Seperti Ini Cara Membuat Kalimat Pasif Dari Simple Past | TEATU with Mr Diaz - Kampung Inggris LC
- Опубліковано 19 січ 2025
- Yuk belajar membuat kalimat pasif atau biasa dikenal dengan passive voice dari simple past barengan Mr Diaz !!!
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Last night she was called bay her father
Lama2 pinter nih gue nonton channel Ini,wkwkwkw ,barokallah ya
Dah pinter lom?
@@triaagustin1251 dah pinter lom? #2
Dah pinter lom? #3
Dah pinter lom? #4
Thanks for get help us.. i hope you're success to share English knowledge, i'm glad dude cause i was founded my English learn place.. Thank you Sir.. Hava nice day.❤️
Pas banget, Minggu ² ini lagi memasuki pelajaran simple past☺️eh video ini muncul di beranda, thank you ilmu nya kak
semangat belajarnya kak 😊 lebih paham lg belajar skill bhs inggris ny..barakallahu fikum kak..sangat bermanfaat..semoga Allah yg membalas semua kebaikan dn ilmu yg d sampaikn bs sbg ladang pahala aamiin
She was called by her father last night !!
Her father called her last night !!
Menjawab pertanyaan Mr. DIAZ:
1. Active: Ayahnya menelfon dia perempuan tadi malam( Her dad call her last night)
Passive: Tadi malam dia perempuan di telfon oleh ayahnya (She was called by her dad last night)
Seharusnya= tadi malam perempuan itu ditelfon oleh ayahnya
@@bayubayu3531 sama aja bang
Yang call bagian active itu bukannya seharusnya verb 2 ya?
@@Jeooong_i.n kan bukan past ,ngapain pake verb 2 ,itu kan kalimat active
@@03.axelriokinonprathama66kan "tadi malam" bukannya itu past? Juga dicontoh kalimat active pakai verb 2
Semoga saya dan kita semua yang mampir bisa paham dan bisa ngomong tanpa takut salah dan mikir. Aamiin...Aamiin...Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamin
Thx u Mr. Diaz, kampus Inggris LC
Baru nengok beberapa Minggu ke belakang, Banyakin kontennya, mudah dipahami karena ngajarinnya per part, tak lepas juga karena tentorny
Active : Dia Perempuan ditelfon ayahnya tadi malam
She called her father last night
Passive : Tadi Malam dia Perempuan ditelfon oleh ayahnya
Last night she was called by her dad ( father)
Thank youu kak..enak bgt cara ngejelasinnya langsung pahamm😭😍😍
You are a good teacher.
Active: Father call her last night
Passive : She was called by father last night.
Udah benar ga? Hehe mohon maaf klo msh salah😅🙏
Btw makasih bnyak ilmux Mr.Diaz smoga mudah rezeki dlancrkan segala urusannya😊
Her father called her last night.
She was called by her father last night.
Kalau mau belajar bahasa Inggris, bisa DM ke Instagram saya 🙏😊
Terumakasih banyak mr,awalnya saya Tidak tau apa perbedaan setiap kalimat nya,akhirnya saya jadi tau
last night,she was called by her father 🙏
Thank you sir 🙏
Saya lbih suka dan cepat ngerti penjelasannya mr diaz ktimbang tutorial lainnya .thanks a lot mr diaz proud of you.
Last night she was called by her father
Last night, his daughter was called by her father (passive)// Last night the father called his daughter. (Past simple)
Salah. Yang benar Last night, She was called by her Father
Wah aq jadi bersemangat belajtbhs Inggris besok
Makasih om lama lama saya pinter ngeliat video om🙏🏻😂
Terimakasih kak. Semoga besok ujian bisa menjawab dengan sangat baik dan mendapat nilai yang memuaskan
Keren kak, I like this Vidio , Next buatin VidioPart of speech
Thanks Mr Diaz i loved it to know a lot language in English God bless 🙏🇺🇸
Ini kalau "they helped their teacher arrange the hydroponic system" berarti passive nya their teacher were helped by them to arrange the hydroponic system?
thankyou mr.Diaz..
