Ο Γιωργάκης τρούπωσε!

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Ο Γιωργάκης μετά από μια ακόμη φούσκα και κοροϊδία του ελληνικού λαού, δήλωσε πως ούτε δημοψήφισμα θα κάνει, ούτε, φυσικά θα παραιτηθεί.


  • @jimcrown21
    @jimcrown21 13 років тому


  • @gordios79
    @gordios79  13 років тому

    @TheodorakisFriends You don't live in Greece. You don't see the streets flood with homeless people as a result of Papandreou's policy. You don't see children faint at schools from malnutrition, famine. You are not a Greek pensioner who lives with 330 euros per month and they force him to pay tax for his only house. You don't see Papandreou living with luxury, while people lose their job and are starving. So, You can't ask anything: my obligation is to Greece not to my European friends.

  • @gordios79
    @gordios79  13 років тому

    @ETTA48 You can find them in UA-cam easily, created by many Greeks not by me, since you may consider me unreliable, or perhaps ''biased''. I will send you some URLs in your mail so you can think for yourself.

  • @gordios79
    @gordios79  13 років тому

    @TheodorakisFriends How do you know that I am ''humiliating'' Papandreou? Do you know Greek? My friend Antoinette did not know any Greek. If you were not biased, you would have understood that this video makes satira of George's actions and were his actions and HIS choices that brought Greece in this situation: HIS and only HIS. As for my voice before George, you can watch my previous videos with political content. Your fascism to ask the deletion of the video is unacceptable!

  • @Kanagias00
    @Kanagias00 13 років тому

    Instead of all these ugly comments, please report of what is wrong in the present video. At the end, the subsequent events JUSTIFY IT 100%. After almost a week of endless talks, Yorgakis HAS JUST RESIGNED.

  • @gordios79
    @gordios79  13 років тому

    @TheodorakisFriends He has humiliated an entire nation in the eyes of the world. He has sold Greece and its natural wealth to the foreigners. He has gave the right to every enemy of the Greece to humiliate and insult her: and you say to me that I humiliate him?? Unfortunately, I see that you are misinformed about the situation in Greece and how this man has brought Greece decades back to the past. Have you ever objected the humiliation your fellow countrymen are making to Greece?

  • @gordios79
    @gordios79  13 років тому

    @ETTA48 It was a personal message, but you preferred to answer to a personal massage with a public comment - I am glad you deleted me from your friends. You see, how can someone who is fond of Greece ask from someone to delete a video, because this video does not coincides with her beliefs: so, I think that you are in a constant war with everybody who thinks different. I may disagree with someone but never have I told someone to delete his/her creations. Not voting makes you more responsible...