Space Sharks: Outer Dank

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @Pilps
    @Pilps Рік тому +1923

    You should definitely be proud of yourself with this one! Honestly your best work yet. Extremely worth the wait!

    • @blacktemplar1139
      @blacktemplar1139 Рік тому +26

      You look familiar, maybe DoW UA?

    • @alexanderp8882
      @alexanderp8882 Рік тому +14

      Holy shit i seen u

    • @MichaelJohnson-fr8yr
      @MichaelJohnson-fr8yr Рік тому +11

      Eyyy it's the boy

    • @dogehammerfortykay
      @dogehammerfortykay  Рік тому +113

      Hot damn I don't know how I keep missing your comments, I'm a big fan of your work even before I started my channel.
      Cheers my guy it means a lot!

    • @marcus4046
      @marcus4046 Рік тому +3

      wait a second its the shogun 2 medieval 2 guy.

  • @icotica921
    @icotica921 Рік тому +2077

    The animation on this is insanely clean holy cow

  • @phenk3294
    @phenk3294 Рік тому +2648

    Things to remember about the space sharks:
    1. They were so violent that they made an inquisitor shit himself because of their brutality
    2. They managed to break a druhkari through sensory deprivation

    • @abysswalker2594
      @abysswalker2594 Рік тому +297

      And spraying him with water jets

    • @renatoafonsomaiacarneiro950
      @renatoafonsomaiacarneiro950 Рік тому +56


    • @TheBluetiger5
      @TheBluetiger5 Рік тому

      They scard the shit out of Abadon making him flee to the Eye of Terror
      They Treat Tyranid Hive Fleets like Whalers treat Whales once a week.
      They have wiped out an entire planet that hade been fully Conquered by Gen Stealers with nothing but good old Melee and Bolter.

    • @shmee123ful
      @shmee123ful Рік тому +514

      3: they broke an emperor's child choas space marine the same way
      4: big shark daddy reverse borded a nid boarding torpedo
      5: they managed to out night lords the night lords
      6: dispite having similar recruitment practices to the night lords in that they take convicts and prisoners as recruits. They remain remarkably disciplined and loyal
      7: about a company's worth of space sharks were able to single handedly stop a mass gene stealer cult uprising
      8: even other marines find them unsettling
      I genuinely worry what would happen when or if big shark daddy, become a primerus

    • @avastorneretal
      @avastorneretal Рік тому +236

      9. They have marines made of both raven guard, world eaters and night lords gene seed.

  • @HyozanLucy
    @HyozanLucy Рік тому +824

    The Red Wake ain't trapped with the Tyranids...
    *They are trapped with him.*

    • @BLOODKINGbro
      @BLOODKINGbro Рік тому +16

      They picked the wrong Universe to be in our Galaxy.

    • @orobogamer3.040
      @orobogamer3.040 10 місяців тому +5

      Same story with me and the chaos scum

  • @14852577
    @14852577 Рік тому +1415

    0:39 This isn't a joke, in the novel this was adapted from, Tyberos is talking with the Chief Librarian, the Tyranid Bio Pod hits, he just says "One Second." To the Chief Librarian, proceeds to murder his way through the pod and the Pod itself, returns and goes "Now where were we?"

    • @TheRedMan77
      @TheRedMan77 Рік тому +181

      Absolute UNIT.

    • @klortikterra4423
      @klortikterra4423 Рік тому +67

      what novel is it?

    • @sovietcurry8863
      @sovietcurry8863 Рік тому

      Of course it's fuking Tyberos the one boarding a boarding pod that is boarding the ship he's on

    • @collecter343
      @collecter343 Рік тому +88

      @@klortikterra4423 Outer Dark, book 2 of Carcharodons

    • @ttv_neon7892
      @ttv_neon7892 Рік тому +105

      also can't forget about the ancient tech they have from constantly being in the deep void of fallen worlds and galaxies, but the thing that hits me hard is the big guy himself... so damn bulky that his armour is heavily modified and has dreadnaught plate to house his immense size, also.. dude is apparently a foot shorter of a Primark

  • @nicolausg7058
    @nicolausg7058 Рік тому +1031

    That was good piece of 40k.
    And we all never forget Cheems. He was one of the Emperor's finest.

