NBA 2K19 Shot Contest Buff! What's An Open Shot?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @shoutoutsgaming2169
    @shoutoutsgaming2169 5 років тому +2021

    Lmao smoove literally roasting other players 😂

    • @KanyeYe
      @KanyeYe 5 років тому +82

      They deserve it, 2k has been riding niggas who take contested full courts and get greens contesteds for too long tbh

    • @kamaoggg12
      @kamaoggg12 5 років тому +5

      @@KanyeYe them days are done it's a wrap man

    • @YourDAD-fl4il
      @YourDAD-fl4il 5 років тому

      I’m not

    • @mlkchannel5890
      @mlkchannel5890 5 років тому +2

      Yesssss smoove

  • @austindh23
    @austindh23 5 років тому +2378

    Damn Chris going after those crybaby’s 😂

    • @kotax2961
      @kotax2961 5 років тому +9

      Austin DH3 I’m glad 🔥

    • @mqrlen_6508
      @mqrlen_6508 5 років тому +8

      Do not complain around Chris smoove

    • @chase9639
      @chase9639 5 років тому +8

      Nonono chris smoove snapped!!

    • @sivajansivarajah8748
      @sivajansivarajah8748 5 років тому +6

      Chris smoove putting the crybabys in their place

    • @mlkchannel5890
      @mlkchannel5890 5 років тому +3

      Yesssss smoove

  • @YourEXTRA
    @YourEXTRA 5 років тому +1226

    All them stretch 4s that were dropping me off with contested shots are now getting dropped off

    • @Nas-Lee
      @Nas-Lee 5 років тому +51

      YourEXTRA thank God because your not supposed to make everything in 2k

    • @Zyroverse
      @Zyroverse 5 років тому +6


    • @vinh2909
      @vinh2909 5 років тому +53

      Stretch 4’s on Suicide Watch 🤣🤣💀💀

    • @gotworc
      @gotworc 5 років тому +1


    • @radoslime
      @radoslime 5 років тому +1

      They were dropping you off because you weren't doing everything possible to contest not because of a patch silly

  • @isaacborthwick4788
    @isaacborthwick4788 5 років тому +573

    The official return of CHRIS SAVAGE

  • @brandonkiuby5048
    @brandonkiuby5048 5 років тому +1503

    I can't Score I can't Score ! Please buff shooting 😂😂😂😂

  • @riyadsss
    @riyadsss 5 років тому +476

    The GOAT Smoove has spoken!

  • @ssb0v3rl0rd5
    @ssb0v3rl0rd5 5 років тому +732

    Lol it's sad tht Chris Smoove has to teach people how to shoot an open shot it's time for people to practice

    • @ssb0v3rl0rd5
      @ssb0v3rl0rd5 5 років тому +2

      @Jordan Bledsoe For Real

    • @thehardesthitting145lb3
      @thehardesthitting145lb3 5 років тому +14

      Practice, we talking bout practice?

    • @MrBillybilly28
      @MrBillybilly28 5 років тому +1

      @@thehardesthitting145lb3 not even the game not the game practice we talking bout practice man cmon lol iverson savage

  • @Mentalmatt14
    @Mentalmatt14 5 років тому +1082

    You actually made a video on this 🤣 if people don’t know what an open shot is, they shouldn’t be playing a damn basketball game 👍 Smoove trolling everyone 🤣🤣

    • @lundonhudgens4166
      @lundonhudgens4166 5 років тому +11

      Matthew Barker hell yea the crybaby want the game to be handed to em

    • @justralph780
      @justralph780 5 років тому +3


  • @dariocorko7645
    @dariocorko7645 5 років тому +434

    People just dont understand basketball...

