Let me know what you think Nintendo should do for Metroid's future? New 2D game, Prime 4, Federation Force 2... let's be real, we all want Federation Force 2
I just want to see the NX reveal be topped off with a new Metroid as a launch title. If the rumored September reveal rolls around and Metroid is in there. In any capacity that isn't a spinoff, I'll be happy enough to know that they at least care.
I want a 2D Metroid on the Wii U, BUT you can scan things in a 3D perspective. The gameplay would be in 2D sidescrollee. I also want it to take place on an abandoned planet featuring an ancient civilization of bionic anthropomorphic reptiles. We already had ancient birds and moths. Why not reptiles?
i think there are 2 ways. first one: they will understand what fans want, and will first make metroid prime 4 when the new console comes out (the NX) and i assume it will be a good game but with a bad story expect if they really REALLY understand what fans want. after that maybe another 2d metroid game for NX, and at some point between prime 4 and new 2d metroid game, they will ask for help from doc for suggestions and maybe programming . and maybe by then metroid will be even more famous. the second way is that they will not understand what fans want, and they will give up about metroid forever because they think fans "don't want" another metroid game and they stopped supporting it, or they will make another metroid game for NX that is not good and then they will not sell it well and give up about metroid. most chances is the first option, and hope it will be the first option
I absolutely disagree with some opinions on this thread. As a HUGE metroid fan, if Federation Force does really bad on sales, Nintendo might just give up on metroid right now. Of course metroid can't exit the market or the gaming community with a spin off title, but if Nintendo waited and took 6 years to develop a 3DS spin off game, why should we be encouraged in receiving a new proper metroid game? As a matter of fact, I don't think there will be a metroid game as a launch title for the NX. Maybe by 2018/2019 we will get a new title if FF sales decently. Right now, it is not about which metroid game Nintendo will make, it's about Metroid being on life support and barely staying alive. My true wish is that Nintendo sold the IP to a company that actually loved and understood what the franchise stands for.
They could've "confiscated" it as part of their IP and then released it for their console. I think they just overlooked that possibility because they were busy with SR.
Metroid has been part of my childhood since I was 7 and I am completely on your side here. I have been playing Super Metroid Hacks during the past few months and also AM2R. I would kill for a new original 2D Metroid Game with its own story and new areas.
Im in publishing (books), so I am somewhat sympathic to Nintendo's core argument of protecting intellectual IP because frankly I would be on the streets if everything I put out was immediately scooped up. But there needs to be some sort of legal and cultural structure for IPs similar to property ownership related to cultivation/upkeep. (If you abandon a property and someone else upkeeps it, it now legally belongs to the other person after a certain amount of years.) To be popular, to put your stuff "out there", is not just to have a product out there but to have an effect on the culture and in some senses to endow a story to the public. So I think that needs to be recognized and some sort of time frame where if no new products of a certain type come out. It is "fair game" for unique fan productions maybe with some nominal cost to purchaser going to the company or a base rate licensing fee based on years out of production by main company or something? I don't know, In one sense there are only so many names and properties out there and we need an overhaul of IP and digital media law. Something more sophisticated than "This Drawing and Name is MINE-MINE-MINE No One Elses" aka Nintendo Vs Everything You Made Should Be Free Because Internet".
Whats amazing about AM2R is that it so respected by fans, that most fans include it in the list of actual metroid fans. If someone says my favorite metroid games are super, zero mission, and AM2R, people accept it. No one says yeah but thats just a fan made game.
Great video, now it only Nintendo would watch and learn from it. When Zero Mission came out I remember thinking, ok now when will they up date Metroid 2, then I waited, and waited, and waited. And now finally AM2R comes out on Metroid's 30th, and how does Nintendo celebrate? oh, let's slap the Metroid Prime title on some Halo clone and shut down an amazing game that everyone's been waiting for... Happy Birthday Metroid!
It's crazy to think Samus Returns was in the works when Federation Force was revealed. How different would things have been if it was announced alongside MPFF?
And don't forget that the music is really good. It's been in the background of this vid, but it bears mentioning. Dr.M64's audio engineering skills shine through in AM2R.
I recently played Federation Force (after playing Samus Returns). It's really not a bad game. The problem isn't with the game itself, it's when it was released. They released it at the absolute worst possible time. If it had been released after Samus Returns, it would've gotten a much better reception. It's better than Metroid Prime Hunters in every way.
Don't get me wrong, AM2R is fantastic, but I loved the open world of Super Metroid. And I adored the ending of Zero Mission, to play the stealth game. In my ranking: 1. Zero Mission 2. Super 3. AM2R 4. Fusion Fusion wasn't bad, it definately gave me heart attack, and it was the most challenging by far, but it was too linear for my tastes. Fun play though.
The title of this video is kinda silly.. it says "The best metroid game in years" which isn't really saying anything when we, in fact, haven't gotten a metroid game at ALL in years.. xD
I saw in another video that the Point of Fed. Force was to Hype up the G Federation. Honestly, a co-op Shooter set in the Metroid universe to expand on the lore and give us characters to identify with other than Samus is a fine idea. Hell, even Other M was a game full of good ideas marred by terrible execution. I just don't know why they didn't make Metroid Prime: ODST.
