Genshin Impact Character Draft Part 4 | Character Demo Reaction

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @luvstrucc2131
    @luvstrucc2131 Рік тому +336

    Furina’s demo actually has French lyrics which are translated in the description! :D

  • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
    @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 Рік тому +252

    Klee: *blows up a buncha mountains*
    Mika: *does some map corrections because of it*

  • @freedragoons
    @freedragoons Рік тому +137

    If you slow down and analyze the end of Furina's demo, you see can see:
    Wriothesley uppercutting a guy,
    Lyney and Lynette curb stomping someone,
    Neuvelette kneeing a guy in the stomach,
    Truly, the funniest demo ever.

    • @RaikaKoshiba650
      @RaikaKoshiba650 Рік тому +13

      I wonder if they were all beating them up for real or if they were faking 😂

    • @teakettlepikamee3887
      @teakettlepikamee3887 Рік тому +35

      Even better was Navia and Chlorinde's half hearted slap fight

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Рік тому +22

      Nice attention to detail there 😛

    • @fedechan6325
      @fedechan6325 Рік тому +17

      Clorinde pointing at her aggressively, and Navia slaps her so softly that it looks like a caress XD @@teakettlepikamee3887

    • @jesuschristbutafab9923
      @jesuschristbutafab9923 Рік тому +7

      Lyney, Lynette, and Childe were basically mugging those npcs 💀

  • @faithrabbit4330
    @faithrabbit4330 Рік тому +218

    I didn't know how they could keep making fantastic characters, but Fontaine DID NOT disappoint.
    Looking forward to your Genshin journey.

    • @Sacration
      @Sacration Рік тому +4


    • @Qopa
      @Qopa Рік тому +4

      actually excited for natlan. I think the teyvat teaser teased that the natlan archon knew something about Celestia and is willing to share that with us and after the fontaine quest we now know that the original teyvat gods were the ancient dragons, not Celestia. Celestia, an outsider, were the one that killed the ancient dragons and stole all of their powers and gave it to the archons to rule over teyvat in their stead. It wouldn't be a surprised if they leaked celestia like how they did it with winter lazzo trailer on the fatui harbingers, or maybe even hexenzirkel which is most likely.
      And capitano is also rank 1, the strongest amongst the fatui harbingers, not including Pierro the director. And varka was literally hinted that he's there too.
      Oh man, 5.0 gonna be a blast, literally.

    • @Daxtroy
      @Daxtroy Рік тому

      Do they even play this game? I’ve been following them for a while but idk if they actually play the game at all or if they just react to the stuff

    • @freakinstudent3430
      @freakinstudent3430 Рік тому +1

      i do not think they will reveal hexenzirkel yet but instead atleast one of the members of the group. Natlan has never been talked about in the game for the last 3 years since its launch so we literally have nothing to guess except that the people of natlan are divided in tribes and we dont even know wheteher the pyro archon is alive or not@@Qopa

    • @Qopa
      @Qopa Рік тому

      @@freakinstudent3430 I mean, going by their habit of foreshadowing stuff early on into making it appear in the main archon quest later. I think it's still possible since N (nicole) talked to us directly in 1.6 or was it the 2nd golden island?, Sumeru archon quest, and even in Fontaine. There is already a mention of mona's master even some bit of her personality in the main quest. They wouldn't do stuff like that unless shes planned to appear in the story really soon. Albedo mom even got mentioned with skirk. There is also a mention of Alice ages ago but I will exclude that since thats not in the archon quest so it's probably not relevant.
      mona also talks about how they will only appear if the situation was actually serious, implying that this will probably happen in Natlan.
      and considering that Neuvillete had overtaken one of the archon's seats (the seat that celestia forcibly take away from the ancient dragons), celestia is probably pissed and they're probably gonna try and step in, thus, more witches, but I'm just wild guessing here.

  • @daysand123
    @daysand123 Рік тому +17

    Yeah Neuvilette is also that one character i never expected i would like based on the final feast trailer alone. But playing through the story hes actually the coolest nicest dude that i dont doubt could break someone over his knee if he wanted.

  • @zahkrosis666
    @zahkrosis666 Рік тому +55

    Furina's is not just a demo. It was a total performance! ^^

  • @myne5689
    @myne5689 Рік тому +175

    Furina has one of the best if not the best demos. Her and Nahida are my favourites.