Mr Diaz favorit tutor🤩💗
Yang ngejelasin ganteng jadi semangat mhehe:v
Kamu ini berdosa banget😤😂
@@29_naomibanyu33 mhehe:v
betina betina
Excelent presentation
Akhirnya mudeng
Tadi Malam Dia ditelepon ayah nya
Active : The Last Night she called his father
Passive : His Father were called his last night
Makasih ya ilmunya sangat berguna😊🙏
Lama lama pinter juga ya gw... makasih kk
I think " last night she was called by her father "
I try to answer your Questions to US.
She was called by her father last night
Makasih banyak ka skrang udah paham walaupun sedikit,sangat membantu padahal sebenarnya aku gk terlalu suka bahasa Inggris tapi setelah video kaka ternyata gak terlalu susah jika trus belajar makasih ka,semangat terus ka bkin video selanjutnya
Telok ayem
P : Last night she was called by her father
A : Last night her father called her
Yang contoh kedua bukannya "You were not made sad by me" ya?
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Diajarin malah ngajar balik🤣🤣
@@anjinkbangke333 agak ngelawak emang mas nya 😂👍🏿
Kak bisa ga klo the passive is " you sad were not made by me "
Bags pak
Bagus sekali,terima kasih
Last night she was called by her father
By the way thank you Mr. Diaz
Sorry but late, I want to try answer the question Sir
"Last night, she was called by her father"
saya ke Pare tapi gak ketemu Mr. Diaz
terbaik emang mr.diaz ;D
I did not make you sad..... ? Coba dilihat lagi Mas, apakah ini natural jika dibuat passive? You were not made by me sad.... ??? Lalu terjemahannya jg harus sesuai dgn kaidah keakuratan dan keberterimaan juga
Kalo menurut saya lebih enak kalimatnya jadi "you were not made sad by me"
mr apa bedanya passive dan active??
Maaf kak telat 2 tahun buat belajar
Boleh tanya?
"Raisa sings a song on the stage"
Passive voice?
i think, " a song is sung by raisa on the stage" CMIIW
last night she was called by the father, right?
Omaygaddd gurune :)
She was called by her father last nigh
Is this correct?
tadi malam dia perempuan ditelfon oleh ayahnya
aktif = tadi malam ayahnya menelfon dia (perempuan)
passive = last night, she was called by her father
Mr . I always confused about was were sometimes
Good job Brother😊
A. Last night she call bye her father last light
P. Her wash called by her dad last night
haruskah menggunakan kata by sebelum obyek mr?
bantu jawab, iya harus kalau untuk passive voice
Kalimat negatif passive kok pakai V3 ya saya binggung bisa dijelaskan?
Her father called her last night
She was called by her father last night
Kak kalo dalam kalimat Activenya sudah ada to be dengan Verb 3 gimana?
Yang buat soal salah itu
@@doniherlambang9935 eh aduu tapi kena nilai wkwkwk gimane ni wkwkwkw
Itu tipe past perfect kak, diubah dengan rumus past perfect juga. Misal, Active: She had stolen the money. Passive: The money had been stolen by her. :)
@@LALABARLEY ooohh okeoke makaasii
You are loved by me
"Last night she was a girl on the phone by her father." Thank you for your knowledge sir, i'll wait more videos about grammar. 🙏
apakah semua tense bisa dibuat menjadi kalimat pasif?
@@andrewsultoni1209 bisa, tapi tidak semua sentence bisa
@@triaagustin1251 kalo yg ga bisa yg gimana ya? berbagi ilmu itu indah☺
Seperti yang kita tahu dari video ini, dalam passive voice, object diubah menjadi subject. Nah... Kalimat yg tidak bisa diubah menjadi passive yaitu kalimat yang tidak ada objeknya atau kalimat yang menggunakan intransitive verb (kata kerja yang tdk membutuhkan objek. Misalnya: go, sleep, sit, reach, die, dll)
Active: *I went to the market.*
(Tidak bisa diubah menjadi passive sentence karena tdk ada objeknya)
Active: *I opened the door.*
Passive: *The door was opened by me*
(Bisa diubah menjadi passive voice karena ada objeknya: the door)
@@triaagustin1251 ooh iya, pantesan aja pas saya mau ubah ke passive bingung. makasih ilmunya
tadi malam perempuan ditelpon oleh ayahnya,,,
she was called by her father last night.
