BTS (방탄소년단) - Airplane pt.2 @BTS COMEBACK SHOW

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jkleong3902
    @jkleong3902 6 років тому +254

    *Hoseok casually rap and dance at the same time. Look at that footwork, only he can do that*

  • @sandafocsa3661
    @sandafocsa3661 6 років тому +740

    when kookie says "El Mariachi" everything is melting...

    • @Wish520Happy
      @Wish520Happy 6 років тому +2

      RIGHT? BUT I AGREEE HER 100%%%%

  • @Glitteringjk
    @Glitteringjk 6 років тому +316

    Jungkook’s whole presence...and that El Mariachi in his voice 🙌😍🙌😍

    • @MarianPanares
      @MarianPanares 7 місяців тому +1


    • @MarianPanares
      @MarianPanares 7 місяців тому +1


    • @MarianPanares
      @MarianPanares 7 місяців тому


  • @teasersmuchee
    @teasersmuchee 9 місяців тому +114

    This song is so playful. The duet with Jin and RM is so classic. Jin's voice is so electrifying. Love love it

  • @dayflyni6442
    @dayflyni6442 6 років тому +334

    This is the BTS's best performance stage.

    • @bluedelight4318
      @bluedelight4318 6 років тому +16

      not when a whole fake love comeback show exist

  • @jaschua2988
    @jaschua2988 3 роки тому +4755

    Jungkook looking straight into my soul while singing "El Mariachiiiiii" is EVERYTHING...

    • @sherenothman3259
      @sherenothman3259 3 роки тому +26

      Me toooooooo

    • @jafararafath4923
      @jafararafath4923 3 роки тому +12


    • @Olivia_Hernandez
      @Olivia_Hernandez 3 роки тому +5

      Do you even know what that means not trying to be rude but do you

    • @kittenyuuuu
      @kittenyuuuu 3 роки тому +3

      @@Olivia_Hernandez isn’t it a band or something? Correct me if im wrong!

    • @sammiii-
      @sammiii- 3 роки тому

      @@Olivia_Hernandez isn't a band? I just looked up haha

  • @anthonypatino8853
    @anthonypatino8853 6 років тому +245

    Seems like BTS is always on trending. I like it

    • @noname-ds2rr
      @noname-ds2rr 6 років тому +6

      Anthony Patino BTS is trendsitter nowadays.

    • @michaelhunt305
      @michaelhunt305 6 років тому +2

      BTS is trash

    • @princesss.8809
      @princesss.8809 6 років тому +7

      Nick Foles #GOAT #FATHERFIGURE #MANOFGOD thanks for the view you give for this performance. STREAM FAKE LOVE ALSO! dont say trash who has more talent than you man. It's making you so salty and pressed.

    • @outrotearoutsoldeveryoneel2354
      @outrotearoutsoldeveryoneel2354 6 років тому

      Nick Foles #GOAT #FATHERFIGURE #MANOFGOD *if this is trash, what are you?*

    • @kcrayzme2341
      @kcrayzme2341 6 років тому


  • @RUBY_mylove
    @RUBY_mylove 9 місяців тому +24

    우리 정국이 의자에 털썩 앉는 순간 흔들림 없는 보컬 대단하다.
    입덕 후부터 변함없이 우리 탄이들만 바라본다.
    2025년 존버...

    @ALLBTSCOMPILATIONS 6 років тому +704

    I can’t wait for their dance practice omgggg

  • @dianamani4188
    @dianamani4188 6 років тому +743

    You have no idea how many times I come back to this video

  • @bunnylover9664
    @bunnylover9664 5 років тому +443

    Jungkook looks like a prince. The prince steals my heart away ❤

  • @Trzbne
    @Trzbne Місяць тому +2

    What I love the most, that when I scroll through the comment section, one is mentioning J-Hope, another Jungkook, the third one Jin, then someone else Jimin, and so on, all the members can be appreciated because this performance is so well balanced between the members.

  • @morganmorgym
    @morganmorgym 6 років тому +219

    j-hope was living and breathing this choreography. How can one man have so much stage presence and charisma.

    • @biggestchickfilafan
      @biggestchickfilafan 5 років тому +1

      M. Morgan go to 2:35 and it will answer your questions

  • @lindsey8124
    @lindsey8124 6 років тому +277

    Mic Drop is quaking right now. And so is ARMY.

  • @ShaniraJi
    @ShaniraJi 6 років тому +691

    It's amazing how much Jin and Joonie have improved on their dance, I wouldn't be surprised if they joined the dance line too 🔥

    • @ssila7328
      @ssila7328 6 років тому +19

      it was a concept of ''they can't dance" don't be fooled they know how to dance since day 1

    • @ShaniraJi
      @ShaniraJi 6 років тому +14

      Wassila you can't deny that they have improved though, their moves are so much smoother and natural 👌

    • @ssila7328
      @ssila7328 6 років тому +4

      Haley xo do you know why am saying it's a concept ?
      Danger is one of the hardest dance bts has if not THE HARDEST foccus on jin and jooni you'll see

    • @polaroid_people4676
      @polaroid_people4676 6 років тому

      Wassila yes but they still improved. All of them improved and not just with dancing... They did train everyday after all. And no not all of them could sing or dance since day one but look how far they have come. You really can't deny that they improved in many ways

    • @abdulbaqiwaqas7523
      @abdulbaqiwaqas7523 6 років тому

      are you by any mad chance forgetting RM?