    • @Mightyscandare
      @Mightyscandare Рік тому +3

      Let me put it on a tier list:
      1- neuvillette
      2- yelan/furina
      3- eula
      4- alhaitham
      5- candace/nilou
      Not mentioning every demo is unique

    • @sarahbosch9660
      @sarahbosch9660 Рік тому +4

      i agree! Nahidas Trailer is amazing and her Teaser is topnotch too!
      ANd then Furina - her demo is just a blast!

    • @aciesara5444
      @aciesara5444 Рік тому +3

      Same. I love it when they include some breadcrumbs that we can understand later after we finish the story. Just in case spoiler:
      I saw a comment somewhere pointing out why no one applauded at the end of her performance when Furina demo came out. This comment somehow stuck in my head and blew my mind after I finished the patch story.

    • @dohalimilqarasdeldemenanci8483
      @dohalimilqarasdeldemenanci8483 Рік тому

      Eula and Zhongli still have my favorite demos

    • @sittingcrowd912
      @sittingcrowd912 Рік тому +2

      this really proves that Furina is the best written character in the game when people who don't even play the game love her

  • @teddy_scott36
    @teddy_scott36 Рік тому +22

    A fun fact about Lyney and Lynette’s trailers is that Lynette’s demo came out just a couple minutes after Lyney’s demo which is unique

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Рік тому +2


    • @teddy_scott36
      @teddy_scott36 Рік тому +3

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames When you guys eventually run out of Genshin stuff to react to, I highly recommend that you two either start a series playing the game or react to the Archon Quest cutscenes. The Archon Quests are the main story.

  • @Etherwinter
    @Etherwinter Рік тому +59

    Furina quickly became one of my favourite characters out of Genshin. She's just fantastic all around, and her demo is fun as hell.

  • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
    @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 Рік тому +31

    Tfw Baizhu was there since the beginning of the game.
    Man, this took ages.
    Im sure I'll get him someday.

    • @jackjohnson8305
      @jackjohnson8305 Рік тому +5

      You missed his rerun with furina? thats tough cuz he's probably not gonna be back for a year.

    • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
      @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 Рік тому +5

      ​​​@@jackjohnson8305I can wait. I did pull for him. Unfortunately C1 Dehya came home instead of him so...tough luck.

    • @Chocolatindo
      @Chocolatindo Рік тому +5

      You definitely get him. May he rerun soon, but far enough for you to get him guaranteed.

    • @Sacration
      @Sacration Рік тому

      ​@@v.emiltheii-nd.8094Damn... i want dehya so bad.
      Anyway thank god I have Baizhu, hes saving my life with Zhongli. Im immortal

    • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
      @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 Рік тому +3

      ​@@ChocolatindoThx! Hope so too.

  • @daysand123
    @daysand123 Рік тому +27

    I knew they would cancel eachother out over Furina. But i did not expect the battle over who gets forced to take Mika.

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Рік тому +5

      Haha, poor Mika. He’s probably way cooler if you play the game but just looking on the outside he doesn’t inspire hype 🤗

  • @maya993
    @maya993 Рік тому +15

    Haha, I knew you guys would be having a card battle over Furina. Everybody loves her!

  • @KingKP96
    @KingKP96 Рік тому +49

    It's crazy how good Hoyoverse is at creating characters. I honestly thought Nahida couldn't be topped as the best character in the story, and they just casually proved otherwise. Neuvillette and especially Furina are amazing characters. The other new Fontaine characters are all pretty solid tbh, but those two are just the best beyond a shadow of a doubt. We also have Navia who'll be coming as a playable character in a couple weeks who from what we've seen of her in the story up until this point is potentially just as great. Genshin characters really hit different.

  • @Scottistic
    @Scottistic Рік тому +21

    Mika is so important in the genshin that nobody ever thinks about him because to think of him would automatically create a world ending scenario

  • @Sacration
    @Sacration Рік тому +28

    Lady Furina de Fontaine is just so previous, shes very loved !! The community thinks she has one of the best Demo in the game along her fellow archons Zhongli and Raiden.
    Dehya badassery is unmatched lmaoo and that Candace cameo is the cherry on top
    Neuvillette has so much drip !! The perfect judge.
    I love yall videos, so good! I cant wait for you too to watch the cutscenes ahah🎉

    • @Orber
      @Orber Рік тому

      You mean Focalors, Furinda de Fontaine, a member of The Seven, and The Regina of All Waters, Kindreds, Peoples and Laws of Fontaine

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Рік тому

      Yeah Raiden is badass and Lady Furina is right up there with her. Just a different kind of fabulous with her. Can see why she was so hyped to us by community 🤩

    • @Sacration
      @Sacration Рік тому

      ​@@OrberYup. U gets it

  • @Zach174.
    @Zach174. Рік тому +5

    5:39 claymore, held by his suit case.