    • @mirswervo_6967
      @mirswervo_6967 5 років тому

      If y’all don’t Stfu it’s a video game

    • @chancemadeit
      @chancemadeit 5 років тому +39

      MirTwizzTM it’s a BASKETBALL video game, a simulation game based on basketball.. you’re probably one of the people who doesn’t know basketball

    • @vega_6433
      @vega_6433 5 років тому +6


    • @skyrimosity7842
      @skyrimosity7842 5 років тому +21

      Dario Corko People just don’t understand that even Curry can miss an open shot smh

    • @dariocorko7645
      @dariocorko7645 5 років тому +9

      @@skyrimosity7842 yup...nobody is perfect

  • @vetoland92
    @vetoland92 5 років тому +342

    *Why you cryin to Mike Waaaaaang cuuuuuuuuuuh???*

    • @carlbacker2149
      @carlbacker2149 5 років тому +10


    • @coolkid211
      @coolkid211 5 років тому

      @@carlbacker2149 cuh*

    • @Morgan_Smith2
      @Morgan_Smith2 5 років тому

      vetoland92 Wong tf

    • @henryleeiii9736
      @henryleeiii9736 5 років тому +1

      vetoland92 tomburc03 All I'm saying is every build should be able to have defensive stopper at least on BRONZE

  • @yeayea3874
    @yeayea3874 5 років тому +512

    smoove uploads in the morning ? what is this cheese ?

    • @flashman-zx2ih
      @flashman-zx2ih 5 років тому +3

      When i was about to read comments I literally just said that

    • @fargonebynine
      @fargonebynine 5 років тому +2

      The shot clock cheese!

    • @flashman-zx2ih
      @flashman-zx2ih 5 років тому

      @Jason Fresh yeah and ever heard about a surprised upload

    • @beastmode4203
      @beastmode4203 5 років тому +1

      I think Chris smooves does drugs

    • @MrTomox100
      @MrTomox100 5 років тому +1

      "Give that man a manual, what is he doing"

  • @VeegovonDOOM
    @VeegovonDOOM 5 років тому +375

    Bye to all you stretch four 3 point cheesers!!!!!

    • @Jb2swoovy
      @Jb2swoovy 5 років тому +9

      Veego von DOOM- Reviews! Nahh they gone still be good but not that good now 😂

    • @kanye7160
      @kanye7160 5 років тому +1

      Lol funny you say that I was getting yellows on my pure shot, jump on my stretch and I'm dominating more than I did before the patch

    • @pantelisvrachnoulas
      @pantelisvrachnoulas 5 років тому

      Im still dropping 3s from half court...

    • @ammaryousif1095
      @ammaryousif1095 5 років тому +7

      @@kanye7160 You're a loser

    • @adogproductionz6376
      @adogproductionz6376 5 років тому +8

      @@pantelisvrachnoulas you're so cool man! Thanks for addressing another issue that's been plaguing the game for years! Hopefully they'll patch that cheesy ass shit too

  • @jaspermorant2352
    @jaspermorant2352 5 років тому +165

    2k is nothing without Chris Smoove, Ronnie owes him 5%

  • @merrrtz
    @merrrtz 5 років тому +223

    Smoove exposing cry babies and noobs

    • @JamesS-x7b
      @JamesS-x7b 5 років тому +1

      Who tf cries? Lol. Ps4 is for bitches

    • @supermanrun2313
      @supermanrun2313 5 років тому +1

      @@JamesS-x7b Xbox fans are worst

    • @JamesS-x7b
      @JamesS-x7b 5 років тому

      @@supermanrun2313 Xbox fans? Ur stupid. Its xbox players

    • @supermanrun2313
      @supermanrun2313 5 років тому +2

      @@JamesS-x7b Xbox fans. Xbox players. What's the difference lol?

    • @quanstayongo
      @quanstayongo 5 років тому

      @@JamesS-x7b xbox is trash yall the main ones complaining 😭😭😭

  • @vetoland92
    @vetoland92 5 років тому +77

    The cheesers are finally getting EXPOSED. Love to see it. That’s why Smoove is the 2K GOAT.

