jackasses whining about everything like whine protects freedom and justice from enemy's within . You never been Americans clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from enemy's within and without exactly your jobs and duty as we the people . How you do your jobs and duty when clueless about what protects freedom and justice exactly anti to arrogant ignorant pretend to know jackasses running mouth like my rights this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one is a debate whiners pissing and moaning like.its not you the exact and only problem with the country and the one could fix refuse to get your bitch ass out before you meet a American or get your head out your ass
One important thing that you left out. The militia, known to break when facing British regulars, especially at charges, were expected by the British to collapse against heavy opposition. This was factored into the American Commander's plan. He told the first line "give me two volleys, then run up the hill to the second line". The second line was also to fire only a couple of volleys, and then immediately race back towards the line of regulars. It was planned to draw the British in deeper, and exhausted in the uphill fight. The American Commander knew the terrain well. It was by design that he led them into his trap.
I agree, also though, there was something else at play. The individual american nco's or officers that day affecting the morale of the revolutionaries, let alone individual soldiers amped and charged by thoughts of victory and valor. Leo Tolstoy talks of this effect in War and Peace.
Yes I do. The problem is as I have seen it, is that the majority of people who watch tv won't watch programs that teach history and educate because most of the populace are idiots. Therefore The History Channel in order to survive on the ratings front must appeal to the lowest common denominator. I remember getting cable in 1982 and I would watch The History Channel and A&E almost exclusively. Well, as a pre-teen I had to have my MTV time too ha ha.
jackasses whining about everything like whine protects freedom and justice from enemy's within . You never been Americans clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from enemy's within and without exactly your jobs and duty as we the people . How you do your jobs and duty when clueless about what protects freedom and justice exactly anti to arrogant ignorant pretend to know jackasses running mouth like my rights this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one is a debate whiners pissing and moaning like.its not you the exact and only problem with the country and the one could fix refuse to get your bitch ass out before you meet a American or get your head out your ass
Indeed, he died so soon after the war (plus he sort of avoided the spotlight and turned down positions offered to him) that he so often gets overlooked, but he was just as important if not more so than Washington.
jackasses whining about everything like whine protects freedom and justice from enemy's within . You never been Americans clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from enemy's within and without exactly your jobs and duty as we the people . How you do your jobs and duty when clueless about what protects freedom and justice exactly anti to arrogant ignorant pretend to know jackasses running mouth like my rights this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one is a debate whiners pissing and moaning like.its not you the exact and only problem with the country and the one could fix refuse to get your bitch ass out before you meet a American or get your head out your ass
jackasses whining about everything like whine protects freedom and justice from enemy's within . You never been Americans clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from enemy's within and without exactly your jobs and duty as we the people . How you do your jobs and duty when clueless about what protects freedom and justice exactly anti to arrogant ignorant pretend to know jackasses running mouth like my rights this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one is a debate whiners pissing and moaning like.its not you the exact and only problem with the country and the one could fix refuse to get your bitch ass out before you meet a American or get your head out your ass
As a little kid I visited (like 7-8) Cowpens and went to a museum they had there and read and looked at EVERYTHINg. When my dad and uncle to me took me see the battle field itself they talked about how I was correcting them the entire time telling them the details they got wrong. When they got to the museum they were shocked to realize every time I was right. I have read 3 books on this battle and to this day is one of my favorite topics in history
Well, the author hit the high spots about the engagement, and omitted the overall strategy and the fact that Morgan executed the a double envelopment to perfection, as well as, complete use of terrain allied with the skills and abilities of the troops he had at hand.... His tactics, deployment, and execution is the most original thought campaign of the entire war by either side. In short, BRILLIANT......
This doesn't mention the small but very important Battle of Kings Mountain, where a force of Patriot militia surrounded and defeated a unit of Tory militia. It was the combination of these two battles, destroying two of the three prongs of Cornwallis's offensive, that completely derailed his whole southern strategy to win the war.
@observer8534 another no life who is angry at the world takes it out on random youtube channels. If you want to actually be a service to the men who died here, help them improve the video instead of just whining.
