us? Like our Facebook page: / truecolorssymphony