  • @RaikaKoshiba650
    @RaikaKoshiba650 Рік тому +12

    They did so well with Neuvillette’s demo with the cinematography and the well taken shots as well as highlighting his overbearing presence in the story. Even people who haven’t played knows he’s going to be an important and powerful character without even playing the game

  • @EffaSchäfer
    @EffaSchäfer Рік тому +19

    for me Neuvillette demo is one of the best.. His demeanor, his voice makes me want to beg for his mercy ahaha.. I love him so much.. Btw he is viral now for his lines 'according to the judgement of Oratrice Mechanique d'Analyse Cardinale' 😅 he's strong too ❤

  • @codex2621
    @codex2621 Рік тому +48

    It's funny how without knowing about Neuvi you can say, he's giving a feeling of someone "above it all"
    He IS a being who is above all the "gods" (archons) of this world

  • @mc9474
    @mc9474 11 місяців тому +1

    You both have such excellent taste in characters, I love that you're immediately fighting over Furina lol. There was a lot of the community who didn't realize how amazing she was from the start like you two did.

  • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
    @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 Рік тому +30

    Kaveh might not seem like much but for how wholesome he is he is definitely best boi.

  • @cyberdragoon1432
    @cyberdragoon1432 Рік тому +4

    23:13 This is definitely a blink and you’ll miss it scene, as Furina emulates and parodies the prior nations’ archons, heck both the colored background and audience change with each full swing. With further parodies during the frozen scenes, as these are all parodied recreations of events involving the Traveler in each of the prior nations.
    25:56 Thank Ray Chase for giving such a performance as Nuev.

  • @annaairahala9462
    @annaairahala9462 Рік тому +3

    Furina's is by far my favorite demo they've done. It's so perfect!
    Nice to see Lynette getting the appreciation she deserves too

  • @sircombat3259
    @sircombat3259 Рік тому +4

    Furina is such a amazing character
    got her first thing when she released! she’s also really good, She basically buffs many characters with her off field summons, she even makes niche and least used characters much more viable!

  • @realmakeu
    @realmakeu Рік тому +1

    Definitely gotta look into the story soon once you guys got time on your schedule for it, its so good, and i love these reactions so far too !

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Рік тому

      Yep. We plan to. Going to do a full journey on the cutscenes 😅

    • @realmakeu
      @realmakeu Рік тому

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames YAY AWESOME it'll be so good I promise ❤️

  • @cosmicjaden17
    @cosmicjaden17 Рік тому +1

    i hope you guys check out the genshin cinematics/cutscene animations theyre so good and you can see the important parts of the story

  • @lonewolfjedi493osswfan
    @lonewolfjedi493osswfan Рік тому +3

    I loved Ken’s reaction to that one part of the Neuvillette trailer, “Whoa!”, I have him and he’s one of my best builds. When I first heard Mika’s voice, I was hearing DBZA Piccolo, “NERRRRRD!” And speaking of DBZA, the VA for 18 does Furina. Funny thing, both ads for this video were clips from the Furina trailer

  • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
    @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 Рік тому +19

    About Dehya and Wriothesley.
    Nice headcanon...but there's another character that hasn't appeared in the game yet that a LOTTA people ship with Wriothesley.
    I hope you and us meet her someday.
    Btw she made a 'silent' cameo in Furina's trailer.