    • @Tampenismall
      @Tampenismall Рік тому +17


    • @dev2410
      @dev2410 8 місяців тому +1

      I'm sorry, but i am new around here. Who is cheems? And what happened to him?

    • @TheMemeLord700
      @TheMemeLord700 7 місяців тому +4

      ​He died ​@dev2410 He was a legendary meme dog.

    • @dev2410
      @dev2410 7 місяців тому +1

      @@TheMemeLord700 I see. Thank you for the info.

    • @lukejohnston4666
      @lukejohnston4666 7 місяців тому +4

      And now Kabosu had joined cheems

  • @Ace_2O2
    @Ace_2O2 10 місяців тому +22

    I don’t know what’s scarier about Tyberos: The fact that in his armor he can be stealthy, or the fact that he can *RUN* with it!

  • @carsoncasmirri3874
    @carsoncasmirri3874 Рік тому +720

    This honestly is probably one of the most accurate descriptions of Tyberos in combat

    • @genericuser984
      @genericuser984 Рік тому +25

      once again dogehammer blesses us with the only lore accurate depiction through cheems memes

    • @arandomcomment7208
      @arandomcomment7208 Рік тому +19

      A whirling mass of blades and malice moving faster than anything that big has any right to

    • @rjhogan07
      @rjhogan07 11 місяців тому +12

      @@arandomcomment7208complete with the incredibly disturbing, difficult, and amazing feat of: not getting hit. IN FUCKIGNG TERMINATOR ARMOR CUSTOMIZED TO BE BIG ENOUGH TO FIT HIM.

    • @louiesatterwhite3885
      @louiesatterwhite3885 11 місяців тому +12

      ​@@rjhogan07that's not just terminator armor. The chassis was outright cannibalized from a DREADNOUGHT

    • @robertemerson1087
      @robertemerson1087 11 місяців тому +4

      @@louiesatterwhite3885Man is thick with 4 C’s.

  • @stripeybag6977
    @stripeybag6977 Рік тому +708

    1:14 That one Naval Officer is so desensitized to all the things they've seen with all these transfers.

    • @dontgankmebruv7273
      @dontgankmebruv7273 Рік тому +48

      I didn’t even notice him at first.

    • @user-sq5mr8ut1o
      @user-sq5mr8ut1o Рік тому +68

      I think it might be the same one who watched the custodes go ham on the primaris marines that rebelled

    • @stripeybag6977
      @stripeybag6977 Рік тому +43

      @@user-sq5mr8ut1o They were also lost in the Warp for 100 years with the Lamenters and on the Penitent Crusade.

    • @highfivedog2336
      @highfivedog2336 Рік тому +17

      That naval officer is a damn trooper to survive all this, I would shit my pants if I had to fight him. Even if I was an astartes.

    • @memes_the_dna_of_the_soul5487
      @memes_the_dna_of_the_soul5487 10 місяців тому +9

      _"Are you going to get reinforcemnts?"_
      "With all due respect my Lord, by the time they'll arrive, all the zenos will be dead."
      "It'd just be a bother."

  • @TheRemembrancer
    @TheRemembrancer Рік тому +86

    “One second” - Tyberos said, calmly.

    • @14852577
      @14852577 Рік тому +18

      This isn't a joke, in the novel this was adapted from, Tyberos is talking with the Chief Librarian, the Tyranid Bio Pod hits, he just says "One Second." To the Chief Librarian, proceeds to murder his way through the pod and the Pod itself, returns and goes "Now where were we?"

  • @Bruh-wq8kv
    @Bruh-wq8kv Рік тому +1079

    Damn. Guess that's why he's named 'The Red Wake'. Also RIP cheems, you will never be be forgotten 😔

    • @WingedShark333
      @WingedShark333 Рік тому +13

      i thought it was the red wave, you know cuz wave of blood

    • @jokester3969
      @jokester3969 Рік тому +44

      One of the many meanings of the word 'wake' is "The visible track of turbulence left by something moving in the water".