  • @kc_t1950
    @kc_t1950 5 років тому +128

    People who complaining don’t hoop in real life

    • @CactusJoc
      @CactusJoc 5 років тому +15

      Kelvin Torres finally someone who speaking the truth

    • @daimsss.f
      @daimsss.f 5 років тому +1

      Kelvin Torres that makes no sense

    • @doctordeath2551
      @doctordeath2551 5 років тому +9

      Probably never picked up a real basketball

    • @PandaLegacy
      @PandaLegacy 5 років тому +2

      Lonzo's Jumpshot it does make sense. Do you make every shot

    • @biasedfan
      @biasedfan 5 років тому

      Melcome Jordan or watched a game

  • @marcusthedarkness1065
    @marcusthedarkness1065 5 років тому +150

    Toxic stretch bigs with no skill are crying rn

  • @zJKOz
    @zJKOz 5 років тому +148

    As a slasher it doesn't affect me at all

    • @mirai5850
      @mirai5850 5 років тому +1

      Julian Ko on god 🤣

    • @coolhands4444
      @coolhands4444 5 років тому +40

      Julian Ko I wish they would buff the layups. I miss 4-5 “open” layups a game, full bar.

    • @carloscruz6390
      @carloscruz6390 5 років тому +18

      Coolhands444 Especially when your post score it’s insane how much layups I miss as a post scorer

    • @kStefano
      @kStefano 5 років тому

      Julian Ko same😂

    • @coolhands4444
      @coolhands4444 5 років тому +6

      carlos cruz I’m a pure athletic and I miss contact dunks on guards

  • @OoglaBoogla.
    @OoglaBoogla. 5 років тому +113

    Basically if you miss you an open shot it happens you don't see curry hitting every 3 so it normal to miss sometimes

    • @ackeensalfish8767
      @ackeensalfish8767 5 років тому +1

      a R Big fax

    • @boyblue5320
      @boyblue5320 5 років тому +1

      a R it should if it’s contested

    • @theindianremix9404
      @theindianremix9404 5 років тому +2

      IndianacHamp PION not always. Hall of fame badges exist for a reason

    • @thakidgaming6435
      @thakidgaming6435 5 років тому

      He hits every 3 if you only watch highlights

    • @sgjr1
      @sgjr1 5 років тому +10

      Kevin Karnani Curry has HOF shooting badges in real life. Yet he doesn’t shoot 100% from three when he’s open. Gtfoh

  • @TheGlassCoke2001
    @TheGlassCoke2001 5 років тому +36

    It is time to learn from Doc Smoove!

  • @yrg_titus5146
    @yrg_titus5146 5 років тому +38

    U have awoken the 2K GODFATHERRRRRRR!!!😂

  • @mikeunlimited20
    @mikeunlimited20 5 років тому +22

    Bro finally someone speaks the truth. Someone went out there and called out these cry babies. My friends always talking about the buffs and I can't even tell the difference

  • @khalilcalloway393
    @khalilcalloway393 5 років тому +70

    Something he needs to buff is definitely layups when i tell you im a primary slasher and a 90 driving layup i still miss them

    • @Passingby73839
      @Passingby73839 5 років тому +1

      Your just trash then cry baby practice makes perfect

    • @slrroute
      @slrroute 5 років тому +13

      Agree man I'm slashing shot with a inside game and layup over 88 , gold relentless finisher badge , but let it be a player with a no slashing in they build and they make them more often then me smh.

    • @dakiddlion
      @dakiddlion 5 років тому +8

      I had the same problem. Try the lebron layup package hasn't happened since I switched to it

    • @Maestro2020
      @Maestro2020 5 років тому +3

      I have a slashing shot with 90 layup and gold relentless and I sometimes miss full bar lightly contested or open layups.

    • @brandonmontalvo5049
      @brandonmontalvo5049 5 років тому +1

      Just change it, that’s what i did, because i have the gold badge as well. But just practice just a little bit.