Not the OP, but I'll jump in... The victory in this video appears to be the result of valor and bravery (somewhat true) but misses the brilliant generalship and preparation that was the real cause of the American victory: - Washington sent disciplined, veteran regulars that were the product of Von Steuben's reformation of Continental Army training since Valley Forge. These were hard, disciplined troops that the British were not expecting, especially in the South. - Greene and Morgan understood the limitations of militia troops and made specific use of it, especially in baiting in the British charge based on their biases. Morgan told his first two lines of militia explicitly to "fire three volleys and then retreat"... Knowing militia historically had only stood for 2-3 volleys anyway. This appeared to be the rout the British expected of Colonial militia, which is why Tarleton ordered the charge of his entire line. - Both lines of militia, knowing they had permission to retreat without shame, held for all three volleys, and then withdrew in good order and reformed in the rear as planned. They actually then held well against the British cavalry charge without breaking, allowing Washington's cavalry time to counter charge successfully and break the British horse. - Morgan's use of terrain was brilliant. The two lines of militia were placed on the facing slope of a tall hill, with the main line of Continental Regulars hidden in defilade behind it (their disciplined ranks would have been an obvious tell of their quality, but in that position they were not visible to the British). When the British crested the hill in pursuit of the "broken" militia, they were met by volley fire at the optimum distance: close enough to be both massed and lethal, but far enough that a bayonet charge wasn't immediately obvious. The American regular troops were also drilled to the British standard (3-4 rounds per minute, vice 1 at best for militia) which caught the British off guard. - Above the tactical level at Cowpens, Washington's/Greene's operational level plan for the South was also brilliant. Raiding and small actions by the Continental Regulars forced the British to consolidate their force and pursue, but the smaller American force was faster. Cornwallis had to choose to let the Americans go, or burn his baggage train and maintain pursuit, yet the farther Greene and Washington dragged him north, the fewer loyalists were available to feed them. Cowpens, Guilford Courthouse, and Kings Mountain ran the British out of supplies and shook morale, forcing Cornwallis to abandon the South and get evacuated back to garrison in New York... Except Washington stole a march unexpectedly to surround him at Yorktown, and the French Navy prevented his evacuation by sea. The campaign in the South therefore led to the last major British Army defeat that helped win the American Revolution and create the United States.
My unit did a Staff Ride to view Kings Mountain, Cowpens and Guilford Courthouse. I had some understanding of the southern campaign of the Revolutionary War prior but was amazed at what i did not know.
Should be noted that Tarleton’s troops were sent straight into the fight after a long march to cowpens. Morgan’s troops however were rested as they spent the night on the battlefield. I’ve also read that the 3 pound grasshopper field pieces were never brought into action because of the speed of the British advance. As a side note there were so many British dead that the locals had trouble finding space to bury them appropriately. There are several buried in my family’s cemetery in Union County near Cherokee County.
I grew up not too far from Cowpens. It’s always an awesome reminder how a small patch of local land was the site of the beginning of the downfall of British forces.
Well done! A little known battle that altered the course of the entire war! You have done well in making this video! Fascinating material this is! +1 Subscriber
Love the Epic History style of videos, only take is that the videos are too short, causing the lack of overall context and aftermath but the channel potential in great ❤
The reason they are so short is due to them being more of a refining tool. It already takes about a month to make 5 minutes, so I want to ensure that when I commit to a larger production, I am more honed with the animation. This is likely the last of those videos, as large scale block movements were the only real challenge I was still facing. From here I should be participating in larger productions, though they may not be under this channel specifically.
Awesome video!! Please keep up the excellent work. This would be perfect for anyone teaching U.S. history to use in their class. Wish we had interesting videos like this when I was a kid.
Great video. Two points to expand on. I forget exactly where I heard this, whether in a book about the battle or at the Cowpens NMP itself, but the Continentals (Regular troops) were some of those that were trained at Valley Forge by Baron von Steuben. One of the maneuvers that was taught to them was to reload while marching. Also, when the British troops were advancing on the third line, their line extended farther than the American line making it easy to outflank the Americans. So the order was given to the Continentals to "refuse the line" meaning to bring that group on the far right back to be perpendicular or at a right angle, to the main Line making it more difficult for the British to outflank them. This order was misinterpreted and the line started retreating instead. The regiment to their immediate left saw them retreating so they started retreating too. Then the next regiment started to retreat and so on and so on. This could have been a disaster, however Daniel Morgan was able to stop the retreat and the continentals turned (remember the drill they learned about loading their muskets while marching?) and fired. The British at this time saw that the Americans beginning to "retreat" and believed one more push would cause them to rout. So they were ordered to charge. They were in the middle of the attack when the Continentals turned and fired at very close to point blank range. This is what was so devastating to the British army, they were shocked and immediately stopped attacking. Then they had to deal with the Continental counter attack, along with many of the militia that had returned to the fight. That is what led to British rout. A modified version of Morgan's battle plan here at Cowpens was used again by Nathaniel Greene later on at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, just on a much larger scale. That battle was a tactical defeat but a strategic victory for the Americans.
