REACTING to 'Maya Animator Tries Blender'

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @BrianKouhi
    @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +18

    Hope you enjoyed the video!
    If you're considering taking your animation skills to the next level, and master Blender's animation tools at the same time, check out our Ultimate Animation Course:

  • @IvoDanielBrito
    @IvoDanielBrito 7 місяців тому +150

    The fact that people are leaving insults on videos of people that animate with a different software is just baffling! I wouldn't want to work in a studio with some of this people.
    Animation is animation. Be kind to each other, there's already a tone of hate and negativity in the world.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +25

      Very true. I had to delete most of the comments since they were just insults.
      Animation is animation regardless of software 💪🏼

    • @ADreamCalledeternity
      @ADreamCalledeternity 7 місяців тому +6

      Agreed. It's as they say: the industry is small, and word gets around. It's better to not knock each other like that.
      Also speaking of, hi! You probably don't recognize me, but we attended animation classes together. My name is Jackie, if that rings a bell. Hope you're doing well!

    • @IvoDanielBrito
      @IvoDanielBrito 7 місяців тому +2

      @@ADreamCalledeternity Hi Jackie, yeah I remember you! All good with me, hope you are doing well too and animating. 🙂

    • @IvoDanielBrito
      @IvoDanielBrito 7 місяців тому +2

      @@BrianKouhi sorry to hear that. I'm sure you are used to poor behaviour on-line, but it's never good. Great video as always. Keep on keeping on teaching animation and Blender.🙌

    • @ihatetomatoees
      @ihatetomatoees 7 місяців тому

      Womp womp

  • @afrotron
    @afrotron 7 місяців тому +188

    Its funny that people think they can just dive into a software they've never used before and expect it to work immediately

    • @ZeeJohansen
      @ZeeJohansen 7 місяців тому +14

      It has the same energy as a builder saying: “This screwdriver doesn't work like the drill I always use!” 😂

    • @nenoman3855
      @nenoman3855 7 місяців тому +9

      Yeah. Kinda baffling. Especially if you try to use it in a relatively advance (or at least intermediate) and very specific workflow. When i jumped from premiere to Davinci for video editing, i spent at least a week familiarising myself with the hotkeys and interface.

    • @joojosart7772
      @joojosart7772 7 місяців тому

      Who thinks that?^^

    • @rano12321
      @rano12321 7 місяців тому +3

      @@joojosart7772 the guy who made that video and also thinking particle ceo because he made a similar video like this criticizing blender for not being the same as 3ds max lol.

    • @DeGrey
      @DeGrey 7 місяців тому +8

      It's lazy content designed solely to get both sides to argue and create "engagement".

  • @ADreamCalledeternity
    @ADreamCalledeternity 7 місяців тому +30

    For those wanting to know some helpful Blender shortcuts for animation, I'll share some I know of that were also mentioned in the video:
    Graph Editor
    L : Link similar. Select a key, and hit L to select all of the keys in that spline.
    . (decimal numpad): Focus/isolate. Hit A to grab all your keys, and hit . to focus. Same as Maya's F shortcut.
    . (period): Change pivot point.
    Tiny arrow button: Only show selected. Helpful for when you want to only see one rig's curves, and useful unselected.
    ALT + H : Show hidden curves.
    W: Mini menu for general animation tools.
    T: Interpolation tools.
    P: Crop frames in a timeline/graph editor/dope sheet.
    3D Space
    1-0: Viewing controls in Persp/Otho if you have Emulate Numpad enabled in Edit>Preferences>Input. SUPER useful, even if you have a mouse.
    ` : Circle menu for views. Alternative to Emulate Numpad.
    . (Numpad) : Focus/Isolate.
    . (Keyboard): Pivot point.
    N: Mini menu. Grease pencil, transformations, rig UI etc can be found here.
    CTRL + TAB: Switch modes.
    LMB click on almost any button and you can assign it to Quick Favorites. I use it to import models, render playblasts, update motion paths, change handle type, etc. List is different for each menu you use it in.
    Render > Lock Interface: Stay in one selected mode.
    There's probably more, but that's all I can come up with. On top of that, there's a ton of free addons for animation that Blender uses. A ton more resources than Maya, I assume.

    • @fleezy2008
      @fleezy2008 3 місяці тому

      Great tips! Setting the preview range (P) & clearing the preview range (alt P) are new to me and a big time saver!

  • @oskbarrero
    @oskbarrero 7 місяців тому +45

    I think that's the principal problem of other software users. They think blender is wrong just because is not like what they use. First you need to understand the program before jump on conclusions

  • @1989johno
    @1989johno 7 місяців тому +14

    no matter the software , you will always favour the one you work fluently with .

  • @AnimatorBlender
    @AnimatorBlender 7 місяців тому +22

    In addition to that part of switching btw objects only accessible in Object mode from the rig in Pose mode, the person can deselect the 'Lock Object Transform' in the preferences, and they wouldn't even have to use CTRL +TAB
    Blender is really good if one sticks with it.

    • @Darklugia0
      @Darklugia0 2 місяці тому

      im gonna be honest ive been looking for this and have not been able to find it

  • @hoverBOXcreative
    @hoverBOXcreative 7 місяців тому +13

    I remember when I finally switched from Maya to Blender. I think it was Blender 2.61. I wrote down everything I did in Maya, and then Googled each one. I was pretty fluent within a couple hours. I think that Blender is a lot easier than Maya, after you learn the software. I never use gizmos to move anything. Most of the time I just orbit the view port and move or rotate from view. I also recommend that people get keyboards with customizable keys and a mouse with keys as well. You can work extremely fast with tools like that.
    Thanks for the fun video.

    • @katrinshtorm4727
      @katrinshtorm4727 7 місяців тому +1

      agree, I did the same, I even have maya config addon lol

  • @csiguszfoxoup
    @csiguszfoxoup 7 місяців тому +12

    So glad you made this video. Many beginners will see his video and be like: "oh no! Now I have to buy maya because it is clearly better and easier!" when that really is not the case.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +6

      Yep, usually it's a knowledge problem not a software problem.