    • @WingedShark333
      @WingedShark333 Рік тому +8

      @@jokester3969 oh....that makes sense...a lot of sense

    • @crimsonicons
      @crimsonicons Рік тому +1

      Who's cheem?

    • @williamings773
      @williamings773 Рік тому +6

      ​@@crimsonicons the dog at 1:25

  • @adamm5166
    @adamm5166 Рік тому +410

    The most frightening thing about the Red Wake is, despite being in heavily modified terminator armor (he's to big to fit in normal ones), he's near dead silent when he wants to be.

    • @genericuser984
      @genericuser984 Рік тому +77

      *"YOU DO NOT SEE TYBEROS THE RED WAKE" (aggressive chainclaw noises)*
      "y-yes sir..."

    • @thecommentguy9380
      @thecommentguy9380 Рік тому +42

      admech: the fuck that statue doin theeeeeee... oh shit

    • @AdeptKing
      @AdeptKing Рік тому +23

      Also fast, very fast.

    • @cannibalcat1947
      @cannibalcat1947 Рік тому +28

      Wouldnt it be fun to think that he is dead silent because there were no servo motor powerful enough to powered his suit anyway, so he he just run his suit without the motor assist.

    • @JoseRodriguez-eu5ez
      @JoseRodriguez-eu5ez Рік тому +22

      He's just lugging the suit about for morale purposes, because they won't let him run around in the nude with just his chain claws 😂

  • @CasualREDACTED
    @CasualREDACTED Рік тому +1133

    Tyberos can actually move like that in his DREADNOUGHT PLATED TERMINATOR ARMOR

    • @zeroakira584
      @zeroakira584 Рік тому +161

      If he was Dawn of war 3 's hero unit instead of Angelo and performed that summersault while wearing dreadnought terminator armour, I would believe that.

    • @theprepaintedcanvis3452
      @theprepaintedcanvis3452 Рік тому +39

      He is a BIG BOI

    • @Techpriest_Skitarii4935
      @Techpriest_Skitarii4935 Рік тому +47

      Forgot the Newton Laws Brother!
      We are Ultra Human after Super Human

    • @vitaliyred622
      @vitaliyred622 Рік тому +42

      ​@Techpriest_Skitarii4935 well, he is in tartoros pattern armor, not cataphractii or indomitus. He is is as fast and agile as a regular marine, plus the guy himself is massive.

    • @Techpriest_Skitarii4935
      @Techpriest_Skitarii4935 Рік тому +5

      @@vitaliyred622 IT IS THE SAME

  • @jefrosiers8880
    @jefrosiers8880 Рік тому +321

    tyberos leaving a red paste in his wake is a beautifull thing to witness

  • @takethel2808
    @takethel2808 Рік тому +454

    You've definitely outdone yourself on this one. worth the wait

  • @Cobrazay
    @Cobrazay Рік тому +85

    Tyberos was saying "one second" so calm and politely lol

    • @Darakusillygoober
      @Darakusillygoober Рік тому +11

      That's exactly how he talks on the lore

    • @Cobrazay
      @Cobrazay Рік тому +6

      @@Darakusillygoober just found that out recently and it makes him even more badass lol

    • @dinoz2113
      @dinoz2113 9 місяців тому +2

      yea exactly how how does in the novel

  • @dathore
    @dathore Рік тому +257

    It's a little funny how accurate these animations are, Tyberos is quite literally just the Doom Guy walking around turning everything into chunky salsa, the only reason we didn't see that in Badab was because most the enemies where astartes, guess the Tyranids don't get the tiny bit of mercy he showed back then.

    • @zeroakira584
      @zeroakira584 Рік тому +29

      For being a Primarch Super Size Murder Machine, Tyberos still showed a little mercy huh?

