Yea it's a decent matchup (triple buff and DT spam make it pretty easy to ignore a lot of her BS). It's just really unga bunga and IG doesn't have much control over her outside of flinches and the occasional trip from leg damage.
Cain K I was making a joke, as many people use airborne for aerial IG. But realistically its only good for the 30% raw boost to the first part of the DT.
Nice run! I didn't expect IG to be that good against Lunastra. Also got a 4'38 but with TA hammer.
Yea it's a decent matchup (triple buff and DT spam make it pretty easy to ignore a lot of her BS). It's just really unga bunga and IG doesn't have much control over her outside of flinches and the occasional trip from leg damage.
Nice run
I can see it...I can see the power of the insect glaive. Is this the power I've been missing the entire time?
wooow really sick way to use ig! constant repositioning
Nice kinsect drills. Btw do you need to have all 3 extracts to do the drill?
No, you only need the red buff
No, you don't need any extracts to drill. The kinsect just needs to be recalled when you perform the descending thrust.
is this custom quest?
And people say airborne is useless for IG.
I believe airborne only affects the first hit of descending thrust. But regardless I'd say every IG build could always easily slot in airborne
Cain K I was making a joke, as many people use airborne for aerial IG. But realistically its only good for the 30% raw boost to the first part of the DT.
@@NinthYard my bad hard to tell sarcasm over Internet
Cain K I too have faced this problem, its okay 👌.