Very clear, I really like the animation. Shame about the outcome though 😀. As a Brit, at school they never really explained how we lost the war. All I remember is being told that the Americans were excellent marksmen, due to them being hunters, and that they used guerrilla type tactics rather than standing in rows waiting to be shot. Almost as though you guys cheated. This video shows that's just not true, and that we were simply out maneuvered by a better commander. At least, in this battle.
The Revolutionaries had international support. That's not to diminish the tactical accomplishments of the Continental armies but without French financing and Prussian training, it just wouldn't have happened. And that's something you don't hear from British OR United States classroom teachers.
In the US we learn about Benjamin Franklin traveling to France to garner support from the French. We also learn about Lafayette and and Baron von Steuben helping to turn the continental army into professionals. We also realize that the British forces were stretched thin across their entire Empire and that we weren’t fighting the full force of the Empire’s military.
@@SamBrockmann neither were we at that time. We had beheaded the last jackass wearing a crown who tried to rule us a century before. By 1776 we had a constitutional monarchy; i.e. a King with no real power.
It will always be impressive how Morgan opted to use the collapsible defensive lines' tactic and made it a much-needed tool in many future generals' battle plans. The idea of using one's weakest troops first to draw the enemy into a position of overconfidence only to gut punch them with the best men at one's disposal and to have the weak troops rallied to coordinate in a one-two punch with the cavalry against the enemy formations was quite a masterful play.
Greene was brilliant. He knew the limitations of his militia and incorporated their flaws into his battle plan. He knew they'd run, so he controlled where and how and kept them in the fight far longer than they would have been otherwise.
Worth noting that Morgan's forces included riflemen, who were used to pick off officer and non-com targets, adding to the confusion on the British/Loyalist side. Also, the Patriot militia were used as bait, and were given orders to fire two volleys and then withdraw to the rear, behind the Patriot regulars. Morgan used Tarelton's expectations and low opinion of the militia to sucker him into attacking the center, while terrain aided in protecting their flanks.
My ancestor was in the militia at Cowpens. His home was on the King's Mountain battlefield, and was used as a field hospital during the battle there. He was away with the militia opposing Cornwallis at the time of the Battle of King's Mountain. His sister Mary, nursed the wounded patriot Colonel Hambright back to health and eventually married him. The soldier in my avatar is the grandson of my Revolutionary War ancestor. He fought in the Confederate Army and was killed in Virginia in 1862 while fighting under Stonewall Jackson.
For sure you will have a great future if you make longer videos ! And make sure to make history videos like Russian civil war, napoleon and some others! Thanks
Most accounts I have read have Col. Washington's calvary charging on the American left flank. This video has him coming around to the American rightflank. This is key because Washington and Bennie Tarelton had a fight and they almost got Bennie. There was quite a lot more to this battle that should have been discussed. The American first line was quite effective with their sniper fire and took out many epaulets (Officers) This was the most well fought battle by any General in the Revolutionary War British or American using linear tactics. Daniel Morgan doesn't get the credit he truly deserves in this battle and the Revolution. He fought in the invasion of Canada and was there for the Country from the very beginning and started the famous Morgans Rifleman. These guys could fight anybody......
From what I have studied there are some other factors. Due to a slight rise in the ground the British could not see the 3rd American line of Continentals (regulars) until they had advanced and were committed. The militia had been told they could go when they had fired the required volleys but some stood with the Continental line when they saw them holding and others took cover in woods and fired on the flanks of the British advance both of which increased the effectiveness of the original plan.
Do you use Geolayers? Is there a way I can get something like that for cheaper? I'm trying to make a Culloden documentary. These videos, as well as Epic History's have inspired me
Just saying but I think you should put kings mountain on your list of battles that you are making videos of because the battle fits in very well with the battle of cowpens and the battle is really interesting because it’s been described as "the war's largest all-American fight and the battle was fought between loyalist militia and American militia plus a group of American frontiersman known as the over mountain men but the battle is also very interesting because Some Patriots gave no quarter until their officers re-established control over their men; they were said to be seeking revenge for alleged killings by Banastre Tarleton's militiamen at the Battle of Waxhaws, under the slogan "Remember Tarleton's Quarter and what i meant by the battle of kings mountain fitting in with the battle of cowpens is before the battle of kings mountain on October 6th the patriots reached cowpens and while at cowpens they received word that Ferguson was east of them, heading towards Charlotte and the main British army under Cornwallis.
