Thank you for your video. After a long time of watching videos of how make an oblong shape, I was able to do it my own. I enjoyed watching your tutorial. Hoping to finish my own set of bag. 😘
Hi - I'm getting a choice of Velveteen yarn when I search Polyester Yarn .. this is not what is being used. Can you give me a more specific yarn? Thank you
Great video! Nevertheless I think there probably might be a mistake in advice to actually you crocheting at that moment. See minute 11:03, . But actually you do sc not in back loop. Further at minute 12:00 you write . Actually you do sc in back loop. May you mixed up the advices?
Hemmm.. saya suka kreatifitas bunda, ingin belajar lebih dalam lagi ini😍😘👍
Puas dg tutorial pembuatan tasx dr alas smp jadi tas...trims mba
Thank you for your video. After a long time of watching videos of how make an oblong shape, I was able to do it my own. I enjoyed watching your tutorial. Hoping to finish my own set of bag. 😘
Cantik bgt mbk
Alhamdulillah 💓
@@sulis_setiowati salam kreatif
Милый рюкзачок. Спасибо большое 🌹
Bagus tasnya mba..trims tutorialnya..
Kembali kasih 😘
Hi, ❤the bag and would love to make but there was no row 5 and how to crochet the arrow 😔... Help!!!! Also what size needle you use.
so beautiful
thank you so much
Please support my channel By share my video thank you ❣️
Assalamu'alaikum mba, bagus banget 😍😍 rajutannya, saya mau tanya Mba kalau mau beli aksesoris atau magnet2 yang dibutuhkan buat tas beli dimana ya?
Você tem mãos de fada,quanto talento!!🌹.
Que tipo de material es?.
Very nice bag thanks for English subtitles❤
Hi - I'm getting a choice of Velveteen yarn when I search Polyester Yarn .. this is not what is being used. Can you give me a more specific yarn? Thank you
mbk sulis..ini motifny kelipatan brp ya???trimakasih..
Bgss, oh y untuk alas nya Mbk sulis buat sampai brp round?🤗🤗
Maaf bunda sy blm ngerti yg pas baris pertama di marka warna biru dan kuning diisi sc berapa ya bun
Muy bonito bolso!! Felicitaciones!!
Assalamualaikum bunda.... Maaf mau nanya lem nya pake merk apa ya? Sama busa atinya ukuran berapa supaya tas bisa berdiri? Terima kasih bunda...
Where do you purchase the parts for your bags including the thread
Bun kalau mau lebih besar ukurannya kelipatan berapa biar motifnya tetap nyambung?
Great video! Nevertheless I think there probably might be a mistake in advice to actually you crocheting at that moment. See minute 11:03, . But actually you do sc not in back loop. Further at minute 12:00 you write . Actually you do sc in back loop. May you mixed up the advices?
I think the same something is wrong with the subtiles
Bunda sulis..
Untuk turup tasnya, saya agak bingung untuk ukuran sesuai tutorial ini, rantai awalnya berapa ya bund?
Terima kasih,sungguh bermanfaat bagiku.
Masya Allah,, alhamdulillah
Maaf mbak Sulis jika mempraktekan tusukan rajutnya mohon diperlahan agar jelas dimana masuknya.ngono ae mbak
D lembetin mbk pengaturan putar nya...
Beautiful thank you for writing that material!!!
which polyster yarn u used ?
polyestern yarn
Did you use 1mm or 2mm EVA foam? And what kind of glue did you use? Thanks
It was 2 mm and yellow glue for bag or shoes.
Thanks for watching dna plz share my video 🌹
@@sulis_setiowati thank you!
@@sulis_setiowati seu trabalho e lindo seria melhor si fosse em português
Molto bella e spiegata bene!🤗💖👍👏👏👏👏
Iam from Namibia how can i got those crochet wool
Mbak sulis ...beli kunci seperti itu dimana?mohon info...
Stock Kunci seperti di tutorial kosong mbak 🙏
Mbak... mo nanya, dimana beli kancing magnet model segitiga kyk itu??
Bisa saya bantu
where is round 5, it jumped from round 4 to round 6, Thank you?