    • @Neo-Queenserenityt2l
      @Neo-Queenserenityt2l Рік тому +3

      She has appeared in the game what you on about? She just hasn't become playable yet & I know you mean Clorinde so don't lie & say she hasn't appeared in the game when she has, she shows up during the archon quest quite a lot

    • @nubbylittlecat1753
      @nubbylittlecat1753 Рік тому +11

      ⁠@@Neo-Queenserenityt2lLiterally be quiet. Please.😂 These UA-camrs have not played any of the game. Which means they don’t know who she is and haven’t seen her in game. That’s why op mentioned her appearance only in the trailer. Also they never said she didn’t appear in game. Quit yappin’ and go do some homework or smth. 💀

    • @_dragonflies_
      @_dragonflies_ Рік тому +3

      lmao why are you all so rude in replies chill

    • @bookswithike3256
      @bookswithike3256 Рік тому +11

      More people ship him with Neuvillette than with Clorinde.

    • @Psycorde
      @Psycorde Рік тому +1

      I run Dehya with him and I had that thought too, and I don't usually ship characters

  • @sl_enderman
    @sl_enderman Рік тому +1

    U guys can't keep getting away with such quality content

  • @Avitus2010
    @Avitus2010 Рік тому +1

    I've been waiting! And I waited! I love your reactions to Genshin's characters. They are always interesting, funny and just pleasant. I'm sure the characters will be even more interesting next. You can just smile and even laugh with you. I am very glad that you are making these reactions to the characters. I will be waiting for your other reactions. Hugged everyone tightly.

  • @HerculePyro
    @HerculePyro Рік тому +1

    Heres hoping you watch the teasers after this, theres still some greats from back in Sumeru you've not seen

  • @icewatermage3362
    @icewatermage3362 Рік тому +5

    I saved up for Wriothesley and I had to skip over Neuvillette to get him and he was well worth it.
    I built up Shenhe to boost his Cryo attacks. He’s in my main team now and I absolutely love him.
    His attacks from his skill drain his HP in favour of boosting his attack power and his signature weapon further boosts his attack speed once you gain 3 stacks. I use Wriothesley in combination with Yae Miko for superconduct reactions and Kokomi for healing and frozen reactions.
    Dehya is now a bit more difficult to pull since she’s now in the standard banner so thankfully I got her when she first came out.
    I wound up getting Furina when I was trying to get Charlotte.

    • @raikonzero
      @raikonzero Рік тому +1

      I tried pulling for Wriothesley but lost pity to Keqing

    • @RenShinomiya121
      @RenShinomiya121 Рік тому

      "Dehya is now a bit more difficult to pull"
      *At that moment, the simultaneous cries of the people who lost their 50/50s to Dehya can be heard*

    • @icewatermage3362
      @icewatermage3362 Рік тому

      @@RenShinomiya121 I haven’t had her come up since I got her. I get Tighnari, Qiqi or Keqing. I say difficult to pull based off of my experience alone.

    • @icewatermage3362
      @icewatermage3362 Рік тому

      @@raikonzero I was Qiqi’d at 70 and I didn’t get Wriothesley until 130 wishes were spent. I was so annoyed.

    • @RenShinomiya121
      @RenShinomiya121 Рік тому

      @@icewatermage3362 give me those qiqi or keqings

  • @logan17262
    @logan17262 Рік тому

    You guys are my favorite UA-cam Couple!!! I loveee yall

  • @arcangeluriel272
    @arcangeluriel272 Рік тому +2

    Neuvillette is the most powerful character that has appears in the game till now, he's the only playable dragon and he wants to judge all the gods for their sins, and as the souverign iudex, he is the only one with the power to do it

  • @zoaholic7732
    @zoaholic7732 Рік тому +1

    Finally! you guys are one of my fav reactors

  • @abhishekbhattacharyya2950
    @abhishekbhattacharyya2950 Рік тому +1

    I thought that the MAP guy would be your favourite 😂

  • @feralprocessor9853
    @feralprocessor9853 Рік тому +1

    The first music for Deya is a banger

  • @TSGN_Leviathan
    @TSGN_Leviathan Рік тому

    Get in there Beth with the Neuvillette steal! Neuvillette is both best boi and strongest boy!

  • @mayraalejandragonzalezeraz5886

    Neuvillette, Furina, Baizhu and Kazuha is one of the strongest teams right now.