  • @the_shortski6053
    @the_shortski6053 7 місяців тому +21

    As someone learning Blender after using Maya for 5 years, the thing with Blender is that it's just different with Maya. Maya is very free, simple, but you do have to do some work to get it to the right spot. Whereas Blender puts a bit more emphasis on the menus to do the same thing, but you make adjustments in the menus.
    A key example would be rigging. I spent a while trying to figure out how to make a basic rig like Maya. You have to make each controller and can't animate the bones and that sort of jazz. But with Blender, you do animate the bones, and you can add controllers just by selecting the bones and changing the display.
    Constraints were also very weird to get accustomed to. In Maya, I mostly just parent constrained everything and other constraints being situational. But in Blender you can make a rig with Squash and Stretch using bone constraints. There's more overall options. Whereas Maya, you'd probably need to spend half of the time in Node Editor.
    The worst part of Blender is trying to remember all the menu's and where things are. I wouldn't recommend trying to learn Blender without tutorials. Its really dependent on you knowing how to navigate the menus and adjusting things whereas Maya, you could just do everything without having to look out of the viewport.

    • @SymbolCymbals2356
      @SymbolCymbals2356 7 місяців тому +3

      (Just gonna preface this with: I have no clue where your at in learning Blender so apologies if this is too basic)
      F3, the search function, is definitely vary handy starting out while trying to remember all the shortcuts and menus. Also try to take note of what it shows the hot key to be and/or the path to navigate to it through the menus because an over reliance on F3 can end up getting in the way of learning Blender. Oh and yeah obviously I understand remembering the names may still be an issue but at least names are easier to learn or guess when starting out
      Also temporarily adding things to the Quick Favorites hotkey menu is handy in avoiding navigating to buttons repeatedly, you can do this by right clicking nearly any button (menu, search result, object property button, modifier/constraint visibility, etc)

  • @RiggingDojo
    @RiggingDojo 7 місяців тому +13

    Great work Brian, a helpful and much better response than the continued predictable reaction of "hey person trying to learn Blender, you should LEARN Blender before complaining" because that is super helpful of the community to shame someone struggling to learn the tools and try it instead of, you know, helping them.

    • @hookflash699
      @hookflash699 7 місяців тому +4

      He didn't just "struggle to learn the tools." He put almost no effort into learning Blender, and then posted a video complaining about the result. I don't see why that sort of behavior (which seems all-too-common amongst Maya users) should be rewarded, or why the Blender community should want to bring those sorts of people into the fold.

    • @RiggingDojo
      @RiggingDojo 7 місяців тому

      We will have to disagree@@hookflash699

    • @Kuuribro
      @Kuuribro 7 місяців тому

      Because the people making these are sharing their opinions with thousands of others who feel the same struggles, who get their opinion reinforced, who then go into comments and see blender users being holier-than-thou assholes saying "LEARN it before anybody will help you" and this just repeatedly turns more people off.
      I have tried to learn blender, multiple times, and I have lost count of the amount of attitude and snide that has turned me off of ever wanting to, coming from blender users.
      You are reinforcing that, RIGHT HERE. "I dont see why we should help people who complain" - BECAUSE THEY ARE COMPLAINING, they are struggling, they are shouting it into the void, and others are listening! THAT is why you should want to help them!
      How to use this software and how to wrap your head around it as somebody that doesn't already use it, is the number one hurdle keeping people out. Usually people who learned something else or are coming from industry standard (where blender just isn't in circulation for a variety of reasons not relating to its UI, don't attack me for this, this is not the point being discussed)

    • @ninjadodovideos
      @ninjadodovideos 7 місяців тому +1

      @@hookflash699And your reaction is *exactly* what Rigging Dojo was talking about with unhelpful gatekeeping responses. This kind of unwelcoming "why should we want 'these sorts of people' in the community" bullshit attitude needs to go away. You're _hurting_ the Blender community by acting this way, not helping it.

    • @hookflash699
      @hookflash699 7 місяців тому

      @@ninjadodovideos I know my reaction is what RiggingDojo was referring to, and I believe it was 100% appropriate. I believe people like you are the ones harming the community by tolerating toxic behaviour.

  • @NachoSPena
    @NachoSPena 7 місяців тому +13

    Hey Brian! First of all, thanks for all the useful tips you are delivering all the time, not only regarding on Blender also on animation. I think Software is just a vehicle. I can say that because I´ve been animating almost 26 years.. profesionally, first, as traditional animator, later with 3dsmax, Maya, Softimage XSI, also as a hobby have learnt some of lightwave3D and the forgotten Hash Animation Master. And now, i'm learning Blender! :). Coming from Maya..It's a bit tough, but as any other software is just a tool. We all have to find the way to learn to walk again..Let's not compare softwares between them in a negative way.. all have weakness and strenghts.. Is like compare why italian might be better than portuguese... does not have any sense. Happy animating everybody!

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +5

      I 100% agree. I use both software professionally and they both have their pros and cons :)
      This video was more about educating rather than comparing.

    • @NachoSPena
      @NachoSPena 7 місяців тому +2

      yeah man! ..i have just changed the prefs regarding "Only show selected F-curve keyframes" :D thanks!! @@BrianKouhi

    • @NachoSPena
      @NachoSPena 7 місяців тому

      Yeah man! I have just changed my blender prefs regarding "Only Show Selected F-Curves Keyframes" ..thanks! @@BrianKouhi

  • @LongyTV
    @LongyTV 7 місяців тому +3

    I have been learning modelling and sculpting in Blender for past couple of years but never jumped into the animation workflow. I am currently learning how to animate in Maya. These videos will be useful when I jump into animating in Blender. Thanks for putting these out.

  • @FishBoyBlue
    @FishBoyBlue 7 місяців тому +2

    As someone who has to bounce between different softwares for work, personal projects, and where the project is at, I'm so happy with Blender + Industry compatible hotkeys. Sure its a little slower, but when I have to wrangle the strengths and weaknesses of different animation suites, I have found Blender to be very good at character rigging and animation work, outpacing Maya in my workflow. Yeah it was a struggle to get my head into the blenderspace, but it was totally worth it and I approached it without bias. Doing so really helped me get deadlines met and produce work smoothly.

  • @rano12321
    @rano12321 7 місяців тому +7

    Oh boy, this new software works differently to get the same job done as if it's made by completely different people with different goals and ideas.

  • @SnivyO.O
    @SnivyO.O 7 місяців тому +6

    I'm currently learning both software at the same time, this is going to be interesting 💀

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +2

      Oo good luck!