It is a numbering error, after round 4 follows round 6, no round is missing in the pattern
Cantik bgt
Hola, pueden traducir al español. Muchas gracias ❤️
👍 So beautiful 👍
Thank you 😘
Sencillamente hermosa 😍
In round 4, in, 1sc×6 (18)
I don't understand the meaning
Can you make 3 sc in one stitch?
I'm confused as well
Mbk... Ini ukuran panjang lebar tinggi nya brp ya?
With cotton?
It was polyester yarn
Asalamualaikum maaf u bagian oval jgn trlalu cpt hitungan y sk g sm ya. Slh dmn y ni mbak ya tlg
Udah... Malasih Mbak...😊🙏
Bun .,Dijahit tangan furing kerajutnya kuat kah??
In syaa ALLAH kuat
bunda untuk tutup di kasih busa ati tidak?
Di kasi
Hallo bunda, maaf mau tanya dulu.
Ini benang namanya apa ya bunda.
Terima kasih
Benang poli
@@sulis_setiowati oh iya Bunda, terima kasih bnyak utk info dn utk tutorialnya jg.
Sama² mbak
Itu pake lem apa bun... dan alasnya yg di lem namax apa.?
Lem kuning untuk tas dan sepatu
Como é o nome dessa linha? Aqui no Brasil não tem.
Ini alasnya kelipatan berapa ya mbak?
ما اسم نوع الخيط المستخدم ؟؟
Beli kunci magnetnya dimana mbak
А перевода нет так хочется связать такую красоту
makasih bun
Can you give the name of cord which you are using in this video? And where can I purchase it?
Ekaterina Bayraktutan its polyester yarn
Mb trmksh ilmunya. Mb Kalau sy bikin trus mau sy jual, sy gmn ijinnya mb?
Feel free 😘
sulis setiowati terimakasih mb 😘
@@sulis_setiowati permisi bunda sy mau nanya donk cara buat tutup tas ransel ini seperti apa ya mksh sblmnya
The product is good but the tutorial is hard to follow. I can't keep up
Wow, amazing!!!
Thank you! Please support my channel by sharing the video 🌹
aksesoris tas nya dibeli dimana?
Bisa tak bantu klo minat mbak
@@sulis_setiowati iya mba, sy tertarik sma kunci tasnya. apa mungkin mba punya link bisa di share dimana jual kunci tas model bgitu?
Mba sulis pke benangnya apa...klo bisa benangnya selalu di bilangin benang apa'af ya.....
Di deskripsi dah di tulis
Baca ya 😁
How many rolls of yarn?
Around 3, @100gram
Apa maksudnya 3sc x 6 ( 30 sc ) ?
Panjang handle nya berapa cm bun?
Untuk membuat tas ukuran itu butuh berapa roll ?
Kurleb 300gr
Terima kasih 😊🙏
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركات
Itu ukuran berapa
Mam what is the length and breadth of the bag that u made
I'm sorry I forgot it
Bs pesen markah nya di mana
muito linda!
Link buat tutup tas nya Mbak.... 🙏
Bunda nama kain puringnya apa ?
Fantastic 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💞❣❣💞
I want to make this design on cushion plz help me in pattern thank you..
I have no written pattern. Sorry..🙏
pls make (U) shape backpack, with front chain
Thank you for suggestion. I'll try my best 😉
that's why i like u so so much,u keep my request with respons,thank u so much
Bikin penutupnua kayak gmna
Baca di bagian deskripsi ya ka
Mba videonya knp tiba2 mono?
In syaa Allah aku reupload lagi mbak di tunggu yaa. Suwun🙏
Wow thank you
Saya kurang ngerti bagian dua nya bingung
Maravilha 💗
Tali apa namay,bun...
Bisa kirim,tutorial komplity?
Sudah diulang 2x tp hitungannya gak pernah pas, selalu beda 2 angka
Maksud dari sp-1 apa mba?
Hey hi
Ini buat motifnya kelipatan berapa Bun?
ENGLISH!!!!! 😡😡😡😡
so beautiful
thank you so much
Thank you ❣️