Felt like watching some old games I used to play as a kid out of nostalgia and decided to watch how a BK 100% and any% looked like, crazy strats on this speedrun! Cheers for the entertaining run!
I recently finally beat Grunty at the end of this game! (But somehow I remember the Blue guy finishing her off) Next day I watched your speedrun and it's great you have excellent control over your character and camera... for some reason the switch camera will move all over the place when aiming eggs or trying to move at all making this game more frustrating than when I couldn't beat her during N64 days, I blamed the camera so much during my playthrough!
It's a common question no worries. Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file. For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
@@AzmiSR the real question is how are you holding down on the joystick while pressing L + R + B to skip the text im ngl i legit have trouble w that lol
@@chy_ase Yep it totally does. You can read this pastebin for more information on the trick and how to set it up: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK For Xbox speedruns though its easier to set up than N64 because you generally learn all the moves on your FFM file (notice I still had to learn flight in TTC in this run). This is just because you cant skip text on Xbox which makes learning the moves very slow. TLDR: Setup for Xbox is just play the game up until furnace fun however you want, game over in a minigame square in Furnace Fun, enter a new file and when you enter Mumbos you'll have all the moves =]
Some videos about this game got me really interested in speedrunning in general though I only just discovered it again a couple hours again. Have never played it myself but looks like one of the most fun games to speed run. gg man, was lookin' good! Can someone tell me what happened between the time that the two hour barrier got beaten and now? I haven't been able to figure it out. Was there a major skip discovered the past year?
Glad you enjoy it =] The 2 hour barrier was broken in 100% about a year or 2 ago. This is any%, sub 2 has been around for quite a while. The tricks that pushed this to sub 1 are Click Clock Wood early and mad monster mansion early. Overall they save about 5 minutew together.
How did you have the Stop and Swap areas in a new game? I saw the TTC rock up with the entrance. You even already have all the moves without talking to bottles?
Wow those Grunty questions, don't know whether to call it bad luck for getting them or good luck you got the "cool voice" question and guessed the other wrong.
That was incredible, well done! Just out of curiosity from someone like me, who knows nothing about speed running, how often did you practice this Banjo Kazooie run and how many attempts did it take to achieve this record? Also, what exactly is happening in the game when you're outside of Mad Monster Mansion and Click Clock Wood and looking around/pressing start menu that causes that glitch to occur? Again, congrats, my mind is blown - can't wait to see more!
Thanks! I've practiced a ton over the years, I don't always run this category though. My practice in other categories also helps to refine my skill in general so it helps for this category. If you want raw numbers, I've streamed runs of this game (multiple different categories plus practice) for about 2k hours, and I've probably put about another 2k hours of practice off stream. For this category specifically overall I probably have around 1k attempts with maybe a couple hundred completed runs. The pausing outside of mansion and ccw are part of a setup for the clip that follows shortly after (called bitclips). When in in first person I pause on a very specific angle to make banjo face a specific way and then do a couple of tiny movements to get closer to the clipping point. Clip spots are like 0.00001 of a pixel so every movement has to be perfect.
@@AzmiSR I should have expected you'd reply so quickly :D that is absolutely incredible, I can't imagine how you were able to hit those miniscule pixel clipping points. Just looking over the list of upcoming games you've mentioned on Twitch is very exciting - looking forward to seeing more! Cheers!
Very difficult trick. Chances are you're not following the setup. This link will explain everything if you want to learn banjospeedruns.com/bk/bitclips
Awesome run and very fun to watch, although I also got anxiety from skipping all the jiggies. Very interesting notes are more important than jiggies! Why do you have to hit the jiggy switch for CCW if you get into it early? I'm guessing its for the clip setup?
Good question. The clips I do are very very precise. For reference, in talon trot banjo moves at 700 units per second. The clip location is about 0.000001 units wide. So to get there I need to do a series of perfectly consistent movements from a consistent starting position. Hitting the switch spawns me at the exact same spot every time when the cutscene is over, which gives me a good place to start my consistent series of movements. Other clips like that use the loading zones to give a consistent starting position but we can't start at the loading zone for this specific clip because the lag makes it really inconsistent.