    • @firespexstudios
      @firespexstudios 7 місяців тому +1

      Good Luck!

    • @SnivyO.O
      @SnivyO.O 7 місяців тому

      @@BrianKouhi Thank you 🥰, I have to say that you guys did an fantastic job on your Courses, it is very informative and insightful. I had a blast learning, currently on my way to Advance Lessons now. Hoping to see if you guys decide to do Rigging or Modeling Courses in the future as well 🔥

    • @SnivyO.O
      @SnivyO.O 7 місяців тому

      @@firespexstudios Thanks! 🤗

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +1

      @@SnivyO.O Glad to hear you're enjoying the course.
      We definitely are working on creating a character creation and rigging course, but it will take some time before it's fully developed. We've gotten an insane amount of requests for those two courses from our animation students.

  • @BillieCake
    @BillieCake 7 місяців тому +12

    I'm often confused about the point these sort of videos are trying to make. As a Blender-only user, recently I had to watch some Maya tutorials while learning rigging. And it looked awful, and complicated, and confusing as hell. Simply because I'm not used to it. Surely, if I were to switch, I'd be expected to learn the workflow, UI and hotkeys all over again. Why is it always so surprising that going from Maya to Blender requires basic research?

    • @SymbolCymbals2356
      @SymbolCymbals2356 7 місяців тому +8

      Because the original video's poster seems to be intentionally trying to make an outrage bait-y "hey Blender users I don't like the software you like" video to rake in the views and comments. And I don't mean to particularly disparage him or anything, the sad thing is people click on that type of video whether because they're outraged Blender users who are mad someone doesn't like the thing they like or Maya users who want to reaffirm their own biases about "other program bad, Maya good"

  • @RiggingDojo
    @RiggingDojo 7 місяців тому +5

    The Focus on selection (period) key isn't an equivalent for the zoom around the mouse in the graph editor though and that isn't a match because that requires a selection change. Core Blender does have a zoom around mouse for the 3d view but the 2d view doesn't seem to respect that setting.

    • @Arjjacks
      @Arjjacks 7 місяців тому +1

      You sure? I just tried it now in the graph editor and it worked fine. It literally did what the original Maya guy complained that he couldn't do. You're talking about having the Zoom to Mouse Position ticked on the preferences, right?

  • @O_lucasmelo
    @O_lucasmelo 6 місяців тому +3

    Hello, Maya guy here and i feel like the guy tried to jump in the blender animation without doing any tutorial to learn how to actually do it.

  • @fabianogama39
    @fabianogama39 7 місяців тому +3

    I remember that day, it was funny how some people get upset for no reason just because some people use both softwares and prefer Blender tools and the funnier part is that most of them have never tried Blender, but still have a strong opinion that Blender sucks. Most of people who hate blender never tried it or tried it just once and gave up because it's not like Maya, while the best thing about Blender are the differences it has from Maya and the advantages that those differences bring. You can even be a better Maya animator if you give yourself a chance to see animation from a different perspective through the lenses of another tool.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +2

      😅 You were deep into one of the threads in that video

    • @fabianogama39
      @fabianogama39 7 місяців тому +1

      @@BrianKouhi hahhaha yes. I was curious about how the minds of haters work.Not all of them was haters, but there was one guy who had a really hard time dealing with his frustrations.

  • @billypodol9006
    @billypodol9006 2 місяці тому

    Nice that you clarify all his issues. I was already putting blender in a shadow for animation

  • @ADreamCalledeternity
    @ADreamCalledeternity 7 місяців тому +3

    As someone who uses Blender (several years, taught it in college) and Maya(learned 3 years ago), both software have their own great capabilities. There are some tools in Maya I prefer to Blender, and vice versa. Blender is a very shortcut oriented program, and I guess since Blender users are so used to it, we don't really notice it until someone points out their grievances. Tbh, Blender's transform shortcuts makes more sense than Maya's.
    I think there's a lot both programs can do to improve for animators. For one, I wish we didn't have to use AnimBot for tools Blender has natively. But I also wish Blender had the ability to customize windows for certain modes (It's minor, but I'd really like for timeline buttons to be native to the Graph Editor, too, but I don't know much abt programming to say if it can be done). But I think Blender is meant to be a more optimal experience for any type of creative, as you eloquently put in your video.

    • @ADreamCalledeternity
      @ADreamCalledeternity 7 місяців тому +1

      @@MrDjTilo Oh my gosh, you're the best!! Thank you so much!

  • @bnernganmont
    @bnernganmont 7 місяців тому +5

    ex maya guy.... blender saved my sanity.... not kidding .....i also had similar bs complaints at first...very patient explanation. blender forever. would NEVER EVER go back. made so much cash thanks to the B

  • @Stu-32
    @Stu-32 7 місяців тому

    Apparently one of the big pluses blender has is the speed of using the dope sheet.

  • @DenerWitt
    @DenerWitt 7 місяців тому +5

    I mean, it really sounds like he is trying to use Blender like he uses Maya. Sounds like he is looking for reasons to NOT use Blender.

  • @gcharb2d
    @gcharb2d 2 місяці тому +1

    The guy tries Blender on a regular basis, and he can't get his head around it, he's not the only one, Blender has a unique way of doing things, which doesn't agree with a lot of people!

  • @aronseptianto8142
    @aronseptianto8142 7 місяців тому +2

    while i kind of understand that some of his complains are kind of valid in the way that it's not exactly intuitive where things are etc, given how much settings you can adjust to your own preference, i feel like 90% of his problem is solvable by cursory googling or youtube tutorial? I'm not sure how people learn maya but at least that's how i learnt blender, if there's some repetitive annoying action that i feel is unoptimal, there's probably a setting for it either in addon form or in preference form

  • @rodeobot
    @rodeobot 7 місяців тому +1

    his podcast is really good! big fan of the both of you

  • @fjsv_omg321
    @fjsv_omg321 7 місяців тому +3

    Yeah clearly he tried it for a few weeks and called it a day while animating in maya for several years.

  • @PlusHappylab
    @PlusHappylab 16 днів тому

    did you make a video on blender and all the things you can dow with the graph editor?

  • @firespexstudios
    @firespexstudios 7 місяців тому +3

    Great video! Gives me both perspective to understand the differences.