    • @dovahwolf1397
      @dovahwolf1397 Рік тому +13

      Let be honest he knew making aatartes into chunky salsa would take to long so he gave them quick deaths to save time.

  • @cinders5305
    @cinders5305 Рік тому +104

    If Carcharodons are sharks, then Tyrberos is a fucking Megalodon.

    • @Thepassivegamer202
      @Thepassivegamer202 Рік тому +9

      Nice reference

    • @stankobarabata2406
      @stankobarabata2406 4 місяці тому +5

      I think that's exactly what they were going for. Canonically only Primarchs and Big E(Praise be) are bigger than him, he even dwarfs Custodes. He is an oddity among oddities. Considering that he literally rips apart entire swarms of Nids and can probably fistfight a Carnifex to a standstill, he's definitely someone who's either inborn to be a monster, or the genetic modifications tapped some kind of potential that's like 1 in infinity or something.

    • @lukejohnston4666
      @lukejohnston4666 3 місяці тому +2

      @@stankobarabata2406 speaking of space sharks and combating Tyranids - are there those folks serving in deathwatch?

    • @stankobarabata2406
      @stankobarabata2406 3 місяці тому +3

      @@lukejohnston4666 I don't think they are, though maybe you can fact check me and prove me wrong. They're sort of a semi-renegade chapter. The inquisition heavily suspects them and other chapters view them as... unsavory and downright horrifying.
      And I don't think they need to be serving in Death Watch. They're literally a chapter that patrols the outer edges of the Imperium dominated parts of the galaxy. That would most often mean nids I think.

    • @lukejohnston4666
      @lukejohnston4666 3 місяці тому +1

      @@stankobarabata2406 i see

  • @robacdc1977
    @robacdc1977 Рік тому +169

    Tyberos actually did this in the second Carcharodons novel. Absolute unit stopped a Tyranid hive fleet’s boarding action on their chapter flagship single-handedly and didn’t even get a scratch

    • @blacktemplar1139
      @blacktemplar1139 11 місяців тому +17

      The man is so great at what he does, he once destroyed the _entire_ Mantis Warriors 1st Company

    • @robacdc1977
      @robacdc1977 11 місяців тому +18

      @@blacktemplar1139 He and the Carcharodons 1st and 3rd companies near-single-handedly destroyed Badab Primaris as well during the Badab war. The Star Phantoms attacked the Palace of Thorns while the Sharks destroyed the underground hive power generators.

  • @Chogborts
    @Chogborts Рік тому +45

    "its just a png of a terminator, you can't animate that"
    Dogehammer Fortykay:

  • @cytorakdemon
    @cytorakdemon Рік тому +51

    Tyranids: "You will not slake our hunger for biomass."
    Tyberos: "Bet."

  • @VallornDeathblade
    @VallornDeathblade Рік тому +206

    Did Tyberos just kill a Tyranid Warrior and then proceed to beat Genestealers to death with its corpse before tearing it in two and chainpalming the remains? Yes he did. Why? Because he is fucking Tyberos: The Red Wake.

    • @opusmagnus26
      @opusmagnus26 Рік тому +4

      Palm-mounted chainblades? That something specific to him only or is it a Carcharodon thing?

    • @VallornDeathblade
      @VallornDeathblade Рік тому +5

      @@opusmagnus26 Specific to him and his weapons Hunger and Slake.

  • @Lordschooner
    @Lordschooner Рік тому +156

    Not only did you get the animation to be so smooth, but you managed to make a doge look so badass at the same time.
    Thank you so much for these great animations

  • @KillerOrca
    @KillerOrca Рік тому +158

    A reminder to all watching this; this is not a fan story, this is a part of the novel Outer Dark.
    Tyberos, mad at something (won't spoil) decides to work out his frustration by BUTCHERING AN ENTIRE NID SHIP

  • @FerreusVir
    @FerreusVir Рік тому +219

    First, go read the two Carcaradon novels, they're metal af.
    Second, in one of them, Tyberos does exactly what's shown in this video.
    Librarian: "Boarding vessel we need to-"
    Tyberos, the motherfucking Red Wake: "Wait here."
    *moments later he reappears in such a state that the Librarian is mouth-agape*
    Tyberos, the motherfucking Red Wake: "So, you were saying?"