Yep there is and its in this run. You can go to about 22:00 to see where it starts. There is also a similar clip used to enter CCW early that is used in this run, for that you can go to 32:30 . These are called bitclips, for more information you can read up on them at this website banjospeedruns.com/bk/bitclips
All the information you need on these types of tricks can be found at banjospeedruns.com/bk/bitclips If you want even more information with 1 on 1 explanations then join the BK Speedrun discord and contact either RingRush or The8bitbeast. discord.gg/5AjXe4Y
wait a second, how did he already have talon trot upon entering munbo's mountain even before talking with bottles? which he didn't by the way..., and how he could use beak bomb dive in tresaure trove cove?
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file. For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
What am I not understanding about the Any% run? How does the runner have access to all the moves that Bottles teaches without actually visiting Bottles? Like FP Early is based on the turbo trot shoes which he never talked to Bottle to get. How does that happen? Just wondering as I just played this game for the first time like a week ago.
Jeremiah 48:12 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will send unto him wanderers, that shall cause him to wander, and shall empty his vessels, and break their *bottles.*
First I just open the gate because after MMM I have to go through that path as the pumpkin. Then I use that little glitch to just void out and take me to the start of the loading zone. I need to go to the start of the loading zone because that puts me at a fixed position which allows me to start the setup for the glitch MMM early. For more information on MMM early (knowns as a bitclip) you can refer to this website: banjospeedruns.com/bk/bitclips
No cheating is using either a something titled as a cheat code of using hacks to skip the game this is all originally in the game so thus not a cheat I mean in tooie they actually have a cheeto% category but that is why we have categories
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file. For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
This is a perfect game. Idc what anyone says. Super Mario 64 is great and all, but as a platformer this game is way better. The precision on everything is perfect. Mario just didn’t age as well in terms of controls. You can’t control him as well, it’s less intuitive. I picked this game up after 10 years and still was able to play it just fine. Mario I have a hard time controlling now…
It's a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file. For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
New to watching any percent bk runs. How does he get the moves without talking to bottles? Like the talon trot he has right at the beginning of Mumbos mountain. And he completely skips any moves from the very start before crossing the bridge.
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file. For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK Also, skipping all the spiral moves is an intended mechanic, you just tell bottles you don't need to learn the moves at the very beginning.
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file. For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK If you wanna see a 100% run without this glitch then Ive also done runs of that and you can find it here: www.speedrun.com/bkce/run/z1on7k7m I haven't done an any% version of it though since the route would pretty much be nearly the same except a lot slower
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file. For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
@@jackverlinho8379 This is my latest run for this category. In any% I just try to get to grunty as fast as possible. Sub 1 hour was my goal time for a good bit so I ended with this although I do want to improve this in the future. Since then I've done 100% FFM, and I got a 1:56 in that which is also on this youtube channel. That was more of a short term goal though as I will be back to that category soon-ish. Since I got that I've been doing 100% No FFM. There arent any runs of that on this youtube channel but if you go to speedrun.com/bk you can click the "no ffm" category and see my run there. For that category my immediate goal is a sub 2 hour time since it hasnt been done before, but I also want to get a 1:58 because that will be a good time for me I think.
How do these glitches work where you access Mad Monster Mansion and Click Clock Wood early? Is there a specific spot to ground pound and go through the floor?