What was trash about the official remake? It is still a good game even compared to the fan remake. It has some flaws -amiibos- as every game does but it was far from being trash. AMR2 wasn't a perfect remake either. Both games did something better than the other. AMR2 dove more into the lore, while the official remake gave you bits of information through collecting. Aether abilities are used for offense, defense, and to an extent puzzle solving. Samus Returns also had lock-on aiming which felt great. Stages Zeta through Queen had a creep and "oh shit" factor to them because of how far they evolved and became a much bigger threat. Granted the Omega Metroid was less of a threat once you got the Power Bombs. Speaking of Power Bombs, you got a new way to use Power Bombs in Samus Returns. The surprise final boss was completely unexpected and a nice addition in the official remake. AMR2 had more realized and interesting environments while Samus Returns stayed with underground caverns with the exception of the surface and lab area. AMR2 had some bosses from Fusion. AMR2 also had more of a variety of creatures and bosses. AMR2, for the most part, kept with the classic gameplay of a 2D game. Samus Returns added on to the classic 2D gameplay, as I already mentioned before. I think AMR2 spoiled Metroid fans, and that's Nintendo's fault for waiting so long to release Samus Returns, which was originally going to be a Fusion remake. I can see why fans would prefer AMR2 over the other, but to call Samus Returns trash is completely unfair and a bit misguided.
Samus Returns was a blast to play IMO. Not quite as good as AM2R, but it feels like Metroid is heading towards the better again. Prime 4 is taking ages, but it does have exorbitant expectations to live up to, so it's understandable.
I just downloaded the Android version, I've got a Razer Kishi controller that I use which is amazing I was only going to play am2r for a few minutes to see how it worked with the controller and I ended up playing for like 2 hours until 2 a.m. not realizing how long I've been on it, that's the sign of a good game
Now if only Nintendo would officially release AM2R for the Switch, issue a public 'thank you' to DoctorM64 for all of his hard work that they did not appreciate, and dig the franchise out of obscurity, that'd be a nice gesture to the fanbase. I have no plans on buying the Switch but it'd be nice nonetheless.
On my own Metroid journey and 2 was the only one I played back in the day but never finished. Just beat AM2R yesterday and loved it. Rock solid gameplay even on a phone or a retro gaming handheld with android. Just 2d Metroid perfection. The music took me back but was wonderfully new enough sounding. And the quality of life upgrades! Just the map alone! Excellent
I love 2d metroids but the prime series are my favorite video games (well, before dark souls 1, 3, and bloodborne showed up) BUT, I definitely feel like a new 2d metroid is necessary, than a 3D first person adventure please (in HD omg!)
8:12 That's a weird statement. The Hydro Station has very little water in it and only a few pipes that can be interacted with. The game's water area is the Distribution Center. Hence it having tons of water.
THANK YOU for bringing up the controls! This has been one area in which Nintendo has been lacking. Remappable controls should be mandatory for all games. If I'm playing Mario Kart 8, and want to use Y for my items instead of L, WHY SHOULD I NOT BE ABLE TO DO THAT? For a company that talks about "Play Your Way" with the Switch, their lack of control options really really speaks otherwise.
Flippin' brilliant video as usual. AM2R has shed a whole new light on this Metroid situation. Hopefully Nintendo gets their act together...at some point, lol.
One thing not mentioned in this video, but definitely contributed to the greatness of AM2R, is the music and sound design. Metroid is, as you mentioned with the darker visuals, is about atmosphere. But more subtly, it's thematically about contrasts: futuristic technology and ancient ruins, technological engineering and biological horrors, isolation and claustrophobia. The music for AM2R brilliantly reinforces this. IMO, Prime went a little too obvious with this study in contrasts, which is why Dark Samus never sat right with me. There's something deeply noir and morally gray about the Metroid universe. Samus is not and should not ever be considered a purely good hero, so a "Dark" version is just silly. She is a bounty hunter, after all. She's sent in to exterminate without conscience, and yet, the brilliance of Metroid 2 and 3 was the way in which the baby Metroid saw something of itself in Samus, and vice versa. Building on the dark, creepy, morally complex, and contrasts of futurism and ancient myth are the themes that Nintendo needs to carry forward most of all.
AM2R is an awesome game on its own. And its the definitive version if you want to play Metroid 2! Nintendog did not have to shut this project down. Its not their duty to kill off fan projects! There are other, better ways! Instead they should have acknowledge 10 years of hard work, and how good the game turns out to be in the end. And do something for the fans and the franchise, instead of blatantly cease&desist it! And thats why Nintendog is full of shit and pure hypocrisy. They say, its always for the fans. But every single action they undertake says otherwise! #FuckNitendogMafia For every one interested in Metroid, all you need are two emulators. VisualBoyAdvance and Snes9X. Metroid 1 = Metroid Zero Mission - GBA Metroid 2 = AM2R Metroid 3 = Super Metroid - SNES Metroid 4 = Metroid Fusion - GBA Enjoy the games and the franchise. You can find all this, and more with a simple google search.
Nintendo killed it on Metroid's 30th birthday......... meanwhile it kicked their ass at being a better Metroid game than ANYTHING Nintendo themselves had made from 2009 to 2016... Just keep it at Retro
Videos such as this need to be advertised and spread across media, the chances nintendo will learn is defined by the means of which they get the message. If something exists, they're too busy to look, until it hits home, and they're inclined to investigate.