  • @hanieexx
    @hanieexx 27 днів тому +3

    BTS will always be ICONIC.
    The views doesn't define their talent'
    they are the most famous k-pop group for a reason!!

  • @btsxa.r.m.y6346
    @btsxa.r.m.y6346 6 років тому +321

    The choreography is legit 😍
    AND Parcing the mic stand 😍 👏
    What a creativity 🔥

    • @aldrinsean
      @aldrinsean 6 років тому +2

      JHope's part was the best imo!

  • @odiahtyfany4480
    @odiahtyfany4480 6 років тому +399

    They can sing, they can dance, they’ve got the facial expressions, who cares if u can’t understand what they are saying, u can tell they are amazing

    • @franciscatorres5186
      @franciscatorres5186 6 років тому +16

      Odiah Tyfany but the lyrics are pretty good 😅, you can read the translation or a subtitled video

    • @mari-lr7kv
      @mari-lr7kv 6 років тому +15

      Odiah Tyfany
      If you have the time you can check out their lyrics too they're pretty poetic and they frequently speak up about political issues, mental health issues, and the social pressures that we face us as we're growing up..

    • @LiLiKOiOiOi
      @LiLiKOiOiOi 6 років тому +4

      mariona exactly. Theyve saved millions of lives including mine ^^

    • @Stephanie-vf8uk
      @Stephanie-vf8uk 6 років тому

      Exactly my thoughts 😭😭😭 Don’t care about the language but their catchy music and the dance moves got me hooked up so much😍❤️ Will always support these guys!!

    • @dandelion6376
      @dandelion6376 6 років тому

      Ily Odiah, have a nice day! Don't forget to stream ly:tear songa esp fake love 😘

  • @_monamono_2382
    @_monamono_2382 6 років тому +851

    Guys they’re getting better and better! You can see how they’re growing! As performers, as dancers, as artists... Bangtans we are proud of u!

  • @livelong_btsbts7408
    @livelong_btsbts7408 8 місяців тому +148

    BTS = Best BoyBand, Best Vocals, Best Rappers, Best Dancers, Best Songwriters, Best Friends & Best Humans!

  • @caitf4704
    @caitf4704 6 років тому +481

    America should take notes. THIS is how you film a performance 👏🏻

    • @hannah5849
      @hannah5849 6 років тому +6

      Caitlyn F yassss

    • @ag-dr1df
      @ag-dr1df 6 років тому +3

      Yash... Not the _really feministic_ (cough cough) choreos (cough cough intensifies) but also the elegance and HANDSOMENESS that that Boyz can teach ya.😄

    • @bri-chimchimcher-ee6955
      @bri-chimchimcher-ee6955 6 років тому +2

      I wish they had sung live though. I mean, the rappers sounded live, but the vocal line were either lipsyncing or had the backtrack way too loud. With the vocal effects they used in the recordings, it makes it super obvious :/

    • @anggee6796
      @anggee6796 6 років тому +1


    • @Starlight-b7m
      @Starlight-b7m 6 років тому +7

      i think the backtrack was way too loud i know my boys don't lypsync i have been with them for a long time to know it but thank for pointing this out

  • @bangtansbae3985
    @bangtansbae3985 6 років тому +574

    everyone is shining equally as well and I couldn't be happier

    • @LadyChappie
      @LadyChappie 6 років тому +3

      Bangtan's Bae Agreeeeee!!!! My bias is Yoongi/SUGA so usually my eyes were only looking at him in every performances but in this... MY MIND WAS BLOWN BY SO MUCH HOTNESS OF EVERY MEMBER 🔥🔥🔥

    • @Jaaae00
      @Jaaae00 6 років тому

      Bangtan's Bae *shining

    • @Maddie-fb5kg
      @Maddie-fb5kg 6 років тому

      Ik my bias is Jin, but im sooo proud of JHope in this... Ugh they all do so well in everything they do

  • @arunavaroy2107
    @arunavaroy2107 6 років тому +568

    There's a reason these boys are this popular, despite the language barrier. This perfomance pretty much proves why.
    They were not formed on an audition show by some Industry professional. They have risen to international stardom, solely on their own, becuz of their own talent, hard work and personalities.

    • @juliag6126
      @juliag6126 6 років тому +19

      ARUNAVA ROY THIS, they deserve all the success they're getting

    • @viparmy4195
      @viparmy4195 6 років тому +26

      Lol Was this a slight shade towards a certain popular boyband?? I agree tho, these boys did not have overnight stardom. They got their first trophy after being slept on for 2 years. This rise to stardom, has been slow but steady and purely because of talent and work ethics and of course, they also have beautiful personalities. After 5 long years, they are getting their due. They totally deserve this and so much more.

