Tithing Testimony - Rhonda

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @lindbbw45
    @lindbbw45 7 років тому +3

    God is really truly faithful!!!!! Trust God prove him when you give to him. GLory to God!!!

    • @AdvancedMarketingGro
      @AdvancedMarketingGro 6 років тому

      > Here are many reason why tithing does not fit into Christianity, and never will...
      1. Tithes, all three, were paid to the Levites, with some of the tithe consumed by the tither, and some of the tithe given to the poor and needy. The focus was surrendering the tithes to the Levites; do you know any Levites you can tithe to?
      2. Tithing was established and commanded by God in the Law of Moses, sometimes called "The Law," "The Commandment," or "The Torah;" no matter what The Law was called, we as Christians are not under The Law, we are therefore not required to tithe.
      3. Tithing was primarily established by God to support the Tribe of Levi and their Priestly duties; there are no Levite Priests ministering to the New Testament Church, no Priesthood to support, no need for tithing.
      4. The tithes were the personal property of the Levite; God has never transferred ownership of the tithes from the Levite to any Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, Church, other Ministry, or anyone else.
      5. Some tithing teachers claim that we should "tithe as Abraham did," there is no scripture in the entire Bible, New or Old Testaments, insctructing Christians to tithe as Abraham did.
      6. All tithes were restricted by God to be fruits, vegetables and clean animals from the Promise Land grown or raised by farmers and ranchers; how many Christians do you know who are farmers and ranchers living on the Promise Land? The tithe is tied to the land Israel received under the Old Testament. The tithes did not come off of any other land except the Promise Land.
      7. God never instructed or permitted Gentiles to tithe.
      8. No Apostle ever instructed tithing, asked for a tithe, rebuked any person or church for not tithing, or received a tithe. Not one of them. The early church (i.e. Book of Acts) NEVER tithed. We have NO record of them doing so.
      9. After the death of Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law, the New Testament nowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system, or any other tithing examples.
      10. The New Testament talks about the importance and benefits of giving. We are to give as we are able. Sometimes that means giving more than 10 percent; sometimes that may mean giving less. It all depends on the ability of the Christian and the needs of the body of Christ.
      11. Malachi 3:9-10 does not apply to us today, it was written to the Nation of Israel and the corrupt Priesthood. We can always learn about various truths and principles from any part of God's word, but that does not imply that scripture such as Malachi 3:6-11 is directly speaking to us as Christians. Some scripture is speaking directly to us, as Christians, some is speaking indirectly to us; unless, of course, you believe we should all be building boats such as Noah did?
      12. Nowhere is tithing mentioned when commands to give generously are found in the New Testament.
      When Christians are instructed to give to the poor, they aren’t commanded to give “the poor tithe.” Instead, they are instructed to be generous in helping those in need (Acts 2:43-47; 4:32-37; 11:27-30; Gal. 2:10; 1 Cor. 16:1-4; 2 Cor. 8:1-9:15). For example, 1 Corinthians 16:1-4-a passage often cited in popular circles in support-doesn’t mention tithing; it relates to a one-time gift for poor saints in Jerusalem.

  • @asavelalenkoe8894
    @asavelalenkoe8894 4 роки тому

    Beautiful testimony, God is amazing👐👐

  • @Gabrielle2075
    @Gabrielle2075 8 місяців тому

    By the wise whisper of the holy Spirit today 20th January 2024,I have decided to reignite my tithing this January 2024. I know that I will testify of God's goodness and I will make it known. I have been unwise for years, it's time to get it right. God help me please to be faithful in this.