Please do a video on the battle of Guilford Courthouse where the British Pyrrhic victory caused Cornwallis to abandon the Carolinas and retreat to Yorktown which resulted in Britain’s ultimate defeat and America’s victory
I really like this video, especially because it’s about my ancestor I am a descendent of Daniel Morgan on my mother side. My full name is Kevin Daniel Morgan pruitt. My mother was so proud of the fact that we are descendants of his that she put his name in mine.
First of all, if you want to read more about this battle, I would highly recommend Babits "A Devil of a Whipping". Second, I feel it is criminal that this was not placed in the greater context of the Southern campaign, i.e. King's Mountain-Cowpens-Guilford Courthouse-Virginia Capes-Yorktown.
The brittish left should have held it didn't make sense that they fell back rather then with draw and pivot from the right flank and reingage Washington on the left. Thee issue was the chase half a mile under fire really slows the men down the reinforced right flank really rolled the brittish while the highlanders performed well. The pivot was impossible to pull off in midst of active melee. But had they pivotedaway from the charge the outcome would have been diffrent and the highlanders would have rolled the americans.
Daniel Morgan and Nathanial green do not get enough credit for their impact on victory. They found a path to victory when there was none.
Come to upstate South Carolina! Their names are everywhere! Haha I definitely know what you mean though
jackasses whining about everything like whine protects freedom and justice from enemy's within . You never been Americans clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from enemy's within and without exactly your jobs and duty as we the people . How you do your jobs and duty when clueless about what protects freedom and justice exactly anti to arrogant ignorant pretend to know jackasses running mouth like my rights this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one is a debate whiners pissing and moaning like.its not you the exact and only problem with the country and the one could fix refuse to get your bitch ass out before you meet a American or get your head out your ass
One important thing that you left out. The militia, known to break when facing British regulars, especially at charges, were expected by the British to collapse against heavy opposition. This was factored into the American Commander's plan. He told the first line "give me two volleys, then run up the hill to the second line". The second line was also to fire only a couple of volleys, and then immediately race back towards the line of regulars. It was planned to draw the British in deeper, and exhausted in the uphill fight. The American Commander knew the terrain well. It was by design that he led them into his trap.
I agree, also though, there was something else at play. The individual american nco's or officers that day affecting the morale of the revolutionaries, let alone individual soldiers amped and charged by thoughts of victory and valor. Leo Tolstoy talks of this effect in War and Peace.
@@chrisscott6727it’s why a good NCO is the most trusted man on any battlefield to this day.
@@jackryan444 Ironically, the Americans learned that from the British.
That's kinda what the story just told did you watch it
What a kick ass comment. Good work 👌
Remember when the history channel used to be all like this?
You mean before ….. space aliens ?
As a matter of fact, yes. I remember when a segment aired on History about this exact battle. Fantastic
Yes I do. The problem is as I have seen it, is that the majority of people who watch tv won't watch programs that teach history and educate because most of the populace are idiots. Therefore The History Channel in order to survive on the ratings front must appeal to the lowest common denominator. I remember getting cable in 1982 and I would watch The History Channel and A&E almost exclusively. Well, as a pre-teen I had to have my MTV time too ha ha.
jackasses whining about everything like whine protects freedom and justice from enemy's within . You never been Americans clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from enemy's within and without exactly your jobs and duty as we the people . How you do your jobs and duty when clueless about what protects freedom and justice exactly anti to arrogant ignorant pretend to know jackasses running mouth like my rights this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one is a debate whiners pissing and moaning like.its not you the exact and only problem with the country and the one could fix refuse to get your bitch ass out before you meet a American or get your head out your ass
The only thing I have to complain about is that these videos aren't longer, they're very good!
Field Marshal cameo
Hey stop replying to these and upload a new video lol @FieldMarshalYT
It was a short battle from what I researched
@@bflawless8040 Working on it.
I second this comment! Great video, would love to see alittle longer. Add quick bios of opposing commanders and some key units
Greene is an often overlooked Revolutionary War hero
Indeed, he died so soon after the war (plus he sort of avoided the spotlight and turned down positions offered to him) that he so often gets overlooked, but he was just as important if not more so than Washington.
He isn't in Greensboro. He gets the recollection he deserves here.
@@smast16 Or Greenville, SC.
@@ELRIFLGreene was not more important the Washington himself. He was his guy.