    • @mobhandholder7741
      @mobhandholder7741 6 років тому +9

      Im an Army but Jungkook became a trainee after auditioning on a singing show but he got eliminated . A lot of companies wanted him but he picked bighit. RM was a trainee for a while before being put together with the rest of Bangtan. They absolutely were put together by an industry professional. But no doubt they are talented and hard working though.

    • @arunavaroy2107
      @arunavaroy2107 6 років тому +44

      Ventum Orientalum LOL I'm not talking about those kind of auditions. Those are auditions for certain labels or companies. RM was an underground rapper, before becoming a trainee. So, was Suga. JHope has a background of street dancing, Jimin was into contemporary dance. JK went on singing audition and Jin was scouted, V was told to audition. They came together and trained, but they all have diff backgrounds.
      I'm talking about auditions which are watched worldwide, like X-Factor, where you become popular immediately after debuting. Even if you don't win, they're going to lump you in a group, and you debut and receive instant worldwide popularity.
      BTS did not debut from an audition program like that, and they did not have a huge Industry proffessional signing them on to a contract, to lump them into a group and promote, without giving them much creative control
      They have pretty much worked their way up, and these boys do have artistic and creative control.

    • @hugodiazcastaneda6579
      @hugodiazcastaneda6579 6 років тому +4

      ARMY! Would you mind checking out my bts meme account (the one in my bio) and give it a follow if you like it... thank you so much and sorry for the self-promote ❣️💫 I totally understand if you don’t want to do it :)) @bts_yourlife
      ARMY! Te invito a checar mi cuenta de Instagram, dedicada solo a memes de BTS, me encantaría, que si es de tu agrado, me regales un like y, si tú lo deseas, me siguieras para hacer todo una comunidad de personitas que compartan los mismos gustos  IG: @bts_yourlife

  • @ArefaSheikh-jk5nd
    @ArefaSheikh-jk5nd 11 місяців тому +271

    1:14 Jimin's vocal is not a joke 😳
    Its 2024 still addicted to this song ❤️

  • @jesuslovesyou241
    @jesuslovesyou241 5 років тому +3807

    I love how jungkook was feeling his self walking out on the stage looking like the whole snack that he is.

  • @solitude793
    @solitude793 3 роки тому +345

    Jungkook's El Mariachi at 1:41!!!

  • @kimchim7858
    @kimchim7858 6 років тому +575

    Every comeback they are getting better and better... *SEOKJIN* having more lines makes me really happy

  • @dallae7656
    @dallae7656 8 місяців тому +12

    도입부 너무 좋아
    정국이 목소리 진짜 최고

  • @scarlethsoler.8231
    @scarlethsoler.8231 6 років тому +437

    -- *we deserve 1 hour loop of bangtan saying 'el mariachi'*

    • @Ale-zs8xu
      @Ale-zs8xu 6 років тому +2

      I need it because they never speak Spanish in their songs and I'm Mexican so ....

    • @sh6ell
      @sh6ell 6 років тому


  • @ok3894
    @ok3894 4 роки тому +639

    1:58 can we just appreciate how hard the dance is and our hobi still rapping perfectly..This is no joke!!!!

    • @krramos4788
      @krramos4788 3 роки тому +19

      Omggg yes!!!! I scroooooolled for this comment fellow Hobi stan!

    • @ok3894
      @ok3894 3 роки тому +15

      @@krramos4788 yepp I love all of them..
      I am OT7

    • @krramos4788
      @krramos4788 3 роки тому +5

      @@ok3894 i love them all too but have a soft spot for Hobi. Frequently bias-wrecked by the others tho

    • @ok3894
      @ok3894 3 роки тому +4

      @@krramos4788 haha , It happens lol..Tae was my first bias , then I got bias wrecked by Hobi and eventually all of them became my bias one by one only in 2 months.
      So I am OT7 now 😁💜
      Btw, how's my pfp , I just changed it

    • @krramos4788
      @krramos4788 3 роки тому +1

      @@ok3894 OT7 is the only way to go. I’m inlove with Jiminie in yellow (or in any other color tbh)

    @JSKPLMR 6 років тому +218

    the dance at 2:51 is the same one they kept doing in G.C.F in Osaka. We’ve had a hint for this comeback this entire time!!!

    • @Maria-zq1eh
      @Maria-zq1eh 6 років тому +1

      Why no one is talking about that??? I was thinking the same, sorry if I have something wrong English isn’t my first language

  • @ParKbgtn7
    @ParKbgtn7 7 місяців тому +50

    Airplane pt 2 will always be one of their best songs and performances. Simply gorgeous!