It's a very very specific spot on the ground yeah. And to get to it I have to do a series of absolute perfect movement options and angle adjustments. Reading the first 2 sections on this site should give you a good description of how these clips work, and you can read the section on mechanics of you want to learn about the movement techniques banjospeedruns.com/bk/bitclips
How'd uh How'd you get talon trot right when you entered mumbo's mountain without talking to bottles first Edit: actually, how'd you even get ALL those moves before you're supposed to? You don't even get the flying charge attack til freezeezy
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file. For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK If you wanna see a 100% run without this glitch then Ive also done runs of that and you can find it here: www.speedrun.com/bkce/run/z1on7k7m I haven't done an any% version of it though since the route would pretty much be nearly the same except a lot slower
You can actually do it with even fewer jiggies! If you do BGS early as BK then you can skip opening Clanker's Cavern and go there as the bee instead. The route is just slightly slower though unfortunately, but if you're curious then I have done a demonstration run here: www.twitch.tv/videos/745597485?filter=highlights&sort=time
@Link Link cry
Definitely the most underrated speedrun game ever, congrats bro
Felt like watching some old games I used to play as a kid out of nostalgia and decided to watch how a BK 100% and any% looked like, crazy strats on this speedrun! Cheers for the entertaining run!
Congrats man you been instrumental in this community and its great to see you get the first sub 1
This is my first time seeing Rusty Bucket Bee, Gobee’s Valley, and Beeblegloop Swamp. So weird seeing these levels after Click Clock Wood. Very cool!
Your spelling is amazing
You deserve a sub for getting WR in all 3 categories! Congratulations you are the Banjo-King! 👑
"Press B if you think you're good enough" that's an understatement
absolutely insane movement and it scares me, u are extremely talented my man
honestly i never knew about the bee release skip until i saw this video! WOW! amazing run!
Wow grunty question on death square that's monka. gg nice run :)
Getting into Mad Monster Mansion and Click Clock Wood early like that almost seems like arcane witch rituals.
Voodoo magic
Amazing run. Those movements with the bee were so precise. Awesome
Mom: You can play for one more hour.
A Azmi:
congrats man you grinded hard and it payed off
the best speedrun, you are a god man
How can you already talon trot when you enter Mumbos mountain? Is it set up so you don’t have to learn moves?
only watching this to feel the ✨ nostalgia ✨
Welcome to Banjo-KazooBEE: Take Notes for Tooty.
Wow good job on the world record very impressive keep up the good work
BTW please can you coment I need a comment from youtuber
3:17 Azmi: *jumps down the platform* the Jinjo: Am I a joke to you?
This was just so fun nd mind blowing to watch. Amazing. Makes me wanna replay the game.
great to see a classic get absolutely smashed!
Congrats bro. Good to see one of my favourite games get absolutely destroyed.
i love that you ignored all those juicy jiggies in MMM!!!! MAAAAD props!
Gratz man I don't know too much about this run but I do know it will take a while for someone to beat it xD
Rough DoG sequence, but it's a helluva PB. GG Chuzz.
Ruff* Kappa
amazing! but how did he manage to use the running shoes w/o unlocking it first? 00:17:23
Congrats 👍
I recently finally beat Grunty at the end of this game! (But somehow I remember the Blue guy finishing her off) Next day I watched your speedrun and it's great you have excellent control over your character and camera... for some reason the switch camera will move all over the place when aiming eggs or trying to move at all making this game more frustrating than when I couldn't beat her during N64 days, I blamed the camera so much during my playthrough!
That was actuals insane bro ggs
Azmi legend tbh
this game is the 🐐
faster than the xbox wr? absolute legend
By one second, what a legend lol
a wise man once said:
𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙣
Yo congrats dude 🥳
That. Was. Awesome.
+1 sub, gg and gl man
Awesome work, gg
I understand speedrunning, but in winter click o wood everybody' s dead
That's why we skip it in this category ;)
NotLikeBanjo foreshadowing?
Im a noob when it comes to speed runs but how did he start with talon trot in mumbo’s mountain?
It's a common question no worries.
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file.
For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
@@AzmiSR the real question is how are you holding down on the joystick while pressing L + R + B to skip the text im ngl i legit have trouble w that lol
@@Practicalinvestments lol it takes a while to get used to. I usually just move my pointer finger under the controller really quickly. Def not easy
@@AzmiSR does this work on xbox?