    • @firespexstudios
      @firespexstudios 7 місяців тому +2

      Also, I found some good settings that you mentioned that i never use before.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому

      @@firespexstudios 😁😁

  • @HermanvanBoeijen
    @HermanvanBoeijen 7 місяців тому

    I’m an interface designer, and one of my mantra’s is to “stay angry” about interface errors. Yes, learn a new program. But discontent about features is needed for improvements. I still see a lot of room for improvement in how blender communicates it’s modal states, and it somehow always manages to start with the *wrong* defaults. You just taught me a ton of stuff, thank you!
    Hmmm… is anyone interested in helping me make a blender addon that shows the current “mode” in a hard to miss way? 😅

  • @ronitrajput3934
    @ronitrajput3934 7 місяців тому

    I am new to animation in Blender, I literally spent two hours up until now 😅😅. This video has helped a lot. I have done some basic animations, But Now I think I can follow through and make something more complex. Thanks a Lot to both of you for having this back and forth.

  • @weeliano
    @weeliano 7 місяців тому +1

    I teach both Maya and Blender, I never change the shortcuts in Blender to match Maya. Blender is far more logical in terms of usage. In terms of animation capabilities, it is getting better and matching Maya animation capabilities in future releases with animation layers.

  • @roswarmth
    @roswarmth 7 місяців тому

    both of these videos have such a fulfilling information that one can encounter while shifting from maya to blender i think if I watched these two videos most of my problems would have been solved without so much trouble, keep going both of you love you Lucas love you Brian also expecting a collab 😉that would be the ultimate beginner course for animation in blender

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +1

      Haha thank you for the kind words.
      I let Lucas know about this before releasing the video and he was cool with it :)

  • @bataraza2
    @bataraza2 Місяць тому +1

    amazing tuto bro

  • @simipapi
    @simipapi 7 місяців тому +3

    How come Maya and the Three wasn't animated in Maya? Doesn't make any sense...

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +3

      The name isn't "Maya" because of the software 😂
      That being said, it was a very confusing few weeks of production in the beginning. I kept hearing "Maya" thinking the software, not the main character of the film.

  • @francescocalvi7096
    @francescocalvi7096 6 місяців тому +1

    Unless they've set up shortcuts themselves overtime, most maya users get baffled when they go to a shortcut-based workflow rather than a menu-based one that inevitably much much slower. Many vets run out of patience with doing tutorials as they are no longer feeling "at home" with a new piece of software. Any slightly different thing can drive those sort of people nuts. That being said I suspect this maya person in particular just wanted some controversy for the views/clicks

  • @PlusHappylab
    @PlusHappylab 16 днів тому

    brian what do you think is the fastest way to animate using transform or usinig g r and s , i see you use transform. i feel like using g r and s are faster tho whats your take, and why do you use the transform, thanks for the video

  • @carlosmu
    @carlosmu 7 місяців тому +1

    hahaha, good job!! It's a great way to learn about differences between animation softwares. In fact, if someone tries to change from maya to 3dsmax, he will be found similar problems, because every program has its own way to do things.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +1

      It's very true. Unless a program is a copy of the other, you can't just jump in and expect it to work the same.

  • @akayuki94
    @akayuki94 7 місяців тому +1

    I learnt blender on my own, and in the university we are learning maya. I prefer blender 100%, i don't understand maya at all 😭

  • @howiem
    @howiem 7 місяців тому +1

    The Maya guy would likely have similar difficulties if trying to use, say, 3DSMax (or any other DCC) after only a short time of getting to know it. I bounce between Blender and Houdini, and both apps drive me completely up the wall at times: oh why can't Blender let me drop nodes as quickly as Houdini, or why can't Houdini's viewport nav work more like Blender's (etc etc). None of these apps are perfect. But they're all wonderful tools.
    The absolute best thing we can all do is stop being religious about apps. So - thanks Brian: calm and non-antagonistic response. Thank god we have so many options, thank god we have competition in this space, driving innovation; thank god we have Blender: whether it works for you or you prefer a diff DCC, Blender's very presence on the scene benefits the whole industry, just like Maya and Houdini.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +1

      Couldn't agree more!

  • @maotakuplays3369
    @maotakuplays3369 20 днів тому +1

    so helpful

  • @mercurysmith563
    @mercurysmith563 7 місяців тому +4

    You handled that with class.

  • @jsunsherman72
    @jsunsherman72 7 місяців тому +1

    all the things that he was having issues with he could have easily figured out using the internet but nope he had to make a video about how inept he is at learning something that is outside his general knowledge. srry but he is working for Maya or is just very resentful Blender users don"t have to pay out the butt. I wish him good luck. thanks for a good chuckle.

  • @ShatterBrainz
    @ShatterBrainz 7 місяців тому +1

    I use Both Maya and Blender, among many programs..many many programs

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +2

      Everyone should be software agnostic :)

  • @ravanin
    @ravanin 7 місяців тому +1

    2d cursor video sounds like a great idea

  • @AshT8524
    @AshT8524 7 місяців тому +3

    This is perfect video for Maya animators who want to animate in Blender (Me). These basic things will annoy the hell out of anyone.

  • @MikeHayesDesign
    @MikeHayesDesign 7 місяців тому +2

    Hahaha. It's a poor craftsperson that blames the tools. I've used Max, Maya and Blender. They're just tools that we need to learn how to use. I saw that video and laughed. The BEST 3D software: The one that I get paid to use. (He complains about different modes, but Maya has a sub-object switch for modeling, etc.)

  • @dirunfx577
    @dirunfx577 7 місяців тому +1

    There is lock object mode on edit; just turn that off.

  • @JayceLee-k4e
    @JayceLee-k4e 6 місяців тому

    do the one from Mussey 3D next

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  6 місяців тому

      I have no idea who you're referring you. Could you share the link to the video?

  • @eddieandersson5570
    @eddieandersson5570 7 місяців тому

    That was awesome Brian❤

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому

      Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

  • @xypher83
    @xypher83 7 місяців тому

    As 3ds max user, (witch is the most hated software of all times) seeing this feels very familiar 😂😂😂

  • @MaxChe
    @MaxChe 7 місяців тому +1

    I don't know where is the best place to learn animation, society confuses and dismorals me a lot.... i like blender, i also worked at maya for a couple of years (by the way i don't like it very much), so far all its trump cards are just that it's the industry standard and the "old guys" shout that it's better than everything else

  • @d27production
    @d27production 4 дні тому

    POV : when People think he is very pro and never watch tutorial for new software...