  • @KomericanMom
    @KomericanMom 6 років тому +248

    My boys did that!!! I am so proud of BTS.
    I am mid-forty Korean lady who has been in US for over twenty years. Why I say this??? Never in my life into so called Kpop group. Not even when I was growing up in Korea. Sure, I tried a few Kpop groups when my graduate research assistants recommended. They were good but did not make me get into them.
    About one and a half years ago, I accidentally saw Dope reaction video by clicking wrong video. Wow!!! I cannot explain, but they caught my attention. So I searched a few more of their MVs, and I really liked all of them which was very unusual for me. I like quite love songs. Then, I start watching live performances. Oh boy!!!! The moment I started watching N.O. from HYYH concert...., I knew I will never get out of these amazing charming talented boys. On Valentine’s Day last year, my husband bought me Wings album and told me that obviously I was an ARMY. He told me to stan them without a shame because of my age.
    So here I am!!! Go BTS! Go ARMY!!!! 💕💕💕💕

    • @i2harry
      @i2harry 6 років тому +4

      hahahaha I feel ya. thumb up for your huby. Go ARMY ;)

    • @KomericanMom
      @KomericanMom 6 років тому +14

      Half-Blind Yes, my hubby is great. He is not an ARMY. But he will stay up late or wake up early to support BTS with me. My nine-year old girl is low key ARMY and Jungkook bias. My six-year old boy love up beat songs - Anpanman is his favorite from this album.
      My fangirling becomes problem only when my kids randomly sing out loudly at school. My boys teacher sent me a discrete note saying that he was constantly singing “making love, making love...” in the class last week. For the little one “Fake Love” sounded as “making love”. Well....

    • @parmelar
      @parmelar 6 років тому +3

      Oh dear! "Making love.." xD Glad that you got your kids and so-called "non-army" hubby into BTS!

    • @nancyrivera4541
      @nancyrivera4541 6 років тому +4

      One word

    • @iitadxrii
      @iitadxrii 6 років тому +2


  • @eishal5780
    @eishal5780 6 років тому +691

    They will literally be remembered for their music even after their career ends. Mostly because I'm gonna force my descendants to listen to them.

    • @fatherofcats1546
      @fatherofcats1546 6 років тому +9

      we have the same profile

    • @antonnettecanas2185
      @antonnettecanas2185 6 років тому +18

      ThatLil SugaCube same here. I always tell my mom that when I will have my children I will teach them about bts and they will teach their kids about bts.

    • @chimmielove4819
      @chimmielove4819 6 років тому +11

      Their career will never end for me 😍

    • @brookechrist7881
      @brookechrist7881 6 років тому +8


    • @ma.guadaluperodriguezflore4673
      @ma.guadaluperodriguezflore4673 6 років тому +1

      Los. amo junkook. of😍😍

  • @urboshinisa-ou9ml
    @urboshinisa-ou9ml 9 місяців тому +14

    0:47 I just love this line .. We still. we still ....Jin's voice

  • @janieee9291
    @janieee9291 6 років тому +708

    I wasn’t ready for Jin and RMs duo part at the beginning 😍🔥

    • @Ninalovescats_
      @Ninalovescats_ 6 років тому +4


    • @Greystorm1619
      @Greystorm1619 6 років тому +10

      I'm not usually that crazy shipper person but i legit screamed when namjin came up like they're just so good together, musically and aesthetically.

    • @dandelonie940
      @dandelonie940 6 років тому +3

      Me tooo 😍😍

    • @timan2013
      @timan2013 6 років тому +6

      yas omg NAMJIN is giving me life

    • @janieee9291
      @janieee9291 6 років тому

      Greystorm1619 Exactly ! They preform so well together 💕

  • @annaseokjinie
    @annaseokjinie 3 роки тому +6635

    *"I'm not afraid of the rain because Army is my umbrella"*
    -J-Hope, 2019

    • @sanehasingh9827
      @sanehasingh9827 3 роки тому +82

      ..... its just water, nothing to be afraid of.

    • @afiette1788
      @afiette1788 3 роки тому +23

      @@sanehasingh9827 😂😂😂

    • @hawamohamed1403
      @hawamohamed1403 3 роки тому +66

      @@sanehasingh9827 shush 🙄🙄 let the man have his moment

    • @Whatspoppin7868
      @Whatspoppin7868 3 роки тому +31

      @@sanehasingh9827 You stupid just ruined whole moment😒

    • @sanehasingh9827
      @sanehasingh9827 3 роки тому +10

      @@Whatspoppin7868 seems like you guys hate logic...( so i think you are stupid here)

  • @kauanealves6979
    @kauanealves6979 4 роки тому +5435

    Jin really is very talented, his falsete is perfect and his visuals omg

  • @catherinedelarosa5859
    @catherinedelarosa5859 Місяць тому +1

    I missed a lot on BTS' performances. But i'm proud of what they achieved.All seven of them are great artists. BTS is amazing💜

  • @SC-xf2ks
    @SC-xf2ks 6 років тому +240

    I'm in love with their outfits, especially kookies

    • @koolit6
      @koolit6 6 років тому +2

      Jaehyun's chain jimins two colored jacket 😍😍

    • @meimbs3833
      @meimbs3833 6 років тому +1

      Ugh your mind. His outfit is everything. I want it lok

    • @loonieslove834
      @loonieslove834 6 років тому +2

      Oh yesssss me too 😍😍

  • @MajaHelenaUrup
    @MajaHelenaUrup 6 років тому +320

    1:35 "El mariachi" + Jungkook body roll = Army deceased!