@@smast16 Yeah, but southerners also revere and worship traitors and slavers, so their reverence isn't worth much
This is exactly how watching the history channel as a kid in the 90's....Man, thank you
...before "It's Aliens" became the thing.
jackasses whining about everything like whine protects freedom and justice from enemy's within . You never been Americans clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from enemy's within and without exactly your jobs and duty as we the people . How you do your jobs and duty when clueless about what protects freedom and justice exactly anti to arrogant ignorant pretend to know jackasses running mouth like my rights this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one is a debate whiners pissing and moaning like.its not you the exact and only problem with the country and the one could fix refuse to get your bitch ass out before you meet a American or get your head out your ass
jackasses whining about everything like whine protects freedom and justice from enemy's within . You never been Americans clueless about how to protect freedom and justice from enemy's within and without exactly your jobs and duty as we the people . How you do your jobs and duty when clueless about what protects freedom and justice exactly anti to arrogant ignorant pretend to know jackasses running mouth like my rights this country's foundation and only protection from the enemy within since day one is a debate whiners pissing and moaning like.its not you the exact and only problem with the country and the one could fix refuse to get your bitch ass out before you meet a American or get your head out your ass
As a little kid I visited (like 7-8) Cowpens and went to a museum they had there and read and looked at EVERYTHINg. When my dad and uncle to me took me see the battle field itself they talked about how I was correcting them the entire time telling them the details they got wrong. When they got to the museum they were shocked to realize every time I was right. I have read 3 books on this battle and to this day is one of my favorite topics in history
Didn't ask
@@joshbryan8028 then quietly move on. emphasis on quietly.
pretty cool. please ignore the naysayer. good to know history still catches the imagination of kids on occasion.
@@joshbryan8028 Douchebag
Hi, do you mind if I have a moment with you regarding this? I have to write a paper on this battle and would love to further discuss.
Well, the author hit the high spots about the engagement, and omitted the overall strategy and the fact that Morgan executed the a double envelopment to perfection, as well as, complete use of terrain allied with the skills and abilities of the troops he had at hand.... His tactics, deployment, and execution is the most original thought campaign of the entire war by either side. In short, BRILLIANT......
Agreed, the way Morgan used the terrain, and the militia was brilliant. I live about 20 mins from Cowpens been there many times.
This doesn't mention the small but very important Battle of Kings Mountain, where a force of Patriot militia surrounded and defeated a unit of Tory militia. It was the combination of these two battles, destroying two of the three prongs of Cornwallis's offensive, that completely derailed his whole southern strategy to win the war.
True, but that was already done by K&G. Plus I was trying to keep it short.
It was just as big on a personnel level.
Both the British and the Americans said Kings mountain was the turning of the whole war.
Over-mountain men💪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Great job dude!!! Well presented, and great graphics! Keep it up!
I have to say, the tactics and coordination in the battle are incredibly impressive
The real facts are much more impressive than this cartoon overview.
@@observer8534 Mate just tell me what we did wrong, I want to know.
@observer8534 another no life who is angry at the world takes it out on random youtube channels. If you want to actually be a service to the men who died here, help them improve the video instead of just whining.
Not the OP, but I'll jump in... The victory in this video appears to be the result of valor and bravery (somewhat true) but misses the brilliant generalship and preparation that was the real cause of the American victory:
- Washington sent disciplined, veteran regulars that were the product of Von Steuben's reformation of Continental Army training since Valley Forge. These were hard, disciplined troops that the British were not expecting, especially in the South.
- Greene and Morgan understood the limitations of militia troops and made specific use of it, especially in baiting in the British charge based on their biases. Morgan told his first two lines of militia explicitly to "fire three volleys and then retreat"... Knowing militia historically had only stood for 2-3 volleys anyway. This appeared to be the rout the British expected of Colonial militia, which is why Tarleton ordered the charge of his entire line.
- Both lines of militia, knowing they had permission to retreat without shame, held for all three volleys, and then withdrew in good order and reformed in the rear as planned. They actually then held well against the British cavalry charge without breaking, allowing Washington's cavalry time to counter charge successfully and break the British horse.
- Morgan's use of terrain was brilliant. The two lines of militia were placed on the facing slope of a tall hill, with the main line of Continental Regulars hidden in defilade behind it (their disciplined ranks would have been an obvious tell of their quality, but in that position they were not visible to the British). When the British crested the hill in pursuit of the "broken" militia, they were met by volley fire at the optimum distance: close enough to be both massed and lethal, but far enough that a bayonet charge wasn't immediately obvious. The American regular troops were also drilled to the British standard (3-4 rounds per minute, vice 1 at best for militia) which caught the British off guard.