  • @s3ij4s
    @s3ij4s 7 місяців тому

    The most remarkable thing is that this animator says in his video that he works in Blender Studio as an animator, is a beta tester of Blender, and has even tutorials, works for Blender exploring its capabilities and of course has years of experience in the industry with Maya and what he does is to show how he struggles and what solutions he can find. The commentators did not see the video.
    Lo más destacable es que este animador dice en su video que trabaja en Blender Studio como animador, es beta tester de Blender, y tiene hasta tutoriales, trabaja para Blender explorando sus capacidades y por supuesto tiene años de experiencia en la industria con Maya y lo que hace es mostrar como lucha y que soluciones puede encontrar. Los que hacen los comentarios no vieron el video.

  • @GandRaya
    @GandRaya 6 місяців тому +1

    software its just a tool to animate

  • @Jerrytohg
    @Jerrytohg 4 місяці тому

    Im using graphic design, animation, compositing softwares since 25+ years ago. The problem I found with blender was the community... at those v2.3 era.. everyone was telling and mocking.. "Its this shorcut.. press that.. press this.." like if they were feel "different" mostly using just shortcuts. I sense a lack of visual design for the purpose of the software.
    Why in the hell I should adapt to a tool... with tons of shortcuts??.. being a visual artist, VISUAL artist, I need a BLEND of visual tools and muscle memory (SHORTCUTS) to work.
    Games exploit muscle memory with WASD keys, you want a combo?? then learn shortcuts. But the common actions are there.. because... they want the people playing immediately!
    Design and VFX software needs a nice balanced blend of common sense standarized from decades ago, and I know is not a copyright issue for the shortcuts to be like other software.

  • @phoenix2gaming346
    @phoenix2gaming346 5 місяців тому

    yeah not matter the software i use maya

  • @soirema
    @soirema 7 місяців тому

    i wishh what maya animator would see this T-T did you tag him ??

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +3

      I let him know I was posting this a few days prior, so he may have!

  • @Karonclip
    @Karonclip 4 місяці тому

    Blender is hard

  • @FancyFun3433
    @FancyFun3433 7 місяців тому

    9:21 no don't say that! Don't say you never have to do it again. I have to fix my shit with each new version of blender of course you're gonna have to do it again and it's gonna be a pain to research it again when it should be default!

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +5

      When you upgrade to a new version of Blender, there's always an option to copy your preferences from the previous version (It's one button and it asks you when you first open the new Blender, next time look at the Splash-screen when you launch). I haven't changed my settings since Blender 3, I've just had it copy my preferences from the previous version.

    • @Priv_Not-None
      @Priv_Not-None 7 місяців тому +1

      when you install a new blender version it has a button to copy all preferences from old blender to the new one including those settings. though it may vary from where you get blender from i install my blenders from blender's official website and when i do i have my old blender still installed idk if that lets it read from old the old blender to pull its preferences or what but transferring preferences does exist

    • @FancyFun3433
      @FancyFun3433 7 місяців тому

      @BrianKouhi idk how to do that and I'm pretty sure that means the maya guy doesn't either lol also when you switch computers you still have to set it which I guarantee at some point everyone is going to switch computers

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +3

      @@FancyFun3433 🤔🤨 then you can just copy your userpref.blend file and paste it into the new computer.
      With Blender don't think why I can't, think how can I 😂

    • @FancyFun3433
      @FancyFun3433 7 місяців тому

      @BrianKouhi Yeah, and that's the difference. Maya has a built-in workflow that you follow/most people follow and blender you have to build your workflow with addons/preferences that has to transfer from computer to computer. Like now I need to know how to do that which I don't and I have to know how to do the first part which I don't. You might as well just set everything by hand everytime anyway just to build the memory so if you switch computers you just know how to install everything you need by hand. Also my blender is fucked up rn and it keeps reverting my settings. Navigation keeps ticking on the depth option and I hate it. It never saves...

  • @kids24359
    @kids24359 7 місяців тому

    neah i use two softwear for animation maya and blender for more than 12 years and maya is so much better in animation . and export my anim to blender to make render becose is to fast ...

  • @fabbrobbaf
    @fabbrobbaf 7 місяців тому +3

    What an arrogant dude! Before criticizing a new software, learn it!

  • @vyxxer
    @vyxxer 7 місяців тому

    Man people will get into tribal wars about *anything* won't they?

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +1

      It's in our DNA unfortunately 😔

  • @dennissantos6543
    @dennissantos6543 5 місяців тому

    First point makes no sense. Second point maya also has the gizmo tool. You’re trying to defend blender and saying he doesn’t understand how certain things work in blender, but you’re doing the same. Everything you mentioned is already in maya and from my experience you do have to take extra steps in blender to do the same. You just sound like you’re trying to defend blender instead of saying “ yes it’s less efficient in many ways but it’s my software of choice”.

  • @TangleWireTube
    @TangleWireTube 7 місяців тому

    Blender’s “Modes” are a useless extra layer of friction. They don’t need to be there, and it takes a significant amount of time to have them committed to mussel memory.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +4

      If ctrl+tab is such a huge hurdle for someone to remember, they can also just turn it off so there's no modes :) Some of the other comments mention how.

    • @ProjectAtlasmodling
      @ProjectAtlasmodling 7 місяців тому +3

      Modes have the very improvement role of making sure you don't break something

    • @TangleWireTube
      @TangleWireTube 7 місяців тому +1

      @@BrianKouhii checked the comments. That is helpful to be able to still select object in pose mode… however that just strengthens the point I’m making. A control object is fundamentally no different than a default cube in terms of animation. Separating them into two classes of objects was a mistake and “posing” is virtually no different than “placing”. It’s a useless distinction that gets in the way.
      The use case you gave about safely box selecting a character should be able to be handled in a layers system, with each character assigned to their own layer, and you can make that character non-selectable when needed.
      I LOVE BLENDER. I get excellent use out of it and can’t sing it’s praises enough. But the whole modes concept could be removed and it would be better for it.

    • @GANONdork123
      @GANONdork123 7 місяців тому +2

      It's necessary when you're a modeling, texturing, rigging, animating, rendering, compositing, drawing, and video editing software merged into one. Imagine trying to pose your character and you're trying to select a bone, but you accidentally select the mesh and start pulling verts around instead. Or if you find a problem with your rig while posing and you want to fix it without losing your current pose, you can switch to edit mode and make the necessary changes to the rig itself while keeping the pose entirely isolated in its own mode.