  • @ApolloSol_101
    @ApolloSol_101 Рік тому +87

    At last... we have waited for 10,000 years and we shall do so for another thousand years!

  • @fangwu7576
    @fangwu7576 Рік тому +23

    “Nobody will notice of there is no one left to notice.”
    You do not see Tyberos the Red Wake.

  • @bradydeanda3243
    @bradydeanda3243 6 місяців тому +9

    I love how Tybero's voice, instead of a sort of the guttural whisper of death sounding like it was described in the book, his voice sounds like the type of person you hear on a video game chat.

  • @aquilesgarciaperez5918
    @aquilesgarciaperez5918 7 місяців тому +12

    Despite that he has an Unbreakable Dreadnought Plated Terminator Armor, Being close to be a 4 meter tall Monster and having two Mass Murdering weapons on Each hand, and being as Fast and Quiet as a Night Lord or a Raven Guard........what makes him more Scary is his Intellect and how polite and calm he is, seeing himself not as a Murder machine, but a Methodical Surgeon who strikes down his enemies with Inhuman Presicion.

  • @thezman9001
    @thezman9001 Рік тому +16

    Also this dead on canonically happened. The big guy aka "The Red Wake" is known to disturb actual space marines.

  • @theduke9292
    @theduke9292 Рік тому +10

    My god it’s glorious. It’s so easy to forget that Terminators aren’t lumbering beasts but insanely agile for their size and this represents it best

  • @Jack2the7ripper
    @Jack2the7ripper Рік тому +35

    Finally the space sharks get their own fan animation and it’s prefect!

  • @harveygriffiths9383
    @harveygriffiths9383 Рік тому +98

    This was ETTS level animation! I’m always surprised when looking at these that they are still images yet they look so fluid. Nice work

    • @harrymcgrory2531
      @harrymcgrory2531 Рік тому +14

      Being totally real, this left ETTS in the fucking dust.

  • @moderndavinci6599
    @moderndavinci6599 Рік тому +30

    Other heroes: *long, lengthy monologue on the virtue of bravery as they charge into battle*
    Tyberos the Red Wake: "Speeches are for chumps." *goes on a rampage without uttering another word*

    • @jamesfreeman3617
      @jamesfreeman3617 Рік тому +9

      Actually he wouldn't even say that as this chapter is completely silent when they fight

    • @MrSuperawesome5000
      @MrSuperawesome5000 Рік тому +8

      I love how he is a man of few words in a universe of overly verbose drama queens. lol

  • @BrotherVoidBomber
    @BrotherVoidBomber Рік тому +45

    So worth the wait. Seeing my favorite chapter ripping through genestealers like its another day in the office was wonderful.

  • @davewebster5120
    @davewebster5120 9 місяців тому +3

    I love how softly he speaks. This is great.

  • @memes_the_dna_of_the_soul5487
    @memes_the_dna_of_the_soul5487 11 місяців тому +17

    Guiliman: "No offense, but If I put you in a room with Tyberos, and all that came out was an eyeball, _you're probably dead."_

  • @rowdsterrex7845
    @rowdsterrex7845 Рік тому +9

    That sync at 0:58 YES!

  • @TheSniperpal
    @TheSniperpal Рік тому +76

    Tyberos the Red Wake is the only chapter master aside from Logan Grimnar who I would give good odds of taking on Astarion Moloch in a 1v1. Dude is violence incarnate

    • @lamename8030
      @lamename8030 Рік тому +5

      not that invested in minotaurs lores but asterion would get bodied by some others chapter masters like calgar and yes theres that one incident involving a custodes, he couldnt defeat him but doesnt mean he can't

