Don't Touch Wheels in the Sprint Car...

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @zainharvey9963
    @zainharvey9963 6 років тому +29

    You gotta pin it to win it in 1-2

  • @x-man5056
    @x-man5056 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for this footage Tanner. I raced a winged midget in the 90's before go-pro. I've tried to explain to friends and others while discussing open wheel dirt racing that we spend more time turning right than left and I get that "you must be from some other planet" look. Now I have proof. Keep the shiny side up out there and Good Luck.

  • @firstname6208
    @firstname6208 6 років тому +22

    seriously, there is way too much gear lash in that steering box. I don't see how you can keep it on the track,

  • @kamikxze3294
    @kamikxze3294 6 років тому +10

    Havent finished the video but man keep up the great work! I’m addicted to your channel because of your content! Keep being yourself and win more for us! :)

  • @mikedalton1156
    @mikedalton1156 6 років тому +8

    You really need to look at dropping the wing and jumping into a 410 and come to Indiana and run the Indiana sprintweek.

  • @coltonczapanskiy8528
    @coltonczapanskiy8528 6 років тому +4

    Tanner, one if these days you will get a win and you will have a great season and you will become a legend driver. #teamtanner all the way!!

  • @ratbeard526
    @ratbeard526 6 років тому +2

    This channel is growing so fast, I've been watching since the first thousands subs.

  • @davidmizell940
    @davidmizell940 6 років тому +1

    Great video. Felt like being right in the car for the whole race. Hang in there. Best of luck!

  • @GothrumRawrz33
    @GothrumRawrz33 6 років тому

    Silly question. I’ve grown up and raced around asphalt ovals. How come it seems your front wheels have so much play? Like they kick back and forth more than you move the wheel.

  • @ThePhillyFlyer75T
    @ThePhillyFlyer75T 6 років тому +1

    What's that lever you pulled at 3:50 ?

    • @ladonnagauchat6428
      @ladonnagauchat6428 6 років тому

      Trevor Giroux it adjusts the wing forward and backward

  • @tristanfurseth2575
    @tristanfurseth2575 6 років тому +6

    Dude I hope you realize how good of a driver you are, maybe just maybe you can finish a race without bad luck...

  • @kingofthewings4511
    @kingofthewings4511 6 років тому

    Well hey. You win some you lose some. So far this year Stien racing is runnin outta luck. We’ve went through 5 engines this year in our 305 sprint car. Just be happy you haven’t lost 5 engines in the past three months.

  • @funnyb2752
    @funnyb2752 6 років тому

    Tanner what is that black lever do on the right??

    • @dawsonnades2239
      @dawsonnades2239 6 років тому

      CrazyChicken 23 moves the wing

    • @GarrettMitchellRacing002
      @GarrettMitchellRacing002 6 років тому

      DawsonNades on the left is the wing adjust. On the right is gear and out of gear. In gear is the rear axle won't move so you can't move the car. OUT OF gear is basicly the opposite of what I just said.

    • @dawsonnades2239
      @dawsonnades2239 6 років тому

      Wolfpack 002 ohh, thanks for having me learn something.

  • @griffinmontfortbalfour5388
    @griffinmontfortbalfour5388 6 років тому

    I am a 11 year old and I race micro sprint cars. I flipped two days ago. How many times have you flipped?

  • @codyjarvis
    @codyjarvis 6 років тому +20

    that dude had the line man. your rf hits the rr down the straight you coulda lifted and crossed him over. he doesnt know exactly where your at.

    • @packerdj9846
      @packerdj9846 6 років тому +1

      Cody Jarvis agreed

    • @chrisburnsed6349
      @chrisburnsed6349 6 років тому +1

      Yep not that guys fault

    • @lsxlife232
      @lsxlife232 6 років тому

      How does his rf hit the guys rr?

    • @codyjarvis
      @codyjarvis 6 років тому

      LSx life left front sorry Jesus Christ dude

    • @lsxlife232
      @lsxlife232 6 років тому

      Cody Jarvis settle down kid I was just asking lol

  • @diehardvikings6009
    @diehardvikings6009 6 років тому

    What kind u race like 305,360 etc

  • @recon7732
    @recon7732 6 років тому +2

    They say it gets worse before it gets better
    In your next race it will improve not only for sprint cars but also for the outlaw karts
    I believe in you

  • @ryanb.8196
    @ryanb.8196 6 років тому

    What size motor do you run 305, 360, 410?