I've been playing through past Metroid games as of late. In literally the past week I've beaten Zero Mission, Super and AM2R and am currently making my way through Fusion... AM2R is my favorite of the bunch. It's not even close. Zero Mission was *good,* but it felt kinda bare-bones and lacking in actual content. Super... Look, the world design in Super is absolutely stellar, that much I can agree with. I just... *can't* get over the controls. Especially coming off of Dread, Samus in Super just feels *actively awful* to control, and it *severely* hampered my enjoyment of the game. AM2R though? The controls are pretty much smooth as butter, there's still plenty of secrets to discover even if the game's structure is on the whole a lot more linear, and also the sheer amount of new content that DoctorM64 implemented is kind of stunning. Like, I think the moment where the game went from being "Really cool for a fan remake" to "Actually outstanding" in my mind was when I found that Power Bomb-able elevator that led up to the surface and the abandoned Federation ship with Genesis in it. Like, I knew enough about the original to know that there's no reason in the original Metroid 2 to *ever* turn back around and climb up the caves, meaning that this entire area had to have been something DoctorM64 made up. And it's just... really frickin' cool? Containing a bunch of neat lore tidbits, multiple upgrades, a genuinely tricky boss (I'm bad at dodging attacks at the best of times and this thing was *seriously* tough to avoid)... and all of it entirely optional content that you could easily miss if you didn't happen to spot those Power Bomb blocks and think to return there after you got the upgrade. Is the game as a whole as open and explorable as Super? No, of course not, it's remaking a game that was pretty much 100% linear and there's only so much Metroidvania-ing you can add to that base before it just becomes a different game all together. But it's still a game that controls really nicely, with loads of optional upgrades to find, many of which are *only* accessible through backtracking, (plus it implements a fast travel system near the end making that basically a very natural point to go secret-hunting) and with pretty dang stellar level design. Had it been an official release this would still be a damn solid title. For a fan project, though? It's frickin' *insane.*
I'm a huge metro is fan, and I had no idea that federation force was already out. Outside of the early trailers around its announcement, I've seen next to nothing of it. Am I the only one or has the marketing campaign just been terrible?
It was terrible. I'm a huge defender of the game itself but I can admit that. They announced it without giving any indication to Metroid's future. It wasn't the marketing per se that was bad, just that NO marketing was going to make a difference after the initial outrage.
That be Nintendo for yah. No matter if there announcing something, naming something, trying to nurturing a good relationship with there fan base and 3rd party devs or just straight up trying to sell something they almost always do a really bad job. What is a real shame because they make a lot of stellar games. You can't be blamed for not knowing Federation Force was out though after being announced the game went dark with no word from Nintendo till practically right on top of the release date.
+SoloWatcher86 I think it's hilarious that the selfmade 90s style commercial (joke) from "SomecallmeJohnny"'s review of FF made a better job in making you excited for the game than ANY of NIntendos promotion/marketing. :D They almost couldn't do more wrong with this game...
One thing I really want is a metroid game on the PC. Through the dolphin emulator, I find metroid prime trilogy to work well on the PC, despite the occasional hiccup from the emulator.
5:12 Mosta this is spot-on, but this is a pretty weird statement. I'd say Super Metroid's the single best of them, but the first two Primes are still easily two of the best games ever made, and hot on Super Metroid's heels. The consensus on Backloggd even has Super and Prime 1 at the same rating: 4.3.
I genuinely want a Federation Force 2... as long as it exists alongside. another 2d metroid and 3d prime game. Just beat the game last weekend and really enjoyed it, more importantly I think it could help to fill out a broader Metroid ecosystem that keeps this series relevant in off years the way Zelda and Pokemon spinoffs do for their respective properties.
AM2R is better than Nintendo's Metroid II remake. Although to be fair, I think the atmosphere of this game is at its best on the original Gameboy version. It was just designed for that vintage, handheld format.
It's not like they don't have other races to explore. There are some interesting things in Metroid Prime: Hunters when it comes to the other bounty hunters. If a proper 2D game introduced them I would absolutely love it.
It's sad that Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze came under fire during the last Metroid drought. Many Nintendo fans and Metroid fans in particular derided Tropical Freeze before it was even released just because Retro chose to do another DK game rather than another Metroid game.
I'm surprised you didn't touch on the relationship between the original Metroid and Super when you were discussing the recycling of old concepts. A number of the areas, all of the bosses, and the vast majority of the enemies in Metroid 1 were also featured in Super, and Mother Brain's room as well as the first phase of her fight in Super are nearly identical to the original.
I'm really curious about prime 4, it won't use the Wii mote right? Looks like dual joystick FPS action it will be. In the hands of Nintendo probably it will end up even more simplified gameplay.
If I'm honest I want Zero Mission, Super and Fusion to get upgraded to function like this remake reason I want the Saves, Charge Beam collecting items and Removable powers to be in all of them (I know Super Metroid let you do that this more for Fusion and Zero) and honestly would love Super Metroid with Tighter controls and have them all on PC. But there nothing really wrong with them and probably not going to happen, I just would just Really enjoy it if it did happen
Best part: AM2R still kept getting better over the years... at this point it has its own launcher for updates, it's in widescreen, and it has more replayability than ever thanks to different modes and randomizers. By now, it has pretty much become THE definitive 2D Metroid experience.
The sad thing about federation force is that it's actually a great game with clearly a lot of love put into it by the developers and actually makes great use of the metroid lore into being it's own, good thing... but it is indeed not metroid. a Prime spin-off at best. So people hate on it. It's really so good, though. You don't even have to actually play on co-op, it's somehow so well balanced that playing alone offline, with the same difficulty as in multiplayer, actually works. The gameplay is tight(use of the gyroscope makes the controls GREAT), it's fun and it's challenging. But yep, it's definitely something completely different from metroid. it barely has traces of metroid prime.