    • @TheSniperpal
      @TheSniperpal Рік тому +13

      @@lamename8030 you do understand that asterion moloch is the space marine killer of the imperium right. That’s literally his job lol. Tabletop and lore alike, he and his Minotaurs are designed to kill fellow space marines.
      Interesting that you picked Calgar though because tabletop-wise, the two of them actually fight to a draw. The #2 Blueberry is no slouch

    • @lamename8030
      @lamename8030 Рік тому +2

      @@TheSniperpal the space marine killers belong to alot of chapters like the space wolves, the space wolves are called the emperor executioner for a reason

    • @lamename8030
      @lamename8030 Рік тому +1

      @@TheSniperpal and if you're talking about pure violence, just grab a iron hands successor or blood angels, one of the BA successor was so violent they make the flesh eaters look like a british gentlemen and the inquisition declare them too be violent and marked them as heretics

    • @TheSniperpal
      @TheSniperpal Рік тому +2

      @@lamename8030 that’s just a term for the wolves earned by the purge of the two missing legions lol, they don’t actually go around murdering other space marines anymore. The Minotaurs do, at the command of the high lords specifically. they’re basically the high lords check on the space marines power. I encourage you to read up on them. They’ve been rather important and will be still. In essence they’re kinda the new space marine killers for 40k vs the wolves of 30k.

  • @kaneslives
    @kaneslives Рік тому +10

    See if he was in Dead Space… he would just laugh at the Brethren Moons.

  • @internetuser320
    @internetuser320 Рік тому +18

    You know he is H U G E
    When he have an actual leg

  • @Engisneed
    @Engisneed 11 місяців тому +5

    The fact that these guys fight in near silence is amazing

  • @Silver.799
    @Silver.799 Рік тому +25

    It is said when Corax needs a break from terrorizing Lorgar, Tyberos is tapped in

    • @lukejohnston4666
      @lukejohnston4666 6 місяців тому +7

      As he (Tyberos) is his son anyway... despite the exile

  • @IC3XR
    @IC3XR 3 місяці тому +6

    Me in Space Marine 2, becoming the Carcharodon I was always meant to be:

    • @KnightTancred
      @KnightTancred 17 днів тому

      I have a Carcharodon vanguard in honor of the big lad himself.

    • @IC3XR
      @IC3XR 17 днів тому

      @@KnightTancred that's nothing, ALL my classes are Space Sharks

  • @real-lifeanimeghost3911
    @real-lifeanimeghost3911 Рік тому +12

    1:03 - 1:05 he knee and headbutt that tyranid so hard it gain it own sentience just to feel the pain more

  • @gargantuan6175
    @gargantuan6175 Рік тому +33

    looking at the quality of animation and its framerate, i can safely asume that this piece of the finest warhammer fan animation ive ever seen was undoubtedly worth waiting for. amazing job!

  • @Rampantsuccess
    @Rampantsuccess Рік тому +3

    "Why are you running?!" How did I not find this earlier? Inspirational visuals, brutal appeal, excellent tempo, refined sound-bytes. Please make more like this!

  • @kac7857
    @kac7857 Рік тому +58

    I am not suprised it took you so long to animate this.

  • @Kieferson1
    @Kieferson1 Рік тому +12

    ah tybros a terminator so big and so quiet that a tech priest mistook him for a decorative statue

  • @mannofdober873
    @mannofdober873 Рік тому +15

    "Sir we're being boarded!"
    "Repel the invaders!"
    "We... We can't! He's too strong!"
    "Wait HE? You mean one guy?"
    *The one guy:*

  • @Liz-sp9lb
    @Liz-sp9lb Рік тому +4

    Local meme account consistently outperforms professional animation studio

  • @WeDieStanding948
    @WeDieStanding948 Рік тому +16

    You see how fast he's moving... That's lore accurate.

    • @zergrush_9704
      @zergrush_9704 Рік тому +6

      It's Tyberos, he is one of the few space marines that can do this in that heavy armor.

    • @KingLich451
      @KingLich451 Рік тому +4

      Even so, he is not doing insane flips and jumps like an assault squad. Take notes, Dawn of War III.