- Above the tactical level at Cowpens, Washington's/Greene's operational level plan for the South was also brilliant. Raiding and small actions by the Continental Regulars forced the British to consolidate their force and pursue, but the smaller American force was faster. Cornwallis had to choose to let the Americans go, or burn his baggage train and maintain pursuit, yet the farther Greene and Washington dragged him north, the fewer loyalists were available to feed them. Cowpens, Guilford Courthouse, and Kings Mountain ran the British out of supplies and shook morale, forcing Cornwallis to abandon the South and get evacuated back to garrison in New York... Except Washington stole a march unexpectedly to surround him at Yorktown, and the French Navy prevented his evacuation by sea. The campaign in the South therefore led to the last major British Army defeat that helped win the American Revolution and create the United States.
My unit did a Staff Ride to view Kings Mountain, Cowpens and Guilford Courthouse. I had some understanding of the southern campaign of the Revolutionary War prior but was amazed at what i did not know.
Immediately subscribed! Great video and thank you for not dragging it out into a long ordeal just to extend video runtime.
This is the same strategy as the battle of Nisibis where Emperor Decius was killed in battle. What a great battle.
What a hidden gem this channel is, I hope it gets the attention it deserves. Nice work!
Great video! I know some like longer videos but this was perfect for me!
Should be noted that Tarleton’s troops were sent straight into the fight after a long march to cowpens. Morgan’s troops however were rested as they spent the night on the battlefield. I’ve also read that the 3 pound grasshopper field pieces were never brought into action because of the speed of the British advance. As a side note there were so many British dead that the locals had trouble finding space to bury them appropriately. There are several buried in my family’s cemetery in Union County near Cherokee County.
This made me so pumped! Well done lads.
Very well made, don't fan the haters. Very interesting to watch :)
This is one of my favorite battles in American history!
Only 3 videos and your putting out content as good as something you'd expect from Kings and Generals?! Sign me up!
Holy hell. That was the most epic battle I've watched. Im definitely subscribing to this channel you will be like epic history tv no doubt
Superb video.Honestly i am speechless because this content is on par with HistoryMarche and Epic History.
This was the channel I wanted. Thank you so much for making this!!!!!!!!
Excellent video, well done, like the length of it.
Another great video Middle Guard, always ready for your next masterpiece!
Love your content Warhawk but When can we expect the next Texas Revolution video?
@@historycentral8543 appreciate HC, I’m about halfway through San Jacinto so in the next week or so
Just discovered this channel and I love it! Pls make more content!
I grew up not too far from Cowpens. It’s always an awesome reminder how a small patch of local land was the site of the beginning of the downfall of British forces.
I love to see the community of UA-camrs adding to this genre. Liked and subscribed.
High quality stuff, instantly subscribed
Well done! A little known battle that altered the course of the entire war! You have done well in making this video! Fascinating material this is!
+1 Subscriber
New subscriber! This was awesome work!
amazing video! loved all the animation techniques you used 🤗
Love the Epic History style of videos, only take is that the videos are too short, causing the lack of overall context and aftermath but the channel potential in great ❤
The reason they are so short is due to them being more of a refining tool. It already takes about a month to make 5 minutes, so I want to ensure that when I commit to a larger production, I am more honed with the animation. This is likely the last of those videos, as large scale block movements were the only real challenge I was still facing. From here I should be participating in larger productions, though they may not be under this channel specifically.
@@middleguard1836id recommend a more detailed campaign map, great vid
this video made got you a new subscriber
Great video, can't believe how small your channel is
Excellent place to visit .A Must see along with Kings Mountain
Awesome video!! Please keep up the excellent work. This would be perfect for anyone teaching U.S. history to use in their class. Wish we had interesting videos like this when I was a kid.
This video is as good as HistoryMarche! Outstanding Work!
Great video. Two points to expand on. I forget exactly where I heard this, whether in a book about the battle or at the Cowpens NMP itself, but the Continentals (Regular troops) were some of those that were trained at Valley Forge by Baron von Steuben. One of the maneuvers that was taught to them was to reload while marching. Also, when the British troops were advancing on the third line, their line extended farther than the American line making it easy to outflank the Americans. So the order was given to the Continentals to "refuse the line" meaning to bring that group on the far right back to be perpendicular or at a right angle, to the main Line making it more difficult for the British to outflank them. This order was misinterpreted and the line started retreating instead. The regiment to their immediate left saw them retreating so they started retreating too. Then the next regiment started to retreat and so on and so on.