  • @ultrarageman2956
    @ultrarageman2956 7 місяців тому

    If a sowtware is carefuly crafted, it should be super user friendly....blender is is just nooooooottt.

    • @ProjectAtlasmodling
      @ProjectAtlasmodling 7 місяців тому +3

      It's not that blender isn't user friendly it's the Maya users except everything to be like what they're used to.
      You don't go to your friends house and expect it to be a duplicate of your own

    • @ultrarageman2956
      @ultrarageman2956 7 місяців тому

      @ProjectAtlasmodling I expect that when opening a new app, i can use it without hassle.
      "Hassle" is an understatement when talking about blender.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +3

      Do you remember the first time you opened Maya without knowing anything about Maya? Or Zbrush before watching any tutorials on how it works. It's the same thing, it's a brand new program for you to learn the basics of before you start using it.

    • @GANONdork123
      @GANONdork123 7 місяців тому

      ​@@ultrarageman2956I have never once opened a new piece of productivity software and instantly understood the ins and outs of it within my first hour of use except maybe a web browser.

  • @achmadmuslich5671
    @achmadmuslich5671 7 місяців тому

    No. Maya still better. Maya have layer that you can store geometry and controller on it. Just make a controller layer for each rig. Than it would never be selected. It just 1 job. There is no need to tab tab tab tab.

  • @weirdshit
    @weirdshit 7 місяців тому +1

    Blender is a full of features but totally user unfriendly piece of shiet software. Try having hiatus from blender for 2 years and learn other things. Come back and you will curse how blender works especially having the need to remember the short cut keys to perform most things. While it is a lot better now than previous versions but still...... a lot more could be done.
    Unless one can devote their time to only ONE software, blender is not a easy cake to chew especially if you have 20 other software to use.

    • @Kuuribro
      @Kuuribro 7 місяців тому

      This has become my main complaint with blender, that I have kinda come to on a gut check (not an expert in every studio's workflow)
      Blender is crazy powerful if you ONLY use blender
      But if you are part of a pipeline using multiple software chances are pretty good you are making your life much harder for it. Blender does not really play nice with everybody else's rules. (as a default. Much can be customized, adapted, given plugins, etc, but every extra step is another opportunity to make a mistake or cause an incompatibility)
      my two biggest grips have always been its UI, which is just fundamentally different to most other softwares (out of the box)
      And its rigging. I really, really cannot wrap my head around why its rigging is made this way, it's constantly getting in the way, hiding things, making it a hassle to select and modify the specific thing I want
      And just do not get started on the Axis issue. Bones point down the X axis, damn near everybody else has agreed on this and provided options to customize if you need it. Why is this Y-axis a hill to die on for Blender?

    • @ProjectAtlasmodling
      @ProjectAtlasmodling 7 місяців тому

      ​@@Kuuribroblender came from a time when there wasn't a consensus on the vertical axis and it's been part of blender for a long time. Also I'm pretty sure you can tick a box to make it y up.
      As for hot keys um try stepping away from Maya for two years and see how hard it is to pick up where you left off.
      They are complex programs and it makes them hard to learn and retain competence when you don't use them for a long time.
      Also ps I took a break from blender for over three years and was able to get back into the swing of things in a day or two

    • @Kuuribro
      @Kuuribro 7 місяців тому

      I have taken a break from Maya. For 5 years, at my first job, we didn't use it. Came back to it when I moved to Japan and it was like I'd never left. So that's not a unique home run for Blender, I'd argue your case is much rarer, considering how much blender has changed / revamped over time compared to other softwares.
      Also, please tell me more about your first paragraph. What do you mean by "pretty sure you can tick a box to make it y up."?
      From what I have researched when I tackled this last year, Blender is ONLY capable of doing bones that point towards the Y axis. There is no option to change that. Where (maya at least) uses X and allows you to change it if desired.
      The point is various softwares use various axes (Source uses Z-oriented bones, I think, Epic Skeleton and HumanIK use X, etc) and other softwares often allow you to change that, but Blender does not. It only uses Y. That is a big pain point.

  • @sera359
    @sera359 7 місяців тому +13

    The issue I've noticed is that when people switch from another software to blender, they tend to think they're proficient enough to not need tutorials or manuals. I mean, come on, guys! It's a new software for you, so stop comparing it to your previous software. Jeez! 🤦

  • @andrewbrianis
    @andrewbrianis 7 місяців тому +6

    To me, it sort of feels like the person in the Maya video was purposely trying to play ignorance. I've used blender now for 15 years, but I have never tried Maya. I'm sure I would get frustrated if I opened a random Maya project and started trying to do random things.

  • @zedeon6299
    @zedeon6299 7 місяців тому +5

    people loves slandering blender, without even trying to learning it

  • @SymbolCymbals2356
    @SymbolCymbals2356 7 місяців тому +6

    Interesting to see someone using the transform tool, I quite like just using G S & R along with X Y & Z for specific axis (like is in the video) and Shift for two axis and not having any gizmo in the way
    Edit: How am I only just now finding out about the "Only show selected F-curves keyframes"??? This entire time I've been hitting shift-H to solo the visibility of a channel and alt-H to unhide all after

    • @TrueXiarno
      @TrueXiarno 7 місяців тому

      @@MrDjTilo Yup. Same here.

  • @RW_CreativeMedia
    @RW_CreativeMedia 3 місяці тому +2

    I understand the frustration of this guy, but if you got used to a software from the beginning and learned all the tools and shortcuts, you will feel frustrated thinking that the new software is the same one you already used and it is not. The new user will misjudge any new software because it is not configured as they are used to. It happened to me with *Lightwave 3D* when I was already in *3DS Max* so I left *Lightwave 3D* but now I use *3DS Max and Blender*

  • @noahbanana7526
    @noahbanana7526 2 місяці тому +3

    Now for a Maya Animator to react to A Blender Animator reacts to a Maya Animator tries blender

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  2 місяці тому +1

      Can't wait to make Blender animator reacts to Maya animator reacts to Blender animator reacts to Maya animator tries Blender.