    • @WeDieStanding948
      @WeDieStanding948 Рік тому +5

      @@KingLich451 do not mention the heresy that is DOW 3 in my presence.

  • @Shrek40K
    @Shrek40K Рік тому +20

    holy damn, you look away for a second and you miss so much, this is gorgeous! the amount of effort put into this makes me cry, this is actually stunning!

  • @dennisloco3274
    @dennisloco3274 Рік тому +22

    HOLY EMPEROR now I understand why it took months to be made!
    Well done!

  • @gageisbell4338
    @gageisbell4338 Рік тому +5


  • @averagenolife6860
    @averagenolife6860 Рік тому +26

    Your legacy will forever live on Cheem, through this video and many more across the world

  • @vitaliyred622
    @vitaliyred622 Рік тому +11

    That was....PERFECTION! X-ray part was 10/10, your videos need more of it!

  • @notbaud2634
    @notbaud2634 Рік тому +14

    Watching Tyberos tear through those tyranids like that made every second of the wait more worth it than I even thought possible

  • @duxae1617
    @duxae1617 3 місяці тому +2

    Tyberos is like Gregor Clegane in 40k. He is so massive, and so armored, and so psycho

  • @CG2214
    @CG2214 Рік тому +2

    He chainsaw riv sound synched with the solo rift at 00:58 ...
    Chef's kiss

  • @GrimDarkHalfOff
    @GrimDarkHalfOff Рік тому +4

    Badab War, Colorized

  • @voice_of_terra7228
    @voice_of_terra7228 Рік тому +18

    The best 40k animation since Astartes, no doubt about that.

  • @johnjohnson9073
    @johnjohnson9073 Рік тому +3

    0:58 the sync between reving chainsaw claws and the song was beautiful

  • @redcell9636
    @redcell9636 Рік тому +8

    You know it would be interesting for Guilliman to reschedule out contact to Tyberos and the Carcarodons considering they are one of the few Chapters to have run successful void operations against the Tyranids.
    Segmentum Pacificus awaits the return of the Space Sharks.

  • @rikurori7370
    @rikurori7370 2 місяці тому +1

    "Hunger and Slake have awoken..."
    - Te Kahurangi

  • @CorruptedAPEXPREDTOR_8
    @CorruptedAPEXPREDTOR_8 Місяць тому +1

    Space shark :YOU! Lock with me xeno.

  • @sirflapfla97
    @sirflapfla97 Рік тому +11

    I see know why it took so long, but i have to say it was worth it. Cant wait for more.

  • @stephenklippness941
    @stephenklippness941 Рік тому +4

    'The Red Wake' leaving me to clean up 'The Red Paste'

  • @tobi8455
    @tobi8455 2 місяці тому +1

    Channel might be underrated

  • @solarchos4352
    @solarchos4352 Рік тому +6


  • @renatoafonsomaiacarneiro950
    @renatoafonsomaiacarneiro950 Рік тому +7

    By the EMPEROR, the Red Wake is terrifying, I almost fell sorry for the nyds, almost 😅

  • @gunjinrieper4062
    @gunjinrieper4062 Рік тому +6

    I always Imagine Kaldor Draigo exits the warp and recruits Tyberos, Asterion, Astorath, and Cypher to make a temporary 5 man team to attack chaos

  • @blockbuilder4762
    @blockbuilder4762 3 місяці тому +1

    This is what I like to call, Grimdank

  • @smirch
    @smirch 4 місяці тому +1

    Doom Guy got bored of fighting demons in hell. He booked it over to 40k, hopped in some termy armor and is now called Tyberos. I love the Red Wake, he's like a tornado of chainsaws and bad intentions.