  • @VizElek196
    @VizElek196 5 років тому +17

    Chris Savage back at it again!

  • @kendrezflournoy2429
    @kendrezflournoy2429 5 років тому +58

    Chris Smoove 4 President

  • @ToshiroHitsugay99
    @ToshiroHitsugay99 5 років тому +23

    Damn, smoove going in hard

  • @djemtp
    @djemtp 5 років тому +87

    8 dislikes ? Probably base 11 cheesers using Turkoglu, Granger or AK47 at PG

    • @WarGutsy
      @WarGutsy 5 років тому +1

      Base 11 is trash. LA is better.

    • @JamesS-x7b
      @JamesS-x7b 5 років тому

      Hedo still works

    • @isaiahcole2752
      @isaiahcole2752 5 років тому

      WarGutsy Base 11 is mad inconsistent on park but in rec and pro am it’s money.

    • @UndefeatedZoe
      @UndefeatedZoe 5 років тому

      Isaiah Cole I use base 9 on park and for pro am. Idk it’s easy to time for me and it’s super fast. I use it with duckworth and Ray Allen and all I hit is greens 😂

    • @kkroeger5868
      @kkroeger5868 5 років тому

      I got cheesed with new shot contest when turgoglu was contested every time and on the other side I missed so many wide open 3 point shots

  • @teejaytv3821
    @teejaytv3821 5 років тому +17

    The craziest thing is people complain about missing wide open threes with 76 3 pointers
    You can’t hit every single three especially with a 76 3 ball
    Imo shooting should be nerfed or there should be separate parks or recs with lower shooting sliders because I don’t know anybody in the nba shooting damn near 60 percent from three and they only have a 76 3pt rating

    • @spermwhale8236
      @spermwhale8236 5 років тому +2

      It's not suppose to be simulation basketball on the park dumbass. People wanna hit open shots why should we miss them.

    • @kkroeger5868
      @kkroeger5868 5 років тому

      Saint Laurent Savage chill.

  • @vetoland92
    @vetoland92 5 років тому +8

    Chris Savage BACK AT IT

  • @ralphmorales3692
    @ralphmorales3692 5 років тому +15

    Smoove showing his worth to 2k, securing that promo $$$😂😂 But he right, most people complaining are 10-15 year olds or Warriors fans who want Curry and others to be automatic.

  • @philipthomas8928
    @philipthomas8928 5 років тому +31

    Smoove can u do some new PlayStation games walkthroughs.......cmon cuh I'm hurting

  • @jadentesai
    @jadentesai 5 років тому +4

    I love when Chris has these types of videos

  • @issaknife6557
    @issaknife6557 5 років тому +2

    smoove the type of guy to be right about everything without raging

  • @franzebert428
    @franzebert428 5 років тому +5

    Chris Savage back at it!😂😂😂

  • @JackNatali
    @JackNatali 5 років тому +24

    It’s sad that Chris has to explain what an open shot is

  • @SamedGaming
    @SamedGaming 5 років тому +8

    Smoove be like : Give those guys a manual whaaaat aree they doing ?

  • @BennySazon
    @BennySazon 5 років тому +1

    Chris being the angry uncle at the family party that we all need.

  • @1rdw_
    @1rdw_ 5 років тому +13

    Talk to em smoove 🐐

  • @EJ2K9.
    @EJ2K9. 5 років тому

    Best 2k content video I’ve seen all year!

  • @tsunamipapi1343
    @tsunamipapi1343 5 років тому +6

    thank god for the buff. actually rewards smart players

  • @vidaldiddy
    @vidaldiddy 5 років тому +9

    You sag off you swag off 🔥🔥🤟🏾🤟🏾

  • @fargonebynine
    @fargonebynine 5 років тому +16

    Thank you for teaching these noobs, Smoove.