  • @jerry76152
    @jerry76152 7 місяців тому +2

    im new user... Blender is awesome 👍 He should try to know the interface and tools first 🥇

  • @megapicsxl9232
    @megapicsxl9232 7 місяців тому +6

    Another great video! I can definitely relate to the difficulty of learning different software. I started learning blender on my own, and the ToAnimate course helped me grasp it way more, making it my favorite 3d software! Now I am learning Maya in school, and dealing with the reverse of the guy from the video, trying to figure out how Maya does all the stuff I know how to do in blender. But it is important to keep in mind that they are different software, and they both have their pros and cons. I still like blender more, but it is good to know how to use both!

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +2

      Well said! Also, I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed the course!

    • @SHA3DOW_
      @SHA3DOW_ 7 місяців тому +2

      Going through the same situation. I still feel modelling feels way more fun in blender, no matter how much I use Maya.

    • @megapicsxl9232
      @megapicsxl9232 7 місяців тому

      @@SHA3DOW_ yeah I think blender has an easier/more advanced modeling workflow. I can make models in maya, but it just takes longer lol!

  • @soirema
    @soirema 7 місяців тому +5


    • @fleezy2008
      @fleezy2008 3 місяці тому

      right?! why isn't this on by default?

    • @d27production
      @d27production 4 дні тому

      its faking same with me.. 🤣 never thought that setting.

  • @tooninja
    @tooninja 7 місяців тому +4

    for me it was a life changer when a change shortcut from G to alt + LMB, because G it is still very important hotkey and you use it every time. Also I use script for view port scrub and it assigned to alt + MMB so it is very intuitive.

  • @jitumoto
    @jitumoto 7 місяців тому +2

    Well handled

  • @toffotin
    @toffotin 7 місяців тому +3

    A fun video. Thank you for making it!
    The graph editor was the biggest hurdle for me too (although coming from XSI, I never actually liked Maya's graph editor either).
    It felt really clunky and feature poor.
    I guess it has more to do with bad default settings than anything else. Feels much better after a while.

  • @sargeanthawk4108
    @sargeanthawk4108 7 місяців тому +3

    I started as an animator for two years using only maya. After two years i switched to blender. At first it was confusing to learn the software but now that I know the software i would never want to go back to maya because in my opinion blender is so much better.

  • @erik_james
    @erik_james 7 місяців тому +1

    In Russian segment of youtube there's channel called Jcenters, which is making a news content about CGI world (like software, events, etc). And the author of that channel constantly "softly" insults Blender community. He knows that there is a lot of viewers who loves Blender (like the vast majority of his audience) watching his content but he keeps doing that. Can't understand what is going on inside of the head of people who commiting that kind of BS.

  • @fadepanther6224
    @fadepanther6224 7 місяців тому +2

    I know you were trying to hide it, but man, you were just as frustrated as this Maya pro with Blender while watching him.
    Sorry for the poor sentence structure.
    After all, the bottom line of almost everything you had to point out was, "Just look up what you need to do to do what you want, instread of smashing your keyboard making things you don't want happen, happen."
    The biggest point, the TRUEST point, is that Blender isn't Maya. It's a program that was made to do just about everything a 3d program could do. As such the options for someone goes far beyond just simple, or even complex, animation. Thus, it needs more options than what someone just doing animation would need.
    Watching the video this one is reacting too, felt like someone complaining about 3d drawing vs drawing with a pen and paper. Both have their points, styles, and drawbacks. If you aren't willing to put forth the effort to learn those points, then all you'll do is see the flaws as it isn't what you're used to.
    Another channel pointed this out to me, but learning other programs for understanding how Blender does, and doesn't, do things better often leads to learning new tricks you can use or understanding when you can't do something in Blender easily and either do it the hard way or find a way to "fake" it.
    How calm you were through most of this was fully respectful and I learned a few things I so wanted to know but never thought to ask if it could be done. (Selecting F curves and full transforms come to mind).
    Those who like Maya? Good! You found a program that fits your style, but don't cast shade on another program just because it is free or not how you are used to. More options can be confusing but just like learning animation as a whole, if you don't take the time to learn, it doesn't make the thing bad, it makes you lazy. >.>

  • @tento3555
    @tento3555 5 місяців тому +2

    I had two jobs where I had to animate in blender. I had all the issues he was mentioning, I asked in the blender discord. I asked my coworkers, and watched a ton of UA-cam videos. This is the first time I am seeing these things.

  • @cgstuff87
    @cgstuff87 7 місяців тому +3

    thanks for the graph editor selection tip Brian I have been using blender for 5 years and I've never seen it lol, I have been hiding and unhiding f curves, I feel dumb

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +2

      Haha no shame. I learned a lot of tricks near the end of the production of "Maya and the three". 1-1.5 years into animating with Blender for 10+ hrs a day

  • @phoenix2gaming346
    @phoenix2gaming346 7 місяців тому +1

    Use whatever you want I use maya because it's comfortable to me ❤

  • @lennybunny93
    @lennybunny93 7 місяців тому +2

    The MOST baffling things... Is that you HAVE that gizmo in Maya and it's a damn godsend. But a Maya user usually it's fixed in the workflow:"Change gizmo with q/w/e" and don't even understand the utility of something like this. Like a Blender user it's usually fixed in the g/r/s shortcut for moving/rotate/scale the objects.
    (Btw if you activate the pie menu addon with alt+spacebar you have a pie menu for switching gizmo without changing the used tool)

  • @kushrathod7745
    @kushrathod7745 7 місяців тому +2

    my advice would be if you are shifting to a different software i would suggest to reply on google and chat gpt to ask if is possible to do the action you wanna do in the new software and chat gpt has given me proper answers about how to do it and where to find the exact button most of the time, am a blender user and wanna learn maya too so yeah

  • @MaheshPagar0
    @MaheshPagar0 7 місяців тому +2

    I am usually going back and forth between Maya and Blender.
    I learned the hard way that learning Blender hot keys is going to help a lot
    in the long run instead of assigning them to Maya equivalents specially if you are doing more
    than just animation in Blender. The hotkeys stay the same no matter what part of blender production
    you are working on.
    The only thing I think would be better like "training wheels" for Maya animators who transitioning is having
    a some kind of preferences, hot keys,the viewport arrangement and mouse settings predefined PROFILE for Maya animators who are
    just there for animation initially.
    Like the tick you showed to isolate curve which is by default in Maya. Little things like that.
    So when you are transitioning from Maya to Blender for animation, you would select that profile and it would set
    most those Blender setting closer to the Maya one's.
    I know it sounds, wanting Blender be like Maya when it's own thing but all I am saying just having a profile
    that would make things bit simpler for who is transitioning from maya.
    Somewhat like we have Easy mode in games or predefined accessibility settings in games.

