Ca e haios tare, stiam. Dar ieri am vazut ep din Niste oameni ( F#@-tul intre t@#e ) si am realizat ce fin e ca om. Si cand vrea sa para nesimtit, tot nu ii iese foarte bine, e om decent. :)🤘🖤
I finally managed to cook the traditional Romanian coliva, barley porridge. I used to make a lot another version of coliva made of boiled wheat (a bit more runny and with different flavours), my mum's Ukrainian recipe. This recipe I'm showing now has managed to impress me and not only me - it's a bit thicker, but you can clearly feel the wheat berries and the walnuts. The flavours blend in together perfectly and you mustn't forget about the coconut (it completes the flavour and the consistency with a final touch). I assembled it in a ring cake pan (of about 26-28 cm in diameter), but you can transfer it to smaller dishes as well, depending on what you need and want. This coliva recipe is another delicious discovery of the Romanian traditional cuisine - it's simple, tasty and vegan.
Foarte tare episodul 🫡
Mirel , așteptam seria cu evoluția ta de la terapie😭
POPINCIUC chiar dacaa nu castigi nici anu asta , tot tu esti cel mai bun , captian esti numar 1 oricum !!! roastu lu frincu ii dovada
ascult cu casti si e super ciudat ca pe George Dumitru il aud doar in casca stanga..
E și stângaci el..
Nu a conectat mufa până la capăt
In sfarsit episod nou! Cât am așteptat, o vai ❤😂
Ca e haios tare, stiam. Dar ieri am vazut ep din Niste oameni ( F#@-tul intre t@#e ) si am realizat ce fin e ca om. Si cand vrea sa para nesimtit, tot nu ii iese foarte bine, e om decent. :)🤘🖤
50:00 in vlog dupa ce le face roast, sa faca o sedinta de terapie cu ei. nou tip de terapie: terapie prin roast
Bine ati revenit 🥰
Ba da o n pula calului nu mai râgâi la televizor că încep și eu să mă beșesc.
Episodul e cool. Pwp 🌚
I finally managed to cook the traditional Romanian coliva, barley porridge. I used to make a lot another version of coliva made of boiled wheat (a bit more runny and with different flavours), my mum's Ukrainian recipe. This recipe I'm showing now has managed to impress me and not only me - it's a bit thicker, but you can clearly feel the wheat berries and the walnuts. The flavours blend in together perfectly and you mustn't forget about the coconut (it completes the flavour and the consistency with a final touch).
I assembled it in a ring cake pan (of about 26-28 cm in diameter), but you can transfer it to smaller dishes as well, depending on what you need and want.
This coliva recipe is another delicious discovery of the Romanian traditional cuisine - it's simple, tasty and vegan.
fotza fortza fortzaaaa
Sunet 3D :))
pe glume pe haz , bun bun
Mai util de cat trebuie 😅
george e in dreapta si l aud din stanga
In sfarsit episod nou
#mic drop
Un comment cu laptuci.
mirele, poti sa faci parte din Juriu la orice Emisiune de Roas... Daca panarama de Maria a reusit ce sa mai zicem