@Nintendo Ok Nintendo, imagine this! You hire the creator/creators of AM2R, and publish AM2R as an official Metroid game. YOU WOULD MAKE MILLIONS FOR NO MONEY OR WORK AT ALL!!!!!!
On one hand, I get why Nintendo would shut this down. There's people out there asking questions like: should I buy return of Samus, or just play AM2R? This game being out there reduces their market space. If Nintendo made a remake of an indie dev's game, I think the reaction would be different. That being said, they put themselves in this situation by making their games inaccessible and there realistically is no way for them to delete AM2R from existence. It's a real shame they couldn't come to a resolution that helps everyone, themselves included, instead of the one we currently have that helps no one.
I'm actually not in a Metroid drought as I must be the only person in the world to have actually really liked Federation Force. I was always more into the 3D Metroid titles though so I'm really hoping for Prime 4 next
I take solace in the fact that, even if we don't get a decent new Metroid game any time soon, Metroid Prime hacking has gone a long way. And in a few years, it might even be close to how in-depth Super Metroid hacks can get.
Prime 1 borrows a lot from Super's thematic elements, story beats, upgrade progression, and even music pieces. The Frigate Orpheon in the beginning of Prime is almost beat for beat Ceres Station. You touch down in a damp area filled with foliage and small creatures, go into a lava filled cavern and a wrecked ship, beat Ridley only before fighting a final final boss in the last area, etc.
Let me know what you think Nintendo should do for Metroid's future? New 2D game, Prime 4, Federation Force 2...
let's be real, we all want Federation Force 2
Bringing back metroid dread would be a pretty good choice in my opinion...
I just want to see the NX reveal be topped off with a new Metroid as a launch title. If the rumored September reveal rolls around and Metroid is in there. In any capacity that isn't a spinoff, I'll be happy enough to know that they at least care.
I want a 2D Metroid on the Wii U, BUT you can scan things in a 3D perspective. The gameplay would be in 2D sidescrollee. I also want it to take place on an abandoned planet featuring an ancient civilization of bionic anthropomorphic reptiles. We already had ancient birds and moths. Why not reptiles?
i think there are 2 ways. first one: they will understand what fans want, and will first make metroid prime 4 when the new console comes out (the NX) and i assume it will be a good game but with a bad story expect if they really REALLY understand what fans want. after that maybe another 2d metroid game for NX, and at some point between prime 4 and new 2d metroid game, they will ask for help from doc for suggestions and maybe programming . and maybe by then metroid will be even more famous. the second way is that they will not understand what fans want, and they will give up about metroid forever because they think fans "don't want" another metroid game and they stopped supporting it, or they will make another metroid game for NX that is not good and then they will not sell it well and give up about metroid. most chances is the first option, and hope it will be the first option
I absolutely disagree with some opinions on this thread. As a HUGE metroid fan, if Federation Force does really bad on sales, Nintendo might just give up on metroid right now. Of course metroid can't exit the market or the gaming community with a spin off title, but if Nintendo waited and took 6 years to develop a 3DS spin off game, why should we be encouraged in receiving a new proper metroid game? As a matter of fact, I don't think there will be a metroid game as a launch title for the NX. Maybe by 2018/2019 we will get a new title if FF sales decently. Right now, it is not about which metroid game Nintendo will make, it's about Metroid being on life support and barely staying alive.
My true wish is that Nintendo sold the IP to a company that actually loved and understood what the franchise stands for.
Metroid needs to be epic again. It needs to be huge. It needs to prove to the world why it's still relevant.
Yes!! That is exactly what Metroid needs.
Nintendo needs vr
And here you go sir, one serving of Samus Return
Huge, biggest, the best
4 years later... AM2R is still a masterpiece
specially with those updates
@@MasterBuller Thanks for playing
I've completely lost count, how many times I've replayed it at this point!
AM2R is the definitive edition of Metroid 2.
4 years from this comment (ish), it still is
Watching this 6 years down the line, everyones prayers have been answered with Dread about a year ago.
So true. I was like a kid in a candy store while playing Dread. That first play through was magical.
I believe in a parallel dimension, Nintendo was so impressed by AM2R that they came out and made it cannon.
KamuiLyn to be fair Samus Returns wasn’t made by Nintendo
They could've "confiscated" it as part of their IP and then released it for their console. I think they just overlooked that possibility because they were busy with SR.
In that same universe Sega violently sues fangames out of existence the very second they become known
Metroid has been part of my childhood since I was 7 and I am completely on your side here. I have been playing Super Metroid Hacks during the past few months and also AM2R. I would kill for a new original 2D Metroid Game with its own story and new areas.
janryglewski metroid 2 got a remake now. I dont really like it. I hate pikmin 3. Nostalgia doesnt do anything. Other m is trash
"Nintendo has to get its head out of its ass." well said and true.
Im in publishing (books), so I am somewhat sympathic to Nintendo's core argument of protecting intellectual IP because frankly I would be on the streets if everything I put out was immediately scooped up.
But there needs to be some sort of legal and cultural structure for IPs similar to property ownership related to cultivation/upkeep. (If you abandon a property and someone else upkeeps it, it now legally belongs to the other person after a certain amount of years.)
To be popular, to put your stuff "out there", is not just to have a product out there but to have an effect on the culture and in some senses to endow a story to the public.
So I think that needs to be recognized and some sort of time frame where if no new products of a certain type come out. It is "fair game" for unique fan productions maybe with some nominal cost to purchaser going to the company or a base rate licensing fee based on years out of production by main company or something?