  • @IndianCitizen04
    @IndianCitizen04 7 місяців тому +1

    I have a same problem with Maya being Blender user. Try to model a simple wall with Boolean and I struggled a lot and then realized how it would be easy in Blender. Modelling and Texturing with realtime Eevee is far easier than one can think. It is perspective of long-time user. Remind Blender is going through total overhauling animation process (bone layer, animation layer, nle revamping, action as asset in asset browser etc etc.) which hopefully will be completed within 2025.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому

      It's going to be an exciting 2 years for Blender!

  • @loremipsum3147
    @loremipsum3147 7 місяців тому +12

    Maya is not feature complete as Blender and it is understandable that Blender overwhelms Maya users with so many features and quirks. Lots of shortcuts, customization settings and features are kinda too much for newcomers

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +4

      They both have their pros and cons, but one is not "bounds" better than the other. It's good to know both software for the best chance in the industry.

  • @JSAbbott
    @JSAbbott 7 місяців тому +3

    I've used Blender for many years but I'm learning Maya because it is "industry standard". However, one of my biggest problems with Maya is the need to use menus most of the time. I love using hotkeys and really don't like how slow it is to use menus all the time.
    The video you are responding to reminds me of another video I saw about Blender. The guy thought that since he had years of experience in 3ds Max he could just jump into Blender and work. He then went of to complain about Blender without even taking a couple minutes to learn the basics.

    • @RiggingDojo
      @RiggingDojo 7 місяців тому +1

      Marking menus and hotkeys are all over Maya, and middle mouse button memory over last used tool and anything you use a lot you can put on a shelf as well.

    • @JSAbbott
      @JSAbbott 7 місяців тому

      @@RiggingDojo I know there are these tricks but they still take more time and require menus. This just isn't the case with most of what I can do in Blender.

    • @RiggingDojo
      @RiggingDojo 7 місяців тому +1

      Sure because you are just starting to learn Maya, as we have learned on all the Maya/Blender videos, don't compare the software and don't complain about it until you learn the tools. Those are not tricks those are how the software works. Blender requires a huge amount of menus or shortcuts, Maya does as well. :) Cheers.

    • @RiggingDojo
      @RiggingDojo 7 місяців тому +3

      Here what you said about the Max guy... but adjusted...."The guy thought that since he had years of experience in "Blender" he could just jump into "Maya" and work. He then went of to complain about "Maya" without even taking a couple minutes to learn the basics.😜 Mostly kidding, but if there is something you feel you have to MENU more than you think you should, happy to hear and give you an answer if I can.

    • @ProjectAtlasmodling
      @ProjectAtlasmodling 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@RiggingDojoI mean he does have a point the more time spent in a menu the worse the user experience.
      The ux should try to keep the user focused on their work as much as possible within it's default workflow.
      You need to have a reason to slow them down with a menu before doing so.
      Blender does this with hot keys and raidle menus to keep you focused. Maya not so much unless you customize it to do that.
      I shouldn't have to set things up to be efficient. It's one thing for the work space but another for the workflow.

  • @ratuldebnath8134
    @ratuldebnath8134 7 місяців тому +1

    SLAP 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

  • @GemGames3
    @GemGames3 7 місяців тому +1

    I use Blender and even I'm learning new things, that's the first time I've heard of the 'transform gizmo' I was animating like the Maya Animator.

  • @zinAab79
    @zinAab79 7 місяців тому +1

    I think that before any software change you must invest some time in getting used to the UI and the logic behind some areas, only after that you should try to do things, because if not you will be hitting walls each 5 seconds.

  • @AdamMadejAnim
    @AdamMadejAnim 7 місяців тому +1

    Hey, as someone who worked both with Maya and blender and is currently "stuck" in blender pipeline - do you have solutions for things like:
    * smart(er) euler filter - possibly without adding rotations over 360
    * some kind of selection sets
    * combining the channelbox between item and tool? Some rigs (especially ARP ones) have their controls like IKFK switch back in item and it's kinda tedious to open and close them one by one.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому

      I've actually had the same experience with Blender's Euler filter as Maya's, both in effectiveness and ineffectiveness 😅
      Regarding selection sets, you can use Blender's build in Asset browser both as a Pose Library and as a selection set Library. You can change poses or right-click the pose and select keyed controllers. Give my video on 'Blender 4's animation features' a watch.
      Not sure I quite understand your last question. If the rig is made right translate, rotate, scale AND any customer properties should be in 'item'. Some rigs (like TOAnimate's) also have a UI tab you can open where you have a lot cleaner control over additional controllers, hiding mesh, resolution of mesh, special features, etc.
      Hope this helps.

    • @AdamMadejAnim
      @AdamMadejAnim 7 місяців тому +1

      @@BrianKouhi I mostly use Morgan Loomus tools for euler filtering and I have to say - I miss that in blender a lot.
      I'll have to take a look at TOAnimate's rigs then, but I guess it generally helps a lot - your whole content did help me when I had to change my whole pipeline to be blender based for my current job last year :D

    @RAYROD 7 місяців тому

    Although I’m not a Maya head, I am a Blender noob. I learned a lot from this vid. Glad I stuck around. His mistakes were my gain! Thx!

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому

      Haha glad to hear it.

  • @Amelia_PC
    @Amelia_PC 7 місяців тому +1

    I can't wait until Blender devs implement animation layers, like the ones in MotionBuilder and Maya. When this day comes, I'll be the happiest potato in the world.

    • @BrianKouhi
      @BrianKouhi  7 місяців тому +1

      They do have plans to implement it, but until then, there's the Animation Layers add-on you can buy which is fantastic. I have a video on it

    • @Amelia_PC
      @Amelia_PC 7 місяців тому

      ​@@BrianKouhi Good to know this! Thanks!

    • @Amelia_PC
      @Amelia_PC 7 місяців тому

      @@TatianaGorbatenko@TatianaGorbatenko I'll check it out. Thanks!