  • @amirarif420
    @amirarif420 Рік тому +4

    "YOU DO NOT SEE TYBEROS" Great animation bro, keep it up

  • @JesusTorres-ue3yr
    @JesusTorres-ue3yr Рік тому +4

    To me this is how an average lore accurate space marine fights

  • @FormerGovernmentHuman
    @FormerGovernmentHuman Рік тому +2

    You may have outdone yourself on this one

  • @agustinexposito9123
    @agustinexposito9123 Рік тому +6

    You know, Tyberos with DOOM music on the background does seem fairly accurate, he definitely has speakers somewhere in his armour and blasts the songs

  • @sadturtlesoup8832
    @sadturtlesoup8832 3 місяці тому +1

    In the words of wise man. "Nothing that godamn big should move that fast..."

  • @Creatorofunimportance
    @Creatorofunimportance 9 місяців тому +8

    1:04 Mortal Kombat

  • @kamenridertheblueknight5313
    @kamenridertheblueknight5313 Рік тому +4

    When you make a nid run for its life, you know your terrifying hahahaha!

  • @multigatawny5204
    @multigatawny5204 2 місяці тому +1

    Khorne has to be semi-chubbed everytime Space Sharks join any battle.

  • @CasualSlayer
    @CasualSlayer Рік тому +9

    Dude the way you animated tyberos reminds me of tts and I am so here for it. May the emperor protect and continue to guide you brother!

  • @lifeiscomedy594
    @lifeiscomedy594 Рік тому +4

    Can we talk about the fact that he made a tyranid beg for help

  • @anthonytrevino2546
    @anthonytrevino2546 Рік тому +13

    For being a damn Warhammer Cheems shitpost, there is some damn clean animation, skill, and effort put into these.
    I tip my hat to you sir

  • @nickkorkodylas5005
    @nickkorkodylas5005 3 місяці тому +1

    _"Brother, call reinforcements... but not for me!"_

  • @unitedstatesofamerica4987
    @unitedstatesofamerica4987 Рік тому +1

    Now I truly understand what this took this long.
    Worth it.

  • @multidimensionalcenturion9863
    @multidimensionalcenturion9863 Рік тому +4

    'I've had it with these emperor damned tyranids on this emperor damned space hulk!"
    Tyberos the red wake

    • @jamesfreeman3617
      @jamesfreeman3617 Рік тому +3

      Oh he wouldn't have gotten involved if it was a space hulk this is there chapter battle barge and since they don't have a home world it's all they got this was personal

  • @CaptainTrips123
    @CaptainTrips123 Рік тому +3

    For the Void Father.

  • @khylerbane4523
    @khylerbane4523 Рік тому +4

    Dark Eldar: “I fear no Mon Kiegh, but that thing…” *looks to Tyberos* “It scares me.”

  • @chrisjulien7698
    @chrisjulien7698 Рік тому +3

    Christ bless you, that Mortal Kombat Xray was so clean bro

  • @secondarytrollaccount
    @secondarytrollaccount Рік тому +5

    Its gotta be nice for those shark boys to be stationed on board with tyberos knowing that most of anything that boards their vessel can be bested by simply standing behind tyberos.

  • @eagle10799
    @eagle10799 Рік тому +2

    A reminder that during the Badab War, the Mantis Warriors were unlucky enough to fight THIS GUY

  • @colejacobs4440
    @colejacobs4440 Рік тому +6

    The wait was well worth it! Best animation yet! And I believe the the first one of Tyberos the red wake so far. As in I think this is the first time he has been animated.

  • @LiamDillen
    @LiamDillen Рік тому +1

    Gawd damn this is incredible please... MORREE

  • @chuckbuck5002
    @chuckbuck5002 Рік тому +6

    The alarm from the movie Alien was nice touch

  • @valdr2286
    @valdr2286 Рік тому +3

    If any succesor chapter needs to have a bigger presence and models its these guys omg

  • @mar00nm4v2
    @mar00nm4v2 11 місяців тому +1

    That one space shark: do i just.... leave or?

  • @The_emporer_of_man
    @The_emporer_of_man 8 місяців тому +2

    This is SPECIFICALLY why you dont piss off space marines.

  • @TheArmyOfOne100
    @TheArmyOfOne100 Рік тому +6

    Dude, this was incredible! The amount of time and effort you put in really shines with how high quality the animation is!