Last nightnya bkn diawal bang
Last night she was called by her dad
=> She dad was been called her by last night.
So this is incorrect or nah?
Kalo , ' you werent made sad by me ' bisa ga ?
Ga bisa
Sayangnya baru nemu channel ini :((, btw thanks
Iya toturial mr diaz gampang di pahami
Last night, she was called by her father...
Active : Last night, her father called her.
Passive : Last night, she was called by her father.
Is it right, Sir?
Mantap. Tepat. 🙏✨👍
@@edi8524 her ketemu her jadi her her,
tadi malam dia (perempuan)ditelfon ayahnya
Active:Last night she called by her father
Passive:Her father was called she las night
She was called by her father, last night
Last night, she was called by her father.
"tadi malam, dia (perempuan) di telfon oleh ayahnya.
Last night, she was called by her father.
bener ga yaa
please, let me Fix.
she was called by her father last night
@@pengenbelajar110 👍
She was called by her father last nigh
ini simple past continous?
Why does it sound a bit weird.. By me sad???
I think it's more likeable or nice to hear with.. you were not made sad / upset by me..
I don't know, maybe I was wrong.. But it's a bit strange and not common to hear that.. Maybe it's just me 🙏😁
Tadi malam dia ditelepon oleh ayahnya
Last night , She was called by her father
Kalo dijadiin active gimana?
Her father called her last night
Bukannya pake call ya?
A:Her father called she last night.
P:Last night she was called by her father.
Passive : She was phoned by her father last night
Active : Her father phoned her last night
in japanese language is "昨夜、彼女は父親に呼ばれた (sakuya, kanojo wa kanojonochihci ni yobareta)
Subarashi masta
The singer sings songs beautiful diubah kepasif bagaimana Mr.
A beautiful song was sung by the singer
she was call by my father last night, bisa kah?
Was = i, she, he, it
Were = you, we, they
pasif : she was called by her father last night
mau tanya kalo di jadiin kalimat aktif gimana ya?
Last night her father was call her
her father call her last night
Simple past active: Her father called her last night
Last night she was called bye her father
At last night, she was called by her father.
Mengapa tidak menggunakan we are and you are
Karena tenses nya past tense. To be untuk tenses past tense adalah was/were
Bisa gk menjelaskannya pake bhs indo atau pake translate kak
Active...she didinot call her father last night...passive...she was not called by her father last night
eh aa Diaz
Last night she was on the telphone by her father
That right ser?
Contoh kedua itu gak ada kata kata masa lampau knp was/were? Harusnya make yg is/are
karena to be yg cocok untuk passive di past tense itu (was/were) sdgkan (am/is/are) utk present tense
Tadi malam dia(pr) ditelpon oleh ayahnya
Passive : she was called by her father last night.
Last night, She was called by her father
Last night, her father called her
Last night, she was called by her father
pasif: Last night she was called by her father
active: she is called by her father last night
Activenya kan past tense bro jadinya her father called her last night
@@divamaulana8324 kok ga make got kak?
aku malah nangkep nya "she was got called by her father" 😅😅
@@aswinbagas5806 dia akan aktif, di balik aja subjeftnya jadi si father
Active : Her father called her last night
Pv : She was called by his father last night
Av : His father called her last night
last night she was called by her father. correct?
ind : tadi malam dia (pr) ditelfon oleh ayahnya
eng : last night she was called by her father
Kalo active nya gimana?
@@fakhriabdurrahman8728 her father was called her last night
@@barbs896 sorry if i'm wrong, i think we doesn't use to be again because of this just kalimat active, please give me correct if i'm wrong because i'm still studying, thanks
@@barbs896 her father called her last night
@@aliakhsan7199 thank you for your correction, i'm still learning about grammar 🙏
Last night she was a woman on the phone by her parents