  • @isla5669
    @isla5669 6 років тому +237


  • @lilimarlina5086
    @lilimarlina5086 8 місяців тому +112

    우리 방탄소년단 2025년에 만나요 기다리고 있어요

  • @bunnylover9664
    @bunnylover9664 5 років тому +463

    I like the way Jungkook performs on the stage. So energetic

  • @meribenimurry7077
    @meribenimurry7077 3 роки тому +2503

    Jhope breaking into a dance while rapping is what stuffs dreams are made of. I mean what cannot this man do? He can sing, rap and dance. Perfecto!

  • @bangbangtanivw
    @bangbangtanivw 2 місяці тому +112

    너무 보고 싶어 😭😭😭😭

  • @btsxa.r.m.y6346
    @btsxa.r.m.y6346 6 років тому +169

    I am obessed with this song 💜

  • @ania5378
    @ania5378 6 років тому +446


  • @peachyjungkook8073
    @peachyjungkook8073 6 років тому +377

    Jungkook's clothes,dance,visual, voice damn it's so perfect 😍😍😍

  • @francheskaboticario-cz3pj
    @francheskaboticario-cz3pj 3 місяці тому +8

    1:26 there's just something about this part that makes my heart flutter😖
    miss them so bad

  • @kookcherry2209
    @kookcherry2209 5 років тому +180

    Jungkook has strong, flexible and eye-catching dance moves. Sweet voice, very handsome.

  • @hewymelon2211
    @hewymelon2211 6 років тому +268

    *I love how BTS can change the genres of their songs instead of just sticking to one theme and make an amazing song. You get sad, happy, sexy, silly, sweet, and more from them*

  • @justsaiyen5540
    @justsaiyen5540 6 років тому +202


  • @물탄술탄
    @물탄술탄 Місяць тому +3

    bts 완전체 그리워💜 퍼포먼스는 역시 미쳤음👍🏻🫶🏻

  • @exiaax
    @exiaax 6 років тому +4946

    El Mariachi refers to a movie about a Mexican singer who is chased around because people think he is a criminal, but despite that, he still makes and spreads music. BTS is talking about how they travel around in an airplane, not having much rest and working in hotel rooms to make music. The themselves are kinda like El Mariachi.
    Edit: Yall I DIDNT SAY THEY MAKE MARIACHI MUSIC, I just said that they are using a metaphor to describe their life.

    • @desnd4039
      @desnd4039 6 років тому +11

      Lily Shang 👍👍

    • @Cookieandcreame51
      @Cookieandcreame51 6 років тому +93

      Did not know this! Thank you!!

    • @ckcigdem
      @ckcigdem 5 років тому +11

      Wow thx

    • @srinath6845
      @srinath6845 5 років тому +5

      Thq 😊

    • @celbel9425
      @celbel9425 5 років тому +72

      Thanks!!! I always thought the lyric was random but I should’ve known better since it’s BTS.

  • @fayeconant638
    @fayeconant638 4 роки тому +3281

    'I'll marry ya Jin' - same Jungkook, same.

  • @Bellabebabop
    @Bellabebabop 6 років тому +295

    Jungkook was really feeling himself, I'm shook

  • @agamicha1848
    @agamicha1848 Місяць тому +1

    😢😢😢 Bądźcie sobą i pamiętajcie że to nie pieniądze są najważniejsze tylko rodzina i miłość ❤️💜

  • @lisaskookie4020
    @lisaskookie4020 6 років тому +546

    *JEON JUNGKOOK..! YOU NEED TO STOP..!* I'm dying right here

  • @ayx743
    @ayx743 6 років тому +583


    • @eveunveils2422
      @eveunveils2422 6 років тому +4


    • @lauraaa2222
      @lauraaa2222 9 місяців тому

      Now, I am in absolute intense lust for V. Not love, I don't love him... doesn't mean I don't like him but I just don't see him and think love. 😲
      Firstly it's obviously not the younger boyish V I like, it's since he's grown up and he looks adult. Cuz I'm 36 and being attracted to that boy image? Erm, no, I'm not a wrongun. I only got interested since I seen them in past couple years. And I fell in such intense lust for V when I saw him in the dance video for On. That was first song I loved and dance video was awesome. I couldn't stop looking at V in shorts and that. I also find Jimin and Jungkook soooo hot. Then I heard of this supposed romance of Taekook, whatever it may not have been confirmed publicly but we can imagine and I like to imagine they did! 😊 And I swear some of the videos of them staring at each other or touching each other flirting, I loved on the floor for a week 😅 but i have to say i don't find the rest attractive, BUT, there are times i have seen each of them and i have thought ohhhh wow. I like Suga when he wears glasses.

  • @jungkooksscaronhischeek7787
    @jungkooksscaronhischeek7787 6 років тому +385


    • @nonih9338
      @nonih9338 6 років тому +3

      bts and stray kids are life I knew exactly which part you meant before even pressing the timestamp lol YES!