@@chy_ase Yep it totally does. You can read this pastebin for more information on the trick and how to set it up: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
For Xbox speedruns though its easier to set up than N64 because you generally learn all the moves on your FFM file (notice I still had to learn flight in TTC in this run). This is just because you cant skip text on Xbox which makes learning the moves very slow.
TLDR: Setup for Xbox is just play the game up until furnace fun however you want, game over in a minigame square in Furnace Fun, enter a new file and when you enter Mumbos you'll have all the moves =]
Speedran my childhood
Some videos about this game got me really interested in speedrunning in general though I only just discovered it again a couple hours again. Have never played it myself but looks like one of the most fun games to speed run. gg man, was lookin' good! Can someone tell me what happened between the time that the two hour barrier got beaten and now? I haven't been able to figure it out. Was there a major skip discovered the past year?
Glad you enjoy it =]
The 2 hour barrier was broken in 100% about a year or 2 ago. This is any%, sub 2 has been around for quite a while. The tricks that pushed this to sub 1 are Click Clock Wood early and mad monster mansion early. Overall they save about 5 minutew together.
A Azmi ah! Now I understand, thank you very much, looking forward to playing the game myself when I have the time :-)
@@Sp4wnEffect oh yes please play the game. The level design and everything as a whole is a masterpiece
Bro how did you get kazooie to jump those slopes without sliding down @ 2:57
Alright, this is the run.
Great run.
I will so get into this run.
How did you have the Stop and Swap areas in a new game? I saw the TTC rock up with the entrance. You even already have all the moves without talking to bottles?
Wow those Grunty questions, don't know whether to call it bad luck for getting them or good luck you got the "cool voice" question and guessed the other wrong.
If you think about it, this game is very similar to mario 64 speedrun wise and game wise
I think it uses a modified version of Mario 64's engine at least for the free roaming.
incredible ❤️
That was incredible, well done! Just out of curiosity from someone like me, who knows nothing about speed running, how often did you practice this Banjo Kazooie run and how many attempts did it take to achieve this record? Also, what exactly is happening in the game when you're outside of Mad Monster Mansion and Click Clock Wood and looking around/pressing start menu that causes that glitch to occur? Again, congrats, my mind is blown - can't wait to see more!
I've practiced a ton over the years, I don't always run this category though. My practice in other categories also helps to refine my skill in general so it helps for this category. If you want raw numbers, I've streamed runs of this game (multiple different categories plus practice) for about 2k hours, and I've probably put about another 2k hours of practice off stream. For this category specifically overall I probably have around 1k attempts with maybe a couple hundred completed runs.
The pausing outside of mansion and ccw are part of a setup for the clip that follows shortly after (called bitclips). When in in first person I pause on a very specific angle to make banjo face a specific way and then do a couple of tiny movements to get closer to the clipping point. Clip spots are like 0.00001 of a pixel so every movement has to be perfect.
@@AzmiSR I should have expected you'd reply so quickly :D that is absolutely incredible, I can't imagine how you were able to hit those miniscule pixel clipping points. Just looking over the list of upcoming games you've mentioned on Twitch is very exciting - looking forward to seeing more! Cheers!
i cannot clip into click clock wood in the randomizer. is there some reason why it wont work?
Very difficult trick. Chances are you're not following the setup. This link will explain everything if you want to learn banjospeedruns.com/bk/bitclips
Awesome run and very fun to watch, although I also got anxiety from skipping all the jiggies. Very interesting notes are more important than jiggies! Why do you have to hit the jiggy switch for CCW if you get into it early? I'm guessing its for the clip setup?
Good question.
The clips I do are very very precise. For reference, in talon trot banjo moves at 700 units per second. The clip location is about 0.000001 units wide. So to get there I need to do a series of perfectly consistent movements from a consistent starting position. Hitting the switch spawns me at the exact same spot every time when the cutscene is over, which gives me a good place to start my consistent series of movements. Other clips like that use the loading zones to give a consistent starting position but we can't start at the loading zone for this specific clip because the lag makes it really inconsistent.
@@AzmiSR Wow!!!