I don't know, In one sense there are only so many names and properties out there and we need an overhaul of IP and digital media law.
Something more sophisticated than "This Drawing and Name is MINE-MINE-MINE No One Elses" aka Nintendo Vs Everything You Made Should Be Free Because Internet".
Whats amazing about AM2R is that it so respected by fans, that most fans include it in the list of actual metroid fans. If someone says my favorite metroid games are super, zero mission, and AM2R, people accept it. No one says yeah but thats just a fan made game.
Yeah it really deserves that spot. It is that good.
Unbelievable that a hobby team made it.
I love watching old pre-E3 2017 Metroid videos and thinking, “if only they knew”
Yeah, it's fascinating... I mean, it really only took a few more months before opinions and moods wildly swayed, huh?
Great video, now it only Nintendo would watch and learn from it.
When Zero Mission came out I remember thinking, ok now when will they up date Metroid 2, then I waited, and waited, and waited. And now finally AM2R comes out on Metroid's 30th, and how does Nintendo celebrate? oh, let's slap the Metroid Prime title on some Halo clone and shut down an amazing game that everyone's been waiting for...
Happy Birthday Metroid!
It's crazy to think Samus Returns was in the works when Federation Force was revealed. How different would things have been if it was announced alongside MPFF?
The Fans would have probably even bought federation force If that happened because they knew it was Just a little Spin off to the prime series
You're here?
Bruno EPCO Yes
just me or did he sound like the dude from kahn academy?
The fan community has continued to work on it after M64 was shut down.
It's now up to version 1.3.3.
I'm currently playing it on my channel.
Its now up to 1.4.3, with more content :)
Now there is a 1.5 version
It has a mediocre launcher now
It's at 1.5.2 with Widescreen now(and the launcher)
@@Juan_3M3R any added content?
i find it ironic how AM2R got 10 out of 10 (and even comes up when you look for a list of Metroid games) but federation force gets around 5/10
Nice bias btw
godzilla martin that's not what irony is.
DevinAK49 meh, still kinda funny that the fans can do better than Nintendo
And don't forget that the music is really good. It's been in the background of this vid, but it bears mentioning. Dr.M64's audio engineering skills shine through in AM2R.
I recently played Federation Force (after playing Samus Returns). It's really not a bad game. The problem isn't with the game itself, it's when it was released. They released it at the absolute worst possible time. If it had been released after Samus Returns, it would've gotten a much better reception. It's better than Metroid Prime Hunters in every way.
If they Just announced samus returns in 2016, everything Would have gotten better.
It's not just the best metroid game in years, it's probably the best 2d metroid period.
Don't get me wrong, AM2R is fantastic, but I loved the open world of Super Metroid. And I adored the ending of Zero Mission, to play the stealth game.
In my ranking:
1. Zero Mission
2. Super
3. AM2R
4. Fusion
Fusion wasn't bad, it definately gave me heart attack, and it was the most challenging by far, but it was too linear for my tastes. Fun play though.
No super is still better for me so is zero mission and fusion
Okay now that is pushing it extremely far
Hollow Knight is better than all of them.
Have to agree! I'm quite picky with fangames, but this one is on par with Super metroid.
For me at least. :)
The title of this video is kinda silly.. it says "The best metroid game in years" which isn't really saying anything when we, in fact, haven't gotten a metroid game at ALL in years.. xD
I saw in another video that the Point of Fed. Force was to Hype up the G Federation.
Honestly, a co-op Shooter set in the Metroid universe to expand on the lore and give us characters to identify with other than Samus is a fine idea. Hell, even Other M was a game full of good ideas marred by terrible execution.
I just don't know why they didn't make Metroid Prime: ODST.
And just in this E3.....*HALLELUJAHHHHHHHHH* Prime 4 and Metroid 2 remake
Always angry - mp4 probobly gunna be shit. No wiimote.
Always angry and the official Metroid 2 remake ended up being trash. Nintendo doesn't care about 2D Metroid at all.
What was trash about the official remake? It is still a good game even compared to the fan remake. It has some flaws -amiibos- as every game does but it was far from being trash. AMR2 wasn't a perfect remake either. Both games did something better than the other.
AMR2 dove more into the lore, while the official remake gave you bits of information through collecting. Aether abilities are used for offense, defense, and to an extent puzzle solving. Samus Returns also had lock-on aiming which felt great. Stages Zeta through Queen had a creep and "oh shit" factor to them because of how far they evolved and became a much bigger threat. Granted the Omega Metroid was less of a threat once you got the Power Bombs. Speaking of Power Bombs, you got a new way to use Power Bombs in Samus Returns. The surprise final boss was completely unexpected and a nice addition in the official remake.
AMR2 had more realized and interesting environments while Samus Returns stayed with underground caverns with the exception of the surface and lab area. AMR2 had some bosses from Fusion. AMR2 also had more of a variety of creatures and bosses. AMR2, for the most part, kept with the classic gameplay of a 2D game. Samus Returns added on to the classic 2D gameplay, as I already mentioned before.
I think AMR2 spoiled Metroid fans, and that's Nintendo's fault for waiting so long to release Samus Returns, which was originally going to be a Fusion remake. I can see why fans would prefer AMR2 over the other, but to call Samus Returns trash is completely unfair and a bit misguided.
I mean... still waiting on Prime 4, but atleast we got Samus Returns, right?
Samus Returns was a blast to play IMO. Not quite as good as AM2R, but it feels like Metroid is heading towards the better again. Prime 4 is taking ages, but it does have exorbitant expectations to live up to, so it's understandable.