    • @RaikaKoshiba650
      @RaikaKoshiba650 Рік тому

      I only have one half of that :(
      Nasty of them to put Furina and Baizhu at the same time plus no Kazuha rerun in sight 😢

    • @mayraalejandragonzalezeraz5886
      @mayraalejandragonzalezeraz5886 Рік тому

      @@RaikaKoshiba650 Same but the ones that I have are Baizhu and Furina, I got Baizhu in his first banner and I'm thinking to pull in Neuvillette and Kazuha 's reruns

  • @Kickm.
    @Kickm. Рік тому

    when she used “mi” instead of “me” for mika hurt LMAO

  • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
    @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 Рік тому +3

    Its time. Man I ❤ you guys reacting to Genshin.

  • @jasmine9581
    @jasmine9581 11 місяців тому

    12:33 and this time they included Pers/Freminet per his suggestion
    17:34 and the cracks
    18:28 and...ohh Dehya
    hehe a Melt team

  • @tanimal3964
    @tanimal3964 Рік тому

    I would suggest that for each demo trailer you should check out the character teaser, they are only about a minute each.

  • @sammy4735
    @sammy4735 Рік тому


  • @SylviaRozemyne
    @SylviaRozemyne 5 місяців тому

    According to the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale Fontaine had the best demo trailers!

  • @Jebcjbsiwm
    @Jebcjbsiwm Рік тому +1

    Another franchise that has cool character demos is Honkai starrail! Yall checked out the ultimates before :D This game also has a ‘collected miscellany’ type gameplay introductions but these are so funny its not normal

  • @JT-cm9di
    @JT-cm9di Рік тому +1

    hmm I think there are some.genshin reactions you guys never do before, the cutscreens in each character own story quest, I think you guys won't mind the spoilers in it 🤔

  • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
    @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 Рік тому +3

    I wonder if the Genshin drink will remain the same or get an upgrade.

  • @djwizzle067
    @djwizzle067 Рік тому

    Back with another draft! Let's go!

  • @AlexThat200
    @AlexThat200 Рік тому +8

    Still feel really bad about Dehya.
    She has one of the coolest designs, but the developers gave her a not-so-great gameplay that big fans of hers got really angry.

    • @navalhabr
      @navalhabr Рік тому +4

      I disagree. I use Dehya way more than Yoimiya or Hu Tao.
      She is not a DPS, but she can deal good dmg and protect your team.
      And now with Furina and Neivullete, she is Meta.

    • @RaikaKoshiba650
      @RaikaKoshiba650 Рік тому +4

      Dehya is legend in Dragonspine. Having her makes me visit the area for FUN even thought it should be hell 😂

    • @v.emiltheii-nd.8094
      @v.emiltheii-nd.8094 Рік тому +2

      Luckily Furina buffed her into greatness. 😊

    • @AlexThat200
      @AlexThat200 Рік тому +1

      Oh I know she’s better now.
      But that initial anger the fandom had. It just sucks it happened in general.

    • @blastimbre
      @blastimbre Рік тому +1

      ​​​@@navalhabrThis section is being a little more than optimistic. She is now alright with the additions of Neuv and Furina. Calling her meta is a little disingenuous. And she certainly isn't remotely as good as Hu Tao or Yoimiya. Im not even sure she is actually better than Zhongli in Neuv's teams. She is just a solid option.
      Only team i can see where she is actually really useful is Lyney. Since she can replace Zhongli and open the flex slot to Kazuha. Maybe In Ganyu/Nahida melt, but thats just to get pyro resonance with interruption resistance.
      Use her if you like her, she isnt horrible with the new fontaine characters, but she is certainly heavily flawed.

  • @theuone8828
    @theuone8828 Рік тому +1

    Starts with Dehya and ends with Furina ... a video after my own heart. And the best part is I pulled Argenti in 30 pulls in Star Rail (after Topaz/Numby) while Dehya's was playing.

  • @jackjohnson8305
    @jackjohnson8305 Рік тому +4

    Would love it if you guys reacted to Honkai star rail demos too!

  • @LadyWgun
    @LadyWgun Рік тому +1

    Furina has everything best in genshins history

  • @johanstenfelt1206
    @johanstenfelt1206 Рік тому +2

    Nice Draft, I wonder what’s next in Part 5.
    Fontaine turned out be a very interesting Story.
    By the way, how about reacting to Necrit’s Video about Genshin Impact at some point?

    • @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames
      @DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames  Рік тому +1

      Will have to look into that. We plan on doing a cutscene reaction so as long as it doesn’t spoil too much we could see if a Necrit video would work 🙂

    • @johanstenfelt1206
      @johanstenfelt1206 Рік тому

      @@DefinitelyNotDefinitiveGames hm, I see, fair enough, in that case, don’t worry, I am pretty sure he tries to not spoil anything, much.