GGS AZMI!!!!!!! Xbox is no longer.....Supreme
@@TSRStormed I still have time to delete this comment Kappa
Wait how do you have the chicken move in the jungle level???
I cheated. But don't tell.
Maybe I missed hearing about it but is there now a MMM door skip? I remember people talking about how it would be valuable finding one
Yep there is and its in this run. You can go to about 22:00 to see where it starts. There is also a similar clip used to enter CCW early that is used in this run, for that you can go to 32:30 . These are called bitclips, for more information you can read up on them at this website banjospeedruns.com/bk/bitclips
Thank you! I thought CCW early was TAS only but obviously not! Nice run congrats!
Thanks for the perfect gift ❤️
Nice job!!!
At 33:30 clipping through the roof?!? Where can I go to find a collection of these techniques, i want to test some in jet force
All the information you need on these types of tricks can be found at banjospeedruns.com/bk/bitclips
If you want even more information with 1 on 1 explanations then join the BK Speedrun discord and contact either RingRush or The8bitbeast.
wait a second, how did he already have talon trot upon entering munbo's mountain even before talking with bottles? which he didn't by the way..., and how he could use beak bomb dive in tresaure trove cove?
Childhood any%
Wow! You don't need to do the cauldron glitch to do Reverse Bee Adventure?! Amazing!
Why does this have so little views!?! This is a ground breaking record!
epic and congarats
Lol I've never gotten passed that grunty maze after click clock wood
Now lets see a Bee-less world record >
Way ahead of you bud: ua-cam.com/video/-VShAQJ7Dss/v-deo.html
Can Someone plz explain why he was able to use the Talon Trot aus soon He was Entering mumbos mountain? I don't get behind it🤔
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file.
For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
@@AzmiSR of course 😅😅😅😅✌️✌️✌️ totally forget about that✌️😅 thx Form reminding me🤦✌️😅
Really amazing!!!
howd you have the fast shoes before freezeezy?
What am I not understanding about the Any% run? How does the runner have access to all the moves that Bottles teaches without actually visiting Bottles? Like FP Early is based on the turbo trot shoes which he never talked to Bottle to get. How does that happen? Just wondering as I just played this game for the first time like a week ago.
I am not entirely sure but I think they are using a glitch called grunty moves there is a category without it if you want
Jeremiah 48:12
Therefore, behold, the days come,
saith the LORD, that I will send unto
him wanderers, that shall cause him to
wander, and shall empty his vessels, and
break their *bottles.*
How did you learn the talon trot and ground pound by just entering mumbo's mtn?
Or any move for that matter lol
Ye wtf? I'm so confused
Nvm he replied in another comment that it's a glitch from furnace fun in a separate save file
So its allowed to start with a corrupted savefile? I wanna see him try this with a clean start...
What a beast
Listen up then make your choice which character has this cool voice?
How the hell do you beat it so fast the last time a saw speedrun of banjo kazooie was a stivitybobo run
Stivitybobo mostly did 100% runs of this game, this is any% which is typically an hour shorter =]
Banjo-Kazooie Any%: Collect notes, do two bit clips
Banjo-Tooie Any%: Collect notes, do two bit clips
nice mate
What are you doing at 22:00 and 22:19 to get into MMM?
First I just open the gate because after MMM I have to go through that path as the pumpkin. Then I use that little glitch to just void out and take me to the start of the loading zone. I need to go to the start of the loading zone because that puts me at a fixed position which allows me to start the setup for the glitch MMM early. For more information on MMM early (knowns as a bitclip) you can refer to this website: banjospeedruns.com/bk/bitclips
I wonder if getting the washing machine transformation ruins runs? Haha
A bit yeah lol. It's a 5% chance of losing 10 seconds. Everybody can obviously still pb with a washy but it still kinda just sucks to get
Does it not count as a cheat if you use the glitches to go through the doors? Or to shortcut? Just asking, if not then gg
No cheating is using either a something titled as a cheat code of using hacks to skip the game this is all originally in the game so thus not a cheat I mean in tooie they actually have a cheeto% category but that is why we have categories
Wait, how did he learn talon trot as soon as he entered Mumbo’s Mountain and before Bottles by the stonehenge area?