  • @AdvancedMarketingGro
    @AdvancedMarketingGro 6 років тому

    >>> Consider...
    An inconvenient question; one that tithing teachers and tithers avoid and prefer not to discuss or answer...
    If we are supposed to be tithing money, or at all for that matter, as tithing teachers claim; why are we not supposed to be doing what God says with the tithe money? Like this...
    1. Do not pay the tithe in the form of money. Keep the money in your hand (bind it to your hand) until you...
    2. Buy wine with it.
    3. Buy strong drink (harder liqueur) with it.
    4. Buy livestock and other food.
    5. Buy whatever you desire, whatever you lust after.
    6. Share what you buy with a Levite and family.
    7. Only convert your tithe money back to fruits, vegetables and clean live stock, etc., at the location you will share it with a Levite if it is too far to transport it in the form God says it is to paid in.
    8. Eat your tithe with the Levite.
    9. Learn to fear and respect the Lord by doing one through eight above.
    >> Why don't tithing teachers tell their faithful tithers this?...
    > Deuteronomy 14;
    22 Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.
    23 And thou shalt eat before the Lord thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the Lord thy God always.
    24 And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the Lord thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the Lord thy God hath blessed thee:
    25 Then shalt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the Lord thy God shall choose:
    26 And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the Lord thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household,
    27 And the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shalt not forsake him; for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee.
    >>> CONCLUSION; as you can see, these five unscriptual attempts to pressure Christians into tithing do not hold water and are not validated when scripture is closely scrutinized and studied. If proper biblical interpretation and using the Bible to interpret the Bible is employed, each false argument falls like a house of cards. We are called by God to be free will cheerful generous givers, not tithers.

  • @samsaluni
    @samsaluni 5 років тому

    thank you sister for your great testimony on tithing!

  • @Dalm8ion
    @Dalm8ion 11 років тому +1

    God is truly faithful!

  • @ebonyjones4143
    @ebonyjones4143 6 років тому

    Wooow beautiful, God is amazing 🙌🏽❤❤❤

  • @AdvancedMarketingGro
    @AdvancedMarketingGro 6 років тому

    > Here are many reason why tithing does not fit into Christianity, and never will...
    1. Tithes, all three, were paid to the Levites, with some of the tithe consumed by the tither, and some of the tithe given to the poor and needy. The focus was surrendering the tithes to the Levites; do you know any Levites you can tithe to?
    2. Tithing was established and commanded by God in the Law of Moses, sometimes called "The Law," "The Commandment," or "The Torah;" no matter what The Law was called, we as Christians are not under The Law, we are therefore not required to tithe.
    3. Tithing was primarily established by God to support the Tribe of Levi and their Priestly duties; there are no Levite Priests ministering to the New Testament Church, no Priesthood to support, no need for tithing.
    4. The tithes were the personal property of the Levite; God has never transferred ownership of the tithes from the Levite to any Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, Church, other Ministry, or anyone else.
    5. Some tithing teachers claim that we should "tithe as Abraham did," there is no scripture in the entire Bible, New or Old Testaments, insctructing Christians to tithe as Abraham did.
    6. All tithes were restricted by God to be fruits, vegetables and clean animals from the Promise Land grown or raised by farmers and ranchers; how many Christians do you know who are farmers and ranchers living on the Promise Land? The tithe is tied to the land Israel received under the Old Testament. The tithes did not come off of any other land except the Promise Land.
    7. God never instructed or permitted Gentiles to tithe.
    8. No Apostle ever instructed tithing, asked for a tithe, rebuked any person or church for not tithing, or received a tithe. Not one of them. The early church (i.e. Book of Acts) NEVER tithed. We have NO record of them doing so.
    9. After the death of Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law, the New Testament nowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system, or any other tithing examples.
    10. The New Testament talks about the importance and benefits of giving. We are to give as we are able. Sometimes that means giving more than 10 percent; sometimes that may mean giving less. It all depends on the ability of the Christian and the needs of the body of Christ.
    11. Malachi 3:9-10 does not apply to us today, it was written to the Nation of Israel and the corrupt Priesthood. We can always learn about various truths and principles from any part of God's word, but that does not imply that scripture such as Malachi 3:6-11 is directly speaking to us as Christians. Some scripture is speaking directly to us, as Christians, some is speaking indirectly to us; unless, of course, you believe we should all be building boats such as Noah did?
    12. Nowhere is tithing mentioned when commands to give generously are found in the New Testament.
    When Christians are instructed to give to the poor, they aren’t commanded to give “the poor tithe.” Instead, they are instructed to be generous in helping those in need (Acts 2:43-47; 4:32-37; 11:27-30; Gal. 2:10; 1 Cor. 16:1-4; 2 Cor. 8:1-9:15). For example, 1 Corinthians 16:1-4-a passage often cited in popular circles in support-doesn’t mention tithing; it relates to a one-time gift for poor saints in Jerusalem.

  • @TheKarlwin
    @TheKarlwin 11 років тому

    amen i love this testimonies

  • @thewisenashvillestar
    @thewisenashvillestar 13 років тому

    Wow awesome testimony!