  • @billmcveigh5875
    @billmcveigh5875 6 років тому

    Hey Tanner, I was around Sprint cars alot in the early 1980's.Are you still runnin'400 sbc's

  • @JB-co9bf
    @JB-co9bf 4 роки тому +1

    You could not have even come close to winning that race😂😂

  • @Grognarthebarb
    @Grognarthebarb 6 років тому +1

    Id love to see and hear some more talk about how the cars are set up. If there is a soecific chasis pattern they follow. Or if its anything inside of the rules goes

  • @hamzterix
    @hamzterix 6 років тому

    Such a nice kid. You earned my support.

  • @groomlake51
    @groomlake51 6 років тому +3

    You were hunting on the out side 3&4 kid I promise you will make the big time!! Hope to see you at a world of out law race soon!! If you ever come to a nhra race stop buy the snap on funny car pit ask for nick. I love your vids we have a new guy on are team that was a sprint car crew chief he has me all in to the sprint car thing. He worked for davey Hamilton and Arron Percy and is a very smart dude

  • @dontaft6517
    @dontaft6517 5 років тому

    Nice, well spoken kid. Hope you have a long and successful career. Hope to see you in the future.

  • @bigbadtrav5227
    @bigbadtrav5227 6 років тому

    What size of Sprint is that

  • @mrhertzppl8759
    @mrhertzppl8759 6 років тому

    all ballz, great start in heat race....and snacks oh no!no no noo no. pretty track though keep th rubber side down😉

  • @tomo4690
    @tomo4690 6 років тому +1

    Nice video! I do agree with the other comments on here that he had the line coming out of the corner. Should of lifted a little...but that's racing. Good job anyway!

  • @ABCMAN26
    @ABCMAN26 6 років тому

    When is the wrap/paint job coming?

  • @jeremy8726
    @jeremy8726 6 років тому

    Keep up the good vids and keep grinding 👍

  • @kollinhibdon6544
    @kollinhibdon6544 6 років тому

    I know the feel tanner I race a sport mod and just can’t seem to find a drop of luck. I’ve lead 3 races and ended up having something break every time. 1 of these races was bud nationals in Santa Maria. But being able to finish plenty of races and getting my stuff tore up just because some people just don’t know how to drive. (I’m 14 btw) very frustrating.

  • @zurirk
    @zurirk 4 роки тому

    In new Zealand full contact is aloud on all cars but sprint cars an mini stocks

  • @colbybrooks6324
    @colbybrooks6324 6 років тому

    we raced late models at Willamette yesterday and had to come in the pits because there was smoke coming out the air breather and the motor shut off and we looked at the oil pan and a piston rod shot right through it and put us out for the rest of the season.

  • @kartracer5g229
    @kartracer5g229 6 років тому +1

    I feel your frustration but it wasn't like he could see you for all he knew he had you cleared.... Its just one of them racing deals.... Its part of it... Deal with it and move forward is all you can do.. No use complaining about it

  • @jaywalker2213
    @jaywalker2213 6 років тому +10

    Bro just thought of the best thing ever.....!.!. Ask YOU TUBE to sponsor you or gettem thanking about it...there name isn't on anything but , everyone knows who they are..might be cool..🤘 good luck brother

  • @matej.ogrinec
    @matej.ogrinec 6 років тому

    What is with the front wheel ? You steer left and hold it there...the wheel makes three left and right motions before steers with the wheel??? I don't get it.

  • @danwithaplan25
    @danwithaplan25 6 років тому +5

    Tanner it's gonna get better man, the car looked good this night and I was watching live thinking "Man he's gonna win this." Last year we only finished 2/10 races and it was devastating. Spending all the weeks hard work pay check to try and have fun to just get screwed over every time. From popped tires to someone literally driving over us (in stock cars) it gets frustrating. But if you can take a hit in the face, get up and learn from it you can consider that a win.
    Daniel Carver
    DC Photography

  • @tomashton1781
    @tomashton1781 6 років тому

    how big is the engine, looks like you could use wider tires in the front, my 2 cents

  • @joeldossett9606
    @joeldossett9606 Рік тому

    Don't Stop Believing in yourself you're going to be just fine you can drive just as good as any of them

  • @clayrice3728
    @clayrice3728 6 років тому

    What you did for jaxx Johnson is awesome man!! You’re a good dude!