  • @reliablethreat23
    @reliablethreat23 5 років тому +1

    "I can't score! I can't score! I can't score!" 😂😂😂😂

  • @pranavbharadwaj3961
    @pranavbharadwaj3961 5 років тому +3

    Smoove the 2k G.O.A.T schooling 2k newbies😂

  • @Likerios22244
    @Likerios22244 5 років тому +1

    Finally da goat speaks his mind🐐🐐

  • @heya1753
    @heya1753 5 років тому +20

    The People That are disliking this video are the crybabies

  • @Hitchmobb
    @Hitchmobb 5 років тому

    you just started these MYTEAM videos and it’s already the best content out

  • @stevefinesse
    @stevefinesse 5 років тому

    Chris smoove I’ve grown up on your content 19 turning 20 and July and I can’t believe you’re still doing your thang props to you and the fan base has grown so much since then and I can’t say I’m surprised

  • @nick21756
    @nick21756 5 років тому +3

    The Goat🐐 has spoken

  • @Prorq
    @Prorq 5 років тому

    Chris Savage! Back at it!

  • @frtz8609
    @frtz8609 5 років тому

    funniest smoove video of all time

  • @BiggMoYCLB
    @BiggMoYCLB 5 років тому +1

    Chris Savage teaching these noobs English Too 🤣 “LIGHTLY CONTESTED” “SLIGHTLY CONTESTED” “OPEN SHOT” “WIDE OPEN” 💀

  • @bricetriplett759
    @bricetriplett759 5 років тому +5

    to be fair, the people complaining are stretch bigs in my career...but I love the buff, they needed to be patched a long time ago

  • @DonDeLem
    @DonDeLem 5 років тому +1

    I remember in 2K16 when my PG would miss those kind of shots you pulled with Paul George in the beginning

  • @thenightking6629
    @thenightking6629 5 років тому

    Chris savage , back at it !

  • @slickrick2204
    @slickrick2204 5 років тому +1

    Smoove is beasting & feasting!!

  • @dangdoggydog
    @dangdoggydog 5 років тому

    Chris Savage back at it

  • @shinx_7537
    @shinx_7537 5 років тому

    Chris savage really back at it

  • @elijahfrm661-ig
    @elijahfrm661-ig 5 років тому


  • @exoticflames3548
    @exoticflames3548 5 років тому

    The fact that he has to explain to some people what an open shot is blows my mind in a basketball game.

  • @mobyblitzyt3237
    @mobyblitzyt3237 5 років тому +8


  • @jrickg9024
    @jrickg9024 5 років тому +2

    the problem is not that 2k players can't shoot . the problem is them missing more if its lightly contested , the chance of the ball going inside the basket is very low for guards but for stretches its as if the person is not there

  • @despair420blazeit4
    @despair420blazeit4 5 років тому


  • @noflexzonee
    @noflexzonee 5 років тому

    Chris savageee back at it again

  • @porq2013
    @porq2013 5 років тому +42

    Some feelings are going to be hurt LUL

    • @jamesedwards1284
      @jamesedwards1284 5 років тому

      PorQ 201 facts don’t care about your feelings

  • @michaelkessler4653
    @michaelkessler4653 5 років тому

    Smoove is a savage, great vid.

  • @KingMba
    @KingMba 5 років тому +2

    2kU Smoove in the building

  • @TrulyEliteGaming
    @TrulyEliteGaming 5 років тому +3

    Smoove broke it down for them bois😂😂

  • @NishaWestbrook999
    @NishaWestbrook999 5 років тому +1

    When he says “I can’t score” I cry laughing 😂

  • @BiggMoYCLB
    @BiggMoYCLB 5 років тому +2

    “Buff buff buff again buff buff cry baby buff the shot” 🤣🤣🤣

  • @itsPandesal
    @itsPandesal 5 років тому

    The GODFATHER OF 2K has spoken 😰

  • @kingo.toyota7626
    @kingo.toyota7626 5 років тому

    The OG back to scold the youngins

  • @zbrit1237
    @zbrit1237 5 років тому

    Chris smoove throwing shots🥶

  • @WiicBoyHunto
    @WiicBoyHunto 5 років тому

    You know something is wrong when uncle smoove gets involved

  • @fj7918
    @fj7918 5 років тому

    Coach smoove has entered the building.