  • @William-Sunderland
    @William-Sunderland Рік тому

    Furina demo is above everything else.

  • @jakubbarczyk4310
    @jakubbarczyk4310 Рік тому

    Fontaine has lovely and deep cast that im very happy with

  • @alessandroreyes3827
    @alessandroreyes3827 Рік тому

    Kaveh also know as the world breaker or thanos for those who play.

  • @teddy_scott36
    @teddy_scott36 Рік тому

    Fontaine is Genshin France (and personally I think there’s English influence as well)

  • @lfz4611
    @lfz4611 Рік тому

    Furina demon😂😂
    Furina backstory 😢

  • @darleisilva6116
    @darleisilva6116 Рік тому

    furians has the best demo, I love it.

  • @ronaldramos6530
    @ronaldramos6530 Рік тому

    If I’m not wrong you said what an archon, so, basically, an archon is a God, it was said “one of the seven archons” that’s because in teyvat (world/continent in genshin) there are 7 nation (Monstad, Lyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine (here’s where we’re right now) Natlan and Snezhnaya) and in each nation there’s 1 archon, Monstad is anemo god and god of freedom Venti, Zhongli is geo god and the god of contracts in Lyue, Shogun Raiden is electro god and god of eternity in Inazuma, Nahida is god of wisdom and Dendro in Sumeru, Furina is god of water and justice in Fontaine, as for the archon of natlan I just know is called Murata and is the god of war and fire, finally Tsaritsa is god of Cryo in Snezhnaya.

  • @BNuts
    @BNuts Рік тому

    To be frank, Neuvilette was the first character I'd wanted to pull for in awhile, but I was saving for Furina, so I passed on him. Also because I already had Ayato and Yelan as Hydro DPS units. Kirara and Lynette are good for traversal, with Kirara being able to climb walls quickly, and Lynette having a similar skill to Yelan as far as running goes. Everyone got Lynette for logging in during 4.0, and I got Kirara and Kaveh when I pulled for Furina. It's not that characters have necessarily been bad, it's that I already had someone who filled their roles. I always pull for the Archons, since they're always the best in their elements. Except Bennett, who is still the best character overall. Sadly for how good she looks, Dehya's performance is said to be subpar. Wrio is definitely the better punchy one.
    Lyney and Lynette are a disappointment for anyone who play or played _Honkai Impact 3rd_ , because Rozaliya and Ilya, the twins from that game, have joint combo skills and a joint ultimate if you put them on the team together. All Lyney and Lynette have is normal elemental reactions.
    BTW, if you don't pull for six months, apparently your history gets cleared.
    If you're a fan of gauntlets as a weapon type, you should check out the Honkai Impact 3rd PVs, their version of trailers. That's a game where gauntlets are actually a weapon type.

  • @hessiah2021
    @hessiah2021 Рік тому

    Have you guys stopped reacting to Sword Art Online Abridged?

  • @blaisenight1
    @blaisenight1 Рік тому

    I recommend Futuna story teaser

  • @astronought_
    @astronought_ Рік тому

    re: neuvillette pronunciation: it's just VAs struggling haha! the "eu" in "neuv" isn't a sound in english, and the transition from "eu" to "v" kind of puts your mouth in a similar position as an "r" would be for english speakers. the best way i can think to describe it is new-vee-let but make a kissy face when you say "new." tbh it's not worth worrying over, but if you're curious, imo navia says it best out of the english cast and furina isn't bad either!

  • @Sakurabreakisoffine
    @Sakurabreakisoffine Рік тому

    I know you pause it you saw left characher?

  • @fer-gw3uf
    @fer-gw3uf Рік тому

    Ahora los trailers de las ultimas versiones xfa

  • @vallx7968
    @vallx7968 Рік тому

    I would love it if now maybe you could react to the character trailers of the honkai star rail :D

  • @So_Viet8032
    @So_Viet8032 Рік тому +1

    Hope you'll react to Honkai Star Rail's character trailers

  • @kazukiph.6976
    @kazukiph.6976 Рік тому

    Neuvillette Furina Lynette Baizhu is a OP Team! even if its only Neuvillette and Furina its already a GOOD team!