  • @sebastianklapprat9964
    @sebastianklapprat9964 6 років тому

    The wheel it’s going crazy 😂

  • @y2ytwo
    @y2ytwo 6 років тому +3

    It was a racing deal you were on his out side he may have thought he had you cleared that's racing man

  • @FloridaManRacer
    @FloridaManRacer 6 років тому

    All kidding aside, if you find yourself going off the top of 1 & 2 a lot. try entering high and making a mid-turn cut to the middle or bottom groove when you're clear of traffic. There's many a dirt track I've seen guys make time on doing that line.

  • @robertjackson8020
    @robertjackson8020 4 роки тому

    Better luck next time 🏆🏁

  • @isaiahhahn3995
    @isaiahhahn3995 6 років тому

    Im 17 and im helping with a sprint car and its nice seeing what are driver sees

  • @lukemcculloch8111
    @lukemcculloch8111 6 років тому +7

    I'm late...
    Very late...
    But my notifications didn't go off :(

    • @bostybro501
      @bostybro501 4 роки тому +1

      Hi Peoples I'm a year late lol

  • @johnathanw2565
    @johnathanw2565 4 роки тому

    Looked more like natural open wheel racing, I know first handed that its frustrating but it was actually you that should have lifted there, there was no space.. but cool vid man and best of luck

  • @kermets
    @kermets 6 років тому +1

    it seems like your front wheels move way more than your steering wheel, I guess you have a quick rack but think when the wheel is not point forward you might be loosing some time

  • @joshclark4425
    @joshclark4425 6 років тому

    It does suck when people can't keep their lines! Keep your chin up and keep going forward, every great racer has some bad luck

  • @VeNoMzxTaWsKi
    @VeNoMzxTaWsKi 6 років тому +1

    It was 1 lane around the bottom I doubt he expected a run like that from the outside.. Not his fault, not your fault. Its Racing.

  • @colehelka9913
    @colehelka9913 4 роки тому

    Have you ever raced at Super Bowl Speedway in Greenville Tx?

  • @bigburgers1
    @bigburgers1 6 років тому

    You should take your wing off and come run with the wingless sprint series. We run all over Oregon and a track in Washington

  • @kirbylee57
    @kirbylee57 6 років тому

    It's the pedal on the right, slick.

  • @ragingsealion41
    @ragingsealion41 6 років тому

    Why is there so much play in the wheels in relation to the steering wheel?

  • @jean-lucdupuis7052
    @jean-lucdupuis7052 6 років тому +4

    Man, you lost a lot of speed through 1-2

  • @chasehenley83
    @chasehenley83 6 років тому

    #Q&A Why do the wheels “flicker” left and right when going through the corner

    • @robbieferrell2040
      @robbieferrell2040 6 років тому

      That's the handling of a sprint car. To say it in the only terms I can without going on today... cutting straight into the corner throws them down especially with banking so they must shoot back to the right to not lose momentum.

  • @Stopelectriccars
    @Stopelectriccars 4 роки тому

    When I saw the thumbnail I was like “and this is where he knew he f*cked up”

  • @RTMedia24
    @RTMedia24 6 років тому +1

    dide that does suck and it does look like he tan up the track and into you ...........its sucks for the smaller teams who have to suffer for others mistakes i hate it man stay positive keep up the good work and yea your right you will get em next time

    • @northstarracing18d-4d
      @northstarracing18d-4d 5 років тому

      Chris Wolosonowich he stuck his nose into a place where it shouldn’t have been. That man had the line so he isn’t at fault

  • @dawsonnades2239
    @dawsonnades2239 6 років тому +2

    Congrats on 10k man, I race go karts and my friend races 410s and he has had that happen and him and the other guy got into it because the guy never said sorry or anything. it wasn’t your fault on that one because you were faster on that outside then him, but he went out of his line on ya. Good job at not being over frustrated, you are very fast a win will be coming your way soon.