  • @yxur3753
    @yxur3753 5 років тому +5

    Damn smoove, gotta admit you roasting those stretch fours, slow down 😂😂

    • @chiefwakil
      @chiefwakil 5 років тому

      yxur they need it. Cuz they just shoot bad shots and hit em all the time.

  • @TheGtacarnage
    @TheGtacarnage 5 років тому

    Chris Smoove giving them guys a manual 😂😂

  • @BluWaves
    @BluWaves 5 років тому

    Every time Smooth drop a 2K video talking or showing the difference between skill & cheesers every UA-camr stops complaining about the 2K game for a while.

  • @Corous_Soe
    @Corous_Soe 5 років тому

    *Smooth's university of 2k. Shot contest 101 is in session.*

  • @travontegoodwin
    @travontegoodwin 5 років тому

    Smoove teaching these boys

  • @Dioninja
    @Dioninja 5 років тому +4

    A bigger problem is the shot meter not matching the shot animations

  • @maxpatana9906
    @maxpatana9906 5 років тому

    Chris Savage Is Back 🔥🔥🔥

  • @st.p.2667
    @st.p.2667 5 років тому

    2017: What the f*** is a catch
    2018: What the f*** is a tackle
    2019: What the f*** is a open shot
    2021: What the f*** is sports
    2022: What the f*** is video games

  • @ChroniclerOfJudah
    @ChroniclerOfJudah 5 років тому

    plus you have to take into account each players badges, what shooting badges does the player have versus the defensive badges the defender has? then you must take into account the offensive ratings vs the defensive ratings. its a lot that goes into it.

  • @1111IIIIII
    @1111IIIIII 4 роки тому

    Chris smoove teaching even though we weren't reaching

  • @sousfountain
    @sousfountain 5 років тому

    The baby's need to hit that practice mode asap. So happy they buffed the shot contest. Great video.

  • @cool_one2561
    @cool_one2561 5 років тому

    Smoove low key roasting noobs out there... 😂

  • @aarotonin
    @aarotonin 5 років тому +1

    “I can’t score” -kids born in the 2000s

  • @vlonewray9482
    @vlonewray9482 5 років тому +2

    Smoove spittin facts tho 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @DavidUtai
    @DavidUtai 5 років тому

    Chris Savage is back 😂

  • @NerdyWonder27
    @NerdyWonder27 5 років тому

    Thank you smoove for teaching these cheap players that just because you have a shooter does not mean that you can shoot over people and it be considered open

  • @thomasforde3900
    @thomasforde3900 5 років тому

    Chris Smoove wanted all the smoke today 😂😂😂

  • @peytonshort7058
    @peytonshort7058 5 років тому +4

    Proffesor Smoove teaches Coverage 101 at 2kMT

  • @absorbentfish
    @absorbentfish 5 років тому

    Chris smoove laying it down.

  • @lilchase99
    @lilchase99 5 років тому

    Chris smoove finally broke his silence

  • @iamtherealwill
    @iamtherealwill 5 років тому

    The OG has spoken!!

    @TOOQUICK30 5 років тому

    Coach smoove taking these young bloods to practice.

  • @slatty2646
    @slatty2646 5 років тому

    "if you don't shoot contested you won't be affected " quote by Chris Smoove

  • @Mas0narsenault03
    @Mas0narsenault03 5 років тому +1

    Smoove went off😂😂

  • @ElPapi997
    @ElPapi997 5 років тому

    Very informative Smoove. Goodjob.