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file.
For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
I love this game
This is a perfect game. Idc what anyone says. Super Mario 64 is great and all, but as a platformer this game is way better. The precision on everything is perfect. Mario just didn’t age as well in terms of controls. You can’t control him as well, it’s less intuitive. I picked this game up after 10 years and still was able to play it just fine. Mario I have a hard time controlling now…
How did you have Talon Trot before learning it from Bottles?
It's a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file.
For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
@@AzmiSR cool thanks
New to watching any percent bk runs. How does he get the moves without talking to bottles? Like the talon trot he has right at the beginning of Mumbos mountain. And he completely skips any moves from the very start before crossing the bridge.
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file.
For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
Also, skipping all the spiral moves is an intended mechanic, you just tell bottles you don't need to learn the moves at the very beginning.
@@AzmiSR thanks
How do you have running shoes before you even got into gobis valley? Are you sure you didn’t use cheats ?
It is a glitch
Before you start the run you load up a save file with all the moves and do a semi hard glitch then start the run.
How did he get Talon Trot without seeing bottles? Is this a speed runner glitch? Very invisible glitch
How come you have all the abilities from Mumbo Mountain?
How does he have talon trot when he first gets into MM?
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file.
For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
If you wanna see a 100% run without this glitch then Ive also done runs of that and you can find it here: www.speedrun.com/bkce/run/z1on7k7m
I haven't done an any% version of it though since the route would pretty much be nearly the same except a lot slower
Wooooah hang on a minute how can you talon trot straight away on mumbos??????
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file.
For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
Yea my bad I read on the comments I should of known someone would have asked lol is this your latest run?
@@jackverlinho8379 This is my latest run for this category. In any% I just try to get to grunty as fast as possible. Sub 1 hour was my goal time for a good bit so I ended with this although I do want to improve this in the future. Since then I've done 100% FFM, and I got a 1:56 in that which is also on this youtube channel. That was more of a short term goal though as I will be back to that category soon-ish. Since I got that I've been doing 100% No FFM. There arent any runs of that on this youtube channel but if you go to speedrun.com/bk you can click the "no ffm" category and see my run there. For that category my immediate goal is a sub 2 hour time since it hasnt been done before, but I also want to get a 1:58 because that will be a good time for me I think.
How do these glitches work where you access Mad Monster Mansion and Click Clock Wood early? Is there a specific spot to ground pound and go through the floor?
It's a very very specific spot on the ground yeah. And to get to it I have to do a series of absolute perfect movement options and angle adjustments. Reading the first 2 sections on this site should give you a good description of how these clips work, and you can read the section on mechanics of you want to learn about the movement techniques banjospeedruns.com/bk/bitclips
44:00 I gotta bee really really careful :D
Get it
How'd uh
How'd you get talon trot right when you entered mumbo's mountain without talking to bottles first
Edit: actually, how'd you even get ALL those moves before you're supposed to? You don't even get the flying charge attack til freezeezy
Its a glitch called Furnace Fun Moves. Before the run I go on a separate file and game over on a minigame square in Furnace Fun, then when I start a new file and enter Mumbo's I get all the moves I had on the other file.
For more information about the setup, technical details, and why its allowed in runs, you can refer to this pastebin: pastebin.com/rNaSUVqK
If you wanna see a 100% run without this glitch then Ive also done runs of that and you can find it here: www.speedrun.com/bkce/run/z1on7k7m
I haven't done an any% version of it though since the route would pretty much be nearly the same except a lot slower
was this on emulator or n64?
Remember when 96% was the lowest percent you could beat the game with?
You can actually do it with even fewer jiggies! If you do BGS early as BK then you can skip opening Clanker's Cavern and go there as the bee instead. The route is just slightly slower though unfortunately, but if you're curious then I have done a demonstration run here: www.twitch.tv/videos/745597485?filter=highlights&sort=time