    • @TannerHolmes
      @TannerHolmes  6 років тому


    • @joerob3449
      @joerob3449 6 років тому

      DawsonNades i have quite a fews years wrenching and driving sprints if your front wheels are not completely past the other drivers right rear it’s not your line you brake and turn under. He will get faster with more experience and bumps happen in sprint cars if that little bump upsets you need to take up horse shoes lol just kidding

  • @garrettpoland7125
    @garrettpoland7125 6 років тому +1

    Is it a 305 sprint car

    • @samuelwallace7404
      @samuelwallace7404 6 років тому

      Litgp4 Garrett i think

    • @ollysfishing4231
      @ollysfishing4231 6 років тому

      Yeah its a 305, also has a 360

    • @jean-lucdupuis7052
      @jean-lucdupuis7052 6 років тому

      It’s a 360 but it’s tuned down I think

    • @GarrettMitchellRacing002
      @GarrettMitchellRacing002 6 років тому +1

      It's a limited 360. It's a 360 motor turned down a big but not a full 360 or 305.

    • @jean-lucdupuis7052
      @jean-lucdupuis7052 6 років тому +2

      michael wood well it is a 360 and I was saying tuned down as a more simple term than going into depth with the differences

  • @deannederhoff
    @deannederhoff 6 років тому

    Funny thing is I was there once before you were probably born.was there in 86.come to iowa and hit the grand daddy track for sprints .nationals are a month away

  • @DylanDuhow
    @DylanDuhow 6 років тому

    Hey tanner can u plz do more iracing vids and keep up your good work I hope u come to upstate New York to race soon would love to see you here!!

    • @TannerHolmes
      @TannerHolmes  6 років тому

      I hope to soon but my pedals broke

  • @grassfedgaming1400
    @grassfedgaming1400 6 років тому

    Is that sport really expensive ? I would really love to get into racing like that !

    • @MnWun53
      @MnWun53 6 років тому

      Nathan ratliff it’s all about knowing the right people and having enough money to run each week.

    • @TannerHolmes
      @TannerHolmes  6 років тому

      it can be but with sponsors it makes it much easier

  • @btpaimz2446
    @btpaimz2446 3 роки тому

    Why do you never rec mud pac

  • @johnfox8410
    @johnfox8410 6 років тому

    Earlier this week I had a lap car take me out and killed my car. I feel you about people not being able to keep there line.

    • @TannerHolmes
      @TannerHolmes  6 років тому

      That's a bummer. getem next time

    • @northstarracing18d-4d
      @northstarracing18d-4d 6 років тому

      This looked to be just a bad setup coming loose out of the corner and a freak accident occurred

  • @crussell6533
    @crussell6533 4 роки тому

    That's why I'm going into Jr Late Models, not Sprint Cars. In Late Models you can touch eachother.

  • @gavinfaulks8733
    @gavinfaulks8733 6 років тому +1

    At least your car didn’t end like mine on my profile pic

  • @fast71hayden
    @fast71hayden 6 років тому

    I love sprints!!!!! My favorite World of Outlaws driver is Donny Schatz.

  • @JohnTrendler717
    @JohnTrendler717 6 років тому +1

    Bro shit happens, im not even halfway through the season and I had to buy my fourth front axle today, and part of my frame got bent in a race today too, so I have almost no suspension in my front left

    • @northstarracing18d-4d
      @northstarracing18d-4d 6 років тому

      MagicMarlin dude its my first season in 305s and i cant even tell you how many parts ive had to buy pretty sure i blew my engine up tonight

  • @darcymic5623
    @darcymic5623 6 років тому

    why is the left front wheel so jolty

  • @tonyarutt3969
    @tonyarutt3969 6 років тому +5

    I got my first win ever

  • @shroom_guy4202
    @shroom_guy4202 6 років тому +1

    2 and nice video hope you win one race 😂😂

    • @jeffreypea352
      @jeffreypea352 6 років тому

      Nice to see young women doing well in a rough sport as sprintcar racing

  • @Anthony-hs5de
    @Anthony-hs5de 6 років тому

    Good vid tanner

  • @gagesstuff5946
    @gagesstuff5946 6 років тому

    You should do a giveaway every week to put a fans name on the car and eventually you will have fans names all over the car

  • @letsbegreat9136
    @letsbegreat9136 6 років тому

    Tanner you guys should try racing bigger tracks, I noticed that you guys don't have the best luck with the Sprint car on the short tracks so why not try something different, you have the 360, why not try a 1/2 mile

    • @TannerHolmes
      @TannerHolmes  6 років тому

      Their aren't many on the west coast, and the ones we have run like once a year

    • @ladonnagauchat6428
      @ladonnagauchat6428 6 років тому

      Tanner Holmes Knoxville Raceway in iowa. Run the 360nationals

  • @kayneashby9346
    @kayneashby9346 6 років тому

    count the blessings mate well done.