I noticed, after destroying the blocks, the texture of some blocks even changes, making it look more connected
I just downloaded the Android version, I've got a Razer Kishi controller that I use which is amazing I was only going to play am2r for a few minutes to see how it worked with the controller and I ended up playing for like 2 hours until 2 a.m. not realizing how long I've been on it, that's the sign of a good game
Now if only Nintendo would officially release AM2R for the Switch, issue a public 'thank you' to DoctorM64 for all of his hard work that they did not appreciate, and dig the franchise out of obscurity, that'd be a nice gesture to the fanbase. I have no plans on buying the Switch but it'd be nice nonetheless.
korruption hah. That'd be the day
But that clearly wont happen
I salute you for your short but sublime promotion of why AM2R is fantastic KingK. Keep up your great work. :^)
I’m the same way. I finished Fusion yesterday and started Zero Mission today.
Have you played the Nintendo release of Metroid Return of Samus yet? Looking for a video for comparisons =]
Just finished am2r today. Amazing game. I couldn't put it down.
mundevel1 do you still have the link to download AM2R? I wanna play this.
Craig Horner I just googled am2r download and picked a page. I had to put in a password that was shown on the download. It's worth it.
AM2R subreddit has one.
mundevel1 where can I get this game
Would still like to know what you think of the Metroid 2: Samus Returns done by Nintendo themselves compared to AM2R.
On my own Metroid journey and 2 was the only one I played back in the day but never finished. Just beat AM2R yesterday and loved it. Rock solid gameplay even on a phone or a retro gaming handheld with android. Just 2d Metroid perfection. The music took me back but was wonderfully new enough sounding. And the quality of life upgrades! Just the map alone! Excellent
I love 2d metroids but the prime series are my favorite video games (well, before dark souls 1, 3, and bloodborne showed up)
BUT, I definitely feel like a new 2d metroid is necessary, than a 3D first person adventure please (in HD omg!)
The ironic part is I got into Super Metroid and beat the game. I heard about this game a few days ago and I really want to play it.
8:12 That's a weird statement. The Hydro Station has very little water in it and only a few pipes that can be interacted with. The game's water area is the Distribution Center. Hence it having tons of water.
Great video, man.
Thanks! I tried to represent the fans that have been with the series a lot longer than I have.
You're good at that.
+NickonAquaMagna Well thanks again!
I definitely agree with what you said near the end of this video. I wish you well and a good journey. See you next mission.
THANK YOU for bringing up the controls! This has been one area in which Nintendo has been lacking. Remappable controls should be mandatory for all games. If I'm playing Mario Kart 8, and want to use Y for my items instead of L, WHY SHOULD I NOT BE ABLE TO DO THAT? For a company that talks about "Play Your Way" with the Switch, their lack of control options really really speaks otherwise.
Flippin' brilliant video as usual. AM2R has shed a whole new light on this Metroid situation. Hopefully Nintendo gets their act together...at some point, lol.
A year later and you hit the nail right on the head gj.
I bought Federation Force the day it came out and had a lot of fun with it.
7:55 The lava area in Prime 3 is Bryyo Fire. The Pirate Homeworld does not have lava in it and isn't heat-themed.
One thing not mentioned in this video, but definitely contributed to the greatness of AM2R, is the music and sound design. Metroid is, as you mentioned with the darker visuals, is about atmosphere. But more subtly, it's thematically about contrasts: futuristic technology and ancient ruins, technological engineering and biological horrors, isolation and claustrophobia. The music for AM2R brilliantly reinforces this. IMO, Prime went a little too obvious with this study in contrasts, which is why Dark Samus never sat right with me. There's something deeply noir and morally gray about the Metroid universe. Samus is not and should not ever be considered a purely good hero, so a "Dark" version is just silly. She is a bounty hunter, after all. She's sent in to exterminate without conscience, and yet, the brilliance of Metroid 2 and 3 was the way in which the baby Metroid saw something of itself in Samus, and vice versa. Building on the dark, creepy, morally complex, and contrasts of futurism and ancient myth are the themes that Nintendo needs to carry forward most of all.
AM2R is an awesome game on its own. And its the definitive version if you want to play Metroid 2!
Nintendog did not have to shut this project down. Its not their duty to kill off fan projects! There are other, better ways!
Instead they should have acknowledge 10 years of hard work, and how good the game turns out to be in the end.
And do something for the fans and the franchise, instead of blatantly cease&desist it!
And thats why Nintendog is full of shit and pure hypocrisy. They say, its always for the fans. But every single action they undertake says otherwise! #FuckNitendogMafia
For every one interested in Metroid, all you need are two emulators. VisualBoyAdvance and Snes9X.
Metroid 1 = Metroid Zero Mission - GBA
Metroid 2 = AM2R
Metroid 3 = Super Metroid - SNES
Metroid 4 = Metroid Fusion - GBA
Enjoy the games and the franchise. You can find all this, and more with a simple google search.
What do you mean, “learn to love?” That game is straight up gold!
excellent review of my 2nd fav Metroid game! Tho I wish it was a bit longer like the Zelda vids
Best metroid games
1. Super Metroid
2. AM2R
3. Zero Mission
1. Prime 2
2. Super
3. Zero Mission
For me
1. Super Metroid
2. AM2R
3. Metroid Fusion
4. Metroid Zero Mission
1. Prime/Super
2. AM2R/Samus Returns
3. MZM/Fusion
4. Prime 3
5. Prime 2
* We don't talk about Other M or Federation Force, they never happened!