  • @Jlittlea1
    @Jlittlea1 Рік тому

    You guys should definitely play genshin impact

  • @patrickstyle24816
    @patrickstyle24816 Рік тому

    Furina is the best character in the whole game

  • @Demigod2NE3
    @Demigod2NE3 Рік тому +2

    Pronunciations in-game:

  • @BlitzVaibhav
    @BlitzVaibhav Рік тому

    Honkai star rail character demos too ...

  • @kidpuri8589
    @kidpuri8589 Рік тому

    Shenhe's demo. Disappears into the dust... never to been seen or heard from again.
    You know what. I agree. Mika sucks. But his Demos tune SLAPS!!
    Also, what's that with Dehya and Wriothesley? Banging? You know what they say. Dirty minds...

  • @ubeia4857
    @ubeia4857 Рік тому +2

    Idk about the Dehya and Wriothesly.
    He is the Duke of Meropide, basically an underwater fortress/prison and he acts as it's Warden. Because of his duties, even we haven't seen him get out of the fortress other than one time and that was an emergency.
    As for Dehya, she's on another nation altogether and unlikely to leave it for personal reasons.
    Suffice to say, the likelihood of them meeting is low. Instead people ship him with another girl. The one that Furina was talking to. The "my dear vassal" thing if you remember.

  • @NonstopNoah
    @NonstopNoah Рік тому


  • @-sitthirach-9955
    @-sitthirach-9955 Рік тому

    Can you react to all honkai star rail demo please.

  • @genesis_trix7295
    @genesis_trix7295 Рік тому

    Fontaine got some great character demos. Can't wait for yall to react to Honkai Impact (3rd) cinematics or character demos!

  • @cresentj
    @cresentj Рік тому +2

    A lot of people didnt understand how Dehyas kit was supposed to be used (i blame genshin content creators for being misleading). So they ended up building the character wrong and then were disappointed. I think more people understand now but if you dont. Shes:
    -a support off-field burgeon unit that does damage both on-field (skill) and off-field (burst). Also has access to high damage melts and vapes (unlike thoma). a vape/melt burgeon proc from my dehya's fiery sanctum does between 50-70k damage (pyro+burgeon). And her punches range from 20-60k (+14kx2 (so 28k) burgeon proc). And i don't even have amazing artifact stats. C3-R1 but achievable at C0 with good artifacts and the right weapon.
    -should almost always be played with a dendro unit (varies based on need but i like nahida or baizhu if flex slot isn't a healer) and furina to amplify her pyro damage and also trigger burgeon cores. Dehya / denro / furina / flex (depending on content or preference. I like charlotte, kuki, sayu, yae miko, fischl, ganyu, bennets). Honestly the flex slot is SUPER flexible and just depends on what dendro you're using mostly.
    -should be built with either ATK/HP/EM sands (depending on constellations, preference and substates), Pyro goblet, crit circlet. with EM & ER substats.
    -Vourukasha Glow set is her BEST in slot. Never build Emblem unless you want to ignore Most of her kit for no reason. Sometimes you can go golden trope if you never use her burst and want to strictly use her as a support for like wriosly or neuvelette, or gilded dreams if you don't have a good vourukasha glow set. But Vourukasha IS her best in slot and if you want her to be a complete unit, that's the set you want on her.
    -her ideal teams (mentioned above) generate more than enough energy to burst every/every other rotation especial if someone in the team has a favonius weapon (usually the flex slot). You don't need an ER sands and you don't need Emblem of servered fates. Just prioritise ER on your substats. I have 137% ER and i can burst whenever i want with a fav user.
    -team example = dehya, furina, nahida, charlotte. / dehya furina, baizhu, Ganyu. / dehya furina, neuvelette, baizhu. dehya / furina nahida / sayu. dehya / furina / yae miko / baizhu And ofcourse there are teams that don't use dendro where she can fit i.e Wriosly, deyhe, (2 other slots are super flexible i.e furina, bennet/jean or whatever wriosly players like to use).
    Point is due to content creators farming for ragebait views (hate sells unfortunately), Her release being a bit early (as shes clearly designed for fontaine the newest / current region), and people jumping on the hate band wagon without actually thinking for themselves because its funny (remember genshin is aimed mostly at kids), there was a stigma around the character that is slowly going away now that people are becoming more informed. Ofc there will always be some ignorant people that will play her wrong, and then complain about it and meta slaves will always hate her because shes not 100% dps (shes a hybrid support designed to protect your team while still maximising fontaines hp increase/decrease mechanics) but at least more people know how to play the character right now.
    And no i wont be arguing with the child with the anime profile picture that watches (insert genshin content creator) and thinks emblem mono pyro/vape with kazuha is her best set/team while simultaneously complaining about its lackluster results.