    • @kc8724
      @kc8724 6 років тому +1

      bts and stray kids are life legendd

    • @em5522
      @em5522 6 років тому +2

      That casual confidence with handling the mic just slays me~☆♡☆

    • @jungkooksscaronhischeek7787
      @jungkooksscaronhischeek7787 6 років тому

      Infires? Infires man! LMAOOO

    • @jungkooksscaronhischeek7787
      @jungkooksscaronhischeek7787 6 років тому

      Sonny H girl he knows hes slayin 😭

  • @heartniki
    @heartniki 9 місяців тому +41

    4th gen really cant compare anymore. Bts has hard choreography but still slay the vocals

    • @lauraaa2222
      @lauraaa2222 9 місяців тому +5

      They do have unbelievably hard choreography, agreed. But they also slay the moves as well as the vocals. I bet the choreography seems easy to them because they know they can and will do it! It seems extra hard because I couldn't imagine ever doing them, but I know I could have, when I was about 16/17 like, when i was younger, slimmer and more able. Now I'm 36, I'm not old like, but I'm definitely starting to feel life taking its toll on my body! 2 kids later...I can and have been through two labours...but I could not even begin to perform dance moves like this! I'd rather go through another labour than learn one of BTS' routines 😅😅

    • @AswiniAhir
      @AswiniAhir 5 місяців тому


  • @jgnlupaselawat
    @jgnlupaselawat 6 років тому +291

    Our baby kookie.. Since when you started to smile like that in front our heart...
    *_I almost have heart attack boi._*

  • @lenanana8
    @lenanana8 4 роки тому +4748

    This performance is a hazard to my health, particularly:
    - JK's honey smile
    - Jimin's sexy vocals
    - Tae's stare
    - Jin's "Marry a Jin"
    - Joon's rap
    - Yoongi's savage charm (and hat)
    - Hobi's swag

    • @west1tchthesew0unds
      @west1tchthesew0unds 4 роки тому +93

      jin admitted he will marry a jin

    • @Dogeyess
      @Dogeyess 4 роки тому +23

      Only a “hat”? You did him dirty lolol

    • @lenanana8
      @lenanana8 4 роки тому +22

      @@Dogeyess hahah it was unintentional! I've changed ithahha. I'm afraid we'll be here all day if I mention aspects of Yoongi that are hazardous to my health.

    • @yemmy-
      @yemmy- 4 роки тому +4

      @@lenanana8 HAHA IKR

    • @capybara1112
      @capybara1112 3 роки тому +5

      also 1:14

  • @amarpigeonpokpok
    @amarpigeonpokpok 6 років тому +702

    Let's APPRECIATE that namjin part...
    It is so amazing.💕

    • @emmaorourke9553
      @emmaorourke9553 6 років тому

      shAr AB IKRR

    • @lewlisa1
      @lewlisa1 6 років тому +7

      I almost had a heart attack😍😍

    • @saladressing
      @saladressing 6 років тому +1

      YES OMG

    • @arshiya9576
      @arshiya9576 6 років тому +3

      I was soo not ready for that 😭😭😭😱😱😱

    • @imthenamtoyourjinbts736
      @imthenamtoyourjinbts736 6 років тому +1

      shAr AB Yassssss Ikr I swear their going to me a heart attack one of these days....

  • @abil3696
    @abil3696 7 місяців тому +2

    BTS is so sensational and amazing! Their vocals, choreo, synchronisation, visuals, everything is just so fine and mind-blowing in this video! I will get enough of Airplane Pt 2, it's one of my favourite songs! I will keep coming back here again and again! Thank you BTS for making this beautiful song! 💜

  • @bunnylover9664
    @bunnylover9664 5 років тому +973

    Jungkook was born to be center on the stage
    Cant take my eyes off you

  • @donacox4909
    @donacox4909 4 роки тому +196

    This song is one of the songs that got me obsessed about Jin’s voice. I remember i had to stop the song and go back to where he start singing his part, His voice literally took my heart also confident face and moves. Now I’m so proud of them all i love hearing BTS on the radio and news

  • @nymeriac
    @nymeriac 5 років тому +762

    I don’t usually like hats.
    But damn Yoongi did that.

    • @hv9384
      @hv9384 4 роки тому +6

      YESS 😳💜

    • @katsia_rina4261
      @katsia_rina4261 4 роки тому +4

      Totally agree 👌

    • @tigerfairyoora
      @tigerfairyoora 4 роки тому +8

      Yes..yoongi looks so handsome here. Actually he is handsome but his hats fits him perfectly

  • @JoonieDimplesObssesed_ARMY
    @JoonieDimplesObssesed_ARMY 7 місяців тому +49

    Namjoon and Jin's part is an OBSESSION! 😭💜

  • @bindar8473
    @bindar8473 6 років тому +638

    Not really much of a fan, but I gotta admit these boys put on one hell of a performance. Best boy band at the moment by far!!!! There’s not one performance I’ve watched so far where they don’t put in 110%.
    Edit: the first boy who sang is very handsome ☺️