This could have been a disaster, however Daniel Morgan was able to stop the retreat and the continentals turned (remember the drill they learned about loading their muskets while marching?) and fired. The British at this time saw that the Americans beginning to "retreat" and believed one more push would cause them to rout. So they were ordered to charge. They were in the middle of the attack when the Continentals turned and fired at very close to point blank range. This is what was so devastating to the British army, they were shocked and immediately stopped attacking. Then they had to deal with the Continental counter attack, along with many of the militia that had returned to the fight.
That is what led to British rout. A modified version of Morgan's battle plan here at Cowpens was used again by Nathaniel Greene later on at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, just on a much larger scale. That battle was a tactical defeat but a strategic victory for the Americans.
I remember watching a video by a historian at the battlefield site that talked about this. I believe that your description is accurate.
Excellent video! Right to the point animations are awesome.
Nice vids, keep em coming. Well done!
Just found your channel absolutely amazing
Nice work, Middle Guard! Good graphics and very informative.
Just found out my great 5th time over grandpa served in the little river district regiment was a captain. And fought in this battle as militia
I remember hearing somewhere that “soldiers hold their lives most dearly when victory is certain.” That’s what happened to the British.
Very clear, I really like the animation. Shame about the outcome though 😀. As a Brit, at school they never really explained how we lost the war. All I remember is being told that the Americans were excellent marksmen, due to them being hunters, and that they used guerrilla type tactics rather than standing in rows waiting to be shot. Almost as though you guys cheated. This video shows that's just not true, and that we were simply out maneuvered by a better commander. At least, in this battle.
The Revolutionaries had international support. That's not to diminish the tactical accomplishments of the Continental armies but without French financing and Prussian training, it just wouldn't have happened. And that's something you don't hear from British OR United States classroom teachers.
In the US we learn about Benjamin Franklin traveling to France to garner support from the French. We also learn about Lafayette and and Baron von Steuben helping to turn the continental army into professionals. We also realize that the British forces were stretched thin across their entire Empire and that we weren’t fighting the full force of the Empire’s military.
We also weren't ruled by a jackass wearing a crown.
@@SamBrockmann neither were we at that time. We had beheaded the last jackass wearing a crown who tried to rule us a century before. By 1776 we had a constitutional monarchy; i.e. a King with no real power.
@@davew4998, you apparently don't know history. The 3 King Georges were absolutely jackasses. You must love delusion. 😂😂
Daniel Morgan's famous three-line defense. Simple, but brillant.
It will always be impressive how Morgan opted to use the collapsible defensive lines' tactic and made it a much-needed tool in many future generals' battle plans. The idea of using one's weakest troops first to draw the enemy into a position of overconfidence only to gut punch them with the best men at one's disposal and to have the weak troops rallied to coordinate in a one-two punch with the cavalry against the enemy formations was quite a masterful play.
Greene was brilliant. He knew the limitations of his militia and incorporated their flaws into his battle plan. He knew they'd run, so he controlled where and how and kept them in the fight far longer than they would have been otherwise.
Solid video! Good amount of pretext and the battle details were on point, thanks for making a vid on battle of cowpens!
Worth noting that Morgan's forces included riflemen, who were used to pick off officer and non-com targets, adding to the confusion on the British/Loyalist side. Also, the Patriot militia were used as bait, and were given orders to fire two volleys and then withdraw to the rear, behind the Patriot regulars. Morgan used Tarelton's expectations and low opinion of the militia to sucker him into attacking the center, while terrain aided in protecting their flanks.
So glad this channel came up recommended. Cowpens??? San Jacinto?? Subscribed!! 🔥🔥
Good on you for putting in the work on your own history channel. Anything that isn't a makeup tutorial is welcome these days.
My ancestor was in the militia at Cowpens. His home was on the King's Mountain battlefield, and was used as a field hospital during the battle there. He was away with the militia opposing Cornwallis at the time of the Battle of King's Mountain. His sister Mary, nursed the wounded patriot Colonel Hambright back to health and eventually married him. The soldier in my avatar is the grandson of my Revolutionary War ancestor. He fought in the Confederate Army and was killed in Virginia in 1862 while fighting under Stonewall Jackson.
Always remember kids take advantage of terrain and tactics.
Make sure that when the enemy finally engages with you,
they are absolutely bone tired.😂
For sure you will have a great future if you make longer videos !
And make sure to make history videos like Russian civil war, napoleon and some others!
Tarleton and Washington reportedly met on the field. Unable to overcome the portly, powerful Washington, Tarleton shot his horse and rode away.
Great video dude!