  • @jacktheripper7935
    @jacktheripper7935 Рік тому +2

    Furina has one of the best trailer in the game, it just has so much personality.
    Dehya's is incredible but it's sad that her theme actually hits harder than herself...

  • @albezelcz3452
    @albezelcz3452 Рік тому

    Ohh... So many genshin videos but very little honkai impact 3rd videos😢

  • @DeliciousFriendHastur
    @DeliciousFriendHastur Рік тому +1

    that's our girl !!!! Furina !!!!!!

  • @horusblack4889
    @horusblack4889 Рік тому


  • @hiroshiortiz5391
    @hiroshiortiz5391 Рік тому

    Sad nobody mentioned Kaveh's cake 😢

  • @Psycorde
    @Psycorde Рік тому

    Nobody seems to catch that Furina played rock-paper-scissors with the crab and obviously won, because crab can only do scissors
    Found that to be quite funny

  • @feralprocessor9853
    @feralprocessor9853 Рік тому

    Lol she pissed off a crab, no wonder Fontaine wants to execute her because the government is infiltrated by a posey of Hermits.

  • @OtomostheCrazy
    @OtomostheCrazy Рік тому

    Fun Fact: People once used a third-party app to make Kaveh have the ability to delete anything in the game

  • @Jev_the_fluorescent_shrimp
    @Jev_the_fluorescent_shrimp Рік тому

    Neuvillette is the most important and powerful character both lore-wise and story-wise

    • @vortex1134
      @vortex1134 Рік тому

      All that just for me to make him cry all night and mpreg him. Living the best life like that Donkey from Shrek feelsgreatman

  • @drakorix2074
    @drakorix2074 Рік тому +2

    Dehya has rlly badass trailer and Introduction theme but such a crutched character gameplay wise :(
    Neuvilette prolly coolest character out of the bunch but Trainer wasnt that cool.

  • @FutayuriShironeko
    @FutayuriShironeko 10 місяців тому

    I will say something that will make some people heated.
    Furina is great, but massively overrated and overhyped.
    Nahida and Raiden are yet to be topped with Neuvillette being very close.

    • @UrLastSurprise
      @UrLastSurprise 10 місяців тому

      In terms of meta?

    • @knightmare3197
      @knightmare3197 8 місяців тому

      I mean I don't know any other character who matches her healing, dmg buffs AND elemental application. I'm not gonna get heated over it but I certainly think you're incorrect.

  • @fairya1470
    @fairya1470 Рік тому

    Are you guys going to react to gta 6 trailer?

  • @GarvHira19
    @GarvHira19 Рік тому +1

    Do GTA 6 trailer reaction

  • @Jev_the_fluorescent_shrimp
    @Jev_the_fluorescent_shrimp Рік тому +1

    Kaveh is one of the best written characters in the entire game. Pity a large portion of his lore was in a temporary event

    • @RenShinomiya121
      @RenShinomiya121 Рік тому +1

      Man i really wish they incorporate the QoL stuff from HSR to Genshin real quick. Event recaps are very much needed rn if you really want the full story.

  • @Jev_the_fluorescent_shrimp
    @Jev_the_fluorescent_shrimp Рік тому

    Nah, Lyney is way cooler than his useless sister. That's why he's a limited 5* and lynette is given for free

    • @vortex1134
      @vortex1134 Рік тому

      Lynette solos that twink 👍

    • @Jev_the_fluorescent_shrimp
      @Jev_the_fluorescent_shrimp Рік тому

      @@vortex1134 keep dreaming lmao
      She's so irrelevant everyone forgets she exists

    • @Thoma.supremacy
      @Thoma.supremacy 6 місяців тому

      Bro just because u don't like her it doesn't mean that she's useless...

  • @MatthewWilliams-rz2wm
    @MatthewWilliams-rz2wm Рік тому