    • @rebeca236
      @rebeca236 6 років тому +81

      Belle R thanks for acknowledging them ^^ hope you grow to like them in the future! The first who sings is the youngest, Jungkook! :)

    • @nonih9338
      @nonih9338 6 років тому +6


    • @avitaisha4456
      @avitaisha4456 6 років тому +28

      Yeah, he s handsome

    • @JK-zy8vj
      @JK-zy8vj 6 років тому +42

      Belle R Thank you
      the First boy that sang is JUNGKOOK the youngest of the group 20 years old
      The Main vocalist ,Leade dancer ,subbrapper ,face of the group

    • @catfish7390
      @catfish7390 6 років тому +19

      The first boy that sang is my bae lol

  • @shoogashii8369
    @shoogashii8369 6 років тому +5253


  • @menyoongi5430
    @menyoongi5430 6 років тому +221

    Jungkook's entire outfit looks so comfortable

  • @OhMyMiaX3
    @OhMyMiaX3 6 років тому +264

    Jesus Christ, Jin has improved so much with dancing! And his outfit is amazing, he’s slaying it!

    • @ritakim8544
      @ritakim8544 6 років тому +4

      Super Girl X3 yes
      Im so proud)))

    • @h.i.m.3200
      @h.i.m.3200 6 років тому +4

      IKR?! He's so gooood!!! They gave him a central part in the dancing and he did really well! I can't imagine how hard he practiced to get this right!

  • @Nobodysurvivesevenonebit
    @Nobodysurvivesevenonebit 6 років тому +500

    Those moves made me swoon😱😱

  • @bangtansbae3985
    @bangtansbae3985 6 років тому +329

    boi they went OFF

    • @tooba9486
      @tooba9486 6 років тому +4

      Bangtan's Bae The opening scene with kookie and jimin tho 🔥 someone make it on LOOP!

    • @kat953
      @kat953 6 років тому

      Tooba IKR

    • @kat953
      @kat953 6 років тому

      Tooba his smirk at 0:34 killed me

  • @livelong_btsbts7408
    @livelong_btsbts7408 7 місяців тому +70

    I'll never jump to other artists. ONLY BTS! ALWAYS BTS!

  • @moonipie
    @moonipie 6 років тому +198

    Okay but why is nobody talking about RM and Jin slaying their parts perfectly?! His deep voice and Jin's high notes match so well! Same goes for Jimin and Suga (I don't even want to talk about Jimins shirt tho :D and Suga with papi tropicano vibes kills slowly, I can say.)
    V and Kookie slay as always and I think you can see Jhope giving his all at every step (also this outfit HELLO I'm dead.)
    I adore them so much and wish they reach everything they want to achieve. Especially happiness.

    • @TSWIFTheart
      @TSWIFTheart 6 років тому

      Marie Alice Franz Morí con el "papi tropicano" jajajaja

    • @bellasophia15
      @bellasophia15 6 років тому +1

      Marie Alice Franz Wdym legit everyone is talking about Namjin’s part 😂

  • @dopegoddess_
    @dopegoddess_ 6 років тому +401

    *Hottest song on the album😍🔥*

    • @irisernst5240
      @irisernst5240 6 років тому +2

      Dope Goddess that’s a fact

    • @DandyParrott
      @DandyParrott 6 років тому

      Really? It's good, but Singularity is the "hottest" if we're being honest here.

  • @narcobvby
    @narcobvby 6 років тому +233

    El mariachi, el mariachi, ven como los coreanos aman México 😂😍💖
    -Una Army agradecida 😋💕

  • @냄쥱킴
    @냄쥱킴 Місяць тому +1

    내 최애곡임ㅠㅠㅠㅠ또 들으러옴 이 무대를 실시간으로 봤어야했는데 나는 이때 방탄을 안보고 뭐한거냐 하ㅠㅠㅠ저 에머리야채?할때 춤 은근 귀여움ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @tiptapricot
    @tiptapricot 6 років тому +212

    Why is this suddenly my favorite performance????

    • @soaringfalco2067
      @soaringfalco2067 6 років тому +6

      Because the BBMA camera direction was shit

    • @kcrayzme2341
      @kcrayzme2341 6 років тому

      Tiptapricot Ice Cream this is our favorite too

    • @yeongweunbi
      @yeongweunbi 6 років тому

      Tiptapricot Ice Cream same 😍😍

  • @edenvinity
    @edenvinity 4 роки тому +5711

    Jin: "I'll marry a jin"
    Army: yes, we know you wanna marry yourself, sweetie

    • @caitlin3056
      @caitlin3056 4 роки тому +129

      can I marry a Jin too?