Keep up the great vids!
high quality! keep em coming
Really good video mate ❤
Amazing EHTV styled video
Amazing video
epic history would be proud bro
Fantastic battle to cover
I like the length of the video
Great video mate
Green and morgan were like lee and jackson very humble men, but fierce fighters, they never took accolade.
Excellent video! (At what point in the battle does Mel Gibson wield the tomahawk? 😄)
i love the epic history tv style, keep going man
Great video!!!
Awesome video
Wow this is spectacular.
Most accounts I have read have Col. Washington's calvary charging on the American left flank. This video has him coming around to the American rightflank. This is key because Washington and Bennie Tarelton had a fight and they almost got Bennie. There was quite a lot more to this battle that should have been discussed. The American first line was quite effective with their sniper fire and took out many epaulets (Officers) This was the most well fought battle by any General in the Revolutionary War British or American using linear tactics. Daniel Morgan doesn't get the credit he truly deserves in this battle and the Revolution. He fought in the invasion of Canada and was there for the Country from the very beginning and started the famous Morgans Rifleman. These guys could fight anybody......
I agree. Morgan was a great commander and few know about him.
From what I have studied there are some other factors. Due to a slight rise in the ground the British could not see the 3rd American line of Continentals (regulars) until they had advanced and were committed. The militia had been told they could go when they had fired the required volleys but some stood with the Continental line when they saw them holding and others took cover in woods and fired on the flanks of the British advance both of which increased the effectiveness of the original plan.
Sounds like poor planning by the British
Nice video. thanks
I am once again asking for Second Sabine Pass.
Would love to see the Battle of Mackinac Island.
Where are Benjamin Martin and William Tavington? I kid. This video was great.
How much of that about-face was discussed before, how much was on the spot improv, and how much was orders given at the perfect moment?
Morgan ordered the militia to fire a few shots and retreat to the next line. His generalship was superb! Much more could and should be said.
Do you use Geolayers? Is there a way I can get something like that for cheaper? I'm trying to make a Culloden documentary. These videos, as well as Epic History's have inspired me
Wonderful video! It is great if I need an overview. Did you use Geolayers for this?
Just saying but I think you should put kings mountain on your list of battles that you are making videos of because the battle fits in very well with the battle of cowpens and the battle is really interesting because it’s been described as "the war's largest all-American fight and the battle was fought between loyalist militia and American militia plus a group of American frontiersman known as the over mountain men but the battle is also very interesting because Some Patriots gave no quarter until their officers re-established control over their men; they were said to be seeking revenge for alleged killings by Banastre Tarleton's militiamen at the Battle of Waxhaws, under the slogan "Remember Tarleton's Quarter and what i meant by the battle of kings mountain fitting in with the battle of cowpens is before the battle of kings mountain on October 6th the patriots reached cowpens and while at cowpens they received word that Ferguson was east of them, heading towards Charlotte and the main British army under Cornwallis.
Great video. You must create a series about War of 1812.
Our men are running sir!
Our men flee the field of battle!
This is a shameful display...
So damn good man...
Please do a video on the battle of Guilford Courthouse where the British Pyrrhic victory caused Cornwallis to abandon the Carolinas and retreat to Yorktown which resulted in Britain’s ultimate defeat and America’s victory
Defense in depth. An amazing thing. 😊
Moving boxes on a map? I think I’ll stare at this for hours.
the battle at the end of the movie the patriot
I really like this video, especially because it’s about my ancestor I am a descendent of Daniel Morgan on my mother side. My full name is Kevin Daniel Morgan pruitt. My mother was so proud of the fact that we are descendants of his that she put his name in mine.
W vid chrisp
Wow this gets the blood stirring! Just wow. Almost - not quite but just about a Thermopylae!
First of all, if you want to read more about this battle, I would highly recommend Babits "A Devil of a Whipping".
Second, I feel it is criminal that this was not placed in the greater context of the Southern campaign, i.e. King's Mountain-Cowpens-Guilford Courthouse-Virginia Capes-Yorktown.
K&G is doing the whole southern campaign, I was just trying to show the battle.
And to think, you would never hear of a battle like this in history books
Giving hella epic history vibes
The brittish left should have held it didn't make sense that they fell back rather then with draw and pivot from the right flank and reingage Washington on the left. Thee issue was the chase half a mile under fire really slows the men down the reinforced right flank really rolled the brittish while the highlanders performed well. The pivot was impossible to pull off in midst of active melee. But had they pivotedaway from the charge the outcome would have been diffrent and the highlanders would have rolled the americans.