  • @berrymotorsports7442
    @berrymotorsports7442 6 років тому

    Shouldve known by now not to rub tires in an open wheel lol

  • @johnmanley1655
    @johnmanley1655 6 років тому

    When touching wheels like that. You were lucky that you didn't get airborn

  • @be_salty1899
    @be_salty1899 6 років тому

    do u now David holmes

  • @miabrown718
    @miabrown718 6 років тому

    U should race at Santa Maria race way

    • @miabrown718
      @miabrown718 6 років тому

      There are a lot of people I know that I race with that would love to meet u at Santa Maria race way

  • @joshamos1846
    @joshamos1846 6 років тому

    It looks like he could use a little bit more stagger on that right rear it looks like you’re trying to fight it into the corner too much at least that’s what my mom’s fiancé and his dad said who have Raced sprint cars for years

  • @elitewaffle7665
    @elitewaffle7665 6 років тому +1

    11:30 probably why you came here

  • @rileywhitlock5380
    @rileywhitlock5380 4 роки тому

    You have to go to devil's bowl to race

  • @FastFlashGaming
    @FastFlashGaming 6 років тому

    Y'all need to hurry up and get to grays harbor so i can see you run.

    • @TannerHolmes
      @TannerHolmes  6 років тому

      Hopefully soon that track looks so fun

    • @FastFlashGaming
      @FastFlashGaming 6 років тому

      Tanner Holmes it is but it has a ton of big rocks

  • @briannemclendon2500
    @briannemclendon2500 6 років тому

    What happens on tv 📺

  • @loganalexander3156
    @loganalexander3156 6 років тому

    Um I beg to differ I’m pretty sure we’ve spent way more money on go karts for the two years we’ve been racing than dad’s ever spent on his sprint car for the 14 years he raced

  • @mikecaskey357
    @mikecaskey357 4 роки тому

    Next time you race him,dump him.

  • @shaneyost2110
    @shaneyost2110 6 років тому

    Looked like a racing deal to me

  • @CartersUniverse00
    @CartersUniverse00 Рік тому

    I met you at redbluf

  • @ThatguyDiscGolf82
    @ThatguyDiscGolf82 6 років тому +1

    If racing were easy everyone would do it

  • @terrywillard4165
    @terrywillard4165 6 років тому

    Nice race

  • @Clockburner
    @Clockburner 6 років тому

    Hang in there bud, it’s just racin.

  • @williamcampbell6589
    @williamcampbell6589 6 років тому

    You definitely got ran over. Unfortunately there are drivers that can't hold a line. It's just part of racing.

  • @Kx1ght
    @Kx1ght 6 років тому

    Oh ok tanner Holmes

    @COASTER_CHASER_1 4 роки тому

    Lucky didn’t Wheel hop and roll it

  • @austinimman303
    @austinimman303 6 років тому

    You gotta be more aggressive to get around those cars and not get stuck behind them

  • @landendunham9606
    @landendunham9606 6 років тому

    bro how do u thank about Jason jonsen die😭😭😭😭😭

  • @JT2239M
    @JT2239M 6 років тому

    usually if your front left tire hits the right rear of another sprint car you are going to wheelie and be all good

    • @lucky13racing39
      @lucky13racing39 6 років тому

      Jayden unless a steering arm or axel breaks coming back down

  • @landendunham9606
    @landendunham9606 6 років тому

    you are going to win next race

  • @Kx1ght
    @Kx1ght 6 років тому

    Can you do some Iracing

    • @TannerHolmes
      @TannerHolmes  6 років тому

      Here soon my pedals broke

    • @Kx1ght
      @Kx1ght 6 років тому

      Oh ok Tanner Holmes

  • @daltonrickard276
    @daltonrickard276 6 років тому

    Do a fan mail video