1. Zero Mission
1. Am2r
1. Super Metroid
1. Fusion
They're all my babies, don't make me choose!
Nintendo killed it on Metroid's 30th birthday......... meanwhile it kicked their ass at being a better Metroid game than ANYTHING Nintendo themselves had made from 2009 to 2016... Just keep it at Retro
Videos such as this need to be advertised and spread across media, the chances nintendo will learn is defined by the means of which they get the message.
If something exists, they're too busy to look, until it hits home, and they're inclined to investigate.
I read this as "Learning to Love ASMR."
I've been playing through past Metroid games as of late. In literally the past week I've beaten Zero Mission, Super and AM2R and am currently making my way through Fusion...
AM2R is my favorite of the bunch. It's not even close. Zero Mission was *good,* but it felt kinda bare-bones and lacking in actual content. Super... Look, the world design in Super is absolutely stellar, that much I can agree with. I just... *can't* get over the controls. Especially coming off of Dread, Samus in Super just feels *actively awful* to control, and it *severely* hampered my enjoyment of the game. AM2R though? The controls are pretty much smooth as butter, there's still plenty of secrets to discover even if the game's structure is on the whole a lot more linear, and also the sheer amount of new content that DoctorM64 implemented is kind of stunning. Like, I think the moment where the game went from being "Really cool for a fan remake" to "Actually outstanding" in my mind was when I found that Power Bomb-able elevator that led up to the surface and the abandoned Federation ship with Genesis in it. Like, I knew enough about the original to know that there's no reason in the original Metroid 2 to *ever* turn back around and climb up the caves, meaning that this entire area had to have been something DoctorM64 made up. And it's just... really frickin' cool? Containing a bunch of neat lore tidbits, multiple upgrades, a genuinely tricky boss (I'm bad at dodging attacks at the best of times and this thing was *seriously* tough to avoid)... and all of it entirely optional content that you could easily miss if you didn't happen to spot those Power Bomb blocks and think to return there after you got the upgrade.
Is the game as a whole as open and explorable as Super? No, of course not, it's remaking a game that was pretty much 100% linear and there's only so much Metroidvania-ing you can add to that base before it just becomes a different game all together. But it's still a game that controls really nicely, with loads of optional upgrades to find, many of which are *only* accessible through backtracking, (plus it implements a fast travel system near the end making that basically a very natural point to go secret-hunting) and with pretty dang stellar level design. Had it been an official release this would still be a damn solid title. For a fan project, though? It's frickin' *insane.*
Will you make a video about Samus Returns?
Am2r is still awesome and I wish they made a switch port.
Though it is so great to have Metroid dread now.
I can't wait for the fusion remake!!! Lets go 2037!!! Woo! sO hYpEd!!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!
there's actually someone out there remaking fusion in the super metroid engine, look it up.
Well we got a fusion sequel that looks amazing is that good enough for you?
We really need a new Metroid game, that gets it! And Nintendo needs to fucking swallow their pride!
yeah I adored the controls in am2r
Super metroid maker. Give that to us. Well show you how its done.
I played AM2R with a GameCube controller. It was a great experience.
This video was solid af. How did you feel when you saw the official Samus Returns remake and Prime 4?
Now that Nintendo will release a 2.5D version of Metroid 2 on the 3DS in September 2017, I will be curious to see how that game measures up to AM2R.
SnK4228 Answer: It doesn't.
Its bad and gimmicky
Do Samus Returns. I like it a lot, and its bloody hard.
I'm a huge metro is fan, and I had no idea that federation force was already out. Outside of the early trailers around its announcement, I've seen next to nothing of it. Am I the only one or has the marketing campaign just been terrible?
It was terrible. I'm a huge defender of the game itself but I can admit that. They announced it without giving any indication to Metroid's future. It wasn't the marketing per se that was bad, just that NO marketing was going to make a difference after the initial outrage.
That be Nintendo for yah. No matter if there announcing something, naming something, trying to nurturing a good relationship with there fan base and 3rd party devs or just straight up trying to sell something they almost always do a really bad job. What is a real shame because they make a lot of stellar games. You can't be blamed for not knowing Federation Force was out though after being announced the game went dark with no word from Nintendo till practically right on top of the release date.
+SoloWatcher86 I think it's hilarious that the selfmade 90s style commercial (joke) from "SomecallmeJohnny"'s review of FF made a better job in making you excited for the game than ANY of NIntendos promotion/marketing. :D They almost couldn't do more wrong with this game...
At least now we're getting metroid Dread
PLEASE do a video on Samus Returns
One thing I really want is a metroid game on the PC. Through the dolphin emulator, I find metroid prime trilogy to work well on the PC, despite the occasional hiccup from the emulator.
5:12 Mosta this is spot-on, but this is a pretty weird statement. I'd say Super Metroid's the single best of them, but the first two Primes are still easily two of the best games ever made, and hot on Super Metroid's heels. The consensus on Backloggd even has Super and Prime 1 at the same rating: 4.3.
Good lord, i hope to see a 2d Metroid on the switch :0
Man do I have news for you...
First Video i saw from you.
Think i gonna stay ^^
I genuinely want a Federation Force 2... as long as it exists alongside. another 2d metroid and 3d prime game. Just beat the game last weekend and really enjoyed it, more importantly I think it could help to fill out a broader Metroid ecosystem that keeps this series relevant in off years the way Zelda and Pokemon spinoffs do for their respective properties.