    • @zzzy_2
      @zzzy_2 4 роки тому +71

      @@caitlin3056 do it in your dreams
      No hate tho

    • @caitlin3056
      @caitlin3056 4 роки тому +40

      @@zzzy_2 fair enough

    • @zzzy_2
      @zzzy_2 4 роки тому +14

      @@caitlin3056 UwU

    • @zarav731
      @zarav731 4 роки тому +5

      @@zzzy_2 t

  • @jungkooksscaronhischeek7787
    @jungkooksscaronhischeek7787 6 років тому +326

    #3 on trending? HELL YEA

  • @livelong_btsbts7408
    @livelong_btsbts7408 Місяць тому +2

    *BTS paved the way!*

  • @RaychRamos
    @RaychRamos 6 років тому +2912


    • @nouvellemagtoto968
      @nouvellemagtoto968 6 років тому +59

      yeah, he really deserves to be always in the center😍

    • @Mahoragabangtang1441
      @Mahoragabangtang1441 6 років тому +43

      Yesss... im also sooooo proud of him😢😢😢

    • @ritikayadav4370
      @ritikayadav4370 6 років тому +63

      Raych Ramos same girl 😭😭
      The way says EI Mariachi is so perfect, his pronunciation and dance moves got me shook.

    • @sea-io2cx
      @sea-io2cx 6 років тому +15

      same 💕

    • @rabbythole
      @rabbythole 6 років тому +27

      all his efforts paid off! i love this man so much

  • @hilal1363
    @hilal1363 6 років тому +721

    *''You're a singing star.''*

  • @kc8724
    @kc8724 6 років тому +629

    2:20 i love that namjin is dancing with hobi instead of dance line😭🙌🏾😻

    • @dogaozmen7296
      @dogaozmen7296 6 років тому +5

      Yay yeeess I love this too

    • @randir8645
      @randir8645 6 років тому +1

      Yay how do you know who's who, they all look the same, and did you hear everyone scream at the end just because the guy got zoomed in on, lmao

    • @eriklee8958
      @eriklee8958 6 років тому +1

    • @skzfeels1849
      @skzfeels1849 6 років тому +5

      All of BTS is the dance line tho tbh.

    • @starglqm
      @starglqm 6 років тому +9

      Sprite They don't look like eachother at all lmao..just watch introduction videos of each member (there's 7 members) and then you'll get who is who 😂

  • @swapnasisnanda2340
    @swapnasisnanda2340 Місяць тому +1

    Oppaaa you are the best in the world 🌍❤❤❤

  • @gabbsieclaws
    @gabbsieclaws 5 років тому +167

    why is jungkook and v such angels live?

  • @pinkchiffon7041
    @pinkchiffon7041 3 роки тому +1822

    Jin's vocals towards the end, Jk's facial expressions, Jimin's outfit and J-Hope as the ending fairy got me feeling ✨t h i n g s✨

  • @maisharahman4455
    @maisharahman4455 4 роки тому +1707

    Jin is looking damn handsome at this costume.. He just needs more lines..Then just see what the magic happens...😍😍😍

  • @TyassSyenaa
    @TyassSyenaa 2 місяці тому +11

    Kim Namjoon
    Kim Seokjin
    Min Yoongi
    Jung Hoseok
    Park Jimin
    Kim Taehyung
    Jeon Jungkook

  • @baconx2690
    @baconx2690 6 років тому +241


    • @irenesalumu
      @irenesalumu 6 років тому +3

      baconx hes dancing is pro

    • @thahseen2921
      @thahseen2921 6 років тому +1

      baconx I KNOW RIGHT.

    • @teenytiny280
      @teenytiny280 6 років тому +1


    • @camuperu181
      @camuperu181 9 місяців тому


  • @Summer-tn8iw
    @Summer-tn8iw 5 років тому +180

    The Arab World Welcomes you💜💜💜

  • @Ryu65_914
    @Ryu65_914 2 роки тому +3080

    “We write our own lyrics, so our songs reflect 100% of our character.”
    - Min Yun-gi,

    • @piee167
      @piee167 2 роки тому +20

      Min Yoongi*

    • @ameliakim
      @ameliakim 2 роки тому +16

      @@piee167 it can be spelled either way 😀

    • @an_awkward_crybaby
      @an_awkward_crybaby 2 роки тому +12

      @@piee167 the spelling is technically correct

    • @helenalcantara6973
      @helenalcantara6973 2 роки тому +1

      @@piee167 m

    • @lua8767
      @lua8767 2 роки тому +1

      I think it's so beautiful

  • @ashleymaendel2310
    @ashleymaendel2310 2 місяці тому +7

    JIMIN!!! Serving face and vocals

  • @__leeoalmeida
    @__leeoalmeida 6 років тому +227

    *3:02** "OHH, OHH"*

  • @ShaniraJi
    @ShaniraJi 6 років тому +469


    • @hanh4077
      @hanh4077 6 років тому +2

      - ShaniraJi - YES😭🔥

    • @mrriia_
      @mrriia_ 6 років тому +1

      - ShaniraJi - RM said that jungkook has allot off parts to do that is important no one can replace him soo please.....

    • @ritakim8544
      @ritakim8544 6 років тому


  • @Kitty-vh6xq
    @Kitty-vh6xq 6 років тому +224

    Why Jungkook just feeling himself this entire song 😂😂 also Hobi looks so proud