Yeah, Federation Force would have been great if the franchise as a whole didn't spend the last 5 years being altogether ignored.
Love your videos, man. Is there a Samus Returns video on the way soon?
AM2R is better than Nintendo's Metroid II remake. Although to be fair, I think the atmosphere of this game is at its best on the original Gameboy version. It was just designed for that vintage, handheld format.
AM2R would have been a perfect installation for the Nintendo store. They could have hired the developer and made a ton of money.
It's not like they don't have other races to explore. There are some interesting things in Metroid Prime: Hunters when it comes to the other bounty hunters. If a proper 2D game introduced them I would absolutely love it.
I think we're getting a proper metroid game soon, with Sylux involved.
It's been 5 years
Son I've been waiting since 2007 for a goddamn new prime and I'm still waiting
And the wait is finally over! (Hopefully)
Well since E3 we know why Nintendo wasn't that happy about AM2R as they where working on a Metroid 2 Remake themself.
And also because theyre arseholes
It's sad that Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze came under fire during the last Metroid drought. Many Nintendo fans and Metroid fans in particular derided Tropical Freeze before it was even released just because Retro chose to do another DK game rather than another Metroid game.
Love the log book
I would be interested in seeing your take on Samus Returns, if that's on the table.
If they make a new metroid prime, they should call it super metroid prime
is there anyway to download this now????
Not to many i basicaly gave up triyng to find a download
Hi, I'm new your channel!
I can't wait to hear your opinions on Samus Returns!
Still the single best fan game ever made, like for real
No Sonic Mania doesn’t count it’s published by SEGA
Well it was still made by fans so it does count
I'm surprised you didn't touch on the relationship between the original Metroid and Super when you were discussing the recycling of old concepts. A number of the areas, all of the bosses, and the vast majority of the enemies in Metroid 1 were also featured in Super, and Mother Brain's room as well as the first phase of her fight in Super are nearly identical to the original.
Still waiting for your other m retrospective video, would love to hear your opinions on that......or the paper Mario games
I'm really curious about prime 4, it won't use the Wii mote right? Looks like dual joystick FPS action it will be.
In the hands of Nintendo probably it will end up even more simplified gameplay.
Now we're getting Prime 4 and Official Metroid 2 Remake.
Now let's make a Samus Returns video
If I'm honest I want Zero Mission, Super and Fusion to get upgraded to function like this remake reason I want the Saves, Charge Beam collecting items and Removable powers to be in all of them (I know Super Metroid let you do that this more for Fusion and Zero) and honestly would love Super Metroid with Tighter controls and have them all on PC. But there nothing really wrong with them and probably not going to happen, I just would just Really enjoy it if it did happen
Best part: AM2R still kept getting better over the years... at this point it has its own launcher for updates, it's in widescreen, and it has more replayability than ever thanks to different modes and randomizers.
By now, it has pretty much become THE definitive 2D Metroid experience.
The sad thing about federation force is that it's actually a great game with clearly a lot of love put into it by the developers and actually makes great use of the metroid lore into being it's own, good thing... but it is indeed not metroid. a Prime spin-off at best. So people hate on it.
It's really so good, though. You don't even have to actually play on co-op, it's somehow so well balanced that playing alone offline, with the same difficulty as in multiplayer, actually works. The gameplay is tight(use of the gyroscope makes the controls GREAT), it's fun and it's challenging.
But yep, it's definitely something completely different from metroid. it barely has traces of metroid prime.
@Nintendo Ok Nintendo, imagine this! You hire the creator/creators of AM2R, and publish AM2R as an official Metroid game. YOU WOULD MAKE MILLIONS FOR NO MONEY OR WORK AT ALL!!!!!!
On one hand, I get why Nintendo would shut this down. There's people out there asking questions like: should I buy return of Samus, or just play AM2R? This game being out there reduces their market space. If Nintendo made a remake of an indie dev's game, I think the reaction would be different. That being said, they put themselves in this situation by making their games inaccessible and there realistically is no way for them to delete AM2R from existence. It's a real shame they couldn't come to a resolution that helps everyone, themselves included, instead of the one we currently have that helps no one.
I'm actually not in a Metroid drought as I must be the only person in the world to have actually really liked Federation Force. I was always more into the 3D Metroid titles though so I'm really hoping for Prime 4 next
its an OK spinoff but it has nothing of the charm the prime series have. federation force is more action shooting stage based.
Lets hope the Switch is Metroids time to shine again!
8:36 Phazon is a substance, not a race, and it already has three entire games devoted to it.
My metroid friend
Ahh if only you made this video a year later, then you could've spoke about Samus returns!
well Prime 4 and Samus Return
Did u had played Super Metroid Redesign? Is better than original!
And Hyper Metroid
0:50 O.K. dude, Federation Force is NOT a Metroid installment, it's a franchise by-product.
I take solace in the fact that, even if we don't get a decent new Metroid game any time soon, Metroid Prime hacking has gone a long way. And in a few years, it might even be close to how in-depth Super Metroid hacks can get.
Wait, how does MP1 borrow from SM? SM is open world and and very very non-linear. MP1 is almost as linear as Fusion.
Prime 1 borrows a lot from Super's thematic elements, story beats, upgrade progression, and even music pieces. The Frigate Orpheon in the beginning of Prime is almost beat for beat Ceres Station. You touch down in a damp area filled with foliage and small creatures, go into a lava filled cavern and a wrecked ship, beat Ridley only before fighting a final final boss in the last area, etc.